2020-07-03 15:03:06 +03:00
/ *
* MinIO Cloud Storage , ( C ) 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 MinIO , Inc .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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* /
2020-07-09 12:21:15 +03:00
package legacy
2020-07-03 15:03:06 +03:00
import (
humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize"
2020-07-09 12:21:15 +03:00
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/legacy/http"
2020-07-03 15:03:06 +03:00
// API suite container common to both FS and XL.
type TestSuiteCommon struct {
serverType string
testServer TestServer
endPoint string
accessKey string
secretKey string
signer signerType
secure bool
client * http . Client
type check struct {
* testing . T
testType string
// Assert - checks if gotValue is same as expectedValue, if not fails the test.
func ( c * check ) Assert ( gotValue interface { } , expectedValue interface { } ) {
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( gotValue , expectedValue ) {
c . Fatalf ( "Test %s:%s expected %v, got %v" , getSource ( 2 ) , c . testType , expectedValue , gotValue )
func verifyError ( c * check , response * http . Response , code , description string , statusCode int ) {
data , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
errorResponse := APIErrorResponse { }
err = xml . Unmarshal ( data , & errorResponse )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( errorResponse . Code , code )
c . Assert ( errorResponse . Message , description )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , statusCode )
func runAllTests ( suite * TestSuiteCommon , c * check ) {
suite . SetUpSuite ( c )
suite . TestObjectDir ( c )
suite . TestBucketPolicy ( c )
suite . TestDeleteBucket ( c )
suite . TestDeleteBucketNotEmpty ( c )
suite . TestDeleteMultipleObjects ( c )
suite . TestDeleteObject ( c )
suite . TestNonExistentBucket ( c )
suite . TestEmptyObject ( c )
suite . TestBucket ( c )
suite . TestObjectGetAnonymous ( c )
suite . TestMultipleObjects ( c )
suite . TestHeader ( c )
suite . TestPutBucket ( c )
suite . TestCopyObject ( c )
suite . TestPutObject ( c )
suite . TestListBuckets ( c )
suite . TestValidateSignature ( c )
suite . TestSHA256Mismatch ( c )
suite . TestPutObjectLongName ( c )
suite . TestNotBeAbleToCreateObjectInNonexistentBucket ( c )
suite . TestHeadOnObjectLastModified ( c )
suite . TestHeadOnBucket ( c )
suite . TestContentTypePersists ( c )
suite . TestPartialContent ( c )
suite . TestListObjectsHandler ( c )
suite . TestListObjectsHandlerErrors ( c )
suite . TestPutBucketErrors ( c )
suite . TestGetObjectLarge10MiB ( c )
suite . TestGetObjectLarge11MiB ( c )
suite . TestGetPartialObjectMisAligned ( c )
suite . TestGetPartialObjectLarge11MiB ( c )
suite . TestGetPartialObjectLarge10MiB ( c )
suite . TestGetObjectErrors ( c )
suite . TestGetObjectRangeErrors ( c )
suite . TestObjectMultipartAbort ( c )
suite . TestBucketMultipartList ( c )
suite . TestValidateObjectMultipartUploadID ( c )
suite . TestObjectMultipartListError ( c )
suite . TestObjectValidMD5 ( c )
suite . TestObjectMultipart ( c )
suite . TearDownSuite ( c )
func TestServerSuite ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] * TestSuiteCommon {
// Init and run test on FS backend with signature v4.
{ serverType : "FS" , signer : signerV4 } ,
// Init and run test on FS backend with signature v2.
{ serverType : "FS" , signer : signerV2 } ,
// Init and run test on FS backend, with tls enabled.
{ serverType : "FS" , signer : signerV4 , secure : true } ,
// Init and run test on XL backend.
{ serverType : "XL" , signer : signerV4 } ,
// Init and run test on XLSet backend.
{ serverType : "XLSet" , signer : signerV4 } ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
t . Run ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Test: %d, ServerType: %s" , i + 1 , testCase . serverType ) , func ( t * testing . T ) {
runAllTests ( testCase , & check { t , testCase . serverType } )
} )
// Setting up the test suite.
// Starting the Test server with temporary FS backend.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) SetUpSuite ( c * check ) {
if s . secure {
cert , key , err := generateTLSCertKey ( "" )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
s . testServer = StartTestTLSServer ( c , s . serverType , cert , key )
} else {
s . testServer = StartTestServer ( c , s . serverType )
s . client = s . testServer . Server . Client ( )
s . endPoint = s . testServer . Server . URL
s . accessKey = s . testServer . AccessKey
s . secretKey = s . testServer . SecretKey
// Called implicitly by "gopkg.in/check.v1" after all tests are run.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TearDownSuite ( c * check ) {
s . testServer . Stop ( )
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestBucketSQSNotificationWebHook ( c * check ) {
// Sample bucket notification.
bucketNotificationBuf := ` <NotificationConfiguration><QueueConfiguration><Event>s3:ObjectCreated:Put</Event><Filter><S3Key><FilterRule><Name>prefix</Name><Value>images/</Value></FilterRule></S3Key></Filter><Id>1</Id><Queue>arn:minio:sqs:us-east-1:444455556666:webhook</Queue></QueueConfiguration></NotificationConfiguration> `
// generate a random bucket Name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutNotificationURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
int64 ( len ( bucketNotificationBuf ) ) , bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( bucketNotificationBuf ) ) , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
verifyError ( c , response , "InvalidArgument" , "A specified destination ARN does not exist or is not well-formed. Verify the destination ARN." , http . StatusBadRequest )
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestObjectDir ( c * check ) {
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "my-object-directory/" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "my-object-directory/" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
helloReader := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "Hello, World" ) )
request . ContentLength = helloReader . Size ( )
request . Body = ioutil . NopCloser ( helloReader )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
verifyError ( c , response , "XMinioInvalidObjectName" , "Object name contains unsupported characters." , http . StatusBadRequest )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "HEAD" , getHeadObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "my-object-directory/" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "my-object-directory/" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "DELETE" , getDeleteObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "my-object-directory/" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusNoContent )
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestBucketSQSNotificationAMQP ( c * check ) {
// Sample bucket notification.
bucketNotificationBuf := ` <NotificationConfiguration><QueueConfiguration><Event>s3:ObjectCreated:Put</Event><Filter><S3Key><FilterRule><Name>prefix</Name><Value>images/</Value></FilterRule></S3Key></Filter><Id>1</Id><Queue>arn:minio:sqs:us-east-1:444455556666:amqp</Queue></QueueConfiguration></NotificationConfiguration> `
// generate a random bucket Name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutNotificationURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
int64 ( len ( bucketNotificationBuf ) ) , bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( bucketNotificationBuf ) ) , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
verifyError ( c , response , "InvalidArgument" , "A specified destination ARN does not exist or is not well-formed. Verify the destination ARN." , http . StatusBadRequest )
// TestBucketPolicy - Inserts the bucket policy and verifies it by fetching the policy back.
