package vfs

import (


// Dir represents a directory entry
type Dir struct {
	vfs          *VFS        // read only
	inode        uint64      // read only: inode number
	f            fs.Fs       // read only
	cleanupTimer *time.Timer // read only: timer to call cacheCleanup

	mu      sync.RWMutex // protects the following
	parent  *Dir         // parent, nil for root
	path    string
	entry   fs.Directory
	read    time.Time         // time directory entry last read
	items   map[string]Node   // directory entries - can be empty but not nil
	virtual map[string]vState // virtual directory entries - may be nil
	sys     atomic.Value      // user defined info to be attached here

	modTimeMu sync.Mutex // protects the following
	modTime   time.Time

	_hasVirtual atomic.Bool // shows if the directory has virtual entries

//go:generate stringer -type=vState

// vState describes the state of the virtual directory entries
type vState byte

const (
	vOK      vState = iota // Not virtual
	vAddFile               // added file
	vAddDir                // added directory
	vDel                   // removed file or directory

func newDir(vfs *VFS, f fs.Fs, parent *Dir, fsDir fs.Directory) *Dir {
	d := &Dir{
		vfs:     vfs,
		f:       f,
		parent:  parent,
		entry:   fsDir,
		path:    fsDir.Remote(),
		modTime: fsDir.ModTime(context.TODO()),
		inode:   newInode(),
		items:   make(map[string]Node),
	d.cleanupTimer = time.AfterFunc(vfs.Opt.DirCacheTime*2, d.cacheCleanup)
	return d

func (d *Dir) cacheCleanup() {
	defer func() {
		// We should never panic here
		_ = recover()

	when := time.Now()
	_, stale := d._age(when)

	if stale {

// String converts it to printable
func (d *Dir) String() string {
	if d == nil {
		return "<nil *Dir>"
	return d.path + "/"

// Dumps the directory tree to the string builder with the given indent
//lint:ignore U1000 false positive when running staticcheck,
//nolint:unused // Don't include unused when running golangci-lint
func (d *Dir) dumpIndent(out *strings.Builder, indent string) {
	if d == nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s<nil *Dir>\n", indent)
	fmt.Fprintf(out, "%sPath: %s\n", indent, d.path)
	fmt.Fprintf(out, "%sEntry: %v\n", indent, d.entry)
	fmt.Fprintf(out, "%sRead: %v\n", indent,
	fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s- items %d\n", indent, len(d.items))
	// Sort?
	for leaf, node := range d.items {
		switch x := node.(type) {
		case *Dir:
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s  %s/ - %v\n", indent, leaf, x)
			// check the parent is correct
			if x.parent != d {
				fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s  PARENT POINTER WRONG\n", indent)
			x.dumpIndent(out, indent+"\t")
		case *File:
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s  %s - %v\n", indent, leaf, x)
			panic("bad dir entry")
	fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s- virtual %d\n", indent, len(d.virtual))
	for leaf, state := range d.virtual {
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s  %s - %v\n", indent, leaf, state)

// Dumps a nicely formatted directory tree to a string
//lint:ignore U1000 false positive when running staticcheck,
//nolint:unused // Don't include unused when running golangci-lint
func (d *Dir) dump() string {
	var out strings.Builder
	d.dumpIndent(&out, "")
	return out.String()

// IsFile returns false for Dir - satisfies Node interface
func (d *Dir) IsFile() bool {
	return false

// IsDir returns true for Dir - satisfies Node interface
func (d *Dir) IsDir() bool {
	return true

// Mode bits of the directory - satisfies Node interface
func (d *Dir) Mode() (mode os.FileMode) {
	return d.vfs.Opt.DirPerms

// Name (base) of the directory - satisfies Node interface
func (d *Dir) Name() (name string) {
	name = path.Base(d.path)
	if name == "." {
		name = "/"
	return name

// Path of the directory - satisfies Node interface
func (d *Dir) Path() (name string) {
	return d.path

