Airat Arifullin 11a38a0a84 [] tree: GroupIDs must also be target of APE checks
Signed-off-by: Airat Arifullin <>
2024-06-25 08:49:20 +00:00

205 lines
7.1 KiB

package tree
import (
aperequest ""
core ""
apistatus ""
cnrSDK ""
cid ""
apechain ""
commonschema ""
nativeschema ""
var (
errInvalidTargetType = errors.New("bearer token defines non-container target override")
errBearerExpired = errors.New("bearer token has expired")
errBearerInvalidSignature = errors.New("bearer token has invalid signature")
errBearerInvalidContainerID = errors.New("bearer token was created for another container")
errBearerNotSignedByOwner = errors.New("bearer token is not signed by the container owner")
errBearerInvalidOwner = errors.New("bearer token owner differs from the request sender")
func (s *Service) newAPERequest(ctx context.Context, namespace string,
cid cid.ID, operation acl.Op, role acl.Role, publicKey *keys.PublicKey,
) (aperequest.Request, error) {
schemaMethod, err := converter.SchemaMethodFromACLOperation(operation)
if err != nil {
return aperequest.Request{}, err
schemaRole, err := converter.SchemaRoleFromACLRole(role)
if err != nil {
return aperequest.Request{}, err
reqProps := map[string]string{
nativeschema.PropertyKeyActorPublicKey: hex.EncodeToString(publicKey.Bytes()),
nativeschema.PropertyKeyActorRole: schemaRole,
reqProps, err = s.fillWithUserClaimTags(reqProps, publicKey)
if err != nil {
return aperequest.Request{}, err
if p, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx); ok {
if tcpAddr, ok := p.Addr.(*net.TCPAddr); ok {
reqProps[commonschema.PropertyKeyFrostFSSourceIP] = tcpAddr.IP.String()
var resourceName string
if namespace == "root" || namespace == "" {
resourceName = fmt.Sprintf(nativeschema.ResourceFormatRootContainerObjects, cid.EncodeToString())
} else {
resourceName = fmt.Sprintf(nativeschema.ResourceFormatNamespaceContainerObjects, namespace, cid.EncodeToString())
return aperequest.NewRequest(
aperequest.NewResource(resourceName, make(map[string]string)),
), nil
// isValidBearer checks whether bearer token was correctly signed by authorized
// entity. This method might be defined on whole ACL service because it will
// require fetching current epoch to check lifetime.
func isValidBearer(token *bearer.Token, ownerCnr user.ID, cntID cid.ID, publicKey *keys.PublicKey, st netmap.State) error {
if token == nil {
return nil
// 1. First check token lifetime. Simplest verification.
if token.InvalidAt(st.CurrentEpoch()) {
return errBearerExpired
// 2. Then check if bearer token is signed correctly.
if !token.VerifySignature() {
return errBearerInvalidSignature
// 3. Then check if container is either empty or equal to the container in the request.
apeOverride := token.APEOverride()
if apeOverride.Target.TargetType != ape.TargetTypeContainer {
return errInvalidTargetType
var targetCnr cid.ID
err := targetCnr.DecodeString(apeOverride.Target.Name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid cid format: %s", apeOverride.Target.Name)
if !cntID.Equals(targetCnr) {
return errBearerInvalidContainerID
// 4. Then check if container owner signed this token.
if !bearer.ResolveIssuer(*token).Equals(ownerCnr) {
return errBearerNotSignedByOwner
// 5. Then check if request sender has rights to use this token.
var usrSender user.ID
user.IDFromKey(&usrSender, (ecdsa.PublicKey)(*publicKey))
if !token.AssertUser(usrSender) {
return errBearerInvalidOwner
return nil
func (s *Service) checkAPE(ctx context.Context, bt *bearer.Token,
container *core.Container, cid cid.ID, operation acl.Op, role acl.Role, publicKey *keys.PublicKey,
) error {
namespace := ""
cntNamespace, hasNamespace := strings.CutSuffix(cnrSDK.ReadDomain(container.Value).Zone(), ".ns")
if hasNamespace {
namespace = cntNamespace
request, err := s.newAPERequest(ctx, namespace, cid, operation, role, publicKey)
if err != nil {
return apeErr(err)
if bt != nil && !bt.Impersonate() {
if err := isValidBearer(bt, container.Value.Owner(), cid, publicKey, s.state); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bearer validation error: %w", err)
btRouter, err := router.SingleUseRouterWithBearerTokenChains([]bearer.APEOverride{bt.APEOverride()})
if err != nil {
return apeErr(err)
status, found, err := btRouter.IsAllowed(apechain.Ingress, engine.NewRequestTargetWithContainer(cid.EncodeToString()), request)
if err != nil {
return apeErr(err)
if found && status == apechain.Allow {
return nil
if status != apechain.NoRuleFound {
err = fmt.Errorf("access to operation %s is denied by access policy engine (bearer token): %s", request.Operation(), status.String())
return apeErr(err)
groups, err := aperequest.Groups(s.frostfsidSubjectProvider, publicKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get group ids: %w", err)
// Policy contract keeps group related chains as namespace-group pair.
for i := range groups {
groups[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", namespace, groups[i])
rt := engine.NewRequestTargetExtended(namespace, cid.EncodeToString(), fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", namespace, publicKey.Address()), groups)
status, found, err := s.router.IsAllowed(apechain.Ingress, rt, request)
if err != nil {
return apeErr(err)
if found && status == apechain.Allow {
return nil
err = fmt.Errorf("access to operation %s is denied by access policy engine: %s", request.Operation(), status.String())
return apeErr(err)
func apeErr(err error) error {
errAccessDenied := &apistatus.ObjectAccessDenied{}
return errAccessDenied
// fillWithUserClaimTags fills ape request properties with user claim tags getting them from frostfsid contract by actor public key.
func (s *Service) fillWithUserClaimTags(reqProps map[string]string, publicKey *keys.PublicKey) (map[string]string, error) {
if reqProps == nil {
reqProps = make(map[string]string)
props, err := aperequest.FormFrostfsIDRequestProperties(s.frostfsidSubjectProvider, publicKey)
if err != nil {
return reqProps, err
for propertyName, properyValue := range props {
reqProps[propertyName] = properyValue
return reqProps, nil