2022-06-02 15:24:31 +03:00
package container
import (
internalclient "github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-node/cmd/neofs-cli/internal/client"
subnetid "github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-sdk-go/subnet/id"
versionSDK "github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-sdk-go/version"
// keywords of predefined basic ACL values
const (
basicACLPrivate = "private"
basicACLReadOnly = "public-read"
basicACLPublic = "public-read-write"
basicACLAppend = "public-append"
basicACLNoFinalPrivate = "eacl-private"
basicACLNoFinalReadOnly = "eacl-public-read"
basicACLNoFinalPublic = "eacl-public-read-write"
basicACLNoFinalAppend = "eacl-public-append"
var wellKnownBasicACL = map [ string ] acl . BasicACL {
basicACLPublic : acl . PublicBasicRule ,
basicACLPrivate : acl . PrivateBasicRule ,
basicACLReadOnly : acl . ReadOnlyBasicRule ,
basicACLAppend : acl . PublicAppendRule ,
basicACLNoFinalPublic : acl . EACLPublicBasicRule ,
basicACLNoFinalPrivate : acl . EACLPrivateBasicRule ,
basicACLNoFinalReadOnly : acl . EACLReadOnlyBasicRule ,
basicACLNoFinalAppend : acl . EACLPublicAppendRule ,
var (
containerACL string
containerNonce string
containerPolicy string
containerAttributes [ ] string
containerAwait bool
containerName string
containerNoTimestamp bool
containerSubnet string
var createContainerCmd = & cobra . Command {
Use : "create" ,
Short : "Create new container" ,
Long : ` Create new container and register it in the NeoFS .
It will be stored in sidechain when inner ring will accepts it . ` ,
Run : func ( cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) {
placementPolicy , err := parseContainerPolicy ( containerPolicy )
common . ExitOnErr ( cmd , "" , err )
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if containerSubnet != "" {
var subnetID subnetid . ID
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2022-06-09 02:18:26 +03:00
err = subnetID . DecodeString ( containerSubnet )
common . ExitOnErr ( cmd , "could not parse subnetID: %w" , err )
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2022-06-09 02:18:26 +03:00
placementPolicy . RestrictSubnet ( subnetID )
2022-06-02 15:24:31 +03:00
attributes , err := parseAttributes ( containerAttributes )
common . ExitOnErr ( cmd , "" , err )
basicACL , err := parseBasicACL ( containerACL )
common . ExitOnErr ( cmd , "" , err )
nonce , err := parseNonce ( containerNonce )
common . ExitOnErr ( cmd , "" , err )
key := key . GetOrGenerate ( cmd )
cnr := container . New ( )
var tok * session . Container
sessionTokenPath , _ := cmd . Flags ( ) . GetString ( commonflags . SessionToken )
if sessionTokenPath != "" {
tok = new ( session . Container )
common . ReadSessionToken ( cmd , tok , sessionTokenPath )
issuer := tok . Issuer ( )
cnr . SetOwnerID ( & issuer )
} else {
var idOwner user . ID
user . IDFromKey ( & idOwner , key . PublicKey )
cnr . SetOwnerID ( & idOwner )
ver := versionSDK . Current ( )
cnr . SetVersion ( & ver )
cnr . SetPlacementPolicy ( placementPolicy )
cnr . SetBasicACL ( basicACL )
cnr . SetAttributes ( attributes )
cnr . SetNonceUUID ( nonce )
cli := internalclient . GetSDKClientByFlag ( cmd , key , commonflags . RPC )
var putPrm internalclient . PutContainerPrm
putPrm . SetClient ( cli )
putPrm . SetContainer ( * cnr )
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if tok != nil {
putPrm . WithinSession ( * tok )
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res , err := internalclient . PutContainer ( putPrm )
common . ExitOnErr ( cmd , "rpc error: %w" , err )
id := res . ID ( )
cmd . Println ( "container ID:" , id )
if containerAwait {
cmd . Println ( "awaiting..." )
var getPrm internalclient . GetContainerPrm
getPrm . SetClient ( cli )
getPrm . SetContainer ( id )
for i := 0 ; i < awaitTimeout ; i ++ {
time . Sleep ( 1 * time . Second )
_ , err := internalclient . GetContainer ( getPrm )
if err == nil {
cmd . Println ( "container has been persisted on sidechain" )