// Sys returns underlying data source (can be nil) - satisfies Node interface
func (d *Dir) Sys() interface{} {
	return d.sys.Load()

// SetSys sets the underlying data source (can be nil) - satisfies Node interface
func (d *Dir) SetSys(x interface{}) {

// Inode returns the inode number - satisfies Node interface
func (d *Dir) Inode() uint64 {
	return d.inode

// Node returns the Node associated with this - satisfies Noder interface
func (d *Dir) Node() Node {
	return d

// hasVirtual returns whether the directory has virtual entries
func (d *Dir) hasVirtual() bool {
	return d._hasVirtual.Load()

// setHasVirtual sets the hasVirtual flag for the directory
func (d *Dir) setHasVirtual(hasVirtual bool) {

// ForgetAll forgets directory entries for this directory and any children.
// It does not invalidate or clear the cache of the parent directory.
// It returns true if the directory or any of its children had virtual entries
// so could not be forgotten. Children which didn't have virtual entries and
// children with virtual entries will be forgotten even if true is returned.
func (d *Dir) ForgetAll() (hasVirtual bool) {

	fs.Debugf(d.path, "forgetting directory cache")
	for _, node := range d.items {
		if dir, ok := node.(*Dir); ok {
			if dir.ForgetAll() {

	// Purge any unnecessary virtual entries
	d._purgeVirtual() = time.Time{}

	// Check if this dir has virtual entries
	if len(d.virtual) != 0 {

	// Don't clear directory entries if there are virtual entries in this
	// directory or any children
	if !d.hasVirtual() {
		d.items = make(map[string]Node)

	return d.hasVirtual()

// forgetDirPath clears the cache for itself and all subdirectories if
// they match the given path. The path is specified relative from the
// directory it is called from.
// It does not invalidate or clear the cache of the parent directory.
func (d *Dir) forgetDirPath(relativePath string) {
	dir := d.cachedDir(relativePath)
	if dir == nil {

// invalidateDir invalidates the directory cache for absPath relative to the root
func (d *Dir) invalidateDir(absPath string) {
	node := d.vfs.root.cachedNode(absPath)
	if dir, ok := node.(*Dir); ok {
		if ! {
			fs.Debugf(dir.path, "invalidating directory cache") = time.Time{}

// changeNotify invalidates the directory cache for the relativePath
// passed in.
// if entryType is a directory it invalidates the parent of the directory too.
func (d *Dir) changeNotify(relativePath string, entryType fs.EntryType) {
	defer log.Trace(d.path, "relativePath=%q, type=%v", relativePath, entryType)("")
	absPath := path.Join(d.path, relativePath)
	if entryType == fs.EntryDirectory {

// ForgetPath clears the cache for itself and all subdirectories if
// they match the given path. The path is specified relative from the
// directory it is called from. The cache of the parent directory is
// marked as stale, but not cleared otherwise.
// It is not possible to traverse the directory tree upwards, i.e.
// you cannot clear the cache for the Dir's ancestors or siblings.
func (d *Dir) ForgetPath(relativePath string, entryType fs.EntryType) {
	defer log.Trace(d.path, "relativePath=%q, type=%v", relativePath, entryType)("")
	absPath := path.Join(d.path, relativePath)
	if absPath != "" {
	if entryType == fs.EntryDirectory {

// walk runs a function on all cached directories. It will be called
// on a directory's children first.
// The mutex will be held for the directory when fun is called
func (d *Dir) walk(fun func(*Dir)) {
	for _, node := range d.items {
		if dir, ok := node.(*Dir); ok {


// countActiveWriters returns the number of writers active in this
// directory and any subdirectories.
func (d *Dir) countActiveWriters() (writers int) {
	d.walk(func(d *Dir) {
		// NB is held by walk() here
		fs.Debugf(d.path, "Looking for writers")
		for leaf, item := range d.items {
			fs.Debugf(leaf, "reading active writers")
			if file, ok := item.(*File); ok {
				n := file.activeWriters()
				if n != 0 {
					fs.Debugf(file, "active writers %d", n)
				writers += n
	return writers

