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// Package configflags defines the flags used by rclone. It is
// decoupled into a separate package so it can be replaced.
package configflags
// Options set by command line flags
import (
fsLog "github.com/rclone/rclone/fs/log"
var (
// these will get interpreted into fs.Config via SetFlags() below
verbose int
quiet bool
dumpHeaders bool
dumpBodies bool
deleteBefore bool
deleteDuring bool
deleteAfter bool
bindAddr string
disableFeatures string
dscp string
uploadHeaders []string
downloadHeaders []string
headers []string
// AddFlags adds the non filing system specific flags to the command
func AddFlags(ci *fs.ConfigInfo, flagSet *pflag.FlagSet) {
rc.AddOption("main", ci)
// NB defaults which aren't the zero for the type should be set in fs/config.go NewConfig
flags.CountVarP(flagSet, &verbose, "verbose", "v", "Print lots more stuff (repeat for more)")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &quiet, "quiet", "q", false, "Print as little stuff as possible")
flags.DurationVarP(flagSet, &ci.ModifyWindow, "modify-window", "", ci.ModifyWindow, "Max time diff to be considered the same")
flags.IntVarP(flagSet, &ci.Checkers, "checkers", "", ci.Checkers, "Number of checkers to run in parallel.")
flags.IntVarP(flagSet, &ci.Transfers, "transfers", "", ci.Transfers, "Number of file transfers to run in parallel.")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &config.ConfigPath, "config", "", config.ConfigPath, "Config file.")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &config.CacheDir, "cache-dir", "", config.CacheDir, "Directory rclone will use for caching.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.CheckSum, "checksum", "c", ci.CheckSum, "Skip based on checksum (if available) & size, not mod-time & size")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.SizeOnly, "size-only", "", ci.SizeOnly, "Skip based on size only, not mod-time or checksum")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.IgnoreTimes, "ignore-times", "I", ci.IgnoreTimes, "Don't skip files that match size and time - transfer all files")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.IgnoreExisting, "ignore-existing", "", ci.IgnoreExisting, "Skip all files that exist on destination")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.IgnoreErrors, "ignore-errors", "", ci.IgnoreErrors, "delete even if there are I/O errors")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.DryRun, "dry-run", "n", ci.DryRun, "Do a trial run with no permanent changes")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.Interactive, "interactive", "i", ci.Interactive, "Enable interactive mode")
flags.DurationVarP(flagSet, &ci.ConnectTimeout, "contimeout", "", ci.ConnectTimeout, "Connect timeout")
flags.DurationVarP(flagSet, &ci.Timeout, "timeout", "", ci.Timeout, "IO idle timeout")
flags.DurationVarP(flagSet, &ci.ExpectContinueTimeout, "expect-continue-timeout", "", ci.ExpectContinueTimeout, "Timeout when using expect / 100-continue in HTTP")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &dumpHeaders, "dump-headers", "", false, "Dump HTTP headers - may contain sensitive info")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &dumpBodies, "dump-bodies", "", false, "Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.InsecureSkipVerify, "no-check-certificate", "", ci.InsecureSkipVerify, "Do not verify the server SSL certificate. Insecure.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.AskPassword, "ask-password", "", ci.AskPassword, "Allow prompt for password for encrypted configuration.")
flags.FVarP(flagSet, &ci.PasswordCommand, "password-command", "", "Command for supplying password for encrypted configuration.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &deleteBefore, "delete-before", "", false, "When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &deleteDuring, "delete-during", "", false, "When synchronizing, delete files during transfer")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &deleteAfter, "delete-after", "", false, "When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default)")
flags.Int64VarP(flagSet, &ci.MaxDelete, "max-delete", "", -1, "When synchronizing, limit the number of deletes")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.TrackRenames, "track-renames", "", ci.TrackRenames, "When synchronizing, track file renames and do a server-side move if possible")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &ci.TrackRenamesStrategy, "track-renames-strategy", "", ci.TrackRenamesStrategy, "Strategies to use when synchronizing using track-renames hash|modtime|leaf")
flags.IntVarP(flagSet, &ci.LowLevelRetries, "low-level-retries", "", ci.LowLevelRetries, "Number of low level retries to do.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.UpdateOlder, "update", "u", ci.UpdateOlder, "Skip files that are newer on the destination.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.UseServerModTime, "use-server-modtime", "", ci.UseServerModTime, "Use server modified time instead of object metadata")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.NoGzip, "no-gzip-encoding", "", ci.NoGzip, "Don't set Accept-Encoding: gzip.")
