71 lines
2.8 KiB
71 lines
2.8 KiB
*** Settings ***
Variables common.py
Library Collections
Library acl.py
Library neofs.py
Library neofs_verbs.py
Resource common_steps_acl_bearer.robot
Resource eacl_tables.robot
Resource payment_operations.robot
Resource setup_teardown.robot
Resource storage_group.robot
*** Test cases ***
BearerToken Operations
[Documentation] Testcase to validate NeoFS operations with BearerToken.
[Tags] ACL BearerToken
[Timeout] 20 min
[Setup] Setup
${WALLET} ${_} ${_} = Prepare Wallet And Deposit
${FILE_S} = Generate file ${SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE}
Check eACL Deny and Allow All Bearer Simple ${WALLET} ${FILE_S}
${FILE_S} = Generate file ${COMPLEX_OBJ_SIZE}
Check eACL Deny and Allow All Bearer Complex ${WALLET} ${FILE_S}
[Teardown] Teardown acl_bearer_allow_storagegroup
*** Keywords ***
Check eACL Deny and Allow All Bearer
[Arguments] ${RUN_TYPE} ${WALLET} ${FILE_S}
${CID} = Create Container Public ${WALLET}
${OID} = Put object ${WALLET} ${FILE_S} ${CID}
@{OBJECTS} = Create List ${OID}
Run Storage Group Operations and Expect Success
${SG} = Put Storagegroup ${WALLET} ${CID} ${OBJECTS}
Prepare eACL Role rules ${CID}
Run Storage Group Operations and Expect Failure
... ${WALLET} ${CID} ${OBJECTS} ${SG}
${RULE_GET} = Create Dictionary Operation=GET Access=ALLOW Role=USER
${RULE_HEAD} = Create Dictionary Operation=HEAD Access=ALLOW Role=USER
${RULE_PUT} = Create Dictionary Operation=PUT Access=ALLOW Role=USER
${RULE_DELETE} = Create Dictionary Operation=DELETE Access=ALLOW Role=USER
${RULE_SEARCH} = Create Dictionary Operation=SEARCH Access=ALLOW Role=USER
${eACL_gen}= Create List
... ${RULE_GET}
... ${RULE_HEAD}
... ${RULE_PUT}
${EACL_TOKEN} = Form BearerToken File ${WALLET} ${CID} ${eACL_gen}
Run Storage Group Operations With Bearer Token