2015-02-03 15:29:00 -08:00
package azure
import (
2015-03-23 21:57:24 -07:00
azure "github.com/MSOpenTech/azure-sdk-for-go/storage"
2015-02-03 15:29:00 -08:00
func TestRandomWriter_writeChunkToBlocks ( t * testing . T ) {
s := NewStorageSimulator ( )
rw := newRandomBlobWriter ( & s , 3 )
rand := newBlockIDGenerator ( )
c := [ ] byte ( "AAABBBCCCD" )
if err := rw . bs . CreateBlockBlob ( "a" , "b" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
bw , nn , err := rw . writeChunkToBlocks ( "a" , "b" , bytes . NewReader ( c ) , rand )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if expected := int64 ( len ( c ) ) ; nn != expected {
t . Fatalf ( "wrong nn:%v, expected:%v" , nn , expected )
if expected := 4 ; len ( bw ) != expected {
t . Fatal ( "unexpected written block count" )
bx , err := s . GetBlockList ( "a" , "b" , azure . BlockListTypeAll )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if expected := 0 ; len ( bx . CommittedBlocks ) != expected {
t . Fatal ( "unexpected committed block count" )
if expected := 4 ; len ( bx . UncommittedBlocks ) != expected {
t . Fatalf ( "unexpected uncommitted block count: %d -- %#v" , len ( bx . UncommittedBlocks ) , bx )
if err := rw . bs . PutBlockList ( "a" , "b" , bw ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
r , err := rw . bs . GetBlob ( "a" , "b" )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
assertBlobContents ( t , r , c )
func TestRandomWriter_blocksLeftSide ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
offset int64
expectedBlob string
expectedPattern [ ] azure . BlockStatus
} {
{ 0 , "" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { } } , // write to beginning, discard all
{ 13 , blob , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { azure . BlockStatusCommitted , azure . BlockStatusCommitted , azure . BlockStatusCommitted } } , // write to end, no change
{ 1 , "A" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { azure . BlockStatusUncommitted } } , // write at 1
{ 5 , "AAAAA" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { azure . BlockStatusCommitted } } , // write just after first block
{ 6 , "AAAAAB" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { azure . BlockStatusCommitted , azure . BlockStatusUncommitted } } , // split the second block
{ 9 , "AAAAABBBB" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { azure . BlockStatusCommitted , azure . BlockStatusUncommitted } } , // write just after first block
for _ , c := range cases {
s := NewStorageSimulator ( )
rw := newRandomBlobWriter ( & s , 5 )
rand := newBlockIDGenerator ( )
if err := rw . bs . CreateBlockBlob ( "a" , "b" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
bw , _ , err := rw . writeChunkToBlocks ( "a" , "b" , strings . NewReader ( blob ) , rand )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if err := rw . bs . PutBlockList ( "a" , "b" , bw ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
bx , err := rw . blocksLeftSide ( "a" , "b" , c . offset , rand )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
bs := [ ] azure . BlockStatus { }
for _ , v := range bx {
bs = append ( bs , v . Status )
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( bs , c . expectedPattern ) {
t . Logf ( "Committed blocks %v" , bw )
t . Fatalf ( "For offset %v: Expected pattern: %v, Got: %v\n(Returned: %v)" , c . offset , c . expectedPattern , bs , bx )
if rw . bs . PutBlockList ( "a" , "b" , bx ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
r , err := rw . bs . GetBlob ( "a" , "b" )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
cout , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( r )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
outBlob := string ( cout )
if outBlob != c . expectedBlob {
t . Fatalf ( "wrong blob contents: %v, expected: %v" , outBlob , c . expectedBlob )
func TestRandomWriter_blocksRightSide ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
offset int64
size int64
expectedBlob string
expectedPattern [ ] azure . BlockStatus
} {
{ 0 , 100 , "" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { } } , // overwrite the entire blob
{ 0 , 3 , "AABBBBBCCC" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { azure . BlockStatusUncommitted , azure . BlockStatusCommitted , azure . BlockStatusCommitted } } , // split first block
