package internal

import (

	coreclient ""
	apistatus ""
	cid ""
	objectSDK ""
	oid ""

type commonPrm struct {
	cli coreclient.Client

	key *ecdsa.PrivateKey

	tokenSession *session.Object

	tokenBearer *bearer.Token

	local bool

	xHeaders []string

// SetClient sets base client for ForstFS API communication.
// Required parameter.
func (x *commonPrm) SetClient(cli coreclient.Client) {
	x.cli = cli

// SetPrivateKey sets private key to sign the request(s).
// Required parameter.
func (x *commonPrm) SetPrivateKey(key *ecdsa.PrivateKey) {
	x.key = key

// SetSessionToken sets token of the session within which request should be sent.
// By default the request will be sent outside the session.
func (x *commonPrm) SetSessionToken(tok *session.Object) {
	x.tokenSession = tok

// SetBearerToken sets bearer token to be attached to the request.
// By default token is not attached to the request.
func (x *commonPrm) SetBearerToken(tok *bearer.Token) {
	x.tokenBearer = tok

// SetTTL sets time-to-live call option.
func (x *commonPrm) SetTTL(ttl uint32) {
	x.local = ttl < 2

// SetXHeaders sets request X-Headers.
// By default X-Headers will  not be attached to the request.
func (x *commonPrm) SetXHeaders(hs []string) {
	x.xHeaders = hs

type readPrmCommon struct {

// SetNetmapEpoch sets the epoch number to be used to locate the objectSDK.
// By default current epoch on the server will be used.
func (x *readPrmCommon) SetNetmapEpoch(_ uint64) {
	// FIXME(@fyrchik):

// GetObjectPrm groups parameters of GetObject operation.
type GetObjectPrm struct {

	cliPrm client.PrmObjectGet

	obj oid.ID

// SetRawFlag sets raw flag of the request.
// By default request will not be raw.
func (x *GetObjectPrm) SetRawFlag() {

// SetAddress sets object address.
// Required parameter.
func (x *GetObjectPrm) SetAddress(addr oid.Address) {
	x.obj = addr.Object()

// GetObjectRes groups the resulting values of GetObject operation.
type GetObjectRes struct {
	obj *objectSDK.Object

// Object returns requested objectSDK.
func (x GetObjectRes) Object() *objectSDK.Object {
	return x.obj

// GetObject reads the object by address.
// Client, context and key must be set.
// Returns any error which prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
// Returns:
//   - error of type *objectSDK.SplitInfoError if object raw flag is set and requested object is virtual;
//   - error of type *apistatus.ObjectAlreadyRemoved if the requested object is marked to be removed.
// GetObject ignores the provided session if it is not related to the requested objectSDK.
func GetObject(ctx context.Context, prm GetObjectPrm) (*GetObjectRes, error) {
	// here we ignore session if it is opened for other object since such
	// request will almost definitely fail. The case can occur, for example,
	// when session is bound to the parent object and child object is requested.
	if prm.tokenSession != nil && prm.tokenSession.AssertObject(prm.obj) {

	if prm.tokenBearer != nil {

	if prm.local {

	if prm.key != nil {

	rdr, err := prm.cli.ObjectGetInit(ctx, prm.cliPrm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("init object reading: %w", err)

	var obj objectSDK.Object

	if !rdr.ReadHeader(&obj) {
		res, err := rdr.Close()
		if err == nil {
			// pull out an error from status
			err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(res.Status())
		} else {
			ReportError(prm.cli, err)

		return nil, fmt.Errorf("read object header: %w", err)

	buf := make([]byte, obj.PayloadSize())

	_, err = rdr.Read(buf)
	if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("read payload: %w", err)


	return &GetObjectRes{
		obj: &obj,
	}, nil

// HeadObjectPrm groups parameters of HeadObject operation.
type HeadObjectPrm struct {

	cliPrm client.PrmObjectHead

	obj oid.ID

// SetRawFlag sets raw flag of the request.
// By default request will not be raw.
func (x *HeadObjectPrm) SetRawFlag() {

