* feat: implement expression evaluator Co-authored-by: Markus Wolf <markus.wolf@new-work.se> Co-authored-by: Philipp Hinrichsen <philipp.hinrichsen@new-work.se> * feat: integrate exprparser into act Co-authored-by: Markus Wolf <markus.wolf@new-work.se> Co-authored-by: Philipp Hinrichsen <philipp.hinrichsen@new-work.se> * Escape { and }, do not fail on missing properties * Fix empty inputs context * fix: contains() comparison for complex values Co-authored-by: Markus Wolf <markus.wolf@new-work.se> Co-authored-by: Philipp Hinrichsen <philipp.hinrichsen@new-work.se> Co-authored-by: Christopher Homberger <christopher.homberger@web.de>
245 lines
8.3 KiB
245 lines
8.3 KiB
package exprparser
import (
func TestFunctionContains(t *testing.T) {
table := []struct {
input string
expected interface{}
name string
{"contains('search', 'item') }}", false, "contains-str-str"},
{`cOnTaInS('Hello', 'll') }}`, true, "contains-str-casing"},
{`contains('HELLO', 'll') }}`, true, "contains-str-casing"},
{`contains('3.141592', 3.14) }}`, true, "contains-str-number"},
{`contains(3.141592, '3.14') }}`, true, "contains-number-str"},
{`contains(3.141592, 3.14) }}`, true, "contains-number-number"},
{`contains(true, 'u') }}`, true, "contains-bool-str"},
{`contains(null, '') }}`, true, "contains-null-str"},
{`contains(fromJSON('["first","second"]'), 'first') }}`, true, "contains-item"},
{`contains(fromJSON('[null,"second"]'), '') }}`, true, "contains-item-null-empty-str"},
{`contains(fromJSON('["","second"]'), null) }}`, true, "contains-item-empty-str-null"},
{`contains(fromJSON('[true,"second"]'), 'true') }}`, false, "contains-item-bool-arr"},
{`contains(fromJSON('["true","second"]'), true) }}`, false, "contains-item-str-bool"},
{`contains(fromJSON('[3.14,"second"]'), '3.14') }}`, true, "contains-item-number-str"},
{`contains(fromJSON('[3.14,"second"]'), 3.14) }}`, true, "contains-item-number-number"},
{`contains(fromJSON('["","second"]'), fromJSON('[]')) }}`, false, "contains-item-str-arr"},
{`contains(fromJSON('["","second"]'), fromJSON('{}')) }}`, false, "contains-item-str-obj"},
env := &EvaluationEnvironment{}
for _, tt := range table {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
output, err := NewInterpeter(env, Config{}).Evaluate(tt.input, false)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, output)
func TestFunctionStartsWith(t *testing.T) {
table := []struct {
input string
expected interface{}
name string
{"startsWith('search', 'se') }}", true, "startswith-string"},
{"startsWith('search', 'sa') }}", false, "startswith-string"},
{"startsWith('123search', '123s') }}", true, "startswith-string"},
{"startsWith(123, 's') }}", false, "startswith-string"},
{"startsWith(123, '12') }}", true, "startswith-string"},
{"startsWith('123', 12) }}", true, "startswith-string"},
{"startsWith(null, '42') }}", false, "startswith-string"},
{"startsWith('null', null) }}", true, "startswith-string"},
{"startsWith('null', '') }}", true, "startswith-string"},
env := &EvaluationEnvironment{}
for _, tt := range table {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
output, err := NewInterpeter(env, Config{}).Evaluate(tt.input, false)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, output)
func TestFunctionEndsWith(t *testing.T) {
table := []struct {
input string
expected interface{}
name string
{"endsWith('search', 'ch') }}", true, "endsWith-string"},
{"endsWith('search', 'sa') }}", false, "endsWith-string"},
{"endsWith('search123s', '123s') }}", true, "endsWith-string"},
{"endsWith(123, 's') }}", false, "endsWith-string"},
{"endsWith(123, '23') }}", true, "endsWith-string"},
{"endsWith('123', 23) }}", true, "endsWith-string"},
{"endsWith(null, '42') }}", false, "endsWith-string"},
{"endsWith('null', null) }}", true, "endsWith-string"},
{"endsWith('null', '') }}", true, "endsWith-string"},
env := &EvaluationEnvironment{}
for _, tt := range table {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
output, err := NewInterpeter(env, Config{}).Evaluate(tt.input, false)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, output)
func TestFunctionJoin(t *testing.T) {
table := []struct {
input string
expected interface{}
name string
{"join(fromJSON('[\"a\", \"b\"]'), ',')", "a,b", "join-arr"},
{"join('string', ',')", "string", "join-str"},
{"join(1, ',')", "1", "join-number"},
