diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
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--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
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--- a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-language: go
-sudo: false
- - "1.10"
- - "1.11"
- - "1.12"
- - master
- - go test -tags safe ./...
- - go test ./...
- -
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e30b4f34..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
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- Apache License
- Version 2.0, January 2004
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/
- 1. Definitions.
- "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
- and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
- "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
- the copyright owner that is granting the License.
- "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
- other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
- control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
- "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
- direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
- otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
- outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
- "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
- exercising permissions granted by this License.
- "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
- including but not limited to software source code, documentation
- source, and configuration files.
- "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
- transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
- not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
- and conversions to other media types.
- "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
- Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
- copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
- (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
- "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
- form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
- editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
- represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
- of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
- separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
- the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
- "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
- the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
- to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
- submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
- or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
- the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
- means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
- to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
- communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
- and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
- Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
- excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
- designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
- "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
- on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
- subsequently incorporated within the Work.
- 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
- this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
- worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
- copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
- publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
- Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
- 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
- this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
- worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
- (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
- use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
- where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
- by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
- Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
- with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
- institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
- cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
- or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
- or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
- granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
- as of the date such litigation is filed.
- 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
- Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
- modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
- meet the following conditions:
- (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
- Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
- (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that You changed the files; and
- (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
- that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
- attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
- excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
- the Derivative Works; and
- (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
- distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
- include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
- within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
- pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
- of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
- as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
- documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
- within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
- wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
- of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
- do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
- notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
- or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
- that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
- as modifying the License.
- You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
- may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
- for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
- for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
- reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
- the conditions stated in this License.
- 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
- any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
- by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
- this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
- Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
- the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
- with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
- 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
- names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
- except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
- origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
- 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
- agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
- Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
- PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
- appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
- risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
- 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
- whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
- unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
- negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
- liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
- incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
- result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
- Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
- work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
- other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
- has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
- 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
- the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
- and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
- or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
- License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
- on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
- of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
- defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
- incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
- of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
- APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
- To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
- boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "{}"
- replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
- the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
- comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
- file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
- same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
- identification within third-party archives.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/README.md b/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/README.md
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-# xxhash [](https://godoc.org/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash) [](https://travis-ci.org/OneOfOne/xxhash) [](https://gocover.io/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash)
-This is a native Go implementation of the excellent [xxhash](https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash)* algorithm, an extremely fast non-cryptographic Hash algorithm, working at speeds close to RAM limits.
-* The C implementation is ([Copyright](https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash/blob/master/LICENSE) (c) 2012-2014, Yann Collet)
-## Install
- go get github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash
-## Features
-* On Go 1.7+ the pure go version is faster than CGO for all inputs.
-* Supports ChecksumString{32,64} xxhash{32,64}.WriteString, which uses no copies when it can, falls back to copy on appengine.
-* The native version falls back to a less optimized version on appengine due to the lack of unsafe.
-* Almost as fast as the mostly pure assembly version written by the brilliant [cespare](https://github.com/cespare/xxhash), while also supporting seeds.
-* To manually toggle the appengine version build with `-tags safe`.
-## Benchmark
-### Core i7-4790 @ 3.60GHz, Linux 4.12.6-1-ARCH (64bit), Go tip (+ff90f4af66 2017-08-19)
-➤ go test -bench '64' -count 5 -tags cespare | benchstat /dev/stdin
-name time/op
-# https://github.com/cespare/xxhash
-XXSum64Cespare/Func-8 160ns ± 2%
-XXSum64Cespare/Struct-8 173ns ± 1%
-XXSum64ShortCespare/Func-8 6.78ns ± 1%
-XXSum64ShortCespare/Struct-8 19.6ns ± 2%
-# this package (default mode, using unsafe)
-XXSum64/Func-8 170ns ± 1%
-XXSum64/Struct-8 182ns ± 1%
-XXSum64Short/Func-8 13.5ns ± 3%
-XXSum64Short/Struct-8 20.4ns ± 0%
-# this package (appengine, *not* using unsafe)
-XXSum64/Func-8 241ns ± 5%
-XXSum64/Struct-8 243ns ± 6%
-XXSum64Short/Func-8 15.2ns ± 2%
-XXSum64Short/Struct-8 23.7ns ± 5%
-CRC64ISO-8 1.23µs ± 1%
-CRC64ISOString-8 2.71µs ± 4%
-CRC64ISOShort-8 22.2ns ± 3%
-Fnv64-8 2.34µs ± 1%
-Fnv64Short-8 74.7ns ± 8%
-## Usage
- h := xxhash.New64()
- // r, err := os.Open("......")
- // defer f.Close()
- r := strings.NewReader(F)
- io.Copy(h, r)
- fmt.Println("xxhash.Backend:", xxhash.Backend)
- fmt.Println("File checksum:", h.Sum64())
-## TODO
-* Rewrite the 32bit version to be more optimized.
-* General cleanup as the Go inliner gets smarter.
-## License
-This project is released under the Apache v2. licence. See [LICENCE](LICENCE) for more details.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/go.mod
deleted file mode 100644
index c6da85e0a..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/go.mod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash
-go 1.11
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash.go b/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 634150609..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-package xxhash
-import "hash"
-const (
- prime32x1 uint32 = 2654435761
- prime32x2 uint32 = 2246822519
- prime32x3 uint32 = 3266489917
- prime32x4 uint32 = 668265263
- prime32x5 uint32 = 374761393
- prime64x1 uint64 = 11400714785074694791
- prime64x2 uint64 = 14029467366897019727
- prime64x3 uint64 = 1609587929392839161
- prime64x4 uint64 = 9650029242287828579
- prime64x5 uint64 = 2870177450012600261
- maxInt32 int32 = (1<<31 - 1)
- // precomputed zero Vs for seed 0
- zero64x1 = 0x60ea27eeadc0b5d6
- zero64x2 = 0xc2b2ae3d27d4eb4f
- zero64x3 = 0x0
- zero64x4 = 0x61c8864e7a143579
-func NewHash32() hash.Hash { return New32() }
-func NewHash64() hash.Hash { return New64() }
-// Checksum32 returns the checksum of the input data with the seed set to 0.
-func Checksum32(in []byte) uint32 {
- return Checksum32S(in, 0)
-// ChecksumString32 returns the checksum of the input data, without creating a copy, with the seed set to 0.
-func ChecksumString32(s string) uint32 {
- return ChecksumString32S(s, 0)
-type XXHash32 struct {
- mem [16]byte
- ln, memIdx int32
- v1, v2, v3, v4 uint32
- seed uint32
-// Size returns the number of bytes Sum will return.
-func (xx *XXHash32) Size() int {
- return 4
-// BlockSize returns the hash's underlying block size.
-// The Write method must be able to accept any amount
-// of data, but it may operate more efficiently if all writes
-// are a multiple of the block size.
-func (xx *XXHash32) BlockSize() int {
- return 16
-// NewS32 creates a new hash.Hash32 computing the 32bit xxHash checksum starting with the specific seed.
-func NewS32(seed uint32) (xx *XXHash32) {
- xx = &XXHash32{
- seed: seed,
- }
- xx.Reset()
- return
-// New32 creates a new hash.Hash32 computing the 32bit xxHash checksum starting with the seed set to 0.
-func New32() *XXHash32 {
- return NewS32(0)
-func (xx *XXHash32) Reset() {
- xx.v1 = xx.seed + prime32x1 + prime32x2
- xx.v2 = xx.seed + prime32x2
- xx.v3 = xx.seed
- xx.v4 = xx.seed - prime32x1
- xx.ln, xx.memIdx = 0, 0
-// Sum appends the current hash to b and returns the resulting slice.
-// It does not change the underlying hash state.
-func (xx *XXHash32) Sum(in []byte) []byte {
- s := xx.Sum32()
- return append(in, byte(s>>24), byte(s>>16), byte(s>>8), byte(s))
-// Checksum64 an alias for Checksum64S(in, 0)
-func Checksum64(in []byte) uint64 {
- return Checksum64S(in, 0)
-// ChecksumString64 returns the checksum of the input data, without creating a copy, with the seed set to 0.
-func ChecksumString64(s string) uint64 {
- return ChecksumString64S(s, 0)
-type XXHash64 struct {
- v1, v2, v3, v4 uint64
- seed uint64
- ln uint64
- mem [32]byte
- memIdx int8
-// Size returns the number of bytes Sum will return.
-func (xx *XXHash64) Size() int {
- return 8
-// BlockSize returns the hash's underlying block size.
-// The Write method must be able to accept any amount
-// of data, but it may operate more efficiently if all writes
-// are a multiple of the block size.
-func (xx *XXHash64) BlockSize() int {
- return 32
-// NewS64 creates a new hash.Hash64 computing the 64bit xxHash checksum starting with the specific seed.
-func NewS64(seed uint64) (xx *XXHash64) {
- xx = &XXHash64{
- seed: seed,
- }
- xx.Reset()
- return
-// New64 creates a new hash.Hash64 computing the 64bit xxHash checksum starting with the seed set to 0x0.
-func New64() *XXHash64 {
- return NewS64(0)
-func (xx *XXHash64) Reset() {
- xx.ln, xx.memIdx = 0, 0
- xx.v1, xx.v2, xx.v3, xx.v4 = resetVs64(xx.seed)
-// Sum appends the current hash to b and returns the resulting slice.
-// It does not change the underlying hash state.
-func (xx *XXHash64) Sum(in []byte) []byte {
- s := xx.Sum64()
- return append(in, byte(s>>56), byte(s>>48), byte(s>>40), byte(s>>32), byte(s>>24), byte(s>>16), byte(s>>8), byte(s))
-// force the compiler to use ROTL instructions
-func rotl32_1(x uint32) uint32 { return (x << 1) | (x >> (32 - 1)) }
-func rotl32_7(x uint32) uint32 { return (x << 7) | (x >> (32 - 7)) }
-func rotl32_11(x uint32) uint32 { return (x << 11) | (x >> (32 - 11)) }
-func rotl32_12(x uint32) uint32 { return (x << 12) | (x >> (32 - 12)) }
-func rotl32_13(x uint32) uint32 { return (x << 13) | (x >> (32 - 13)) }
-func rotl32_17(x uint32) uint32 { return (x << 17) | (x >> (32 - 17)) }
-func rotl32_18(x uint32) uint32 { return (x << 18) | (x >> (32 - 18)) }
-func rotl64_1(x uint64) uint64 { return (x << 1) | (x >> (64 - 1)) }
-func rotl64_7(x uint64) uint64 { return (x << 7) | (x >> (64 - 7)) }
-func rotl64_11(x uint64) uint64 { return (x << 11) | (x >> (64 - 11)) }
-func rotl64_12(x uint64) uint64 { return (x << 12) | (x >> (64 - 12)) }
-func rotl64_18(x uint64) uint64 { return (x << 18) | (x >> (64 - 18)) }
-func rotl64_23(x uint64) uint64 { return (x << 23) | (x >> (64 - 23)) }
-func rotl64_27(x uint64) uint64 { return (x << 27) | (x >> (64 - 27)) }
-func rotl64_31(x uint64) uint64 { return (x << 31) | (x >> (64 - 31)) }
-func mix64(h uint64) uint64 {
- h ^= h >> 33
- h *= prime64x2
- h ^= h >> 29
- h *= prime64x3
- h ^= h >> 32
- return h
-func resetVs64(seed uint64) (v1, v2, v3, v4 uint64) {
- if seed == 0 {
- return zero64x1, zero64x2, zero64x3, zero64x4
- }
- return (seed + prime64x1 + prime64x2), (seed + prime64x2), (seed), (seed - prime64x1)
-// borrowed from cespare
-func round64(h, v uint64) uint64 {
- h += v * prime64x2
- h = rotl64_31(h)
- h *= prime64x1
- return h
-func mergeRound64(h, v uint64) uint64 {
- v = round64(0, v)
- h ^= v
- h = h*prime64x1 + prime64x4
- return h
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash_go17.go b/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash_go17.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ae48e0c5c..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash_go17.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-package xxhash
-func u32(in []byte) uint32 {
- return uint32(in[0]) | uint32(in[1])<<8 | uint32(in[2])<<16 | uint32(in[3])<<24
-func u64(in []byte) uint64 {
- return uint64(in[0]) | uint64(in[1])<<8 | uint64(in[2])<<16 | uint64(in[3])<<24 | uint64(in[4])<<32 | uint64(in[5])<<40 | uint64(in[6])<<48 | uint64(in[7])<<56
-// Checksum32S returns the checksum of the input bytes with the specific seed.
-func Checksum32S(in []byte, seed uint32) (h uint32) {
- var i int
- if len(in) > 15 {
- var (
- v1 = seed + prime32x1 + prime32x2
- v2 = seed + prime32x2
- v3 = seed + 0
- v4 = seed - prime32x1
- )
- for ; i < len(in)-15; i += 16 {
- in := in[i : i+16 : len(in)]
- v1 += u32(in[0:4:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- v1 = rotl32_13(v1) * prime32x1
- v2 += u32(in[4:8:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- v2 = rotl32_13(v2) * prime32x1
- v3 += u32(in[8:12:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- v3 = rotl32_13(v3) * prime32x1
- v4 += u32(in[12:16:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- v4 = rotl32_13(v4) * prime32x1
- }
- h = rotl32_1(v1) + rotl32_7(v2) + rotl32_12(v3) + rotl32_18(v4)
- } else {
- h = seed + prime32x5
- }
- h += uint32(len(in))
- for ; i <= len(in)-4; i += 4 {
- in := in[i : i+4 : len(in)]
- h += u32(in[0:4:len(in)]) * prime32x3
- h = rotl32_17(h) * prime32x4
- }
- for ; i < len(in); i++ {
- h += uint32(in[i]) * prime32x5
- h = rotl32_11(h) * prime32x1
- }
- h ^= h >> 15
- h *= prime32x2
- h ^= h >> 13
- h *= prime32x3
- h ^= h >> 16
- return
-func (xx *XXHash32) Write(in []byte) (n int, err error) {
- i, ml := 0, int(xx.memIdx)
- n = len(in)
- xx.ln += int32(n)
- if d := 16 - ml; ml > 0 && ml+len(in) > 16 {
- xx.memIdx += int32(copy(xx.mem[xx.memIdx:], in[:d]))
- ml, in = 16, in[d:len(in):len(in)]
- } else if ml+len(in) < 16 {
- xx.memIdx += int32(copy(xx.mem[xx.memIdx:], in))
- return
- }
- if ml > 0 {
- i += 16 - ml
- xx.memIdx += int32(copy(xx.mem[xx.memIdx:len(xx.mem):len(xx.mem)], in))
- in := xx.mem[:16:len(xx.mem)]
- xx.v1 += u32(in[0:4:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- xx.v1 = rotl32_13(xx.v1) * prime32x1
- xx.v2 += u32(in[4:8:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- xx.v2 = rotl32_13(xx.v2) * prime32x1
- xx.v3 += u32(in[8:12:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- xx.v3 = rotl32_13(xx.v3) * prime32x1
- xx.v4 += u32(in[12:16:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- xx.v4 = rotl32_13(xx.v4) * prime32x1
- xx.memIdx = 0
- }
- for ; i <= len(in)-16; i += 16 {
- in := in[i : i+16 : len(in)]
- xx.v1 += u32(in[0:4:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- xx.v1 = rotl32_13(xx.v1) * prime32x1
- xx.v2 += u32(in[4:8:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- xx.v2 = rotl32_13(xx.v2) * prime32x1
- xx.v3 += u32(in[8:12:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- xx.v3 = rotl32_13(xx.v3) * prime32x1
- xx.v4 += u32(in[12:16:len(in)]) * prime32x2
- xx.v4 = rotl32_13(xx.v4) * prime32x1
- }
- if len(in)-i != 0 {
- xx.memIdx += int32(copy(xx.mem[xx.memIdx:], in[i:len(in):len(in)]))
- }
- return
-func (xx *XXHash32) Sum32() (h uint32) {
- var i int32
- if xx.ln > 15 {
- h = rotl32_1(xx.v1) + rotl32_7(xx.v2) + rotl32_12(xx.v3) + rotl32_18(xx.v4)
- } else {
- h = xx.seed + prime32x5
- }
- h += uint32(xx.ln)
- if xx.memIdx > 0 {
- for ; i < xx.memIdx-3; i += 4 {
- in := xx.mem[i : i+4 : len(xx.mem)]
- h += u32(in[0:4:len(in)]) * prime32x3
- h = rotl32_17(h) * prime32x4
- }
- for ; i < xx.memIdx; i++ {
- h += uint32(xx.mem[i]) * prime32x5
- h = rotl32_11(h) * prime32x1
- }
- }
- h ^= h >> 15
- h *= prime32x2
- h ^= h >> 13
- h *= prime32x3
- h ^= h >> 16
- return
-// Checksum64S returns the 64bit xxhash checksum for a single input
-func Checksum64S(in []byte, seed uint64) uint64 {
- if len(in) == 0 && seed == 0 {
- return 0xef46db3751d8e999
- }
- if len(in) > 31 {
- return checksum64(in, seed)
- }
- return checksum64Short(in, seed)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash_safe.go b/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash_safe.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e92ec29e0..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash_safe.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-// +build appengine safe ppc64le ppc64be mipsle mips s390x
-package xxhash
-// Backend returns the current version of xxhash being used.
-const Backend = "GoSafe"
-func ChecksumString32S(s string, seed uint32) uint32 {
- return Checksum32S([]byte(s), seed)
-func (xx *XXHash32) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
- if len(s) == 0 {
- return 0, nil
- }
- return xx.Write([]byte(s))
-func ChecksumString64S(s string, seed uint64) uint64 {
- return Checksum64S([]byte(s), seed)
-func (xx *XXHash64) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
- if len(s) == 0 {
- return 0, nil
- }
- return xx.Write([]byte(s))
-func checksum64(in []byte, seed uint64) (h uint64) {
- var (
- v1, v2, v3, v4 = resetVs64(seed)
- i int
- )
- for ; i < len(in)-31; i += 32 {
- in := in[i : i+32 : len(in)]
- v1 = round64(v1, u64(in[0:8:len(in)]))
- v2 = round64(v2, u64(in[8:16:len(in)]))
- v3 = round64(v3, u64(in[16:24:len(in)]))
- v4 = round64(v4, u64(in[24:32:len(in)]))
- }
- h = rotl64_1(v1) + rotl64_7(v2) + rotl64_12(v3) + rotl64_18(v4)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v1)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v2)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v3)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v4)
- h += uint64(len(in))
- for ; i < len(in)-7; i += 8 {
- h ^= round64(0, u64(in[i:len(in):len(in)]))
- h = rotl64_27(h)*prime64x1 + prime64x4
- }
- for ; i < len(in)-3; i += 4 {
- h ^= uint64(u32(in[i:len(in):len(in)])) * prime64x1
- h = rotl64_23(h)*prime64x2 + prime64x3
- }
- for ; i < len(in); i++ {
- h ^= uint64(in[i]) * prime64x5
- h = rotl64_11(h) * prime64x1
- }
- return mix64(h)
-func checksum64Short(in []byte, seed uint64) uint64 {
- var (
- h = seed + prime64x5 + uint64(len(in))
- i int
- )
- for ; i < len(in)-7; i += 8 {
- k := u64(in[i : i+8 : len(in)])
- h ^= round64(0, k)
- h = rotl64_27(h)*prime64x1 + prime64x4
- }
- for ; i < len(in)-3; i += 4 {
- h ^= uint64(u32(in[i:i+4:len(in)])) * prime64x1
- h = rotl64_23(h)*prime64x2 + prime64x3
- }
- for ; i < len(in); i++ {
- h ^= uint64(in[i]) * prime64x5
- h = rotl64_11(h) * prime64x1
- }
- return mix64(h)
-func (xx *XXHash64) Write(in []byte) (n int, err error) {
- var (
- ml = int(xx.memIdx)
- d = 32 - ml
- )
- n = len(in)
- xx.ln += uint64(n)
- if ml+len(in) < 32 {
- xx.memIdx += int8(copy(xx.mem[xx.memIdx:len(xx.mem):len(xx.mem)], in))
- return
- }
- i, v1, v2, v3, v4 := 0, xx.v1, xx.v2, xx.v3, xx.v4
- if ml > 0 && ml+len(in) > 32 {
- xx.memIdx += int8(copy(xx.mem[xx.memIdx:len(xx.mem):len(xx.mem)], in[:d:len(in)]))
- in = in[d:len(in):len(in)]
- in := xx.mem[0:32:len(xx.mem)]
- v1 = round64(v1, u64(in[0:8:len(in)]))
- v2 = round64(v2, u64(in[8:16:len(in)]))
- v3 = round64(v3, u64(in[16:24:len(in)]))
- v4 = round64(v4, u64(in[24:32:len(in)]))
- xx.memIdx = 0
- }
- for ; i < len(in)-31; i += 32 {
- in := in[i : i+32 : len(in)]
- v1 = round64(v1, u64(in[0:8:len(in)]))
- v2 = round64(v2, u64(in[8:16:len(in)]))
- v3 = round64(v3, u64(in[16:24:len(in)]))
- v4 = round64(v4, u64(in[24:32:len(in)]))
- }
- if len(in)-i != 0 {
- xx.memIdx += int8(copy(xx.mem[xx.memIdx:], in[i:len(in):len(in)]))
- }
- xx.v1, xx.v2, xx.v3, xx.v4 = v1, v2, v3, v4
- return
-func (xx *XXHash64) Sum64() (h uint64) {
- var i int
- if xx.ln > 31 {
- v1, v2, v3, v4 := xx.v1, xx.v2, xx.v3, xx.v4
- h = rotl64_1(v1) + rotl64_7(v2) + rotl64_12(v3) + rotl64_18(v4)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v1)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v2)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v3)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v4)
- } else {
- h = xx.seed + prime64x5
- }
- h += uint64(xx.ln)
- if xx.memIdx > 0 {
- in := xx.mem[:xx.memIdx]
- for ; i < int(xx.memIdx)-7; i += 8 {
- in := in[i : i+8 : len(in)]
- k := u64(in[0:8:len(in)])
- k *= prime64x2
- k = rotl64_31(k)
- k *= prime64x1
- h ^= k
- h = rotl64_27(h)*prime64x1 + prime64x4
- }
- for ; i < int(xx.memIdx)-3; i += 4 {
- in := in[i : i+4 : len(in)]
- h ^= uint64(u32(in[0:4:len(in)])) * prime64x1
- h = rotl64_23(h)*prime64x2 + prime64x3
- }
- for ; i < int(xx.memIdx); i++ {
- h ^= uint64(in[i]) * prime64x5
- h = rotl64_11(h) * prime64x1
- }
- }
- return mix64(h)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash_unsafe.go b/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash_unsafe.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c67f8e71..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash/xxhash_unsafe.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-// +build !safe
-// +build !appengine
-// +build !ppc64le
-// +build !mipsle
-// +build !ppc64be
-// +build !mips
-// +build !s390x
-package xxhash
-import (
- "reflect"
- "unsafe"
-// Backend returns the current version of xxhash being used.
-const Backend = "GoUnsafe"
-// ChecksumString32S returns the checksum of the input data, without creating a copy, with the specific seed.
-func ChecksumString32S(s string, seed uint32) uint32 {
- if len(s) == 0 {
- return Checksum32S(nil, seed)
- }
- ss := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
- return Checksum32S((*[maxInt32]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ss.Data))[:len(s):len(s)], seed)
-func (xx *XXHash32) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
- if len(s) == 0 {
- return 0, nil
- }
- ss := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
- return xx.Write((*[maxInt32]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ss.Data))[:len(s):len(s)])
-// ChecksumString64S returns the checksum of the input data, without creating a copy, with the specific seed.
-func ChecksumString64S(s string, seed uint64) uint64 {
- if len(s) == 0 {
- return Checksum64S(nil, seed)
- }
- ss := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
- return Checksum64S((*[maxInt32]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ss.Data))[:len(s):len(s)], seed)
-func (xx *XXHash64) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
- if len(s) == 0 {
- return 0, nil
- }
- ss := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
- return xx.Write((*[maxInt32]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ss.Data))[:len(s):len(s)])
-func checksum64(in []byte, seed uint64) uint64 {
- var (
- wordsLen = len(in) >> 3
- words = ((*[maxInt32 / 8]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&in[0])))[:wordsLen:wordsLen]
- h uint64 = prime64x5
- v1, v2, v3, v4 = resetVs64(seed)
- i int
- )
- for ; i < len(words)-3; i += 4 {
- words := (*[4]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&words[i]))
- v1 = round64(v1, words[0])
- v2 = round64(v2, words[1])
- v3 = round64(v3, words[2])
- v4 = round64(v4, words[3])
- }
- h = rotl64_1(v1) + rotl64_7(v2) + rotl64_12(v3) + rotl64_18(v4)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v1)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v2)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v3)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v4)
- h += uint64(len(in))
- for _, k := range words[i:] {
- h ^= round64(0, k)
- h = rotl64_27(h)*prime64x1 + prime64x4
- }
- if in = in[wordsLen<<3 : len(in) : len(in)]; len(in) > 3 {
- words := (*[1]uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&in[0]))
- h ^= uint64(words[0]) * prime64x1
- h = rotl64_23(h)*prime64x2 + prime64x3
- in = in[4:len(in):len(in)]
- }
- for _, b := range in {
- h ^= uint64(b) * prime64x5
- h = rotl64_11(h) * prime64x1
- }
- return mix64(h)
-func checksum64Short(in []byte, seed uint64) uint64 {
- var (
- h = seed + prime64x5 + uint64(len(in))
- i int
- )
- if len(in) > 7 {
- var (
- wordsLen = len(in) >> 3
- words = ((*[maxInt32 / 8]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&in[0])))[:wordsLen:wordsLen]
- )
- for i := range words {
- h ^= round64(0, words[i])
- h = rotl64_27(h)*prime64x1 + prime64x4
- }
- i = wordsLen << 3
- }
- if in = in[i:len(in):len(in)]; len(in) > 3 {
- words := (*[1]uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&in[0]))
- h ^= uint64(words[0]) * prime64x1
- h = rotl64_23(h)*prime64x2 + prime64x3
- in = in[4:len(in):len(in)]
- }
- for _, b := range in {
- h ^= uint64(b) * prime64x5
- h = rotl64_11(h) * prime64x1
- }
- return mix64(h)
-func (xx *XXHash64) Write(in []byte) (n int, err error) {
- mem, idx := xx.mem[:], int(xx.memIdx)
- xx.ln, n = xx.ln+uint64(len(in)), len(in)
- if idx+len(in) < 32 {
- xx.memIdx += int8(copy(mem[idx:len(mem):len(mem)], in))
- return
- }
- var (
- v1, v2, v3, v4 = xx.v1, xx.v2, xx.v3, xx.v4
- i int
- )
- if d := 32 - int(idx); d > 0 && int(idx)+len(in) > 31 {
- copy(mem[idx:len(mem):len(mem)], in[:len(in):len(in)])
- words := (*[4]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&mem[0]))
- v1 = round64(v1, words[0])
- v2 = round64(v2, words[1])
- v3 = round64(v3, words[2])
- v4 = round64(v4, words[3])
- if in, xx.memIdx = in[d:len(in):len(in)], 0; len(in) == 0 {
- goto RET
- }
- }
- for ; i < len(in)-31; i += 32 {
- words := (*[4]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&in[i]))
- v1 = round64(v1, words[0])
- v2 = round64(v2, words[1])
- v3 = round64(v3, words[2])
- v4 = round64(v4, words[3])
- }
- if len(in)-i != 0 {
- xx.memIdx += int8(copy(mem[xx.memIdx:len(mem):len(mem)], in[i:len(in):len(in)]))
- }
- xx.v1, xx.v2, xx.v3, xx.v4 = v1, v2, v3, v4
- return
-func (xx *XXHash64) Sum64() (h uint64) {
- if seed := xx.seed; xx.ln > 31 {
- v1, v2, v3, v4 := xx.v1, xx.v2, xx.v3, xx.v4
- h = rotl64_1(v1) + rotl64_7(v2) + rotl64_12(v3) + rotl64_18(v4)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v1)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v2)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v3)
- h = mergeRound64(h, v4)
- } else if seed == 0 {
- h = prime64x5
- } else {
- h = seed + prime64x5
- }
- h += uint64(xx.ln)
- if xx.memIdx == 0 {
- return mix64(h)
- }
- var (
- in = xx.mem[:xx.memIdx:xx.memIdx]
- wordsLen = len(in) >> 3
- words = ((*[maxInt32 / 8]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&in[0])))[:wordsLen:wordsLen]
- )
- for _, k := range words {
- h ^= round64(0, k)
- h = rotl64_27(h)*prime64x1 + prime64x4
- }
- if in = in[wordsLen<<3 : len(in) : len(in)]; len(in) > 3 {
- words := (*[1]uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&in[0]))
- h ^= uint64(words[0]) * prime64x1
- h = rotl64_23(h)*prime64x2 + prime64x3
- in = in[4:len(in):len(in)]
- }
- for _, b := range in {
- h ^= uint64(b) * prime64x5
- h = rotl64_11(h) * prime64x1
- }
- return mix64(h)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/buengese/xxh32/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/buengese/xxh32/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4dcc8bc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/buengese/xxh32/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module github.com/buengese/xxh32
+go 1.13
+require github.com/frankban/quicktest v1.7.3
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/buengese/xxh32/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/buengese/xxh32/go.sum
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba648eb32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/buengese/xxh32/go.sum
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+github.com/frankban/quicktest v1.7.3 h1:kV0lw0TH1j1hozahVmcpFCsbV5hcS4ZalH+U7UoeTow=
+github.com/frankban/quicktest v1.7.3/go.mod h1:V1d2J5pfxYH6EjBAgSK7YNXcXlTWxUHdE1sVDXkjnig=
+github.com/google/go-cmp v0.4.0 h1:xsAVV57WRhGj6kEIi8ReJzQlHHqcBYCElAvkovg3B/4=
+github.com/google/go-cmp v0.4.0/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/gNBxE=
+github.com/kr/pretty v0.1.0 h1:L/CwN0zerZDmRFUapSPitk6f+Q3+0za1rQkzVuMiMFI=
+github.com/kr/pretty v0.1.0/go.mod h1:dAy3ld7l9f0ibDNOQOHHMYYIIbhfbHSm3C4ZsoJORNo=
+github.com/kr/pty v1.1.1/go.mod h1:pFQYn66WHrOpPYNljwOMqo10TkYh1fy3cYio2l3bCsQ=
+github.com/kr/text v0.1.0 h1:45sCR5RtlFHMR4UwH9sdQ5TC8v0qDQCHnXt+kaKSTVE=
+github.com/kr/text v0.1.0/go.mod h1:4Jbv+DJW3UT/LiOwJeYQe1efqtUx/iVham/4vfdArNI=
+golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20191204190536-9bdfabe68543 h1:E7g+9GITq07hpfrRu66IVDexMakfv52eLZ2CXBWiKr4=
+golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20191204190536-9bdfabe68543/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/buengese/xxh32/xxh32zero.go b/vendor/github.com/buengese/xxh32/xxh32zero.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a76a6bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/buengese/xxh32/xxh32zero.go
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+// Package xxh32 implements the very fast XXH hashing algorithm (32 bits version).