// age returns the duration since the last time the directory contents
// was read and the content is considered stale. age will be 0 and
// stale true if the last read time is empty.
// age must be called with held.
func (d *Dir) _age(when time.Time) (age time.Duration, stale bool) {
	if {
		return age, true
	age = when.Sub(
	stale = age > d.vfs.Opt.DirCacheTime

// renameTree renames the directories under this directory
// path should be the desired path
func (d *Dir) renameTree(dirPath string) {

	// Make sure the path is correct for each node
	if d.path != dirPath {
		fs.Debugf(d.path, "Renaming to %q", dirPath)
		d.path = dirPath
		d.entry = fs.NewDirCopy(context.TODO(), d.entry).SetRemote(dirPath)

	// Do the same to any child directories and files
	for leaf, node := range d.items {
		switch x := node.(type) {
		case *Dir:
			x.renameTree(path.Join(dirPath, leaf))
		case *File:
			panic("bad dir entry")

// rename should be called after the directory is renamed
// Reset the directory to new state, discarding all the objects and
// reading everything again
func (d *Dir) rename(newParent *Dir, fsDir fs.Directory) {

	d.modTime = fsDir.ModTime(context.TODO())
	oldPath := d.path
	d.parent = newParent
	d.entry = fsDir
	d.path = fsDir.Remote()
	newPath := d.path = time.Time{}

	// Rename any remaining items in the tree that we couldn't forget

	// Rename in the cache
	if d.vfs.cache != nil && d.vfs.cache.DirExists(oldPath) {
		if err := d.vfs.cache.DirRename(oldPath, newPath); err != nil {
			fs.Infof(d, "Dir.Rename failed in Cache: %v", err)

// addObject adds a new object or directory to the directory
// The name passed in is marked as virtual as it hasn't been read from a remote
// directory listing.
// note that we add new objects rather than updating old ones
func (d *Dir) addObject(node Node) {
	leaf := node.Name()
	d.items[leaf] = node
	if d.virtual == nil {
		d.virtual = make(map[string]vState)
	vAdd := vAddFile
	if node.IsDir() {
		vAdd = vAddDir
	d.virtual[leaf] = vAdd
	fs.Debugf(d.path, "Added virtual directory entry %v: %q", vAdd, leaf)

// AddVirtual adds a virtual object of name and size to the directory
// This will be replaced with a real object when it is read back from the
// remote.
// This is used to add directory entries while things are uploading
func (d *Dir) AddVirtual(leaf string, size int64, isDir bool) {
	var node Node
	dPath := d.path
	_, found := d.items[leaf]
	if found {
		// Don't overwrite existing objects
	if isDir {
		remote := path.Join(dPath, leaf)
		entry := fs.NewDir(remote, time.Now())
		node = newDir(d.vfs, d.f, d, entry)
	} else {
		f := newFile(d, dPath, nil, leaf)
		node = f


// delObject removes an object from the directory
// The name passed in is marked as virtual as the delete it hasn't been read
// from a remote directory listing.
func (d *Dir) delObject(leaf string) {
	delete(d.items, leaf)
	if d.virtual == nil {
		d.virtual = make(map[string]vState)
	d.virtual[leaf] = vDel
	fs.Debugf(d.path, "Added virtual directory entry %v: %q", vDel, leaf)

// DelVirtual removes an object from the directory listing
// It marks it as removed until it has confirmed the object is missing when the
// directory entries are re-read in.
// This is used to remove directory entries after things have been deleted or
// renamed but before we've had confirmation from the backend.
func (d *Dir) DelVirtual(leaf string) {