common . ExitOnErr ( cmd , "" , errCreateTimeout )
} ,
func initContainerCreateCmd ( ) {
commonflags . Init ( createContainerCmd )
flags := createContainerCmd . Flags ( )
flags . StringVar ( & containerACL , "basic-acl" , basicACLPrivate , fmt . Sprintf ( "hex encoded basic ACL value or keywords like '%s', '%s', '%s'" , basicACLPublic , basicACLPrivate , basicACLNoFinalReadOnly ) )
flags . StringVarP ( & containerPolicy , "policy" , "p" , "" , "QL-encoded or JSON-encoded placement policy or path to file with it" )
flags . StringSliceVarP ( & containerAttributes , "attributes" , "a" , nil , "comma separated pairs of container attributes in form of Key1=Value1,Key2=Value2" )
flags . StringVarP ( & containerNonce , "nonce" , "n" , "" , "UUIDv4 nonce value for container" )
flags . BoolVar ( & containerAwait , "await" , false , "block execution until container is persisted" )
flags . StringVar ( & containerName , "name" , "" , "container name attribute" )
flags . BoolVar ( & containerNoTimestamp , "disable-timestamp" , false , "disable timestamp container attribute" )
flags . StringVar ( & containerSubnet , "subnet" , "" , "string representation of container subnetwork" )
func parseContainerPolicy ( policyString string ) ( * netmap . PlacementPolicy , error ) {
_ , err := os . Stat ( policyString ) // check if `policyString` is a path to file with placement policy
if err == nil {
common . PrintVerbose ( "Reading placement policy from file: %s" , policyString )
data , err := os . ReadFile ( policyString )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "can't read file with placement policy: %w" , err )
policyString = string ( data )
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var result netmap . PlacementPolicy
err = result . DecodeString ( policyString )
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if err == nil {
common . PrintVerbose ( "Parsed QL encoded policy" )
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return & result , nil
2022-06-02 15:24:31 +03:00
if err = result . UnmarshalJSON ( [ ] byte ( policyString ) ) ; err == nil {
common . PrintVerbose ( "Parsed JSON encoded policy" )
2022-06-09 02:18:26 +03:00
return & result , nil
2022-06-02 15:24:31 +03:00
return nil , errors . New ( "can't parse placement policy" )
func parseAttributes ( attributes [ ] string ) ( [ ] container . Attribute , error ) {
result := make ( [ ] container . Attribute , len ( attributes ) , len ( attributes ) + 2 ) // name + timestamp attributes
for i := range attributes {
kvPair := strings . Split ( attributes [ i ] , attributeDelimiter )
if len ( kvPair ) != 2 {
return nil , errors . New ( "invalid container attribute" )
result [ i ] . SetKey ( kvPair [ 0 ] )
result [ i ] . SetValue ( kvPair [ 1 ] )
if ! containerNoTimestamp {
index := len ( result )
result = append ( result , container . Attribute { } )
result [ index ] . SetKey ( container . AttributeTimestamp )
result [ index ] . SetValue ( strconv . FormatInt ( time . Now ( ) . Unix ( ) , 10 ) )
if containerName != "" {
index := len ( result )
result = append ( result , container . Attribute { } )
result [ index ] . SetKey ( container . AttributeName )
result [ index ] . SetValue ( containerName )
return result , nil
func parseBasicACL ( basicACL string ) ( acl . BasicACL , error ) {
if value , ok := wellKnownBasicACL [ basicACL ] ; ok {
return value , nil
basicACL = strings . Trim ( strings . ToLower ( basicACL ) , "0x" )
value , err := strconv . ParseUint ( basicACL , 16 , 32 )
if err != nil {
return 0 , fmt . Errorf ( "can't parse basic ACL: %s" , basicACL )
return acl . BasicACL ( value ) , nil
func parseNonce ( nonce string ) ( uuid . UUID , error ) {
if nonce == "" {
result := uuid . New ( )
common . PrintVerbose ( "Generating container nonce: %s" , result )
return result , nil
uid , err := uuid . Parse ( nonce )
if err != nil {
return uuid . UUID { } , fmt . Errorf ( "could not parse nonce: %w" , err )
return uid , nil