forked from TrueCloudLab/rclone
261 lines
7.6 KiB
261 lines
7.6 KiB
// Package nbd provides a network block device server
package nbd
import (
_ "embed"
const logPrefix = "nbd"
// OptionsInfo descripts the Options in use
var OptionsInfo = fs.Options{{
Name: "addr",
Default: "localhost:10809",
Help: "IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to",
}, {
Name: "min_block_size",
Default: fs.SizeSuffix(512), // FIXME
Help: "Minimum block size to advertise",
}, {
Name: "preferred_block_size",
Default: fs.SizeSuffix(4096), // FIXME this is the max according to nbd-client
Help: "Preferred block size to advertise",
}, {
Name: "max_block_size",
Default: fs.SizeSuffix(1024 * 1024), // FIXME,
Help: "Maximum block size to advertise",
}, {
Name: "create",
Default: fs.SizeSuffix(-1),
Help: "If the destination does not exist, create it with this size",
}, {
Name: "chunk_size",
Default: fs.SizeSuffix(0),
Help: "If creating the destination use this chunk size. Must be a power of 2.",
}, {
Name: "resize",
Default: fs.SizeSuffix(-1),
Help: "If the destination exists, resize it to this size",
// name := flag.String("name", "default", "Export name")
// description := flag.String("description", "The default export", "Export description")
// Options required for nbd server
type Options struct {
ListenAddr string `config:"addr"` // Port to listen on
MinBlockSize fs.SizeSuffix `config:"min_block_size"`
PreferredBlockSize fs.SizeSuffix `config:"preferred_block_size"`
MaxBlockSize fs.SizeSuffix `config:"max_block_size"`
Create fs.SizeSuffix `config:"create"`
ChunkSize fs.SizeSuffix `config:"chunk_size"`
Resize fs.SizeSuffix `config:"resize"`
func init() {
fs.RegisterGlobalOptions(fs.OptionsInfo{Name: "nbd", Opt: &Opt, Options: OptionsInfo})
// Opt is options set by command line flags
var Opt Options
// AddFlags adds flags for the nbd
func AddFlags(flagSet *pflag.FlagSet, Opt *Options) {
flags.AddFlagsFromOptions(flagSet, "", OptionsInfo)
func init() {
flagSet := Command.Flags()
AddFlags(flagSet, &Opt)
var helpText string
// Command definition for cobra
var Command = &cobra.Command{
Use: "nbd remote:path",
Short: `Serve the remote over NBD.`,
Long: helpText + vfs.Help(),
Annotations: map[string]string{
"versionIntroduced": "v1.65",
"status": "experimental",
Run: func(command *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// FIXME could serve more than one nbd?
cmd.CheckArgs(1, 1, command, args)
f, leaf := cmd.NewFsFile(args[0])
cmd.Run(false, true, command, func() error {
s, err := run(context.Background(), f, leaf, Opt)
if err != nil {
defer systemd.Notify()()
_ = s
return nil
// NBD contains everything to run the server
type NBD struct {
f fs.Fs
leaf string
vfs *vfs.VFS // don't use directly, use getVFS
opt Options
wg sync.WaitGroup
sessionWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
logRd *io.PipeReader
logWr *io.PipeWriter
log2ChunkSize uint
readOnly bool // Set for read only by vfs config
backendFactory backendFactory
// interface for creating backend factories
type backendFactory interface {
newBackend(ctx context.Context, ec *nbd.ExportConfig) (nbd.Backend, error)
// Create and start the server for nbd either on directory f or using file leaf in f
func run(ctx context.Context, f fs.Fs, leaf string, opt Options) (s *NBD, err error) {
s = &NBD{
f: f,
leaf: leaf,
opt: opt,
vfs: vfs.New(f, &vfscommon.Opt),
readOnly: vfscommon.Opt.ReadOnly,
if opt.ChunkSize != 0 {
if set := bits.OnesCount64(uint64(opt.ChunkSize)); set != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("--chunk-size must be a power of 2 (counted %d bits set)", set)
s.log2ChunkSize = uint(bits.TrailingZeros64(uint64(opt.ChunkSize)))
fs.Debugf(logPrefix, "Using ChunkSize %v (%v), Log2ChunkSize %d", opt.ChunkSize, fs.SizeSuffix(1<<s.log2ChunkSize), s.log2ChunkSize)
if !vfscommon.Opt.ReadOnly && vfscommon.Opt.CacheMode < vfscommon.CacheModeWrites {
return nil, errors.New("need --vfs-cache-mode writes or full when serving read/write")
// Create the backend factory
if leaf != "" {
s.backendFactory, err = s.newFileBackendFactory(ctx)
} else {
s.backendFactory, err = s.newChunkedBackendFactory(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nbd.RegisterBackend("rclone", s.backendFactory.newBackend)
fs.Debugf(logPrefix, "Registered backends: %v", nbd.GetBackendNames())
var (
protocol = "tcp"
addr = Opt.ListenAddr
if strings.HasPrefix(addr, "unix://") || filepath.IsAbs(addr) {
protocol = "unix"
addr = strings.TrimPrefix(addr, "unix://")
ec := nbd.ExportConfig{
Name: "default",
Description: fs.ConfigString(f),
Driver: "rclone",
ReadOnly: vfscommon.Opt.ReadOnly,
Workers: 8, // should this be --checkers or a new config flag FIXME
TLSOnly: false, // FIXME
MinimumBlockSize: uint64(Opt.MinBlockSize),
PreferredBlockSize: uint64(Opt.PreferredBlockSize),
MaximumBlockSize: uint64(Opt.MaxBlockSize),
DriverParameters: nbd.DriverParametersConfig{
"sync": "false",
"path": "/tmp/diskimage",
// Make a logger to feed gonbdserver's logs into rclone's logging system
s.logRd, s.logWr = io.Pipe()
go func() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(s.logRd)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
if s, ok := strings.CutPrefix(line, "[DEBUG] "); ok {
fs.Debugf(logPrefix, "%s", s)
} else if s, ok := strings.CutPrefix(line, "[INFO] "); ok {
fs.Infof(logPrefix, "%s", s)
} else if s, ok := strings.CutPrefix(line, "[WARN] "); ok {
fs.Logf(logPrefix, "%s", s)
} else if s, ok := strings.CutPrefix(line, "[ERROR] "); ok {
fs.Errorf(logPrefix, "%s", s)
} else if s, ok := strings.CutPrefix(line, "[CRIT] "); ok {
fs.Errorf(logPrefix, "%s", s)
} else {
fs.Infof(logPrefix, "%s", line)
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
fs.Errorf(logPrefix, "Log writer failed: %v", err)
logger := log.New(s.logWr, "", 0)
ci := fs.GetConfig(ctx)
dump := ci.Dump & (fs.DumpHeaders | fs.DumpBodies | fs.DumpAuth | fs.DumpRequests | fs.DumpResponses)
var serverConfig = nbd.ServerConfig{
Protocol: protocol, // protocol it should listen on (in net.Conn form)
Address: addr, // address to listen on
DefaultExport: "default", // name of default export
Exports: []nbd.ExportConfig{ec}, // array of configurations of exported items
//TLS: nbd.TLSConfig{}, // TLS configuration
DisableNoZeroes: false, // Disable NoZereos extension FIXME
Debug: dump != 0, // Verbose debug
go func() {
defer s.wg.Done()
// FIXME contexts
nbd.StartServer(ctx, ctx, &s.sessionWaitGroup, logger, serverConfig)
return s, nil
// Wait for the server to finish
func (s *NBD) Wait() {
_ = s.logWr.Close()
_ = s.logRd.Close()