+// (https://github.com/Cyan4973/XXH/)
+package xxh32
+import (
+ "encoding/binary"
+const (
+ prime1 uint32 = 2654435761
+ prime2 uint32 = 2246822519
+ prime3 uint32 = 3266489917
+ prime4 uint32 = 668265263
+ prime5 uint32 = 374761393
+ primeMask = 0xFFFFFFFF
+ prime1plus2 = uint32((uint64(prime1) + uint64(prime2)) & primeMask) // 606290984
+ prime1minus = uint32((-int64(prime1)) & primeMask) // 1640531535
+// XXHZero represents an xxhash32 object with seed 0.
+type XXHZero struct {
+ v1 uint32
+ v2 uint32
+ v3 uint32
+ v4 uint32
+ totalLen uint64
+ buf [16]byte
+ bufused int
+// Sum appends the current hash to b and returns the resulting slice.
+// It does not change the underlying hash state.
+func (xxh XXHZero) Sum(b []byte) []byte {
+ h32 := xxh.Sum32()
+ return append(b, byte(h32), byte(h32>>8), byte(h32>>16), byte(h32>>24))
+// Reset resets the Hash to its initial state.
+func (xxh *XXHZero) Reset() {
+ xxh.v1 = prime1plus2
+ xxh.v2 = prime2
+ xxh.v3 = 0
+ xxh.v4 = prime1minus
+ xxh.totalLen = 0
+ xxh.bufused = 0
+// Size returns the number of bytes returned by Sum().
+func (xxh *XXHZero) Size() int {
+ return 4
+// BlockSize gives the minimum number of bytes accepted by Write().
+func (xxh *XXHZero) BlockSize() int {
+ return 1
+// Write adds input bytes to the Hash.
+// It never returns an error.
+func (xxh *XXHZero) Write(input []byte) (int, error) {
+ if xxh.totalLen == 0 {
+ xxh.Reset()
+ }
+ n := len(input)
+ m := xxh.bufused
+ xxh.totalLen += uint64(n)
+ r := len(xxh.buf) - m
+ if n < r {
+ copy(xxh.buf[m:], input)
+ xxh.bufused += len(input)
+ return n, nil
+ }
+ p := 0
+ // Causes compiler to work directly from registers instead of stack:
+ v1, v2, v3, v4 := xxh.v1, xxh.v2, xxh.v3, xxh.v4
+ if m > 0 {
+ // some data left from previous update
+ copy(xxh.buf[xxh.bufused:], input[:r])
+ xxh.bufused += len(input) - r
+ // fast rotl(13)
+ buf := xxh.buf[:16] // BCE hint.
+ v1 = rol13(v1+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v2 = rol13(v2+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[4:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v3 = rol13(v3+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[8:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v4 = rol13(v4+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[12:])*prime2) * prime1
+ p = r
+ xxh.bufused = 0
+ }
+ for n := n - 16; p <= n; p += 16 {
+ sub := input[p:][:16] //BCE hint for compiler
+ v1 = rol13(v1+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v2 = rol13(v2+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[4:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v3 = rol13(v3+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[8:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v4 = rol13(v4+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[12:])*prime2) * prime1
+ }
+ xxh.v1, xxh.v2, xxh.v3, xxh.v4 = v1, v2, v3, v4
+ copy(xxh.buf[xxh.bufused:], input[p:])
+ xxh.bufused += len(input) - p
+ return n, nil
+// Sum32 returns the 32 bits Hash value.
+func (xxh *XXHZero) Sum32() uint32 {
+ h32 := uint32(xxh.totalLen)
+ if h32 >= 16 {
+ h32 += rol1(xxh.v1) + rol7(xxh.v2) + rol12(xxh.v3) + rol18(xxh.v4)
+ } else {
+ h32 += prime5
+ }
+ p := 0
+ n := xxh.bufused
+ buf := xxh.buf
+ for n := n - 4; p <= n; p += 4 {
+ h32 += binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[p:p+4]) * prime3
+ h32 = rol17(h32) * prime4
+ }
+ for ; p < n; p++ {
+ h32 += uint32(buf[p]) * prime5
+ h32 = rol11(h32) * prime1
+ }
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 15
+ h32 *= prime2
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 13
+ h32 *= prime3
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 16
+ return h32
+// ChecksumZero returns the 32bits Hash value.
+func ChecksumZero(input []byte) uint32 {
+ n := len(input)
+ h32 := uint32(n)
+ if n < 16 {
+ h32 += prime5
+ } else {
+ v1 := prime1plus2
+ v2 := prime2
+ v3 := uint32(0)
+ v4 := prime1minus
+ p := 0
+ for n := n - 16; p <= n; p += 16 {
+ sub := input[p:][:16] //BCE hint for compiler
+ v1 = rol13(v1+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v2 = rol13(v2+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[4:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v3 = rol13(v3+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[8:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v4 = rol13(v4+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[12:])*prime2) * prime1
+ }
+ input = input[p:]
+ n -= p
+ h32 += rol1(v1) + rol7(v2) + rol12(v3) + rol18(v4)
+ }
+ p := 0
+ for n := n - 4; p <= n; p += 4 {
+ h32 += binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(input[p:p+4]) * prime3
+ h32 = rol17(h32) * prime4
+ }
+ for p < n {
+ h32 += uint32(input[p]) * prime5
+ h32 = rol11(h32) * prime1
+ p++
+ }
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 15
+ h32 *= prime2
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 13
+ h32 *= prime3
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 16
+ return h32
+// Uint32Zero hashes x with seed 0.
+func Uint32Zero(x uint32) uint32 {
+ h := prime5 + 4 + x*prime3
+ h = rol17(h) * prime4
+ h ^= h >> 15
+ h *= prime2
+ h ^= h >> 13
+ h *= prime3
+ h ^= h >> 16
+ return h
+func rol1(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<1 | u>>31
+func rol7(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<7 | u>>25
+func rol11(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<11 | u>>21
+func rol12(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<12 | u>>20
+func rol13(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<13 | u>>19
+func rol17(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<17 | u>>15
+func rol18(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<18 | u>>14
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 042091d9b..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# These explicitly listed benchmark data files are for an obsolete version of
-# snappy_test.go.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/AUTHORS b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/AUTHORS
deleted file mode 100644
index bcfa19520..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/AUTHORS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# This is the official list of Snappy-Go authors for copyright purposes.
-# This file is distinct from the CONTRIBUTORS files.
-# See the latter for an explanation.
-# Names should be added to this file as
-# Name or Organization
-# The email address is not required for organizations.
-# Please keep the list sorted.
-Damian Gryski
-Google Inc.
-Jan Mercl <0xjnml@gmail.com>
-Rodolfo Carvalho
-Sebastien Binet
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/CONTRIBUTORS b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/CONTRIBUTORS
deleted file mode 100644
index 931ae3160..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/CONTRIBUTORS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# This is the official list of people who can contribute
-# (and typically have contributed) code to the Snappy-Go repository.
-# The AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders; this file
-# lists people. For example, Google employees are listed here
-# but not in AUTHORS, because Google holds the copyright.
-# The submission process automatically checks to make sure
-# that people submitting code are listed in this file (by email address).
-# Names should be added to this file only after verifying that
-# the individual or the individual's organization has agreed to
-# the appropriate Contributor License Agreement, found here:
-# http://code.google.com/legal/individual-cla-v1.0.html
-# http://code.google.com/legal/corporate-cla-v1.0.html
-# The agreement for individuals can be filled out on the web.
-# When adding J Random Contributor's name to this file,
-# either J's name or J's organization's name should be
-# added to the AUTHORS file, depending on whether the
-# individual or corporate CLA was used.
-# Names should be added to this file like so:
-# Name
-# Please keep the list sorted.
-Damian Gryski
-Jan Mercl <0xjnml@gmail.com>
-Kai Backman
-Marc-Antoine Ruel
-Nigel Tao
-Rob Pike
-Rodolfo Carvalho
-Russ Cox
-Sebastien Binet
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/README b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/README
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index cea12879a..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-The Snappy compression format in the Go programming language.
-To download and install from source:
-$ go get github.com/golang/snappy
-Unless otherwise noted, the Snappy-Go source files are distributed
-under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.
-The golang/snappy benchmarks include compressing (Z) and decompressing (U) ten
-or so files, the same set used by the C++ Snappy code (github.com/google/snappy
-and note the "google", not "golang"). On an "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @
-3.40GHz", Go's GOARCH=amd64 numbers as of 2016-05-29:
-"go test -test.bench=."
-_UFlat0-8 2.19GB/s ± 0% html
-_UFlat1-8 1.41GB/s ± 0% urls
-_UFlat2-8 23.5GB/s ± 2% jpg
-_UFlat3-8 1.91GB/s ± 0% jpg_200
-_UFlat4-8 14.0GB/s ± 1% pdf
-_UFlat5-8 1.97GB/s ± 0% html4
-_UFlat6-8 814MB/s ± 0% txt1
-_UFlat7-8 785MB/s ± 0% txt2
-_UFlat8-8 857MB/s ± 0% txt3
-_UFlat9-8 719MB/s ± 1% txt4
-_UFlat10-8 2.84GB/s ± 0% pb
-_UFlat11-8 1.05GB/s ± 0% gaviota
-_ZFlat0-8 1.04GB/s ± 0% html
-_ZFlat1-8 534MB/s ± 0% urls
-_ZFlat2-8 15.7GB/s ± 1% jpg
-_ZFlat3-8 740MB/s ± 3% jpg_200
-_ZFlat4-8 9.20GB/s ± 1% pdf
-_ZFlat5-8 991MB/s ± 0% html4
-_ZFlat6-8 379MB/s ± 0% txt1
-_ZFlat7-8 352MB/s ± 0% txt2
-_ZFlat8-8 396MB/s ± 1% txt3
-_ZFlat9-8 327MB/s ± 1% txt4
-_ZFlat10-8 1.33GB/s ± 1% pb
-_ZFlat11-8 605MB/s ± 1% gaviota
-"go test -test.bench=. -tags=noasm"
-_UFlat0-8 621MB/s ± 2% html
-_UFlat1-8 494MB/s ± 1% urls
-_UFlat2-8 23.2GB/s ± 1% jpg
-_UFlat3-8 1.12GB/s ± 1% jpg_200
-_UFlat4-8 4.35GB/s ± 1% pdf
-_UFlat5-8 609MB/s ± 0% html4
-_UFlat6-8 296MB/s ± 0% txt1
-_UFlat7-8 288MB/s ± 0% txt2
-_UFlat8-8 309MB/s ± 1% txt3
-_UFlat9-8 280MB/s ± 1% txt4
-_UFlat10-8 753MB/s ± 0% pb
-_UFlat11-8 400MB/s ± 0% gaviota
-_ZFlat0-8 409MB/s ± 1% html
-_ZFlat1-8 250MB/s ± 1% urls
-_ZFlat2-8 12.3GB/s ± 1% jpg
-_ZFlat3-8 132MB/s ± 0% jpg_200
-_ZFlat4-8 2.92GB/s ± 0% pdf
-_ZFlat5-8 405MB/s ± 1% html4
-_ZFlat6-8 179MB/s ± 1% txt1
-_ZFlat7-8 170MB/s ± 1% txt2
-_ZFlat8-8 189MB/s ± 1% txt3
-_ZFlat9-8 164MB/s ± 1% txt4
-_ZFlat10-8 479MB/s ± 1% pb
-_ZFlat11-8 270MB/s ± 1% gaviota
-For comparison (Go's encoded output is byte-for-byte identical to C++'s), here
-are the numbers from C++ Snappy's
-make CXXFLAGS="-O2 -DNDEBUG -g" clean snappy_unittest.log && cat snappy_unittest.log
-BM_UFlat/0 2.4GB/s html
-BM_UFlat/1 1.4GB/s urls
-BM_UFlat/2 21.8GB/s jpg
-BM_UFlat/3 1.5GB/s jpg_200
-BM_UFlat/4 13.3GB/s pdf
-BM_UFlat/5 2.1GB/s html4
-BM_UFlat/6 1.0GB/s txt1
-BM_UFlat/7 959.4MB/s txt2
-BM_UFlat/8 1.0GB/s txt3
-BM_UFlat/9 864.5MB/s txt4
-BM_UFlat/10 2.9GB/s pb
-BM_UFlat/11 1.2GB/s gaviota
-BM_ZFlat/0 944.3MB/s html (22.31 %)
-BM_ZFlat/1 501.6MB/s urls (47.78 %)
-BM_ZFlat/2 14.3GB/s jpg (99.95 %)
-BM_ZFlat/3 538.3MB/s jpg_200 (73.00 %)
-BM_ZFlat/4 8.3GB/s pdf (83.30 %)
-BM_ZFlat/5 903.5MB/s html4 (22.52 %)
-BM_ZFlat/6 336.0MB/s txt1 (57.88 %)
-BM_ZFlat/7 312.3MB/s txt2 (61.91 %)
-BM_ZFlat/8 353.1MB/s txt3 (54.99 %)
-BM_ZFlat/9 289.9MB/s txt4 (66.26 %)
-BM_ZFlat/10 1.2GB/s pb (19.68 %)
-BM_ZFlat/11 527.4MB/s gaviota (37.72 %)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 72efb0353..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package snappy
-import (
- "encoding/binary"
- "errors"
- "io"
-var (
- // ErrCorrupt reports that the input is invalid.
- ErrCorrupt = errors.New("snappy: corrupt input")
- // ErrTooLarge reports that the uncompressed length is too large.
- ErrTooLarge = errors.New("snappy: decoded block is too large")
- // ErrUnsupported reports that the input isn't supported.
- ErrUnsupported = errors.New("snappy: unsupported input")
- errUnsupportedLiteralLength = errors.New("snappy: unsupported literal length")
-// DecodedLen returns the length of the decoded block.
-func DecodedLen(src []byte) (int, error) {
- v, _, err := decodedLen(src)
- return v, err
-// decodedLen returns the length of the decoded block and the number of bytes
-// that the length header occupied.
-func decodedLen(src []byte) (blockLen, headerLen int, err error) {
- v, n := binary.Uvarint(src)
- if n <= 0 || v > 0xffffffff {
- return 0, 0, ErrCorrupt
- }
- const wordSize = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 32 & 1)
- if wordSize == 32 && v > 0x7fffffff {
- return 0, 0, ErrTooLarge
- }
- return int(v), n, nil
-const (
- decodeErrCodeCorrupt = 1
- decodeErrCodeUnsupportedLiteralLength = 2
-// Decode returns the decoded form of src. The returned slice may be a sub-
-// slice of dst if dst was large enough to hold the entire decoded block.
-// Otherwise, a newly allocated slice will be returned.
-// The dst and src must not overlap. It is valid to pass a nil dst.
-func Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- dLen, s, err := decodedLen(src)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if dLen <= len(dst) {
- dst = dst[:dLen]
- } else {
- dst = make([]byte, dLen)
- }
- switch decode(dst, src[s:]) {
- case 0:
- return dst, nil
- case decodeErrCodeUnsupportedLiteralLength:
- return nil, errUnsupportedLiteralLength
- }
- return nil, ErrCorrupt
-// NewReader returns a new Reader that decompresses from r, using the framing
-// format described at
-// https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt
-func NewReader(r io.Reader) *Reader {
- return &Reader{
- r: r,
- decoded: make([]byte, maxBlockSize),
- buf: make([]byte, maxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize+checksumSize),
- }
-// Reader is an io.Reader that can read Snappy-compressed bytes.
-type Reader struct {
- r io.Reader
- err error
- decoded []byte
- buf []byte
- // decoded[i:j] contains decoded bytes that have not yet been passed on.
- i, j int
- readHeader bool
-// Reset discards any buffered data, resets all state, and switches the Snappy
-// reader to read from r. This permits reusing a Reader rather than allocating
-// a new one.
-func (r *Reader) Reset(reader io.Reader) {
- r.r = reader
- r.err = nil
- r.i = 0
- r.j = 0
- r.readHeader = false
-func (r *Reader) readFull(p []byte, allowEOF bool) (ok bool) {
- if _, r.err = io.ReadFull(r.r, p); r.err != nil {
- if r.err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF || (r.err == io.EOF && !allowEOF) {
- r.err = ErrCorrupt
- }
- return false
- }
- return true
-// Read satisfies the io.Reader interface.
-func (r *Reader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
- if r.err != nil {
- return 0, r.err
- }
- for {
- if r.i < r.j {
- n := copy(p, r.decoded[r.i:r.j])
- r.i += n
- return n, nil
- }
- if !r.readFull(r.buf[:4], true) {
- return 0, r.err
- }
- chunkType := r.buf[0]
- if !r.readHeader {
- if chunkType != chunkTypeStreamIdentifier {
- r.err = ErrCorrupt
- return 0, r.err
- }
- r.readHeader = true
- }
- chunkLen := int(r.buf[1]) | int(r.buf[2])<<8 | int(r.buf[3])<<16
- if chunkLen > len(r.buf) {
- r.err = ErrUnsupported
- return 0, r.err
- }
- // The chunk types are specified at
- // https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt
- switch chunkType {
- case chunkTypeCompressedData:
- // Section 4.2. Compressed data (chunk type 0x00).
- if chunkLen < checksumSize {
- r.err = ErrCorrupt
- return 0, r.err
- }
- buf := r.buf[:chunkLen]
- if !r.readFull(buf, false) {
- return 0, r.err
- }
- checksum := uint32(buf[0]) | uint32(buf[1])<<8 | uint32(buf[2])<<16 | uint32(buf[3])<<24
- buf = buf[checksumSize:]
- n, err := DecodedLen(buf)
- if err != nil {
- r.err = err
- return 0, r.err
- }
- if n > len(r.decoded) {
- r.err = ErrCorrupt
- return 0, r.err
- }
- if _, err := Decode(r.decoded, buf); err != nil {
- r.err = err
- return 0, r.err
- }
- if crc(r.decoded[:n]) != checksum {
- r.err = ErrCorrupt
- return 0, r.err
- }
- r.i, r.j = 0, n
- continue
- case chunkTypeUncompressedData:
- // Section 4.3. Uncompressed data (chunk type 0x01).
- if chunkLen < checksumSize {
- r.err = ErrCorrupt
- return 0, r.err
- }
- buf := r.buf[:checksumSize]
- if !r.readFull(buf, false) {
- return 0, r.err
- }
- checksum := uint32(buf[0]) | uint32(buf[1])<<8 | uint32(buf[2])<<16 | uint32(buf[3])<<24
- // Read directly into r.decoded instead of via r.buf.
- n := chunkLen - checksumSize
- if n > len(r.decoded) {
- r.err = ErrCorrupt
- return 0, r.err
- }
- if !r.readFull(r.decoded[:n], false) {
- return 0, r.err
- }
- if crc(r.decoded[:n]) != checksum {
- r.err = ErrCorrupt
- return 0, r.err
- }
- r.i, r.j = 0, n
- continue
- case chunkTypeStreamIdentifier:
- // Section 4.1. Stream identifier (chunk type 0xff).
- if chunkLen != len(magicBody) {
- r.err = ErrCorrupt
- return 0, r.err
- }
- if !r.readFull(r.buf[:len(magicBody)], false) {
- return 0, r.err
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(magicBody); i++ {
- if r.buf[i] != magicBody[i] {
- r.err = ErrCorrupt
- return 0, r.err
- }
- }
- continue
- }
- if chunkType <= 0x7f {
- // Section 4.5. Reserved unskippable chunks (chunk types 0x02-0x7f).
- r.err = ErrUnsupported
- return 0, r.err
- }
- // Section 4.4 Padding (chunk type 0xfe).
- // Section 4.6. Reserved skippable chunks (chunk types 0x80-0xfd).
- if !r.readFull(r.buf[:chunkLen], false) {
- return 0, r.err
- }
- }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode_amd64.go
deleted file mode 100644
index fcd192b84..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode_amd64.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build !appengine
-// +build gc
-// +build !noasm
-package snappy
-// decode has the same semantics as in decode_other.go.
-func decode(dst, src []byte) int
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode_amd64.s
deleted file mode 100644
index e6179f65e..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode_amd64.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,490 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build !appengine
-// +build gc
-// +build !noasm
-#include "textflag.h"
-// The asm code generally follows the pure Go code in decode_other.go, except
-// where marked with a "!!!".
-// func decode(dst, src []byte) int
-// All local variables fit into registers. The non-zero stack size is only to
-// spill registers and push args when issuing a CALL. The register allocation:
-// - AX scratch
-// - BX scratch
-// - CX length or x
-// - DX offset
-// - SI &src[s]
-// - DI &dst[d]
-// + R8 dst_base
-// + R9 dst_len
-// + R10 dst_base + dst_len
-// + R11 src_base
-// + R12 src_len
-// + R13 src_base + src_len
-// - R14 used by doCopy
-// - R15 used by doCopy
-// The registers R8-R13 (marked with a "+") are set at the start of the
-// function, and after a CALL returns, and are not otherwise modified.
-// The d variable is implicitly DI - R8, and len(dst)-d is R10 - DI.
-// The s variable is implicitly SI - R11, and len(src)-s is R13 - SI.
-TEXT ·decode(SB), NOSPLIT, $48-56
- // Initialize SI, DI and R8-R13.
- MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), R8
- MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), R9
- MOVQ R8, R10
- ADDQ R9, R10
- MOVQ src_base+24(FP), R11
- MOVQ src_len+32(FP), R12
- MOVQ R11, SI
- MOVQ R11, R13
- ADDQ R12, R13
- // for s < len(src)
- CMPQ SI, R13
- JEQ end
- // CX = uint32(src[s])
- //
- // switch src[s] & 0x03
- ANDL $3, BX
- CMPL BX, $1
- JAE tagCopy
- // ----------------------------------------
- // The code below handles literal tags.
- // case tagLiteral:
- // x := uint32(src[s] >> 2)
- // switch
- SHRL $2, CX
- CMPL CX, $60
- JAE tagLit60Plus
- // case x < 60:
- // s++
- // This is the end of the inner "switch", when we have a literal tag.
- //
- // We assume that CX == x and x fits in a uint32, where x is the variable
- // used in the pure Go decode_other.go code.
- // length = int(x) + 1
- //
- // Unlike the pure Go code, we don't need to check if length <= 0 because
- // CX can hold 64 bits, so the increment cannot overflow.
- // Prepare to check if copying length bytes will run past the end of dst or
- // src.
- //
- // AX = len(dst) - d
- // BX = len(src) - s
- MOVQ R10, AX
- MOVQ R13, BX
- // !!! Try a faster technique for short (16 or fewer bytes) copies.
- //
- // if length > 16 || len(dst)-d < 16 || len(src)-s < 16 {
- // goto callMemmove // Fall back on calling runtime·memmove.
- // }
- //
- // The C++ snappy code calls this TryFastAppend. It also checks len(src)-s
- // against 21 instead of 16, because it cannot assume that all of its input
- // is contiguous in memory and so it needs to leave enough source bytes to
- // read the next tag without refilling buffers, but Go's Decode assumes
- // contiguousness (the src argument is a []byte).
- CMPQ CX, $16
- JGT callMemmove
- CMPQ AX, $16
- JLT callMemmove
- CMPQ BX, $16
- JLT callMemmove
- // !!! Implement the copy from src to dst as a 16-byte load and store.
- // (Decode's documentation says that dst and src must not overlap.)
- //
- // This always copies 16 bytes, instead of only length bytes, but that's
- // OK. If the input is a valid Snappy encoding then subsequent iterations
- // will fix up the overrun. Otherwise, Decode returns a nil []byte (and a
- // non-nil error), so the overrun will be ignored.
- //
- // Note that on amd64, it is legal and cheap to issue unaligned 8-byte or
- // 16-byte loads and stores. This technique probably wouldn't be as
- // effective on architectures that are fussier about alignment.
- MOVOU 0(SI), X0
- MOVOU X0, 0(DI)
- // d += length
- // s += length
- JMP loop
- // if length > len(dst)-d || length > len(src)-s { etc }
- JGT errCorrupt
- JGT errCorrupt
- // copy(dst[d:], src[s:s+length])
- //
- // This means calling runtime·memmove(&dst[d], &src[s], length), so we push
- // DI, SI and CX as arguments. Coincidentally, we also need to spill those
- // three registers to the stack, to save local variables across the CALL.
- MOVQ DI, 0(SP)
- MOVQ SI, 8(SP)
- MOVQ CX, 16(SP)
- MOVQ DI, 24(SP)
- MOVQ SI, 32(SP)
- MOVQ CX, 40(SP)
- CALL runtime·memmove(SB)
- // Restore local variables: unspill registers from the stack and
- // re-calculate R8-R13.
- MOVQ 24(SP), DI
- MOVQ 32(SP), SI
- MOVQ 40(SP), CX
- MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), R8
- MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), R9
- MOVQ R8, R10
- ADDQ R9, R10
- MOVQ src_base+24(FP), R11
- MOVQ src_len+32(FP), R12
- MOVQ R11, R13
- ADDQ R12, R13
- // d += length
- // s += length
- JMP loop
- // !!! This fragment does the
- //
- // s += x - 58; if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc }
- //
- // checks. In the asm version, we code it once instead of once per switch case.
- SUBQ $58, SI
- SUBQ R11, BX
- CMPQ BX, R12
- JA errCorrupt
- // case x == 60:
- CMPL CX, $61
- JEQ tagLit61
- JA tagLit62Plus
- // x = uint32(src[s-1])
- JMP doLit
- // case x == 61:
- // x = uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8
- JMP doLit
- CMPL CX, $62
- JA tagLit63
- // case x == 62:
- // x = uint32(src[s-3]) | uint32(src[s-2])<<8 | uint32(src[s-1])<<16
- SHLL $16, BX
- JMP doLit
- // case x == 63:
- // x = uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24
- MOVL -4(SI), CX
- JMP doLit
-// The code above handles literal tags.
-// ----------------------------------------
-// The code below handles copy tags.
- // case tagCopy4:
- // s += 5
- ADDQ $5, SI
- // if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc }
- SUBQ R11, BX
- CMPQ BX, R12
- JA errCorrupt
- // length = 1 + int(src[s-5])>>2
- SHRQ $2, CX
- // offset = int(uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24)
- JMP doCopy
- // case tagCopy2:
- // s += 3
- ADDQ $3, SI
- // if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc }
- SUBQ R11, BX
- CMPQ BX, R12
- JA errCorrupt
- // length = 1 + int(src[s-3])>>2
- SHRQ $2, CX
- // offset = int(uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8)
- JMP doCopy
- // We have a copy tag. We assume that:
- // - BX == src[s] & 0x03
- // - CX == src[s]
- CMPQ BX, $2
- JEQ tagCopy2
- JA tagCopy4
- // case tagCopy1:
- // s += 2
- ADDQ $2, SI
- // if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc }
- SUBQ R11, BX
- CMPQ BX, R12
- JA errCorrupt
- // offset = int(uint32(src[s-2])&0xe0<<3 | uint32(src[s-1]))
- ANDQ $0xe0, DX
- SHLQ $3, DX
- // length = 4 + int(src[s-2])>>2&0x7
- SHRQ $2, CX
- ANDQ $7, CX
- ADDQ $4, CX
- // This is the end of the outer "switch", when we have a copy tag.
- //
- // We assume that:
- // - CX == length && CX > 0
- // - DX == offset
- // if offset <= 0 { etc }
- CMPQ DX, $0
- JLE errCorrupt
- // if d < offset { etc }
- JLT errCorrupt
- // if length > len(dst)-d { etc }
- MOVQ R10, BX
- JGT errCorrupt
- // forwardCopy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:]); d += length
- //
- // Set:
- // - R14 = len(dst)-d
- // - R15 = &dst[d-offset]
- MOVQ R10, R14
- SUBQ DI, R14
- MOVQ DI, R15
- SUBQ DX, R15
- // !!! Try a faster technique for short (16 or fewer bytes) forward copies.
- //
- // First, try using two 8-byte load/stores, similar to the doLit technique
- // above. Even if dst[d:d+length] and dst[d-offset:] can overlap, this is
- // still OK if offset >= 8. Note that this has to be two 8-byte load/stores
- // and not one 16-byte load/store, and the first store has to be before the
- // second load, due to the overlap if offset is in the range [8, 16).
- //
- // if length > 16 || offset < 8 || len(dst)-d < 16 {
- // goto slowForwardCopy
- // }
- // copy 16 bytes
- // d += length
- CMPQ CX, $16
- JGT slowForwardCopy
- CMPQ DX, $8
- JLT slowForwardCopy
- CMPQ R14, $16
- JLT slowForwardCopy
- MOVQ 0(R15), AX
- MOVQ AX, 0(DI)
- MOVQ 8(R15), BX
- MOVQ BX, 8(DI)
- JMP loop
- // !!! If the forward copy is longer than 16 bytes, or if offset < 8, we
- // can still try 8-byte load stores, provided we can overrun up to 10 extra
- // bytes. As above, the overrun will be fixed up by subsequent iterations
- // of the outermost loop.