// Deletes the policy and verifies the deletion by fetching it back.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestBucketPolicy ( c * check ) {
// Sample bucket policy.
bucketPolicyBuf := ` { "Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[ { "Action":["s3:GetBucketLocation","s3:ListBucket"],"Effect":"Allow","Principal": { "AWS":["*"]},"Resource":["arn:aws:s3:::%s"]}, { "Action":["s3:GetObject"],"Effect":"Allow","Principal": { "AWS":["*"]},"Resource":["arn:aws:s3:::%s/this*"]}]} `
// generate a random bucket Name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// create the policy statement string with the randomly generated bucket name.
bucketPolicyStr := fmt . Sprintf ( bucketPolicyBuf , bucketName , bucketName )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
/// Put a new bucket policy.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutPolicyURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
int64 ( len ( bucketPolicyStr ) ) , bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( bucketPolicyStr ) ) , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusNoContent )
// Fetch the uploaded policy.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetPolicyURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) , 0 , nil ,
s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
bucketPolicyReadBuf , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Verify if downloaded policy matches with previously uploaded.
expectedPolicy , err := policy . ParseConfig ( strings . NewReader ( bucketPolicyStr ) , bucketName )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
gotPolicy , err := policy . ParseConfig ( bytes . NewReader ( bucketPolicyReadBuf ) , bucketName )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( reflect . DeepEqual ( expectedPolicy , gotPolicy ) , true )
// Delete policy.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "DELETE" , getDeletePolicyURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) , 0 , nil ,
s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusNoContent )
// Verify if the policy was indeed deleted.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetPolicyURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusNotFound )
// TestDeleteBucket - validates DELETE bucket operation.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestDeleteBucket ( c * check ) {
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// construct request to delete the bucket.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "DELETE" , getDeleteBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Assert the response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusNoContent )
// TestDeleteBucketNotEmpty - Validates the operation during an attempt to delete a non-empty bucket.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestDeleteBucketNotEmpty ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// generate http request for an object upload.
// "test-object" is the object name.
objectName := "test-object"
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request to complete object upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the status code of the response.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// constructing http request to delete the bucket.
// making an attempt to delete an non-empty bucket.
// expected to fail.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "DELETE" , getDeleteBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusConflict )
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestListenBucketNotificationHandler ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
req , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( req )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
invalidBucket := "Invalid\\Bucket"
tooByte := bytes . Repeat ( [ ] byte ( "a" ) , 1025 )
tooBigPrefix := string ( tooByte )
validEvents := [ ] string { "s3:ObjectCreated:*" , "s3:ObjectRemoved:*" }
invalidEvents := [ ] string { "invalidEvent" }
req , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" ,
getListenBucketNotificationURL ( s . endPoint , invalidBucket , [ ] string { } , [ ] string { } , [ ] string { } ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( req )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
verifyError ( c , response , "InvalidBucketName" , "The specified bucket is not valid." , http . StatusBadRequest )
req , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" ,
getListenBucketNotificationURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , [ ] string { } , [ ] string { } , invalidEvents ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( req )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
verifyError ( c , response , "InvalidArgument" , "A specified event is not supported for notifications." , http . StatusBadRequest )
req , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" ,
getListenBucketNotificationURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , [ ] string { tooBigPrefix } , [ ] string { } , validEvents ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( req )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
verifyError ( c , response , "InvalidArgument" , "Size of filter rule value cannot exceed 1024 bytes in UTF-8 representation" , http . StatusBadRequest )
req , err = newTestSignedBadSHARequest ( "GET" ,
getListenBucketNotificationURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , [ ] string { } , [ ] string { } , validEvents ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( req )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
if s . signer == signerV4 {
verifyError ( c , response , "XAmzContentSHA256Mismatch" , "The provided 'x-amz-content-sha256' header does not match what was computed." , http . StatusBadRequest )
// Test deletes multiple objects and verifies server response.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestDeleteMultipleObjects ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
objectName := "prefix/myobject"
delObjReq := DeleteObjectsRequest {
Quiet : false ,
for i := 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ {
// Obtain http request to upload object.
// object Name contains a prefix.
objName := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d/%s" , i , objectName )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the http request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the status of http response.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// Append all objects.
delObjReq . Objects = append ( delObjReq . Objects , ObjectIdentifier {
ObjectName : objName ,
} )
// Marshal delete request.
deleteReqBytes , err := xml . Marshal ( delObjReq )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Delete list of objects.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getMultiDeleteObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
int64 ( len ( deleteReqBytes ) ) , bytes . NewReader ( deleteReqBytes ) , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
var deleteResp = DeleteObjectsResponse { }
delRespBytes , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
err = xml . Unmarshal ( delRespBytes , & deleteResp )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
for i := 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ {
// All the objects should be under deleted list (including non-existent object)
c . Assert ( deleteResp . DeletedObjects [ i ] , delObjReq . Objects [ i ] )
c . Assert ( len ( deleteResp . Errors ) , 0 )
// Attempt second time results should be same, NoSuchKey for objects not found
// shouldn't be set.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getMultiDeleteObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
int64 ( len ( deleteReqBytes ) ) , bytes . NewReader ( deleteReqBytes ) , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
deleteResp = DeleteObjectsResponse { }
delRespBytes , err = ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
err = xml . Unmarshal ( delRespBytes , & deleteResp )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( len ( deleteResp . DeletedObjects ) , len ( delObjReq . Objects ) )
for i := 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ {
c . Assert ( deleteResp . DeletedObjects [ i ] , delObjReq . Objects [ i ] )
c . Assert ( len ( deleteResp . Errors ) , 0 )
// Tests delete object responses and success.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestDeleteObject ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
objectName := "prefix/myobject"
// obtain http request to upload object.
