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import logging
import os
from random import choice, choices, randrange
from time import sleep
import allure
import pytest
from epoch import tick_epoch
from python_keywords.container import list_containers
from python_keywords.utility_keywords import (
from s3_helper import (
from steps import s3_gate_bucket, s3_gate_object
from steps.aws_cli_client import AwsCliClient
from steps.s3_gate_base import TestS3GateBase
from utility import create_file_with_content, get_file_content, split_file
logger = logging.getLogger("NeoLogger")
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if "s3_client" in metafunc.fixturenames:
metafunc.parametrize("s3_client", ["aws cli", "boto3"], indirect=True)"", name="neofs-s3-gateway")
class TestS3Gate(TestS3GateBase):
@allure.title("Create two buckets")
def create_buckets(self):
bucket_1 = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
bucket_2 = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
return bucket_1, bucket_2
@allure.title("Create/delete bucket")
def bucket(self):
bucket = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
yield bucket
# Delete all objects from bucket
versioning_status = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_versioning_status(self.s3_client, bucket)
if versioning_status == s3_gate_bucket.VersioningStatus.ENABLED.value:
# From versioned bucket we should delete all versions of all objects
objects_versions = s3_gate_object.list_objects_versions_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
if objects_versions:
s3_gate_object.delete_object_versions_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, objects_versions)
# From non-versioned bucket it's sufficient to delete objects by key
objects = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
if objects:
s3_gate_object.delete_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, objects)
# Delete the bucket itself
s3_gate_bucket.delete_bucket_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
@allure.title("Test S3 Bucket API")
def test_s3_buckets(self):
Test base S3 Bucket API (Create/List/Head/Delete).
file_path = generate_file()
file_name = self.object_key_from_file_path(file_path)
with allure.step("Create buckets"):
bucket_1 = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
bucket_2 = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
with allure.step("Check buckets are presented in the system"):
# We have an issue that sometimes bucket is not available in the list
# immediately after creation, so we take several attempts with sleep
# TODO: remove after is fixed
buckets = []
for attempt in range(8):
with allure.step(f"Loading buckets list (attempt #{attempt})"):
buckets = s3_gate_bucket.list_buckets_s3(self.s3_client)
if bucket_1 in buckets and bucket_2 in buckets:
break # If both buckets are in the list, stop attempts
with allure.step(f"Buckets were not in the list, waiting before retry"):
assert bucket_1 in buckets, f"Expected bucket {bucket_1} is in the list"
assert bucket_2 in buckets, f"Expected bucket {bucket_2} is in the list"
with allure.step("Bucket must be empty"):
for bucket in (bucket_1, bucket_2):
objects_list = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert not objects_list, f"Expected empty bucket, got {objects_list}"
with allure.step("Check buckets are visible with S3 head command"):
s3_gate_bucket.head_bucket(self.s3_client, bucket_1)
s3_gate_bucket.head_bucket(self.s3_client, bucket_2)
with allure.step("Check we can put/list object with S3 commands"):
s3_gate_object.put_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket_1, file_path)
s3_gate_object.head_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket_1, file_name)
bucket_objects = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket_1)
assert (
file_name in bucket_objects
), f"Expected file {file_name} in objects list {bucket_objects}"
with allure.step("Try to delete not empty bucket and get error"):
with pytest.raises(Exception, match=r".*The bucket you tried to delete is not empty.*"):
s3_gate_bucket.delete_bucket_s3(self.s3_client, bucket_1)
s3_gate_bucket.head_bucket(self.s3_client, bucket_1)
with allure.step(f"Delete empty bucket {bucket_2}"):
s3_gate_bucket.delete_bucket_s3(self.s3_client, bucket_2)
with allure.step(f"Check bucket {bucket_2} deleted"):
with pytest.raises(Exception, match=r".*Not Found.*"):
s3_gate_bucket.head_bucket(self.s3_client, bucket_2)
buckets = s3_gate_bucket.list_buckets_s3(self.s3_client)
assert bucket_1 in buckets, f"Expected bucket {bucket_1} is in the list"
assert bucket_2 not in buckets, f"Expected bucket {bucket_2} is not in the list"
@allure.title("Test S3 Object API")
"file_type", ["simple", "large"], ids=["Simple object", "Large object"]
def test_s3_api_object(self, file_type):
Test base S3 Object API (Put/Head/List) for simple and large objects.
