2020-07-03 15:03:06 +03:00
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2020-07-09 12:21:15 +03:00
package legacy
2020-07-03 15:03:06 +03:00
import (
2020-07-09 12:21:15 +03:00
2020-07-03 15:03:06 +03:00
// TestSkipContentSha256Cksum - Test validate the logic which decides whether
// to skip checksum validation based on the request header.
func TestSkipContentSha256Cksum ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] struct {
inputHeaderKey string
inputHeaderValue string
inputQueryKey string
inputQueryValue string
expectedResult bool
} {
// Test case - 1.
// Test case with "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" header set, but to empty value but we can't skip.
{ "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" , "" , "" , "" , false } ,
// Test case - 2.
// Test case with "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" not set so we can skip.
{ "" , "" , "" , "" , true } ,
// Test case - 3.
// Test case with "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" header set to "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"
// When "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" header is set to "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD", validation of content sha256 has to be skipped.
{ "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" , unsignedPayload , "X-Amz-Credential" , "" , true } ,
// Test case - 4.
// Enabling PreSigned Signature v4, but X-Amz-Content-Sha256 not set has to be skipped.
{ "" , "" , "X-Amz-Credential" , "" , true } ,
// Test case - 5.
// Enabling PreSigned Signature v4, but X-Amz-Content-Sha256 set and its not UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD, we shouldn't skip.
{ "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" , "somevalue" , "X-Amz-Credential" , "" , false } ,
// Test case - 6.
// Test case with "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" header set to "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD" and its not presigned, we should skip.
{ "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" , unsignedPayload , "" , "" , true } ,
// Test case - 7.
// "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" not set and PreSigned Signature v4 not enabled, sha256 checksum calculation is not skipped.
{ "" , "" , "X-Amz-Credential" , "" , true } ,
// Test case - 8.
// "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" has a proper value cannot skip.
{ "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" , "somevalue" , "" , "" , false } ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
// creating an input HTTP request.
// Only the headers are relevant for this particular test.
inputReq , err := http . NewRequest ( "GET" , "http://example.com" , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Error initializing input HTTP request: %v" , err )
if testCase . inputQueryKey != "" {
q := inputReq . URL . Query ( )
q . Add ( testCase . inputQueryKey , testCase . inputQueryValue )
if testCase . inputHeaderKey != "" {
q . Add ( testCase . inputHeaderKey , testCase . inputHeaderValue )
inputReq . URL . RawQuery = q . Encode ( )
} else {
if testCase . inputHeaderKey != "" {
inputReq . Header . Set ( testCase . inputHeaderKey , testCase . inputHeaderValue )
actualResult := skipContentSha256Cksum ( inputReq )
if testCase . expectedResult != actualResult {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Expected the result to `%v`, but instead got `%v`" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedResult , actualResult )
// TestIsValidRegion - Tests validate the comparison logic for asserting whether the region from http request is valid.
func TestIsValidRegion ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] struct {
inputReqRegion string
inputConfRegion string
expectedResult bool
} {
{ "" , "" , true } ,
{ globalMinioDefaultRegion , "" , true } ,
{ globalMinioDefaultRegion , "US" , true } ,
{ "us-west-1" , "US" , false } ,
{ "us-west-1" , "us-west-1" , true } ,
// "US" was old naming convention for 'us-east-1'.
{ "US" , "US" , true } ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
actualResult := isValidRegion ( testCase . inputReqRegion , testCase . inputConfRegion )
if testCase . expectedResult != actualResult {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Expected the result to `%v`, but instead got `%v`" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedResult , actualResult )
// TestExtractSignedHeaders - Tests validate extraction of signed headers using list of signed header keys.
func TestExtractSignedHeaders ( t * testing . T ) {
signedHeaders := [ ] string { "host" , "x-amz-content-sha256" , "x-amz-date" , "transfer-encoding" }
// If the `expect` key exists in the signed headers then golang server would have stripped out the value, expecting the `expect` header set to `100-continue` in the result.
signedHeaders = append ( signedHeaders , "expect" )
// expected header values.
expectedHost := "play.min.io:9000"
expectedContentSha256 := "1234abcd"
expectedTime := UTCNow ( ) . Format ( iso8601Format )
expectedTransferEncoding := "gzip"
expectedExpect := "100-continue"
r , err := http . NewRequest ( "GET" , "http://play.min.io:9000" , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( "Unable to create http.Request :" , err )
r . TransferEncoding = [ ] string { expectedTransferEncoding }
// Creating input http header.
inputHeader := r . Header
inputHeader . Set ( "x-amz-content-sha256" , expectedContentSha256 )
inputHeader . Set ( "x-amz-date" , expectedTime )
// calling the function being tested.
