The behavior of union backend is inspired by [trapexit/mergerfs]( All functions are grouped into 3 categories: **action**, **create** and **search**. These functions and categories can be assigned a policy which dictates what file or directory is chosen when performing that behavior. Any policy can be assigned to a function or category though some may not be very useful in practice. For instance: **rand** (random) may be useful for file creation (create) but could lead to very odd behavior if used for `delete` if there were more than one copy of the file.
Policies basically search upstream remotes and create a list of files / paths for functions to work on. The policy is responsible for filtering and sorting. The policy type defines the sorting but filtering is mostly uniform as described below.
* No **search** policies filter.
* All **action** policies will filter out remotes which are tagged as **read-only**.
* All **create** policies will filter out remotes which are tagged **read-only** or **no-create**.
If all remotes are filtered an error will be returned.
#### Policy descriptions
THe policies definition are inspired by [trapexit/mergerfs]( but not exactly the same. Some policy definition could be different due to the much larger latency of remote file systems.
| all | Search category: same as **epall**. Action category: same as **epall**. Create category: act on all remotes. |
| epall (existing path, all) | Search category: Given this order configured, act on the first one found where the relative path exists. Action category: apply to all found. Create category: act on all remotes where the relative path exists. |
| epff (existing path, first found) | Act on the first one found, by the time upstreams reply, where the relative path exists. |
| eplfs (existing path, least free space) | Of all the remotes on which the relative path exists choose the one with the least free space. |
| eplus (existing path, least used space) | Of all the remotes on which the relative path exists choose the one with the least used space. |
| eplno (existing path, least number of objects) | Of all the remotes on which the relative path exists choose the one with the least number of objects. |
| epmfs (existing path, most free space) | Of all the remotes on which the relative path exists choose the one with the most free space. |
| eprand (existing path, random) | Calls **epall** and then randomizes. Returns only one remote. |
| ff (first found) | Search category: same as **epff**. Action category: same as **epff**. Create category: Act on the first one found by the time upstreams reply. |
| lfs (least free space) | Search category: same as **eplfs**. Action category: same as **eplfs**. Create category: Pick the remote with the least available free space. |
| lus (least used space) | Search category: same as **eplus**. Action category: same as **eplus**. Create category: Pick the remote with the least used space. |
| lno (least number of objects) | Search category: same as **eplno**. Action category: same as **eplno**. Create category: Pick the remote with the least number of objects. |
| mfs (most free space) | Search category: same as **epmfs**. Action category: same as **epmfs**. Create category: Pick the remote with the most available free space. |
| newest | Pick the file / directory with the largest mtime. |
| rand (random) | Calls **all** and then randomizes. Returns only one remote. |