package searchsvc

import (
	coreclient ""
	cid ""
	oid ""

// Prm groups parameters of Get service call.
type Prm struct {
	writer IDListWriter

	common *util.CommonPrm

	cnr cid.ID

	filters object.SearchFilters

	forwarder RequestForwarder

// IDListWriter is an interface of target component
// to write list of object identifiers.
type IDListWriter interface {
	WriteIDs([]oid.ID) error

// RequestForwarder is a callback for forwarding of the
// original Search requests.
type RequestForwarder func(coreclient.NodeInfo, coreclient.MultiAddressClient) ([]oid.ID, error)

// SetCommonParameters sets common parameters of the operation.
func (p *Prm) SetCommonParameters(common *util.CommonPrm) {
	p.common = common

// SetWriter sets target component to write list of object identifiers.
func (p *Prm) SetWriter(w IDListWriter) {
	p.writer = w

// SetRequestForwarder sets callback for forwarding
// of the original request.
func (p *Prm) SetRequestForwarder(f RequestForwarder) {
	p.forwarder = f

// WithContainerID sets identifier of the container to search the objects.
func (p *Prm) WithContainerID(id cid.ID) {
	p.cnr = id

// WithSearchFilters sets search filters.
func (p *Prm) WithSearchFilters(fs object.SearchFilters) {
	p.filters = fs