// read the directory and sets d.items - must be called with the lock held
func (d *Dir) _readDir() error {
	when := time.Now()
	if age, stale := d._age(when); stale {
		if age != 0 {
			fs.Debugf(d.path, "Re-reading directory (%v old)", age)
	} else {
		return nil
	entries, err := list.DirSorted(context.TODO(), d.f, false, d.path)
	if err == fs.ErrorDirNotFound {
		// We treat directory not found as empty because we
		// create directories on the fly
	} else if err != nil {
		return err

	err = d._readDirFromEntries(entries, nil, time.Time{})
	if err != nil {
		return err
	} = when
	d.cleanupTimer.Reset(d.vfs.Opt.DirCacheTime * 2)

	return nil

// update d.items for each dir in the DirTree below this one and
// set the last read time - must be called with the lock held
func (d *Dir) _readDirFromDirTree(dirTree dirtree.DirTree, when time.Time) error {
	return d._readDirFromEntries(dirTree[d.path], dirTree, when)

// Remove the virtual directory entry leaf
func (d *Dir) _deleteVirtual(name string) {
	virtualState, ok := d.virtual[name]
	if !ok {
	delete(d.virtual, name)
	if len(d.virtual) == 0 {
		d.virtual = nil
	fs.Debugf(d.path, "Removed virtual directory entry %v: %q", virtualState, name)

// Purge virtual entries assuming the directory has just been re-read
// Remove all the entries except:
// 1) vDirAdd on remotes which can't have empty directories. These will remain
// virtual as long as the directory is empty. When the directory becomes real
// (ie files are added) the virtual directory will be removed. This means that
// directories will disappear when the last file is deleted which is probably
// OK.
// 2) vFileAdd that are being written or uploaded
func (d *Dir) _purgeVirtual() {
	canHaveEmptyDirectories := d.f.Features().CanHaveEmptyDirectories
	for name, virtualState := range d.virtual {
		switch virtualState {
		case vAddDir:
			if canHaveEmptyDirectories {
				// if remote can have empty directories then a
				// new dir will be read in the listing
				//} else {
				// leave the empty directory marker
		case vAddFile:
			// Delete all virtual file adds that have finished uploading
			node, ok := d.items[name]
			if !ok {
				// if the object has disappeared somehow then remove the virtual
			f, ok := node.(*File)
			if !ok {
				// if the object isn't a file then remove the virtual as it is wrong
			if f.writingInProgress() {
				// if writing in progress then leave virtual
			if d.vfs.Opt.CacheMode >= vfscommon.CacheModeMinimal && d.vfs.cache.InUse(f.Path()) {
				// if object in use or dirty then leave virtual

// Manage the virtuals in a listing
// This keeps a record of the names listed in this directory so far
type manageVirtuals map[string]struct{}

// Create a new manageVirtuals and purge the d.virtuals of any entries which can
// be removed.
// must be called with the Dir lock held
func (d *Dir) _newManageVirtuals() manageVirtuals {
	tv := make(manageVirtuals)
	return tv

// This should be called for every entry added to the directory
// It returns true if this entry should be skipped.
// must be called with the Dir lock held
func (mv manageVirtuals) add(d *Dir, name string) bool {
	// Keep a record of all names listed
	mv[name] = struct{}{}
	// Remove virtuals if possible
	switch d.virtual[name] {
	case vAddFile, vAddDir:
		// item was added to the dir but since it is found in a
		// listing is no longer virtual
	case vDel:
		// item is deleted from the dir so skip it
		return true
	case vOK:
	return false

// This should be called after the directory entry is read to update d.items
// with virtual entries
// must be called with the Dir lock held
func (mv manageVirtuals) end(d *Dir) {
	// delete unused d.items
	for name := range d.items {
		if _, ok := mv[name]; !ok {
			// name was previously in the directory but wasn't found
			// in the current listing
			switch d.virtual[name] {
			case vAddFile, vAddDir:
				// virtually added so leave virtual item
				// otherwise delete it
				delete(d.items, name)
	// delete unused d.virtual~s
	for name, virtualState := range d.virtual {
		if _, ok := mv[name]; !ok {
			// name exists as a virtual but isn't in the current
			// listing so if it is a virtual delete we can remove it
			// as it is no longer needed.
			if virtualState == vDel {