- //
- // The C++ snappy code calls this technique IncrementalCopyFastPath. Its
- // commentary says:
- //
- // ----
- //
- // The main part of this loop is a simple copy of eight bytes at a time
- // until we've copied (at least) the requested amount of bytes. However,
- // if d and d-offset are less than eight bytes apart (indicating a
- // repeating pattern of length < 8), we first need to expand the pattern in
- // order to get the correct results. For instance, if the buffer looks like
- // this, with the eight-byte and patterns marked as
- // intervals:
- //
- // abxxxxxxxxxxxx
- // [------] d-offset
- // [------] d
- //
- // a single eight-byte copy from to will repeat the pattern
- // once, after which we can move two bytes without moving :
- //
- // ababxxxxxxxxxx
- // [------] d-offset
- // [------] d
- //
- // and repeat the exercise until the two no longer overlap.
- //
- // This allows us to do very well in the special case of one single byte
- // repeated many times, without taking a big hit for more general cases.
- //
- // The worst case of extra writing past the end of the match occurs when
- // offset == 1 and length == 1; the last copy will read from byte positions
- // [0..7] and write to [4..11], whereas it was only supposed to write to
- // position 1. Thus, ten excess bytes.
- //
- // ----
- //
- // That "10 byte overrun" worst case is confirmed by Go's
- // TestSlowForwardCopyOverrun, which also tests the fixUpSlowForwardCopy
- // and finishSlowForwardCopy algorithm.
- //
- // if length > len(dst)-d-10 {
- // goto verySlowForwardCopy
- // }
- SUBQ $10, R14
- CMPQ CX, R14
- JGT verySlowForwardCopy
- // !!! As above, expand the pattern so that offset >= 8 and we can use
- // 8-byte load/stores.
- //
- // for offset < 8 {
- // copy 8 bytes from dst[d-offset:] to dst[d:]
- // length -= offset
- // d += offset
- // offset += offset
- // // The two previous lines together means that d-offset, and therefore
- // // R15, is unchanged.
- // }
- CMPQ DX, $8
- JGE fixUpSlowForwardCopy
- MOVQ (R15), BX
- JMP makeOffsetAtLeast8
- // !!! Add length (which might be negative now) to d (implied by DI being
- // &dst[d]) so that d ends up at the right place when we jump back to the
- // top of the loop. Before we do that, though, we save DI to AX so that, if
- // length is positive, copying the remaining length bytes will write to the
- // right place.
- // !!! Repeat 8-byte load/stores until length <= 0. Ending with a negative
- // length means that we overrun, but as above, that will be fixed up by
- // subsequent iterations of the outermost loop.
- CMPQ CX, $0
- JLE loop
- MOVQ (R15), BX
- ADDQ $8, R15
- ADDQ $8, AX
- SUBQ $8, CX
- JMP finishSlowForwardCopy
- // verySlowForwardCopy is a simple implementation of forward copy. In C
- // parlance, this is a do/while loop instead of a while loop, since we know
- // that length > 0. In Go syntax:
- //
- // for {
- // dst[d] = dst[d - offset]
- // d++
- // length--
- // if length == 0 {
- // break
- // }
- // }
- MOVB (R15), BX
- INCQ R15
- JNZ verySlowForwardCopy
- JMP loop
-// The code above handles copy tags.
-// ----------------------------------------
- // This is the end of the "for s < len(src)".
- //
- // if d != len(dst) { etc }
- CMPQ DI, R10
- JNE errCorrupt
- // return 0
- MOVQ $0, ret+48(FP)
- // return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
- MOVQ $1, ret+48(FP)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode_other.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode_other.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c9f2049b..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode_other.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build !amd64 appengine !gc noasm
-package snappy
-// decode writes the decoding of src to dst. It assumes that the varint-encoded
-// length of the decompressed bytes has already been read, and that len(dst)
-// equals that length.
-// It returns 0 on success or a decodeErrCodeXxx error code on failure.
-func decode(dst, src []byte) int {
- var d, s, offset, length int
- for s < len(src) {
- switch src[s] & 0x03 {
- case tagLiteral:
- x := uint32(src[s] >> 2)
- switch {
- case x < 60:
- s++
- case x == 60:
- s += 2
- if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
- return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
- }
- x = uint32(src[s-1])
- case x == 61:
- s += 3
- if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
- return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
- }
- x = uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8
- case x == 62:
- s += 4
- if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
- return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
- }
- x = uint32(src[s-3]) | uint32(src[s-2])<<8 | uint32(src[s-1])<<16
- case x == 63:
- s += 5
- if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
- return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
- }
- x = uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24
- }
- length = int(x) + 1
- if length <= 0 {
- return decodeErrCodeUnsupportedLiteralLength
- }
- if length > len(dst)-d || length > len(src)-s {
- return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
- }
- copy(dst[d:], src[s:s+length])
- d += length
- s += length
- continue
- case tagCopy1:
- s += 2
- if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
- return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
- }
- length = 4 + int(src[s-2])>>2&0x7
- offset = int(uint32(src[s-2])&0xe0<<3 | uint32(src[s-1]))
- case tagCopy2:
- s += 3
- if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
- return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
- }
- length = 1 + int(src[s-3])>>2
- offset = int(uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8)
- case tagCopy4:
- s += 5
- if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
- return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
- }
- length = 1 + int(src[s-5])>>2
- offset = int(uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24)
- }
- if offset <= 0 || d < offset || length > len(dst)-d {
- return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
- }
- // Copy from an earlier sub-slice of dst to a later sub-slice. Unlike
- // the built-in copy function, this byte-by-byte copy always runs
- // forwards, even if the slices overlap. Conceptually, this is:
- //
- // d += forwardCopy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:])
- for end := d + length; d != end; d++ {
- dst[d] = dst[d-offset]
- }
- }
- if d != len(dst) {
- return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
- }
- return 0
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d393e904..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package snappy
-import (
- "encoding/binary"
- "errors"
- "io"
-// Encode returns the encoded form of src. The returned slice may be a sub-
-// slice of dst if dst was large enough to hold the entire encoded block.
-// Otherwise, a newly allocated slice will be returned.
-// The dst and src must not overlap. It is valid to pass a nil dst.
-func Encode(dst, src []byte) []byte {
- if n := MaxEncodedLen(len(src)); n < 0 {
- panic(ErrTooLarge)
- } else if len(dst) < n {
- dst = make([]byte, n)
- }
- // The block starts with the varint-encoded length of the decompressed bytes.
- d := binary.PutUvarint(dst, uint64(len(src)))
- for len(src) > 0 {
- p := src
- src = nil
- if len(p) > maxBlockSize {
- p, src = p[:maxBlockSize], p[maxBlockSize:]
- }
- if len(p) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
- d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], p)
- } else {
- d += encodeBlock(dst[d:], p)
- }
- }
- return dst[:d]
-// inputMargin is the minimum number of extra input bytes to keep, inside
-// encodeBlock's inner loop. On some architectures, this margin lets us
-// implement a fast path for emitLiteral, where the copy of short (<= 16 byte)
-// literals can be implemented as a single load to and store from a 16-byte
-// register. That literal's actual length can be as short as 1 byte, so this
-// can copy up to 15 bytes too much, but that's OK as subsequent iterations of
-// the encoding loop will fix up the copy overrun, and this inputMargin ensures
-// that we don't overrun the dst and src buffers.
-const inputMargin = 16 - 1
-// minNonLiteralBlockSize is the minimum size of the input to encodeBlock that
-// could be encoded with a copy tag. This is the minimum with respect to the
-// algorithm used by encodeBlock, not a minimum enforced by the file format.
-// The encoded output must start with at least a 1 byte literal, as there are
-// no previous bytes to copy. A minimal (1 byte) copy after that, generated
-// from an emitCopy call in encodeBlock's main loop, would require at least
-// another inputMargin bytes, for the reason above: we want any emitLiteral
-// calls inside encodeBlock's main loop to use the fast path if possible, which
-// requires being able to overrun by inputMargin bytes. Thus,
-// minNonLiteralBlockSize equals 1 + 1 + inputMargin.
-// The C++ code doesn't use this exact threshold, but it could, as discussed at
-// https://groups.google.com/d/topic/snappy-compression/oGbhsdIJSJ8/discussion
-// The difference between Go (2+inputMargin) and C++ (inputMargin) is purely an
-// optimization. It should not affect the encoded form. This is tested by
-// TestSameEncodingAsCppShortCopies.
-const minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
-// MaxEncodedLen returns the maximum length of a snappy block, given its
-// uncompressed length.
-// It will return a negative value if srcLen is too large to encode.
-func MaxEncodedLen(srcLen int) int {
- n := uint64(srcLen)
- if n > 0xffffffff {
- return -1
- }
- // Compressed data can be defined as:
- // compressed := item* literal*
- // item := literal* copy
- //
- // The trailing literal sequence has a space blowup of at most 62/60
- // since a literal of length 60 needs one tag byte + one extra byte
- // for length information.
- //
- // Item blowup is trickier to measure. Suppose the "copy" op copies
- // 4 bytes of data. Because of a special check in the encoding code,
- // we produce a 4-byte copy only if the offset is < 65536. Therefore
- // the copy op takes 3 bytes to encode, and this type of item leads
- // to at most the 62/60 blowup for representing literals.
- //
- // Suppose the "copy" op copies 5 bytes of data. If the offset is big
- // enough, it will take 5 bytes to encode the copy op. Therefore the
- // worst case here is a one-byte literal followed by a five-byte copy.
- // That is, 6 bytes of input turn into 7 bytes of "compressed" data.
- //
- // This last factor dominates the blowup, so the final estimate is:
- n = 32 + n + n/6
- if n > 0xffffffff {
- return -1
- }
- return int(n)
-var errClosed = errors.New("snappy: Writer is closed")
-// NewWriter returns a new Writer that compresses to w.
-// The Writer returned does not buffer writes. There is no need to Flush or
-// Close such a Writer.
-// Deprecated: the Writer returned is not suitable for many small writes, only
-// for few large writes. Use NewBufferedWriter instead, which is efficient
-// regardless of the frequency and shape of the writes, and remember to Close
-// that Writer when done.
-func NewWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer {
- return &Writer{
- w: w,
- obuf: make([]byte, obufLen),
- }
-// NewBufferedWriter returns a new Writer that compresses to w, using the
-// framing format described at
-// https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt
-// The Writer returned buffers writes. Users must call Close to guarantee all
-// data has been forwarded to the underlying io.Writer. They may also call
-// Flush zero or more times before calling Close.
-func NewBufferedWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer {
- return &Writer{
- w: w,
- ibuf: make([]byte, 0, maxBlockSize),
- obuf: make([]byte, obufLen),
- }
-// Writer is an io.Writer that can write Snappy-compressed bytes.
-type Writer struct {
- w io.Writer
- err error
- // ibuf is a buffer for the incoming (uncompressed) bytes.
- //
- // Its use is optional. For backwards compatibility, Writers created by the
- // NewWriter function have ibuf == nil, do not buffer incoming bytes, and
- // therefore do not need to be Flush'ed or Close'd.
- ibuf []byte
- // obuf is a buffer for the outgoing (compressed) bytes.
- obuf []byte
- // wroteStreamHeader is whether we have written the stream header.
- wroteStreamHeader bool
-// Reset discards the writer's state and switches the Snappy writer to write to
-// w. This permits reusing a Writer rather than allocating a new one.
-func (w *Writer) Reset(writer io.Writer) {
- w.w = writer
- w.err = nil
- if w.ibuf != nil {
- w.ibuf = w.ibuf[:0]
- }
- w.wroteStreamHeader = false
-// Write satisfies the io.Writer interface.
-func (w *Writer) Write(p []byte) (nRet int, errRet error) {
- if w.ibuf == nil {
- // Do not buffer incoming bytes. This does not perform or compress well
- // if the caller of Writer.Write writes many small slices. This
- // behavior is therefore deprecated, but still supported for backwards
- // compatibility with code that doesn't explicitly Flush or Close.
- return w.write(p)
- }
- // The remainder of this method is based on bufio.Writer.Write from the
- // standard library.
- for len(p) > (cap(w.ibuf)-len(w.ibuf)) && w.err == nil {
- var n int
- if len(w.ibuf) == 0 {
- // Large write, empty buffer.
- // Write directly from p to avoid copy.
- n, _ = w.write(p)
- } else {
- n = copy(w.ibuf[len(w.ibuf):cap(w.ibuf)], p)
- w.ibuf = w.ibuf[:len(w.ibuf)+n]
- w.Flush()
- }
- nRet += n
- p = p[n:]
- }
- if w.err != nil {
- return nRet, w.err
- }
- n := copy(w.ibuf[len(w.ibuf):cap(w.ibuf)], p)
- w.ibuf = w.ibuf[:len(w.ibuf)+n]
- nRet += n
- return nRet, nil
-func (w *Writer) write(p []byte) (nRet int, errRet error) {
- if w.err != nil {
- return 0, w.err
- }
- for len(p) > 0 {
- obufStart := len(magicChunk)
- if !w.wroteStreamHeader {
- w.wroteStreamHeader = true
- copy(w.obuf, magicChunk)
- obufStart = 0
- }
- var uncompressed []byte
- if len(p) > maxBlockSize {
- uncompressed, p = p[:maxBlockSize], p[maxBlockSize:]
- } else {
- uncompressed, p = p, nil
- }
- checksum := crc(uncompressed)
- // Compress the buffer, discarding the result if the improvement
- // isn't at least 12.5%.
- compressed := Encode(w.obuf[obufHeaderLen:], uncompressed)
- chunkType := uint8(chunkTypeCompressedData)
- chunkLen := 4 + len(compressed)
- obufEnd := obufHeaderLen + len(compressed)
- if len(compressed) >= len(uncompressed)-len(uncompressed)/8 {
- chunkType = chunkTypeUncompressedData
- chunkLen = 4 + len(uncompressed)
- obufEnd = obufHeaderLen
- }
- // Fill in the per-chunk header that comes before the body.
- w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+0] = chunkType
- w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+1] = uint8(chunkLen >> 0)
- w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+2] = uint8(chunkLen >> 8)
- w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+3] = uint8(chunkLen >> 16)
- w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+4] = uint8(checksum >> 0)
- w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+5] = uint8(checksum >> 8)
- w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+6] = uint8(checksum >> 16)
- w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+7] = uint8(checksum >> 24)
- if _, err := w.w.Write(w.obuf[obufStart:obufEnd]); err != nil {
- w.err = err
- return nRet, err
- }
- if chunkType == chunkTypeUncompressedData {
- if _, err := w.w.Write(uncompressed); err != nil {
- w.err = err
- return nRet, err
- }
- }
- nRet += len(uncompressed)
- }
- return nRet, nil
-// Flush flushes the Writer to its underlying io.Writer.
-func (w *Writer) Flush() error {
- if w.err != nil {
- return w.err
- }
- if len(w.ibuf) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- w.write(w.ibuf)
- w.ibuf = w.ibuf[:0]
- return w.err
-// Close calls Flush and then closes the Writer.
-func (w *Writer) Close() error {
- w.Flush()
- ret := w.err
- if w.err == nil {
- w.err = errClosed
- }
- return ret
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode_amd64.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 150d91bc8..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode_amd64.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build !appengine
-// +build gc
-// +build !noasm
-package snappy
-// emitLiteral has the same semantics as in encode_other.go.
-func emitLiteral(dst, lit []byte) int
-// emitCopy has the same semantics as in encode_other.go.
-func emitCopy(dst []byte, offset, length int) int
-// extendMatch has the same semantics as in encode_other.go.
-func extendMatch(src []byte, i, j int) int
-// encodeBlock has the same semantics as in encode_other.go.
-func encodeBlock(dst, src []byte) (d int)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode_amd64.s
deleted file mode 100644
index adfd979fe..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode_amd64.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,730 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build !appengine
-// +build gc
-// +build !noasm
-#include "textflag.h"
-// The XXX lines assemble on Go 1.4, 1.5 and 1.7, but not 1.6, due to a
-// Go toolchain regression. See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/15426 and
-// https://github.com/golang/snappy/issues/29
-// As a workaround, the package was built with a known good assembler, and
-// those instructions were disassembled by "objdump -d" to yield the
-// 4e 0f b7 7c 5c 78 movzwq 0x78(%rsp,%r11,2),%r15
-// style comments, in AT&T asm syntax. Note that rsp here is a physical
-// register, not Go/asm's SP pseudo-register (see https://golang.org/doc/asm).
-// The instructions were then encoded as "BYTE $0x.." sequences, which assemble
-// fine on Go 1.6.
-// The asm code generally follows the pure Go code in encode_other.go, except
-// where marked with a "!!!".
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// func emitLiteral(dst, lit []byte) int
-// All local variables fit into registers. The register allocation:
-// - AX len(lit)
-// - BX n
-// - DX return value
-// - DI &dst[i]
-// - R10 &lit[0]
-// The 24 bytes of stack space is to call runtime·memmove.
-// The unusual register allocation of local variables, such as R10 for the
-// source pointer, matches the allocation used at the call site in encodeBlock,
-// which makes it easier to manually inline this function.
-TEXT ·emitLiteral(SB), NOSPLIT, $24-56
- MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), DI
- MOVQ lit_base+24(FP), R10
- MOVQ lit_len+32(FP), AX
- SUBL $1, BX
- CMPL BX, $60
- JLT oneByte
- CMPL BX, $256
- JLT twoBytes
- MOVB $0xf4, 0(DI)
- MOVW BX, 1(DI)
- ADDQ $3, DI
- ADDQ $3, DX
- JMP memmove
- MOVB $0xf0, 0(DI)
- MOVB BX, 1(DI)
- ADDQ $2, DI
- ADDQ $2, DX
- JMP memmove
- SHLB $2, BX
- MOVB BX, 0(DI)
- ADDQ $1, DI
- ADDQ $1, DX
- MOVQ DX, ret+48(FP)
- // copy(dst[i:], lit)
- //
- // This means calling runtime·memmove(&dst[i], &lit[0], len(lit)), so we push
- // DI, R10 and AX as arguments.
- MOVQ DI, 0(SP)
- MOVQ R10, 8(SP)
- MOVQ AX, 16(SP)
- CALL runtime·memmove(SB)
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// func emitCopy(dst []byte, offset, length int) int
-// All local variables fit into registers. The register allocation:
-// - AX length
-// - SI &dst[0]
-// - DI &dst[i]
-// - R11 offset
-// The unusual register allocation of local variables, such as R11 for the
-// offset, matches the allocation used at the call site in encodeBlock, which
-// makes it easier to manually inline this function.
-TEXT ·emitCopy(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48
- MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), DI
- MOVQ offset+24(FP), R11
- MOVQ length+32(FP), AX
- // for length >= 68 { etc }
- CMPL AX, $68
- JLT step1
- // Emit a length 64 copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
- MOVB $0xfe, 0(DI)
- MOVW R11, 1(DI)
- ADDQ $3, DI
- SUBL $64, AX
- JMP loop0
- // if length > 64 { etc }
- CMPL AX, $64
- JLE step2
- // Emit a length 60 copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
- MOVB $0xee, 0(DI)
- MOVW R11, 1(DI)
- ADDQ $3, DI
- SUBL $60, AX
- // if length >= 12 || offset >= 2048 { goto step3 }
- CMPL AX, $12
- JGE step3
- CMPL R11, $2048
- JGE step3
- // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 2 bytes.
- MOVB R11, 1(DI)
- SHRL $8, R11
- SHLB $5, R11
- SUBB $4, AX
- SHLB $2, AX
- ORB AX, R11
- ORB $1, R11
- MOVB R11, 0(DI)
- ADDQ $2, DI
- // Return the number of bytes written.
- MOVQ DI, ret+40(FP)
- // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
- SUBL $1, AX
- SHLB $2, AX
- ORB $2, AX
- MOVB AX, 0(DI)
- MOVW R11, 1(DI)
- ADDQ $3, DI
- // Return the number of bytes written.
- MOVQ DI, ret+40(FP)
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// func extendMatch(src []byte, i, j int) int
-// All local variables fit into registers. The register allocation:
-// - DX &src[0]
-// - SI &src[j]
-// - R13 &src[len(src) - 8]
-// - R14 &src[len(src)]
-// - R15 &src[i]
-// The unusual register allocation of local variables, such as R15 for a source
-// pointer, matches the allocation used at the call site in encodeBlock, which
-// makes it easier to manually inline this function.
-TEXT ·extendMatch(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48
- MOVQ src_base+0(FP), DX
- MOVQ src_len+8(FP), R14
- MOVQ i+24(FP), R15
- MOVQ j+32(FP), SI
- ADDQ DX, R14
- ADDQ DX, R15
- MOVQ R14, R13
- SUBQ $8, R13
- // As long as we are 8 or more bytes before the end of src, we can load and
- // compare 8 bytes at a time. If those 8 bytes are equal, repeat.
- CMPQ SI, R13
- JA cmp1
- MOVQ (R15), AX
- JNE bsf
- ADDQ $8, R15
- ADDQ $8, SI
- JMP cmp8
- // If those 8 bytes were not equal, XOR the two 8 byte values, and return
- // the index of the first byte that differs. The BSF instruction finds the
- // least significant 1 bit, the amd64 architecture is little-endian, and
- // the shift by 3 converts a bit index to a byte index.
- SHRQ $3, BX
- // Convert from &src[ret] to ret.
- MOVQ SI, ret+40(FP)
- // In src's tail, compare 1 byte at a time.
- CMPQ SI, R14
- JAE extendMatchEnd
- MOVB (R15), AX
- JNE extendMatchEnd
- ADDQ $1, R15
- ADDQ $1, SI
- JMP cmp1
- // Convert from &src[ret] to ret.
- MOVQ SI, ret+40(FP)
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// func encodeBlock(dst, src []byte) (d int)
-// All local variables fit into registers, other than "var table". The register
-// allocation:
-// - AX . .
-// - BX . .
-// - CX 56 shift (note that amd64 shifts by non-immediates must use CX).
-// - DX 64 &src[0], tableSize
-// - SI 72 &src[s]
-// - DI 80 &dst[d]
-// - R9 88 sLimit
-// - R10 . &src[nextEmit]
-// - R11 96 prevHash, currHash, nextHash, offset
-// - R12 104 &src[base], skip
-// - R13 . &src[nextS], &src[len(src) - 8]
-// - R14 . len(src), bytesBetweenHashLookups, &src[len(src)], x
-// - R15 112 candidate
-// The second column (56, 64, etc) is the stack offset to spill the registers
-// when calling other functions. We could pack this slightly tighter, but it's
-// simpler to have a dedicated spill map independent of the function called.
-// "var table [maxTableSize]uint16" takes up 32768 bytes of stack space. An
-// extra 56 bytes, to call other functions, and an extra 64 bytes, to spill
-// local variables (registers) during calls gives 32768 + 56 + 64 = 32888.
-TEXT ·encodeBlock(SB), 0, $32888-56
- MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), DI
- MOVQ src_base+24(FP), SI
- MOVQ src_len+32(FP), R14
- // shift, tableSize := uint32(32-8), 1<<8
- MOVQ $24, CX
- MOVQ $256, DX
- // for ; tableSize < maxTableSize && tableSize < len(src); tableSize *= 2 {
- // shift--
- // }
- CMPQ DX, $16384
- JGE varTable
- CMPQ DX, R14
- JGE varTable
- SUBQ $1, CX
- SHLQ $1, DX
- JMP calcShift
- // var table [maxTableSize]uint16
- //
- // In the asm code, unlike the Go code, we can zero-initialize only the
- // first tableSize elements. Each uint16 element is 2 bytes and each MOVOU
- // writes 16 bytes, so we can do only tableSize/8 writes instead of the
- // 2048 writes that would zero-initialize all of table's 32768 bytes.
- SHRQ $3, DX
- LEAQ table-32768(SP), BX
- PXOR X0, X0
- MOVOU X0, 0(BX)
- ADDQ $16, BX
- SUBQ $1, DX
- JNZ memclr
- // !!! DX = &src[0]
- // sLimit := len(src) - inputMargin
- MOVQ R14, R9
- SUBQ $15, R9
- // !!! Pre-emptively spill CX, DX and R9 to the stack. Their values don't
- // change for the rest of the function.
- MOVQ CX, 56(SP)
- MOVQ DX, 64(SP)
- MOVQ R9, 88(SP)
- // nextEmit := 0
- MOVQ DX, R10
- // s := 1
- ADDQ $1, SI
- // nextHash := hash(load32(src, s), shift)
- MOVL 0(SI), R11
- IMULL $0x1e35a7bd, R11
- SHRL CX, R11
- // for { etc }
- // skip := 32
- MOVQ $32, R12
- // nextS := s
- MOVQ SI, R13
- // candidate := 0
- MOVQ $0, R15
- // for { etc }
- // s := nextS
- MOVQ R13, SI
- // bytesBetweenHashLookups := skip >> 5
- MOVQ R12, R14
- SHRQ $5, R14
- // nextS = s + bytesBetweenHashLookups
- ADDQ R14, R13
- // skip += bytesBetweenHashLookups
- ADDQ R14, R12
- // if nextS > sLimit { goto emitRemainder }
- MOVQ R13, AX
- JA emitRemainder
- // candidate = int(table[nextHash])
- // XXX: MOVWQZX table-32768(SP)(R11*2), R15
- // XXX: 4e 0f b7 7c 5c 78 movzwq 0x78(%rsp,%r11,2),%r15
- BYTE $0x4e
- BYTE $0x0f
- BYTE $0xb7
- BYTE $0x7c
- BYTE $0x5c
- BYTE $0x78
- // table[nextHash] = uint16(s)
- // XXX: MOVW AX, table-32768(SP)(R11*2)
- // XXX: 66 42 89 44 5c 78 mov %ax,0x78(%rsp,%r11,2)
- BYTE $0x66
- BYTE $0x42
- BYTE $0x89
- BYTE $0x44
- BYTE $0x5c
- BYTE $0x78
- // nextHash = hash(load32(src, nextS), shift)
- MOVL 0(R13), R11
- IMULL $0x1e35a7bd, R11
- SHRL CX, R11
- // if load32(src, s) != load32(src, candidate) { continue } break
- MOVL 0(SI), AX
- MOVL (DX)(R15*1), BX
- JNE inner0
- // As per the encode_other.go code:
- //
- // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see etc.
- // !!! Jump to a fast path for short (<= 16 byte) literals. See the comment
- // on inputMargin in encode.go.
- SUBQ R10, AX
- CMPQ AX, $16
- JLE emitLiteralFastPath
- // ----------------------------------------
- // Begin inline of the emitLiteral call.
- //
- // d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], src[nextEmit:s])
- SUBL $1, BX
- CMPL BX, $60
- JLT inlineEmitLiteralOneByte
- CMPL BX, $256
- JLT inlineEmitLiteralTwoBytes
- MOVB $0xf4, 0(DI)
- MOVW BX, 1(DI)
- ADDQ $3, DI
- JMP inlineEmitLiteralMemmove
- MOVB $0xf0, 0(DI)
- MOVB BX, 1(DI)
- ADDQ $2, DI
- JMP inlineEmitLiteralMemmove
- SHLB $2, BX
- MOVB BX, 0(DI)
- ADDQ $1, DI
- // Spill local variables (registers) onto the stack; call; unspill.
- //
- // copy(dst[i:], lit)
- //
- // This means calling runtime·memmove(&dst[i], &lit[0], len(lit)), so we push
- // DI, R10 and AX as arguments.
- MOVQ DI, 0(SP)
- MOVQ R10, 8(SP)
- MOVQ AX, 16(SP)
- ADDQ AX, DI // Finish the "d +=" part of "d += emitLiteral(etc)".
- MOVQ SI, 72(SP)
- MOVQ DI, 80(SP)
- MOVQ R15, 112(SP)
- CALL runtime·memmove(SB)
- MOVQ 56(SP), CX
- MOVQ 64(SP), DX
- MOVQ 72(SP), SI
- MOVQ 80(SP), DI
- MOVQ 88(SP), R9
- MOVQ 112(SP), R15
- JMP inner1
- // End inline of the emitLiteral call.
- // ----------------------------------------
- // !!! Emit the 1-byte encoding "uint8(len(lit)-1)<<2".
- SUBB $1, BX
- SHLB $2, BX
- ADDQ $1, DI
- // !!! Implement the copy from lit to dst as a 16-byte load and store.
- // (Encode's documentation says that dst and src must not overlap.)
- //
- // This always copies 16 bytes, instead of only len(lit) bytes, but that's
- // OK. Subsequent iterations will fix up the overrun.
- //
- // Note that on amd64, it is legal and cheap to issue unaligned 8-byte or
- // 16-byte loads and stores. This technique probably wouldn't be as
- // effective on architectures that are fussier about alignment.
- MOVOU 0(R10), X0
- MOVOU X0, 0(DI)
- // for { etc }
- // base := s
- MOVQ SI, R12
- // !!! offset := base - candidate
- MOVQ R12, R11
- SUBQ R15, R11
- SUBQ DX, R11
- // ----------------------------------------
- // Begin inline of the extendMatch call.
- //
- // s = extendMatch(src, candidate+4, s+4)
- // !!! R14 = &src[len(src)]
- MOVQ src_len+32(FP), R14
- ADDQ DX, R14
- // !!! R13 = &src[len(src) - 8]
- MOVQ R14, R13
- SUBQ $8, R13
- // !!! R15 = &src[candidate + 4]
- ADDQ $4, R15
- ADDQ DX, R15
- // !!! s += 4
- ADDQ $4, SI
- // As long as we are 8 or more bytes before the end of src, we can load and
- // compare 8 bytes at a time. If those 8 bytes are equal, repeat.
- CMPQ SI, R13
- JA inlineExtendMatchCmp1
- MOVQ (R15), AX
- JNE inlineExtendMatchBSF
- ADDQ $8, R15
- ADDQ $8, SI
- JMP inlineExtendMatchCmp8
- // If those 8 bytes were not equal, XOR the two 8 byte values, and return
- // the index of the first byte that differs. The BSF instruction finds the
- // least significant 1 bit, the amd64 architecture is little-endian, and
- // the shift by 3 converts a bit index to a byte index.
- SHRQ $3, BX
- JMP inlineExtendMatchEnd
- // In src's tail, compare 1 byte at a time.
- CMPQ SI, R14
- JAE inlineExtendMatchEnd
- MOVB (R15), AX
- JNE inlineExtendMatchEnd
- ADDQ $1, R15
- ADDQ $1, SI
- JMP inlineExtendMatchCmp1
- // End inline of the extendMatch call.
- // ----------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------
- // Begin inline of the emitCopy call.
