Denis Kirillov 6b728fef87 [] Add tests to make sure client_cut flag is passed to sdk
Signed-off-by: Denis Kirillov <>
2023-08-23 06:26:55 +00:00

167 lines
5.6 KiB

package handler
import (
s3errors ""
apistatus ""
cid ""
func TestConditionalHead(t *testing.T) {
tc := prepareHandlerContext(t)
bktName, objName := "bucket-for-conditional", "object"
_, objInfo := createBucketAndObject(tc, bktName, objName)
w, r := prepareTestRequest(tc, bktName, objName, nil)
tc.Handler().HeadObjectHandler(w, r)
assertStatus(t, w, http.StatusOK)
etag := w.Result().Header.Get(api.ETag)
etagQuoted := "\"" + etag + "\""
headers := map[string]string{api.IfMatch: etag}
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusOK)
headers = map[string]string{api.IfMatch: etagQuoted}
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusOK)
headers = map[string]string{api.IfMatch: "etag"}
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusPreconditionFailed)
headers = map[string]string{api.IfUnmodifiedSince: objInfo.Created.Add(time.Minute).Format(http.TimeFormat)}
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusOK)
var zeroTime time.Time
headers = map[string]string{api.IfUnmodifiedSince: zeroTime.UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)}
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusPreconditionFailed)
headers = map[string]string{
api.IfMatch: etag,
api.IfUnmodifiedSince: zeroTime.UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat),
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusOK)
headers = map[string]string{api.IfNoneMatch: etag}
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusNotModified)
headers = map[string]string{api.IfNoneMatch: etagQuoted}
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusNotModified)
headers = map[string]string{api.IfNoneMatch: "etag"}
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusOK)
headers = map[string]string{api.IfModifiedSince: zeroTime.UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)}
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusOK)
headers = map[string]string{api.IfModifiedSince: time.Now().Add(time.Minute).UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)}
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusNotModified)
headers = map[string]string{
api.IfNoneMatch: etag,
api.IfModifiedSince: zeroTime.UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat),
headObject(t, tc, bktName, objName, headers, http.StatusNotModified)
func headObject(t *testing.T, tc *handlerContext, bktName, objName string, headers map[string]string, status int) {
w, r := prepareTestRequest(tc, bktName, objName, nil)
for key, val := range headers {
r.Header.Set(key, val)
tc.Handler().HeadObjectHandler(w, r)
assertStatus(t, w, status)
func TestInvalidAccessThroughCache(t *testing.T) {
hc := prepareHandlerContext(t)
bktName, objName := "bucket-for-cache", "obj-for-cache"
bktInfo, _ := createBucketAndObject(hc, bktName, objName)
setContainerEACL(hc, bktInfo.CID)
headObject(t, hc, bktName, objName, nil, http.StatusOK)
w, r := prepareTestRequest(hc, bktName, objName, nil)
hc.Handler().HeadObjectHandler(w, r.WithContext(middleware.SetBoxData(r.Context(), newTestAccessBox(t, nil))))
assertStatus(t, w, http.StatusForbidden)
func setContainerEACL(hc *handlerContext, cnrID cid.ID) {
table := eacl.NewTable()
for _, op := range fullOps {
table.AddRecord(getOthersRecord(op, eacl.ActionDeny))
err := hc.MockedPool().SetContainerEACL(hc.Context(), *table, nil)
require.NoError(hc.t, err)
func TestHeadObject(t *testing.T) {
hc := prepareHandlerContextWithMinCache(t)
bktName, objName := "bucket", "obj"
bktInfo, objInfo := createVersionedBucketAndObject(hc.t, hc, bktName, objName)
putObject(hc, bktName, objName)
checkFound(hc.t, hc, bktName, objName, objInfo.VersionID())
checkFound(hc.t, hc, bktName, objName, emptyVersion)
addr := getAddressOfLastVersion(hc, bktInfo, objName), &apistatus.ObjectNotFound{}), &apistatus.ObjectNotFound{})
headObjectAssertS3Error(hc, bktName, objName, objInfo.VersionID(), s3errors.ErrNoSuchVersion)
headObjectAssertS3Error(hc, bktName, objName, emptyVersion, s3errors.ErrNoSuchKey)
func TestIsAvailableToResolve(t *testing.T) {
list := []string{"container", "s3"}
for i, testCase := range [...]struct {
isAllowList bool
list []string
zone string
expected bool
{isAllowList: true, list: list, zone: "container", expected: true},
{isAllowList: true, list: list, zone: "sftp", expected: false},
{isAllowList: false, list: list, zone: "s3", expected: false},
{isAllowList: false, list: list, zone: "system", expected: true},
{isAllowList: true, list: list, zone: "", expected: false},
} {
result := isAvailableToResolve(, testCase.list, testCase.isAllowList)
require.Equal(t, testCase.expected, result, "case %d", i+1)
func newTestAccessBox(t *testing.T, key *keys.PrivateKey) *accessbox.Box {
var err error
if key == nil {
key, err = keys.NewPrivateKey()
require.NoError(t, err)
var btoken bearer.Token
err = btoken.Sign(key.PrivateKey)
require.NoError(t, err)
return &accessbox.Box{
Gate: &accessbox.GateData{
BearerToken: &btoken,