file_path = generate_file(SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE if file_type == "simple" else COMPLEX_OBJ_SIZE)
file_name = self.object_key_from_file_path(file_path)
bucket_1 = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
bucket_2 = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
for bucket in (bucket_1, bucket_2):
with allure.step("Bucket must be empty"):
objects_list = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert not objects_list, f"Expected empty bucket, got {objects_list}"
s3_gate_object.put_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_path)
s3_gate_object.head_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name)
bucket_objects = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert (
file_name in bucket_objects
), f"Expected file {file_name} in objects list {bucket_objects}"
with allure.step("Check object's attributes"):
for attrs in (["ETag"], ["ObjectSize", "StorageClass"]):
s3_gate_object.get_object_attributes(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, *attrs)
@allure.title("Test S3 Sync directory")
def test_s3_sync_dir(self, bucket):
Test checks sync directory with AWS CLI utility.
file_path_1 = f"{os.getcwd()}/{ASSETS_DIR}/test_sync/test_file_1"
file_path_2 = f"{os.getcwd()}/{ASSETS_DIR}/test_sync/test_file_2"
key_to_path = {"test_file_1": file_path_1, "test_file_2": file_path_2}
if not isinstance(self.s3_client, AwsCliClient):
pytest.skip("This test is not supported with boto3 client")
self.s3_client.sync(bucket_name=bucket, dir_path=os.path.dirname(file_path_1))
with allure.step("Check objects are synced"):
objects = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
with allure.step("Check these are the same objects"):
assert set(key_to_path.keys()) == set(
), f"Expected all abjects saved. Got {objects}"
for obj_key in objects:
got_object = s3_gate_object.get_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key)
assert get_file_hash(got_object) == get_file_hash(
), "Expected hashes are the same"
@allure.title("Test S3 Object versioning")
def test_s3_api_versioning(self, bucket):
Test checks basic versioning functionality for S3 bucket.
version_1_content = "Version 1"
version_2_content = "Version 2"
file_name_simple = create_file_with_content(content=version_1_content)
obj_key = os.path.basename(file_name_simple)
set_bucket_versioning(self.s3_client, bucket, s3_gate_bucket.VersioningStatus.ENABLED)
with allure.step("Put several versions of object into bucket"):
version_id_1 = s3_gate_object.put_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name_simple)
create_file_with_content(file_path=file_name_simple, content=version_2_content)
version_id_2 = s3_gate_object.put_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name_simple)
with allure.step("Check bucket shows all versions"):
versions = s3_gate_object.list_objects_versions_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
obj_versions = {
version.get("VersionId") for version in versions if version.get("Key") == obj_key
assert obj_versions == {
}, f"Expected object has versions: {version_id_1, version_id_2}"
with allure.step("Show information about particular version"):
for version_id in (version_id_1, version_id_2):
response = s3_gate_object.head_object_s3(
self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key, version_id=version_id
assert "LastModified" in response, "Expected LastModified field"
assert "ETag" in response, "Expected ETag field"
assert (
response.get("VersionId") == version_id
), f"Expected VersionId is {version_id}"
assert response.get("ContentLength") != 0, "Expected ContentLength is not zero"
with allure.step("Check object's attributes"):
for version_id in (version_id_1, version_id_2):
got_attrs = s3_gate_object.get_object_attributes(
self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key, "ETag", version_id=version_id
if got_attrs:
assert (
got_attrs.get("VersionId") == version_id
), f"Expected VersionId is {version_id}"
with allure.step("Delete object and check it was deleted"):
response = s3_gate_object.delete_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key)
version_id_delete = response.get("VersionId")
with pytest.raises(Exception, match=r".*Not Found.*"):
s3_gate_object.head_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key)
with allure.step("Get content for all versions and check it is correct"):
for version, content in (
(version_id_2, version_2_content),
(version_id_1, version_1_content),
file_name = s3_gate_object.get_object_s3(
self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key, version_id=version
got_content = get_file_content(file_name)
assert (
got_content == content
), f"Expected object content is\n{content}\nGot\n{got_content}"
with allure.step("Restore previous object version"):
self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key, version_id=version_id_delete
file_name = s3_gate_object.get_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key)
got_content = get_file_content(file_name)
assert (
got_content == version_2_content
), f"Expected object content is\n{version_2_content}\nGot\n{got_content}"
@allure.title("Test S3 Object Multipart API")
def test_s3_api_multipart(self, bucket):
Test checks S3 Multipart API (Create multipart upload/Abort multipart upload/List multipart upload/
Upload part/List parts/Complete multipart upload).