- //
- // d += emitCopy(dst[d:], base-candidate, s-base)
- // !!! length := s - base
- SUBQ R12, AX
- // for length >= 68 { etc }
- CMPL AX, $68
- JLT inlineEmitCopyStep1
- // Emit a length 64 copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
- MOVB $0xfe, 0(DI)
- MOVW R11, 1(DI)
- ADDQ $3, DI
- SUBL $64, AX
- JMP inlineEmitCopyLoop0
- // if length > 64 { etc }
- CMPL AX, $64
- JLE inlineEmitCopyStep2
- // Emit a length 60 copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
- MOVB $0xee, 0(DI)
- MOVW R11, 1(DI)
- ADDQ $3, DI
- SUBL $60, AX
- // if length >= 12 || offset >= 2048 { goto inlineEmitCopyStep3 }
- CMPL AX, $12
- JGE inlineEmitCopyStep3
- CMPL R11, $2048
- JGE inlineEmitCopyStep3
- // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 2 bytes.
- MOVB R11, 1(DI)
- SHRL $8, R11
- SHLB $5, R11
- SUBB $4, AX
- SHLB $2, AX
- ORB AX, R11
- ORB $1, R11
- MOVB R11, 0(DI)
- ADDQ $2, DI
- JMP inlineEmitCopyEnd
- // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
- SUBL $1, AX
- SHLB $2, AX
- ORB $2, AX
- MOVB AX, 0(DI)
- MOVW R11, 1(DI)
- ADDQ $3, DI
- // End inline of the emitCopy call.
- // ----------------------------------------
- // nextEmit = s
- MOVQ SI, R10
- // if s >= sLimit { goto emitRemainder }
- JAE emitRemainder
- // As per the encode_other.go code:
- //
- // We could immediately etc.
- // x := load64(src, s-1)
- MOVQ -1(SI), R14
- // prevHash := hash(uint32(x>>0), shift)
- MOVL R14, R11
- IMULL $0x1e35a7bd, R11
- SHRL CX, R11
- // table[prevHash] = uint16(s-1)
- SUBQ $1, AX
- // XXX: MOVW AX, table-32768(SP)(R11*2)
- // XXX: 66 42 89 44 5c 78 mov %ax,0x78(%rsp,%r11,2)
- BYTE $0x66
- BYTE $0x42
- BYTE $0x89
- BYTE $0x44
- BYTE $0x5c
- BYTE $0x78
- // currHash := hash(uint32(x>>8), shift)
- SHRQ $8, R14
- MOVL R14, R11
- IMULL $0x1e35a7bd, R11
- SHRL CX, R11
- // candidate = int(table[currHash])
- // XXX: MOVWQZX table-32768(SP)(R11*2), R15
- // XXX: 4e 0f b7 7c 5c 78 movzwq 0x78(%rsp,%r11,2),%r15
- BYTE $0x4e
- BYTE $0x0f
- BYTE $0xb7
- BYTE $0x7c
- BYTE $0x5c
- BYTE $0x78
- // table[currHash] = uint16(s)
- ADDQ $1, AX
- // XXX: MOVW AX, table-32768(SP)(R11*2)
- // XXX: 66 42 89 44 5c 78 mov %ax,0x78(%rsp,%r11,2)
- BYTE $0x66
- BYTE $0x42
- BYTE $0x89
- BYTE $0x44
- BYTE $0x5c
- BYTE $0x78
- // if uint32(x>>8) == load32(src, candidate) { continue }
- MOVL (DX)(R15*1), BX
- CMPL R14, BX
- JEQ inner1
- // nextHash = hash(uint32(x>>16), shift)
- SHRQ $8, R14
- MOVL R14, R11
- IMULL $0x1e35a7bd, R11
- SHRL CX, R11
- // s++
- ADDQ $1, SI
- // break out of the inner1 for loop, i.e. continue the outer loop.
- JMP outer
- // if nextEmit < len(src) { etc }
- MOVQ src_len+32(FP), AX
- CMPQ R10, AX
- JEQ encodeBlockEnd
- // d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], src[nextEmit:])
- //
- // Push args.
- MOVQ DI, 0(SP)
- MOVQ $0, 8(SP) // Unnecessary, as the callee ignores it, but conservative.
- MOVQ $0, 16(SP) // Unnecessary, as the callee ignores it, but conservative.
- MOVQ R10, 24(SP)
- SUBQ R10, AX
- MOVQ AX, 32(SP)
- MOVQ AX, 40(SP) // Unnecessary, as the callee ignores it, but conservative.
- // Spill local variables (registers) onto the stack; call; unspill.
- MOVQ DI, 80(SP)
- CALL ·emitLiteral(SB)
- MOVQ 80(SP), DI
- // Finish the "d +=" part of "d += emitLiteral(etc)".
- ADDQ 48(SP), DI
- MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX
- MOVQ DI, d+48(FP)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode_other.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode_other.go
deleted file mode 100644
index dbcae905e..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode_other.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build !amd64 appengine !gc noasm
-package snappy
-func load32(b []byte, i int) uint32 {
- b = b[i : i+4 : len(b)] // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the next line.
- return uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
-func load64(b []byte, i int) uint64 {
- b = b[i : i+8 : len(b)] // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the next line.
- return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 |
- uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56
-// emitLiteral writes a literal chunk and returns the number of bytes written.
-// It assumes that:
-// dst is long enough to hold the encoded bytes
-// 1 <= len(lit) && len(lit) <= 65536
-func emitLiteral(dst, lit []byte) int {
- i, n := 0, uint(len(lit)-1)
- switch {
- case n < 60:
- dst[0] = uint8(n)<<2 | tagLiteral
- i = 1
- case n < 1<<8:
- dst[0] = 60<<2 | tagLiteral
- dst[1] = uint8(n)
- i = 2
- default:
- dst[0] = 61<<2 | tagLiteral
- dst[1] = uint8(n)
- dst[2] = uint8(n >> 8)
- i = 3
- }
- return i + copy(dst[i:], lit)
-// emitCopy writes a copy chunk and returns the number of bytes written.
-// It assumes that:
-// dst is long enough to hold the encoded bytes
-// 1 <= offset && offset <= 65535
-// 4 <= length && length <= 65535
-func emitCopy(dst []byte, offset, length int) int {
- i := 0
- // The maximum length for a single tagCopy1 or tagCopy2 op is 64 bytes. The
- // threshold for this loop is a little higher (at 68 = 64 + 4), and the
- // length emitted down below is is a little lower (at 60 = 64 - 4), because
- // it's shorter to encode a length 67 copy as a length 60 tagCopy2 followed
- // by a length 7 tagCopy1 (which encodes as 3+2 bytes) than to encode it as
- // a length 64 tagCopy2 followed by a length 3 tagCopy2 (which encodes as
- // 3+3 bytes). The magic 4 in the 64±4 is because the minimum length for a
- // tagCopy1 op is 4 bytes, which is why a length 3 copy has to be an
- // encodes-as-3-bytes tagCopy2 instead of an encodes-as-2-bytes tagCopy1.
- for length >= 68 {
- // Emit a length 64 copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
- dst[i+0] = 63<<2 | tagCopy2
- dst[i+1] = uint8(offset)
- dst[i+2] = uint8(offset >> 8)
- i += 3
- length -= 64
- }
- if length > 64 {
- // Emit a length 60 copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
- dst[i+0] = 59<<2 | tagCopy2
- dst[i+1] = uint8(offset)
- dst[i+2] = uint8(offset >> 8)
- i += 3
- length -= 60
- }
- if length >= 12 || offset >= 2048 {
- // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
- dst[i+0] = uint8(length-1)<<2 | tagCopy2
- dst[i+1] = uint8(offset)
- dst[i+2] = uint8(offset >> 8)
- return i + 3
- }
- // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 2 bytes.
- dst[i+0] = uint8(offset>>8)<<5 | uint8(length-4)<<2 | tagCopy1
- dst[i+1] = uint8(offset)
- return i + 2
-// extendMatch returns the largest k such that k <= len(src) and that
-// src[i:i+k-j] and src[j:k] have the same contents.
-// It assumes that:
-// 0 <= i && i < j && j <= len(src)
-func extendMatch(src []byte, i, j int) int {
- for ; j < len(src) && src[i] == src[j]; i, j = i+1, j+1 {
- }
- return j
-func hash(u, shift uint32) uint32 {
- return (u * 0x1e35a7bd) >> shift
-// encodeBlock encodes a non-empty src to a guaranteed-large-enough dst. It
-// assumes that the varint-encoded length of the decompressed bytes has already
-// been written.
-// It also assumes that:
-// len(dst) >= MaxEncodedLen(len(src)) &&
-// minNonLiteralBlockSize <= len(src) && len(src) <= maxBlockSize
-func encodeBlock(dst, src []byte) (d int) {
- // Initialize the hash table. Its size ranges from 1<<8 to 1<<14 inclusive.
- // The table element type is uint16, as s < sLimit and sLimit < len(src)
- // and len(src) <= maxBlockSize and maxBlockSize == 65536.
- const (
- maxTableSize = 1 << 14
- // tableMask is redundant, but helps the compiler eliminate bounds
- // checks.
- tableMask = maxTableSize - 1
- )
- shift := uint32(32 - 8)
- for tableSize := 1 << 8; tableSize < maxTableSize && tableSize < len(src); tableSize *= 2 {
- shift--
- }
- // In Go, all array elements are zero-initialized, so there is no advantage
- // to a smaller tableSize per se. However, it matches the C++ algorithm,
- // and in the asm versions of this code, we can get away with zeroing only
- // the first tableSize elements.
- var table [maxTableSize]uint16
- // sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
- // lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
- // looking for copies.
- sLimit := len(src) - inputMargin
- // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
- nextEmit := 0
- // The encoded form must start with a literal, as there are no previous
- // bytes to copy, so we start looking for hash matches at s == 1.
- s := 1
- nextHash := hash(load32(src, s), shift)
- for {
- // Copied from the C++ snappy implementation:
- //
- // Heuristic match skipping: If 32 bytes are scanned with no matches
- // found, start looking only at every other byte. If 32 more bytes are
- // scanned (or skipped), look at every third byte, etc.. When a match
- // is found, immediately go back to looking at every byte. This is a
- // small loss (~5% performance, ~0.1% density) for compressible data
- // due to more bookkeeping, but for non-compressible data (such as
- // JPEG) it's a huge win since the compressor quickly "realizes" the
- // data is incompressible and doesn't bother looking for matches
- // everywhere.
- //
- // The "skip" variable keeps track of how many bytes there are since
- // the last match; dividing it by 32 (ie. right-shifting by five) gives
- // the number of bytes to move ahead for each iteration.
- skip := 32
- nextS := s
- candidate := 0
- for {
- s = nextS
- bytesBetweenHashLookups := skip >> 5
- nextS = s + bytesBetweenHashLookups
- skip += bytesBetweenHashLookups
- if nextS > sLimit {
- goto emitRemainder
- }
- candidate = int(table[nextHash&tableMask])
- table[nextHash&tableMask] = uint16(s)
- nextHash = hash(load32(src, nextS), shift)
- if load32(src, s) == load32(src, candidate) {
- break
- }
- }
- // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
- // match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
- // them as literal bytes.
- d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], src[nextEmit:s])
- // Call emitCopy, and then see if another emitCopy could be our next
- // move. Repeat until we find no match for the input immediately after
- // what was consumed by the last emitCopy call.
- //
- // If we exit this loop normally then we need to call emitLiteral next,
- // though we don't yet know how big the literal will be. We handle that
- // by proceeding to the next iteration of the main loop. We also can
- // exit this loop via goto if we get close to exhausting the input.
- for {
- // Invariant: we have a 4-byte match at s, and no need to emit any
- // literal bytes prior to s.
- base := s
- // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
- //
- // This is an inlined version of:
- // s = extendMatch(src, candidate+4, s+4)
- s += 4
- for i := candidate + 4; s < len(src) && src[i] == src[s]; i, s = i+1, s+1 {
- }
- d += emitCopy(dst[d:], base-candidate, s-base)
- nextEmit = s
- if s >= sLimit {
- goto emitRemainder
- }
- // We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
- // compression we first update the hash table at s-1 and at s. If
- // another emitCopy is not our next move, also calculate nextHash
- // at s+1. At least on GOARCH=amd64, these three hash calculations
- // are faster as one load64 call (with some shifts) instead of
- // three load32 calls.
- x := load64(src, s-1)
- prevHash := hash(uint32(x>>0), shift)
- table[prevHash&tableMask] = uint16(s - 1)
- currHash := hash(uint32(x>>8), shift)
- candidate = int(table[currHash&tableMask])
- table[currHash&tableMask] = uint16(s)
- if uint32(x>>8) != load32(src, candidate) {
- nextHash = hash(uint32(x>>16), shift)
- s++
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if nextEmit < len(src) {
- d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], src[nextEmit:])
- }
- return d
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/snappy.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/snappy.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ece692ea4..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/snappy.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package snappy implements the Snappy compression format. It aims for very
-// high speeds and reasonable compression.
-// There are actually two Snappy formats: block and stream. They are related,
-// but different: trying to decompress block-compressed data as a Snappy stream
-// will fail, and vice versa. The block format is the Decode and Encode
-// functions and the stream format is the Reader and Writer types.
-// The block format, the more common case, is used when the complete size (the
-// number of bytes) of the original data is known upfront, at the time
-// compression starts. The stream format, also known as the framing format, is
-// for when that isn't always true.
-// The canonical, C++ implementation is at https://github.com/google/snappy and
-// it only implements the block format.
-package snappy // import "github.com/golang/snappy"
-import (
- "hash/crc32"
-Each encoded block begins with the varint-encoded length of the decoded data,
-followed by a sequence of chunks. Chunks begin and end on byte boundaries. The
-first byte of each chunk is broken into its 2 least and 6 most significant bits
-called l and m: l ranges in [0, 4) and m ranges in [0, 64). l is the chunk tag.
-Zero means a literal tag. All other values mean a copy tag.
-For literal tags:
- - If m < 60, the next 1 + m bytes are literal bytes.
- - Otherwise, let n be the little-endian unsigned integer denoted by the next
- m - 59 bytes. The next 1 + n bytes after that are literal bytes.
-For copy tags, length bytes are copied from offset bytes ago, in the style of
-Lempel-Ziv compression algorithms. In particular:
- - For l == 1, the offset ranges in [0, 1<<11) and the length in [4, 12).
- The length is 4 + the low 3 bits of m. The high 3 bits of m form bits 8-10
- of the offset. The next byte is bits 0-7 of the offset.
- - For l == 2, the offset ranges in [0, 1<<16) and the length in [1, 65).
- The length is 1 + m. The offset is the little-endian unsigned integer
- denoted by the next 2 bytes.
- - For l == 3, this tag is a legacy format that is no longer issued by most
- encoders. Nonetheless, the offset ranges in [0, 1<<32) and the length in
- [1, 65). The length is 1 + m. The offset is the little-endian unsigned
- integer denoted by the next 4 bytes.
-const (
- tagLiteral = 0x00
- tagCopy1 = 0x01
- tagCopy2 = 0x02
- tagCopy4 = 0x03
-const (
- checksumSize = 4
- chunkHeaderSize = 4
- magicChunk = "\xff\x06\x00\x00" + magicBody
- magicBody = "sNaPpY"
- // maxBlockSize is the maximum size of the input to encodeBlock. It is not
- // part of the wire format per se, but some parts of the encoder assume
- // that an offset fits into a uint16.
- //
- // Also, for the framing format (Writer type instead of Encode function),
- // https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt says
- // that "the uncompressed data in a chunk must be no longer than 65536
- // bytes".
- maxBlockSize = 65536
- // maxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize equals MaxEncodedLen(maxBlockSize), but is
- // hard coded to be a const instead of a variable, so that obufLen can also
- // be a const. Their equivalence is confirmed by
- // TestMaxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize.
- maxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize = 76490
- obufHeaderLen = len(magicChunk) + checksumSize + chunkHeaderSize
- obufLen = obufHeaderLen + maxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize
-const (
- chunkTypeCompressedData = 0x00
- chunkTypeUncompressedData = 0x01
- chunkTypePadding = 0xfe
- chunkTypeStreamIdentifier = 0xff
-var crcTable = crc32.MakeTable(crc32.Castagnoli)
-// crc implements the checksum specified in section 3 of
-// https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt
-func crc(b []byte) uint32 {
- c := crc32.Update(0, crcTable, b)
- return uint32(c>>15|c<<17) + 0xa282ead8
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index be64db617..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index d5870798f..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-language: go
- - 1.1
- - 1.2
- - 1.3
- - 1.4
- - 1.5
- - tip
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 0545977b7..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2011-2012 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.
-Copyright 2013 Damian Gryski. All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/README.md b/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index fd65d1590..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-go-lz4 is port of LZ4 lossless compression algorithm to Go. The original C code
-is located at:
- go get github.com/bkaradzic/go-lz4
- import "github.com/bkaradzic/go-lz4"
-The package name is `lz4`
-* go-lz4 saves a uint32 with the original uncompressed length at the beginning
- of the encoded buffer. They may get in the way of interoperability with
- other implementations.
-Damian Gryski ([@dgryski](https://github.com/dgryski))
-Dustin Sallings ([@dustin](https://github.com/dustin))
-Project page
-Copyright 2011-2012 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.
-Copyright 2013 Damian Gryski. All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/fuzz.go b/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/fuzz.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e4989de9f..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/fuzz.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// +build gofuzz
-package lz4
-import "encoding/binary"
-func Fuzz(data []byte) int {
- if len(data) < 4 {
- return 0
- }
- ln := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data)
- if ln > (1 << 21) {
- return 0
- }
- if _, err := Decode(nil, data); err != nil {
- return 0
- }
- return 1
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/reader.go b/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/reader.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 254745a37..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/reader.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2011-2012 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
- * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-package lz4
-import (
- "encoding/binary"
- "errors"
- "io"
-var (
- // ErrCorrupt indicates the input was corrupt
- ErrCorrupt = errors.New("corrupt input")
- ErrOutOfMemory = errors.New("out of memory") // Indicates dst wasn't large enough
-const (
- mlBits = 4
- mlMask = (1 << mlBits) - 1
- runBits = 8 - mlBits
- runMask = (1 << runBits) - 1
-type decoder struct {
- src []byte
- dst []byte
- spos uint32
- dpos uint32
- ref uint32
-func (d *decoder) readByte() (uint8, error) {
- if int(d.spos) == len(d.src) {
- return 0, io.EOF
- }
- b := d.src[d.spos]
- d.spos++
- return b, nil
-func (d *decoder) getLen() (uint32, error) {
- length := uint32(0)
- ln, err := d.readByte()
- if err != nil {
- return 0, ErrCorrupt
- }
- for ln == 255 {
- length += 255
- ln, err = d.readByte()
- if err != nil {
- return 0, ErrCorrupt
- }
- }
- length += uint32(ln)
- return length, nil
-func (d *decoder) cp(length, decr uint32) {
- if int(d.ref+length) < int(d.dpos) {
- copy(d.dst[d.dpos:], d.dst[d.ref:d.ref+length])
- } else {
- for ii := uint32(0); ii < length; ii++ {
- d.dst[d.dpos+ii] = d.dst[d.ref+ii]
- }
- }
- d.dpos += length
- d.ref += length - decr
-func (d *decoder) finish(err error) error {
- if err == io.EOF {
- return nil
- }
- return err
-// Decode returns the decoded form of src. The returned slice is a subslice of dst.
-// Must have an input of dst with large enough length to hold the decompressed buffer.
-func Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- if len(src) < 4 {
- return nil, ErrCorrupt
- }
- compressedLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src)
- if compressedLen == 0 {
- return nil, ErrCorrupt
- }
- if compressedLen > MaxInputSize {
- return nil, ErrTooLarge
- }
- d := decoder{src: src, dst: dst, spos: 4}
- decr := []uint32{0, 3, 2, 3}
- for {
- code, err := d.readByte()
- if err != nil {
- return d.dst[:d.dpos], d.finish(err)
- }
- length := uint32(code >> mlBits)
- if length == runMask {
- ln, err := d.getLen()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, ErrCorrupt
- }
- length += ln
- }
- if int(d.spos+length) > len(d.src) || int(d.dpos+length) > len(d.dst) {
- return nil, ErrOutOfMemory
- }
- for ii := uint32(0); ii < length; ii++ {
- d.dst[d.dpos+ii] = d.src[d.spos+ii]
- }
- d.spos += length
- d.dpos += length
- if int(d.spos) == len(d.src) {
- return d.dst[:d.dpos], nil
- }
- if int(d.spos+2) >= len(d.src) {
- return nil, ErrCorrupt
- }
- back := uint32(d.src[d.spos]) | uint32(d.src[d.spos+1])<<8
- if back > d.dpos {
- return nil, ErrCorrupt
- }
- d.spos += 2
- d.ref = d.dpos - back
- length = uint32(code & mlMask)
- if length == mlMask {
- ln, err := d.getLen()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, ErrCorrupt
- }
- length += ln
- }
- literal := d.dpos - d.ref
- if literal < 4 {
- if int(d.dpos+4) > len(d.dst) {
- return nil, ErrOutOfMemory
- }
- d.cp(4, decr[literal])
- } else {
- length += 4
- }
- if d.dpos+length > uint32(len(d.dst)) {
- return nil, ErrOutOfMemory
- }
- d.cp(length, 0)
- }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/writer.go b/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/writer.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c69563919..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/id01/go-lz4/writer.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2011-2012 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
- * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-package lz4
-import (
- "encoding/binary"
- "errors"
-const (
- minMatch = 4
- hashLog = 17
- hashTableSize = 1 << hashLog
- hashShift = (minMatch * 8) - hashLog
- incompressible uint32 = 128
- uninitHash = 0x88888888
- // MaxInputSize is the largest buffer than can be compressed in a single block
- MaxInputSize = 0x7E000000
-var (
- // ErrTooLarge indicates the input buffer was too large
- ErrTooLarge = errors.New("input too large")
-type encoder struct {
- src []byte
- dst []byte
- hashTable []uint32
- pos uint32
- anchor uint32
- dpos uint32
-// CompressBound returns the maximum length of a lz4 block, given it's uncompressed length
-func CompressBound(isize int) int {
- if isize > MaxInputSize {
- return 0
- }
- return isize + ((isize) / 255) + 16 + 4
-func (e *encoder) writeLiterals(length, mlLen, pos uint32) {
- ln := length
- var code byte
- if ln > runMask-1 {
- code = runMask
- } else {
- code = byte(ln)
- }
- if mlLen > mlMask-1 {
- e.dst[e.dpos] = (code << mlBits) + byte(mlMask)
- } else {
- e.dst[e.dpos] = (code << mlBits) + byte(mlLen)
- }
- e.dpos++
- if code == runMask {
- ln -= runMask
- for ; ln > 254; ln -= 255 {
- e.dst[e.dpos] = 255
- e.dpos++
- }
- e.dst[e.dpos] = byte(ln)
- e.dpos++
- }
- for ii := uint32(0); ii < length; ii++ {
- e.dst[e.dpos+ii] = e.src[pos+ii]
- }
- e.dpos += length
-// Encode returns the encoded form of src. The returned array may be a
-// sub-slice of dst if it was large enough to hold the entire output.
-func Encode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- if len(src) >= MaxInputSize {
- return nil, ErrTooLarge
- }
- if n := CompressBound(len(src)); len(dst) < n {
- dst = make([]byte, n)
- }
- e := encoder{src: src, dst: dst, hashTable: make([]uint32, hashTableSize)}
- e.dpos = 4
- var (
- step uint32 = 1
- limit = incompressible
- )
- for {
- if int(e.pos)+12 >= len(e.src) {
- e.writeLiterals(uint32(len(e.src))-e.anchor, 0, e.anchor)
- binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(dst, uint32(e.dpos-4)) // Subtract 4 because the compressed size isn't counted as part of the block
- return e.dst[:e.dpos], nil
- }
- sequence := uint32(e.src[e.pos+3])<<24 | uint32(e.src[e.pos+2])<<16 | uint32(e.src[e.pos+1])<<8 | uint32(e.src[e.pos+0])
- hash := (sequence * 2654435761) >> hashShift
- ref := e.hashTable[hash] + uninitHash
- e.hashTable[hash] = e.pos - uninitHash
- if ((e.pos-ref)>>16) != 0 || uint32(e.src[ref+3])<<24|uint32(e.src[ref+2])<<16|uint32(e.src[ref+1])<<8|uint32(e.src[ref+0]) != sequence {
- if e.pos-e.anchor > limit {
- limit <<= 1
- step += 1 + (step >> 2)
- }
- e.pos += step
- continue
- }
- if step > 1 {
- e.hashTable[hash] = ref - uninitHash
- e.pos -= step - 1
- step = 1
- continue
- }
- limit = incompressible
- ln := e.pos - e.anchor
- back := e.pos - ref
- anchor := e.anchor
- e.pos += minMatch
- ref += minMatch
- e.anchor = e.pos
- for int(e.pos) < len(e.src)-5 && e.src[e.pos] == e.src[ref] {
- e.pos++
- ref++
- }
- mlLen := e.pos - e.anchor
- e.writeLiterals(ln, mlLen, anchor)
- e.dst[e.dpos] = uint8(back)
- e.dst[e.dpos+1] = uint8(back >> 8)
- e.dpos += 2
- if mlLen > mlMask-1 {
- mlLen -= mlMask
- for mlLen > 254 {
- mlLen -= 255
- e.dst[e.dpos] = 255
- e.dpos++
- }
- e.dst[e.dpos] = byte(mlLen)
- e.dpos++
- }
- e.anchor = e.pos
- }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/LICENSE
similarity index 92%
rename from vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/LICENSE
rename to vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/LICENSE
index 6050c10f4..1eb75ef68 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/LICENSE
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/LICENSE
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2019 Klaus Post. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/deflate.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/deflate.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f4d76b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/deflate.go
@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package flate
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "math"
+const (
+ NoCompression = 0
+ BestSpeed = 1
+ BestCompression = 9
+ DefaultCompression = -1
+ // HuffmanOnly disables Lempel-Ziv match searching and only performs Huffman
+ // entropy encoding. This mode is useful in compressing data that has
+ // already been compressed with an LZ style algorithm (e.g. Snappy or LZ4)
+ // that lacks an entropy encoder. Compression gains are achieved when
+ // certain bytes in the input stream occur more frequently than others.
+ //
+ // Note that HuffmanOnly produces a compressed output that is
+ // RFC 1951 compliant. That is, any valid DEFLATE decompressor will
+ // continue to be able to decompress this output.
+ HuffmanOnly = -2
+ ConstantCompression = HuffmanOnly // compatibility alias.
+ logWindowSize = 15
+ windowSize = 1 << logWindowSize
+ windowMask = windowSize - 1
+ logMaxOffsetSize = 15 // Standard DEFLATE
+ minMatchLength = 4 // The smallest match that the compressor looks for
+ maxMatchLength = 258 // The longest match for the compressor
+ minOffsetSize = 1 // The shortest offset that makes any sense
+ // The maximum number of tokens we put into a single flat block, just too
+ // stop things from getting too large.
+ maxFlateBlockTokens = 1 << 14
+ maxStoreBlockSize = 65535
+ hashBits = 17 // After 17 performance degrades
+ hashSize = 1 << hashBits
+ hashMask = (1 << hashBits) - 1
+ hashShift = (hashBits + minMatchLength - 1) / minMatchLength
+ maxHashOffset = 1 << 24
+ skipNever = math.MaxInt32
+type compressionLevel struct {
+ good, lazy, nice, chain, fastSkipHashing, level int
+// Compression levels have been rebalanced from zlib deflate defaults
+// to give a bigger spread in speed and compression.
+// See https://blog.klauspost.com/rebalancing-deflate-compression-levels/
+var levels = []compressionLevel{
+ {}, // 0
+ // Level 1-6 uses specialized algorithm - values not used
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6},
+ // Levels 7-9 use increasingly more lazy matching
+ // and increasingly stringent conditions for "good enough".
+ {8, 8, 24, 16, skipNever, 7},
+ {10, 16, 24, 64, skipNever, 8},
+ {32, 258, 258, 4096, skipNever, 9},
+// advancedState contains state for the advanced levels, with bigger hash tables, etc.
+type advancedState struct {
+ // deflate state
+ length int
+ offset int
+ hash uint32
+ maxInsertIndex int
+ ii uint16 // position of last match, intended to overflow to reset.
+ // Input hash chains
+ // hashHead[hashValue] contains the largest inputIndex with the specified hash value
+ // If hashHead[hashValue] is within the current window, then
+ // hashPrev[hashHead[hashValue] & windowMask] contains the previous index
+ // with the same hash value.
+ chainHead int
+ hashHead [hashSize]uint32
+ hashPrev [windowSize]uint32
+ hashOffset int
+ // input window: unprocessed data is window[index:windowEnd]
+ index int
+ hashMatch [maxMatchLength + minMatchLength]uint32
+type compressor struct {
+ compressionLevel
+ w *huffmanBitWriter
+ // compression algorithm
+ fill func(*compressor, []byte) int // copy data to window
+ step func(*compressor) // process window
+ sync bool // requesting flush
+ window []byte
+ windowEnd int
+ blockStart int // window index where current tokens start
+ byteAvailable bool // if true, still need to process window[index-1].
+ err error
+ // queued output tokens
+ tokens tokens
+ fast fastEnc
+ state *advancedState
+func (d *compressor) fillDeflate(b []byte) int {
+ s := d.state
+ if s.index >= 2*windowSize-(minMatchLength+maxMatchLength) {
+ // shift the window by windowSize
+ copy(d.window[:], d.window[windowSize:2*windowSize])
+ s.index -= windowSize
+ d.windowEnd -= windowSize
+ if d.blockStart >= windowSize {
+ d.blockStart -= windowSize
+ } else {
+ d.blockStart = math.MaxInt32
+ }
+ s.hashOffset += windowSize
+ if s.hashOffset > maxHashOffset {
+ delta := s.hashOffset - 1
+ s.hashOffset -= delta
+ s.chainHead -= delta
+ // Iterate over slices instead of arrays to avoid copying
+ // the entire table onto the stack (Issue #18625).
