Leonard Lyubich 699b534416 [] node/netmap: Write log message about parsed NewEpoch event
There is a need to have the ability to track NeoFS timeline on storage
nodes. Epochs tick on notifications receipt, so the most obvious way to
know about received epochs is logging the events.

Wrap `morphEvent.ParseNewEpoch` event parser into function which writes
log message about new epoch number.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2022-09-12 09:53:05 +04:00

302 lines
8.2 KiB

package main
import (
morphconfig ""
nmClient ""
netmapEvent ""
const (
newEpochNotification = "NewEpoch"
// notaryDepositExtraBlocks is the amount of extra blocks to overlap two deposits,
// we do that to make sure that there won't be any blocks without deposited
// assets in a notary contract; make sure it is bigger than any extra rounding
// value in a notary client.
notaryDepositExtraBlocks = 300
// amount of tries(blocks) before notary deposit timeout.
func initMorphComponents(c *cfg) {
var err error
addresses := morphconfig.RPCEndpoint(c.appCfg)
// Morph client stable-sorts endpoints by priority. Shuffle here to randomize
// order of endpoints with the same priority.
rand.Shuffle(len(addresses), func(i, j int) {
addresses[i], addresses[j] = addresses[j], addresses[i]
cli, err := client.New(c.key,
client.WithConnLostCallback(func() {
c.internalErr <- errors.New("morph connection has been lost")
if err != nil {
c.log.Info("failed to create neo RPC client",
zap.Any("endpoints", addresses),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
if err := cli.SetGroupSignerScope(); err != nil {
c.log.Info("failed to set group signer scope, continue with Global", zap.Error(err))
c.cfgMorph.client = cli
c.cfgMorph.notaryEnabled = cli.ProbeNotary()
lookupScriptHashesInNNS(c) // smart contract auto negotiation
if c.cfgMorph.notaryEnabled {
err = c.cfgMorph.client.EnableNotarySupport(
c.log.Debug("notary support",
zap.Bool("sidechain_enabled", c.cfgMorph.notaryEnabled),
wrap, err := nmClient.NewFromMorph(c.cfgMorph.client, c.cfgNetmap.scriptHash, 0, nmClient.TryNotary())
var netmapSource netmap.Source
c.cfgMorph.cacheTTL = morphconfig.CacheTTL(c.appCfg)
if c.cfgMorph.cacheTTL <= 0 {
netmapSource = wrap
} else {
// use RPC node as source of netmap (with caching)
netmapSource = newCachedNetmapStorage(c.cfgNetmap.state, wrap)
c.netMapSource = netmapSource
c.cfgNetmap.wrapper = wrap
func makeAndWaitNotaryDeposit(c *cfg) {
// skip notary deposit in non-notary environments
if !c.cfgMorph.notaryEnabled {
tx, err := makeNotaryDeposit(c)
err = waitNotaryDeposit(c, tx)
func makeNotaryDeposit(c *cfg) (util.Uint256, error) {
const (
// gasMultiplier defines how many times more the notary
// balance must be compared to the GAS balance of the node:
// notaryBalance = GASBalance * gasMultiplier
gasMultiplier = 3
// gasDivisor defines what part of GAS balance (1/gasDivisor)
// should be transferred to the notary service
gasDivisor = 2
depositAmount, err := client.CalculateNotaryDepositAmount(c.cfgMorph.client, gasMultiplier, gasDivisor)
if err != nil {
return util.Uint256{}, fmt.Errorf("could not calculate notary deposit: %w", err)
epochDur, err := c.cfgNetmap.wrapper.EpochDuration()
if err != nil {
return util.Uint256{}, fmt.Errorf("could not get current epoch duration: %w", err)
return c.cfgMorph.client.DepositNotary(
var (
errNotaryDepositFail = errors.New("notary deposit tx has faulted")
errNotaryDepositTimeout = errors.New("notary deposit tx has not appeared in the network")
func waitNotaryDeposit(c *cfg, tx util.Uint256) error {
