import logging import socket import tempfile import textwrap from contextlib import contextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from functools import wraps from time import sleep from typing import ClassVar import os import allure from paramiko import (AutoAddPolicy, SFTPClient, SSHClient, SSHException, ssh_exception, RSAKey) from paramiko.ssh_exception import AuthenticationException class HostIsNotAvailable(Exception): """Raises when host is not reachable.""" def __init__(self, ip: str = None, exc: Exception = None): msg = f'Host is not available{f" by ip: {ip}" if ip else ""}' if exc: msg = f'{msg}. {exc}' super().__init__(msg) def log_command(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(host: 'HostClient', command: str, *args, **kwargs): display_length = 60 short = command.removeprefix("$ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue'\n") short = short[:display_length] short += '...' if short != command else '' with allure.step(f'SSH: {short}'):'Execute command "{command}" on "{host.ip}"') start_time = cmd_result = func(host, command, *args, **kwargs) end_time = log_message = f'HOST: {host.ip}\n' \ f'COMMAND:\n{textwrap.indent(command, " ")}\n' \ f'RC:\n {cmd_result.rc}\n' \ f'STDOUT:\n{textwrap.indent(cmd_result.stdout, " ")}\n' \ f'STDERR:\n{textwrap.indent(cmd_result.stderr, " ")}\n' \ f'Start / End / Elapsed\t {start_time.time()} / {end_time.time()} / {end_time - start_time}' allure.attach(log_message, 'SSH command', allure.attachment_type.TEXT) return cmd_result return wrapper @dataclass class SSHCommand: stdout: str stderr: str rc: int class HostClient: ssh_client: SSHClient SSH_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS: ClassVar[int] = 3 CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 30 TIMEOUT_RESTORE_CONNECTION = 10, 24 def __init__(self, ip: str, login: str, password: str, init_ssh_client=True): self.ip = ip self.login = login self.password = password = os.getenv('SSH_PK_PATH') if init_ssh_client: self.create_connection(self.SSH_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS) def exec(self, cmd: str, verify=True, timeout=30) -> SSHCommand: cmd_result = self._inner_exec(cmd, timeout) if verify: assert cmd_result.rc == 0, f'Non zero rc from command: "{cmd}"' return cmd_result @log_command def exec_with_confirmation(self, cmd: str, confirmation: list, verify=True, timeout=10) -> SSHCommand: ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd, timeout=timeout) for line in confirmation: if not line.endswith('\n'): line = f'{line}\n' try: ssh_stdin.write(line) except OSError as err: logging.error(f'Got error {err} executing command {cmd}') ssh_stdin.close() output = SSHCommand('ignore'),'ignore'), if verify: debug_info = f'\nSTDOUT: {output.stdout}\nSTDERR: {output.stderr}\nRC: {output.rc}' assert output.rc == 0, f'Non zero rc from command: "{cmd}"{debug_info}' return output @contextmanager def as_user(self, user: str, password: str): keep_user, keep_password = self.login, self.password self.login, self.password = user, password self.create_connection() yield self.login, self.password = keep_user, keep_password self.create_connection() @allure.step('Restore connection') def restore_ssh_connection(self): retry_time, retry_count = self.TIMEOUT_RESTORE_CONNECTION for _ in range(retry_count): try: self.create_connection() except AssertionError: logging.warning(f'Host: Cant reach host: {self.ip}.') sleep(retry_time) else:'Host: Cant reach host: {self.ip}.') return raise AssertionError(f'Host: Cant reach host: {self.ip} after 240 seconds..') @allure.step('Copy file {host_path_to_file} to local file {path_to_file}') def copy_file_from_host(self, host_path_to_file: str, path_to_file: str): with self._sftp_client() as sftp_client: sftp_client.get(host_path_to_file, path_to_file) def copy_file_to_host(self, path_to_file: str, host_path_to_file: str): with allure.step(f'Copy local file {path_to_file} to remote file {host_path_to_file} on host {self.ip}'): with self._sftp_client() as sftp_client: sftp_client.put(path_to_file, host_path_to_file) @allure.step('Save string to remote file {host_path_to_file}') def copy_str_to_host_file(self, string: str, host_path_to_file: str): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+') as temp: temp.writelines(string) temp.flush() with self._sftp_client() as client: client.put(, host_path_to_file) self.exec(f'cat {host_path_to_file}', verify=False) def create_connection(self, attempts=SSH_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS): exc_err = None for attempt in range(attempts):'Try to establish connection {attempt + 1} time to Host: {self.ip} under {self.login} ' f'user with {self.password} password..') self.ssh_client = SSHClient() self.ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) try: if self.password: self.ssh_client.connect(hostname=str(self.ip), username=self.login, password=str(self.password), timeout=self.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) else: self.ssh_client.connect(hostname=str(self.ip), pkey=RSAKey.from_private_key_file(, timeout=self.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) return True except AuthenticationException as auth_err: logging.error(f'Host: {self.ip}. {auth_err}') raise auth_err except ( SSHException, ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError, AttributeError, socket.timeout, OSError ) as ssh_err: exc_err = ssh_err logging.error(f'Host: {self.ip}, connection error. {exc_err}') raise HostIsNotAvailable(self.ip, exc_err) def drop(self): self.ssh_client.close() @log_command def _inner_exec(self, cmd: str, timeout: int) -> SSHCommand: if not self.ssh_client: self.create_connection() for _ in range(self.SSH_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS): try: _, stdout, stderr = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd, timeout=timeout) return SSHCommand('ignore'),'ignore'), ) except ( SSHException, TimeoutError, ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError, ConnectionResetError, AttributeError, socket.timeout, ) as ssh_err: logging.error(f'Host: {self.ip}, exec command error {ssh_err}') self.create_connection() raise HostIsNotAvailable(f'Host: {self.ip} is not reachable.') @contextmanager def _sftp_client(self) -> SFTPClient: with self.ssh_client.open_sftp() as sftp: yield sftp