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2019-03-11 16:56:48 +00:00
package cmd
import (
2020-09-02 01:20:01 +00:00
const (
renewEnvAccountEmail = "LEGO_ACCOUNT_EMAIL"
renewEnvCertDomain = "LEGO_CERT_DOMAIN"
renewEnvCertPath = "LEGO_CERT_PATH"
renewEnvCertKeyPath = "LEGO_CERT_KEY_PATH"
renewEnvCertPEMPath = "LEGO_CERT_PEM_PATH"
renewEnvCertPFXPath = "LEGO_CERT_PFX_PATH"
func createRenew() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "renew",
Usage: "Renew a certificate",
Action: renew,
Before: func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// we require either domains or csr, but not both
hasDomains := len(ctx.StringSlice("domains")) > 0
hasCsr := len(ctx.String("csr")) > 0
if hasDomains && hasCsr {
log.Fatal("Please specify either --domains/-d or --csr/-c, but not both")
if !hasDomains && !hasCsr {
log.Fatal("Please specify --domains/-d (or --csr/-c if you already have a CSR)")
return nil
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "days",
Value: 30,
Usage: "The number of days left on a certificate to renew it.",
Name: "reuse-key",
Usage: "Used to indicate you want to reuse your current private key for the new certificate.",
Name: "no-bundle",
Usage: "Do not create a certificate bundle by adding the issuers certificate to the new certificate.",
Name: "must-staple",
Usage: "Include the OCSP must staple TLS extension in the CSR and generated certificate. Only works if the CSR is generated by lego.",
Name: "renew-hook",
Usage: "Define a hook. The hook is executed only when the certificates are effectively renewed.",
Name: "preferred-chain",
Usage: "If the CA offers multiple certificate chains, prefer the chain with an issuer matching this Subject Common Name. If no match, the default offered chain will be used.",
Name: "always-deactivate-authorizations",
Usage: "Force the authorizations to be relinquished even if the certificate request was successful.",
func renew(ctx *cli.Context) error {
account, client := setup(ctx, NewAccountsStorage(ctx))
setupChallenges(ctx, client)
if account.Registration == nil {
log.Fatalf("Account %s is not registered. Use 'run' to register a new account.\n", account.Email)
certsStorage := NewCertificatesStorage(ctx)
bundle := !ctx.Bool("no-bundle")
meta := map[string]string{renewEnvAccountEmail: account.Email}
// CSR
if ctx.IsSet("csr") {
return renewForCSR(ctx, client, certsStorage, bundle, meta)
// Domains
return renewForDomains(ctx, client, certsStorage, bundle, meta)
func renewForDomains(ctx *cli.Context, client *lego.Client, certsStorage *CertificatesStorage, bundle bool, meta map[string]string) error {
domains := ctx.StringSlice("domains")
domain := domains[0]
// load the cert resource from files.
// We store the certificate, private key and metadata in different files
// as web servers would not be able to work with a combined file.
certificates, err := certsStorage.ReadCertificate(domain, ".crt")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error while loading the certificate for domain %s\n\t%v", domain, err)
cert := certificates[0]
if !needRenewal(cert, domain, ctx.Int("days")) {
return nil
// This is just meant to be informal for the user.
timeLeft := cert.NotAfter.Sub(time.Now().UTC())
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Trying renewal with %d hours remaining", domain, int(timeLeft.Hours()))
certDomains := certcrypto.ExtractDomains(cert)
var privateKey crypto.PrivateKey
if ctx.Bool("reuse-key") {
keyBytes, errR := certsStorage.ReadFile(domain, ".key")
if errR != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error while loading the private key for domain %s\n\t%v", domain, errR)
privateKey, errR = certcrypto.ParsePEMPrivateKey(keyBytes)
if errR != nil {
return errR
request := certificate.ObtainRequest{
Domains: merge(certDomains, domains),
Bundle: bundle,
PrivateKey: privateKey,
MustStaple: ctx.Bool("must-staple"),
PreferredChain: ctx.String("preferred-chain"),
AlwaysDeactivateAuthorizations: ctx.Bool("always-deactivate-authorizations"),
certRes, err := client.Certificate.Obtain(request)
if err != nil {
meta[renewEnvCertDomain] = domain
2020-05-11 08:29:39 +00:00
meta[renewEnvCertPath] = certsStorage.GetFileName(domain, ".crt")
meta[renewEnvCertKeyPath] = certsStorage.GetFileName(domain, ".key")
meta[renewEnvCertPEMPath] = certsStorage.GetFileName(domain, ".pem")
meta[renewEnvCertPFXPath] = certsStorage.GetFileName(domain, ".pfx")
return launchHook(ctx.String("renew-hook"), meta)
func renewForCSR(ctx *cli.Context, client *lego.Client, certsStorage *CertificatesStorage, bundle bool, meta map[string]string) error {
csr, err := readCSRFile(ctx.String("csr"))
if err != nil {
domain := csr.Subject.CommonName
// load the cert resource from files.
// We store the certificate, private key and metadata in different files
// as web servers would not be able to work with a combined file.
certificates, err := certsStorage.ReadCertificate(domain, ".crt")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error while loading the certificate for domain %s\n\t%v", domain, err)
cert := certificates[0]
if !needRenewal(cert, domain, ctx.Int("days")) {
return nil
// This is just meant to be informal for the user.
timeLeft := cert.NotAfter.Sub(time.Now().UTC())
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Trying renewal with %d hours remaining", domain, int(timeLeft.Hours()))
2020-09-02 00:31:53 +00:00
certRes, err := client.Certificate.ObtainForCSR(certificate.ObtainForCSRRequest{
CSR: csr,
Bundle: bundle,
PreferredChain: ctx.String("preferred-chain"),
AlwaysDeactivateAuthorizations: ctx.Bool("always-deactivate-authorizations"),
2020-09-02 00:31:53 +00:00
if err != nil {
meta[renewEnvCertDomain] = domain
2020-05-11 08:29:39 +00:00
meta[renewEnvCertPath] = certsStorage.GetFileName(domain, ".crt")
meta[renewEnvCertKeyPath] = certsStorage.GetFileName(domain, ".key")
return launchHook(ctx.String("renew-hook"), meta)
func needRenewal(x509Cert *x509.Certificate, domain string, days int) bool {
if x509Cert.IsCA {
log.Fatalf("[%s] Certificate bundle starts with a CA certificate", domain)
if days >= 0 {
2019-03-11 16:08:48 +00:00
notAfter := int(time.Until(x509Cert.NotAfter).Hours() / 24.0)
if notAfter > days {
log.Printf("[%s] The certificate expires in %d days, the number of days defined to perform the renewal is %d: no renewal.",
domain, notAfter, days)
return false
return true
2020-07-09 23:48:18 +00:00
func merge(prevDomains, nextDomains []string) []string {
for _, next := range nextDomains {
var found bool
for _, prev := range prevDomains {
if prev == next {
found = true
if !found {
prevDomains = append(prevDomains, next)
return prevDomains