{ 4 , 1 , "BBBBBCCC" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { azure . BlockStatusCommitted , azure . BlockStatusCommitted } } , // write to last char of first block
{ 1 , 6 , "BBBCCC" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { azure . BlockStatusUncommitted , azure . BlockStatusCommitted } } , // overwrite splits first and second block, last block remains
{ 3 , 8 , "CC" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { azure . BlockStatusUncommitted } } , // overwrite a block in middle block, split end block
{ 10 , 1 , "CC" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { azure . BlockStatusUncommitted } } , // overwrite first byte of rightmost block
{ 11 , 2 , "" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { } } , // overwrite the rightmost index
{ 13 , 20 , "" , [ ] azure . BlockStatus { } } , // append to the end
for _ , c := range cases {
s := NewStorageSimulator ( )
rw := newRandomBlobWriter ( & s , 5 )
rand := newBlockIDGenerator ( )
if err := rw . bs . CreateBlockBlob ( "a" , "b" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
bw , _ , err := rw . writeChunkToBlocks ( "a" , "b" , strings . NewReader ( blob ) , rand )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if err := rw . bs . PutBlockList ( "a" , "b" , bw ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
bx , err := rw . blocksRightSide ( "a" , "b" , c . offset , c . size , rand )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
bs := [ ] azure . BlockStatus { }
for _ , v := range bx {
bs = append ( bs , v . Status )
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( bs , c . expectedPattern ) {
t . Logf ( "Committed blocks %v" , bw )
t . Fatalf ( "For offset %v-size:%v: Expected pattern: %v, Got: %v\n(Returned: %v)" , c . offset , c . size , c . expectedPattern , bs , bx )
if rw . bs . PutBlockList ( "a" , "b" , bx ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
r , err := rw . bs . GetBlob ( "a" , "b" )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
cout , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( r )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
outBlob := string ( cout )
if outBlob != c . expectedBlob {
t . Fatalf ( "For offset %v-size:%v: wrong blob contents: %v, expected: %v" , c . offset , c . size , outBlob , c . expectedBlob )
func TestRandomWriter_Write_NewBlob ( t * testing . T ) {
var (
s = NewStorageSimulator ( )
rw = newRandomBlobWriter ( & s , 1024 * 3 ) // 3 KB blocks
blob = randomContents ( 1024 * 7 ) // 7 KB blob
if err := rw . bs . CreateBlockBlob ( "a" , "b" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if _ , err := rw . WriteBlobAt ( "a" , "b" , 10 , bytes . NewReader ( blob ) ) ; err == nil {
t . Fatal ( "expected error, got nil" )
if _ , err := rw . WriteBlobAt ( "a" , "b" , 100000 , bytes . NewReader ( blob ) ) ; err == nil {
t . Fatal ( "expected error, got nil" )
if nn , err := rw . WriteBlobAt ( "a" , "b" , 0 , bytes . NewReader ( blob ) ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else if expected := int64 ( len ( blob ) ) ; expected != nn {
t . Fatalf ( "wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v" , nn , expected )
if out , err := rw . bs . GetBlob ( "a" , "b" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else {
assertBlobContents ( t , out , blob )
if bx , err := rw . bs . GetBlockList ( "a" , "b" , azure . BlockListTypeCommitted ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else if len ( bx . CommittedBlocks ) != 3 {
t . Fatalf ( "got wrong number of committed blocks: %v" , len ( bx . CommittedBlocks ) )
// Replace first 512 bytes
leftChunk := randomContents ( 512 )
blob = append ( leftChunk , blob [ 512 : ] ... )
if nn , err := rw . WriteBlobAt ( "a" , "b" , 0 , bytes . NewReader ( leftChunk ) ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else if expected := int64 ( len ( leftChunk ) ) ; expected != nn {
t . Fatalf ( "wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v" , nn , expected )
if out , err := rw . bs . GetBlob ( "a" , "b" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else {
assertBlobContents ( t , out , blob )
if bx , err := rw . bs . GetBlockList ( "a" , "b" , azure . BlockListTypeCommitted ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else if expected := 4 ; len ( bx . CommittedBlocks ) != expected {
