forked from TrueCloudLab/distribution
Replace custom Redis config struct with go-redis UniversalOptions (adds sentinel & cluster support) (#4306)
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 299 additions and 157 deletions
@ -22,11 +22,10 @@ http:
X-Content-Type-Options: [nosniff]
addr: localhost:6379
maxidle: 16
maxactive: 64
idletimeout: 300s
addrs: [localhost:6379]
maxidleconns: 16
poolsize: 64
connmaxidletime: 300s
dialtimeout: 10ms
readtimeout: 10ms
writetimeout: 10ms
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import (
// Configuration is a versioned registry configuration, intended to be provided by a yaml file, and
@ -259,44 +261,6 @@ type FileChecker struct {
Threshold int `yaml:"threshold,omitempty"`
// Redis configures the redis pool available to the registry webapp.
type Redis struct {
// Addr specifies the redis instance available to the application.
Addr string `yaml:"addr,omitempty"`
// Usernames can be used as a finer-grained permission control since the introduction of the redis 6.0.
Username string `yaml:"username,omitempty"`
// Password string to use when making a connection.
Password string `yaml:"password,omitempty"`
// DB specifies the database to connect to on the redis instance.
DB int `yaml:"db,omitempty"`
// TLS configures settings for redis in-transit encryption
TLS struct {
Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty"`
} `yaml:"tls,omitempty"`
DialTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"dialtimeout,omitempty"` // timeout for connect
ReadTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"readtimeout,omitempty"` // timeout for reads of data
WriteTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"writetimeout,omitempty"` // timeout for writes of data
// Pool configures the behavior of the redis connection pool.
Pool struct {
// MaxIdle sets the maximum number of idle connections.
MaxIdle int `yaml:"maxidle,omitempty"`
// MaxActive sets the maximum number of connections that should be
// opened before blocking a connection request.
MaxActive int `yaml:"maxactive,omitempty"`
// IdleTimeout sets the amount time to wait before closing
// inactive connections.
IdleTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"idletimeout,omitempty"`
} `yaml:"pool,omitempty"`
// HTTPChecker is a type of entry in the health section for checking HTTP URIs.
type HTTPChecker struct {
// Timeout is the duration to wait before timing out the HTTP request
@ -750,3 +714,172 @@ func Parse(rd io.Reader) (*Configuration, error) {
return config, nil
type RedisOptions = redis.UniversalOptions
type RedisTLSOptions struct {
Certificate string `yaml:"certificate,omitempty"`
Key string `yaml:"key,omitempty"`
ClientCAs []string `yaml:"clientcas,omitempty"`
type Redis struct {
Options RedisOptions `yaml:",inline"`
TLS RedisTLSOptions `yaml:"tls,omitempty"`
func (c Redis) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
fields := make(map[string]interface{})
val := reflect.ValueOf(c.Options)
typ := val.Type()
for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
field := typ.Field(i)
fieldValue := val.Field(i)
// ignore funcs fields in redis.UniversalOptions
if fieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Func {
fields[strings.ToLower(field.Name)] = fieldValue.Interface()
// Add TLS fields if they're not empty
if c.TLS.Certificate != "" || c.TLS.Key != "" || len(c.TLS.ClientCAs) > 0 {
fields["tls"] = c.TLS
return fields, nil
func (c *Redis) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var fields map[string]interface{}
err := unmarshal(&fields)
if err != nil {
return err
val := reflect.ValueOf(&c.Options).Elem()
typ := val.Type()
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
field := typ.Field(i)
fieldName := strings.ToLower(field.Name)
if value, ok := fields[fieldName]; ok {
fieldValue := val.Field(i)
if fieldValue.CanSet() {
switch field.Type {
case reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(0)):
durationStr, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid duration value for field: %s", fieldName)
duration, err := time.ParseDuration(durationStr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse duration for field: %s, error: %v", fieldName, err)
if err := setFieldValue(fieldValue, value); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set value for field: %s, error: %v", fieldName, err)
// Handle TLS fields
if tlsData, ok := fields["tls"]; ok {
