2020-12-09 11:47:38 +03:00
syntax = "proto3";
package neo.fs.v2.tombstone;
2022-12-09 14:18:06 +03:00
option go_package = "github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-api-go/v2/tombstone/grpc;tombstone";
2021-03-10 18:54:06 +08:00
option csharp_namespace = "Neo.FileStorage.API.Tombstone";
2020-12-09 11:47:38 +03:00
import "refs/types.proto";
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// Tombstone keeps record of deleted objects for a few epochs until they are
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// purged from the NeoFS network.
message Tombstone {
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// Last NeoFS epoch number of the tombstone lifetime. It's set by the tombstone
// creator depending on the current NeoFS network settings. A tombstone object
2021-02-19 12:06:01 +03:00
// must have the same expiration epoch value in `__NEOFS__EXPIRATION_EPOCH`
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// attribute. Otherwise, the tombstone will be rejected by a storage node.
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uint64 expiration_epoch = 1 [json_name = "expirationEpoch"];
// 16 byte UUID used to identify the split object hierarchy parts. Must be
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// unique inside a container. All objects participating in the split must
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// have the same `split_id` value.
bytes split_id = 2 [json_name = "splitID"];
// List of objects to be deleted.
repeated neo.fs.v2.refs.ObjectID members = 3 [json_name = "members"];