flags.IntVarP(flagSet, &ci.MaxDepth, "max-depth", "", ci.MaxDepth, "If set limits the recursion depth to this.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.IgnoreSize, "ignore-size", "", false, "Ignore size when skipping use mod-time or checksum.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.IgnoreChecksum, "ignore-checksum", "", ci.IgnoreChecksum, "Skip post copy check of checksums.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.IgnoreCaseSync, "ignore-case-sync", "", ci.IgnoreCaseSync, "Ignore case when synchronizing")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.NoTraverse, "no-traverse", "", ci.NoTraverse, "Don't traverse destination file system on copy.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.CheckFirst, "check-first", "", ci.CheckFirst, "Do all the checks before starting transfers.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.NoCheckDest, "no-check-dest", "", ci.NoCheckDest, "Don't check the destination, copy regardless.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.NoUnicodeNormalization, "no-unicode-normalization", "", ci.NoUnicodeNormalization, "Don't normalize unicode characters in filenames.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.NoUpdateModTime, "no-update-modtime", "", ci.NoUpdateModTime, "Don't update destination mod-time if files identical.")
flags.StringArrayVarP(flagSet, &ci.CompareDest, "compare-dest", "", nil, "Include additional comma separated server-side paths during comparison.")
flags.StringArrayVarP(flagSet, &ci.CopyDest, "copy-dest", "", nil, "Implies --compare-dest but also copies files from paths into destination.")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &ci.BackupDir, "backup-dir", "", ci.BackupDir, "Make backups into hierarchy based in DIR.")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &ci.Suffix, "suffix", "", ci.Suffix, "Suffix to add to changed files.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.SuffixKeepExtension, "suffix-keep-extension", "", ci.SuffixKeepExtension, "Preserve the extension when using --suffix.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.UseListR, "fast-list", "", ci.UseListR, "Use recursive list if available. Uses more memory but fewer transactions.")
flags.Float64VarP(flagSet, &ci.TPSLimit, "tpslimit", "", ci.TPSLimit, "Limit HTTP transactions per second to this.")
flags.IntVarP(flagSet, &ci.TPSLimitBurst, "tpslimit-burst", "", ci.TPSLimitBurst, "Max burst of transactions for --tpslimit.")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &bindAddr, "bind", "", "", "Local address to bind to for outgoing connections, IPv4, IPv6 or name.")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &disableFeatures, "disable", "", "", "Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list.")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &ci.UserAgent, "user-agent", "", ci.UserAgent, "Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.Immutable, "immutable", "", ci.Immutable, "Do not modify files. Fail if existing files have been modified.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.AutoConfirm, "auto-confirm", "", ci.AutoConfirm, "If enabled, do not request console confirmation.")
flags.IntVarP(flagSet, &ci.StatsFileNameLength, "stats-file-name-length", "", ci.StatsFileNameLength, "Max file name length in stats. 0 for no limit")
flags.FVarP(flagSet, &ci.LogLevel, "log-level", "", "Log level DEBUG|INFO|NOTICE|ERROR")
flags.FVarP(flagSet, &ci.StatsLogLevel, "stats-log-level", "", "Log level to show --stats output DEBUG|INFO|NOTICE|ERROR")
flags.FVarP(flagSet, &ci.BwLimit, "bwlimit", "", "Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable.")
flags.FVarP(flagSet, &ci.BwLimitFile, "bwlimit-file", "", "Bandwidth limit per file in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable.")
flags.FVarP(flagSet, &ci.BufferSize, "buffer-size", "", "In memory buffer size when reading files for each --transfer.")
flags.FVarP(flagSet, &ci.StreamingUploadCutoff, "streaming-upload-cutoff", "", "Cutoff for switching to chunked upload if file size is unknown. Upload starts after reaching cutoff or when file ends.")
flags.FVarP(flagSet, &ci.Dump, "dump", "", "List of items to dump from: "+fs.DumpFlagsList)
flags.FVarP(flagSet, &ci.MaxTransfer, "max-transfer", "", "Maximum size of data to transfer.")
flags.DurationVarP(flagSet, &ci.MaxDuration, "max-duration", "", 0, "Maximum duration rclone will transfer data for.")
flags.FVarP(flagSet, &ci.CutoffMode, "cutoff-mode", "", "Mode to stop transfers when reaching the max transfer limit HARD|SOFT|CAUTIOUS")
flags.IntVarP(flagSet, &ci.MaxBacklog, "max-backlog", "", ci.MaxBacklog, "Maximum number of objects in sync or check backlog.")
