<!--[metadata]> +++ title = "Filesystem storage driver" description = "Explains how to use the filesystem storage drivers" keywords = ["registry, service, driver, images, storage, filesystem"] [menu.main] parent="smn_storagedrivers" +++ <![end-metadata]--> # Filesystem storage driver An implementation of the `storagedriver.StorageDriver` interface which uses the local filesystem. ## Parameters `rootdirectory`: (optional) The absolute path to a root directory tree in which to store all registry files. The registry stores all its data here so make sure there is adequate space available. Defaults to `/var/lib/registry`. `maxthreads`: (optional) The maximum number of simultaneous blocking filesystem operations permitted within the registry. Each operation spawns a new thread and may cause thread exhaustion issues if many are done in parallel. Defaults to `100`, and can be no lower than `25`.