parts_count = 3
file_name_large, _ = generate_file_and_file_hash(
SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE * 1024 * 6 * parts_count
) # 5Mb - min part
# file_name_large, _ = generate_file_and_file_hash(SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE * 1024 * 30 * parts_count) # 5Mb - min part
object_key = self.object_key_from_file_path(file_name_large)
part_files = split_file(file_name_large, parts_count)
parts = []
uploads = s3_gate_object.list_multipart_uploads_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert not uploads, f"Expected there is no uploads in bucket {bucket}"
with allure.step("Create and abort multipart upload"):
upload_id = s3_gate_object.create_multipart_upload_s3(
self.s3_client, bucket, object_key
uploads = s3_gate_object.list_multipart_uploads_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert uploads, f"Expected there one upload in bucket {bucket}"
assert (
uploads[0].get("Key") == object_key
), f"Expected correct key {object_key} in upload {uploads}"
assert (
uploads[0].get("UploadId") == upload_id
), f"Expected correct UploadId {upload_id} in upload {uploads}"
s3_gate_object.abort_multipart_uploads_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, object_key, upload_id)
uploads = s3_gate_object.list_multipart_uploads_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert not uploads, f"Expected there is no uploads in bucket {bucket}"
with allure.step("Create new multipart upload and upload several parts"):
upload_id = s3_gate_object.create_multipart_upload_s3(
self.s3_client, bucket, object_key
for part_id, file_path in enumerate(part_files, start=1):
etag = s3_gate_object.upload_part_s3(
self.s3_client, bucket, object_key, upload_id, part_id, file_path
parts.append((part_id, etag))
with allure.step("Check all parts are visible in bucket"):
got_parts = s3_gate_object.list_parts_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, object_key, upload_id)
assert len(got_parts) == len(
), f"Expected {parts_count} parts, got\n{got_parts}"
self.s3_client, bucket, object_key, upload_id, parts
uploads = s3_gate_object.list_multipart_uploads_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert not uploads, f"Expected there is no uploads in bucket {bucket}"
with allure.step("Check we can get whole object from bucket"):
got_object = s3_gate_object.get_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, object_key)
assert get_file_hash(got_object) == get_file_hash(file_name_large)
self.check_object_attributes(bucket, object_key, parts_count)
@allure.title("Test S3 Bucket tagging API")
def test_s3_api_bucket_tagging(self, bucket):
Test checks S3 Bucket tagging API (Put tag/Get tag).
key_value_pair = [("some-key", "some-value"), ("some-key-2", "some-value-2")]
s3_gate_bucket.put_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, key_value_pair)
got_tags = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket)
with allure.step("Check all tags are presented"):
assert got_tags, f"Expected tags, got {got_tags}"
expected_tags = [{"Key": key, "Value": value} for key, value in key_value_pair]
for tag in expected_tags:
assert tag in got_tags
s3_gate_bucket.delete_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket)
tags = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert not tags, f"Expected there is no tags for bucket {bucket}, got {tags}"
@allure.title("Test S3 Object tagging API")
def test_s3_api_object_tagging(self, bucket):
Test checks S3 Object tagging API (Put tag/Get tag/Update tag).
