# neofs-rest-gw NeoFS REST Gateway bridges NeoFS internal protocol and REST API server. ### Open API specification See full [API spec](/v1/docs). ### Basic concept Using this API you can interact with NeoFS nodes and manage containers and objects. #### Container To create container you must provide `PlacementPolicy` and `BasicACL`. ##### Placement policy Placement policy allows you control where and how container (and its object) is stored. For example, you want to store 3 copy of every object, so you can use the following policy: ``` REP 3 ``` [More about policy](https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-spec/blob/7ae698ebbe68c689cab2aba518312e7d3eea403c/01-arch/02-policy.md). ##### Basic ACL Basic ACL is a part of the container structure, and it is always created simultaneously with the container. Therefore, it is never subject to any changes. It is a 32-bit integer with a bit field in the following format: acl-basic | Symbol | Meaning | Description | |--------|:--------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | **B** | Bearer | Allows using Bear Token ACL rules to replace eACL rules | | **U** | User | The owner of the container identified by the public key linked to the container | | **S** | System | Inner Ring and/or container nodes in the current version of network map | | | | IR nodes can only perform `GetRangeHash`, `Head`, and `Search` necessary for data audit. | | | | Container nodes can only do things required for the replication. | | **O** | Others | Clients that do not match any of the categories above | | **F** | Final | Flag denying Extended ACL. If set, Basic ACL check is final, Extended ACL is ignored | | **X** | Sticky | Flag denying different owners of the request and the object | | | | If set, object in `Put` request must have one `Owner` and be signed with the same signature | | | | If not set, the object must be correct but can be of any owner. | | | | The nodes falling for `SYSTEM` role are exception from this rule. For them the bit is ignored. | | **0** | Deny | Denies operation of the identified category | | **1** | Allow | Allows operation of the identified category | To upload objects with bearer token your container must have Bearer bits set. For example, you can use `0x0FBFBFFF` or predefined `eacl-public-read-write` values. Also don't forget set appropriate eACL to restrict your container. [More about ACL](https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-spec/blob/4f8d945dfbd2a313ebd406746cf38b9de9da6038/01-arch/07-acl.md). #### Object To create object you must provide `containerId` and `fileName`. Additionally, you can provide `payload` (base64 encoded data) and `attributes`. Attribute is key value data that is stored with object. Key and value must be in utf8 format and must not be empty. Valid attribute: * `MyAttribute: 'some value'` Invalid attribute: * `MyAttribute: ''` Also, you can use this attribute to further object searching. ### Status codes More about NeoFS status code you can find [here](https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-spec/blob/master/20-api-v2/status.md).