// update d.items and if dirTree is not nil update each dir in the DirTree below this one and
// set the last read time - must be called with the lock held
func (d *Dir) _readDirFromEntries(entries fs.DirEntries, dirTree dirtree.DirTree, when time.Time) error {
	var err error
	mv := d._newManageVirtuals()
	for _, entry := range entries {
		name := path.Base(entry.Remote())
		if name == "." || name == ".." {
		node := d.items[name]
		if mv.add(d, name) {
		switch item := entry.(type) {
		case fs.Object:
			obj := item
			// Reuse old file value if it exists
			if file, ok := node.(*File); node != nil && ok {
			} else {
				node = newFile(d, d.path, obj, name)
		case fs.Directory:
			// Reuse old dir value if it exists
			if node == nil || !node.IsDir() {
				node = newDir(d.vfs, d.f, d, item)
			if dirTree != nil {
				dir := node.(*Dir)
				err = dir._readDirFromDirTree(dirTree, when)
				if err != nil { = time.Time{}
				} else { = when
					dir.cleanupTimer.Reset(d.vfs.Opt.DirCacheTime * 2)
				if err != nil {
					return err
			err = fmt.Errorf("unknown type %T", item)
			fs.Errorf(d, "readDir error: %v", err)
			return err
		d.items[name] = node
	return nil

// readDirTree forces a refresh of the complete directory tree
func (d *Dir) readDirTree() error {
	f, path := d.f, d.path
	when := time.Now()
	fs.Debugf(path, "Reading directory tree")
	dt, err := walk.NewDirTree(context.TODO(), f, path, false, -1)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer = time.Time{}
	err = d._readDirFromDirTree(dt, when)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fs.Debugf(d.path, "Reading directory tree done in %s", time.Since(when)) = when
	d.cleanupTimer.Reset(d.vfs.Opt.DirCacheTime * 2)
	return nil

// readDir forces a refresh of the directory
func (d *Dir) readDir() error {
	defer = time.Time{}
	return d._readDir()

// stat a single item in the directory
// returns ENOENT if not found.
// returns a custom error if directory on a case-insensitive file system
// contains files with names that differ only by case.
func (d *Dir) stat(leaf string) (Node, error) {
	err := d._readDir()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	item, ok := d.items[leaf]

	if !ok && d.vfs.Opt.CaseInsensitive {
		leafLower := strings.ToLower(leaf)
		for name, node := range d.items {
			if strings.ToLower(name) == leafLower {
				if ok {
					// duplicate case insensitive match is an error
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate filename %q detected with --vfs-case-insensitive set", leaf)
				// found a case insensitive match
				ok = true
				item = node

	if !ok {
		return nil, ENOENT
	return item, nil

// Check to see if a directory is empty
func (d *Dir) isEmpty() (bool, error) {
	err := d._readDir()
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	return len(d.items) == 0, nil

// ModTime returns the modification time of the directory
func (d *Dir) ModTime() time.Time {
	defer d.modTimeMu.Unlock()
	// fs.Debugf(d.path, "Dir.ModTime %v", d.modTime)
	return d.modTime

// Size of the directory
func (d *Dir) Size() int64 {
	return 0

// SetModTime sets the modTime for this dir
func (d *Dir) SetModTime(modTime time.Time) error {
	if d.vfs.Opt.ReadOnly {
		return EROFS
	d.modTime = modTime
	return nil

func (d *Dir) cachedDir(relativePath string) (dir *Dir) {
	dir, _ = d.cachedNode(relativePath).(*Dir)

func (d *Dir) cachedNode(relativePath string) Node {
	segments := strings.Split(strings.Trim(relativePath, "/"), "/")
	var node Node = d
	for _, s := range segments {
		if s == "" {
		if dir, ok := node.(*Dir); ok {
			node = dir.items[s]

			if node != nil {
		return nil

	return node

// Stat looks up a specific entry in the receiver.
// Stat should return a Node corresponding to the entry.  If the
// name does not exist in the directory, Stat should return ENOENT.
// Stat need not to handle the names "." and "..".
func (d *Dir) Stat(name string) (node Node, err error) {
	// fs.Debugf(path, "Dir.Stat")
	node, err = d.stat(name)
	if err != nil {
		if err != ENOENT {
			fs.Errorf(d, "Dir.Stat error: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	// fs.Debugf(path, "Dir.Stat OK")
	return node, nil

