// This deals with caching of files locally

package vfs

import (

	fscache "github.com/rclone/rclone/fs/cache"

// CacheMode controls the functionality of the cache
type CacheMode byte

// CacheMode options
const (
	CacheModeOff     CacheMode = iota // cache nothing - return errors for writes which can't be satisfied
	CacheModeMinimal                  // cache only the minimum, eg read/write opens
	CacheModeWrites                   // cache all files opened with write intent
	CacheModeFull                     // cache all files opened in any mode

var cacheModeToString = []string{
	CacheModeOff:     "off",
	CacheModeMinimal: "minimal",
	CacheModeWrites:  "writes",
	CacheModeFull:    "full",

// String turns a CacheMode into a string
func (l CacheMode) String() string {
	if l >= CacheMode(len(cacheModeToString)) {
		return fmt.Sprintf("CacheMode(%d)", l)
	return cacheModeToString[l]

// Set a CacheMode
func (l *CacheMode) Set(s string) error {
	for n, name := range cacheModeToString {
		if s != "" && name == s {
			*l = CacheMode(n)
			return nil
	return errors.Errorf("Unknown cache mode level %q", s)

// Type of the value
func (l *CacheMode) Type() string {
	return "CacheMode"

// cache opened files
type cache struct {
	f      fs.Fs                 // fs for the cache directory
	opt    *Options              // vfs Options
	root   string                // root of the cache directory
	itemMu sync.Mutex            // protects the following variables
	item   map[string]*cacheItem // files/directories in the cache
	used   int64                 // total size of files in the cache

// cacheItem is stored in the item map
type cacheItem struct {
	opens  int       // number of times file is open
	atime  time.Time // last time file was accessed
	isFile bool      // if this is a file or a directory
	size   int64     // size of the cached item

// newCacheItem returns an item for the cache
func newCacheItem(isFile bool) *cacheItem {
	return &cacheItem{atime: time.Now(), isFile: isFile}

// newCache creates a new cache heirachy for f
// This starts background goroutines which can be cancelled with the
// context passed in.
func newCache(ctx context.Context, f fs.Fs, opt *Options) (*cache, error) {
	fRoot := filepath.FromSlash(f.Root())
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		if strings.HasPrefix(fRoot, `\\?`) {
			fRoot = fRoot[3:]
		fRoot = strings.Replace(fRoot, ":", "", -1)
	root := filepath.Join(config.CacheDir, "vfs", f.Name(), fRoot)
	fs.Debugf(nil, "vfs cache root is %q", root)

	f, err := fscache.Get(root)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create cache remote")

	c := &cache{
		f:    f,
		opt:  opt,
		root: root,
		item: make(map[string]*cacheItem),

	go c.cleaner(ctx)

	return c, nil

// findParent returns the parent directory of name, or "" for the root
func findParent(name string) string {
	parent := filepath.Dir(name)
	if parent == "." || parent == "/" {
		parent = ""
	return parent

// clean returns the cleaned version of name for use in the index map
func clean(name string) string {
	name = strings.Trim(name, "/")
	name = filepath.Clean(name)
	if name == "." || name == "/" {
		name = ""
	return name

// toOSPath turns a remote relative name into an OS path in the cache
func (c *cache) toOSPath(name string) string {
	return filepath.Join(c.root, filepath.FromSlash(name))

// mkdir makes the directory for name in the cache and returns an os
// path for the file
func (c *cache) mkdir(name string) (string, error) {
	parent := findParent(name)
	leaf := filepath.Base(name)
	parentPath := c.toOSPath(parent)
	err := os.MkdirAll(parentPath, 0700)
	if err != nil {
		return "", errors.Wrap(err, "make cache directory failed")
	return filepath.Join(parentPath, leaf), nil

// _get gets name from the cache or creates a new one
// It returns the item and found as to whether this item was found in
// the cache (or just created).
// name should be a remote path not an osPath
// must be called with itemMu held
func (c *cache) _get(isFile bool, name string) (item *cacheItem, found bool) {
	item = c.item[name]
	found = item != nil
	if !found {
		item = newCacheItem(isFile)
		c.item[name] = item
	return item, found

// opens returns the number of opens that are on the file
// name should be a remote path not an osPath
func (c *cache) opens(name string) int {
	name = clean(name)
	defer c.itemMu.Unlock()
	item := c.item[name]
	if item == nil {
		return 0
	return item.opens

// get gets name from the cache or creates a new one
// name should be a remote path not an osPath
func (c *cache) get(name string) *cacheItem {
	name = clean(name)
	item, _ := c._get(true, name)
	return item