// SetAddress sets object address.
// Required parameter.
func (x *HeadObjectPrm) SetAddress(addr oid.Address) {
	x.obj = addr.Object()

// HeadObjectRes groups the resulting values of GetObject operation.
type HeadObjectRes struct {
	hdr *objectSDK.Object

// Header returns requested object header.
func (x HeadObjectRes) Header() *objectSDK.Object {
	return x.hdr

// HeadObject reads object header by address.
// Client and key must be set.
// Returns any error which prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
// Returns:
//	error of type *objectSDK.SplitInfoError if object raw flag is set and requested object is virtual;
//	error of type *apistatus.ObjectAlreadyRemoved if the requested object is marked to be removed.
// HeadObject ignores the provided session if it is not related to the requested objectSDK.
func HeadObject(ctx context.Context, prm HeadObjectPrm) (*HeadObjectRes, error) {
	if prm.local {

	// see details in same statement of GetObject
	if prm.tokenSession != nil && prm.tokenSession.AssertObject(prm.obj) {

	if prm.tokenBearer != nil {


	cliRes, err := prm.cli.ObjectHead(ctx, prm.cliPrm)
	if err == nil {
		// pull out an error from status
		err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(cliRes.Status())

	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("read object header from FrostFS: %w", err)

	var hdr objectSDK.Object

	if !cliRes.ReadHeader(&hdr) {
		return nil, errors.New("missing object header in the response")

	return &HeadObjectRes{
		hdr: &hdr,
	}, nil

// PayloadRangePrm groups parameters of PayloadRange operation.
type PayloadRangePrm struct {

	ln uint64

	cliPrm client.PrmObjectRange

	obj oid.ID

// SetRawFlag sets raw flag of the request.
// By default request will not be raw.
func (x *PayloadRangePrm) SetRawFlag() {

// SetAddress sets object address.
// Required parameter.
func (x *PayloadRangePrm) SetAddress(addr oid.Address) {
	x.obj = addr.Object()

// SetRange range of the object payload to be read.
// Required parameter.
func (x *PayloadRangePrm) SetRange(rng *objectSDK.Range) {
	x.ln = rng.GetLength()

// PayloadRangeRes groups the resulting values of GetObject operation.
type PayloadRangeRes struct {
	data []byte

// PayloadRange returns data of the requested payload range.
func (x PayloadRangeRes) PayloadRange() []byte {

// maxInitialBufferSize is the maximum initial buffer size for PayloadRange result.
// We don't want to allocate a lot of space in advance because a query can
// fail with apistatus.ObjectOutOfRange status.
const maxInitialBufferSize = 1024 * 1024 // 1 MiB

// PayloadRange reads object payload range by address.
// Client and key must be set.
// Returns any error which prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
// Returns:
//	error of type *objectSDK.SplitInfoError if object raw flag is set and requested object is virtual;
//	error of type *apistatus.ObjectAlreadyRemoved if the requested object is marked to be removed;
//	error of type *apistatus.ObjectOutOfRange if the requested range is too big.
// PayloadRange ignores the provided session if it is not related to the requested objectSDK.
func PayloadRange(ctx context.Context, prm PayloadRangePrm) (*PayloadRangeRes, error) {
	if prm.local {

	// see details in same statement of GetObject
	if prm.tokenSession != nil && prm.tokenSession.AssertObject(prm.obj) {

	if prm.tokenBearer != nil {


	rdr, err := prm.cli.ObjectRangeInit(ctx, prm.cliPrm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("init payload reading: %w", err)

	if int64(prm.ln) < 0 {
		// `CopyN` expects `int64`, this check ensures that the result is positive.
		// On practice this means that we can return incorrect results for objects
		// with size > 8_388 Petabytes, this will be fixed later with support for streaming.
		return nil, new(apistatus.ObjectOutOfRange)

	ln := prm.ln
	if ln > maxInitialBufferSize {
		ln = maxInitialBufferSize

	w := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, ln))
	_, err = io.CopyN(w, rdr, int64(prm.ln))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("read payload: %w", err)

	return &PayloadRangeRes{
		data: w.Bytes(),
	}, nil

// PutObjectPrm groups parameters of PutObject operation.
type PutObjectPrm struct {

	obj *objectSDK.Object

// SetObject sets object to be stored.
// Required parameter.
func (x *PutObjectPrm) SetObject(obj *objectSDK.Object) {
	x.obj = obj