tlsMap, ok := tlsData.(map[interface{}]interface{})
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid TLS data structure")
if cert, ok := tlsMap["certificate"]; ok {
var isString bool
c.TLS.Certificate, isString = cert.(string)
if !isString {
return fmt.Errorf("Redis TLS certificate must be a string")
if key, ok := tlsMap["key"]; ok {
var isString bool
c.TLS.Key, isString = key.(string)
if !isString {
return fmt.Errorf("Redis TLS (private) key must be a string")
if cas, ok := tlsMap["clientcas"]; ok {
caList, ok := cas.([]interface{})
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid clientcas data structure")
for _, ca := range caList {
if caStr, ok := ca.(string); ok {
c.TLS.ClientCAs = append(c.TLS.ClientCAs, caStr)
return nil
func setFieldValue(field reflect.Value, value interface{}) error {
if value == nil {
return nil
switch field.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
stringValue, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert value to string")
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
intValue, ok := value.(int)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert value to integer")
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
uintValue, ok := value.(uint)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert value to unsigned integer")
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
floatValue, ok := value.(float64)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert value to float")
case reflect.Bool:
boolValue, ok := value.(bool)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert value to boolean")
case reflect.Slice:
slice := reflect.MakeSlice(field.Type(), 0, 0)
valueSlice, ok := value.([]interface{})
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert value to slice")
for _, item := range valueSlice {
sliceValue := reflect.New(field.Type().Elem()).Elem()
if err := setFieldValue(sliceValue, item); err != nil {
return err
slice = reflect.Append(slice, sliceValue)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported field type: %v", field.Type())
return nil
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
@ -134,23 +135,24 @@ var configStruct = Configuration{
Redis: Redis{
Addr: "localhost:6379",
Options: redis.UniversalOptions{
Addrs: []string{"localhost:6379"},
Username: "alice",
Password: "123456",
DB: 1,
Pool: struct {
MaxIdle int `yaml:"maxidle,omitempty"`
MaxActive int `yaml:"maxactive,omitempty"`
IdleTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"idletimeout,omitempty"`
MaxIdle: 16,
MaxActive: 64,
IdleTimeout: time.Second * 300,
MaxIdleConns: 16,
PoolSize: 64,
ConnMaxIdleTime: time.Second * 300,
DialTimeout: time.Millisecond * 10,
ReadTimeout: time.Millisecond * 10,
WriteTimeout: time.Millisecond * 10,
TLS: RedisTLSOptions{
Certificate: "/foo/cert.crt",
Key: "/foo/key.pem",
ClientCAs: []string{"/path/to/ca.pem"},
Validation: Validation{
Manifests: ValidationManifests{
Indexes: ValidationIndexes{
@ -197,19 +199,24 @@ notifications:
- pull
- /path/to/ca.pem
X-Content-Type-Options: [nosniff]
addr: localhost:6379
certificate: /foo/cert.crt
key: /foo/key.pem
- /path/to/ca.pem
addrs: [localhost:6379]
username: alice
password: 123456
password: "123456"
db: 1
maxidle: 16
maxactive: 64
idletimeout: 300s
maxidleconns: 16
poolsize: 64
connmaxidletime: 300s
dialtimeout: 10ms
readtimeout: 10ms
writetimeout: 10ms
@ -289,6 +296,7 @@ func (suite *ConfigSuite) TestParseSimple() {
func (suite *ConfigSuite) TestParseInmemory() {
suite.expectedConfig.Storage = Storage{"inmemory": Parameters{}}
suite.expectedConfig.Log.Fields = nil
suite.expectedConfig.HTTP.TLS.ClientCAs = nil
suite.expectedConfig.Redis = Redis{}
config, err := Parse(bytes.NewReader([]byte(inmemoryConfigYamlV0_1)))
@ -309,6 +317,7 @@ func (suite *ConfigSuite) TestParseIncomplete() {
suite.expectedConfig.Auth = Auth{"silly": Parameters{"realm": "silly"}}
suite.expectedConfig.Notifications = Notifications{}
suite.expectedConfig.HTTP.Headers = nil
suite.expectedConfig.HTTP.TLS.ClientCAs = nil
suite.expectedConfig.Redis = Redis{}
suite.expectedConfig.Validation.Manifests.Indexes.Platforms = ""
@ -579,8 +588,14 @@ func copyConfig(config Configuration) *Configuration {
for k, v := range config.HTTP.Headers {
configCopy.HTTP.Headers[k] = v
configCopy.HTTP.TLS.ClientCAs = make([]string, 0, len(config.HTTP.TLS.ClientCAs))
configCopy.HTTP.TLS.ClientCAs = append(configCopy.HTTP.TLS.ClientCAs, config.HTTP.TLS.ClientCAs...)
