diff --git a/manifest/ocischema/manifest.go b/manifest/ocischema/manifest.go
index f1a05f0a9..a5b199d47 100644
--- a/manifest/ocischema/manifest.go
+++ b/manifest/ocischema/manifest.go
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ func (m Manifest) References() []distribution.Descriptor {
 	return references
-// Target returns the target of this signed manifest.
+// Target returns the target of this manifest.
 func (m Manifest) Target() distribution.Descriptor {
 	return m.Config
diff --git a/manifest/schema2/manifest.go b/manifest/schema2/manifest.go
index a2708c750..26a6a334d 100644
--- a/manifest/schema2/manifest.go
+++ b/manifest/schema2/manifest.go
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ func (m Manifest) References() []distribution.Descriptor {
 	return references
-// Target returns the target of this signed manifest.
+// Target returns the target of this manifest.
 func (m Manifest) Target() distribution.Descriptor {
 	return m.Config
diff --git a/registry/handlers/manifests.go b/registry/handlers/manifests.go
index 07fd6f8c6..c6e17ada4 100644
--- a/registry/handlers/manifests.go
+++ b/registry/handlers/manifests.go
@@ -111,13 +111,11 @@ func (imh *manifestHandler) GetManifest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
 	supportsOCI := supportsOCISchema || supportsOCIImageIndex
-	var manifest distribution.Manifest
 	if imh.Tag != "" {
 		tags := imh.Repository.Tags(imh)
 		var desc distribution.Descriptor
-		if !supportsOCI {
-			desc, err = tags.Get(imh, imh.Tag)
-		} else {
+		desc, err = tags.Get(imh, imh.annotatedTag(supportsOCI))
+		if err != nil && supportsOCI { // in the supportsOCI case fall back to the non OCI image
 			desc, err = tags.Get(imh, imh.annotatedTag(false))
 		if err != nil {
@@ -140,7 +138,12 @@ func (imh *manifestHandler) GetManifest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
 	if imh.Tag != "" {
 		options = append(options, distribution.WithTag(imh.annotatedTag(supportsOCI)))
+	var manifest distribution.Manifest
 	manifest, err = manifests.Get(imh, imh.Digest, options...)
+	if err != nil && supportsOCI && imh.Tag != "" { // in the supportsOCI case fall back to the non OCI image
+		options = append(options[:0], distribution.WithTag(imh.annotatedTag(false)))
+		manifest, err = manifests.Get(imh, imh.Digest, options...)
+	}
 	if err != nil {
 		if _, ok := err.(distribution.ErrManifestUnknownRevision); ok {
 			imh.Errors = append(imh.Errors, v2.ErrorCodeManifestUnknown.WithDetail(err))
@@ -238,183 +241,6 @@ func (imh *manifestHandler) GetManifest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
-// GetImageManifest fetches the image manifest from the storage backend, if it exists.
-func (imh *manifestHandler) GetImageManifest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	fmt.Printf("\n\nGetting a manifest!\n\n\n")
-	supportsSchema2 := false
-	supportsManifestList := false
-	supportsOCISchema := false
-	supportsOCIImageIndex := false
-	// this parsing of Accept headers is not quite as full-featured as godoc.org's parser, but we don't care about "q=" values
-	// https://github.com/golang/gddo/blob/e91d4165076d7474d20abda83f92d15c7ebc3e81/httputil/header/header.go#L165-L202
-	for _, acceptHeader := range r.Header["Accept"] {
-		// r.Header[...] is a slice in case the request contains the same header more than once
-		// if the header isn't set, we'll get the zero value, which "range" will handle gracefully
-		// we need to split each header value on "," to get the full list of "Accept" values (per RFC 2616)
-		// https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.1
-		for _, mediaType := range strings.Split(acceptHeader, ",") {
-			// remove "; q=..." if present
-			if i := strings.Index(mediaType, ";"); i >= 0 {
-				mediaType = mediaType[:i]
-			}
-			// it's common (but not required) for Accept values to be space separated ("a/b, c/d, e/f")
-			mediaType = strings.TrimSpace(mediaType)
-			if mediaType == schema2.MediaTypeManifest {
-				supportsSchema2 = true
-			}
-			if mediaType == manifestlist.MediaTypeManifestList {
-				supportsManifestList = true
-			}
-			if mediaType == v1.MediaTypeImageManifest {
-				supportsOCISchema = true
-			}
-			if mediaType == v1.MediaTypeImageIndex {
-				supportsOCIImageIndex = true
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	supportsOCI := supportsOCISchema || supportsOCIImageIndex
-	ctxu.GetLogger(imh).Debug("GetImageManifest")
-	manifests, err := imh.Repository.Manifests(imh)
-	if err != nil {
-		imh.Errors = append(imh.Errors, err)
-		return
-	}
-	var manifest distribution.Manifest
-	if imh.Tag != "" {
-		tags := imh.Repository.Tags(imh)
-		var desc distribution.Descriptor
-		if !supportsOCI {
-			desc, err = tags.Get(imh, imh.Tag)
-			if err != nil {
-				imh.Errors = append(imh.Errors, v2.ErrorCodeManifestUnknown.WithDetail(err))
-				return
-			}
-		} else {
-			desc, err = tags.Get(imh, imh.annotatedTag(supportsOCI))
-			if err != nil {
-				desc, err = tags.Get(imh, imh.annotatedTag(false))
-				if err != nil {
-					imh.Errors = append(imh.Errors, v2.ErrorCodeManifestUnknown.WithDetail(err))
-					return
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		imh.Digest = desc.Digest
-	}
-	if etagMatch(r, imh.Digest.String()) {
-		w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotModified)
-		return
-	}
-	var options []distribution.ManifestServiceOption
-	if imh.Tag != "" {
-		options = append(options, distribution.WithTag(imh.annotatedTag(supportsOCI)))
-	}
-	manifest, err = manifests.Get(imh, imh.Digest, options...)