// object Name contains a prefix.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the http request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the status of http response.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// object name was "prefix/myobject", an attempt to delete "prefix"
// Should not delete "prefix/myobject"
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "DELETE" , getDeleteObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "prefix" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusNoContent )
// create http request to HEAD on the object.
// this helps to validate the existence of the bucket.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "HEAD" , getHeadObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Assert the HTTP response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// create HTTP request to delete the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "DELETE" , getDeleteObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the http request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusNoContent )
// Delete of non-existent data should return success.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "DELETE" , getDeleteObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "prefix/myobject1" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the http request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusNoContent )
// TestNonExistentBucket - Asserts response for HEAD on non-existent bucket.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestNonExistentBucket ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// create request to HEAD on the bucket.
// HEAD on an bucket helps validate the existence of the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "HEAD" , getHEADBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the http request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Assert the response.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusNotFound )
// TestEmptyObject - Asserts the response for operation on a 0 byte object.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestEmptyObject ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the http request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
objectName := "test-object"
// construct http request for uploading the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the upload request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// make HTTP request to fetch the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the http request to fetch object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
var buffer bytes . Buffer
// extract the body of the response.
responseBody , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response body content.
c . Assert ( true , bytes . Equal ( responseBody , buffer . Bytes ( ) ) )
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestBucket ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "HEAD" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// Tests get anonymous object.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestObjectGetAnonymous ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
buffer := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the make bucket http request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the response http status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
objectName := "testObject"
// create HTTP request to upload the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer . Len ( ) ) , buffer , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the HTTP response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// initiate anonymous HTTP request to fetch the object which does not exist. We need to return AccessDenied.
response , err = s . client . Get ( getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName + ".1" ) )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
verifyError ( c , response , "AccessDenied" , "Access Denied." , http . StatusForbidden )
// initiate anonymous HTTP request to fetch the object which does exist. We need to return AccessDenied.
response , err = s . client . Get ( getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the http response status code.
verifyError ( c , response , "AccessDenied" , "Access Denied." , http . StatusForbidden )
// TestMultipleObjects - Validates upload and fetching of multiple object into the bucket.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestMultipleObjects ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create the bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// constructing HTTP request to fetch a non-existent object.
// expected to fail, error response asserted for expected error values later.
objectName := "testObject"
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Asserting the error response with the expected values.
verifyError ( c , response , "NoSuchKey" , "The specified key does not exist." , http . StatusNotFound )
objectName = "testObject1"
// content for the object to be uploaded.
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello one" ) )
// create HTTP request for the object upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request for object upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the returned values.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// create HTTP request to fetch the object which was uploaded above.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert whether 200 OK response status is obtained.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// extract the response body.
responseBody , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the content body for the expected object data.
c . Assert ( true , bytes . Equal ( responseBody , [ ] byte ( "hello one" ) ) )
// data for new object to be uploaded.
buffer2 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello two" ) )
objectName = "testObject2"
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer2 . Len ( ) ) , buffer2 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request for object upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the response status code for expected value 200 OK.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// fetch the object which was uploaded above.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to fetch the object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// assert the response status code for expected value 200 OK.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// verify response data
responseBody , err = ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( true , bytes . Equal ( responseBody , [ ] byte ( "hello two" ) ) )
// data for new object to be uploaded.
buffer3 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello three" ) )
objectName = "testObject3"
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer3 . Len ( ) ) , buffer3 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// verify the response code with the expected value of 200 OK.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// fetch the object which was uploaded above.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// verify object.
responseBody , err = ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( true , bytes . Equal ( responseBody , [ ] byte ( "hello three" ) ) )
// TestHeader - Validates the error response for an attempt to fetch non-existent object.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestHeader ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// obtain HTTP request to fetch an object from non-existent bucket/object.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "testObject" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// asserting for the expected error response.
verifyError ( c , response , "NoSuchBucket" , "The specified bucket does not exist" , http . StatusNotFound )
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestPutBucket ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// Block 1: Testing for racy access
// The assertion is removed from this block since the purpose of this block is to find races
// The purpose this block is not to check for correctness of functionality
// Run the test with -race flag to utilize this
var wg sync . WaitGroup
for i := 0 ; i < testConcurrencyLevel ; i ++ {
wg . Add ( 1 )
go func ( ) {
defer wg . Done ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
if err != nil {
c . Errorf ( "Put bucket Failed: <ERROR> %s" , err )
defer response . Body . Close ( )
} ( )
wg . Wait ( )
bucketName = getRandomBucketName ( )
//Block 2: testing for correctness of the functionality
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
response . Body . Close ( )
// TestCopyObject - Validates copy object.
// The following is the test flow.
// 1. Create bucket.
// 2. Insert Object.
// 3. Use "X-Amz-Copy-Source" header to copy the previously created object.
// 4. Validate the content of copied object.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestCopyObject ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// content for the object to be created.
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
objectName := "testObject"
// create HTTP request for object upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
request . Header . Set ( "Content-Type" , "application/json" )
if s . signer == signerV2 {
c . Assert ( err , nil )
err = signRequestV2 ( request , s . accessKey , s . secretKey )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request for object upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
objectName2 := "testObject2"
// Unlike the actual PUT object request, the request to Copy Object doesn't contain request body,
// empty body with the "X-Amz-Copy-Source" header pointing to the object to copies it in the backend.
request , err = newTestRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName2 ) , 0 , nil )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// setting the "X-Amz-Copy-Source" to allow copying the content of previously uploaded object.
request . Header . Set ( "X-Amz-Copy-Source" , url . QueryEscape ( SlashSeparator + bucketName + SlashSeparator + objectName ) )
if s . signer == signerV4 {
err = signRequestV4 ( request , s . accessKey , s . secretKey )
} else {
err = signRequestV2 ( request , s . accessKey , s . secretKey )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
// the content is expected to have the content of previous disk.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// creating HTTP request to fetch the previously uploaded object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName2 ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// executing the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// validating the response status code.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// reading the response body.
// response body is expected to have the copied content of the first uploaded object.
object , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( string ( object ) , "hello world" )
// TestPutObject - Tests successful put object request.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestPutObject ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// content for new object upload.
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
objectName := "testObject"
// creating HTTP request for object upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request for object upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// fetch the object back and verify its contents.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to fetch the object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
c . Assert ( response . ContentLength , int64 ( len ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) ) ) )
var buffer2 bytes . Buffer
// retrieve the contents of response body.
n , err := io . Copy ( & buffer2 , response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( n , int64 ( len ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) ) ) )
// asserted the contents of the fetched object with the expected result.
c . Assert ( true , bytes . Equal ( buffer2 . Bytes ( ) , [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) ) )
// Test the response when object name ends with a slash.