+ for i, v := range s.hashPrev[:] {
+ if int(v) > delta {
+ s.hashPrev[i] = uint32(int(v) - delta)
+ } else {
+ s.hashPrev[i] = 0
+ }
+ }
+ for i, v := range s.hashHead[:] {
+ if int(v) > delta {
+ s.hashHead[i] = uint32(int(v) - delta)
+ } else {
+ s.hashHead[i] = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ n := copy(d.window[d.windowEnd:], b)
+ d.windowEnd += n
+ return n
+func (d *compressor) writeBlock(tok *tokens, index int, eof bool) error {
+ if index > 0 || eof {
+ var window []byte
+ if d.blockStart <= index {
+ window = d.window[d.blockStart:index]
+ }
+ d.blockStart = index
+ d.w.writeBlock(tok, eof, window)
+ return d.w.err
+ }
+ return nil
+// writeBlockSkip writes the current block and uses the number of tokens
+// to determine if the block should be stored on no matches, or
+// only huffman encoded.
+func (d *compressor) writeBlockSkip(tok *tokens, index int, eof bool) error {
+ if index > 0 || eof {
+ if d.blockStart <= index {
+ window := d.window[d.blockStart:index]
+ // If we removed less than a 64th of all literals
+ // we huffman compress the block.
+ if int(tok.n) > len(window)-int(tok.n>>6) {
+ d.w.writeBlockHuff(eof, window, d.sync)
+ } else {
+ // Write a dynamic huffman block.
+ d.w.writeBlockDynamic(tok, eof, window, d.sync)
+ }
+ } else {
+ d.w.writeBlock(tok, eof, nil)
+ }
+ d.blockStart = index
+ return d.w.err
+ }
+ return nil
+// fillWindow will fill the current window with the supplied
+// dictionary and calculate all hashes.
+// This is much faster than doing a full encode.
+// Should only be used after a start/reset.
+func (d *compressor) fillWindow(b []byte) {
+ // Do not fill window if we are in store-only or huffman mode.
+ if d.level <= 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ if d.fast != nil {
+ // encode the last data, but discard the result
+ if len(b) > maxMatchOffset {
+ b = b[len(b)-maxMatchOffset:]
+ }
+ d.fast.Encode(&d.tokens, b)
+ d.tokens.Reset()
+ return
+ }
+ s := d.state
+ // If we are given too much, cut it.
+ if len(b) > windowSize {
+ b = b[len(b)-windowSize:]
+ }
+ // Add all to window.
+ n := copy(d.window[d.windowEnd:], b)
+ // Calculate 256 hashes at the time (more L1 cache hits)
+ loops := (n + 256 - minMatchLength) / 256
+ for j := 0; j < loops; j++ {
+ startindex := j * 256
+ end := startindex + 256 + minMatchLength - 1
+ if end > n {
+ end = n
+ }
+ tocheck := d.window[startindex:end]
+ dstSize := len(tocheck) - minMatchLength + 1
+ if dstSize <= 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ dst := s.hashMatch[:dstSize]
+ bulkHash4(tocheck, dst)
+ var newH uint32
+ for i, val := range dst {
+ di := i + startindex
+ newH = val & hashMask
+ // Get previous value with the same hash.
+ // Our chain should point to the previous value.
+ s.hashPrev[di&windowMask] = s.hashHead[newH]
+ // Set the head of the hash chain to us.
+ s.hashHead[newH] = uint32(di + s.hashOffset)
+ }
+ s.hash = newH
+ }
+ // Update window information.
+ d.windowEnd += n
+ s.index = n
+// Try to find a match starting at index whose length is greater than prevSize.
+// We only look at chainCount possibilities before giving up.
+// pos = s.index, prevHead = s.chainHead-s.hashOffset, prevLength=minMatchLength-1, lookahead
+func (d *compressor) findMatch(pos int, prevHead int, prevLength int, lookahead int) (length, offset int, ok bool) {
+ minMatchLook := maxMatchLength
+ if lookahead < minMatchLook {
+ minMatchLook = lookahead
+ }
+ win := d.window[0 : pos+minMatchLook]
+ // We quit when we get a match that's at least nice long
+ nice := len(win) - pos
+ if d.nice < nice {
+ nice = d.nice
+ }
+ // If we've got a match that's good enough, only look in 1/4 the chain.
+ tries := d.chain
+ length = prevLength
+ if length >= d.good {
+ tries >>= 2
+ }
+ wEnd := win[pos+length]
+ wPos := win[pos:]
+ minIndex := pos - windowSize
+ for i := prevHead; tries > 0; tries-- {
+ if wEnd == win[i+length] {
+ n := matchLen(win[i:i+minMatchLook], wPos)
+ if n > length && (n > minMatchLength || pos-i <= 4096) {
+ length = n
+ offset = pos - i
+ ok = true
+ if n >= nice {
+ // The match is good enough that we don't try to find a better one.
+ break
+ }
+ wEnd = win[pos+n]
+ }
+ }
+ if i == minIndex {
+ // hashPrev[i & windowMask] has already been overwritten, so stop now.
+ break
+ }
+ i = int(d.state.hashPrev[i&windowMask]) - d.state.hashOffset
+ if i < minIndex || i < 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return
+func (d *compressor) writeStoredBlock(buf []byte) error {
+ if d.w.writeStoredHeader(len(buf), false); d.w.err != nil {
+ return d.w.err
+ }
+ d.w.writeBytes(buf)
+ return d.w.err
+// hash4 returns a hash representation of the first 4 bytes
+// of the supplied slice.
+// The caller must ensure that len(b) >= 4.
+func hash4(b []byte) uint32 {
+ b = b[:4]
+ return hash4u(uint32(b[3])|uint32(b[2])<<8|uint32(b[1])<<16|uint32(b[0])<<24, hashBits)
+// bulkHash4 will compute hashes using the same
+// algorithm as hash4
+func bulkHash4(b []byte, dst []uint32) {
+ if len(b) < 4 {
+ return
+ }
+ hb := uint32(b[3]) | uint32(b[2])<<8 | uint32(b[1])<<16 | uint32(b[0])<<24
+ dst[0] = hash4u(hb, hashBits)
+ end := len(b) - 4 + 1
+ for i := 1; i < end; i++ {
+ hb = (hb << 8) | uint32(b[i+3])
+ dst[i] = hash4u(hb, hashBits)
+ }
+func (d *compressor) initDeflate() {
+ d.window = make([]byte, 2*windowSize)
+ d.byteAvailable = false
+ d.err = nil
+ if d.state == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ s := d.state
+ s.index = 0
+ s.hashOffset = 1
+ s.length = minMatchLength - 1
+ s.offset = 0
+ s.hash = 0
+ s.chainHead = -1
+// deflateLazy is the same as deflate, but with d.fastSkipHashing == skipNever,
+// meaning it always has lazy matching on.
+func (d *compressor) deflateLazy() {
+ s := d.state
+ // Sanity enables additional runtime tests.
+ // It's intended to be used during development
+ // to supplement the currently ad-hoc unit tests.
+ const sanity = false
+ if d.windowEnd-s.index < minMatchLength+maxMatchLength && !d.sync {
+ return
+ }
+ s.maxInsertIndex = d.windowEnd - (minMatchLength - 1)
+ if s.index < s.maxInsertIndex {
+ s.hash = hash4(d.window[s.index : s.index+minMatchLength])
+ }
+ for {
+ if sanity && s.index > d.windowEnd {
+ panic("index > windowEnd")
+ }
+ lookahead := d.windowEnd - s.index
+ if lookahead < minMatchLength+maxMatchLength {
+ if !d.sync {
+ return
+ }
+ if sanity && s.index > d.windowEnd {
+ panic("index > windowEnd")
+ }
+ if lookahead == 0 {
+ // Flush current output block if any.
+ if d.byteAvailable {
+ // There is still one pending token that needs to be flushed
+ d.tokens.AddLiteral(d.window[s.index-1])
+ d.byteAvailable = false
+ }
+ if d.tokens.n > 0 {
+ if d.err = d.writeBlock(&d.tokens, s.index, false); d.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ d.tokens.Reset()
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if s.index < s.maxInsertIndex {
+ // Update the hash
+ s.hash = hash4(d.window[s.index : s.index+minMatchLength])
+ ch := s.hashHead[s.hash&hashMask]
+ s.chainHead = int(ch)
+ s.hashPrev[s.index&windowMask] = ch
+ s.hashHead[s.hash&hashMask] = uint32(s.index + s.hashOffset)
+ }
+ prevLength := s.length
+ prevOffset := s.offset
+ s.length = minMatchLength - 1
+ s.offset = 0
+ minIndex := s.index - windowSize
+ if minIndex < 0 {
+ minIndex = 0
+ }
+ if s.chainHead-s.hashOffset >= minIndex && lookahead > prevLength && prevLength < d.lazy {
+ if newLength, newOffset, ok := d.findMatch(s.index, s.chainHead-s.hashOffset, minMatchLength-1, lookahead); ok {
+ s.length = newLength
+ s.offset = newOffset
+ }
+ }
+ if prevLength >= minMatchLength && s.length <= prevLength {
+ // There was a match at the previous step, and the current match is
+ // not better. Output the previous match.
+ d.tokens.AddMatch(uint32(prevLength-3), uint32(prevOffset-minOffsetSize))
+ // Insert in the hash table all strings up to the end of the match.
+ // index and index-1 are already inserted. If there is not enough
+ // lookahead, the last two strings are not inserted into the hash
+ // table.
+ var newIndex int
+ newIndex = s.index + prevLength - 1
+ // Calculate missing hashes
+ end := newIndex
+ if end > s.maxInsertIndex {
+ end = s.maxInsertIndex
+ }
+ end += minMatchLength - 1
+ startindex := s.index + 1
+ if startindex > s.maxInsertIndex {
+ startindex = s.maxInsertIndex
+ }
+ tocheck := d.window[startindex:end]
+ dstSize := len(tocheck) - minMatchLength + 1
+ if dstSize > 0 {
+ dst := s.hashMatch[:dstSize]
+ bulkHash4(tocheck, dst)
+ var newH uint32
+ for i, val := range dst {
+ di := i + startindex
+ newH = val & hashMask
+ // Get previous value with the same hash.
+ // Our chain should point to the previous value.
+ s.hashPrev[di&windowMask] = s.hashHead[newH]
+ // Set the head of the hash chain to us.
+ s.hashHead[newH] = uint32(di + s.hashOffset)
+ }
+ s.hash = newH
+ }
+ s.index = newIndex
+ d.byteAvailable = false
+ s.length = minMatchLength - 1
+ if d.tokens.n == maxFlateBlockTokens {
+ // The block includes the current character
+ if d.err = d.writeBlock(&d.tokens, s.index, false); d.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ d.tokens.Reset()
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Reset, if we got a match this run.
+ if s.length >= minMatchLength {
+ s.ii = 0
+ }
+ // We have a byte waiting. Emit it.
+ if d.byteAvailable {
+ s.ii++
+ d.tokens.AddLiteral(d.window[s.index-1])
+ if d.tokens.n == maxFlateBlockTokens {
+ if d.err = d.writeBlock(&d.tokens, s.index, false); d.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ d.tokens.Reset()
+ }
+ s.index++
+ // If we have a long run of no matches, skip additional bytes
+ // Resets when s.ii overflows after 64KB.
+ if s.ii > 31 {
+ n := int(s.ii >> 5)
+ for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
+ if s.index >= d.windowEnd-1 {
+ break
+ }
+ d.tokens.AddLiteral(d.window[s.index-1])
+ if d.tokens.n == maxFlateBlockTokens {
+ if d.err = d.writeBlock(&d.tokens, s.index, false); d.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ d.tokens.Reset()
+ }
+ s.index++
+ }
+ // Flush last byte
+ d.tokens.AddLiteral(d.window[s.index-1])
+ d.byteAvailable = false
+ // s.length = minMatchLength - 1 // not needed, since s.ii is reset above, so it should never be > minMatchLength
+ if d.tokens.n == maxFlateBlockTokens {
+ if d.err = d.writeBlock(&d.tokens, s.index, false); d.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ d.tokens.Reset()
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ s.index++
+ d.byteAvailable = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func (d *compressor) store() {
+ if d.windowEnd > 0 && (d.windowEnd == maxStoreBlockSize || d.sync) {
+ d.err = d.writeStoredBlock(d.window[:d.windowEnd])
+ d.windowEnd = 0
+ }
+// fillWindow will fill the buffer with data for huffman-only compression.
+// The number of bytes copied is returned.
+func (d *compressor) fillBlock(b []byte) int {
+ n := copy(d.window[d.windowEnd:], b)
+ d.windowEnd += n
+ return n
+// storeHuff will compress and store the currently added data,
+// if enough has been accumulated or we at the end of the stream.
+// Any error that occurred will be in d.err
+func (d *compressor) storeHuff() {
+ if d.windowEnd < len(d.window) && !d.sync || d.windowEnd == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ d.w.writeBlockHuff(false, d.window[:d.windowEnd], d.sync)
+ d.err = d.w.err
+ d.windowEnd = 0
+// storeFast will compress and store the currently added data,
+// if enough has been accumulated or we at the end of the stream.
+// Any error that occurred will be in d.err
+func (d *compressor) storeFast() {
+ // We only compress if we have maxStoreBlockSize.
+ if d.windowEnd < len(d.window) {
+ if !d.sync {
+ return
+ }
+ // Handle extremely small sizes.
+ if d.windowEnd < 128 {
+ if d.windowEnd == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ if d.windowEnd <= 32 {
+ d.err = d.writeStoredBlock(d.window[:d.windowEnd])
+ } else {
+ d.w.writeBlockHuff(false, d.window[:d.windowEnd], true)
+ d.err = d.w.err
+ }
+ d.tokens.Reset()
+ d.windowEnd = 0
+ d.fast.Reset()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ d.fast.Encode(&d.tokens, d.window[:d.windowEnd])
+ // If we made zero matches, store the block as is.
+ if d.tokens.n == 0 {
+ d.err = d.writeStoredBlock(d.window[:d.windowEnd])
+ // If we removed less than 1/16th, huffman compress the block.
+ } else if int(d.tokens.n) > d.windowEnd-(d.windowEnd>>4) {
+ d.w.writeBlockHuff(false, d.window[:d.windowEnd], d.sync)
+ d.err = d.w.err
+ } else {
+ d.w.writeBlockDynamic(&d.tokens, false, d.window[:d.windowEnd], d.sync)
+ d.err = d.w.err
+ }
+ d.tokens.Reset()
+ d.windowEnd = 0
+// write will add input byte to the stream.
+// Unless an error occurs all bytes will be consumed.
+func (d *compressor) write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if d.err != nil {
+ return 0, d.err
+ }
+ n = len(b)
+ for len(b) > 0 {
+ d.step(d)
+ b = b[d.fill(d, b):]
+ if d.err != nil {
+ return 0, d.err
+ }
+ }
+ return n, d.err
+func (d *compressor) syncFlush() error {
+ d.sync = true
+ if d.err != nil {
+ return d.err
+ }
+ d.step(d)
+ if d.err == nil {
+ d.w.writeStoredHeader(0, false)
+ d.w.flush()
+ d.err = d.w.err
+ }
+ d.sync = false
+ return d.err
+func (d *compressor) init(w io.Writer, level int) (err error) {
+ d.w = newHuffmanBitWriter(w)
+ switch {
+ case level == NoCompression:
+ d.window = make([]byte, maxStoreBlockSize)
+ d.fill = (*compressor).fillBlock
+ d.step = (*compressor).store
+ case level == ConstantCompression:
+ d.w.logNewTablePenalty = 4
+ d.window = make([]byte, maxStoreBlockSize)
+ d.fill = (*compressor).fillBlock
+ d.step = (*compressor).storeHuff
+ case level == DefaultCompression:
+ level = 5
+ fallthrough
+ case level >= 1 && level <= 6:
+ d.w.logNewTablePenalty = 6
+ d.fast = newFastEnc(level)
+ d.window = make([]byte, maxStoreBlockSize)
+ d.fill = (*compressor).fillBlock
+ d.step = (*compressor).storeFast
+ case 7 <= level && level <= 9:
+ d.w.logNewTablePenalty = 10
+ d.state = &advancedState{}
+ d.compressionLevel = levels[level]
+ d.initDeflate()
+ d.fill = (*compressor).fillDeflate
+ d.step = (*compressor).deflateLazy
+ default:
+ return fmt.Errorf("flate: invalid compression level %d: want value in range [-2, 9]", level)
+ }
+ d.level = level
+ return nil
+// reset the state of the compressor.
+func (d *compressor) reset(w io.Writer) {
+ d.w.reset(w)
+ d.sync = false
+ d.err = nil
+ // We only need to reset a few things for Snappy.
+ if d.fast != nil {
+ d.fast.Reset()
+ d.windowEnd = 0
+ d.tokens.Reset()
+ return
+ }
+ switch d.compressionLevel.chain {
+ case 0:
+ // level was NoCompression or ConstantCompresssion.
+ d.windowEnd = 0
+ default:
+ s := d.state
+ s.chainHead = -1
+ for i := range s.hashHead {
+ s.hashHead[i] = 0
+ }
+ for i := range s.hashPrev {
+ s.hashPrev[i] = 0
+ }
+ s.hashOffset = 1
+ s.index, d.windowEnd = 0, 0
+ d.blockStart, d.byteAvailable = 0, false
+ d.tokens.Reset()
+ s.length = minMatchLength - 1
+ s.offset = 0
+ s.hash = 0
+ s.ii = 0
+ s.maxInsertIndex = 0
+ }
+func (d *compressor) close() error {
+ if d.err != nil {
+ return d.err
+ }
+ d.sync = true
+ d.step(d)
+ if d.err != nil {
+ return d.err
+ }
+ if d.w.writeStoredHeader(0, true); d.w.err != nil {
+ return d.w.err
+ }
+ d.w.flush()
+ d.w.reset(nil)
+ return d.w.err
+// NewWriter returns a new Writer compressing data at the given level.
+// Following zlib, levels range from 1 (BestSpeed) to 9 (BestCompression);
+// higher levels typically run slower but compress more.
+// Level 0 (NoCompression) does not attempt any compression; it only adds the
+// necessary DEFLATE framing.
+// Level -1 (DefaultCompression) uses the default compression level.
+// Level -2 (ConstantCompression) will use Huffman compression only, giving
+// a very fast compression for all types of input, but sacrificing considerable
+// compression efficiency.
+// If level is in the range [-2, 9] then the error returned will be nil.
+// Otherwise the error returned will be non-nil.
+func NewWriter(w io.Writer, level int) (*Writer, error) {
+ var dw Writer
+ if err := dw.d.init(w, level); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return &dw, nil
+// NewWriterDict is like NewWriter but initializes the new
+// Writer with a preset dictionary. The returned Writer behaves
+// as if the dictionary had been written to it without producing
+// any compressed output. The compressed data written to w
+// can only be decompressed by a Reader initialized with the
+// same dictionary.
+func NewWriterDict(w io.Writer, level int, dict []byte) (*Writer, error) {
+ zw, err := NewWriter(w, level)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ zw.d.fillWindow(dict)
+ zw.dict = append(zw.dict, dict...) // duplicate dictionary for Reset method.
+ return zw, err
+// A Writer takes data written to it and writes the compressed
+// form of that data to an underlying writer (see NewWriter).
+type Writer struct {
+ d compressor
+ dict []byte
+// Write writes data to w, which will eventually write the
+// compressed form of data to its underlying writer.
+func (w *Writer) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ return w.d.write(data)
+// Flush flushes any pending data to the underlying writer.
+// It is useful mainly in compressed network protocols, to ensure that
+// a remote reader has enough data to reconstruct a packet.
+// Flush does not return until the data has been written.
+// Calling Flush when there is no pending data still causes the Writer
+// to emit a sync marker of at least 4 bytes.
+// If the underlying writer returns an error, Flush returns that error.
+// In the terminology of the zlib library, Flush is equivalent to Z_SYNC_FLUSH.
+func (w *Writer) Flush() error {
+ // For more about flushing:
+ // http://www.bolet.org/~pornin/deflate-flush.html
+ return w.d.syncFlush()
+// Close flushes and closes the writer.
+func (w *Writer) Close() error {
+ return w.d.close()
+// Reset discards the writer's state and makes it equivalent to
+// the result of NewWriter or NewWriterDict called with dst
+// and w's level and dictionary.
+func (w *Writer) Reset(dst io.Writer) {
+ if len(w.dict) > 0 {
+ // w was created with NewWriterDict
+ w.d.reset(dst)
+ if dst != nil {
+ w.d.fillWindow(w.dict)
+ }
+ } else {
+ // w was created with NewWriter
+ w.d.reset(dst)
+ }
+// ResetDict discards the writer's state and makes it equivalent to
+// the result of NewWriter or NewWriterDict called with dst
+// and w's level, but sets a specific dictionary.
+func (w *Writer) ResetDict(dst io.Writer, dict []byte) {
+ w.dict = dict
+ w.d.reset(dst)
+ w.d.fillWindow(w.dict)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/dict_decoder.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/dict_decoder.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71c75a065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/dict_decoder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package flate
+// dictDecoder implements the LZ77 sliding dictionary as used in decompression.
+// LZ77 decompresses data through sequences of two forms of commands:
+// * Literal insertions: Runs of one or more symbols are inserted into the data
+// stream as is. This is accomplished through the writeByte method for a
+// single symbol, or combinations of writeSlice/writeMark for multiple symbols.
+// Any valid stream must start with a literal insertion if no preset dictionary
+// is used.
+// * Backward copies: Runs of one or more symbols are copied from previously
+// emitted data. Backward copies come as the tuple (dist, length) where dist
+// determines how far back in the stream to copy from and length determines how
+// many bytes to copy. Note that it is valid for the length to be greater than
+// the distance. Since LZ77 uses forward copies, that situation is used to
+// perform a form of run-length encoding on repeated runs of symbols.
+// The writeCopy and tryWriteCopy are used to implement this command.
+// For performance reasons, this implementation performs little to no sanity
+// checks about the arguments. As such, the invariants documented for each
+// method call must be respected.
+type dictDecoder struct {
+ hist []byte // Sliding window history
+ // Invariant: 0 <= rdPos <= wrPos <= len(hist)
+ wrPos int // Current output position in buffer
+ rdPos int // Have emitted hist[:rdPos] already
+ full bool // Has a full window length been written yet?
+// init initializes dictDecoder to have a sliding window dictionary of the given
+// size. If a preset dict is provided, it will initialize the dictionary with
+// the contents of dict.
+func (dd *dictDecoder) init(size int, dict []byte) {
+ *dd = dictDecoder{hist: dd.hist}
+ if cap(dd.hist) < size {
+ dd.hist = make([]byte, size)
+ }
+ dd.hist = dd.hist[:size]
+ if len(dict) > len(dd.hist) {
+ dict = dict[len(dict)-len(dd.hist):]
+ }
+ dd.wrPos = copy(dd.hist, dict)
+ if dd.wrPos == len(dd.hist) {
+ dd.wrPos = 0
+ dd.full = true
+ }
+ dd.rdPos = dd.wrPos
+// histSize reports the total amount of historical data in the dictionary.
+func (dd *dictDecoder) histSize() int {
+ if dd.full {
+ return len(dd.hist)
+ }
+ return dd.wrPos
+// availRead reports the number of bytes that can be flushed by readFlush.
+func (dd *dictDecoder) availRead() int {
+ return dd.wrPos - dd.rdPos
+// availWrite reports the available amount of output buffer space.
+func (dd *dictDecoder) availWrite() int {
+ return len(dd.hist) - dd.wrPos
+// writeSlice returns a slice of the available buffer to write data to.
+// This invariant will be kept: len(s) <= availWrite()
+func (dd *dictDecoder) writeSlice() []byte {
+ return dd.hist[dd.wrPos:]
+// writeMark advances the writer pointer by cnt.
+// This invariant must be kept: 0 <= cnt <= availWrite()
+func (dd *dictDecoder) writeMark(cnt int) {
+ dd.wrPos += cnt
+// writeByte writes a single byte to the dictionary.
+// This invariant must be kept: 0 < availWrite()
+func (dd *dictDecoder) writeByte(c byte) {
+ dd.hist[dd.wrPos] = c
+ dd.wrPos++
+// writeCopy copies a string at a given (dist, length) to the output.
+// This returns the number of bytes copied and may be less than the requested
+// length if the available space in the output buffer is too small.
+// This invariant must be kept: 0 < dist <= histSize()
+func (dd *dictDecoder) writeCopy(dist, length int) int {
+ dstBase := dd.wrPos
+ dstPos := dstBase
+ srcPos := dstPos - dist
+ endPos := dstPos + length
+ if endPos > len(dd.hist) {
+ endPos = len(dd.hist)
+ }
+ // Copy non-overlapping section after destination position.
+ //
+ // This section is non-overlapping in that the copy length for this section
+ // is always less than or equal to the backwards distance. This can occur
+ // if a distance refers to data that wraps-around in the buffer.
+ // Thus, a backwards copy is performed here; that is, the exact bytes in
+ // the source prior to the copy is placed in the destination.
+ if srcPos < 0 {
+ srcPos += len(dd.hist)
+ dstPos += copy(dd.hist[dstPos:endPos], dd.hist[srcPos:])
+ srcPos = 0
+ }
+ // Copy possibly overlapping section before destination position.
+ //
+ // This section can overlap if the copy length for this section is larger
+ // than the backwards distance. This is allowed by LZ77 so that repeated
+ // strings can be succinctly represented using (dist, length) pairs.
+ // Thus, a forwards copy is performed here; that is, the bytes copied is
+ // possibly dependent on the resulting bytes in the destination as the copy
+ // progresses along. This is functionally equivalent to the following:
+ //
+ // for i := 0; i < endPos-dstPos; i++ {
+ // dd.hist[dstPos+i] = dd.hist[srcPos+i]
+ // }
+ // dstPos = endPos
+ //
+ for dstPos < endPos {
+ dstPos += copy(dd.hist[dstPos:endPos], dd.hist[srcPos:dstPos])
+ }
+ dd.wrPos = dstPos
+ return dstPos - dstBase
+// tryWriteCopy tries to copy a string at a given (distance, length) to the
+// output. This specialized version is optimized for short distances.
+// This method is designed to be inlined for performance reasons.
+// This invariant must be kept: 0 < dist <= histSize()
+func (dd *dictDecoder) tryWriteCopy(dist, length int) int {
+ dstPos := dd.wrPos
+ endPos := dstPos + length
+ if dstPos < dist || endPos > len(dd.hist) {
+ return 0
+ }
+ dstBase := dstPos
+ srcPos := dstPos - dist
+ // Copy possibly overlapping section before destination position.
+ dstPos += copy(dd.hist[dstPos:endPos], dd.hist[srcPos:dstPos])
+ if dstPos < endPos {
+ goto loop // Avoid for-loop so that this function can be inlined
+ }
+ dd.wrPos = dstPos
+ return dstPos - dstBase
+// readFlush returns a slice of the historical buffer that is ready to be
+// emitted to the user. The data returned by readFlush must be fully consumed
+// before calling any other dictDecoder methods.
+func (dd *dictDecoder) readFlush() []byte {
+ toRead := dd.hist[dd.rdPos:dd.wrPos]
+ dd.rdPos = dd.wrPos
+ if dd.wrPos == len(dd.hist) {
+ dd.wrPos, dd.rdPos = 0, 0
+ dd.full = true
+ }
+ return toRead
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/fast_encoder.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/fast_encoder.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d2fdcd77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/fast_encoder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Modified for deflate by Klaus Post (c) 2015.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package flate
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "math/bits"
+type fastEnc interface {
+ Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte)
+ Reset()
+func newFastEnc(level int) fastEnc {
+ switch level {
+ case 1:
+ return &fastEncL1{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
+ case 2:
+ return &fastEncL2{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
+ case 3:
+ return &fastEncL3{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
+ case 4:
+ return &fastEncL4{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
+ case 5:
+ return &fastEncL5{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
+ case 6:
+ return &fastEncL6{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
+ default:
+ panic("invalid level specified")
+ }
+const (
+ tableBits = 16 // Bits used in the table
+ tableSize = 1 << tableBits // Size of the table
+ tableShift = 32 - tableBits // Right-shift to get the tableBits most significant bits of a uint32.
+ baseMatchOffset = 1 // The smallest match offset
+ baseMatchLength = 3 // The smallest match length per the RFC section 3.2.5
+ maxMatchOffset = 1 << 15 // The largest match offset
+ bTableBits = 18 // Bits used in the big tables
+ bTableSize = 1 << bTableBits // Size of the table
+ allocHistory = maxStoreBlockSize * 20 // Size to preallocate for history.
+ bufferReset = (1 << 31) - allocHistory - maxStoreBlockSize - 1 // Reset the buffer offset when reaching this.
+const (
+ prime3bytes = 506832829
+ prime4bytes = 2654435761
+ prime5bytes = 889523592379
+ prime6bytes = 227718039650203
+ prime7bytes = 58295818150454627
+ prime8bytes = 0xcf1bbcdcb7a56463
+func load32(b []byte, i int) uint32 {
+ // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the read so it can be done in a single read.
+ b = b[i:]
+ b = b[:4]
+ return uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
+func load64(b []byte, i int) uint64 {
+ // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the read so it can be done in a single read.
+ b = b[i:]
+ b = b[:8]
+ return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 |
+ uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56
+func load3232(b []byte, i int32) uint32 {
+ // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the read so it can be done in a single read.
+ b = b[i:]
+ b = b[:4]
+ return uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
+func load6432(b []byte, i int32) uint64 {
+ // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the read so it can be done in a single read.
+ b = b[i:]
+ b = b[:8]
+ return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 |
+ uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56
+func hash(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return (u * 0x1e35a7bd) >> tableShift
+type tableEntry struct {
+ val uint32
+ offset int32
+// fastGen maintains the table for matches,
+// and the previous byte block for level 2.
+// This is the generic implementation.
+type fastGen struct {
+ hist []byte
+ cur int32
+func (e *fastGen) addBlock(src []byte) int32 {
+ // check if we have space already
+ if len(e.hist)+len(src) > cap(e.hist) {
+ if cap(e.hist) == 0 {
+ e.hist = make([]byte, 0, allocHistory)
+ } else {
+ if cap(e.hist) < maxMatchOffset*2 {
+ panic("unexpected buffer size")
+ }
+ // Move down
+ offset := int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
+ copy(e.hist[0:maxMatchOffset], e.hist[offset:])
+ e.cur += offset
+ e.hist = e.hist[:maxMatchOffset]
+ }
+ }
+ s := int32(len(e.hist))
+ e.hist = append(e.hist, src...)
