forked from TrueCloudLab/frostfs-rest-gw
Due to source code relocation from GitHub. Signed-off-by: Alex Vanin <>
508 lines
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508 lines
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package handlers
import (
containerv2 ""
sessionv2 ""
cid ""
const (
defaultPlacementPolicy = "REP 3"
defaultBasicACL = acl.NamePrivate
attributeName = "Name"
attributeTimestamp = "Timestamp"
// PutContainers handler that creates container in FrostFS.
func (a *API) PutContainers(params operations.PutContainerParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder {
st, err := formSessionTokenFromHeaders(principal, params.XBearerSignature, params.XBearerSignatureKey, sessionv2.ContainerVerbPut)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("invalid session token headers", err)
return operations.NewPutContainerBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
stoken, err := prepareSessionToken(st, *params.WalletConnect)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("invalid session token", err)
return operations.NewPutContainerBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
cnrID, err := createContainer(params.HTTPRequest.Context(), a.pool, stoken, ¶ms)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("create container", err)
return operations.NewPutContainerBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
var resp operations.PutContainerOKBody
resp.ContainerID = util.NewString(cnrID.EncodeToString())
return operations.NewPutContainerOK().
// GetContainer handler that returns container info.
func (a *API) GetContainer(params operations.GetContainerParams) middleware.Responder {
cnrID, err := parseContainerID(params.ContainerID)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("invalid container id", err)
return operations.NewGetContainerBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
cnrInfo, err := getContainerInfo(params.HTTPRequest.Context(), a.pool, cnrID)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("get container", err)
return operations.NewGetContainerBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
return operations.NewGetContainerOK().
// PutContainerEACL handler that update container eacl.
func (a *API) PutContainerEACL(params operations.PutContainerEACLParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder {
cnrID, err := parseContainerID(params.ContainerID)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("invalid container id", err)
return operations.NewPutContainerEACLBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
if err = checkContainerExtendable(params.HTTPRequest.Context(), a.pool, cnrID); err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("check acl allowance", err)
return operations.NewPutContainerEACLBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
st, err := formSessionTokenFromHeaders(principal, params.XBearerSignature, params.XBearerSignatureKey, sessionv2.ContainerVerbSetEACL)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("invalid session token headers", err)
return operations.NewPutContainerEACLBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
stoken, err := prepareSessionToken(st, *params.WalletConnect)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("invalid session token", err)
return operations.NewPutContainerEACLBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
if err = setContainerEACL(params.HTTPRequest.Context(), a.pool, cnrID, stoken, params.Eacl); err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("failed set container eacl", err)
return operations.NewPutContainerEACLBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
return operations.NewPutContainerEACLOK().
// GetContainerEACL handler that returns container eacl.
func (a *API) GetContainerEACL(params operations.GetContainerEACLParams) middleware.Responder {
cnrID, err := parseContainerID(params.ContainerID)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("invalid container id", err)
return operations.NewGetContainerEACLBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
resp, err := getContainerEACL(params.HTTPRequest.Context(), a.pool, cnrID)
if err != nil {
errResp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("failed to get container eacl", err)
return operations.NewGetContainerEACLBadRequest().WithPayload(errResp)
return operations.NewGetContainerEACLOK().
// ListContainer handler that returns containers.
func (a *API) ListContainer(params operations.ListContainersParams) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
var ownerID user.ID
if err := ownerID.DecodeString(params.OwnerID); err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("invalid owner id", err)
return operations.NewListContainersBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
var prm pool.PrmContainerList
ids, err := a.pool.ListContainers(ctx, prm)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("list containers", err)
return operations.NewListContainersBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
offset := int(*params.Offset)
size := int(*params.Limit)
if offset > len(ids)-1 {
res := &models.ContainerList{
Size: util.NewInteger(0),
Containers: []*models.ContainerInfo{},
return operations.NewListContainersOK().
if offset+size > len(ids) {
size = len(ids) - offset
res := &models.ContainerList{
Size: util.NewInteger(int64(size)),
Containers: make([]*models.ContainerInfo, 0, size),
for _, id := range ids[offset : offset+size] {
cnrInfo, err := getContainerInfo(ctx, a.pool, id)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("get container", err, zap.String("cid", id.String()))
return operations.NewListContainersBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
res.Containers = append(res.Containers, cnrInfo)
return operations.NewListContainersOK().
