forked from TrueCloudLab/distribution
If configured, a debug http server will be started to serve default registered endpoints, such as pprof and expvar. The endpoint should be secured carefully and not available to external traffic. It is disabled by default but the development config has been modified to make it available on localhost. Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <>
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package configuration
import (
// Configuration is a versioned registry configuration, intended to be provided by a yaml file, and
// optionally modified by environment variables
type Configuration struct {
// Version is the version which defines the format of the rest of the configuration
Version Version `yaml:"version"`
// Loglevel is the level at which registry operations are logged
Loglevel Loglevel `yaml:"loglevel"`
// Storage is the configuration for the registry's storage driver
Storage Storage `yaml:"storage"`
// Auth allows configuration of various authorization methods that may be
// used to gate requests.
Auth Auth `yaml:"auth"`
// LayerHandler specifies a middleware for serving image layers.
LayerHandler LayerHandler `yaml:"layerhandler"`
// Reporting is the configuration for error reporting
Reporting Reporting `yaml:"reporting"`
// HTTP contains configuration parameters for the registry's http
// interface.
HTTP struct {
// Addr specifies the bind address for the registry instance.
Addr string `yaml:"addr"`
// Secret specifies the secret key which HMAC tokens are created with.
Secret string `yaml:"secret"`
// TLS instructs the http server to listen with a TLS configuration.
// This only support simple tls configuration with a cert and key.
// Mostly, this is useful for testing situations or simple deployments
// that require tls. If more complex configurations are required, use
// a proxy or make a proposal to add support here.
TLS struct {
// Certificate specifies the path to an x509 certificate file to
// be used for TLS.
Certificate string `yaml:"certificate"`
// Key specifies the path to the x509 key file, which should
// contain the private portion for the file specified in
// Certificate.
Key string `yaml:"key"`
} `yaml:"tls"`
// Debug configures the http debug interface, if specified. This can
// include services such as pprof, expvar and other data that should
// not be exposed externally. Left disabled by default.
Debug struct {
// Addr specifies the bind address for the debug server.
Addr string `yaml:"addr"`
} `yaml:"debug"`
} `yaml:"http"`
// v0_1Configuration is a Version 0.1 Configuration struct
// This is currently aliased to Configuration, as it is the current version
type v0_1Configuration Configuration
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface
// Unmarshals a string of the form X.Y into a Version, validating that X and Y can represent uints
func (version *Version) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var versionString string
err := unmarshal(&versionString)
if err != nil {
return err
newVersion := Version(versionString)
if _, err := newVersion.major(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := newVersion.minor(); err != nil {
return err
*version = newVersion
return nil
// CurrentVersion is the most recent Version that can be parsed
var CurrentVersion = MajorMinorVersion(0, 1)
// Loglevel is the level at which operations are logged
// This can be error, warn, info, or debug
type Loglevel string
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Umarshaler interface
// Unmarshals a string into a Loglevel, lowercasing the string and validating that it represents a
// valid loglevel
func (loglevel *Loglevel) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var loglevelString string
err := unmarshal(&loglevelString)
if err != nil {
return err
loglevelString = strings.ToLower(loglevelString)
switch loglevelString {
case "error", "warn", "info", "debug":
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid loglevel %s Must be one of [error, warn, info, debug]", loglevelString)
*loglevel = Loglevel(loglevelString)
return nil
// Parameters defines a key-value parameters mapping
type Parameters map[string]interface{}
// Storage defines the configuration for registry object storage
type Storage map[string]Parameters
// Type returns the storage driver type, such as filesystem or s3
func (storage Storage) Type() string {
// Return only key in this map
for k := range storage {
return k
return ""
// Parameters returns the Parameters map for a Storage configuration
func (storage Storage) Parameters() Parameters {
return storage[storage.Type()]
// setParameter changes the parameter at the provided key to the new value
func (storage Storage) setParameter(key string, value interface{}) {
storage[storage.Type()][key] = value
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface
// Unmarshals a single item map into a Storage or a string into a Storage type with no parameters
func (storage *Storage) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var storageMap map[string]Parameters
err := unmarshal(&storageMap)
if err == nil {
if len(storageMap) > 1 {
types := make([]string, 0, len(storageMap))
for k := range storageMap {
types = append(types, k)
return fmt.Errorf("Must provide exactly one storage type. Provided: %v", types)
*storage = storageMap
return nil
var storageType string
err = unmarshal(&storageType)
if err == nil {
*storage = Storage{storageType: Parameters{}}
return nil
return err
// MarshalYAML implements the yaml.Marshaler interface
func (storage Storage) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
if storage.Parameters() == nil {
return storage.Type(), nil
return map[string]Parameters(storage), nil
// Auth defines the configuration for registry authorization.