for i := 0; i < notaryDepositRetriesAmount; i++ {
select {
case <-c.ctx.Done():
return nil
ok, err := c.cfgMorph.client.TxHalt(tx)
if err == nil {
if ok {
return nil
return errNotaryDepositFail
err = c.cfgMorph.client.Wait(c.ctx, 1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not wait for one block in chain: %w", err)
return errNotaryDepositTimeout
func listenMorphNotifications(c *cfg) {
// listenerPoolCap is a capacity of a
// worker pool inside the listener. It
// is used to prevent blocking in neo-go:
// the client cannot make RPC requests if
// the notification channel is not being
// read by another goroutine.
const listenerPoolCap = 10
var (
err error
subs subscriber.Subscriber
fromSideChainBlock, err := c.persistate.UInt32(persistateSideChainLastBlockKey)
if err != nil {
fromSideChainBlock = 0
c.log.Warn("can't get last processed side chain block number", zap.String("error", err.Error()))
subs, err = subscriber.New(c.ctx, &subscriber.Params{
Log: c.log,
StartFromBlock: fromSideChainBlock,
Client: c.cfgMorph.client,
lis, err := event.NewListener(event.ListenerParams{
Logger: c.log,
Subscriber: subs,
WorkerPoolCapacity: listenerPoolCap,
c.workers = append(c.workers, newWorkerFromFunc(func(ctx context.Context) {
runAndLog(c, "morph notification", false, func(c *cfg) {
lis.ListenWithError(ctx, c.internalErr)
setNetmapNotificationParser(c, newEpochNotification, func(src *state.ContainedNotificationEvent) (event.Event, error) {
res, err := netmapEvent.ParseNewEpoch(src)
if err == nil {
c.log.Info("new epoch event from sidechain",
zap.Uint64("number", res.(netmapEvent.NewEpoch).EpochNumber()),
return res, err
registerNotificationHandlers(c.cfgNetmap.scriptHash, lis, c.cfgNetmap.parsers, c.cfgNetmap.subscribers)
registerNotificationHandlers(c.cfgContainer.scriptHash, lis, c.cfgContainer.parsers, c.cfgContainer.subscribers)
registerBlockHandler(lis, func(block *block.Block) {
c.log.Debug("new block", zap.Uint32("index", block.Index))
err = c.persistate.SetUInt32(persistateSideChainLastBlockKey, block.Index)
if err != nil {
c.log.Warn("can't update persistent state",
zap.String("chain", "side"),
zap.Uint32("block_index", block.Index))
func registerNotificationHandlers(scHash util.Uint160, lis event.Listener, parsers map[event.Type]event.NotificationParser,
subs map[event.Type][]event.Handler) {
for typ, handlers := range subs {
pi := event.NotificationParserInfo{}
p, ok := parsers[typ]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("missing parser for event %s", typ))
for _, h := range handlers {
hi := event.NotificationHandlerInfo{}
func registerBlockHandler(lis event.Listener, handler event.BlockHandler) {
// lookupScriptHashesInNNS looks up for contract script hashes in NNS contract of side
// chain if they were not specified in config file.
func lookupScriptHashesInNNS(c *cfg) {
var (
err error
emptyHash = util.Uint160{}
targets = [...]struct {
h *util.Uint160
nnsName string
{&c.cfgNetmap.scriptHash, client.NNSNetmapContractName},
{&c.cfgAccounting.scriptHash, client.NNSBalanceContractName},
{&c.cfgContainer.scriptHash, client.NNSContainerContractName},
{&c.cfgReputation.scriptHash, client.NNSReputationContractName},
{&c.cfgMorph.proxyScriptHash, client.NNSProxyContractName},
for _, t := range targets {
if t.nnsName == client.NNSProxyContractName && !c.cfgMorph.notaryEnabled {
continue // ignore proxy contract if notary disabled
if emptyHash.Equals(*t.h) {
*t.h, err = c.cfgMorph.client.NNSContractAddress(t.nnsName)
fatalOnErrDetails(fmt.Sprintf("can't resolve %s in NNS", t.nnsName), err)