flags.IntVarP(flagSet, &ci.MaxStatsGroups, "max-stats-groups", "", ci.MaxStatsGroups, "Maximum number of stats groups to keep in memory. On max oldest is discarded.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.StatsOneLine, "stats-one-line", "", ci.StatsOneLine, "Make the stats fit on one line.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.StatsOneLineDate, "stats-one-line-date", "", ci.StatsOneLineDate, "Enables --stats-one-line and add current date/time prefix.")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &ci.StatsOneLineDateFormat, "stats-one-line-date-format", "", ci.StatsOneLineDateFormat, "Enables --stats-one-line-date and uses custom formatted date. Enclose date string in double quotes (\"). See https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Time.Format")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.ErrorOnNoTransfer, "error-on-no-transfer", "", ci.ErrorOnNoTransfer, "Sets exit code 9 if no files are transferred, useful in scripts")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.Progress, "progress", "P", ci.Progress, "Show progress during transfer.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.ProgressTerminalTitle, "progress-terminal-title", "", ci.ProgressTerminalTitle, "Show progress on the terminal title. Requires -P/--progress.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.Cookie, "use-cookies", "", ci.Cookie, "Enable session cookiejar.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.UseMmap, "use-mmap", "", ci.UseMmap, "Use mmap allocator (see docs).")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &ci.CaCert, "ca-cert", "", ci.CaCert, "CA certificate used to verify servers")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &ci.ClientCert, "client-cert", "", ci.ClientCert, "Client SSL certificate (PEM) for mutual TLS auth")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &ci.ClientKey, "client-key", "", ci.ClientKey, "Client SSL private key (PEM) for mutual TLS auth")
flags.FVarP(flagSet, &ci.MultiThreadCutoff, "multi-thread-cutoff", "", "Use multi-thread downloads for files above this size.")
flags.IntVarP(flagSet, &ci.MultiThreadStreams, "multi-thread-streams", "", ci.MultiThreadStreams, "Max number of streams to use for multi-thread downloads.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.UseJSONLog, "use-json-log", "", ci.UseJSONLog, "Use json log format.")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &ci.OrderBy, "order-by", "", ci.OrderBy, "Instructions on how to order the transfers, e.g. 'size,descending'")
flags.StringArrayVarP(flagSet, &uploadHeaders, "header-upload", "", nil, "Set HTTP header for upload transactions")
flags.StringArrayVarP(flagSet, &downloadHeaders, "header-download", "", nil, "Set HTTP header for download transactions")
flags.StringArrayVarP(flagSet, &headers, "header", "", nil, "Set HTTP header for all transactions")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.RefreshTimes, "refresh-times", "", ci.RefreshTimes, "Refresh the modtime of remote files.")
flags.BoolVarP(flagSet, &ci.NoConsole, "no-console", "", ci.NoConsole, "Hide console window. Supported on Windows only.")
flags.StringVarP(flagSet, &dscp, "dscp", "", "", "Set DSCP value to connections. Can be value or names, eg. CS1, LE, DF, AF21.")
flags.DurationVarP(flagSet, &ci.FsCacheExpireDuration, "fs-cache-expire-duration", "", ci.FsCacheExpireDuration, "cache remotes for this long (0 to disable caching)")
flags.DurationVarP(flagSet, &ci.FsCacheExpireInterval, "fs-cache-expire-interval", "", ci.FsCacheExpireInterval, "interval to check for expired remotes")
// ParseHeaders converts the strings passed in via the header flags into HTTPOptions
func ParseHeaders(headers []string) []*fs.HTTPOption {
opts := []*fs.HTTPOption{}
for _, header := range headers {
parts := strings.SplitN(header, ":", 2)
if len(parts) == 1 {
log.Fatalf("Failed to parse '%s' as an HTTP header. Expecting a string like: 'Content-Encoding: gzip'", header)
option := &fs.HTTPOption{
Key: strings.TrimSpace(parts[0]),
Value: strings.TrimSpace(parts[1]),
