package router

import (


// routeContext wraps context with additional passed
// route data. It is only used inside Router and is
// not passed in any external methods.
type routeContext struct {

	passedRoute []common.ServerInfo

// NewRouteContext wraps the main context of value passing with its traversal route and epoch.
func NewRouteContext(ctx common.Context, passed []common.ServerInfo) common.Context {
	return &routeContext{
		Context:     ctx,
		passedRoute: passed,

type trustWriter struct {
	router *Router

	routeCtx *routeContext

	routeMtx sync.RWMutex
	mServers map[string]common.Writer

// InitWriter initializes and returns Writer that sends each value to its next route point.
// If ctx was created by NewRouteContext, then the traversed route is taken into account,
// and the value will be sent to its continuation. Otherwise, the route will be laid
// from scratch and the value will be sent to its primary point.
// After building a list of remote points of the next leg of the route, the value is sent
// sequentially to all of them. If any transmissions (even all) fail, an error will not
// be returned.
// Close of the composed Writer calls Close method on each internal Writer generated in
// runtime and never returns an error.
// Always returns nil error.
func (r *Router) InitWriter(ctx common.Context) (common.Writer, error) {
	var (
		routeCtx *routeContext
		ok       bool

	if routeCtx, ok = ctx.(*routeContext); !ok {
		routeCtx = &routeContext{
			Context:     ctx,
			passedRoute: []common.ServerInfo{r.localSrvInfo},

	return &trustWriter{
		router:   r,
		routeCtx: routeCtx,
		mServers: make(map[string]common.Writer),
	}, nil

func (w *trustWriter) Write(t reputation.Trust) error {
	defer w.routeMtx.Unlock()

	route, err := w.router.routeBuilder.NextStage(w.routeCtx.Epoch(), t, w.routeCtx.passedRoute)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	} else if len(route) == 0 {
		route = []common.ServerInfo{nil}

	for _, remoteInfo := range route {
		var key string

		if remoteInfo != nil {
			key = hex.EncodeToString(remoteInfo.PublicKey())

		remoteWriter, ok := w.mServers[key]
		if !ok {
			provider, err := w.router.remoteProvider.InitRemote(remoteInfo)
			if err != nil {
				w.router.log.Debug("could not initialize writer provider",
					zap.String("error", err.Error()),


			// init writer with original context wrapped in routeContext
			remoteWriter, err = provider.InitWriter(w.routeCtx.Context)
			if err != nil {
				w.router.log.Debug("could not initialize writer",
					zap.String("error", err.Error()),


			w.mServers[key] = remoteWriter

		err := remoteWriter.Write(t)
		if err != nil {
			w.router.log.Debug("could not write the value",
				zap.String("error", err.Error()),

	return nil

func (w *trustWriter) Close() error {
	for key, wRemote := range w.mServers {
		err := wRemote.Close()
		if err != nil {
			w.router.log.Debug("could not close remote server writer",
				zap.String("key", key),
				zap.String("error", err.Error()),

	return nil