// ReadDirAll reads the contents of the directory sorted
func (d *Dir) ReadDirAll() (items Nodes, err error) {
	// fs.Debugf(d.path, "Dir.ReadDirAll")
	err = d._readDir()
	if err != nil {
		fs.Debugf(d.path, "Dir.ReadDirAll error: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	for _, item := range d.items {
		items = append(items, item)
	// fs.Debugf(d.path, "Dir.ReadDirAll OK with %d entries", len(items))
	return items, nil

// accessModeMask masks off the read modes from the flags
const accessModeMask = (os.O_RDONLY | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_RDWR)

// Open the directory according to the flags provided
func (d *Dir) Open(flags int) (fd Handle, err error) {
	rdwrMode := flags & accessModeMask
	if rdwrMode != os.O_RDONLY {
		fs.Errorf(d, "Can only open directories read only")
		return nil, EPERM
	return newDirHandle(d), nil

// Create makes a new file node
func (d *Dir) Create(name string, flags int) (*File, error) {
	// fs.Debugf(path, "Dir.Create")
	// Return existing node if one exists
	node, err := d.stat(name)
	switch err {
	case ENOENT:
		// not found, carry on
	case nil:
		// found so check what it is
		if node.IsFile() {
			return node.(*File), err
		return nil, EEXIST // EISDIR would be better but we don't have that
		// a different error - report
		fs.Errorf(d, "Dir.Create stat failed: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	// node doesn't exist so create it
	if d.vfs.Opt.ReadOnly {
		return nil, EROFS
	// This gets added to the directory when the file is opened for write
	return newFile(d, d.Path(), nil, name), nil

// Mkdir creates a new directory
func (d *Dir) Mkdir(name string) (*Dir, error) {
	if d.vfs.Opt.ReadOnly {
		return nil, EROFS
	path := path.Join(d.path, name)
	node, err := d.stat(name)
	switch err {
	case ENOENT:
		// not found, carry on
	case nil:
		// found so check what it is
		if node.IsDir() {
			return node.(*Dir), err
		return nil, EEXIST
		// a different error - report
		fs.Errorf(d, "Dir.Mkdir failed to read directory: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	// fs.Debugf(path, "Dir.Mkdir")
	err = d.f.Mkdir(context.TODO(), path)
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(d, "Dir.Mkdir failed to create directory: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	fsDir := fs.NewDir(path, time.Now())
	dir := newDir(d.vfs, d.f, d, fsDir)
	// fs.Debugf(path, "Dir.Mkdir OK")
	return dir, nil

// Remove the directory
func (d *Dir) Remove() error {
	if d.vfs.Opt.ReadOnly {
		return EROFS
	// Check directory is empty first
	empty, err := d.isEmpty()
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(d, "Dir.Remove dir error: %v", err)
		return err
	if !empty {
		fs.Errorf(d, "Dir.Remove not empty")
		return ENOTEMPTY
	// remove directory
	err = d.f.Rmdir(context.TODO(), d.path)
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(d, "Dir.Remove failed to remove directory: %v", err)
		return err
	// Remove the item from the parent directory listing
	if d.parent != nil {
	return nil

// RemoveAll removes the directory and any contents recursively
func (d *Dir) RemoveAll() error {
	if d.vfs.Opt.ReadOnly {
		return EROFS
	// Remove contents of the directory
	nodes, err := d.ReadDirAll()
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(d, "Dir.RemoveAll failed to read directory: %v", err)
		return err
	for _, node := range nodes {
		err = node.RemoveAll()
		if err != nil {
			fs.Errorf(node.Path(), "Dir.RemoveAll failed to remove: %v", err)
			return err
	return d.Remove()