// DeleteContainer handler that returns container info.
func (a *API) DeleteContainer(params operations.DeleteContainerParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder {
st, err := formSessionTokenFromHeaders(principal, params.XBearerSignature, params.XBearerSignatureKey, sessionv2.ContainerVerbDelete)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("invalid session token headers", err)
return operations.NewDeleteContainerBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
stoken, err := prepareSessionToken(st, *params.WalletConnect)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("invalid session token", err)
return operations.NewDeleteContainerBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
cnrID, err := parseContainerID(params.ContainerID)
if err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("invalid container id", err)
return operations.NewDeleteContainerBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
var prm pool.PrmContainerDelete
if err = a.pool.DeleteContainer(params.HTTPRequest.Context(), prm); err != nil {
resp := a.logAndGetErrorResponse("delete container", err, zap.String("container", params.ContainerID))
return operations.NewDeleteContainerBadRequest().WithPayload(resp)
return operations.NewDeleteContainerOK().
func checkContainerExtendable(ctx context.Context, p *pool.Pool, cnrID cid.ID) error {
cnr, err := getContainer(ctx, p, cnrID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("get container: %w", err)
if !cnr.BasicACL().Extendable() {
return fmt.Errorf("container acl isn't extendable")
return nil
func getContainer(ctx context.Context, p *pool.Pool, cnrID cid.ID) (container.Container, error) {
var prm pool.PrmContainerGet
return p.GetContainer(ctx, prm)
func getContainerInfo(ctx context.Context, p *pool.Pool, cnrID cid.ID) (*models.ContainerInfo, error) {
cnr, err := getContainer(ctx, p, cnrID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var attrs []*models.Attribute
cnr.IterateAttributes(func(key, val string) {
attrs = append(attrs, &models.Attribute{
Key: util.NewString(key),
Value: util.NewString(val),
var sb strings.Builder
if err = cnr.PlacementPolicy().WriteStringTo(&sb); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("writer policy to string: %w", err)
return &models.ContainerInfo{
ContainerID: util.NewString(cnrID.String()),
ContainerName: util.NewString(container.Name(cnr)),
OwnerID: util.NewString(cnr.Owner().String()),
BasicACL: util.NewString(cnr.BasicACL().EncodeToString()),
CannedACL: friendlyBasicACL(cnr.BasicACL()),
PlacementPolicy: util.NewString(sb.String()),
Attributes: attrs,
Version: util.NewString(getContainerVersion(cnr).String()),
}, nil
func friendlyBasicACL(basicACL acl.Basic) string {
switch basicACL {
case acl.Private:
return acl.NamePrivate
case acl.PrivateExtended:
return acl.NamePrivateExtended
case acl.PublicRO:
return acl.NamePublicRO
case acl.PublicROExtended:
return acl.NamePublicROExtended
case acl.PublicRW:
return acl.NamePublicRW
case acl.PublicRWExtended:
return acl.NamePublicRWExtended
case acl.PublicAppend:
return acl.NamePublicAppend
case acl.PublicAppendExtended:
return acl.NamePublicAppendExtended
return ""
func getContainerVersion(cnr container.Container) version.Version {
var v2cnr containerv2.Container
var cnrVersion version.Version
v2version := v2cnr.GetVersion()
if v2version != nil {
cnrVersion = version.Version(*v2version)
return cnrVersion
func parseContainerID(containerID string) (cid.ID, error) {
var cnrID cid.ID
if err := cnrID.DecodeString(containerID); err != nil {
return cid.ID{}, fmt.Errorf("parse container id '%s': %w", containerID, err)
return cnrID, nil
func setContainerEACL(ctx context.Context, p *pool.Pool, cnrID cid.ID, stoken session.Container, eaclPrm *models.Eacl) error {
table, err := util.ToNativeTable(eaclPrm.Records)
if err != nil {
return err
var prm pool.PrmContainerSetEACL
return p.SetEACL(ctx, prm)
func getContainerEACL(ctx context.Context, p *pool.Pool, cnrID cid.ID) (*models.Eacl, error) {
var prm pool.PrmContainerEACL
table, err := p.GetEACL(ctx, prm)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("get eacl: %w", err)