// This is a special case with size as '0' and object ends with
// a slash separator, we treat it like a valid operation and
// return success.
// The response Etag headers should contain Md5Sum of empty string.
objectName = "objectwith/"
// create HTTP request for object upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
if s . signer == signerV2 {
c . Assert ( err , nil )
err = signRequestV2 ( request , s . accessKey , s . secretKey )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request for object upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// The response Etag header should contain Md5sum of an empty string.
c . Assert ( response . Header . Get ( xhttp . ETag ) , "\"" + emptyETag + "\"" )
// TestListBuckets - Make request for listing of all buckets.
// XML response is parsed.
// Its success verifies the format of the response.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestListBuckets ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to list buckets.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// create HTTP request for listing buckets.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getListBucketURL ( s . endPoint ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to list buckets.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
var results ListBucketsResponse
// parse the list bucket response.
decoder := xml . NewDecoder ( response . Body )
err = decoder . Decode ( & results )
// validating that the xml-decoding/parsing was successful.
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Fetch the bucket created above
var createdBucket Bucket
for _ , b := range results . Buckets . Buckets {
if b . Name == bucketName {
createdBucket = b
c . Assert ( createdBucket . Name != "" , true )
// Parse the bucket modtime
creationTime , err := time . Parse ( iso8601TimeFormat , createdBucket . CreationDate )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Check if bucket modtime is consistent (not less than current time and not late more than 5 minutes)
timeNow := time . Now ( ) . UTC ( )
c . Assert ( creationTime . Before ( timeNow ) , true )
c . Assert ( timeNow . Sub ( creationTime ) < time . Minute * 5 , true )
// This tests validate if PUT handler can successfully detect signature mismatch.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestValidateSignature ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
objName := "test-object"
// Body is on purpose set to nil so that we get payload generated for empty bytes.
// Create new HTTP request with incorrect secretKey to generate an incorrect signature.
secretKey := s . secretKey + "a"
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objName ) , 0 , nil , s . accessKey , secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
verifyError ( c , response , "SignatureDoesNotMatch" , "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method." , http . StatusForbidden )
// This tests validate if PUT handler can successfully detect SHA256 mismatch.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestSHA256Mismatch ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
objName := "test-object"
// Body is on purpose set to nil so that we get payload generated for empty bytes.
// Create new HTTP request with incorrect secretKey to generate an incorrect signature.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objName ) , 0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
if s . signer == signerV4 {
c . Assert ( request . Header . Get ( "x-amz-content-sha256" ) , "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" )
// Set the body to generate signature mismatch.
helloReader := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "Hello, World" ) )
request . ContentLength = helloReader . Size ( )
request . Body = ioutil . NopCloser ( helloReader )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
if s . signer == signerV4 {
verifyError ( c , response , "XAmzContentSHA256Mismatch" , "The provided 'x-amz-content-sha256' header does not match what was computed." , http . StatusBadRequest )
// TestPutObjectLongName - Validates the error response
// on an attempt to upload an object with long name.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestPutObjectLongName ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// Content for the object to be uploaded.
buffer := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
// make long object name.
longObjName := fmt . Sprintf ( "%0255d/%0255d/%0255d" , 1 , 1 , 1 )
if IsDocker ( ) || IsKubernetes ( ) {
longObjName = fmt . Sprintf ( "%0242d/%0242d/%0242d" , 1 , 1 , 1 )
// create new HTTP request to insert the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , longObjName ) ,
int64 ( buffer . Len ( ) ) , buffer , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
//make long object name.
longObjName = fmt . Sprintf ( "%0255d/%0255d/%0255d/%0255d/%0255d" , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
if IsDocker ( ) || IsKubernetes ( ) {
longObjName = fmt . Sprintf ( "%0242d/%0242d/%0242d/%0242d/%0242d" , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
// create new HTTP request to insert the object.
buffer = bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , longObjName ) ,
int64 ( buffer . Len ( ) ) , buffer , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusBadRequest )
verifyError ( c , response , "KeyTooLongError" , "Your key is too long" , http . StatusBadRequest )
// make object name with prefix as slash
longObjName = fmt . Sprintf ( "/%0255d/%0255d" , 1 , 1 )
buffer = bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
// create new HTTP request to insert the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , longObjName ) ,
int64 ( buffer . Len ( ) ) , buffer , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusBadRequest )
verifyError ( c , response , "XMinioInvalidObjectName" , "Object name contains a leading slash." , http . StatusBadRequest )
//make object name as unsupported
longObjName = fmt . Sprintf ( "%0256d" , 1 )
buffer = bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , longObjName ) ,
int64 ( buffer . Len ( ) ) , buffer , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
verifyError ( c , response , "XMinioInvalidObjectName" , "Object name contains unsupported characters." , http . StatusBadRequest )
// TestNotBeAbleToCreateObjectInNonexistentBucket - Validates the error response
// on an attempt to upload an object into a non-existent bucket.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestNotBeAbleToCreateObjectInNonexistentBucket ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// content of the object to be uploaded.
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
// preparing for upload by generating the upload URL.
objectName := "test-object"
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Execute the HTTP request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Assert the response error message.
verifyError ( c , response , "NoSuchBucket" , "The specified bucket does not exist" , http . StatusNotFound )
// TestHeadOnObjectLastModified - Asserts response for HEAD on an object.
// HEAD requests on an object validates the existence of the object.
// The responses for fetching the object when If-Modified-Since
// and If-Unmodified-Since headers set are validated.
// If-Modified-Since - Return the object only if it has been modified since the specified time, else return a 304 (not modified).
// If-Unmodified-Since - Return the object only if it has not been modified since the specified time, else return a 412 (precondition failed).
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestHeadOnObjectLastModified ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// preparing for object upload.
objectName := "test-object"
// content for the object to be uploaded.
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
// obtaining URL for uploading the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// executing the HTTP request to download the object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// make HTTP request to obtain object info.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "HEAD" , getHeadObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// verify the status of the HTTP response.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// retrieve the info of last modification time of the object from the response header.
lastModified := response . Header . Get ( "Last-Modified" )
// Parse it into time.Time structure.
t , err := time . Parse ( http . TimeFormat , lastModified )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// make HTTP request to obtain object info.