key_value_pair_bucket = [("some-key", "some-value"), ("some-key-2", "some-value-2")]
key_value_pair_obj = [
("some-key-obj", "some-value-obj"),
("some-key--obj2", "some-value--obj2"),
key_value_pair_obj_new = [("some-key-obj-new", "some-value-obj-new")]
file_name_simple, _ = generate_file_and_file_hash(SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE)
obj_key = self.object_key_from_file_path(file_name_simple)
s3_gate_bucket.put_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, key_value_pair_bucket)
s3_gate_object.put_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name_simple)
for tags in (key_value_pair_obj, key_value_pair_obj_new):
s3_gate_object.put_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key, tags)
got_tags = s3_gate_object.get_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key)
assert got_tags, f"Expected tags, got {got_tags}"
expected_tags = [{"Key": key, "Value": value} for key, value in tags]
for tag in expected_tags:
assert tag in got_tags
s3_gate_object.delete_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key)
got_tags = s3_gate_object.get_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key)
assert not got_tags, f"Expected there is no tags for bucket {bucket}, got {got_tags}"
@allure.title("Test S3: Delete object & delete objects S3 API")
def test_s3_api_delete(self, create_buckets):
Check delete_object and delete_objects S3 API operation. From first bucket some objects deleted one by one.
From second bucket some objects deleted all at once.
max_obj_count = 20
max_delete_objects = 17
put_objects = []
file_paths = []
bucket_1, bucket_2 = create_buckets
with allure.step(f"Generate {max_obj_count} files"):
for _ in range(max_obj_count):
for bucket in (bucket_1, bucket_2):
with allure.step(f"Bucket {bucket} must be empty as it just created"):
objects_list = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3_v2(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert not objects_list, f"Expected empty bucket, got {objects_list}"
for file_path in file_paths:
s3_gate_object.put_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_path)
with allure.step(f"Check all objects put in bucket {bucket} successfully"):
bucket_objects = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3_v2(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert set(put_objects) == set(
), f"Expected all objects {put_objects} in objects list {bucket_objects}"
with allure.step("Delete some objects from bucket_1 one by one"):
objects_to_delete_b1 = choices(put_objects, k=max_delete_objects)
for obj in objects_to_delete_b1:
s3_gate_object.delete_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket_1, obj)
with allure.step("Check deleted objects are not visible in bucket bucket_1"):
bucket_objects = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3_v2(self.s3_client, bucket_1)
assert set(put_objects).difference(set(objects_to_delete_b1)) == set(
), f"Expected all objects {put_objects} in objects list {bucket_objects}"
try_to_get_objects_and_expect_error(bucket_1, objects_to_delete_b1)
with allure.step("Delete some objects from bucket_2 at once"):
objects_to_delete_b2 = choices(put_objects, k=max_delete_objects)
s3_gate_object.delete_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket_2, objects_to_delete_b2)
with allure.step("Check deleted objects are not visible in bucket bucket_2"):
objects_list = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3_v2(self.s3_client, bucket_2)
assert set(put_objects).difference(set(objects_to_delete_b2)) == set(
), f"Expected all objects {put_objects} in objects list {bucket_objects}"
try_to_get_objects_and_expect_error(bucket_2, objects_to_delete_b2)
@allure.title("Test S3: Copy object to the same bucket")
def test_s3_copy_same_bucket(self):
Test object can be copied to the same bucket.
#TODO: delete after test_s3_copy_object will be merge
file_path_simple, file_path_large = generate_file(), generate_file(COMPLEX_OBJ_SIZE)
file_name_simple = self.object_key_from_file_path(file_path_simple)
file_name_large = self.object_key_from_file_path(file_path_large)
bucket_objects = [file_name_simple, file_name_large]
bucket = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
with allure.step("Bucket must be empty"):
objects_list = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert not objects_list, f"Expected empty bucket, got {objects_list}"
with allure.step("Put objects into bucket"):
for file_path in (file_path_simple, file_path_large):
s3_gate_object.put_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_path)
with allure.step("Copy one object into the same bucket"):
copy_obj_path = s3_gate_object.copy_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name_simple)
check_objects_in_bucket(bucket, bucket_objects)
with allure.step("Check copied object has the same content"):
got_copied_file = s3_gate_object.get_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, copy_obj_path)
assert get_file_hash(file_path_simple) == get_file_hash(
), "Hashes must be the same"
with allure.step("Delete one object from bucket"):
s3_gate_object.delete_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name_simple)
bucket, expected_objects=bucket_objects, unexpected_objects=[file_name_simple]
@allure.title("Test S3: Copy object to another bucket")
def test_s3_copy_to_another_bucket(self):
Test object can be copied to another bucket.