// DirEntry returns the underlying fs.DirEntry
func (d *Dir) DirEntry() (entry fs.DirEntry) {
	return d.entry

// RemoveName removes the entry with the given name from the receiver,
// which must be a directory.  The entry to be removed may correspond
// to a file (unlink) or to a directory (rmdir).
func (d *Dir) RemoveName(name string) error {
	if d.vfs.Opt.ReadOnly {
		return EROFS
	// fs.Debugf(path, "Dir.Remove")
	node, err := d.stat(name)
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(d, "Dir.Remove error: %v", err)
		return err
	return node.Remove()

// Rename the file
func (d *Dir) Rename(oldName, newName string, destDir *Dir) error {
	// fs.Debugf(d, "BEFORE\n%s", d.dump())
	if d.vfs.Opt.ReadOnly {
		return EROFS
	oldPath := path.Join(d.path, oldName)
	newPath := path.Join(destDir.path, newName)
	// fs.Debugf(oldPath, "Dir.Rename to %q", newPath)
	oldNode, err := d.stat(oldName)
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(oldPath, "Dir.Rename error: %v", err)
		return err
	switch x := oldNode.DirEntry().(type) {
	case nil:
		if oldFile, ok := oldNode.(*File); ok {
			if err = oldFile.rename(context.TODO(), destDir, newName); err != nil {
				fs.Errorf(oldPath, "Dir.Rename error: %v", err)
				return err
		} else {
			fs.Errorf(oldPath, "Dir.Rename can't rename open file that is not a vfs.File")
			return EPERM
	case fs.Object:
		if oldFile, ok := oldNode.(*File); ok {
			if err = oldFile.rename(context.TODO(), destDir, newName); err != nil {
				fs.Errorf(oldPath, "Dir.Rename error: %v", err)
				return err
		} else {
			err := fmt.Errorf("Fs %q can't rename file that is not a vfs.File", d.f)
			fs.Errorf(oldPath, "Dir.Rename error: %v", err)
			return err
	case fs.Directory:
		features := d.f.Features()
		if features.DirMove == nil && features.Move == nil && features.Copy == nil {
			err := fmt.Errorf("Fs %q can't rename directories (no DirMove, Move or Copy)", d.f)
			fs.Errorf(oldPath, "Dir.Rename error: %v", err)
			return err
		srcRemote := x.Remote()
		dstRemote := newPath
		err = operations.DirMove(context.TODO(), d.f, srcRemote, dstRemote)
		if err != nil {
			fs.Errorf(oldPath, "Dir.Rename error: %v", err)
			return err
		newDir := fs.NewDirCopy(context.TODO(), x).SetRemote(newPath)
		// Update the node with the new details
		if oldNode != nil {
			if oldDir, ok := oldNode.(*Dir); ok {
				fs.Debugf(x, "Updating dir with %v %p", newDir, oldDir)
				oldDir.rename(destDir, newDir)
		err = fmt.Errorf("unknown type %T", oldNode)
		fs.Errorf(d.path, "Dir.Rename error: %v", err)
		return err

	// Show moved - delete from old dir and add to new

	// fs.Debugf(newPath, "Dir.Rename renamed from %q", oldPath)
	// fs.Debugf(d, "AFTER\n%s", d.dump())
	return nil

// Sync the directory
// Note that we don't do anything except return OK
func (d *Dir) Sync() error {
	return nil

// VFS returns the instance of the VFS
func (d *Dir) VFS() *VFS {
	// No locking required
	return d.vfs

// Fs returns the Fs that the Dir is on
func (d *Dir) Fs() fs.Fs {
	// No locking required
	return d.f

// Truncate changes the size of the named file.
func (d *Dir) Truncate(size int64) error {
	return ENOSYS