package handler import ( "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type conditionalArgs struct { IfModifiedSince *time.Time IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time IfMatch string IfNoneMatch string } func fetchRangeHeader(headers http.Header, fullSize uint64) (*layer.RangeParams, error) { const prefix = "bytes=" rangeHeader := headers.Get("Range") if len(rangeHeader) == 0 { return nil, nil } if fullSize == 0 { return nil, errors.GetAPIError(errors.ErrInvalidRange) } if !strings.HasPrefix(rangeHeader, prefix) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown unit in range header") } arr := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(rangeHeader, prefix), "-") if len(arr) != 2 || (len(arr[0]) == 0 && len(arr[1]) == 0) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown byte-range-set") } var end, start uint64 var err0, err1 error base, bitSize := 10, 64 if len(arr[0]) == 0 { end, err1 = strconv.ParseUint(arr[1], base, bitSize) start = fullSize - end end = fullSize - 1 } else if len(arr[1]) == 0 { start, err0 = strconv.ParseUint(arr[0], base, bitSize) end = fullSize - 1 } else { start, err0 = strconv.ParseUint(arr[0], base, bitSize) end, err1 = strconv.ParseUint(arr[1], base, bitSize) if end > fullSize-1 { end = fullSize - 1 } } if err0 != nil || err1 != nil || start > end || start > fullSize { return nil, errors.GetAPIError(errors.ErrInvalidRange) } return &layer.RangeParams{Start: start, End: end}, nil } func overrideResponseHeaders(h http.Header, query url.Values) { for key, value := range query { if hdr, ok := api.ResponseModifiers[strings.ToLower(key)]; ok { h[hdr] = value } } } func addSSECHeaders(responseHeader http.Header, requestHeader http.Header) { responseHeader.Set(api.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm, requestHeader.Get(api.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm)) responseHeader.Set(api.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerKeyMD5, requestHeader.Get(api.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerKeyMD5)) } func writeHeaders(h http.Header, requestHeader http.Header, extendedInfo *data.ExtendedObjectInfo, tagSetLength int, isBucketUnversioned bool) { info := extendedInfo.ObjectInfo if len(info.ContentType) > 0 && h.Get(api.ContentType) == "" { h.Set(api.ContentType, info.ContentType) } h.Set(api.LastModified, info.Created.UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)) if len(info.Headers[layer.AttributeEncryptionAlgorithm]) > 0 { h.Set(api.ContentLength, info.Headers[layer.AttributeDecryptedSize]) addSSECHeaders(h, requestHeader) } else if len(info.Headers[layer.MultipartObjectSize]) > 0 { h.Set(api.ContentLength, info.Headers[layer.MultipartObjectSize]) } else { h.Set(api.ContentLength, strconv.FormatUint(info.Size, 10)) } h.Set(api.ETag, info.HashSum) h.Set(api.AmzTaggingCount, strconv.Itoa(tagSetLength)) if !isBucketUnversioned { h.Set(api.AmzVersionID, extendedInfo.Version()) } if cacheControl := info.Headers[api.CacheControl]; cacheControl != "" { h.Set(api.CacheControl, cacheControl) } if expires := info.Headers[api.Expires]; expires != "" { h.Set(api.Expires, expires) } if encodings := info.Headers[api.ContentEncoding]; encodings != "" { h.Set(api.ContentEncoding, encodings) } if contentLanguage := info.Headers[api.ContentLanguage]; contentLanguage != "" { h.Set(api.ContentLanguage, contentLanguage) } for key, val := range info.Headers { if layer.IsSystemHeader(key) { continue } h[api.MetadataPrefix+key] = []string{val} } } func (h *handler) GetObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( params *layer.RangeParams reqInfo = middleware.GetReqInfo(r.Context()) ) conditional, err := parseConditionalHeaders(r.Header) if err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "could not parse request params", reqInfo, err) return } bktInfo, err := h.getBucketAndCheckOwner(r, reqInfo.BucketName) if err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "could not get bucket info", reqInfo, err) return } p := &layer.HeadObjectParams{ BktInfo: bktInfo, Object: reqInfo.ObjectName, VersionID: reqInfo.URL.Query().Get(api.QueryVersionID), } extendedInfo, err := h.obj.GetExtendedObjectInfo(r.Context(), p) if err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "could not find object", reqInfo, err) return } info := extendedInfo.ObjectInfo if err = checkPreconditions(info, conditional); err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "precondition failed", reqInfo, err) return } encryptionParams, err := formEncryptionParams(r) if err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "invalid sse