syntax = "proto3"; package neo.fs.v2.netmap; option go_package = ";netmap"; option csharp_namespace = "NeoFS.API.v2.Netmap"; import "netmap/types.proto"; import "refs/types.proto"; import "session/types.proto"; // `NetmapService` provides methods to work with `Network Map` and information // required to build it. The resulting `Network Map` is stored in sidechain // `Netmap` smart contract, while related information can be obtained from other // NeoFS nodes. service NetmapService { // Get NodeInfo structure from the particular node directly. Node information // can be taken from `Netmap` smart contract, but in some cases the one may // want to get recent information directly, or to talk to the node not yet // present in `Network Map` to find out what API version can be used for // further communication. Can also be used to check if node is up and running. rpc LocalNodeInfo (LocalNodeInfoRequest) returns (LocalNodeInfoResponse); // Read recent information about the NeoFS network. rpc NetworkInfo (NetworkInfoRequest) returns (NetworkInfoResponse); } // Get NodeInfo structure from the particular node directly message LocalNodeInfoRequest { // LocalNodeInfo request body is empty. message Body { } // Body of the LocalNodeInfo request message Body body = 1; // Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate // message transport and does not affect request execution. neo.fs.v2.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2; // Carries request verification information. This header is used to // authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of // transmission. neo.fs.v2.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3; } // Local Node Info, including API Version in use message LocalNodeInfoResponse { // Local Node Info, including API Version in use. message Body { // Latest NeoFS API version in use neo.fs.v2.refs.Version version = 1; // NodeInfo structure with recent information from node itself NodeInfo node_info = 2; } // Body of the balance response message. Body body = 1; // Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate // message transport and does not affect response execution. neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2; // Carries response verification information. This header is used to // authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of // transmission. neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3; } // Get NetworkInfo structure with the network view from particular node. message NetworkInfoRequest { // NetworkInfo request body is empty. message Body { } // Body of the NetworkInfo request message Body body = 1; // Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate // message transport and does not affect request execution. neo.fs.v2.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2; // Carries request verification information. This header is used to // authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of // transmission. neo.fs.v2.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3; } // Response with NetworkInfo structure including current epoch and // sidechain magic number. message NetworkInfoResponse { // Information about the network. message Body { // NetworkInfo structure with recent information. NetworkInfo network_info = 1; } // Body of the NetworkInfo response message. Body body = 1; // Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate // message transport and does not affect response execution. neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2; // Carries response verification information. This header is used to // authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of // transmission. neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3; }