+ return s
+// hash4 returns the hash of u to fit in a hash table with h bits.
+// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <32.
+func hash4u(u uint32, h uint8) uint32 {
+ return (u * prime4bytes) >> ((32 - h) & 31)
+type tableEntryPrev struct {
+ Cur tableEntry
+ Prev tableEntry
+// hash4x64 returns the hash of the lowest 4 bytes of u to fit in a hash table with h bits.
+// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <32.
+func hash4x64(u uint64, h uint8) uint32 {
+ return (uint32(u) * prime4bytes) >> ((32 - h) & 31)
+// hash7 returns the hash of the lowest 7 bytes of u to fit in a hash table with h bits.
+// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <64.
+func hash7(u uint64, h uint8) uint32 {
+ return uint32(((u << (64 - 56)) * prime7bytes) >> ((64 - h) & 63))
+// hash8 returns the hash of u to fit in a hash table with h bits.
+// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <64.
+func hash8(u uint64, h uint8) uint32 {
+ return uint32((u * prime8bytes) >> ((64 - h) & 63))
+// hash6 returns the hash of the lowest 6 bytes of u to fit in a hash table with h bits.
+// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <64.
+func hash6(u uint64, h uint8) uint32 {
+ return uint32(((u << (64 - 48)) * prime6bytes) >> ((64 - h) & 63))
+// matchlen will return the match length between offsets and t in src.
+// The maximum length returned is maxMatchLength - 4.
+// It is assumed that s > t, that t >=0 and s < len(src).
+func (e *fastGen) matchlen(s, t int32, src []byte) int32 {
+ if debugDecode {
+ if t >= s {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("t >=s:", t, s))
+ }
+ if int(s) >= len(src) {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("s >= len(src):", s, len(src)))
+ }
+ if t < 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("t < 0:", t))
+ }
+ if s-t > maxMatchOffset {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint(s, "-", t, "(", s-t, ") > maxMatchLength (", maxMatchOffset, ")"))
+ }
+ }
+ s1 := int(s) + maxMatchLength - 4
+ if s1 > len(src) {
+ s1 = len(src)
+ }
+ // Extend the match to be as long as possible.
+ return int32(matchLen(src[s:s1], src[t:]))
+// matchlenLong will return the match length between offsets and t in src.
+// It is assumed that s > t, that t >=0 and s < len(src).
+func (e *fastGen) matchlenLong(s, t int32, src []byte) int32 {
+ if debugDecode {
+ if t >= s {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("t >=s:", t, s))
+ }
+ if int(s) >= len(src) {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("s >= len(src):", s, len(src)))
+ }
+ if t < 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("t < 0:", t))
+ }
+ if s-t > maxMatchOffset {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint(s, "-", t, "(", s-t, ") > maxMatchLength (", maxMatchOffset, ")"))
+ }
+ }
+ // Extend the match to be as long as possible.
+ return int32(matchLen(src[s:], src[t:]))
+// Reset the encoding table.
+func (e *fastGen) Reset() {
+ if cap(e.hist) < allocHistory {
+ e.hist = make([]byte, 0, allocHistory)
+ }
+ // We offset current position so everything will be out of reach.
+ // If we are above the buffer reset it will be cleared anyway since len(hist) == 0.
+ if e.cur <= bufferReset {
+ e.cur += maxMatchOffset + int32(len(e.hist))
+ }
+ e.hist = e.hist[:0]
+// matchLen returns the maximum length.
+// 'a' must be the shortest of the two.
+func matchLen(a, b []byte) int {
+ b = b[:len(a)]
+ var checked int
+ if len(a) > 4 {
+ // Try 4 bytes first
+ if diff := load32(a, 0) ^ load32(b, 0); diff != 0 {
+ return bits.TrailingZeros32(diff) >> 3
+ }
+ // Switch to 8 byte matching.
+ checked = 4
+ a = a[4:]
+ b = b[4:]
+ for len(a) >= 8 {
+ b = b[:len(a)]
+ if diff := load64(a, 0) ^ load64(b, 0); diff != 0 {
+ return checked + (bits.TrailingZeros64(diff) >> 3)
+ }
+ checked += 8
+ a = a[8:]
+ b = b[8:]
+ }
+ }
+ b = b[:len(a)]
+ for i := range a {
+ if a[i] != b[i] {
+ return int(i) + checked
+ }
+ }
+ return len(a) + checked
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_bit_writer.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_bit_writer.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56ee6dc8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_bit_writer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package flate
+import (
+ "io"
+const (
+ // The largest offset code.
+ offsetCodeCount = 30
+ // The special code used to mark the end of a block.
+ endBlockMarker = 256
+ // The first length code.
+ lengthCodesStart = 257
+ // The number of codegen codes.
+ codegenCodeCount = 19
+ badCode = 255
+ // bufferFlushSize indicates the buffer size
+ // after which bytes are flushed to the writer.
+ // Should preferably be a multiple of 6, since
+ // we accumulate 6 bytes between writes to the buffer.
+ bufferFlushSize = 240
+ // bufferSize is the actual output byte buffer size.
+ // It must have additional headroom for a flush
+ // which can contain up to 8 bytes.
+ bufferSize = bufferFlushSize + 8
+// The number of extra bits needed by length code X - LENGTH_CODES_START.
+var lengthExtraBits = [32]int8{
+ /* 257 */ 0, 0, 0,
+ /* 260 */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2,
+ /* 270 */ 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4,
+ /* 280 */ 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0,
+// The length indicated by length code X - LENGTH_CODES_START.
+var lengthBase = [32]uint8{
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10,
+ 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56,
+ 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 255,
+// offset code word extra bits.
+var offsetExtraBits = [64]int8{
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3,
+ 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8,
+ 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13,
+ /* extended window */
+ 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20,
+var offsetBase = [64]uint32{
+ /* normal deflate */
+ 0x000000, 0x000001, 0x000002, 0x000003, 0x000004,
+ 0x000006, 0x000008, 0x00000c, 0x000010, 0x000018,
+ 0x000020, 0x000030, 0x000040, 0x000060, 0x000080,
+ 0x0000c0, 0x000100, 0x000180, 0x000200, 0x000300,
+ 0x000400, 0x000600, 0x000800, 0x000c00, 0x001000,
+ 0x001800, 0x002000, 0x003000, 0x004000, 0x006000,
+ /* extended window */
+ 0x008000, 0x00c000, 0x010000, 0x018000, 0x020000,
+ 0x030000, 0x040000, 0x060000, 0x080000, 0x0c0000,
+ 0x100000, 0x180000, 0x200000, 0x300000,
+// The odd order in which the codegen code sizes are written.
+var codegenOrder = []uint32{16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15}
+type huffmanBitWriter struct {
+ // writer is the underlying writer.
+ // Do not use it directly; use the write method, which ensures
+ // that Write errors are sticky.
+ writer io.Writer
+ // Data waiting to be written is bytes[0:nbytes]
+ // and then the low nbits of bits.
+ bits uint64
+ nbits uint16
+ nbytes uint8
+ literalEncoding *huffmanEncoder
+ offsetEncoding *huffmanEncoder
+ codegenEncoding *huffmanEncoder
+ err error
+ lastHeader int
+ // Set between 0 (reused block can be up to 2x the size)
+ logNewTablePenalty uint
+ lastHuffMan bool
+ bytes [256]byte
+ literalFreq [lengthCodesStart + 32]uint16
+ offsetFreq [32]uint16
+ codegenFreq [codegenCodeCount]uint16
+ // codegen must have an extra space for the final symbol.
+ codegen [literalCount + offsetCodeCount + 1]uint8
+// Huffman reuse.
+// The huffmanBitWriter supports reusing huffman tables and thereby combining block sections.
+// This is controlled by several variables:
+// If lastHeader is non-zero the Huffman table can be reused.
+// This also indicates that a Huffman table has been generated that can output all
+// possible symbols.
+// It also indicates that an EOB has not yet been emitted, so if a new tabel is generated
+// an EOB with the previous table must be written.
+// If lastHuffMan is set, a table for outputting literals has been generated and offsets are invalid.
+// An incoming block estimates the output size of a new table using a 'fresh' by calculating the
+// optimal size and adding a penalty in 'logNewTablePenalty'.
+// A Huffman table is not optimal, which is why we add a penalty, and generating a new table
+// is slower both for compression and decompression.
+func newHuffmanBitWriter(w io.Writer) *huffmanBitWriter {
+ return &huffmanBitWriter{
+ writer: w,
+ literalEncoding: newHuffmanEncoder(literalCount),
+ codegenEncoding: newHuffmanEncoder(codegenCodeCount),
+ offsetEncoding: newHuffmanEncoder(offsetCodeCount),
+ }
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) reset(writer io.Writer) {
+ w.writer = writer
+ w.bits, w.nbits, w.nbytes, w.err = 0, 0, 0, nil
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ w.lastHuffMan = false
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) canReuse(t *tokens) (offsets, lits bool) {
+ offsets, lits = true, true
+ a := t.offHist[:offsetCodeCount]
+ b := w.offsetFreq[:len(a)]
+ for i := range a {
+ if b[i] == 0 && a[i] != 0 {
+ offsets = false
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ a = t.extraHist[:literalCount-256]
+ b = w.literalFreq[256:literalCount]
+ b = b[:len(a)]
+ for i := range a {
+ if b[i] == 0 && a[i] != 0 {
+ lits = false
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if lits {
+ a = t.litHist[:]
+ b = w.literalFreq[:len(a)]
+ for i := range a {
+ if b[i] == 0 && a[i] != 0 {
+ lits = false
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) flush() {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ w.nbits = 0
+ return
+ }
+ if w.lastHeader > 0 {
+ // We owe an EOB
+ w.writeCode(w.literalEncoding.codes[endBlockMarker])
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ }
+ n := w.nbytes
+ for w.nbits != 0 {
+ w.bytes[n] = byte(w.bits)
+ w.bits >>= 8
+ if w.nbits > 8 { // Avoid underflow
+ w.nbits -= 8
+ } else {
+ w.nbits = 0
+ }
+ n++
+ }
+ w.bits = 0
+ w.write(w.bytes[:n])
+ w.nbytes = 0
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) write(b []byte) {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ _, w.err = w.writer.Write(b)
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) writeBits(b int32, nb uint16) {
+ w.bits |= uint64(b) << (w.nbits & 63)
+ w.nbits += nb
+ if w.nbits >= 48 {
+ w.writeOutBits()
+ }
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) writeBytes(bytes []byte) {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ n := w.nbytes
+ if w.nbits&7 != 0 {
+ w.err = InternalError("writeBytes with unfinished bits")
+ return
+ }
+ for w.nbits != 0 {
+ w.bytes[n] = byte(w.bits)
+ w.bits >>= 8
+ w.nbits -= 8
+ n++
+ }
+ if n != 0 {
+ w.write(w.bytes[:n])
+ }
+ w.nbytes = 0
+ w.write(bytes)
+// RFC 1951 3.2.7 specifies a special run-length encoding for specifying
+// the literal and offset lengths arrays (which are concatenated into a single
+// array). This method generates that run-length encoding.
+// The result is written into the codegen array, and the frequencies
+// of each code is written into the codegenFreq array.
+// Codes 0-15 are single byte codes. Codes 16-18 are followed by additional
+// information. Code badCode is an end marker
+// numLiterals The number of literals in literalEncoding
+// numOffsets The number of offsets in offsetEncoding
+// litenc, offenc The literal and offset encoder to use
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) generateCodegen(numLiterals int, numOffsets int, litEnc, offEnc *huffmanEncoder) {
+ for i := range w.codegenFreq {
+ w.codegenFreq[i] = 0
+ }
+ // Note that we are using codegen both as a temporary variable for holding
+ // a copy of the frequencies, and as the place where we put the result.
+ // This is fine because the output is always shorter than the input used
+ // so far.
+ codegen := w.codegen[:] // cache
+ // Copy the concatenated code sizes to codegen. Put a marker at the end.
+ cgnl := codegen[:numLiterals]
+ for i := range cgnl {
+ cgnl[i] = uint8(litEnc.codes[i].len)
+ }
+ cgnl = codegen[numLiterals : numLiterals+numOffsets]
+ for i := range cgnl {
+ cgnl[i] = uint8(offEnc.codes[i].len)
+ }
+ codegen[numLiterals+numOffsets] = badCode
+ size := codegen[0]
+ count := 1
+ outIndex := 0
+ for inIndex := 1; size != badCode; inIndex++ {
+ // INVARIANT: We have seen "count" copies of size that have not yet
+ // had output generated for them.
+ nextSize := codegen[inIndex]
+ if nextSize == size {
+ count++
+ continue
+ }
+ // We need to generate codegen indicating "count" of size.
+ if size != 0 {
+ codegen[outIndex] = size
+ outIndex++
+ w.codegenFreq[size]++
+ count--
+ for count >= 3 {
+ n := 6
+ if n > count {
+ n = count
+ }
+ codegen[outIndex] = 16
+ outIndex++
+ codegen[outIndex] = uint8(n - 3)
+ outIndex++
+ w.codegenFreq[16]++
+ count -= n
+ }
+ } else {
+ for count >= 11 {
+ n := 138
+ if n > count {
+ n = count
+ }
+ codegen[outIndex] = 18
+ outIndex++
+ codegen[outIndex] = uint8(n - 11)
+ outIndex++
+ w.codegenFreq[18]++
+ count -= n
+ }
+ if count >= 3 {
+ // count >= 3 && count <= 10
+ codegen[outIndex] = 17
+ outIndex++
+ codegen[outIndex] = uint8(count - 3)
+ outIndex++
+ w.codegenFreq[17]++
+ count = 0
+ }
+ }
+ count--
+ for ; count >= 0; count-- {
+ codegen[outIndex] = size
+ outIndex++
+ w.codegenFreq[size]++
+ }
+ // Set up invariant for next time through the loop.
+ size = nextSize
+ count = 1
+ }
+ // Marker indicating the end of the codegen.
+ codegen[outIndex] = badCode
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) codegens() int {
+ numCodegens := len(w.codegenFreq)
+ for numCodegens > 4 && w.codegenFreq[codegenOrder[numCodegens-1]] == 0 {
+ numCodegens--
+ }
+ return numCodegens
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) headerSize() (size, numCodegens int) {
+ numCodegens = len(w.codegenFreq)
+ for numCodegens > 4 && w.codegenFreq[codegenOrder[numCodegens-1]] == 0 {
+ numCodegens--
+ }
+ return 3 + 5 + 5 + 4 + (3 * numCodegens) +
+ w.codegenEncoding.bitLength(w.codegenFreq[:]) +
+ int(w.codegenFreq[16])*2 +
+ int(w.codegenFreq[17])*3 +
+ int(w.codegenFreq[18])*7, numCodegens
+// dynamicSize returns the size of dynamically encoded data in bits.
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) dynamicReuseSize(litEnc, offEnc *huffmanEncoder) (size int) {
+ size = litEnc.bitLength(w.literalFreq[:]) +
+ offEnc.bitLength(w.offsetFreq[:])
+ return size
+// dynamicSize returns the size of dynamically encoded data in bits.
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) dynamicSize(litEnc, offEnc *huffmanEncoder, extraBits int) (size, numCodegens int) {
+ header, numCodegens := w.headerSize()
+ size = header +
+ litEnc.bitLength(w.literalFreq[:]) +
+ offEnc.bitLength(w.offsetFreq[:]) +
+ extraBits
+ return size, numCodegens
+// extraBitSize will return the number of bits that will be written
+// as "extra" bits on matches.
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) extraBitSize() int {
+ total := 0
+ for i, n := range w.literalFreq[257:literalCount] {
+ total += int(n) * int(lengthExtraBits[i&31])
+ }
+ for i, n := range w.offsetFreq[:offsetCodeCount] {
+ total += int(n) * int(offsetExtraBits[i&31])
+ }
+ return total
+// fixedSize returns the size of dynamically encoded data in bits.
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) fixedSize(extraBits int) int {
+ return 3 +
+ fixedLiteralEncoding.bitLength(w.literalFreq[:]) +
+ fixedOffsetEncoding.bitLength(w.offsetFreq[:]) +
+ extraBits
+// storedSize calculates the stored size, including header.
+// The function returns the size in bits and whether the block
+// fits inside a single block.
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) storedSize(in []byte) (int, bool) {
+ if in == nil {
+ return 0, false
+ }
+ if len(in) <= maxStoreBlockSize {
+ return (len(in) + 5) * 8, true
+ }
+ return 0, false
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) writeCode(c hcode) {
+ // The function does not get inlined if we "& 63" the shift.
+ w.bits |= uint64(c.code) << w.nbits
+ w.nbits += c.len
+ if w.nbits >= 48 {
+ w.writeOutBits()
+ }
+// writeOutBits will write bits to the buffer.
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) writeOutBits() {
+ bits := w.bits
+ w.bits >>= 48
+ w.nbits -= 48
+ n := w.nbytes
+ w.bytes[n] = byte(bits)
+ w.bytes[n+1] = byte(bits >> 8)
+ w.bytes[n+2] = byte(bits >> 16)
+ w.bytes[n+3] = byte(bits >> 24)
+ w.bytes[n+4] = byte(bits >> 32)
+ w.bytes[n+5] = byte(bits >> 40)
+ n += 6
+ if n >= bufferFlushSize {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ n = 0
+ return
+ }
+ w.write(w.bytes[:n])
+ n = 0
+ }
+ w.nbytes = n
+// Write the header of a dynamic Huffman block to the output stream.
+// numLiterals The number of literals specified in codegen
+// numOffsets The number of offsets specified in codegen
+// numCodegens The number of codegens used in codegen
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) writeDynamicHeader(numLiterals int, numOffsets int, numCodegens int, isEof bool) {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ var firstBits int32 = 4
+ if isEof {
+ firstBits = 5
+ }
+ w.writeBits(firstBits, 3)
+ w.writeBits(int32(numLiterals-257), 5)
+ w.writeBits(int32(numOffsets-1), 5)
+ w.writeBits(int32(numCodegens-4), 4)
+ for i := 0; i < numCodegens; i++ {
+ value := uint(w.codegenEncoding.codes[codegenOrder[i]].len)
+ w.writeBits(int32(value), 3)
+ }
+ i := 0
+ for {
+ var codeWord = uint32(w.codegen[i])
+ i++
+ if codeWord == badCode {
+ break
+ }
+ w.writeCode(w.codegenEncoding.codes[codeWord])
+ switch codeWord {
+ case 16:
+ w.writeBits(int32(w.codegen[i]), 2)
+ i++
+ case 17:
+ w.writeBits(int32(w.codegen[i]), 3)
+ i++
+ case 18:
+ w.writeBits(int32(w.codegen[i]), 7)
+ i++
+ }
+ }
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) writeStoredHeader(length int, isEof bool) {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if w.lastHeader > 0 {
+ // We owe an EOB
+ w.writeCode(w.literalEncoding.codes[endBlockMarker])
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ }
+ var flag int32
+ if isEof {
+ flag = 1
+ }
+ w.writeBits(flag, 3)
+ w.flush()
+ w.writeBits(int32(length), 16)
+ w.writeBits(int32(^uint16(length)), 16)
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) writeFixedHeader(isEof bool) {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if w.lastHeader > 0 {
+ // We owe an EOB
+ w.writeCode(w.literalEncoding.codes[endBlockMarker])
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ }
+ // Indicate that we are a fixed Huffman block
+ var value int32 = 2
+ if isEof {
+ value = 3
+ }
+ w.writeBits(value, 3)
+// writeBlock will write a block of tokens with the smallest encoding.
+// The original input can be supplied, and if the huffman encoded data
+// is larger than the original bytes, the data will be written as a
+// stored block.
+// If the input is nil, the tokens will always be Huffman encoded.
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) writeBlock(tokens *tokens, eof bool, input []byte) {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ tokens.AddEOB()
+ if w.lastHeader > 0 {
+ // We owe an EOB
+ w.writeCode(w.literalEncoding.codes[endBlockMarker])
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ }
+ numLiterals, numOffsets := w.indexTokens(tokens, false)
+ w.generate(tokens)
+ var extraBits int
+ storedSize, storable := w.storedSize(input)
+ if storable {
+ extraBits = w.extraBitSize()
+ }
+ // Figure out smallest code.
+ // Fixed Huffman baseline.
+ var literalEncoding = fixedLiteralEncoding
+ var offsetEncoding = fixedOffsetEncoding
+ var size = w.fixedSize(extraBits)
+ // Dynamic Huffman?
+ var numCodegens int
+ // Generate codegen and codegenFrequencies, which indicates how to encode
+ // the literalEncoding and the offsetEncoding.
+ w.generateCodegen(numLiterals, numOffsets, w.literalEncoding, w.offsetEncoding)
+ w.codegenEncoding.generate(w.codegenFreq[:], 7)
+ dynamicSize, numCodegens := w.dynamicSize(w.literalEncoding, w.offsetEncoding, extraBits)
+ if dynamicSize < size {
+ size = dynamicSize
+ literalEncoding = w.literalEncoding
+ offsetEncoding = w.offsetEncoding
+ }
+ // Stored bytes?
+ if storable && storedSize < size {
+ w.writeStoredHeader(len(input), eof)
+ w.writeBytes(input)
+ return
+ }
+ // Huffman.
+ if literalEncoding == fixedLiteralEncoding {
+ w.writeFixedHeader(eof)
+ } else {
+ w.writeDynamicHeader(numLiterals, numOffsets, numCodegens, eof)
+ }
+ // Write the tokens.
+ w.writeTokens(tokens.Slice(), literalEncoding.codes, offsetEncoding.codes)
+// writeBlockDynamic encodes a block using a dynamic Huffman table.
+// This should be used if the symbols used have a disproportionate
+// histogram distribution.
+// If input is supplied and the compression savings are below 1/16th of the
+// input size the block is stored.
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) writeBlockDynamic(tokens *tokens, eof bool, input []byte, sync bool) {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ sync = sync || eof
+ if sync {
+ tokens.AddEOB()
+ }
+ // We cannot reuse pure huffman table, and must mark as EOF.
+ if (w.lastHuffMan || eof) && w.lastHeader > 0 {
+ // We will not try to reuse.
+ w.writeCode(w.literalEncoding.codes[endBlockMarker])
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ w.lastHuffMan = false
+ }
+ if !sync {
+ tokens.Fill()
+ }
+ numLiterals, numOffsets := w.indexTokens(tokens, !sync)
+ var size int
+ // Check if we should reuse.
+ if w.lastHeader > 0 {
+ // Estimate size for using a new table.
+ // Use the previous header size as the best estimate.
+ newSize := w.lastHeader + tokens.EstimatedBits()
+ newSize += newSize >> w.logNewTablePenalty
+ // The estimated size is calculated as an optimal table.
+ // We add a penalty to make it more realistic and re-use a bit more.
+ reuseSize := w.dynamicReuseSize(w.literalEncoding, w.offsetEncoding) + w.extraBitSize()
+ // Check if a new table is better.
+ if newSize < reuseSize {
+ // Write the EOB we owe.
+ w.writeCode(w.literalEncoding.codes[endBlockMarker])
+ size = newSize
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ } else {
+ size = reuseSize
+ }
+ // Check if we get a reasonable size decrease.
+ if ssize, storable := w.storedSize(input); storable && ssize < (size+size>>4) {
+ w.writeStoredHeader(len(input), eof)
+ w.writeBytes(input)
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // We want a new block/table
+ if w.lastHeader == 0 {
+ w.generate(tokens)
+ // Generate codegen and codegenFrequencies, which indicates how to encode
+ // the literalEncoding and the offsetEncoding.
+ w.generateCodegen(numLiterals, numOffsets, w.literalEncoding, w.offsetEncoding)
+ w.codegenEncoding.generate(w.codegenFreq[:], 7)
+ var numCodegens int
+ size, numCodegens = w.dynamicSize(w.literalEncoding, w.offsetEncoding, w.extraBitSize())
+ // Store bytes, if we don't get a reasonable improvement.
+ if ssize, storable := w.storedSize(input); storable && ssize < (size+size>>4) {
+ w.writeStoredHeader(len(input), eof)
+ w.writeBytes(input)
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ return
+ }
+ // Write Huffman table.
+ w.writeDynamicHeader(numLiterals, numOffsets, numCodegens, eof)
+ w.lastHeader, _ = w.headerSize()
+ w.lastHuffMan = false
+ }
+ if sync {
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ }
+ // Write the tokens.
+ w.writeTokens(tokens.Slice(), w.literalEncoding.codes, w.offsetEncoding.codes)
+// indexTokens indexes a slice of tokens, and updates
+// literalFreq and offsetFreq, and generates literalEncoding
+// and offsetEncoding.
+// The number of literal and offset tokens is returned.
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) indexTokens(t *tokens, filled bool) (numLiterals, numOffsets int) {
+ copy(w.literalFreq[:], t.litHist[:])
+ copy(w.literalFreq[256:], t.extraHist[:])
+ copy(w.offsetFreq[:], t.offHist[:offsetCodeCount])
+ if t.n == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ if filled {
+ return maxNumLit, maxNumDist
+ }
+ // get the number of literals
+ numLiterals = len(w.literalFreq)
+ for w.literalFreq[numLiterals-1] == 0 {
+ numLiterals--
+ }
+ // get the number of offsets
+ numOffsets = len(w.offsetFreq)
+ for numOffsets > 0 && w.offsetFreq[numOffsets-1] == 0 {
+ numOffsets--
+ }
+ if numOffsets == 0 {
+ // We haven't found a single match. If we want to go with the dynamic encoding,
+ // we should count at least one offset to be sure that the offset huffman tree could be encoded.
+ w.offsetFreq[0] = 1
+ numOffsets = 1
+ }
+ return
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) generate(t *tokens) {
+ w.literalEncoding.generate(w.literalFreq[:literalCount], 15)
+ w.offsetEncoding.generate(w.offsetFreq[:offsetCodeCount], 15)
+// writeTokens writes a slice of tokens to the output.
+// codes for literal and offset encoding must be supplied.
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) writeTokens(tokens []token, leCodes, oeCodes []hcode) {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if len(tokens) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ // Only last token should be endBlockMarker.
+ var deferEOB bool
+ if tokens[len(tokens)-1] == endBlockMarker {
+ tokens = tokens[:len(tokens)-1]
+ deferEOB = true
+ }
+ // Create slices up to the next power of two to avoid bounds checks.
+ lits := leCodes[:256]
+ offs := oeCodes[:32]
+ lengths := leCodes[lengthCodesStart:]
+ lengths = lengths[:32]
+ for _, t := range tokens {
+ if t < matchType {
+ w.writeCode(lits[t.literal()])
+ continue
+ }
+ // Write the length
+ length := t.length()
+ lengthCode := lengthCode(length)
+ if false {
+ w.writeCode(lengths[lengthCode&31])
+ } else {
+ // inlined
+ c := lengths[lengthCode&31]
+ w.bits |= uint64(c.code) << (w.nbits & 63)
+ w.nbits += c.len
+ if w.nbits >= 48 {
+ w.writeOutBits()
+ }
+ }
+ extraLengthBits := uint16(lengthExtraBits[lengthCode&31])
+ if extraLengthBits > 0 {
+ extraLength := int32(length - lengthBase[lengthCode&31])
+ w.writeBits(extraLength, extraLengthBits)
+ }
+ // Write the offset
+ offset := t.offset()
+ offsetCode := offsetCode(offset)
+ if false {
+ w.writeCode(offs[offsetCode&31])
+ } else {
+ // inlined
+ c := offs[offsetCode&31]
+ w.bits |= uint64(c.code) << (w.nbits & 63)
+ w.nbits += c.len
+ if w.nbits >= 48 {
+ w.writeOutBits()
+ }
+ }
+ extraOffsetBits := uint16(offsetExtraBits[offsetCode&63])
+ if extraOffsetBits > 0 {
+ extraOffset := int32(offset - offsetBase[offsetCode&63])
+ w.writeBits(extraOffset, extraOffsetBits)
+ }
+ }
+ if deferEOB {
+ w.writeCode(leCodes[endBlockMarker])
+ }
+// huffOffset is a static offset encoder used for huffman only encoding.
+// It can be reused since we will not be encoding offset values.
+var huffOffset *huffmanEncoder
+func init() {
+ w := newHuffmanBitWriter(nil)
+ w.offsetFreq[0] = 1
+ huffOffset = newHuffmanEncoder(offsetCodeCount)
+ huffOffset.generate(w.offsetFreq[:offsetCodeCount], 15)
+// writeBlockHuff encodes a block of bytes as either
+// Huffman encoded literals or uncompressed bytes if the
+// results only gains very little from compression.
+func (w *huffmanBitWriter) writeBlockHuff(eof bool, input []byte, sync bool) {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ // Clear histogram
+ for i := range w.literalFreq[:] {
+ w.literalFreq[i] = 0
+ }
+ if !w.lastHuffMan {
+ for i := range w.offsetFreq[:] {
+ w.offsetFreq[i] = 0
+ }
+ }
+ // Add everything as literals
+ // We have to estimate the header size.
+ // Assume header is around 70 bytes:
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/a/25454430
+ const guessHeaderSizeBits = 70 * 8
+ estBits, estExtra := histogramSize(input, w.literalFreq[:], !eof && !sync)
+ estBits += w.lastHeader + 15
+ if w.lastHeader == 0 {
+ estBits += guessHeaderSizeBits
+ }
+ estBits += estBits >> w.logNewTablePenalty
+ // Store bytes, if we don't get a reasonable improvement.
+ ssize, storable := w.storedSize(input)
+ if storable && ssize < estBits {
+ w.writeStoredHeader(len(input), eof)
+ w.writeBytes(input)
+ return
+ }
+ if w.lastHeader > 0 {
+ reuseSize := w.literalEncoding.bitLength(w.literalFreq[:256])
+ estBits += estExtra
+ if estBits < reuseSize {
+ // We owe an EOB
+ w.writeCode(w.literalEncoding.codes[endBlockMarker])
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ }
+ }
+ const numLiterals = endBlockMarker + 1
+ const numOffsets = 1
+ if w.lastHeader == 0 {
+ w.literalFreq[endBlockMarker] = 1
+ w.literalEncoding.generate(w.literalFreq[:numLiterals], 15)
+ // Generate codegen and codegenFrequencies, which indicates how to encode
+ // the literalEncoding and the offsetEncoding.
