Accountstring`json:"account,omitempty" doc:"the account associated with the disk volume"`
Attachedstring`json:"attached,omitempty" doc:"the date the volume was attached to a VM instance"`
ChainInfostring`json:"chaininfo,omitempty" doc:"the chain info of the volume"`
ClusterID*UUID`json:"clusterid,omitempty" doc:"ID of the cluster"`
ClusterNamestring`json:"clustername,omitempty" doc:"name of the cluster"`
Createdstring`json:"created,omitempty" doc:"the date the disk volume was created"`
Destroyedbool`json:"destroyed,omitempty" doc:"the boolean state of whether the volume is destroyed or not"`
DeviceIDint64`json:"deviceid,omitempty" doc:"the ID of the device on user vm the volume is attahed to. This tag is not returned when the volume is detached."`
DiskBytesReadRateint64`json:"diskBytesReadRate,omitempty" doc:"bytes read rate of the disk volume"`
DiskBytesWriteRateint64`json:"diskBytesWriteRate,omitempty" doc:"bytes write rate of the disk volume"`
DiskIopsReadRateint64`json:"diskIopsReadRate,omitempty" doc:"io requests read rate of the disk volume"`
DiskIopsWriteRateint64`json:"diskIopsWriteRate,omitempty" doc:"io requests write rate of the disk volume"`
DiskOfferingDisplayTextstring`json:"diskofferingdisplaytext,omitempty" doc:"the display text of the disk offering"`
DiskOfferingID*UUID`json:"diskofferingid,omitempty" doc:"ID of the disk offering"`
DiskOfferingNamestring`json:"diskofferingname,omitempty" doc:"name of the disk offering"`
DisplayVolumebool`json:"displayvolume,omitempty" doc:"an optional field whether to the display the volume to the end user or not."`
Domainstring`json:"domain,omitempty" doc:"the domain associated with the disk volume"`
DomainID*UUID`json:"domainid,omitempty" doc:"the ID of the domain associated with the disk volume"`
Hypervisorstring`json:"hypervisor,omitempty" doc:"Hypervisor the volume belongs to"`
ID*UUID`json:"id,omitempty" doc:"ID of the disk volume"`
IsExtractable*bool`json:"isextractable,omitempty" doc:"true if the volume is extractable, false otherwise"`
IsoDisplayTextstring`json:"isodisplaytext,omitempty" doc:"an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine"`
IsoID*UUID`json:"isoid,omitempty" doc:"the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine"`
IsoNamestring`json:"isoname,omitempty" doc:"the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine"`
MaxIopsint64`json:"maxiops,omitempty" doc:"max iops of the disk volume"`
MinIopsint64`json:"miniops,omitempty" doc:"min iops of the disk volume"`
Namestring`json:"name,omitempty" doc:"name of the disk volume"`
Pathstring`json:"path,omitempty" doc:"the path of the volume"`
PodID*UUID`json:"podid,omitempty" doc:"ID of the pod"`
PodNamestring`json:"podname,omitempty" doc:"name of the pod"`
QuiesceVMbool`json:"quiescevm,omitempty" doc:"need quiesce vm or not when taking snapshot"`
ServiceOfferingDisplayTextstring`json:"serviceofferingdisplaytext,omitempty" doc:"the display text of the service offering for root disk"`
ServiceOfferingID*UUID`json:"serviceofferingid,omitempty" doc:"ID of the service offering for root disk"`
ServiceOfferingNamestring`json:"serviceofferingname,omitempty" doc:"name of the service offering for root disk"`
Sizeuint64`json:"size,omitempty" doc:"size of the disk volume"`
SnapshotID*UUID`json:"snapshotid,omitempty" doc:"ID of the snapshot from which this volume was created"`
Statestring`json:"state,omitempty" doc:"the state of the disk volume"`
Statusstring`json:"status,omitempty" doc:"the status of the volume"`
Storagestring`json:"storage,omitempty" doc:"name of the primary storage hosting the disk volume"`
StorageID*UUID`json:"storageid,omitempty" doc:"id of the primary storage hosting the disk volume; returned to admin user only"`
StorageTypestring`json:"storagetype,omitempty" doc:"shared or local storage"`
Tags[]ResourceTag`json:"tags,omitempty" doc:"the list of resource tags associated with volume"`
TemplateDisplayTextstring`json:"templatedisplaytext,omitempty" doc:"an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine"`
TemplateIDstring`json:"templateid,omitempty" doc:"the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file."`// no *UUID because of the -1 thingy...
TemplateNamestring`json:"templatename,omitempty" doc:"the name of the template for the virtual machine"`
Typestring`json:"type,omitempty" doc:"type of the disk volume (ROOT or DATADISK)"`
VirtualMachineID*UUID`json:"virtualmachineid,omitempty" doc:"id of the virtual machine"`
VMDisplayNamestring`json:"vmdisplayname,omitempty" doc:"display name of the virtual machine"`
VMNamestring`json:"vmname,omitempty" doc:"name of the virtual machine"`
VMStatestring`json:"vmstate,omitempty" doc:"state of the virtual machine"`
ZoneID*UUID`json:"zoneid,omitempty" doc:"ID of the availability zone"`
ZoneNamestring`json:"zonename,omitempty" doc:"name of the availability zone"`
Accountstring`json:"account,omitempty" doc:"list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter."`
DiskOfferingID*UUID`json:"diskofferingid,omitempty" doc:"list volumes by disk offering"`
DisplayVolume*bool`json:"displayvolume,omitempty" doc:"list resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this parameter"`
DomainID*UUID`json:"domainid,omitempty" doc:"list only resources belonging to the domain specified"`
HostID*UUID`json:"hostid,omitempty" doc:"list volumes on specified host"`
ID*UUID`json:"id,omitempty" doc:"the ID of the disk volume"`
IsRecursive*bool`json:"isrecursive,omitempty" doc:"defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves."`
Keywordstring`json:"keyword,omitempty" doc:"List by keyword"`
ListAll*bool`json:"listall,omitempty" doc:"If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false"`
Namestring`json:"name,omitempty" doc:"the name of the disk volume"`
PodID*UUID`json:"podid,omitempty" doc:"the pod id the disk volume belongs to"`
StorageID*UUID`json:"storageid,omitempty" doc:"the ID of the storage pool, available to ROOT admin only"`
Tags[]ResourceTag`json:"tags,omitempty" doc:"List resources by tags (key/value pairs)"`
Typestring`json:"type,omitempty" doc:"the type of disk volume"`
VirtualMachineID*UUID`json:"virtualmachineid,omitempty" doc:"the ID of the virtual machine"`
ZoneID*UUID`json:"zoneid,omitempty" doc:"the ID of the availability zone"`
_bool`name:"listVolumes" description:"Lists all volumes."`