// But this time set the "If-Modified-Since" header to be 10 minute more than the actual
// last modified time of the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "HEAD" , getHeadObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
request . Header . Set ( "If-Modified-Since" , t . Add ( 10 * time . Minute ) . UTC ( ) . Format ( http . TimeFormat ) )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Since the "If-Modified-Since" header was ahead in time compared to the actual
// modified time of the object expecting the response status to be http.StatusNotModified.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusNotModified )
// Again, obtain the object info.
// This time setting "If-Unmodified-Since" to a time after the object is modified.
// As documented above, expecting http.StatusPreconditionFailed.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "HEAD" , getHeadObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
request . Header . Set ( "If-Unmodified-Since" , t . Add ( - 10 * time . Minute ) . UTC ( ) . Format ( http . TimeFormat ) )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusPreconditionFailed )
// make HTTP request to obtain object info.
// But this time set a date with unrecognized format to the "If-Modified-Since" header
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "HEAD" , getHeadObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
request . Header . Set ( "If-Unmodified-Since" , "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 +00:00" )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Since the "If-Modified-Since" header was ahead in time compared to the actual
// modified time of the object expecting the response status to be http.StatusNotModified.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// TestHeadOnBucket - Validates response for HEAD on the bucket.
// HEAD request on the bucket validates the existence of the bucket.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestHeadOnBucket ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getHEADBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// make HEAD request on the bucket.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "HEAD" , getHEADBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Asserting the response status for expected value of http.StatusOK.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// TestContentTypePersists - Object upload with different Content-type is first done.
// And then a HEAD and GET request on these objects are done to validate if the same Content-Type set during upload persists.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestContentTypePersists ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// Uploading a new object with Content-Type "image/png".
// content for the object to be uploaded.
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
objectName := "test-object.png"
// constructing HTTP request for object upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
request . Header . Set ( "Content-Type" , "image/png" )
if s . signer == signerV2 {
err = signRequestV2 ( request , s . accessKey , s . secretKey )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request for object upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// Fetching the object info using HEAD request for the object which was uploaded above.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "HEAD" , getHeadObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Verify if the Content-Type header is set during the object persists.
c . Assert ( response . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" ) , "image/png" )
// Fetching the object itself and then verify the Content-Type header.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Execute the HTTP to fetch the object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// Verify if the Content-Type header is set during the object persists.
c . Assert ( response . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" ) , "image/png" )
// Uploading a new object with Content-Type "application/json".
objectName = "test-object.json"
buffer2 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer2 . Len ( ) ) , buffer2 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// setting the request header to be application/json.
request . Header . Set ( "Content-Type" , "application/json" )
if s . signer == signerV2 {
err = signRequestV2 ( request , s . accessKey , s . secretKey )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Execute the HTTP request to upload the object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// Obtain the info of the object which was uploaded above using HEAD request.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "HEAD" , getHeadObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Assert if the content-type header set during the object upload persists.
c . Assert ( response . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" ) , "application/json" )
// Fetch the object and assert whether the Content-Type header persists.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Assert if the content-type header set during the object upload persists.
c . Assert ( response . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" ) , "application/json" )
// TestPartialContent - Validating for GetObject with partial content request.
// By setting the Range header, A request to send specific bytes range of data from an
// already uploaded object can be done.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestPartialContent ( c * check ) {
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "Hello World" ) )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "bar" ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// Prepare request
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "bar" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
request . Header . Add ( "Range" , "bytes=6-7" )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusPartialContent )
partialObject , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( string ( partialObject ) , "Wo" )
// TestListObjectsHandler - Setting valid parameters to List Objects
// and then asserting the response with the expected one.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestListObjectsHandler ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
for _ , objectName := range [ ] string { "foo bar 1" , "foo bar 2" } {
buffer := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "Hello World" ) )
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer . Len ( ) ) , buffer , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
var testCases = [ ] struct {
getURL string
expectedStrings [ ] string
} {
{ getListObjectsV1URL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "" , "1000" , "" ) , [ ] string { "<Key>foo bar 1</Key>" , "<Key>foo bar 2</Key>" } } ,
{ getListObjectsV1URL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "" , "1000" , "url" ) , [ ] string { "<Key>foo+bar+1</Key>" , "<Key>foo+bar+2</Key>" } } ,
{ getListObjectsV2URL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "" , "1000" , "" , "" ) ,
[ ] string {
"<Key>foo bar 1</Key>" ,
"<Key>foo bar 2</Key>" ,
"<Owner><ID></ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner>" ,
} ,
} ,
{ getListObjectsV2URL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "" , "1000" , "true" , "" ) ,
[ ] string {
"<Key>foo bar 1</Key>" ,
"<Key>foo bar 2</Key>" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "<Owner><ID>%s</ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner>" , globalMinioDefaultOwnerID ) ,
} ,
} ,
{ getListObjectsV2URL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "" , "1000" , "" , "url" ) , [ ] string { "<Key>foo+bar+1</Key>" , "<Key>foo+bar+2</Key>" } } ,
for _ , testCase := range testCases {
// create listObjectsV1 request with valid parameters
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , testCase . getURL , 0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
getContent , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
for _ , expectedStr := range testCase . expectedStrings {
c . Assert ( strings . Contains ( string ( getContent ) , expectedStr ) , true )
// TestListObjectsHandlerErrors - Setting invalid parameters to List Objects
// and then asserting the error response with the expected one.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestListObjectsHandlerErrors ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// create listObjectsV1 request with invalid value of max-keys parameter. max-keys is set to -2.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getListObjectsV1URL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "" , "-2" , "" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// validating the error response.
verifyError ( c , response , "InvalidArgument" , "Argument maxKeys must be an integer between 0 and 2147483647" , http . StatusBadRequest )
// create listObjectsV2 request with invalid value of max-keys parameter. max-keys is set to -2.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getListObjectsV2URL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , "" , "-2" , "" , "" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// validating the error response.
verifyError ( c , response , "InvalidArgument" , "Argument maxKeys must be an integer between 0 and 2147483647" , http . StatusBadRequest )
// TestPutBucketErrors - request for non valid bucket operation
// and validate it with expected error result.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestPutBucketErrors ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// generating a HTTP request to create bucket.