// updateStat sets the atime of the name to that passed in if it is
// newer than the existing or there isn't an existing time.
// it also sets the size
// name should be a remote path not an osPath
func (c *cache) updateStat(name string, when time.Time, size int64) {
	name = clean(name)
	item, found := c._get(true, name)
	if !found || when.Sub(item.atime) > 0 {
		fs.Debugf(name, "updateTime: setting atime to %v", when)
		item.atime = when
	item.size = size

// _open marks name as open, must be called with the lock held
// name should be a remote path not an osPath
func (c *cache) _open(isFile bool, name string) {
	for {
		item, _ := c._get(isFile, name)
		item.atime = time.Now()
		if name == "" {
		isFile = false
		name = findParent(name)

// open marks name as open
// name should be a remote path not an osPath
func (c *cache) open(name string) {
	name = clean(name)
	c._open(true, name)

// cacheDir marks a directory and its parents as being in the cache
// name should be a remote path not an osPath
func (c *cache) cacheDir(name string) {
	name = clean(name)
	defer c.itemMu.Unlock()
	for {
		item := c.item[name]
		if item != nil {
		c.item[name] = newCacheItem(false)
		if name == "" {
		name = findParent(name)

// exists checks to see if the file exists in the cache or not
func (c *cache) exists(name string) bool {
	osPath := c.toOSPath(name)
	fi, err := os.Stat(osPath)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	// checks for non-regular files (e.g. directories, symlinks, devices, etc.)
	if !fi.Mode().IsRegular() {
		return false
	return true

// renames the file in cache
func (c *cache) rename(name string, newName string) (err error) {
	osOldPath := c.toOSPath(name)
	osNewPath := c.toOSPath(newName)
	sfi, err := os.Stat(osOldPath)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to stat source: %s", osOldPath)
	if !sfi.Mode().IsRegular() {
		// cannot copy non-regular files (e.g., directories, symlinks, devices, etc.)
		return errors.Errorf("Non-regular source file: %s (%q)", sfi.Name(), sfi.Mode().String())
	dfi, err := os.Stat(osNewPath)
	if err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to stat destination: %s", osNewPath)
		parent := findParent(osNewPath)
		err = os.MkdirAll(parent, 0700)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create parent dir: %s", parent)
	} else {
		if !(dfi.Mode().IsRegular()) {
			return errors.Errorf("Non-regular destination file: %s (%q)", dfi.Name(), dfi.Mode().String())
		if os.SameFile(sfi, dfi) {
			return nil
	if err = os.Rename(osOldPath, osNewPath); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to rename in cache: %s to %s", osOldPath, osNewPath)
	// Rename the cache item
	if oldItem, ok := c.item[name]; ok {
		c.item[newName] = oldItem
		delete(c.item, name)
	fs.Infof(name, "Renamed in cache")
	return nil

// _close marks name as closed - must be called with the lock held
func (c *cache) _close(isFile bool, name string) {
	for {
		item, _ := c._get(isFile, name)
		item.atime = time.Now()
		if item.opens < 0 {
			fs.Errorf(name, "cache: double close")
		osPath := c.toOSPath(name)
		fi, err := os.Stat(osPath)
		// Update the size on close
		if err == nil && !fi.IsDir() {
			item.size = fi.Size()
		if name == "" {
		isFile = false
		name = findParent(name)

// close marks name as closed
// name should be a remote path not an osPath
func (c *cache) close(name string) {
	name = clean(name)
	c._close(true, name)

// remove should be called if name is deleted
func (c *cache) remove(name string) {
	osPath := c.toOSPath(name)
	err := os.Remove(osPath)
	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		fs.Errorf(name, "Failed to remove from cache: %v", err)
	} else {
		fs.Infof(name, "Removed from cache")

// removeDir should be called if dir is deleted and returns true if
// the directory is gone.
func (c *cache) removeDir(dir string) bool {
	osPath := c.toOSPath(dir)
	err := os.Remove(osPath)
	if err == nil || os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err == nil {
			fs.Debugf(dir, "Removed empty directory")
		return true
	if !os.IsExist(err) {
		fs.Errorf(dir, "Failed to remove cached dir: %v", err)
	return false

// setModTime should be called to set the modification time of the cache file
func (c *cache) setModTime(name string, modTime time.Time) {
	osPath := c.toOSPath(name)
	err := os.Chtimes(osPath, modTime, modTime)
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(name, "Failed to set modification time of cached file: %v", err)

// cleanUp empties the cache of everything
func (c *cache) cleanUp() error {
	return os.RemoveAll(c.root)