tableResp := &models.Eacl{
ContainerID: cnrID.EncodeToString(),
Records: make([]*models.Record, len(table.Records())),
for i, rec := range table.Records() {
record, err := util.FromNativeRecord(rec)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't transform record from native: %w", err)
tableResp.Records[i] = record
return tableResp, nil
func createContainer(ctx context.Context, p *pool.Pool, stoken session.Container, params *operations.PutContainerParams) (cid.ID, error) {
request := params.Container
if request.PlacementPolicy == "" {
request.PlacementPolicy = defaultPlacementPolicy
var policy netmap.PlacementPolicy
err := policy.DecodeString(request.PlacementPolicy)
if err != nil {
return cid.ID{}, fmt.Errorf("couldn't parse placement policy: %w", err)
if request.BasicACL == "" {
request.BasicACL = defaultBasicACL
basicACL, err := decodeBasicACL(request.BasicACL)
if err != nil {
return cid.ID{}, fmt.Errorf("couldn't parse basic acl: %w", err)
var cnr container.Container
container.SetCreationTime(&cnr, time.Now())
if request.ContainerName != "" {
container.SetName(&cnr, request.ContainerName)
for _, attr := range request.Attributes {
switch *attr.Key {
case attributeName, attributeTimestamp,
containerv2.SysAttributeName, containerv2.SysAttributeZone:
cnr.SetAttribute(*attr.Key, *attr.Value)
if *params.NameScopeGlobal { // we don't check for nil because there is default false value
if err = checkNNSContainerName(request.ContainerName); err != nil {
return cid.ID{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid container name: %w", err)
var domain container.Domain
container.WriteDomain(&cnr, domain)
var prm pool.PrmContainerPut
cnrID, err := p.PutContainer(ctx, prm)
if err != nil {
return cid.ID{}, fmt.Errorf("put container: %w", err)
return cnrID, nil
func checkNNSContainerName(name string) error {
length := len(name)
if length < 3 || 255 < length {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid length: %d", length)
fragments := strings.Split(name, ".")
for _, fragment := range fragments {
fLength := len(fragment)
if fLength < 1 || 63 < fLength {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid fragment length: %d", fLength)
if !isAlNum(fragment[0]) || !isAlNum(fragment[fLength-1]) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid fragment: '%s'", fragment)
for i := 1; i < fLength-1; i++ {
if fragment[i] != '-' && !isAlNum(fragment[i]) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid fragment: '%s'", fragment)
return nil
func isAlNum(c uint8) bool {
return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= '0' && c <= '9'
func prepareSessionToken(st *SessionToken, isWalletConnect bool) (session.Container, error) {
data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(st.Token)
if err != nil {
return session.Container{}, fmt.Errorf("can't base64-decode session token: %w", err)
signature, err := hex.DecodeString(st.Signature)
if err != nil {
return session.Container{}, fmt.Errorf("couldn't decode signature: %w", err)
ownerKey, err := keys.NewPublicKeyFromString(st.Key)
if err != nil {
return session.Container{}, fmt.Errorf("couldn't fetch session token owner key: %w", err)
body := new(sessionv2.TokenBody)
if err = body.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return session.Container{}, fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal session token: %w", err)
if sessionContext, ok := body.GetContext().(*sessionv2.ContainerSessionContext); !ok {
return session.Container{}, errors.New("expected container session context but got something different")
} else if sessionContext.Verb() != st.Verb {
return session.Container{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid container session verb '%s', expected: '%s'", sessionContext.Verb().String(), st.Verb.String())
v2signature := new(refs.Signature)
if isWalletConnect {
var v2token sessionv2.Token
var stoken session.Container
if err = stoken.ReadFromV2(v2token); err != nil {
return session.Container{}, fmt.Errorf("read from v2 token: %w", err)
if !stoken.VerifySignature() {
return session.Container{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid signature")
return stoken, err