package fichier

// ListFolderRequest is the request structure of the corresponding request
type ListFolderRequest struct {
	FolderID int `json:"folder_id"`

// ListFilesRequest is the request structure of the corresponding request
type ListFilesRequest struct {
	FolderID int `json:"folder_id"`

// DownloadRequest is the request structure of the corresponding request
type DownloadRequest struct {
	URL    string `json:"url"`
	Single int    `json:"single"`

// RemoveFolderRequest is the request structure of the corresponding request
type RemoveFolderRequest struct {
	FolderID int `json:"folder_id"`

// RemoveFileRequest is the request structure of the corresponding request
type RemoveFileRequest struct {
	Files []RmFile `json:"files"`

// RmFile is the request structure of the corresponding request
type RmFile struct {
	URL string `json:"url"`

// GenericOKResponse is the response structure of the corresponding request
type GenericOKResponse struct {
	Status  string `json:"status"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

// MakeFolderRequest is the request structure of the corresponding request
type MakeFolderRequest struct {
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	FolderID int    `json:"folder_id"`

// MakeFolderResponse is the response structure of the corresponding request
type MakeFolderResponse struct {
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	FolderID int    `json:"folder_id"`

// GetUploadNodeResponse is the response structure of the corresponding request
type GetUploadNodeResponse struct {
	ID  string `json:"id"`
	URL string `json:"url"`

// GetTokenResponse is the response structure of the corresponding request
type GetTokenResponse struct {
	URL     string `json:"url"`
	Status  string `json:"Status"`
	Message string `json:"Message"`

// SharedFolderResponse is the response structure of the corresponding request
type SharedFolderResponse []SharedFile

// SharedFile is the structure how 1Fichier returns a shared File
type SharedFile struct {
	Filename string `json:"filename"`
	Link     string `json:"link"`
	Size     int64  `json:"size"`

// EndFileUploadResponse is the response structure of the corresponding request
type EndFileUploadResponse struct {
	Incoming int `json:"incoming"`
	Links    []struct {
		Download  string `json:"download"`
		Filename  string `json:"filename"`
		Remove    string `json:"remove"`
		Size      string `json:"size"`
		Whirlpool string `json:"whirlpool"`
	} `json:"links"`

// File is the structure how 1Fichier returns a File
type File struct {
	ACL         int    `json:"acl"`
	CDN         int    `json:"cdn"`
	Checksum    string `json:"checksum"`
	ContentType string `json:"content-type"`
	Date        string `json:"date"`
	Filename    string `json:"filename"`
	Pass        int    `json:"pass"`
	Size        int64  `json:"size"`
	URL         string `json:"url"`

// FilesList is the structure how 1Fichier returns a list of files
type FilesList struct {
	Items  []File `json:"items"`
	Status string `json:"Status"`

// Folder is the structure how 1Fichier returns a Folder
type Folder struct {
	CreateDate string `json:"create_date"`
	ID         int    `json:"id"`
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	Pass       int    `json:"pass"`

// FoldersList is the structure how 1Fichier returns a list of Folders
type FoldersList struct {
	FolderID   int      `json:"folder_id"`
	Name       string   `json:"name"`
	Status     string   `json:"Status"`
	SubFolders []Folder `json:"sub_folders"`