// using invalid bucket name.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , s . endPoint + "/putbucket-." ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// expected to fail with error message "InvalidBucketName".
verifyError ( c , response , "InvalidBucketName" , "The specified bucket is not valid." , http . StatusBadRequest )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// make HTTP request to create the same bucket again.
// expected to fail with error message "BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou".
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
verifyError ( c , response , "BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou" , "Your previous request to create the named bucket succeeded and you already own it." ,
http . StatusConflict )
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestGetObjectLarge10MiB ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// form HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create the bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
var buffer bytes . Buffer
line := ` 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 123 " `
// Create 10MiB content where each line contains 1024 characters.
for i := 0 ; i < 10 * 1024 ; i ++ {
buffer . WriteString ( fmt . Sprintf ( "[%05d] %s\n" , i , line ) )
putContent := buffer . String ( )
buf := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( putContent ) )
objectName := "test-big-object"
// create HTTP request for object upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buf . Len ( ) ) , buf , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Assert the status code to verify successful upload.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// prepare HTTP requests to download the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to download the object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// extract the content from response body.
getContent , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Compare putContent and getContent.
c . Assert ( string ( getContent ) , putContent )
// TestGetObjectLarge11MiB - Tests validate fetching of an object of size 11MB.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestGetObjectLarge11MiB ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
var buffer bytes . Buffer
line := ` 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 123 `
// Create 11MiB content where each line contains 1024 characters.
for i := 0 ; i < 11 * 1024 ; i ++ {
buffer . WriteString ( fmt . Sprintf ( "[%05d] %s\n" , i , line ) )
putMD5 := getMD5Hash ( buffer . Bytes ( ) )
objectName := "test-11Mb-object"
// Put object
buf := bytes . NewReader ( buffer . Bytes ( ) )
// create HTTP request foe object upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buf . Len ( ) ) , buf , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request for object upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// create HTTP request to download the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// fetch the content from response body.
getContent , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Get etag of the response content.
getMD5 := getMD5Hash ( getContent )
// Compare putContent and getContent.
c . Assert ( putMD5 , getMD5 )
// TestGetPartialObjectMisAligned - tests get object partially mis-aligned.
// create a large buffer of mis-aligned data and upload it.
// then make partial range requests to while fetching it back and assert the response content.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestGetPartialObjectMisAligned ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create the bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
var buffer bytes . Buffer
// data to be written into buffer.
data := "1234567890"
// seed the random number generator once.
rand . Seed ( 3 )
// generate a random number between 13 and 200.
randInt := getRandomRange ( 13 , 200 , - 1 )
// write into buffer till length of the buffer is greater than the generated random number.
for i := 0 ; i <= randInt ; i += 10 {
buffer . WriteString ( data )
// String content which is used for put object range test.
putBytes := buffer . Bytes ( )
putBytes = putBytes [ : randInt ]
// randomize the order of bytes in the byte array and create a reader.
putBytes = randomizeBytes ( putBytes , - 1 )
buf := bytes . NewReader ( putBytes )
putContent := string ( putBytes )
objectName := "test-big-file"
// HTTP request to upload the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buf . Len ( ) ) , buf , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// test Cases containing data to make partial range requests.
// also has expected response data.
var testCases = [ ] struct {
byteRange string
expectedString string
} {
// request for byte range 10-11.
// expecting the result to contain only putContent[10:12] bytes.
{ "10-11" , putContent [ 10 : 12 ] } ,
// request for object data after the first byte.
{ "1-" , putContent [ 1 : ] } ,
// request for object data after the first byte.
{ "6-" , putContent [ 6 : ] } ,
// request for last 2 bytes of the object.
{ "-2" , putContent [ len ( putContent ) - 2 : ] } ,
// request for last 7 bytes of the object.
{ "-7" , putContent [ len ( putContent ) - 7 : ] } ,
for _ , t := range testCases {
// HTTP request to download the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Get partial content based on the byte range set.
request . Header . Add ( "Range" , "bytes=" + t . byteRange )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Since only part of the object is requested, expecting response status to be http.StatusPartialContent .
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusPartialContent )
// parse the HTTP response body.
getContent , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Compare putContent and getContent.
c . Assert ( string ( getContent ) , t . expectedString )
// TestGetPartialObjectLarge11MiB - Test validates partial content request for a 11MiB object.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestGetPartialObjectLarge11MiB ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create the bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
var buffer bytes . Buffer
line := ` 234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 123 `
// Create 11MiB content where each line contains 1024
// characters.
for i := 0 ; i < 11 * 1024 ; i ++ {
buffer . WriteString ( fmt . Sprintf ( "[%05d] %s\n" , i , line ) )
putContent := buffer . String ( )
objectName := "test-large-11Mb-object"
buf := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( putContent ) )
// HTTP request to upload the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buf . Len ( ) ) , buf , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// HTTP request to download the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// This range spans into first two blocks.
request . Header . Add ( "Range" , "bytes=10485750-10485769" )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Since only part of the object is requested, expecting response status to be http.StatusPartialContent .
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusPartialContent )
// read the downloaded content from the response body.
getContent , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Compare putContent and getContent.
c . Assert ( string ( getContent ) , putContent [ 10485750 : 10485770 ] )
// TestGetPartialObjectLarge11MiB - Test validates partial content request for a 10MiB object.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestGetPartialObjectLarge10MiB ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
// expecting the error to be nil.
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// expecting the HTTP response status code to 200 OK.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
var buffer bytes . Buffer
line := ` 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 ,
1234567890 , 1234567890 , 1234567890 , 123 `
// Create 10MiB content where each line contains 1024 characters.
for i := 0 ; i < 10 * 1024 ; i ++ {
buffer . WriteString ( fmt . Sprintf ( "[%05d] %s\n" , i , line ) )
putContent := buffer . String ( )
buf := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( putContent ) )
objectName := "test-big-10Mb-file"
// HTTP request to upload the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buf . Len ( ) ) , buf , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// verify whether upload was successful.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// HTTP request to download the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Get partial content based on the byte range set.
request . Header . Add ( "Range" , "bytes=2048-2058" )
// execute the HTTP request to download the partial content.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Since only part of the object is requested, expecting response status to be http.StatusPartialContent .
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusPartialContent )
// read the downloaded content from the response body.
getContent , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( response . Body )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Compare putContent and getContent.
c . Assert ( string ( getContent ) , putContent [ 2048 : 2059 ] )
// TestGetObjectErrors - Tests validate error response for invalid object operations.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestGetObjectErrors ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
objectName := "test-non-exitent-object"
// HTTP request to download the object.
