/* Package pool provides a wrapper for several NeoFS API clients. The main component is Pool type. It is a virtual connection to the network and provides methods for executing operations on the server. It also supports a weighted random selection of the underlying client to make requests. Create pool instance with 3 nodes connection. This InitParameters will make pool use node while it is healthy. Otherwise, it will make the pool use for 90% of requests and for remaining 10%. : prm := pool.InitParameters{ Key: key, NodeParams: []NodeParam{ { Priority: 1, Address: "", Weight: 1 }, { Priority: 2, Address: "", Weight: 9 }, { Priority: 2, Address: "", Weight: 1 }, // ... } p, err := pool.NewPool(prm) // ... Connect to the NeoFS server: err := p.Dial(ctx) // ... Execute NeoFS operation on the server: var prm pool.PrmContainerPut prm.SetContainer(cnr) // ... res, err := p.PutContainer(context.Background(), prm) // ... Execute NeoFS operation on the server and check error: var prm pool.PrmObjectHead prm.SetAddress(addr) // ... res, err := p.HeadObject(context.Background(), prm) if client.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) { // ... } // ... Close the connection: p.Close() */ package pool