// walk walks the cache calling the function
func (c *cache) walk(fn func(osPath string, fi os.FileInfo, name string) error) error {
	return filepath.Walk(c.root, func(osPath string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// Find path relative to the cache root
		name, err := filepath.Rel(c.root, osPath)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Wrap(err, "filepath.Rel failed in walk")
		if name == "." {
			name = ""
		// And convert into slashes
		name = filepath.ToSlash(name)

		return fn(osPath, fi, name)

// updateStats walks the cache updating any atimes and sizes it finds
// it also updates used
func (c *cache) updateStats() error {
	var newUsed int64
	err := c.walk(func(osPath string, fi os.FileInfo, name string) error {
		if !fi.IsDir() {
			// Update the atime with that of the file
			atime := times.Get(fi).AccessTime()
			c.updateStat(name, atime, fi.Size())
			newUsed += fi.Size()
		} else {
		return nil
	c.used = newUsed
	return err

// purgeOld gets rid of any files that are over age
func (c *cache) purgeOld(maxAge time.Duration) {
	c._purgeOld(maxAge, c.remove)

func (c *cache) _purgeOld(maxAge time.Duration, remove func(name string)) {
	defer c.itemMu.Unlock()
	cutoff := time.Now().Add(-maxAge)
	for name, item := range c.item {
		if item.isFile && item.opens == 0 {
			// If not locked and access time too long ago - delete the file
			dt := item.atime.Sub(cutoff)
			// fs.Debugf(name, "atime=%v cutoff=%v, dt=%v", item.atime, cutoff, dt)
			if dt < 0 {
				// Remove the entry
				delete(c.item, name)

// Purge any empty directories
func (c *cache) purgeEmptyDirs() {

func (c *cache) _purgeEmptyDirs(removeDir func(name string) bool) {
	defer c.itemMu.Unlock()
	var dirs []string
	for name, item := range c.item {
		if !item.isFile && item.opens == 0 {
			dirs = append(dirs, name)
	// remove empty directories in reverse alphabetical order
	for i := len(dirs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		dir := dirs[i]
		// Remove the entry
		if removeDir(dir) {
			delete(c.item, dir)

// This is a cacheItem with a name for sorting
type cacheNamedItem struct {
	name string
	item *cacheItem
type cacheNamedItems []cacheNamedItem

func (v cacheNamedItems) Len() int           { return len(v) }
func (v cacheNamedItems) Swap(i, j int)      { v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] }
func (v cacheNamedItems) Less(i, j int) bool { return v[i].item.atime.Before(v[j].item.atime) }

// Remove any files that are over quota starting from the
// oldest first
func (c *cache) purgeOverQuota(quota int64) {
	c._purgeOverQuota(quota, c.remove)

func (c *cache) _purgeOverQuota(quota int64, remove func(name string)) {
	defer c.itemMu.Unlock()

	if quota <= 0 || c.used < quota {

	var items cacheNamedItems

	// Make a slice of unused files
	for name, item := range c.item {
		if item.isFile && item.opens == 0 {
			items = append(items, cacheNamedItem{
				name: name,
				item: item,

	// Remove items until the quota is OK
	for _, item := range items {
		if c.used < quota {
		// Remove the entry
		delete(c.item, item.name)
		c.used -= item.item.size

// clean empties the cache of stuff if it can
func (c *cache) clean() {
	// Cache may be empty so end
	_, err := os.Stat(c.root)
	if os.IsNotExist(err) {

	oldItems, oldUsed := len(c.item), fs.SizeSuffix(c.used)

	// first walk the FS to update the atimes and sizes
	err = c.updateStats()
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(nil, "Error traversing cache %q: %v", c.root, err)

	// Remove any files that are over age

	// Now remove any files that are over quota starting from the
	// oldest first

	// Remove any empty directories

	// Stats
	newItems, newUsed := len(c.item), fs.SizeSuffix(c.used)

	fs.Infof(nil, "Cleaned the cache: objects %d (was %d), total size %v (was %v)", newItems, oldItems, newUsed, oldUsed)

// cleaner calls clean at regular intervals
// doesn't return until context is cancelled
func (c *cache) cleaner(ctx context.Context) {
	if c.opt.CachePollInterval <= 0 {
		fs.Debugf(nil, "Cache cleaning thread disabled because poll interval <= 0")
	// Start cleaning the cache immediately
	// Then every interval specified
	timer := time.NewTicker(c.opt.CachePollInterval)
	defer timer.Stop()
	for {
		select {
		case <-timer.C:
		case <-ctx.Done():
			fs.Debugf(nil, "cache cleaner exiting")