// PutObjectRes groups the resulting values of PutObject operation.
type PutObjectRes struct {
	id oid.ID

// ID returns identifier of the stored objectSDK.
func (x PutObjectRes) ID() oid.ID {

// PutObject saves the object in local storage of the remote node.
// Client and key must be set.
// Returns any error which prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func PutObject(ctx context.Context, prm PutObjectPrm) (*PutObjectRes, error) {
	ctx, span := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "client.PutObject")
	defer span.End()

	var prmCli client.PrmObjectPutInit


	if prm.key != nil {

	if prm.tokenSession != nil {

	if prm.tokenBearer != nil {


	w, err := prm.cli.ObjectPutInit(ctx, prmCli)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("init object writing on client: %w", err)

	if w.WriteHeader(ctx, *prm.obj) {
		w.WritePayloadChunk(ctx, prm.obj.Payload())

	cliRes, err := w.Close(ctx)
	if err == nil {
		err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(cliRes.Status())
	} else {
		ReportError(prm.cli, err)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("write object via client: %w", err)

	return &PutObjectRes{
		id: cliRes.StoredObjectID(),
	}, nil

// PutObjectSingle saves the object in local storage of the remote node with PutSingle RPC.
// Client and key must be set.
// Returns any error which prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func PutObjectSingle(ctx context.Context, prm PutObjectPrm) (*PutObjectRes, error) {
	ctx, span := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "client.PutObjectSingle")
	defer span.End()

	objID, isSet := prm.obj.ID()
	if !isSet {
		return nil, errors.New("missing object id")

	var prmCli client.PrmObjectPutSingle


	if prm.key != nil {

	if prm.tokenSession != nil {

	if prm.tokenBearer != nil {


	res, err := prm.cli.ObjectPutSingle(ctx, prmCli)
	if err != nil {
		ReportError(prm.cli, err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("put single object on client: %w", err)

	if err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(res.Status()); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("put single object via client: %w", err)

	return &PutObjectRes{
		id: objID,
	}, nil

// SearchObjectsPrm groups parameters of SearchObjects operation.
type SearchObjectsPrm struct {

	cliPrm client.PrmObjectSearch

// SetContainerID sets identifier of the container to search the objects.
// Required parameter.
func (x *SearchObjectsPrm) SetContainerID(id cid.ID) {

// SetFilters sets search filters.
func (x *SearchObjectsPrm) SetFilters(fs objectSDK.SearchFilters) {

// SearchObjectsRes groups the resulting values of SearchObjects operation.
type SearchObjectsRes struct {
	ids []oid.ID

// IDList returns identifiers of the matched objects.
func (x SearchObjectsRes) IDList() []oid.ID {
	return x.ids

// SearchObjects selects objects from container which match the filters.
// Returns any error which prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func SearchObjects(ctx context.Context, prm SearchObjectsPrm) (*SearchObjectsRes, error) {
	if prm.local {

	if prm.tokenSession != nil {

	if prm.tokenBearer != nil {


	if prm.key != nil {

	rdr, err := prm.cli.ObjectSearchInit(ctx, prm.cliPrm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("init object searching in client: %w", err)

	buf := make([]oid.ID, 10)
	var ids []oid.ID
	var n int
	var ok bool

	for {
		n, ok = rdr.Read(buf)
		if n > 0 {
			for i := range buf[:n] {
				v := buf[i]
				ids = append(ids, v)

		if !ok {

	res, err := rdr.Close()
	if err == nil {
		// pull out an error from status
		err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(res.Status())

	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("read object list: %w", err)

	return &SearchObjectsRes{
		ids: ids,
	}, nil