// Since the specified object doesn't exist in the given bucket,
// expected to fail with error message "NoSuchKey"
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
verifyError ( c , response , "NoSuchKey" , "The specified key does not exist." , http . StatusNotFound )
// request to download an object, but an invalid bucket name is set.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , "getobjecterrors-." , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// expected to fail with "InvalidBucketName".
verifyError ( c , response , "InvalidBucketName" , "The specified bucket is not valid." , http . StatusBadRequest )
// TestGetObjectRangeErrors - Validate error response when object is fetched with incorrect byte range value.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestGetObjectRangeErrors ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// content for the object to be uploaded.
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "Hello World" ) )
objectName := "test-object"
// HTTP request to upload the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the object.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// verify whether upload was successful.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// HTTP request to download the object.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getGetObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
// Invalid byte range set.
request . Header . Add ( "Range" , "bytes=-0" )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// expected to fail with "InvalidRange" error message.
verifyError ( c , response , "InvalidRange" , "The requested range is not satisfiable" , http . StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable )
// TestObjectMultipartAbort - Test validates abortion of a multipart upload after uploading 2 parts.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestObjectMultipartAbort ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
objectName := "test-multipart-object"
// 1. Initiate 2 uploads for the same object
// 2. Upload 2 parts for the second upload
// 3. Abort the second upload.
// 4. Abort the first upload.
// This will test abort upload when there are more than one upload IDs
// and the case where there is only one upload ID.
// construct HTTP request to initiate a NewMultipart upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getNewMultipartURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request initiating the new multipart upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// parse the response body and obtain the new upload ID.
decoder := xml . NewDecoder ( response . Body )
newResponse := & InitiateMultipartUploadResponse { }
err = decoder . Decode ( newResponse )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( len ( newResponse . UploadID ) > 0 , true )
// construct HTTP request to initiate a NewMultipart upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getNewMultipartURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request initiating the new multipart upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// parse the response body and obtain the new upload ID.
decoder = xml . NewDecoder ( response . Body )
newResponse = & InitiateMultipartUploadResponse { }
err = decoder . Decode ( newResponse )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( len ( newResponse . UploadID ) > 0 , true )
// uploadID to be used for rest of the multipart operations on the object.
uploadID := newResponse . UploadID
// content for the part to be uploaded.
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
// HTTP request for the part to be uploaded.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPartUploadURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID , "1" ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the first part.
response1 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response1 . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// content for the second part to be uploaded.
buffer2 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
// HTTP request for the second part to be uploaded.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPartUploadURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID , "2" ) ,
int64 ( buffer2 . Len ( ) ) , buffer2 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the second part.
response2 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response2 . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// HTTP request for aborting the multipart upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "DELETE" , getAbortMultipartUploadURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to abort the multipart upload.
response3 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// expecting the response status code to be http.StatusNoContent.
// The assertion validates the success of Abort Multipart operation.
c . Assert ( response3 . StatusCode , http . StatusNoContent )
// TestBucketMultipartList - Initiates a NewMultipart upload, uploads parts and validates listing of the parts.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestBucketMultipartList ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) , 0 ,
nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , 200 )
objectName := "test-multipart-object"
// construct HTTP request to initiate a NewMultipart upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getNewMultipartURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request initiating the new multipart upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// expecting the response status code to be http.StatusOK(200 OK) .
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// parse the response body and obtain the new upload ID.
decoder := xml . NewDecoder ( response . Body )
newResponse := & InitiateMultipartUploadResponse { }
err = decoder . Decode ( newResponse )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( len ( newResponse . UploadID ) > 0 , true )
// uploadID to be used for rest of the multipart operations on the object.
uploadID := newResponse . UploadID
// content for the part to be uploaded.
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
// HTTP request for the part to be uploaded.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPartUploadURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID , "1" ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the first part.
response1 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response1 . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// content for the second part to be uploaded.
buffer2 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
// HTTP request for the second part to be uploaded.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPartUploadURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID , "2" ) ,
int64 ( buffer2 . Len ( ) ) , buffer2 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the second part.
response2 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response2 . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// HTTP request to ListMultipart Uploads.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getListMultipartURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response3 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response3 . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// The reason to duplicate this structure here is to verify if the
// unmarshalling works from a client perspective, specifically
// while unmarshalling time.Time type for 'Initiated' field.
// time.Time does not honor xml marshaller, it means that we need
// to encode/format it before giving it to xml marshaling.
// This below check adds client side verification to see if its
// truly parsable.
// listMultipartUploadsResponse - format for list multipart uploads response.
type listMultipartUploadsResponse struct {
XMLName xml . Name ` xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListMultipartUploadsResult" json:"-" `
Bucket string
KeyMarker string
UploadIDMarker string ` xml:"UploadIdMarker" `
NextKeyMarker string
NextUploadIDMarker string ` xml:"NextUploadIdMarker" `
EncodingType string
MaxUploads int
IsTruncated bool
// All the in progress multipart uploads.
Uploads [ ] struct {
Key string
UploadID string ` xml:"UploadId" `
Initiator Initiator
Owner Owner
StorageClass string
Initiated time . Time // Keep this native to be able to parse properly.
Prefix string
Delimiter string
CommonPrefixes [ ] CommonPrefix
// parse the response body.
decoder = xml . NewDecoder ( response3 . Body )
newResponse3 := & listMultipartUploadsResponse { }
err = decoder . Decode ( newResponse3 )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Assert the bucket name in the response with the expected bucketName.
c . Assert ( newResponse3 . Bucket , bucketName )
// Assert the bucket name in the response with the expected bucketName.
c . Assert ( newResponse3 . IsTruncated , false )
// TestValidateObjectMultipartUploadID - Test Initiates a new multipart upload and validates the uploadID.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestValidateObjectMultipartUploadID ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , 200 )
objectName := "directory1/directory2/object"
// construct HTTP request to initiate a NewMultipart upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getNewMultipartURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request initiating the new multipart upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// parse the response body and obtain the new upload ID.
decoder := xml . NewDecoder ( response . Body )
newResponse := & InitiateMultipartUploadResponse { }
err = decoder . Decode ( newResponse )
// expecting the decoding error to be nil.
