package balance import ( "" "" "" ) var DumpCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "dump-balances", Short: "Dump GAS balances", PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) { _ = viper.BindPFlag(commonflags.EndpointFlag, cmd.Flags().Lookup(commonflags.EndpointFlag)) }, RunE: dumpBalances, } func initDumpBalancesCmd() { DumpCmd.Flags().StringP(commonflags.EndpointFlag, commonflags.EndpointFlagShort, "", commonflags.EndpointFlagDesc) DumpCmd.Flags().BoolP(dumpBalancesStorageFlag, "s", false, "Dump balances of storage nodes from the current netmap") DumpCmd.Flags().BoolP(dumpBalancesAlphabetFlag, "a", false, "Dump balances of alphabet contracts") DumpCmd.Flags().BoolP(dumpBalancesProxyFlag, "p", false, "Dump balances of the proxy contract") DumpCmd.Flags().Bool(dumpBalancesUseScriptHashFlag, false, "Use script-hash format for addresses") } func init() { initDumpBalancesCmd() }