Pavel Karpy 1e96f62294 [] node/config: Add NATS configuration
Signed-off-by: Pavel Karpy <>
2022-03-05 15:57:24 +03:00

254 lines
6.9 KiB

package nodeconfig
import (
utilConfig ""
// PersistentStateConfig is a wrapper over "persistent_state" config section
// which provides access to persistent state storage configuration of node.
type PersistentStateConfig struct {
cfg *config.Config
// NotificationConfig is a wrapper over "notification" config section
// which provides access to object notification configuration of node.
type NotificationConfig struct {
cfg *config.Config
const (
subsection = "node"
persistentStateSubsection = "persistent_state"
notificationSubsection = "notification"
attributePrefix = "attribute"
// PersistentStatePathDefault is a default path for persistent state file.
PersistentStatePathDefault = ".neofs-storage-state"
// NotificationTimeoutDefault is a default timeout for object notification operation.
NotificationTimeoutDefault = 5 * time.Second
// Key returns value of "key" config parameter
// from "node" section.
// If value is not set, fallbacks to Wallet section.
// Panics if value is incorrect filename of binary encoded private key.
func Key(c *config.Config) *keys.PrivateKey {
v := config.StringSafe(c.Sub(subsection), "key")
if v == "" {
return Wallet(c)
var (
key *keys.PrivateKey
err error
data []byte
if data, err = os.ReadFile(v); err == nil {
key, err = keys.NewPrivateKeyFromBytes(data)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid private key in node section: %w", err))
return key
// Wallet returns value of node private key from "node" section.
// Panics if section contains invalid values.
func Wallet(c *config.Config) *keys.PrivateKey {
v := c.Sub(subsection).Sub("wallet")
acc, err := utilConfig.LoadAccount(
config.String(v, "path"),
config.String(v, "address"),
config.String(v, "password"))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid wallet config: %w", err))
return acc.PrivateKey()
type stringAddressGroup []string
func (x stringAddressGroup) IterateAddresses(f func(string) bool) {
for i := range x {
if f(x[i]) {
func (x stringAddressGroup) NumberOfAddresses() int {
return len(x)
// BootstrapAddresses returns value of "addresses" config parameter
// from "node" section as network.AddressGroup.
// Panics if value is not a string list of valid NeoFS network addresses.
func BootstrapAddresses(c *config.Config) (addr network.AddressGroup) {
v := config.StringSlice(c.Sub(subsection), "addresses")
err := addr.FromIterator(stringAddressGroup(v))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("could not parse bootstrap addresses: %w", err))
return addr
// Attributes returns list of config parameters
// from "node" section that are set in "attribute_i" format,
// where i in range [0,100).
func Attributes(c *config.Config) (attrs []string) {
const maxAttributes = 100
for i := 0; i < maxAttributes; i++ {
attr := config.StringSafe(c.Sub(subsection), attributePrefix+"_"+strconv.Itoa(i))
if attr == "" {
attrs = append(attrs, attr)
// Relay returns value of "relay" config parameter
// from "node" section.
// Returns false if value is not set.
func Relay(c *config.Config) bool {
return config.BoolSafe(c.Sub(subsection), "relay")
// PersistentState returns structure that provides access to "persistent_state"
// subsection of "node" section.
func PersistentState(c *config.Config) PersistentStateConfig {
return PersistentStateConfig{
// Path returns value of "path" config parameter.
// Returns PersistentStatePathDefault if value is not a non-empty string.
func (p PersistentStateConfig) Path() string {
v := config.String(p.cfg, "path")
if v != "" {
return v
return PersistentStatePathDefault
// SubnetConfig represents node configuration related to subnets.
type SubnetConfig config.Config
// Init initializes SubnetConfig from "subnet" sub-section of "node" section
// of the root config.
func (x *SubnetConfig) Init(root config.Config) {
*x = SubnetConfig(*root.Sub(subsection).Sub("subnet"))
// ExitZero returns value of "exit_zero" config parameter as bool.
// Returns false if value can not be cast.
func (x SubnetConfig) ExitZero() bool {
return config.BoolSafe((*config.Config)(&x), "exit_zero")
// IterateSubnets casts value of "entries" config parameter to string slice,
// iterates over all of its elements and passes them to f.
// Does nothing if value can not be cast to string slice.
func (x SubnetConfig) IterateSubnets(f func(string)) {
ids := config.StringSliceSafe((*config.Config)(&x), "entries")
for i := range ids {
// Notification returns structure that provides access to "notification"
// subsection of "node" section.
func Notification(c *config.Config) NotificationConfig {
return NotificationConfig{
// Enabled returns value of "enabled" config parameter from "notification"
// subsection of "node" section.
// Returns false if value is not presented.
func (n NotificationConfig) Enabled() bool {
return config.BoolSafe(n.cfg, "enabled")
// DefaultTopic returns value of "default_topic" config parameter from
// "notification" subsection of "node" section.
// Returns empty string if value is not presented.
func (n NotificationConfig) DefaultTopic() string {
return config.StringSafe(n.cfg, "default_topic")
// Endpoint returns value of "endpoint" config parameter from "notification"
// subsection of "node" section.
// Returns empty string if value is not presented.
func (n NotificationConfig) Endpoint() string {
return config.StringSafe(n.cfg, "endpoint")
// Timeout returns value of "timeout" config parameter from "notification"
// subsection of "node" section.
// Returns NotificationTimeoutDefault if value is not positive.
func (n NotificationConfig) Timeout() time.Duration {
v := config.DurationSafe(n.cfg, "timeout")
if v > 0 {
return v
return NotificationTimeoutDefault
// CertPath returns value of "certificate_path" config parameter from "notification"
// subsection of "node" section.
// Returns empty string if value is not presented.
func (n NotificationConfig) CertPath() string {
return config.StringSafe(n.cfg, "certificate")
// KeyPath returns value of "key_path" config parameter from
// "notification" subsection of "node" section.
// Returns empty string if value is not presented.
func (n NotificationConfig) KeyPath() string {
return config.StringSafe(n.cfg, "key")
// CAPath returns value of "ca_path" config parameter from
// "notification" subsection of "node" section.
// Returns empty string if value is not presented.
func (n NotificationConfig) CAPath() string {
return config.StringSafe(n.cfg, "ca")