2017-08-10 13:57:06 +01:00
a8m/tree vendor: add github.com/a8m/tree 2017-07-26 23:06:48 +01:00
aws/aws-sdk-go vendor: update all dependencies 2017-07-23 08:51:42 +01:00
Azure vendor: add github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go and dependencies 2017-08-04 22:54:27 +01:00
billziss-gh/cgofuse vendor: update github.com/billziss-gh/cgofuse - fixes 2017-06-19 09:53:34 +01:00
cpuguy83/go-md2man Switch to using the dep tool and update all the dependencies 2017-05-11 15:39:54 +01:00
davecgh/go-spew Switch to using the dep tool and update all the dependencies 2017-05-11 15:39:54 +01:00
dgrijalva/jwt-go vendor: add github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go and dependencies 2017-08-04 22:54:27 +01:00
dropbox/dropbox-sdk-go-unofficial vendor: add dropbox/dropbox-sdk-go-unofficial 2017-08-10 13:57:06 +01:00
go-ini/ini vendor: update all dependencies 2017-07-23 08:51:42 +01:00
golang/protobuf vendor: update all dependencies 2017-07-23 08:51:42 +01:00
google/go-querystring Switch to using the dep tool and update all the dependencies 2017-05-11 15:39:54 +01:00
inconshreveable/mousetrap Use a vendor directory for repeatable builds - fixes 2016-11-05 18:18:08 +00:00
jlaffaye/ftp vendor: update all dependencies 2017-07-23 08:51:42 +01:00
jmespath/go-jmespath Switch to using the dep tool and update all the dependencies 2017-05-11 15:39:54 +01:00
kr/fs Switch to using the dep tool and update all the dependencies 2017-05-11 15:39:54 +01:00
mattn/go-runewidth vendor: github.com/nsf/termbox-go and dependencies for rclone ncdu 2017-06-15 16:46:32 +01:00
ncw vendor: remove ncw/dropbox-sdk-go-unofficial dependency 2017-08-10 13:57:05 +01:00
nsf/termbox-go vendor: update all dependencies 2017-07-23 08:51:42 +01:00
pengsrc/go-shared vendor: add qingstor-sdk-go for QingStor 2017-08-04 17:09:28 +01:00
pkg vendor: update all dependencies 2017-07-23 08:51:42 +01:00
pmezard/go-difflib Switch to using the dep tool and update all the dependencies 2017-05-11 15:39:54 +01:00
rfjakob/eme Switch to using the dep tool and update all the dependencies 2017-05-11 15:39:54 +01:00
russross/blackfriday Switch to using the dep tool and update all the dependencies 2017-05-11 15:39:54 +01:00
satori/uuid vendor: add github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go and dependencies 2017-08-04 22:54:27 +01:00
shurcooL/sanitized_anchor_name vendor: update all dependencies 2017-07-23 08:51:42 +01:00
sirupsen/logrus vendor: update qingstor 2017-08-09 13:03:07 +01:00
skratchdot/open-golang Switch to using the dep tool and update all the dependencies 2017-05-11 15:39:54 +01:00
spf13 vendor: update all dependencies 2017-07-23 08:51:42 +01:00
stretchr/testify vendor: update all dependencies 2017-07-23 08:51:42 +01:00
Unknwon/goconfig Switch to using the dep tool and update all the dependencies 2017-05-11 15:39:54 +01:00
VividCortex/ewma vendor: update all dependencies 2017-07-23 08:51:42 +01:00
xanzy/ssh-agent vendor: add github.com/xanzy/ssh-agent for 2017-05-26 10:21:06 +01:00
yunify/qingstor-sdk-go vendor: update qingstor 2017-08-09 13:03:07 +01:00