{"join(null, ',')", "", "join-number"},
{"join(fromJSON('[\"a\", \"b\", null]'), null)", "ab", "join-number"},
{"join(fromJSON('[\"a\", \"b\"]'))", "a,b", "join-number"},
{"join(fromJSON('[\"a\", \"b\", null]'), 1)", "a1b1", "join-number"},
env := &EvaluationEnvironment{}
for _, tt := range table {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
output, err := NewInterpeter(env, Config{}).Evaluate(tt.input, false)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, output)
func TestFunctionToJSON(t *testing.T) {
table := []struct {
input string
expected interface{}
name string
{"toJSON(env) }}", "{\n \"key\": \"value\"\n}", "toJSON"},
env := &EvaluationEnvironment{
Env: map[string]string{
"key": "value",
for _, tt := range table {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
output, err := NewInterpeter(env, Config{}).Evaluate(tt.input, false)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, output)
func TestFunctionFromJSON(t *testing.T) {
table := []struct {
input string
expected interface{}
name string
{"fromJSON('{\"foo\":\"bar\"}') }}", map[string]interface{}{
"foo": "bar",
}, "fromJSON"},
env := &EvaluationEnvironment{}
for _, tt := range table {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
output, err := NewInterpeter(env, Config{}).Evaluate(tt.input, false)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, output)
func TestFunctionHashFiles(t *testing.T) {
table := []struct {
input string
expected interface{}
name string
{"hashFiles('**/non-extant-files') }}", "", "hash-non-existing-file"},
{"hashFiles('**/non-extant-files', '**/more-non-extant-files') }}", "", "hash-multiple-non-existing-files"},
{"hashFiles('./for-hashing-1.txt') }}", "66a045b452102c59d840ec097d59d9467e13a3f34f6494e539ffd32c1bb35f18", "hash-single-file"},
{"hashFiles('./for-hashing-*') }}", "8e5935e7e13368cd9688fe8f48a0955293676a021562582c7e848dafe13fb046", "hash-multiple-files"},
env := &EvaluationEnvironment{}
for _, tt := range table {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
workdir, err := filepath.Abs("testdata")
assert.Nil(t, err)
output, err := NewInterpeter(env, Config{WorkingDir: workdir}).Evaluate(tt.input, false)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, output)
func TestFunctionFormat(t *testing.T) {
table := []struct {
input string
expected interface{}
error interface{}
name string
{"format('text')", "text", nil, "format-plain-string"},
{"format('Hello {0} {1} {2}!', 'Mona', 'the', 'Octocat')", "Hello Mona the Octocat!", nil, "format-with-placeholders"},
{"format('{{Hello {0} {1} {2}!}}', 'Mona', 'the', 'Octocat')", "{Hello Mona the Octocat!}", nil, "format-with-escaped-braces"},
{"format('{{0}}', 'test')", "{0}", nil, "format-with-escaped-braces"},
{"format('{{{0}}}', 'test')", "{test}", nil, "format-with-escaped-braces-and-value"},
{"format('}}')", "}", nil, "format-output-closing-brace"},
{`format('Hello "{0}" {1} {2} {3} {4}', null, true, -3.14, NaN, Infinity)`, `Hello "" true -3.14 NaN Infinity`, nil, "format-with-primitives"},
{`format('Hello "{0}" {1} {2}', fromJSON('[0, true, "abc"]'), fromJSON('[{"a":1}]'), fromJSON('{"a":{"b":1}}'))`, `Hello "Array" Array Object`, nil, "format-with-complex-types"},
{"format(true)", "true", nil, "format-with-primitive-args"},
{"format('echo Hello {0} ${{Test}}', github.undefined_property)", "echo Hello ${Test}", nil, "format-with-undefined-value"},
{"format('{0}}', '{1}', 'World')", nil, "Closing bracket without opening one. The following format string is invalid: '{0}}'", "format-invalid-format-string"},
{"format('{0', '{1}', 'World')", nil, "Unclosed brackets. The following format string is invalid: '{0'", "format-invalid-format-string"},
{"format('{2}', '{1}', 'World')", "", "The following format string references more arguments than were supplied: '{2}'", "format-invalid-replacement-reference"},
{"format('{2147483648}')", "", "The following format string is invalid: '{2147483648}'", "format-invalid-replacement-reference"},
env := &EvaluationEnvironment{
Github: &model.GithubContext{},
for _, tt := range table {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
output, err := NewInterpeter(env, Config{}).Evaluate(tt.input, false)
if tt.error != nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.error, err.Error())
} else {
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, output)