configCopy.Redis = config.Redis
configCopy.Redis.TLS.Certificate = config.Redis.TLS.Certificate
configCopy.Redis.TLS.Key = config.Redis.TLS.Key
configCopy.Redis.TLS.ClientCAs = make([]string, 0, len(config.Redis.TLS.ClientCAs))
configCopy.Redis.TLS.ClientCAs = append(configCopy.Redis.TLS.ClientCAs, config.Redis.TLS.ClientCAs...)
configCopy.Validation = Validation{
Enabled: config.Validation.Enabled,
@ -246,16 +246,20 @@ notifications:
- pull
addr: localhost:6379
certificate: /path/to/cert.crt
key: /path/to/key.pem
- /path/to/ca.pem
addrs: [localhost:6379]
password: asecret
db: 0
dialtimeout: 10ms
readtimeout: 10ms
writetimeout: 10ms
maxidle: 16
maxactive: 64
idletimeout: 300s
maxidleconns: 16
poolsize: 64
connmaxidletime: 300s
enabled: false
@ -1017,72 +1021,46 @@ The `events` structure configures the information provided in event notification
## `redis`
Declare parameters for constructing the `redis` connections. Registry instances
may use the Redis instance for several applications. Currently, it caches
information about immutable blobs. Most of the `redis` options control
how the registry connects to the `redis` instance.
You should configure Redis with the **allkeys-lru** eviction policy, because the
registry does not set an expiration value on keys.
Under the hood distribution uses [`go-redis`]( Go module for
Redis connectivity and its [`UniversalOptions`](
You can optionally specify TLS configuration on top of the `UniversalOptions` settings.
Use these settings to configure Redis TLS:
| Parameter | Required | Description |
| `certificate` | yes | Absolute path to the x509 certificate file. |
| `key` | yes | Absolute path to the x509 private key file. |
| `clientcas` | no | An array of absolute paths to x509 CA files. |
addr: localhost:6379
certificate: /path/to/cert.crt
key: /path/to/key.pem
- /path/to/ca.pem
addrs: [localhost:6379]
password: asecret
db: 0
dialtimeout: 10ms
readtimeout: 10ms
writetimeout: 10ms
maxidle: 16
maxactive: 64
idletimeout: 300s
enabled: false
maxidleconns: 16
poolsize: 64
connmaxidletime: 300s
Declare parameters for constructing the `redis` connections. Registry instances
may use the Redis instance for several applications. Currently, it caches
information about immutable blobs. Most of the `redis` options control
how the registry connects to the `redis` instance. You can control the pool's
behavior with the [pool](#pool) subsection. Additionally, you can control
TLS connection settings with the [tls](#tls) subsection (in-transit encryption).
You should configure Redis with the **allkeys-lru** eviction policy, because the
registry does not set an expiration value on keys.
| Parameter | Required | Description |
| `addr` | yes | The address (host and port) of the Redis instance. |
| `password`| no | A password used to authenticate to the Redis instance.|
| `db` | no | The name of the database to use for each connection. |
| `dialtimeout` | no | The timeout for connecting to the Redis instance. |
| `readtimeout` | no | The timeout for reading from the Redis instance. |
| `writetimeout` | no | The timeout for writing to the Redis instance. |
### `pool`
maxidle: 16
maxactive: 64
idletimeout: 300s
Use these settings to configure the behavior of the Redis connection pool.
| Parameter | Required | Description |
| `maxidle` | no | The maximum number of idle connections in the pool. |
| `maxactive`| no | The maximum number of connections which can be open before blocking a connection request. |
| `idletimeout`| no | How long to wait before closing inactive connections. |
### `tls`
enabled: false
Use these settings to configure Redis TLS.
