#!/usr/bin/make -f
SHELL = bash

# Main environment configuration
include .env

# Optional variables with secrets
-include .secrets

# help target
include help.mk

# update FrostFS global config targets
include frostfs_config.mk

# Targets to get required artifacts and external resources for each service
include services/*/artifacts.mk

# Targets helpful to prepare service environment
include services/*/prepare.mk

# List of services to run
START_SVCS = $(shell cat .services | grep -v '#')
START_BASIC = $(shell cat .basic_services | grep -ve '#')
START_BOOTSTRAP = $(shell cat .bootstrap_services | grep -v '#')
STOP_SVCS = $(shell tac .services | grep -v '#')
STOP_BASIC = $(shell tac .basic_services | grep -v '#')
STOP_BOOTSTRAP = $(shell tac .bootstrap_services | grep -v '#')

# Enabled services dirs
ENABLED_SVCS_DIRS = $(shell echo "${START_BOOTSTRAP} ${START_BASIC} ${START_SVCS}" | sed 's|[^ ]* *|./services/&|g')

# Services that require artifacts
GET_SVCS = $(shell grep -Rl "get.*:" ./services/* | sort -u | grep artifacts.mk | xargs -I {} dirname {} | xargs basename -a)

# Services that require pulling images
PULL_SVCS = $(shell find ${ENABLED_SVCS_DIRS} -type f -name 'docker-compose.yml' | sort -u | xargs -I {} dirname {} | xargs basename -a)

# List of hosts available in devenv
HOSTS_LINES = $(shell grep -Rl IPV4_PREFIX ./services/* | grep .hosts)

# Paths to protocol.privnet.yml
MORPH_CHAIN_PROTOCOL = './services/morph_chain/protocol.privnet.yml'

# List of grepped environment variables from *.env
GREP_DOTENV = $(shell find . -name '*.env' -exec grep -rhv -e '^#' -e '^$$' {} + | sort -u )

# Pull all required Docker images
.PHONY: pull
	$(foreach SVC, $(PULL_SVCS), $(shell cd services/$(SVC) && docker-compose pull))

# Get all services artifacts
.PHONY: get
get: $(foreach SVC, $(GET_SVCS), get.$(SVC))

# Start environment
.PHONY: up
up: up/basic
	@$(foreach SVC, $(START_SVCS), $(shell docker-compose -f services/$(SVC)/docker-compose.yml up -d))
	./vendor/frostfs-adm morph proxy-add-account --config frostfs-adm.yml --account=`docker container exec morph_chain neo-go wallet dump-keys -w /wallets/s3-wallet.json | head -1 | awk '{print $1}'` || die "Couldn't set s3-gw wallet as proxy wallet"
	@echo "Full FrostFS Developer Environment is ready"

# Build up FrostFS
.PHONY: up/basic
up/basic: up/bootstrap
	@$(foreach SVC, $(START_BASIC), $(shell docker-compose -f services/$(SVC)/docker-compose.yml up -d))
	@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph force-new-epoch
	@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config SystemDNS=container --force
	@echo "Basic FrostFS Developer Environment is ready"

# Start bootstrap services
.PHONY: up/bootstrap
up/bootstrap: get vendor/hosts
	@$(foreach SVC, $(START_BOOTSTRAP), $(shell docker-compose -f services/$(SVC)/docker-compose.yml up -d))
	@source ./bin/helper.sh
	@./vendor/frostfs-adm --config frostfs-adm.yml morph init --contracts vendor/contracts
	echo "Set rule chain to policy contract" 
	@./vendor/frostfs-adm --config frostfs-adm.yml morph \
		ape add-rule-chain --target-type namespace --target-name "" \
		--rule 'allow Container.* *' --chain-id "allow_container_ops"
	@for f in ./services/storage/wallet*.json; do \
		echo "Transfer GAS to wallet $${f}" \
		&& ./vendor/frostfs-adm -c frostfs-adm.yml morph refill-gas --storage-wallet $${f} --gas 10.0 \
		|| die "Failed to transfer GAS to alphabet wallets"; \
	@echo "Create frostfsid subject for ./wallets/wallet.json"; \
	if [ -n "$$(./vendor/frostfs-adm -c frostfs-adm.yml morph frostfsid list-subjects --namespace '')" ]; then \
		echo "Subject already exists"; \
	else \
		subj_key=`docker container exec -it morph_chain neo-go wallet dump-keys -w /wallets/wallet.json | tail -1 | tr -d ' \r\n'` \
		&& echo "Subject key: $${subj_key}" \
		&& ./vendor/frostfs-adm -c frostfs-adm.yml morph frostfsid create-subject --namespace "" --subject-key $${subj_key} --subject-name walletsubject \
		|| die "Failed to create subject for the wallet"; \
	echo "FrostFS sidechain environment is deployed"

# Build up certain service
.PHONY: up/%
up/%: get vendor/hosts
	@docker-compose -f services/$*/docker-compose.yml up -d
	@echo "Developer Environment for $* service is ready"

# Stop environment
.PHONY: down
down: down/add down/basic down/bootstrap
	@echo "Full FrostFS Developer Environment is down"

.PHONY: down/add
	$(foreach SVC, $(STOP_SVCS), $(shell docker-compose -f services/$(SVC)/docker-compose.yml down))

# Stop basic environment
.PHONY: down/basic
	$(foreach SVC, $(STOP_BASIC), $(shell docker-compose -f services/$(SVC)/docker-compose.yml down))

# Stop bootstrap services
.PHONY: down/bootstrap
	$(foreach SVC, $(STOP_BOOTSTRAP), $(shell docker-compose -f services/$(SVC)/docker-compose.yml down))

# Stop certain service
.PHONY: down/%
	@docker-compose -f services/$*/docker-compose.yml down

# Generate changes for /etc/hosts
.PHONY: vendor/hosts
	@for file in $(HOSTS_LINES)
		while read h
			echo $${h} | \
			sed 's|IPV4_PREFIX|$(IPV4_PREFIX)|g' | \
		done < $${file};
	done > $@

# Generate and display changes for /etc/hosts
.PHONY: hosts
hosts: vendor/hosts
	@cat vendor/hosts

# Clean-up the environment
.PHONY: clean
	@rm -rf vendor/* services/storage/s04tls.*
	@> .int_test.env
	@for svc in $(PULL_SVCS)
		vols=`docker-compose -f services/$${svc}/docker-compose.yml config --volumes`
		if [[ ! -z "$${vols}" ]]; then
			for vol in $${vols}; do
				docker volume rm -f "$${svc}_$${vol}" 2> /dev/null

# Generate environment
.PHONY: env
	@$(foreach envvar,$(GREP_DOTENV),echo $(envvar);)
	@echo MORPH_BLOCK_TIME=$(shell grep 'TimePerBlock' $(MORPH_CHAIN_PROTOCOL) | awk '{print $$2}')s
	@echo MORPH_MAGIC=$(shell grep 'Magic' $(MORPH_CHAIN_PROTOCOL) | awk '{print $$2}')

# Restart storage nodes with clean volumes
.PHONY: restart.storage-clean
	@docker-compose -f ./services/storage/docker-compose.yml down
	@$(foreach vol, \
		$(shell docker-compose -f services/storage/docker-compose.yml config --volumes),\
		docker volume rm storage_$(vol);)
	@docker-compose -f ./services/storage/docker-compose.yml up -d