type Auth map[string]Parameters
// Type returns the storage driver type, such as filesystem or s3
func (auth Auth) Type() string {
// Return only key in this map
for k := range auth {
return k
return ""
// Parameters returns the Parameters map for an Auth configuration
func (auth Auth) Parameters() Parameters {
return auth[auth.Type()]
// setParameter changes the parameter at the provided key to the new value
func (auth Auth) setParameter(key string, value interface{}) {
auth[auth.Type()][key] = value
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface
// Unmarshals a single item map into a Storage or a string into a Storage type with no parameters
func (auth *Auth) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var m map[string]Parameters
err := unmarshal(&m)
if err == nil {
if len(m) > 1 {
types := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for k := range m {
types = append(types, k)
// TODO(stevvooe): May want to change this slightly for
// authorization to allow multiple challenges.
return fmt.Errorf("must provide exactly one type. Provided: %v", types)
*auth = m
return nil
var authType string
err = unmarshal(&authType)
if err == nil {
*auth = Auth{authType: Parameters{}}
return nil
return err
// MarshalYAML implements the yaml.Marshaler interface
func (auth Auth) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
if auth.Parameters() == nil {
return auth.Type(), nil
return map[string]Parameters(auth), nil
// Reporting defines error reporting methods.
type Reporting struct {
// Bugsnag configures error reporting for Bugsnag (
Bugsnag BugsnagReporting `yaml:"bugsnag"`
// NewRelic configures error reporting for NewRelic (
NewRelic NewRelicReporting `yaml:"newrelic"`
// BugsnagReporting configures error reporting for Bugsnag (
type BugsnagReporting struct {
// APIKey is the Bugsnag api key.
APIKey string `yaml:"apikey"`
// ReleaseStage tracks where the registry is deployed.
// Examples: production, staging, development
ReleaseStage string `yaml:"releasestage"`
// Endpoint is used for specifying an enterprise Bugsnag endpoint.
Endpoint string `yaml:"endpoint"`
// NewRelicReporting configures error reporting for NewRelic (
type NewRelicReporting struct {
// LicenseKey is the NewRelic user license key
LicenseKey string `yaml:"licensekey"`
// Name is the component name of the registry in NewRelic
Name string `yaml:"name"`
// LayerHandler defines the configuration for middleware layer serving
type LayerHandler map[string]Parameters
// Type returns the layerhandler type
func (layerHandler LayerHandler) Type() string {
// Return only key in this map
for k := range layerHandler {
return k
return ""
// Parameters returns the Parameters map for a LayerHandler configuration
func (layerHandler LayerHandler) Parameters() Parameters {
return layerHandler[layerHandler.Type()]
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface
// Unmarshals a single item map into a Storage or a string into a Storage type with no parameters
func (layerHandler *LayerHandler) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var storageMap map[string]Parameters
err := unmarshal(&storageMap)
if err == nil {
if len(storageMap) > 1 {
types := make([]string, 0, len(storageMap))
for k := range storageMap {
types = append(types, k)
return fmt.Errorf("Must provide exactly one layerhandler type. Provided: %v", types)
*layerHandler = storageMap
return nil
var storageType string
err = unmarshal(&storageType)
if err == nil {
*layerHandler = LayerHandler{storageType: Parameters{}}
return nil
return err
// MarshalYAML implements the yaml.Marshaler interface
func (layerHandler LayerHandler) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
if layerHandler.Parameters() == nil {
t := layerHandler.Type()
if t == "" {
return nil, nil
return t, nil
return map[string]Parameters(layerHandler), nil
// Parse parses an input configuration yaml document into a Configuration struct
// This should generally be capable of handling old configuration format versions
// Environment variables may be used to override configuration parameters other than version,
// following the scheme below:
// Configuration.Abc may be replaced by the value of REGISTRY_ABC,
// Configuration.Abc.Xyz may be replaced by the value of REGISTRY_ABC_XYZ, and so forth
func Parse(rd io.Reader) (*Configuration, error) {
in, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := NewParser("registry", []VersionedParseInfo{
Version: MajorMinorVersion(0, 1),
ParseAs: reflect.TypeOf(v0_1Configuration{}),
ConversionFunc: func(c interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
if v0_1, ok := c.(*v0_1Configuration); ok {
if v0_1.Loglevel == Loglevel("") {
v0_1.Loglevel = Loglevel("info")
if v0_1.Storage.Type() == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No storage configuration provided")
return (*Configuration)(v0_1), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expected *v0_1Configuration, received %#v", c)
config := new(Configuration)
err = p.Parse(in, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return config, nil