| Parameter | Required | Description |
|-----------|----------|-------------------------------------- |
| `enabled` | no | Whether or not to use TLS in-transit. |
## `health`
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package handlers
import (
@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ type App struct {
source notifications.SourceRecord
redis *redis.Client
redis redis.UniversalClient
// isCache is true if this registry is configured as a pull through cache
isCache bool
@ -529,12 +531,41 @@ func (app *App) configureEvents(configuration *configuration.Configuration) {
func (app *App) configureRedis(cfg *configuration.Configuration) {
if cfg.Redis.Addr == "" {
if len(cfg.Redis.Options.Addrs) == 0 {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("redis not configured")
app.redis = app.createPool(cfg.Redis)
// redis TLS config
if cfg.Redis.TLS.Certificate != "" || cfg.Redis.TLS.Key != "" {
var err error
tlsConf := &tls.Config{}
tlsConf.Certificates = make([]tls.Certificate, 1)
tlsConf.Certificates[0], err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(cfg.Redis.TLS.Certificate, cfg.Redis.TLS.Key)
if err != nil {
if len(cfg.Redis.TLS.ClientCAs) != 0 {
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
for _, ca := range cfg.Redis.TLS.ClientCAs {
caPem, err := os.ReadFile(ca)
if err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Errorf("failed reading redis client CA: %v", err)
if ok := pool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caPem); !ok {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Error("could not add CA to pool")
tlsConf.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
tlsConf.ClientCAs = pool
cfg.Redis.Options.TLSConfig = tlsConf
app.redis = app.createPool(cfg.Redis.Options)
// Enable metrics instrumentation.
if err := redisotel.InstrumentMetrics(app.redis); err != nil {
@ -556,25 +587,12 @@ func (app *App) configureRedis(cfg *configuration.Configuration) {
func (app *App) createPool(cfg configuration.Redis) *redis.Client {
return redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: cfg.Addr,
OnConnect: func(ctx context.Context, cn *redis.Conn) error {
func (app *App) createPool(cfg redis.UniversalOptions) redis.UniversalClient {
cfg.OnConnect = func(ctx context.Context, cn *redis.Conn) error {
res := cn.Ping(ctx)
return res.Err()
Username: cfg.Username,
Password: cfg.Password,
DB: cfg.DB,
MaxRetries: 3,
DialTimeout: cfg.DialTimeout,
ReadTimeout: cfg.ReadTimeout,
WriteTimeout: cfg.WriteTimeout,
PoolFIFO: false,
MaxIdleConns: cfg.Pool.MaxIdle,
PoolSize: cfg.Pool.MaxActive,
ConnMaxIdleTime: cfg.Pool.IdleTimeout,
return redis.NewUniversalClient(&cfg)
// configureLogHook prepares logging hook parameters.
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import (
// Note that there is no implied relationship between these two caches. The
// layer may exist in one, both or none and the code must be written this way.
type redisBlobDescriptorService struct {
pool *redis.Client
pool redis.UniversalClient
// TODO(stevvooe): We use a pool because we don't have great control over
// the cache lifecycle to manage connections. A new connection if fetched
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ var _ distribution.BlobDescriptorService = &redisBlobDescriptorService{}
// NewRedisBlobDescriptorCacheProvider returns a new redis-based
// BlobDescriptorCacheProvider using the provided redis connection pool.
func NewRedisBlobDescriptorCacheProvider(pool *redis.Client) cache.BlobDescriptorCacheProvider {
func NewRedisBlobDescriptorCacheProvider(pool redis.UniversalClient) cache.BlobDescriptorCacheProvider {
return metrics.NewPrometheusCacheProvider(
pool: pool,
@ -17,15 +17,14 @@ log:
formatter: text
level: debug
addr: redis:6379
addrs: [redis:6379]
db: 0
dialtimeout: 5s
readtimeout: 10ms
writetimeout: 10ms
idletimeout: 60s
maxactive: 64
maxidle: 16
maxidleconns: 16
poolsize: 64
connmaxidletime: 300s
disable: true
Add table
Reference in a new issue