#TODO: delete after test_s3_copy_object will be merge
file_path_simple, file_path_large = generate_file(), generate_file(COMPLEX_OBJ_SIZE)
file_name_simple = self.object_key_from_file_path(file_path_simple)
file_name_large = self.object_key_from_file_path(file_path_large)
bucket_1_objects = [file_name_simple, file_name_large]
bucket_1 = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
bucket_2 = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
with allure.step("Buckets must be empty"):
for bucket in (bucket_1, bucket_2):
objects_list = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert not objects_list, f"Expected empty bucket, got {objects_list}"
with allure.step("Put objects into one bucket"):
for file_path in (file_path_simple, file_path_large):
s3_gate_object.put_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket_1, file_path)
with allure.step("Copy object from first bucket into second"):
copy_obj_path_b2 = s3_gate_object.copy_object_s3(
self.s3_client, bucket_1, file_name_large, bucket_dst=bucket_2
check_objects_in_bucket(bucket_1, expected_objects=bucket_1_objects)
check_objects_in_bucket(bucket_2, expected_objects=[copy_obj_path_b2])
with allure.step("Check copied object has the same content"):
got_copied_file_b2 = s3_gate_object.get_object_s3(
self.s3_client, bucket_2, copy_obj_path_b2
assert get_file_hash(file_path_large) == get_file_hash(
), "Hashes must be the same"
with allure.step("Delete one object from first bucket"):
s3_gate_object.delete_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket_1, file_name_simple)
check_objects_in_bucket(bucket_1, expected_objects=bucket_1_objects)
check_objects_in_bucket(bucket_2, expected_objects=[copy_obj_path_b2])
with allure.step("Delete one object from second bucket and check it is empty"):
s3_gate_object.delete_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket_2, copy_obj_path_b2)
check_objects_in_bucket(bucket_2, expected_objects=[])
def check_object_attributes(self, bucket: str, object_key: str, parts_count: int):
if not isinstance(self.s3_client, AwsCliClient):
logger.warning("Attributes check is not supported for boto3 implementation")
with allure.step("Check object's attributes"):
obj_parts = s3_gate_object.get_object_attributes(
self.s3_client, bucket, object_key, "ObjectParts", get_full_resp=False
assert (
obj_parts.get("TotalPartsCount") == parts_count
), f"Expected TotalPartsCount is {parts_count}"
assert (
len(obj_parts.get("Parts")) == parts_count
), f"Expected Parts cunt is {parts_count}"
with allure.step("Check object's attribute max-parts"):
max_parts = 2
obj_parts = s3_gate_object.get_object_attributes(
assert (
obj_parts.get("TotalPartsCount") == parts_count
), f"Expected TotalPartsCount is {parts_count}"
assert obj_parts.get("MaxParts") == max_parts, f"Expected MaxParts is {parts_count}"
assert (
len(obj_parts.get("Parts")) == max_parts
), f"Expected Parts count is {parts_count}"
with allure.step("Check object's attribute part-number-marker"):
part_number_marker = 3
obj_parts = s3_gate_object.get_object_attributes(
assert (
obj_parts.get("TotalPartsCount") == parts_count
), f"Expected TotalPartsCount is {parts_count}"
assert (
obj_parts.get("PartNumberMarker") == part_number_marker
), f"Expected PartNumberMarker is {part_number_marker}"
assert len(obj_parts.get("Parts")) == 1, f"Expected Parts count is {parts_count}"
def object_key_from_file_path(full_path: str) -> str:
return os.path.basename(full_path)