t . Fatalf ( "got wrong number of committed blocks: %v, expected: %v" , len ( bx . CommittedBlocks ) , expected )
// Replace last 512 bytes with 1024 bytes
rightChunk := randomContents ( 1024 )
offset := int64 ( len ( blob ) - 512 )
blob = append ( blob [ : offset ] , rightChunk ... )
if nn , err := rw . WriteBlobAt ( "a" , "b" , offset , bytes . NewReader ( rightChunk ) ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else if expected := int64 ( len ( rightChunk ) ) ; expected != nn {
t . Fatalf ( "wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v" , nn , expected )
if out , err := rw . bs . GetBlob ( "a" , "b" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else {
assertBlobContents ( t , out , blob )
if bx , err := rw . bs . GetBlockList ( "a" , "b" , azure . BlockListTypeCommitted ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else if expected := 5 ; len ( bx . CommittedBlocks ) != expected {
t . Fatalf ( "got wrong number of committed blocks: %v, expected: %v" , len ( bx . CommittedBlocks ) , expected )
// Replace 2K-4K (overlaps 2 blocks from L/R)
newChunk := randomContents ( 1024 * 2 )
offset = 1024 * 2
blob = append ( append ( blob [ : offset ] , newChunk ... ) , blob [ offset + int64 ( len ( newChunk ) ) : ] ... )
if nn , err := rw . WriteBlobAt ( "a" , "b" , offset , bytes . NewReader ( newChunk ) ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else if expected := int64 ( len ( newChunk ) ) ; expected != nn {
t . Fatalf ( "wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v" , nn , expected )
if out , err := rw . bs . GetBlob ( "a" , "b" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else {
assertBlobContents ( t , out , blob )
if bx , err := rw . bs . GetBlockList ( "a" , "b" , azure . BlockListTypeCommitted ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else if expected := 6 ; len ( bx . CommittedBlocks ) != expected {
t . Fatalf ( "got wrong number of committed blocks: %v, expected: %v\n%v" , len ( bx . CommittedBlocks ) , expected , bx . CommittedBlocks )
// Replace the entire blob
newBlob := randomContents ( 1024 * 30 )
if nn , err := rw . WriteBlobAt ( "a" , "b" , 0 , bytes . NewReader ( newBlob ) ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else if expected := int64 ( len ( newBlob ) ) ; expected != nn {
t . Fatalf ( "wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v" , nn , expected )
if out , err := rw . bs . GetBlob ( "a" , "b" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else {
assertBlobContents ( t , out , newBlob )
if bx , err := rw . bs . GetBlockList ( "a" , "b" , azure . BlockListTypeCommitted ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
} else if expected := 10 ; len ( bx . CommittedBlocks ) != expected {
t . Fatalf ( "got wrong number of committed blocks: %v, expected: %v\n%v" , len ( bx . CommittedBlocks ) , expected , bx . CommittedBlocks )
} else if expected , size := int64 ( 1024 * 30 ) , getBlobSize ( bx ) ; size != expected {
t . Fatalf ( "committed block size does not indicate blob size" )
func Test_getBlobSize ( t * testing . T ) {
// with some committed blocks
if expected , size := int64 ( 151 ) , getBlobSize ( azure . BlockListResponse {
CommittedBlocks : [ ] azure . BlockResponse {
{ "A" , 100 } ,
{ "B" , 50 } ,
{ "C" , 1 } ,
} ,
UncommittedBlocks : [ ] azure . BlockResponse {
{ "D" , 200 } ,
} } ) ; expected != size {
t . Fatalf ( "wrong blob size: %v, expected: %v" , size , expected )
// with no committed blocks
if expected , size := int64 ( 0 ) , getBlobSize ( azure . BlockListResponse {
UncommittedBlocks : [ ] azure . BlockResponse {
{ "A" , 100 } ,
{ "B" , 50 } ,
{ "C" , 1 } ,
{ "D" , 200 } ,
} } ) ; expected != size {
t . Fatalf ( "wrong blob size: %v, expected: %v" , size , expected )
func assertBlobContents ( t * testing . T , r io . Reader , expected [ ] byte ) {
out , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( r )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( out , expected ) {
t . Fatalf ( "wrong blob contents. size: %v, expected: %v" , len ( out ) , len ( expected ) )
func randomContents ( length int64 ) [ ] byte {
b := make ( [ ] byte , length )
for i := range b {
b [ i ] = byte ( rand . Intn ( 2 << 8 ) )
return b