extractedSignedHeaders , errCode := extractSignedHeaders ( signedHeaders , r )
if errCode != ErrNone {
t . Fatalf ( "Expected the APIErrorCode to be %d, but got %d" , ErrNone , errCode )
inputQuery := r . URL . Query ( )
// case where some headers need to get from request query
signedHeaders = append ( signedHeaders , "x-amz-server-side-encryption" )
// expect to fail with `ErrUnsignedHeaders` because couldn't find some header
_ , errCode = extractSignedHeaders ( signedHeaders , r )
if errCode != ErrUnsignedHeaders {
t . Fatalf ( "Expected the APIErrorCode to %d, but got %d" , ErrUnsignedHeaders , errCode )
// set headers value through Get parameter
inputQuery . Add ( "x-amz-server-side-encryption" , crypto . SSEAlgorithmAES256 )
r . URL . RawQuery = inputQuery . Encode ( )
_ , errCode = extractSignedHeaders ( signedHeaders , r )
if errCode != ErrNone {
t . Fatalf ( "Expected the APIErrorCode to be %d, but got %d" , ErrNone , errCode )
// "x-amz-content-sha256" header value from the extracted result.
extractedContentSha256 := extractedSignedHeaders . Get ( "x-amz-content-sha256" )
// "host" header value from the extracted result.
extractedHost := extractedSignedHeaders . Get ( "host" )
// "x-amz-date" header from the extracted result.
extractedDate := extractedSignedHeaders . Get ( "x-amz-date" )
// extracted `expect` header.
extractedExpect := extractedSignedHeaders . Get ( "expect" )
extractedTransferEncoding := extractedSignedHeaders . Get ( "transfer-encoding" )
if expectedHost != extractedHost {
t . Errorf ( "host header mismatch: expected `%s`, got `%s`" , expectedHost , extractedHost )
// assert the result with the expected value.
if expectedContentSha256 != extractedContentSha256 {
t . Errorf ( "x-amz-content-sha256 header mismatch: expected `%s`, got `%s`" , expectedContentSha256 , extractedContentSha256 )
if expectedTime != extractedDate {
t . Errorf ( "x-amz-date header mismatch: expected `%s`, got `%s`" , expectedTime , extractedDate )
if extractedTransferEncoding != expectedTransferEncoding {
t . Errorf ( "transfer-encoding mismatch: expected %s, got %s" , expectedTransferEncoding , extractedTransferEncoding )
// Since the list of signed headers value contained `expect`, the default value of `100-continue` will be added to extracted signed headers.
if extractedExpect != expectedExpect {
t . Errorf ( "expect header incorrect value: expected `%s`, got `%s`" , expectedExpect , extractedExpect )
// case where the headers don't contain the one of the signed header in the signed headers list.
signedHeaders = append ( signedHeaders , "X-Amz-Credential" )
// expected to fail with `ErrUnsignedHeaders`.
_ , errCode = extractSignedHeaders ( signedHeaders , r )
if errCode != ErrUnsignedHeaders {
t . Fatalf ( "Expected the APIErrorCode to %d, but got %d" , ErrUnsignedHeaders , errCode )
// case where the list of signed headers doesn't contain the host field.
signedHeaders = signedHeaders [ 2 : 5 ]
// expected to fail with `ErrUnsignedHeaders`.
_ , errCode = extractSignedHeaders ( signedHeaders , r )
if errCode != ErrUnsignedHeaders {
t . Fatalf ( "Expected the APIErrorCode to %d, but got %d" , ErrUnsignedHeaders , errCode )
// TestSignV4TrimAll - tests the logic of TrimAll() function
func TestSignV4TrimAll ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] struct {
// Input.
inputStr string
// Expected result.
result string
} {
{ "本語" , "本語" } ,
{ " abc " , "abc" } ,
{ " a b " , "a b" } ,
{ "a b " , "a b" } ,
{ "a b" , "a b" } ,
{ "a b" , "a b" } ,
{ " a b c " , "a b c" } ,
{ "a \t b c " , "a b c" } ,
{ "\"a \t b c " , "\"a b c" } ,
{ " \t\n\u000b\r\fa \t\n\u000b\r\f b \t\n\u000b\r\f c \t\n\u000b\r\f" , "a b c" } ,
// Tests generated values from url encoded name.
for i , testCase := range testCases {
result := signV4TrimAll ( testCase . inputStr )
if testCase . result != result {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Expected signV4TrimAll result to be \"%s\", but found it to be \"%s\" instead" , i + 1 , testCase . result , result )
// Test getContentSha256Cksum
func TestGetContentSha256Cksum ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] struct {
h string // header SHA256
q string // query SHA256
expected string // expected SHA256
} {
{ "shastring" , "" , "shastring" } ,
{ emptySHA256 , "" , emptySHA256 } ,
{ "" , "" , emptySHA256 } ,
{ "" , "X-Amz-Credential=random" , unsignedPayload } ,
{ "" , "X-Amz-Credential=random&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=" + unsignedPayload , unsignedPayload } ,
{ "" , "X-Amz-Credential=random&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=shastring" , "shastring" } ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
r , err := http . NewRequest ( "GET" , "http://localhost/?" + testCase . q , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if testCase . h != "" {
r . Header . Set ( "x-amz-content-sha256" , testCase . h )
got := getContentSha256Cksum ( r , serviceS3 )
if got != testCase . expected {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: got:%s expected:%s" , i + 1 , got , testCase . expected )