-	if err != nil {
-		imh.Errors = append(imh.Errors, v2.ErrorCodeManifestUnknown.WithDetail(err))
-		return
-	}
-	schema2Manifest, isSchema2 := manifest.(*schema2.DeserializedManifest)
-	manifestList, isManifestList := manifest.(*manifestlist.DeserializedManifestList)
-	isAnOCIManifest := isSchema2 && (schema2Manifest.MediaType == v1.MediaTypeImageManifest)
-	isAnOCIImageIndex := isManifestList && (manifestList.MediaType == v1.MediaTypeImageIndex)
-	badCombinations := [][]bool{
-		{isSchema2 && !isAnOCIManifest, supportsOCISchema && !supportsSchema2},
-		{isManifestList && !isAnOCIImageIndex, supportsOCIImageIndex && !supportsManifestList},
-		{isAnOCIManifest, !supportsOCISchema && supportsSchema2},
-		{isAnOCIImageIndex, !supportsOCIImageIndex && supportsManifestList},
-	}
-	for i, combo := range badCombinations {
-		if combo[0] && combo[1] {
-			fmt.Printf("\n\nbad combo! %d\n\n\n", i)
-			w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound)
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	if isAnOCIManifest {
-		fmt.Print("\n\nreturning OCI manifest\n\n")
-	} else if isSchema2 {
-		fmt.Print("\n\nreturning schema 2 manifest\n\n")
-	} else {
-		fmt.Print("\n\nreturning schema 1 manifest\n\n")
-	}
-	// Only rewrite schema2 manifests when they are being fetched by tag.
-	// If they are being fetched by digest, we can't return something not
-	// matching the digest.
-	if imh.Tag != "" && isSchema2 && !(supportsSchema2 || supportsOCISchema) {
-		// Rewrite manifest in schema1 format
-		dcontext.GetLogger(imh).Infof("rewriting manifest %s in schema1 format to support old client", imh.Digest.String())
-		manifest, err = imh.convertSchema2Manifest(schema2Manifest)
-		if err != nil {
-			return
-		}
-	} else if imh.Tag != "" && isManifestList && !(supportsManifestList || supportsOCIImageIndex) {
-		// Rewrite manifest in schema1 format
-		dcontext.GetLogger(imh).Infof("rewriting manifest list %s in schema1 format to support old client", imh.Digest.String())
-		// Find the image manifest corresponding to the default
-		// platform
-		var manifestDigest digest.Digest
-		for _, manifestDescriptor := range manifestList.Manifests {
-			if manifestDescriptor.Platform.Architecture == defaultArch && manifestDescriptor.Platform.OS == defaultOS {
-				manifestDigest = manifestDescriptor.Digest
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		if manifestDigest == "" {
-			imh.Errors = append(imh.Errors, v2.ErrorCodeManifestUnknown)
-			return
-		}
-		manifest, err = manifests.Get(imh, manifestDigest)
-		if err != nil {
-			if _, ok := err.(distribution.ErrManifestUnknownRevision); ok {
-				imh.Errors = append(imh.Errors, v2.ErrorCodeManifestUnknown.WithDetail(err))
-			} else {
-				imh.Errors = append(imh.Errors, errcode.ErrorCodeUnknown.WithDetail(err))
-			}
-			return
-		}
-		// If necessary, convert the image manifest
-		if schema2Manifest, isSchema2 := manifest.(*schema2.DeserializedManifest); isSchema2 && !supportsSchema2 {
-			manifest, err = imh.convertSchema2Manifest(schema2Manifest)
-			if err != nil {
-				return
-			}
-		} else {
-			imh.Digest = manifestDigest
-		}
-	}
-	ct, p, err := manifest.Payload()
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", ct)
-	w.Header().Set("Content-Length", fmt.Sprint(len(p)))
-	w.Header().Set("Docker-Content-Digest", imh.Digest.String())
-	w.Header().Set("Etag", fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, imh.Digest))
-	w.Write(p)
-	fmt.Printf("\n\nSucceeded in getting the manifest!\n\n\n")
 func (imh *manifestHandler) convertSchema2Manifest(schema2Manifest *schema2.DeserializedManifest) (distribution.Manifest, error) {
 	targetDescriptor := schema2Manifest.Target()
 	blobs := imh.Repository.Blobs(imh)