headers", reqInfo, err) return } if err = encryptionParams.MatchObjectEncryption(layer.FormEncryptionInfo(info.Headers)); err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "encryption doesn't match object", reqInfo, errors.GetAPIError(errors.ErrBadRequest), zap.Error(err)) return } fullSize, err := layer.GetObjectSize(info) if err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "invalid size header", reqInfo, errors.GetAPIError(errors.ErrBadRequest)) return } if params, err = fetchRangeHeader(r.Header, fullSize); err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "could not parse range header", reqInfo, err) return } t := &layer.ObjectVersion{ BktInfo: bktInfo, ObjectName: info.Name, VersionID: info.VersionID(), } tagSet, lockInfo, err := h.obj.GetObjectTaggingAndLock(r.Context(), t, extendedInfo.NodeVersion) if err != nil && !errors.IsS3Error(err, errors.ErrNoSuchKey) { h.logAndSendError(w, "could not get object meta data", reqInfo, err) return } if layer.IsAuthenticatedRequest(r.Context()) { overrideResponseHeaders(w.Header(), reqInfo.URL.Query()) } if err = h.setLockingHeaders(bktInfo, lockInfo, w.Header()); err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "could not get locking info", reqInfo, err) return } bktSettings, err := h.obj.GetBucketSettings(r.Context(), bktInfo) if err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "could not get bucket settings", reqInfo, err) return } getPayloadParams := &layer.GetObjectParams{ ObjectInfo: info, Versioned: p.Versioned(), Range: params, BucketInfo: bktInfo, Encryption: encryptionParams, } objPayload, err := h.obj.GetObject(r.Context(), getPayloadParams) if err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "could not get object payload", reqInfo, err) return } writeHeaders(w.Header(), r.Header, extendedInfo, len(tagSet), bktSettings.Unversioned()) if params != nil { writeRangeHeaders(w, params, fullSize) } else { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) } if err = objPayload.StreamTo(w); err != nil { h.logAndSendError(w, "could not stream object payload", reqInfo, err) return } } func checkPreconditions(info *data.ObjectInfo, args *conditionalArgs) error { if len(args.IfMatch) > 0 && args.IfMatch != info.HashSum { return fmt.Errorf("%w: etag mismatched: '%s', '%s'", errors.GetAPIError(errors.ErrPreconditionFailed), args.IfMatch, info.HashSum) } if len(args.IfNoneMatch) > 0 && args.IfNoneMatch == info.HashSum { return fmt.Errorf("%w: etag matched: '%s', '%s'", errors.GetAPIError(errors.ErrNotModified), args.IfNoneMatch, info.HashSum) } if args.IfModifiedSince != nil && info.Created.Before(*args.IfModifiedSince) { return fmt.Errorf("%w: not modified since '%s', last modified '%s'", errors.GetAPIError(errors.ErrNotModified), args.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC3339), info.Created.Format(time.RFC3339)) } if args.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil && info.Created.After(*args.IfUnmodifiedSince) { // // If both of the If-Match and If-Unmodified-Since headers are present in the request as follows: // If-Match condition evaluates to true, and; // If-Unmodified-Since condition evaluates to false; // then, S3 returns 200 OK and the data requested. if len(args.IfMatch) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("%w: modified since '%s', last modified '%s'", errors.GetAPIError(errors.ErrPreconditionFailed), args.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC3339), info.Created.Format(time.RFC3339)) } } return nil } func parseConditionalHeaders(headers http.Header) (*conditionalArgs, error) { var err error args := &conditionalArgs{ IfMatch: strings.Trim(headers.Get(api.IfMatch), "\""), IfNoneMatch: strings.Trim(headers.Get(api.IfNoneMatch), "\""), } if args.IfModifiedSince, err = parseHTTPTime(headers.Get(api.IfModifiedSince)); err != nil { return nil, err } if args.IfUnmodifiedSince, err = parseHTTPTime(headers.Get(api.IfUnmodifiedSince)); err != nil { return nil, err } return args, nil } func parseHTTPTime(data string) (*time.Time, error) { if len(data) == 0 { return nil, nil } result, err := time.Parse(http.TimeFormat, data) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't parse http time %s: %w", data, err) } return &result, nil } func writeRangeHeaders(w http.ResponseWriter, params *layer.RangeParams, size uint64) { w.Header().Set(api.AcceptRanges, "bytes") w.Header().Set(api.ContentRange, fmt.Sprintf("bytes %d-%d/%d", params.Start, params.End, size)) w.Header().Set(api.ContentLength, strconv.FormatUint(params.End-params.Start+1, 10)) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusPartialContent) }