diff --git a/cmd/mount2/mount.go b/cmd/mount2/mount.go
index e9b82dd04..811cab235 100644
--- a/cmd/mount2/mount.go
+++ b/cmd/mount2/mount.go
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ func init() {
 // man mount.fuse for more info and note the -o flag for other options
 func mountOptions(fsys *FS, f fs.Fs, opt *mountlib.Options) (mountOpts *fuse.MountOptions) {
 	mountOpts = &fuse.MountOptions{
-		AllowOther:    fsys.opt.AllowOther,
-		FsName:        opt.DeviceName,
-		Name:          "rclone",
-		DisableXAttrs: true,
-		Debug:         fsys.opt.DebugFUSE,
-		MaxReadAhead:  int(fsys.opt.MaxReadAhead),
-		MaxWrite:      1024 * 1024, // Linux v4.20+ caps requests at 1 MiB
+		AllowOther:         fsys.opt.AllowOther,
+		FsName:             opt.DeviceName,
+		Name:               "rclone",
+		DisableXAttrs:      true,
+		Debug:              fsys.opt.DebugFUSE,
+		MaxReadAhead:       int(fsys.opt.MaxReadAhead),
+		MaxWrite:           1024 * 1024, // Linux v4.20+ caps requests at 1 MiB
 		DisableReadDirPlus: true,
 		// RememberInodes: true,
@@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ func mount(VFS *vfs.VFS, mountpoint string, opt *mountlib.Options) (<-chan error
 		MountOptions: *mountOpts,
 		EntryTimeout: &opt.AttrTimeout,
 		AttrTimeout:  &opt.AttrTimeout,
-		// UID
-		// GID
+		GID:          VFS.Opt.GID,
+		UID:          VFS.Opt.UID,
 	root, err := fsys.Root()
diff --git a/cmd/mount2/node.go b/cmd/mount2/node.go
index fae416d64..20d57e950 100644
--- a/cmd/mount2/node.go
+++ b/cmd/mount2/node.go
@@ -85,17 +85,16 @@ func (n *Node) lookupVfsNodeInDir(leaf string) (vfsNode vfs.Node, errno syscall.
 // will not work.
 func (n *Node) Statfs(ctx context.Context, out *fuse.StatfsOut) syscall.Errno {
 	defer log.Trace(n, "")("out=%+v", &out)
-	out = new(fuse.StatfsOut)
 	const blockSize = 4096
-	const fsBlocks = (1 << 50) / blockSize
-	out.Blocks = fsBlocks  // Total data blocks in file system.
-	out.Bfree = fsBlocks   // Free blocks in file system.
-	out.Bavail = fsBlocks  // Free blocks in file system if you're not root.
-	out.Files = 1e9        // Total files in file system.
-	out.Ffree = 1e9        // Free files in file system.
-	out.Bsize = blockSize  // Block size
-	out.NameLen = 255      // Maximum file name length?
-	out.Frsize = blockSize // Fragment size, smallest addressable data size in the file system.
+	total, _, free := n.fsys.VFS.Statfs()
+	out.Blocks = uint64(total) / blockSize // Total data blocks in file system.
+	out.Bfree = uint64(free) / blockSize   // Free blocks in file system.
+	out.Bavail = out.Bfree                 // Free blocks in file system if you're not root.
+	out.Files = 1e9                        // Total files in file system.
+	out.Ffree = 1e9                        // Free files in file system.
+	out.Bsize = blockSize                  // Block size
+	out.NameLen = 255                      // Maximum file name length?
+	out.Frsize = blockSize                 // Fragment size, smallest addressable data size in the file system.