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Verifying for Upload ID value to be greater than 0.
c . Assert ( len ( newResponse . UploadID ) > 0 , true )
// TestObjectMultipartListError - Initiates a NewMultipart upload, uploads parts and validates
// error response for an incorrect max-parts parameter .
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestObjectMultipartListError ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , 200 )
objectName := "test-multipart-object"
// construct HTTP request to initiate a NewMultipart upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getNewMultipartURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request initiating the new multipart upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// parse the response body and obtain the new upload ID.
decoder := xml . NewDecoder ( response . Body )
newResponse := & InitiateMultipartUploadResponse { }
err = decoder . Decode ( newResponse )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( len ( newResponse . UploadID ) > 0 , true )
// uploadID to be used for rest of the multipart operations on the object.
uploadID := newResponse . UploadID
// content for the part to be uploaded.
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
// HTTP request for the part to be uploaded.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPartUploadURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID , "1" ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the first part.
response1 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response1 . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// content for the second part to be uploaded.
buffer2 := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "hello world" ) )
// HTTP request for the second part to be uploaded.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPartUploadURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID , "2" ) ,
int64 ( buffer2 . Len ( ) ) , buffer2 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the second part.
response2 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response2 . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// HTTP request to ListMultipart Uploads.
// max-keys is set to valid value of 1
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getListMultipartURLWithParams ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID , "1" , "" , "" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response3 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response3 . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// HTTP request to ListMultipart Uploads.
// max-keys is set to invalid value of -2.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "GET" , getListMultipartURLWithParams ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID , "-2" , "" , "" ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request.
response4 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Since max-keys parameter in the ListMultipart request set to invalid value of -2,
// its expected to fail with error message "InvalidArgument".
verifyError ( c , response4 , "InvalidArgument" , "Argument max-parts must be an integer between 0 and 2147483647" , http . StatusBadRequest )
// TestObjectValidMD5 - First uploads an object with a valid Content-Md5 header and verifies the status,
// then upload an object in a wrong Content-Md5 and validate the error response.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestObjectValidMD5 ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , 200 )
// Create a byte array of 5MB.
// content for the object to be uploaded.
data := bytes . Repeat ( [ ] byte ( "0123456789abcdef" ) , 5 * humanize . MiByte / 16 )
// calculate etag of the data.
etagBase64 := getMD5HashBase64 ( data )
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( data )
objectName := "test-1-object"
// HTTP request for the object to be uploaded.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// set the Content-Md5 to be the hash to content.
request . Header . Set ( "Content-Md5" , etagBase64 )
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// expecting a successful upload.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
objectName = "test-2-object"
buffer1 = bytes . NewReader ( data )
// HTTP request for the object to be uploaded.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPutObjectURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// set Content-Md5 to invalid value.
request . Header . Set ( "Content-Md5" , "kvLTlMrX9NpYDQlEIFlnDA==" )
// expecting a failure during upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Since Content-Md5 header was wrong, expecting to fail with "SignatureDoesNotMatch" error.
verifyError ( c , response , "SignatureDoesNotMatch" , "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method." , http . StatusForbidden )
// TestObjectMultipart - Initiates a NewMultipart upload, uploads 2 parts,
// completes the multipart upload and validates the status of the operation.
func ( s * TestSuiteCommon ) TestObjectMultipart ( c * check ) {
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName ( )
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getMakeBucketURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , 200 )
objectName := "test-multipart-object"
// construct HTTP request to initiate a NewMultipart upload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getNewMultipartURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName ) ,
0 , nil , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request initiating the new multipart upload.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// expecting the response status code to be http.StatusOK(200 OK).
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// parse the response body and obtain the new upload ID.
decoder := xml . NewDecoder ( response . Body )
newResponse := & InitiateMultipartUploadResponse { }
err = decoder . Decode ( newResponse )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( len ( newResponse . UploadID ) > 0 , true )
// uploadID to be used for rest of the multipart operations on the object.
uploadID := newResponse . UploadID
// content for the part to be uploaded.
// Create a byte array of 5MB.
data := bytes . Repeat ( [ ] byte ( "0123456789abcdef" ) , 5 * humanize . MiByte / 16 )
// calculate etag of the data.
md5SumBase64 := getMD5HashBase64 ( data )
buffer1 := bytes . NewReader ( data )
// HTTP request for the part to be uploaded.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPartUploadURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID , "1" ) ,
int64 ( buffer1 . Len ( ) ) , buffer1 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
// set the Content-Md5 header to the base64 encoding the etag of the content.
request . Header . Set ( "Content-Md5" , md5SumBase64 )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the first part.
response1 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response1 . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// content for the second part to be uploaded.
// Create a byte array of 1 byte.
data = [ ] byte ( "0" )
// calculate etag of the data.
md5SumBase64 = getMD5HashBase64 ( data )
buffer2 := bytes . NewReader ( data )
// HTTP request for the second part to be uploaded.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "PUT" , getPartUploadURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID , "2" ) ,
int64 ( buffer2 . Len ( ) ) , buffer2 , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
// set the Content-Md5 header to the base64 encoding the etag of the content.
request . Header . Set ( "Content-Md5" , md5SumBase64 )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// execute the HTTP request to upload the second part.
response2 , err := s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
c . Assert ( response2 . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
// Complete multipart upload
completeUploads := & CompleteMultipartUpload {
Parts : [ ] CompletePart {
PartNumber : 1 ,
ETag : response1 . Header . Get ( "ETag" ) ,
} ,
PartNumber : 2 ,
ETag : response2 . Header . Get ( "ETag" ) ,
} ,
} ,
completeBytes , err := xml . Marshal ( completeUploads )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Indicating that all parts are uploaded and initiating CompleteMultipartUpload.
request , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getCompleteMultipartUploadURL ( s . endPoint , bucketName , objectName , uploadID ) ,
int64 ( len ( completeBytes ) ) , bytes . NewReader ( completeBytes ) , s . accessKey , s . secretKey , s . signer )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// Execute the complete multipart request.
response , err = s . client . Do ( request )
c . Assert ( err , nil )
// verify whether complete multipart was successful.
c . Assert ( response . StatusCode , http . StatusOK )
var parts [ ] CompletePart
for _ , part := range completeUploads . Parts {
part . ETag = canonicalizeETag ( part . ETag )
parts = append ( parts , part )
etag := getCompleteMultipartMD5 ( parts )
c . Assert ( canonicalizeETag ( response . Header . Get ( xhttp . ETag ) ) , etag )