+ w.generateCodegen(numLiterals, numOffsets, w.literalEncoding, huffOffset)
+ w.codegenEncoding.generate(w.codegenFreq[:], 7)
+ numCodegens := w.codegens()
+ // Huffman.
+ w.writeDynamicHeader(numLiterals, numOffsets, numCodegens, eof)
+ w.lastHuffMan = true
+ w.lastHeader, _ = w.headerSize()
+ }
+ encoding := w.literalEncoding.codes[:257]
+ for _, t := range input {
+ // Bitwriting inlined, ~30% speedup
+ c := encoding[t]
+ w.bits |= uint64(c.code) << ((w.nbits) & 63)
+ w.nbits += c.len
+ if w.nbits >= 48 {
+ bits := w.bits
+ w.bits >>= 48
+ w.nbits -= 48
+ n := w.nbytes
+ w.bytes[n] = byte(bits)
+ w.bytes[n+1] = byte(bits >> 8)
+ w.bytes[n+2] = byte(bits >> 16)
+ w.bytes[n+3] = byte(bits >> 24)
+ w.bytes[n+4] = byte(bits >> 32)
+ w.bytes[n+5] = byte(bits >> 40)
+ n += 6
+ if n >= bufferFlushSize {
+ if w.err != nil {
+ n = 0
+ return
+ }
+ w.write(w.bytes[:n])
+ n = 0
+ }
+ w.nbytes = n
+ }
+ }
+ if eof || sync {
+ w.writeCode(encoding[endBlockMarker])
+ w.lastHeader = 0
+ w.lastHuffMan = false
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_code.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_code.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d8e81ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_code.go
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package flate
+import (
+ "math"
+ "math/bits"
+const (
+ maxBitsLimit = 16
+ // number of valid literals
+ literalCount = 286
+// hcode is a huffman code with a bit code and bit length.
+type hcode struct {
+ code, len uint16
+type huffmanEncoder struct {
+ codes []hcode
+ freqcache []literalNode
+ bitCount [17]int32
+type literalNode struct {
+ literal uint16
+ freq uint16
+// A levelInfo describes the state of the constructed tree for a given depth.
+type levelInfo struct {
+ // Our level. for better printing
+ level int32
+ // The frequency of the last node at this level
+ lastFreq int32
+ // The frequency of the next character to add to this level
+ nextCharFreq int32
+ // The frequency of the next pair (from level below) to add to this level.
+ // Only valid if the "needed" value of the next lower level is 0.
+ nextPairFreq int32
+ // The number of chains remaining to generate for this level before moving
+ // up to the next level
+ needed int32
+// set sets the code and length of an hcode.
+func (h *hcode) set(code uint16, length uint16) {
+ h.len = length
+ h.code = code
+func reverseBits(number uint16, bitLength byte) uint16 {
+ return bits.Reverse16(number << ((16 - bitLength) & 15))
+func maxNode() literalNode { return literalNode{math.MaxUint16, math.MaxUint16} }
+func newHuffmanEncoder(size int) *huffmanEncoder {
+ // Make capacity to next power of two.
+ c := uint(bits.Len32(uint32(size - 1)))
+ return &huffmanEncoder{codes: make([]hcode, size, 1<= 3
+// The cases of 0, 1, and 2 literals are handled by special case code.
+// list An array of the literals with non-zero frequencies
+// and their associated frequencies. The array is in order of increasing
+// frequency, and has as its last element a special element with frequency
+// MaxInt32
+// maxBits The maximum number of bits that should be used to encode any literal.
+// Must be less than 16.
+// return An integer array in which array[i] indicates the number of literals
+// that should be encoded in i bits.
+func (h *huffmanEncoder) bitCounts(list []literalNode, maxBits int32) []int32 {
+ if maxBits >= maxBitsLimit {
+ panic("flate: maxBits too large")
+ }
+ n := int32(len(list))
+ list = list[0 : n+1]
+ list[n] = maxNode()
+ // The tree can't have greater depth than n - 1, no matter what. This
+ // saves a little bit of work in some small cases
+ if maxBits > n-1 {
+ maxBits = n - 1
+ }
+ // Create information about each of the levels.
+ // A bogus "Level 0" whose sole purpose is so that
+ // level1.prev.needed==0. This makes level1.nextPairFreq
+ // be a legitimate value that never gets chosen.
+ var levels [maxBitsLimit]levelInfo
+ // leafCounts[i] counts the number of literals at the left
+ // of ancestors of the rightmost node at level i.
+ // leafCounts[i][j] is the number of literals at the left
+ // of the level j ancestor.
+ var leafCounts [maxBitsLimit][maxBitsLimit]int32
+ for level := int32(1); level <= maxBits; level++ {
+ // For every level, the first two items are the first two characters.
+ // We initialize the levels as if we had already figured this out.
+ levels[level] = levelInfo{
+ level: level,
+ lastFreq: int32(list[1].freq),
+ nextCharFreq: int32(list[2].freq),
+ nextPairFreq: int32(list[0].freq) + int32(list[1].freq),
+ }
+ leafCounts[level][level] = 2
+ if level == 1 {
+ levels[level].nextPairFreq = math.MaxInt32
+ }
+ }
+ // We need a total of 2*n - 2 items at top level and have already generated 2.
+ levels[maxBits].needed = 2*n - 4
+ level := maxBits
+ for {
+ l := &levels[level]
+ if l.nextPairFreq == math.MaxInt32 && l.nextCharFreq == math.MaxInt32 {
+ // We've run out of both leafs and pairs.
+ // End all calculations for this level.
+ // To make sure we never come back to this level or any lower level,
+ // set nextPairFreq impossibly large.
+ l.needed = 0
+ levels[level+1].nextPairFreq = math.MaxInt32
+ level++
+ continue
+ }
+ prevFreq := l.lastFreq
+ if l.nextCharFreq < l.nextPairFreq {
+ // The next item on this row is a leaf node.
+ n := leafCounts[level][level] + 1
+ l.lastFreq = l.nextCharFreq
+ // Lower leafCounts are the same of the previous node.
+ leafCounts[level][level] = n
+ e := list[n]
+ if e.literal < math.MaxUint16 {
+ l.nextCharFreq = int32(e.freq)
+ } else {
+ l.nextCharFreq = math.MaxInt32
+ }
+ } else {
+ // The next item on this row is a pair from the previous row.
+ // nextPairFreq isn't valid until we generate two
+ // more values in the level below
+ l.lastFreq = l.nextPairFreq
+ // Take leaf counts from the lower level, except counts[level] remains the same.
+ copy(leafCounts[level][:level], leafCounts[level-1][:level])
+ levels[l.level-1].needed = 2
+ }
+ if l.needed--; l.needed == 0 {
+ // We've done everything we need to do for this level.
+ // Continue calculating one level up. Fill in nextPairFreq
+ // of that level with the sum of the two nodes we've just calculated on
+ // this level.
+ if l.level == maxBits {
+ // All done!
+ break
+ }
+ levels[l.level+1].nextPairFreq = prevFreq + l.lastFreq
+ level++
+ } else {
+ // If we stole from below, move down temporarily to replenish it.
+ for levels[level-1].needed > 0 {
+ level--
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Somethings is wrong if at the end, the top level is null or hasn't used
+ // all of the leaves.
+ if leafCounts[maxBits][maxBits] != n {
+ panic("leafCounts[maxBits][maxBits] != n")
+ }
+ bitCount := h.bitCount[:maxBits+1]
+ bits := 1
+ counts := &leafCounts[maxBits]
+ for level := maxBits; level > 0; level-- {
+ // chain.leafCount gives the number of literals requiring at least "bits"
+ // bits to encode.
+ bitCount[bits] = counts[level] - counts[level-1]
+ bits++
+ }
+ return bitCount
+// Look at the leaves and assign them a bit count and an encoding as specified
+// in RFC 1951 3.2.2
+func (h *huffmanEncoder) assignEncodingAndSize(bitCount []int32, list []literalNode) {
+ code := uint16(0)
+ for n, bits := range bitCount {
+ code <<= 1
+ if n == 0 || bits == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ // The literals list[len(list)-bits] .. list[len(list)-bits]
+ // are encoded using "bits" bits, and get the values
+ // code, code + 1, .... The code values are
+ // assigned in literal order (not frequency order).
+ chunk := list[len(list)-int(bits):]
+ sortByLiteral(chunk)
+ for _, node := range chunk {
+ h.codes[node.literal] = hcode{code: reverseBits(code, uint8(n)), len: uint16(n)}
+ code++
+ }
+ list = list[0 : len(list)-int(bits)]
+ }
+// Update this Huffman Code object to be the minimum code for the specified frequency count.
+// freq An array of frequencies, in which frequency[i] gives the frequency of literal i.
+// maxBits The maximum number of bits to use for any literal.
+func (h *huffmanEncoder) generate(freq []uint16, maxBits int32) {
+ if h.freqcache == nil {
+ // Allocate a reusable buffer with the longest possible frequency table.
+ // Possible lengths are codegenCodeCount, offsetCodeCount and literalCount.
+ // The largest of these is literalCount, so we allocate for that case.
+ h.freqcache = make([]literalNode, literalCount+1)
+ }
+ list := h.freqcache[:len(freq)+1]
+ // Number of non-zero literals
+ count := 0
+ // Set list to be the set of all non-zero literals and their frequencies
+ for i, f := range freq {
+ if f != 0 {
+ list[count] = literalNode{uint16(i), f}
+ count++
+ } else {
+ list[count] = literalNode{}
+ h.codes[i].len = 0
+ }
+ }
+ list[len(freq)] = literalNode{}
+ list = list[:count]
+ if count <= 2 {
+ // Handle the small cases here, because they are awkward for the general case code. With
+ // two or fewer literals, everything has bit length 1.
+ for i, node := range list {
+ // "list" is in order of increasing literal value.
+ h.codes[node.literal].set(uint16(i), 1)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ sortByFreq(list)
+ // Get the number of literals for each bit count
+ bitCount := h.bitCounts(list, maxBits)
+ // And do the assignment
+ h.assignEncodingAndSize(bitCount, list)
+func atLeastOne(v float32) float32 {
+ if v < 1 {
+ return 1
+ }
+ return v
+// histogramSize accumulates a histogram of b in h.
+// An estimated size in bits is returned.
+// Unassigned values are assigned '1' in the histogram.
+// len(h) must be >= 256, and h's elements must be all zeroes.
+func histogramSize(b []byte, h []uint16, fill bool) (int, int) {
+ h = h[:256]
+ for _, t := range b {
+ h[t]++
+ }
+ invTotal := 1.0 / float32(len(b))
+ shannon := float32(0.0)
+ var extra float32
+ if fill {
+ oneBits := atLeastOne(-mFastLog2(invTotal))
+ for i, v := range h[:] {
+ if v > 0 {
+ n := float32(v)
+ shannon += atLeastOne(-mFastLog2(n*invTotal)) * n
+ } else {
+ h[i] = 1
+ extra += oneBits
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for _, v := range h[:] {
+ if v > 0 {
+ n := float32(v)
+ shannon += atLeastOne(-mFastLog2(n*invTotal)) * n
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return int(shannon + 0.99), int(extra + 0.99)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_sortByFreq.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_sortByFreq.go
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index 000000000..207780299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_sortByFreq.go
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package flate
+// Sort sorts data.
+// It makes one call to data.Len to determine n, and O(n*log(n)) calls to
+// data.Less and data.Swap. The sort is not guaranteed to be stable.
+func sortByFreq(data []literalNode) {
+ n := len(data)
+ quickSortByFreq(data, 0, n, maxDepth(n))
+func quickSortByFreq(data []literalNode, a, b, maxDepth int) {
+ for b-a > 12 { // Use ShellSort for slices <= 12 elements
+ if maxDepth == 0 {
+ heapSort(data, a, b)
+ return
+ }
+ maxDepth--
+ mlo, mhi := doPivotByFreq(data, a, b)
+ // Avoiding recursion on the larger subproblem guarantees
+ // a stack depth of at most lg(b-a).
+ if mlo-a < b-mhi {
+ quickSortByFreq(data, a, mlo, maxDepth)
+ a = mhi // i.e., quickSortByFreq(data, mhi, b)
+ } else {
+ quickSortByFreq(data, mhi, b, maxDepth)
+ b = mlo // i.e., quickSortByFreq(data, a, mlo)
+ }
+ }
+ if b-a > 1 {
+ // Do ShellSort pass with gap 6
+ // It could be written in this simplified form cause b-a <= 12
+ for i := a + 6; i < b; i++ {
+ if data[i].freq == data[i-6].freq && data[i].literal < data[i-6].literal || data[i].freq < data[i-6].freq {
+ data[i], data[i-6] = data[i-6], data[i]
+ }
+ }
+ insertionSortByFreq(data, a, b)
+ }
+// siftDownByFreq implements the heap property on data[lo, hi).
+// first is an offset into the array where the root of the heap lies.
+func siftDownByFreq(data []literalNode, lo, hi, first int) {
+ root := lo
+ for {
+ child := 2*root + 1
+ if child >= hi {
+ break
+ }
+ if child+1 < hi && (data[first+child].freq == data[first+child+1].freq && data[first+child].literal < data[first+child+1].literal || data[first+child].freq < data[first+child+1].freq) {
+ child++
+ }
+ if data[first+root].freq == data[first+child].freq && data[first+root].literal > data[first+child].literal || data[first+root].freq > data[first+child].freq {
+ return
+ }
+ data[first+root], data[first+child] = data[first+child], data[first+root]
+ root = child
+ }
+func doPivotByFreq(data []literalNode, lo, hi int) (midlo, midhi int) {
+ m := int(uint(lo+hi) >> 1) // Written like this to avoid integer overflow.
+ if hi-lo > 40 {
+ // Tukey's ``Ninther,'' median of three medians of three.
+ s := (hi - lo) / 8
+ medianOfThreeSortByFreq(data, lo, lo+s, lo+2*s)
+ medianOfThreeSortByFreq(data, m, m-s, m+s)
+ medianOfThreeSortByFreq(data, hi-1, hi-1-s, hi-1-2*s)
+ }
+ medianOfThreeSortByFreq(data, lo, m, hi-1)
+ // Invariants are:
+ // data[lo] = pivot (set up by ChoosePivot)
+ // data[lo < i < a] < pivot
+ // data[a <= i < b] <= pivot
+ // data[b <= i < c] unexamined
+ // data[c <= i < hi-1] > pivot
+ // data[hi-1] >= pivot
+ pivot := lo
+ a, c := lo+1, hi-1
+ for ; a < c && (data[a].freq == data[pivot].freq && data[a].literal < data[pivot].literal || data[a].freq < data[pivot].freq); a++ {
+ }
+ b := a
+ for {
+ for ; b < c && (data[pivot].freq == data[b].freq && data[pivot].literal > data[b].literal || data[pivot].freq > data[b].freq); b++ { // data[b] <= pivot
+ }
+ for ; b < c && (data[pivot].freq == data[c-1].freq && data[pivot].literal < data[c-1].literal || data[pivot].freq < data[c-1].freq); c-- { // data[c-1] > pivot
+ }
+ if b >= c {
+ break
+ }
+ // data[b] > pivot; data[c-1] <= pivot
+ data[b], data[c-1] = data[c-1], data[b]
+ b++
+ c--
+ }
+ // If hi-c<3 then there are duplicates (by property of median of nine).
+ // Let's be a bit more conservative, and set border to 5.
+ protect := hi-c < 5
+ if !protect && hi-c < (hi-lo)/4 {
+ // Lets test some points for equality to pivot
+ dups := 0
+ if data[pivot].freq == data[hi-1].freq && data[pivot].literal > data[hi-1].literal || data[pivot].freq > data[hi-1].freq { // data[hi-1] = pivot
+ data[c], data[hi-1] = data[hi-1], data[c]
+ c++
+ dups++
+ }
+ if data[b-1].freq == data[pivot].freq && data[b-1].literal > data[pivot].literal || data[b-1].freq > data[pivot].freq { // data[b-1] = pivot
+ b--
+ dups++
+ }
+ // m-lo = (hi-lo)/2 > 6
+ // b-lo > (hi-lo)*3/4-1 > 8
+ // ==> m < b ==> data[m] <= pivot
+ if data[m].freq == data[pivot].freq && data[m].literal > data[pivot].literal || data[m].freq > data[pivot].freq { // data[m] = pivot
+ data[m], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[m]
+ b--
+ dups++
+ }
+ // if at least 2 points are equal to pivot, assume skewed distribution
+ protect = dups > 1
+ }
+ if protect {
+ // Protect against a lot of duplicates
+ // Add invariant:
+ // data[a <= i < b] unexamined
+ // data[b <= i < c] = pivot
+ for {
+ for ; a < b && (data[b-1].freq == data[pivot].freq && data[b-1].literal > data[pivot].literal || data[b-1].freq > data[pivot].freq); b-- { // data[b] == pivot
+ }
+ for ; a < b && (data[a].freq == data[pivot].freq && data[a].literal < data[pivot].literal || data[a].freq < data[pivot].freq); a++ { // data[a] < pivot
+ }
+ if a >= b {
+ break
+ }
+ // data[a] == pivot; data[b-1] < pivot
+ data[a], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[a]
+ a++
+ b--
+ }
+ }
+ // Swap pivot into middle
+ data[pivot], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[pivot]
+ return b - 1, c
+// Insertion sort
+func insertionSortByFreq(data []literalNode, a, b int) {
+ for i := a + 1; i < b; i++ {
+ for j := i; j > a && (data[j].freq == data[j-1].freq && data[j].literal < data[j-1].literal || data[j].freq < data[j-1].freq); j-- {
+ data[j], data[j-1] = data[j-1], data[j]
+ }
+ }
+// quickSortByFreq, loosely following Bentley and McIlroy,
+// ``Engineering a Sort Function,'' SP&E November 1993.
+// medianOfThreeSortByFreq moves the median of the three values data[m0], data[m1], data[m2] into data[m1].
+func medianOfThreeSortByFreq(data []literalNode, m1, m0, m2 int) {
+ // sort 3 elements
+ if data[m1].freq == data[m0].freq && data[m1].literal < data[m0].literal || data[m1].freq < data[m0].freq {
+ data[m1], data[m0] = data[m0], data[m1]
+ }
+ // data[m0] <= data[m1]
+ if data[m2].freq == data[m1].freq && data[m2].literal < data[m1].literal || data[m2].freq < data[m1].freq {
+ data[m2], data[m1] = data[m1], data[m2]
+ // data[m0] <= data[m2] && data[m1] < data[m2]
+ if data[m1].freq == data[m0].freq && data[m1].literal < data[m0].literal || data[m1].freq < data[m0].freq {
+ data[m1], data[m0] = data[m0], data[m1]
+ }
+ }
+ // now data[m0] <= data[m1] <= data[m2]
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_sortByLiteral.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_sortByLiteral.go
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index 000000000..93f1aea10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/huffman_sortByLiteral.go
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package flate
+// Sort sorts data.
+// It makes one call to data.Len to determine n, and O(n*log(n)) calls to
+// data.Less and data.Swap. The sort is not guaranteed to be stable.
+func sortByLiteral(data []literalNode) {
+ n := len(data)
+ quickSort(data, 0, n, maxDepth(n))
+func quickSort(data []literalNode, a, b, maxDepth int) {
+ for b-a > 12 { // Use ShellSort for slices <= 12 elements
+ if maxDepth == 0 {
+ heapSort(data, a, b)
+ return
+ }
+ maxDepth--
+ mlo, mhi := doPivot(data, a, b)
+ // Avoiding recursion on the larger subproblem guarantees
+ // a stack depth of at most lg(b-a).
+ if mlo-a < b-mhi {
+ quickSort(data, a, mlo, maxDepth)
+ a = mhi // i.e., quickSort(data, mhi, b)
+ } else {
+ quickSort(data, mhi, b, maxDepth)
+ b = mlo // i.e., quickSort(data, a, mlo)
+ }
+ }
+ if b-a > 1 {
+ // Do ShellSort pass with gap 6
+ // It could be written in this simplified form cause b-a <= 12
+ for i := a + 6; i < b; i++ {
+ if data[i].literal < data[i-6].literal {
+ data[i], data[i-6] = data[i-6], data[i]
+ }
+ }
+ insertionSort(data, a, b)
+ }
+func heapSort(data []literalNode, a, b int) {
+ first := a
+ lo := 0
+ hi := b - a
+ // Build heap with greatest element at top.
+ for i := (hi - 1) / 2; i >= 0; i-- {
+ siftDown(data, i, hi, first)
+ }
+ // Pop elements, largest first, into end of data.
+ for i := hi - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ data[first], data[first+i] = data[first+i], data[first]
+ siftDown(data, lo, i, first)
+ }
+// siftDown implements the heap property on data[lo, hi).
+// first is an offset into the array where the root of the heap lies.
+func siftDown(data []literalNode, lo, hi, first int) {
+ root := lo
+ for {
+ child := 2*root + 1
+ if child >= hi {
+ break
+ }
+ if child+1 < hi && data[first+child].literal < data[first+child+1].literal {
+ child++
+ }
+ if data[first+root].literal > data[first+child].literal {
+ return
+ }
+ data[first+root], data[first+child] = data[first+child], data[first+root]
+ root = child
+ }
+func doPivot(data []literalNode, lo, hi int) (midlo, midhi int) {
+ m := int(uint(lo+hi) >> 1) // Written like this to avoid integer overflow.
+ if hi-lo > 40 {
+ // Tukey's ``Ninther,'' median of three medians of three.
+ s := (hi - lo) / 8
+ medianOfThree(data, lo, lo+s, lo+2*s)
+ medianOfThree(data, m, m-s, m+s)
+ medianOfThree(data, hi-1, hi-1-s, hi-1-2*s)
+ }
+ medianOfThree(data, lo, m, hi-1)
+ // Invariants are:
+ // data[lo] = pivot (set up by ChoosePivot)
+ // data[lo < i < a] < pivot
+ // data[a <= i < b] <= pivot
+ // data[b <= i < c] unexamined
+ // data[c <= i < hi-1] > pivot
+ // data[hi-1] >= pivot
+ pivot := lo
+ a, c := lo+1, hi-1
+ for ; a < c && data[a].literal < data[pivot].literal; a++ {
+ }
+ b := a
+ for {
+ for ; b < c && data[pivot].literal > data[b].literal; b++ { // data[b] <= pivot
+ }
+ for ; b < c && data[pivot].literal < data[c-1].literal; c-- { // data[c-1] > pivot
+ }
+ if b >= c {
+ break
+ }
+ // data[b] > pivot; data[c-1] <= pivot
+ data[b], data[c-1] = data[c-1], data[b]
+ b++
+ c--
+ }
+ // If hi-c<3 then there are duplicates (by property of median of nine).
+ // Let's be a bit more conservative, and set border to 5.
+ protect := hi-c < 5
+ if !protect && hi-c < (hi-lo)/4 {
+ // Lets test some points for equality to pivot
+ dups := 0
+ if data[pivot].literal > data[hi-1].literal { // data[hi-1] = pivot
+ data[c], data[hi-1] = data[hi-1], data[c]
+ c++
+ dups++
+ }
+ if data[b-1].literal > data[pivot].literal { // data[b-1] = pivot
+ b--
+ dups++
+ }
+ // m-lo = (hi-lo)/2 > 6
+ // b-lo > (hi-lo)*3/4-1 > 8
+ // ==> m < b ==> data[m] <= pivot
+ if data[m].literal > data[pivot].literal { // data[m] = pivot
+ data[m], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[m]
+ b--
+ dups++
+ }
+ // if at least 2 points are equal to pivot, assume skewed distribution
+ protect = dups > 1
+ }
+ if protect {
+ // Protect against a lot of duplicates
+ // Add invariant:
+ // data[a <= i < b] unexamined
+ // data[b <= i < c] = pivot
+ for {
+ for ; a < b && data[b-1].literal > data[pivot].literal; b-- { // data[b] == pivot
+ }
+ for ; a < b && data[a].literal < data[pivot].literal; a++ { // data[a] < pivot
+ }
+ if a >= b {
+ break
+ }
+ // data[a] == pivot; data[b-1] < pivot
+ data[a], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[a]
+ a++
+ b--
+ }
+ }
+ // Swap pivot into middle
+ data[pivot], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[pivot]
+ return b - 1, c
+// Insertion sort
+func insertionSort(data []literalNode, a, b int) {
+ for i := a + 1; i < b; i++ {
+ for j := i; j > a && data[j].literal < data[j-1].literal; j-- {
+ data[j], data[j-1] = data[j-1], data[j]
+ }
+ }
+// maxDepth returns a threshold at which quicksort should switch
+// to heapsort. It returns 2*ceil(lg(n+1)).
+func maxDepth(n int) int {
+ var depth int
+ for i := n; i > 0; i >>= 1 {
+ depth++
+ }
+ return depth * 2
+// medianOfThree moves the median of the three values data[m0], data[m1], data[m2] into data[m1].
+func medianOfThree(data []literalNode, m1, m0, m2 int) {
+ // sort 3 elements
+ if data[m1].literal < data[m0].literal {
+ data[m1], data[m0] = data[m0], data[m1]
+ }
+ // data[m0] <= data[m1]
+ if data[m2].literal < data[m1].literal {
+ data[m2], data[m1] = data[m1], data[m2]
+ // data[m0] <= data[m2] && data[m1] < data[m2]
+ if data[m1].literal < data[m0].literal {
+ data[m1], data[m0] = data[m0], data[m1]
+ }
+ }
+ // now data[m0] <= data[m1] <= data[m2]
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/inflate.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/inflate.go
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index 000000000..6dc5b5d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/inflate.go
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+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package flate implements the DEFLATE compressed data format, described in
+// RFC 1951. The gzip and zlib packages implement access to DEFLATE-based file
+// formats.
+package flate
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "math/bits"
+ "strconv"
+ "sync"
+const (
+ maxCodeLen = 16 // max length of Huffman code
+ maxCodeLenMask = 15 // mask for max length of Huffman code
+ // The next three numbers come from the RFC section 3.2.7, with the
+ // additional proviso in section 3.2.5 which implies that distance codes
+ // 30 and 31 should never occur in compressed data.
+ maxNumLit = 286
+ maxNumDist = 30
+ numCodes = 19 // number of codes in Huffman meta-code
+ debugDecode = false
+// Initialize the fixedHuffmanDecoder only once upon first use.
+var fixedOnce sync.Once
+var fixedHuffmanDecoder huffmanDecoder
+// A CorruptInputError reports the presence of corrupt input at a given offset.
+type CorruptInputError int64
+func (e CorruptInputError) Error() string {
+ return "flate: corrupt input before offset " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(e), 10)
+// An InternalError reports an error in the flate code itself.
+type InternalError string
+func (e InternalError) Error() string { return "flate: internal error: " + string(e) }
+// A ReadError reports an error encountered while reading input.
+// Deprecated: No longer returned.
+type ReadError struct {
+ Offset int64 // byte offset where error occurred
+ Err error // error returned by underlying Read
+func (e *ReadError) Error() string {
+ return "flate: read error at offset " + strconv.FormatInt(e.Offset, 10) + ": " + e.Err.Error()
+// A WriteError reports an error encountered while writing output.
+// Deprecated: No longer returned.
+type WriteError struct {
+ Offset int64 // byte offset where error occurred
+ Err error // error returned by underlying Write
+func (e *WriteError) Error() string {
+ return "flate: write error at offset " + strconv.FormatInt(e.Offset, 10) + ": " + e.Err.Error()
+// Resetter resets a ReadCloser returned by NewReader or NewReaderDict to
+// to switch to a new underlying Reader. This permits reusing a ReadCloser
+// instead of allocating a new one.
+type Resetter interface {
+ // Reset discards any buffered data and resets the Resetter as if it was
+ // newly initialized with the given reader.
+ Reset(r io.Reader, dict []byte) error
+// The data structure for decoding Huffman tables is based on that of
+// zlib. There is a lookup table of a fixed bit width (huffmanChunkBits),
+// For codes smaller than the table width, there are multiple entries
+// (each combination of trailing bits has the same value). For codes
+// larger than the table width, the table contains a link to an overflow
+// table. The width of each entry in the link table is the maximum code
+// size minus the chunk width.
+// Note that you can do a lookup in the table even without all bits
+// filled. Since the extra bits are zero, and the DEFLATE Huffman codes
+// have the property that shorter codes come before longer ones, the
+// bit length estimate in the result is a lower bound on the actual
+// number of bits.
+// See the following:
+// http://www.gzip.org/algorithm.txt
+// chunk & 15 is number of bits
+// chunk >> 4 is value, including table link
+const (
+ huffmanChunkBits = 9
+ huffmanNumChunks = 1 << huffmanChunkBits
+ huffmanCountMask = 15
+ huffmanValueShift = 4
+type huffmanDecoder struct {
+ min int // the minimum code length
+ chunks *[huffmanNumChunks]uint16 // chunks as described above
+ links [][]uint16 // overflow links
+ linkMask uint32 // mask the width of the link table
+// Initialize Huffman decoding tables from array of code lengths.
+// Following this function, h is guaranteed to be initialized into a complete
+// tree (i.e., neither over-subscribed nor under-subscribed). The exception is a
+// degenerate case where the tree has only a single symbol with length 1. Empty
+// trees are permitted.
+func (h *huffmanDecoder) init(lengths []int) bool {
+ // Sanity enables additional runtime tests during Huffman
+ // table construction. It's intended to be used during
+ // development to supplement the currently ad-hoc unit tests.
+ const sanity = false
+ if h.chunks == nil {
+ h.chunks = &[huffmanNumChunks]uint16{}
+ }
+ if h.min != 0 {
+ *h = huffmanDecoder{chunks: h.chunks, links: h.links}
+ }
+ // Count number of codes of each length,
+ // compute min and max length.
+ var count [maxCodeLen]int
+ var min, max int
+ for _, n := range lengths {
+ if n == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if min == 0 || n < min {
+ min = n
+ }
+ if n > max {
+ max = n
+ }
+ count[n&maxCodeLenMask]++
+ }
+ // Empty tree. The decompressor.huffSym function will fail later if the tree
+ // is used. Technically, an empty tree is only valid for the HDIST tree and
+ // not the HCLEN and HLIT tree. However, a stream with an empty HCLEN tree
+ // is guaranteed to fail since it will attempt to use the tree to decode the
+ // codes for the HLIT and HDIST trees. Similarly, an empty HLIT tree is
+ // guaranteed to fail later since the compressed data section must be
+ // composed of at least one symbol (the end-of-block marker).