opts = append(opts, option)
return opts
2019-04-30 14:06:24 +02:00
// SetFlags converts any flags into config which weren't straight forward
func SetFlags(ci *fs.ConfigInfo) {
if verbose >= 2 {
ci.LogLevel = fs.LogLevelDebug
} else if verbose >= 1 {
ci.LogLevel = fs.LogLevelInfo
if (ci.DryRun || ci.Interactive) && ci.StatsLogLevel > fs.LogLevelNotice {
ci.StatsLogLevel = fs.LogLevelNotice
if quiet {
if verbose > 0 {
log.Fatalf("Can't set -v and -q")
ci.LogLevel = fs.LogLevelError
logLevelFlag := pflag.Lookup("log-level")
if logLevelFlag != nil && logLevelFlag.Changed {
if verbose > 0 {
log.Fatalf("Can't set -v and --log-level")
if quiet {
log.Fatalf("Can't set -q and --log-level")
if ci.UseJSONLog {
TimestampFormat: "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999-07:00",
switch ci.LogLevel {
case fs.LogLevelEmergency, fs.LogLevelAlert:
case fs.LogLevelCritical:
case fs.LogLevelError:
case fs.LogLevelWarning, fs.LogLevelNotice:
case fs.LogLevelInfo:
case fs.LogLevelDebug:
if dumpHeaders {
ci.Dump |= fs.DumpHeaders
fs.Logf(nil, "--dump-headers is obsolete - please use --dump headers instead")
if dumpBodies {
ci.Dump |= fs.DumpBodies
fs.Logf(nil, "--dump-bodies is obsolete - please use --dump bodies instead")
switch {
case deleteBefore && (deleteDuring || deleteAfter),
deleteDuring && deleteAfter:
log.Fatalf(`Only one of --delete-before, --delete-during or --delete-after can be used.`)
case deleteBefore:
ci.DeleteMode = fs.DeleteModeBefore
case deleteDuring:
ci.DeleteMode = fs.DeleteModeDuring
case deleteAfter:
ci.DeleteMode = fs.DeleteModeAfter
ci.DeleteMode = fs.DeleteModeDefault
if len(ci.CompareDest) > 0 && len(ci.CopyDest) > 0 {
log.Fatalf(`Can't use --compare-dest with --copy-dest.`)
switch {
case len(ci.StatsOneLineDateFormat) > 0:
ci.StatsOneLineDate = true
ci.StatsOneLine = true
case ci.StatsOneLineDate:
ci.StatsOneLineDateFormat = "2006/01/02 15:04:05 - "
ci.StatsOneLine = true
if bindAddr != "" {
addrs, err := net.LookupIP(bindAddr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("--bind: Failed to parse %q as IP address: %v", bindAddr, err)
if len(addrs) != 1 {
log.Fatalf("--bind: Expecting 1 IP address for %q but got %d", bindAddr, len(addrs))
ci.BindAddr = addrs[0]
if disableFeatures != "" {
if disableFeatures == "help" {
log.Fatalf("Possible backend features are: %s\n", strings.Join(new(fs.Features).List(), ", "))
ci.DisableFeatures = strings.Split(disableFeatures, ",")
if len(uploadHeaders) != 0 {
ci.UploadHeaders = ParseHeaders(uploadHeaders)
if len(downloadHeaders) != 0 {
ci.DownloadHeaders = ParseHeaders(downloadHeaders)
if len(headers) != 0 {
ci.Headers = ParseHeaders(headers)
if len(dscp) != 0 {
if value, ok := parseDSCP(dscp); ok {
ci.TrafficClass = value << 2
} else {
log.Fatalf("--dscp: Invalid DSCP name: %v", dscp)
// Make the config file absolute
configPath, err := filepath.Abs(config.ConfigPath)
if err == nil {
config.ConfigPath = configPath
// Set whether multi-thread-streams was set
multiThreadStreamsFlag := pflag.Lookup("multi-thread-streams")
ci.MultiThreadSet = multiThreadStreamsFlag != nil && multiThreadStreamsFlag.Changed
// Make sure some values are > 0
nonZero := func(pi *int) {
if *pi <= 0 {
*pi = 1
// parseHeaders converts DSCP names to value
func parseDSCP(dscp string) (uint8, bool) {
if s, err := strconv.ParseUint(dscp, 10, 6); err == nil {
return uint8(s), true
dscp = strings.ToUpper(dscp)
switch dscp {
case "BE":
case "DF":
case "CS0":
return 0x00, true
case "CS1":
return 0x08, true
case "AF11":
return 0x0A, true
case "AF12":
return 0x0C, true
case "AF13":
return 0x0E, true
case "CS2":
return 0x10, true
case "AF21":
return 0x12, true
case "AF22":
return 0x14, true
case "AF23":
return 0x16, true
case "CS3":
return 0x18, true
case "AF31":
return 0x1A, true
case "AF32":
return 0x1C, true
case "AF33":
return 0x1E, true
case "CS4":
return 0x20, true
case "AF41":
return 0x22, true
case "AF42":
return 0x24, true
case "AF43":
return 0x26, true
case "CS5":
return 0x28, true
case "EF":
return 0x2E, true
case "CS6":
return 0x30, true
case "LE":
return 0x01, true
return 0, false