+ if max == 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ code := 0
+ var nextcode [maxCodeLen]int
+ for i := min; i <= max; i++ {
+ code <<= 1
+ nextcode[i&maxCodeLenMask] = code
+ code += count[i&maxCodeLenMask]
+ }
+ // Check that the coding is complete (i.e., that we've
+ // assigned all 2-to-the-max possible bit sequences).
+ // Exception: To be compatible with zlib, we also need to
+ // accept degenerate single-code codings. See also
+ // TestDegenerateHuffmanCoding.
+ if code != 1< huffmanChunkBits {
+ numLinks := 1 << (uint(max) - huffmanChunkBits)
+ h.linkMask = uint32(numLinks - 1)
+ // create link tables
+ link := nextcode[huffmanChunkBits+1] >> 1
+ if cap(h.links) < huffmanNumChunks-link {
+ h.links = make([][]uint16, huffmanNumChunks-link)
+ } else {
+ h.links = h.links[:huffmanNumChunks-link]
+ }
+ for j := uint(link); j < huffmanNumChunks; j++ {
+ reverse := int(bits.Reverse16(uint16(j)))
+ reverse >>= uint(16 - huffmanChunkBits)
+ off := j - uint(link)
+ if sanity && h.chunks[reverse] != 0 {
+ panic("impossible: overwriting existing chunk")
+ }
+ h.chunks[reverse] = uint16(off<>= uint(16 - n)
+ if n <= huffmanChunkBits {
+ for off := reverse; off < len(h.chunks); off += 1 << uint(n) {
+ // We should never need to overwrite
+ // an existing chunk. Also, 0 is
+ // never a valid chunk, because the
+ // lower 4 "count" bits should be
+ // between 1 and 15.
+ if sanity && h.chunks[off] != 0 {
+ panic("impossible: overwriting existing chunk")
+ }
+ h.chunks[off] = chunk
+ }
+ } else {
+ j := reverse & (huffmanNumChunks - 1)
+ if sanity && h.chunks[j]&huffmanCountMask != huffmanChunkBits+1 {
+ // Longer codes should have been
+ // associated with a link table above.
+ panic("impossible: not an indirect chunk")
+ }
+ value := h.chunks[j] >> huffmanValueShift
+ linktab := h.links[value]
+ reverse >>= huffmanChunkBits
+ for off := reverse; off < len(linktab); off += 1 << uint(n-huffmanChunkBits) {
+ if sanity && linktab[off] != 0 {
+ panic("impossible: overwriting existing chunk")
+ }
+ linktab[off] = chunk
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if sanity {
+ // Above we've sanity checked that we never overwrote
+ // an existing entry. Here we additionally check that
+ // we filled the tables completely.
+ for i, chunk := range h.chunks {
+ if chunk == 0 {
+ // As an exception, in the degenerate
+ // single-code case, we allow odd
+ // chunks to be missing.
+ if code == 1 && i%2 == 1 {
+ continue
+ }
+ panic("impossible: missing chunk")
+ }
+ }
+ for _, linktab := range h.links {
+ for _, chunk := range linktab {
+ if chunk == 0 {
+ panic("impossible: missing chunk")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// The actual read interface needed by NewReader.
+// If the passed in io.Reader does not also have ReadByte,
+// the NewReader will introduce its own buffering.
+type Reader interface {
+ io.Reader
+ io.ByteReader
+// Decompress state.
+type decompressor struct {
+ // Input source.
+ r Reader
+ roffset int64
+ // Input bits, in top of b.
+ b uint32
+ nb uint
+ // Huffman decoders for literal/length, distance.
+ h1, h2 huffmanDecoder
+ // Length arrays used to define Huffman codes.
+ bits *[maxNumLit + maxNumDist]int
+ codebits *[numCodes]int
+ // Output history, buffer.
+ dict dictDecoder
+ // Temporary buffer (avoids repeated allocation).
+ buf [4]byte
+ // Next step in the decompression,
+ // and decompression state.
+ step func(*decompressor)
+ stepState int
+ final bool
+ err error
+ toRead []byte
+ hl, hd *huffmanDecoder
+ copyLen int
+ copyDist int
+func (f *decompressor) nextBlock() {
+ for f.nb < 1+2 {
+ if f.err = f.moreBits(); f.err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ f.final = f.b&1 == 1
+ f.b >>= 1
+ typ := f.b & 3
+ f.b >>= 2
+ f.nb -= 1 + 2
+ switch typ {
+ case 0:
+ f.dataBlock()
+ case 1:
+ // compressed, fixed Huffman tables
+ f.hl = &fixedHuffmanDecoder
+ f.hd = nil
+ f.huffmanBlock()
+ case 2:
+ // compressed, dynamic Huffman tables
+ if f.err = f.readHuffman(); f.err != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ f.hl = &f.h1
+ f.hd = &f.h2
+ f.huffmanBlock()
+ default:
+ // 3 is reserved.
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("reserved data block encountered")
+ }
+ f.err = CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ }
+func (f *decompressor) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
+ for {
+ if len(f.toRead) > 0 {
+ n := copy(b, f.toRead)
+ f.toRead = f.toRead[n:]
+ if len(f.toRead) == 0 {
+ return n, f.err
+ }
+ return n, nil
+ }
+ if f.err != nil {
+ return 0, f.err
+ }
+ f.step(f)
+ if f.err != nil && len(f.toRead) == 0 {
+ f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush() // Flush what's left in case of error
+ }
+ }
+// Support the io.WriteTo interface for io.Copy and friends.
+func (f *decompressor) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
+ total := int64(0)
+ flushed := false
+ for {
+ if len(f.toRead) > 0 {
+ n, err := w.Write(f.toRead)
+ total += int64(n)
+ if err != nil {
+ f.err = err
+ return total, err
+ }
+ if n != len(f.toRead) {
+ return total, io.ErrShortWrite
+ }
+ f.toRead = f.toRead[:0]
+ }
+ if f.err != nil && flushed {
+ if f.err == io.EOF {
+ return total, nil
+ }
+ return total, f.err
+ }
+ if f.err == nil {
+ f.step(f)
+ }
+ if len(f.toRead) == 0 && f.err != nil && !flushed {
+ f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush() // Flush what's left in case of error
+ flushed = true
+ }
+ }
+func (f *decompressor) Close() error {
+ if f.err == io.EOF {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return f.err
+// RFC 1951 section 3.2.7.
+// Compression with dynamic Huffman codes
+var codeOrder = [...]int{16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15}
+func (f *decompressor) readHuffman() error {
+ // HLIT[5], HDIST[5], HCLEN[4].
+ for f.nb < 5+5+4 {
+ if err := f.moreBits(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ nlit := int(f.b&0x1F) + 257
+ if nlit > maxNumLit {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("nlit > maxNumLit", nlit)
+ }
+ return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ }
+ f.b >>= 5
+ ndist := int(f.b&0x1F) + 1
+ if ndist > maxNumDist {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("ndist > maxNumDist", ndist)
+ }
+ return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ }
+ f.b >>= 5
+ nclen := int(f.b&0xF) + 4
+ // numCodes is 19, so nclen is always valid.
+ f.b >>= 4
+ f.nb -= 5 + 5 + 4
+ // (HCLEN+4)*3 bits: code lengths in the magic codeOrder order.
+ for i := 0; i < nclen; i++ {
+ for f.nb < 3 {
+ if err := f.moreBits(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ f.codebits[codeOrder[i]] = int(f.b & 0x7)
+ f.b >>= 3
+ f.nb -= 3
+ }
+ for i := nclen; i < len(codeOrder); i++ {
+ f.codebits[codeOrder[i]] = 0
+ }
+ if !f.h1.init(f.codebits[0:]) {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("init codebits failed")
+ }
+ return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ }
+ // HLIT + 257 code lengths, HDIST + 1 code lengths,
+ // using the code length Huffman code.
+ for i, n := 0, nlit+ndist; i < n; {
+ x, err := f.huffSym(&f.h1)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if x < 16 {
+ // Actual length.
+ f.bits[i] = x
+ i++
+ continue
+ }
+ // Repeat previous length or zero.
+ var rep int
+ var nb uint
+ var b int
+ switch x {
+ default:
+ return InternalError("unexpected length code")
+ case 16:
+ rep = 3
+ nb = 2
+ if i == 0 {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("i==0")
+ }
+ return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ }
+ b = f.bits[i-1]
+ case 17:
+ rep = 3
+ nb = 3
+ b = 0
+ case 18:
+ rep = 11
+ nb = 7
+ b = 0
+ }
+ for f.nb < nb {
+ if err := f.moreBits(); err != nil {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("morebits:", err)
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ rep += int(f.b & uint32(1<>= nb
+ f.nb -= nb
+ if i+rep > n {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("i+rep > n", i, rep, n)
+ }
+ return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ }
+ for j := 0; j < rep; j++ {
+ f.bits[i] = b
+ i++
+ }
+ }
+ if !f.h1.init(f.bits[0:nlit]) || !f.h2.init(f.bits[nlit:nlit+ndist]) {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("init2 failed")
+ }
+ return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ }
+ // As an optimization, we can initialize the min bits to read at a time
+ // for the HLIT tree to the length of the EOB marker since we know that
+ // every block must terminate with one. This preserves the property that
+ // we never read any extra bytes after the end of the DEFLATE stream.
+ if f.h1.min < f.bits[endBlockMarker] {
+ f.h1.min = f.bits[endBlockMarker]
+ }
+ return nil
+// Decode a single Huffman block from f.
+// hl and hd are the Huffman states for the lit/length values
+// and the distance values, respectively. If hd == nil, using the
+// fixed distance encoding associated with fixed Huffman blocks.
+func (f *decompressor) huffmanBlock() {
+ const (
+ stateInit = iota // Zero value must be stateInit
+ stateDict
+ )
+ switch f.stepState {
+ case stateInit:
+ goto readLiteral
+ case stateDict:
+ goto copyHistory
+ }
+ // Read literal and/or (length, distance) according to RFC section 3.2.3.
+ {
+ v, err := f.huffSym(f.hl)
+ if err != nil {
+ f.err = err
+ return
+ }
+ var n uint // number of bits extra
+ var length int
+ switch {
+ case v < 256:
+ f.dict.writeByte(byte(v))
+ if f.dict.availWrite() == 0 {
+ f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush()
+ f.step = (*decompressor).huffmanBlock
+ f.stepState = stateInit
+ return
+ }
+ goto readLiteral
+ case v == 256:
+ f.finishBlock()
+ return
+ // otherwise, reference to older data
+ case v < 265:
+ length = v - (257 - 3)
+ n = 0
+ case v < 269:
+ length = v*2 - (265*2 - 11)
+ n = 1
+ case v < 273:
+ length = v*4 - (269*4 - 19)
+ n = 2
+ case v < 277:
+ length = v*8 - (273*8 - 35)
+ n = 3
+ case v < 281:
+ length = v*16 - (277*16 - 67)
+ n = 4
+ case v < 285:
+ length = v*32 - (281*32 - 131)
+ n = 5
+ case v < maxNumLit:
+ length = 258
+ n = 0
+ default:
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println(v, ">= maxNumLit")
+ }
+ f.err = CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ return
+ }
+ if n > 0 {
+ for f.nb < n {
+ if err = f.moreBits(); err != nil {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("morebits n>0:", err)
+ }
+ f.err = err
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ length += int(f.b & uint32(1<>= n
+ f.nb -= n
+ }
+ var dist int
+ if f.hd == nil {
+ for f.nb < 5 {
+ if err = f.moreBits(); err != nil {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("morebits f.nb<5:", err)
+ }
+ f.err = err
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ dist = int(bits.Reverse8(uint8(f.b & 0x1F << 3)))
+ f.b >>= 5
+ f.nb -= 5
+ } else {
+ if dist, err = f.huffSym(f.hd); err != nil {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("huffsym:", err)
+ }
+ f.err = err
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ switch {
+ case dist < 4:
+ dist++
+ case dist < maxNumDist:
+ nb := uint(dist-2) >> 1
+ // have 1 bit in bottom of dist, need nb more.
+ extra := (dist & 1) << nb
+ for f.nb < nb {
+ if err = f.moreBits(); err != nil {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("morebits f.nb>= nb
+ f.nb -= nb
+ dist = 1<<(nb+1) + 1 + extra
+ default:
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("dist too big:", dist, maxNumDist)
+ }
+ f.err = CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ return
+ }
+ // No check on length; encoding can be prescient.
+ if dist > f.dict.histSize() {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("dist > f.dict.histSize():", dist, f.dict.histSize())
+ }
+ f.err = CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ return
+ }
+ f.copyLen, f.copyDist = length, dist
+ goto copyHistory
+ }
+ // Perform a backwards copy according to RFC section 3.2.3.
+ {
+ cnt := f.dict.tryWriteCopy(f.copyDist, f.copyLen)
+ if cnt == 0 {
+ cnt = f.dict.writeCopy(f.copyDist, f.copyLen)
+ }
+ f.copyLen -= cnt
+ if f.dict.availWrite() == 0 || f.copyLen > 0 {
+ f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush()
+ f.step = (*decompressor).huffmanBlock // We need to continue this work
+ f.stepState = stateDict
+ return
+ }
+ goto readLiteral
+ }
+// Copy a single uncompressed data block from input to output.
+func (f *decompressor) dataBlock() {
+ // Uncompressed.
+ // Discard current half-byte.
+ f.nb = 0
+ f.b = 0
+ // Length then ones-complement of length.
+ nr, err := io.ReadFull(f.r, f.buf[0:4])
+ f.roffset += int64(nr)
+ if err != nil {
+ f.err = noEOF(err)
+ return
+ }
+ n := int(f.buf[0]) | int(f.buf[1])<<8
+ nn := int(f.buf[2]) | int(f.buf[3])<<8
+ if uint16(nn) != uint16(^n) {
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("uint16(nn) != uint16(^n)", nn, ^n)
+ }
+ f.err = CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ return
+ }
+ if n == 0 {
+ f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush()
+ f.finishBlock()
+ return
+ }
+ f.copyLen = n
+ f.copyData()
+// copyData copies f.copyLen bytes from the underlying reader into f.hist.
+// It pauses for reads when f.hist is full.
+func (f *decompressor) copyData() {
+ buf := f.dict.writeSlice()
+ if len(buf) > f.copyLen {
+ buf = buf[:f.copyLen]
+ }
+ cnt, err := io.ReadFull(f.r, buf)
+ f.roffset += int64(cnt)
+ f.copyLen -= cnt
+ f.dict.writeMark(cnt)
+ if err != nil {
+ f.err = noEOF(err)
+ return
+ }
+ if f.dict.availWrite() == 0 || f.copyLen > 0 {
+ f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush()
+ f.step = (*decompressor).copyData
+ return
+ }
+ f.finishBlock()
+func (f *decompressor) finishBlock() {
+ if f.final {
+ if f.dict.availRead() > 0 {
+ f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush()
+ }
+ f.err = io.EOF
+ }
+ f.step = (*decompressor).nextBlock
+// noEOF returns err, unless err == io.EOF, in which case it returns io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.
+func noEOF(e error) error {
+ if e == io.EOF {
+ return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ return e
+func (f *decompressor) moreBits() error {
+ c, err := f.r.ReadByte()
+ if err != nil {
+ return noEOF(err)
+ }
+ f.roffset++
+ f.b |= uint32(c) << f.nb
+ f.nb += 8
+ return nil
+// Read the next Huffman-encoded symbol from f according to h.
+func (f *decompressor) huffSym(h *huffmanDecoder) (int, error) {
+ // Since a huffmanDecoder can be empty or be composed of a degenerate tree
+ // with single element, huffSym must error on these two edge cases. In both
+ // cases, the chunks slice will be 0 for the invalid sequence, leading it
+ // satisfy the n == 0 check below.
+ n := uint(h.min)
+ // Optimization. Compiler isn't smart enough to keep f.b,f.nb in registers,
+ // but is smart enough to keep local variables in registers, so use nb and b,
+ // inline call to moreBits and reassign b,nb back to f on return.
+ nb, b := f.nb, f.b
+ for {
+ for nb < n {
+ c, err := f.r.ReadByte()
+ if err != nil {
+ f.b = b
+ f.nb = nb
+ return 0, noEOF(err)
+ }
+ f.roffset++
+ b |= uint32(c) << (nb & 31)
+ nb += 8
+ }
+ chunk := h.chunks[b&(huffmanNumChunks-1)]
+ n = uint(chunk & huffmanCountMask)
+ if n > huffmanChunkBits {
+ chunk = h.links[chunk>>huffmanValueShift][(b>>huffmanChunkBits)&h.linkMask]
+ n = uint(chunk & huffmanCountMask)
+ }
+ if n <= nb {
+ if n == 0 {
+ f.b = b
+ f.nb = nb
+ if debugDecode {
+ fmt.Println("huffsym: n==0")
+ }
+ f.err = CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
+ return 0, f.err
+ }
+ f.b = b >> (n & 31)
+ f.nb = nb - n
+ return int(chunk >> huffmanValueShift), nil
+ }
+ }
+func makeReader(r io.Reader) Reader {
+ if rr, ok := r.(Reader); ok {
+ return rr
+ }
+ return bufio.NewReader(r)
+func fixedHuffmanDecoderInit() {
+ fixedOnce.Do(func() {
+ // These come from the RFC section 3.2.6.
+ var bits [288]int
+ for i := 0; i < 144; i++ {
+ bits[i] = 8
+ }
+ for i := 144; i < 256; i++ {
+ bits[i] = 9
+ }
+ for i := 256; i < 280; i++ {
+ bits[i] = 7
+ }
+ for i := 280; i < 288; i++ {
+ bits[i] = 8
+ }
+ fixedHuffmanDecoder.init(bits[:])
+ })
+func (f *decompressor) Reset(r io.Reader, dict []byte) error {
+ *f = decompressor{
+ r: makeReader(r),
+ bits: f.bits,
+ codebits: f.codebits,
+ h1: f.h1,
+ h2: f.h2,
+ dict: f.dict,
+ step: (*decompressor).nextBlock,
+ }
+ f.dict.init(maxMatchOffset, dict)
+ return nil
+// NewReader returns a new ReadCloser that can be used
+// to read the uncompressed version of r.
+// If r does not also implement io.ByteReader,
+// the decompressor may read more data than necessary from r.
+// It is the caller's responsibility to call Close on the ReadCloser
+// when finished reading.
+// The ReadCloser returned by NewReader also implements Resetter.
+func NewReader(r io.Reader) io.ReadCloser {
+ fixedHuffmanDecoderInit()
+ var f decompressor
+ f.r = makeReader(r)
+ f.bits = new([maxNumLit + maxNumDist]int)
+ f.codebits = new([numCodes]int)
+ f.step = (*decompressor).nextBlock
+ f.dict.init(maxMatchOffset, nil)
+ return &f
+// NewReaderDict is like NewReader but initializes the reader
+// with a preset dictionary. The returned Reader behaves as if
+// the uncompressed data stream started with the given dictionary,
+// which has already been read. NewReaderDict is typically used
+// to read data compressed by NewWriterDict.
+// The ReadCloser returned by NewReader also implements Resetter.
+func NewReaderDict(r io.Reader, dict []byte) io.ReadCloser {
+ fixedHuffmanDecoderInit()
+ var f decompressor
+ f.r = makeReader(r)
+ f.bits = new([maxNumLit + maxNumDist]int)
+ f.codebits = new([numCodes]int)
+ f.step = (*decompressor).nextBlock
+ f.dict.init(maxMatchOffset, dict)
+ return &f
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level1.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level1.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..102fc74c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level1.go
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+package flate
+import "fmt"
+// fastGen maintains the table for matches,
+// and the previous byte block for level 2.
+// This is the generic implementation.
+type fastEncL1 struct {
+ fastGen
+ table [tableSize]tableEntry
+// EncodeL1 uses a similar algorithm to level 1
+func (e *fastEncL1) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
+ const (
+ inputMargin = 12 - 1
+ minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
+ )
+ if debugDecode && e.cur < 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
+ }
+ // Protect against e.cur wraparound.
+ for e.cur >= bufferReset {
+ if len(e.hist) == 0 {
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ e.table[i] = tableEntry{}
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ break
+ }
+ // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
+ minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ v := e.table[i].offset
+ if v <= minOff {
+ v = 0
+ } else {
+ v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ e.table[i].offset = v
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ s := e.addBlock(src)
+ // This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
+ // instead of the callee handles this case.
+ if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
+ // We do not fill the token table.
+ // This will be picked up by caller.
+ dst.n = uint16(len(src))
+ return
+ }
+ // Override src
+ src = e.hist
+ nextEmit := s
+ // sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
+ // lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
+ // looking for copies.
+ sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
+ // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
+ cv := load3232(src, s)
+ for {
+ const skipLog = 5
+ const doEvery = 2
+ nextS := s
+ var candidate tableEntry
+ for {
+ nextHash := hash(cv)
+ candidate = e.table[nextHash]
+ nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
+ if nextS > sLimit {
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ now := load6432(src, nextS)
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: cv}
+ nextHash = hash(uint32(now))
+ offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
+ if offset < maxMatchOffset && cv == candidate.val {
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(now)}
+ break
+ }
+ // Do one right away...
+ cv = uint32(now)
+ s = nextS
+ nextS++
+ candidate = e.table[nextHash]
+ now >>= 8
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: cv}
+ offset = s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
+ if offset < maxMatchOffset && cv == candidate.val {
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(now)}
+ break
+ }
+ cv = uint32(now)
+ s = nextS
+ }
+ // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
+ // match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
+ // them as literal bytes.
+ for {
+ // Invariant: we have a 4-byte match at s, and no need to emit any
+ // literal bytes prior to s.
+ // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
+ t := candidate.offset - e.cur
+ l := e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
+ // Extend backwards
+ for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
+ s--
+ t--
+ l++
+ }
+ if nextEmit < s {
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
+ }
+ // Save the match found
+ dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
+ s += l
+ nextEmit = s
+ if nextS >= s {
+ s = nextS + 1
+ }
+ if s >= sLimit {
+ // Index first pair after match end.
+ if int(s+l+4) < len(src) {
+ cv := load3232(src, s)
+ e.table[hash(cv)] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: cv}
+ }
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ // We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
+ // compression we first update the hash table at s-2 and at s. If
+ // another emitCopy is not our next move, also calculate nextHash
+ // at s+1. At least on GOARCH=amd64, these three hash calculations
+ // are faster as one load64 call (with some shifts) instead of
+ // three load32 calls.
+ x := load6432(src, s-2)
+ o := e.cur + s - 2
+ prevHash := hash(uint32(x))
+ e.table[prevHash] = tableEntry{offset: o, val: uint32(x)}
+ x >>= 16
+ currHash := hash(uint32(x))
+ candidate = e.table[currHash]
+ e.table[currHash] = tableEntry{offset: o + 2, val: uint32(x)}
+ offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
+ if offset > maxMatchOffset || uint32(x) != candidate.val {
+ cv = uint32(x >> 8)
+ s++
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
+ // If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
+ if dst.n == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level2.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level2.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc6b1d314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level2.go
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+package flate
+import "fmt"
+// fastGen maintains the table for matches,
+// and the previous byte block for level 2.
+// This is the generic implementation.
+type fastEncL2 struct {
+ fastGen
+ table [bTableSize]tableEntry
+// EncodeL2 uses a similar algorithm to level 1, but is capable
+// of matching across blocks giving better compression at a small slowdown.
+func (e *fastEncL2) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
+ const (
+ inputMargin = 12 - 1
+ minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
+ )
+ if debugDecode && e.cur < 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
+ }
+ // Protect against e.cur wraparound.
+ for e.cur >= bufferReset {
+ if len(e.hist) == 0 {
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ e.table[i] = tableEntry{}
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ break
+ }
+ // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
+ minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ v := e.table[i].offset
+ if v <= minOff {
+ v = 0
+ } else {
+ v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ e.table[i].offset = v
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ s := e.addBlock(src)
+ // This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
+ // instead of the callee handles this case.
+ if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
+ // We do not fill the token table.
+ // This will be picked up by caller.
+ dst.n = uint16(len(src))
+ return
+ }
+ // Override src
+ src = e.hist
+ nextEmit := s
+ // sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
+ // lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
+ // looking for copies.
+ sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
+ // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
+ cv := load3232(src, s)
+ for {
+ // When should we start skipping if we haven't found matches in a long while.
+ const skipLog = 5
+ const doEvery = 2
+ nextS := s
+ var candidate tableEntry
+ for {
+ nextHash := hash4u(cv, bTableBits)
+ s = nextS
+ nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
+ if nextS > sLimit {
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ candidate = e.table[nextHash]
+ now := load6432(src, nextS)
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: cv}
+ nextHash = hash4u(uint32(now), bTableBits)
+ offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
+ if offset < maxMatchOffset && cv == candidate.val {
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(now)}
+ break
+ }
+ // Do one right away...
+ cv = uint32(now)
+ s = nextS
+ nextS++
+ candidate = e.table[nextHash]
+ now >>= 8
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: cv}
+ offset = s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
+ if offset < maxMatchOffset && cv == candidate.val {
+ break
+ }
+ cv = uint32(now)
+ }
+ // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
+ // match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
+ // them as literal bytes.
+ // Call emitCopy, and then see if another emitCopy could be our next
+ // move. Repeat until we find no match for the input immediately after
+ // what was consumed by the last emitCopy call.
+ //
+ // If we exit this loop normally then we need to call emitLiteral next,
+ // though we don't yet know how big the literal will be. We handle that
+ // by proceeding to the next iteration of the main loop. We also can
+ // exit this loop via goto if we get close to exhausting the input.
+ for {
+ // Invariant: we have a 4-byte match at s, and no need to emit any
+ // literal bytes prior to s.
+ // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
+ t := candidate.offset - e.cur
+ l := e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
+ // Extend backwards
+ for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
+ s--
+ t--
+ l++
+ }
+ if nextEmit < s {
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
+ }
+ dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
+ s += l
+ nextEmit = s
+ if nextS >= s {
+ s = nextS + 1
+ }
+ if s >= sLimit {
+ // Index first pair after match end.
+ if int(s+l+4) < len(src) {
+ cv := load3232(src, s)
+ e.table[hash4u(cv, bTableBits)] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: cv}
+ }
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ // Store every second hash in-between, but offset by 1.
+ for i := s - l + 2; i < s-5; i += 7 {
+ x := load6432(src, int32(i))
+ nextHash := hash4u(uint32(x), bTableBits)
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: e.cur + i, val: uint32(x)}
+ // Skip one
+ x >>= 16
+ nextHash = hash4u(uint32(x), bTableBits)
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: e.cur + i + 2, val: uint32(x)}
+ // Skip one
+ x >>= 16
+ nextHash = hash4u(uint32(x), bTableBits)
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: e.cur + i + 4, val: uint32(x)}
+ }
+ // We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
+ // compression we first update the hash table at s-2 to s. If
+ // another emitCopy is not our next move, also calculate nextHash
+ // at s+1. At least on GOARCH=amd64, these three hash calculations
+ // are faster as one load64 call (with some shifts) instead of
+ // three load32 calls.
+ x := load6432(src, s-2)
+ o := e.cur + s - 2
+ prevHash := hash4u(uint32(x), bTableBits)
+ prevHash2 := hash4u(uint32(x>>8), bTableBits)
+ e.table[prevHash] = tableEntry{offset: o, val: uint32(x)}
+ e.table[prevHash2] = tableEntry{offset: o + 1, val: uint32(x >> 8)}
+ currHash := hash4u(uint32(x>>16), bTableBits)
+ candidate = e.table[currHash]
+ e.table[currHash] = tableEntry{offset: o + 2, val: uint32(x >> 16)}
+ offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
+ if offset > maxMatchOffset || uint32(x>>16) != candidate.val {
+ cv = uint32(x >> 24)
+ s++
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
+ // If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
+ if dst.n == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level3.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level3.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a3ff9b6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level3.go
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+package flate
+import "fmt"
+// fastEncL3
+type fastEncL3 struct {
+ fastGen
+ table [tableSize]tableEntryPrev
+// Encode uses a similar algorithm to level 2, will check up to two candidates.
+func (e *fastEncL3) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
+ const (
+ inputMargin = 8 - 1
+ minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
+ )
+ if debugDecode && e.cur < 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
+ }
+ // Protect against e.cur wraparound.
+ for e.cur >= bufferReset {
+ if len(e.hist) == 0 {
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ e.table[i] = tableEntryPrev{}
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ break
+ }
+ // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
+ minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ v := e.table[i]
+ if v.Cur.offset <= minOff {
+ v.Cur.offset = 0
+ } else {
+ v.Cur.offset = v.Cur.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ if v.Prev.offset <= minOff {
+ v.Prev.offset = 0
+ } else {
+ v.Prev.offset = v.Prev.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ e.table[i] = v
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ s := e.addBlock(src)
+ // Skip if too small.
+ if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
+ // We do not fill the token table.
+ // This will be picked up by caller.
+ dst.n = uint16(len(src))
+ return
+ }
+ // Override src
+ src = e.hist
+ nextEmit := s
+ // sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
+ // lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
+ // looking for copies.
+ sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
+ // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
+ cv := load3232(src, s)
+ for {
+ const skipLog = 6
+ nextS := s
+ var candidate tableEntry
+ for {
+ nextHash := hash(cv)
+ s = nextS
+ nextS = s + 1 + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
+ if nextS > sLimit {
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ candidates := e.table[nextHash]
+ now := load3232(src, nextS)
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntryPrev{Prev: candidates.Cur, Cur: tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: cv}}
+ // Check both candidates
+ candidate = candidates.Cur
+ offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
+ if cv == candidate.val {
+ if offset > maxMatchOffset {
+ cv = now
+ // Previous will also be invalid, we have nothing.
+ continue
+ }
+ o2 := s - (candidates.Prev.offset - e.cur)
+ if cv != candidates.Prev.val || o2 > maxMatchOffset {
+ break
+ }
+ // Both match and are valid, pick longest.
+ l1, l2 := matchLen(src[s+4:], src[s-offset+4:]), matchLen(src[s+4:], src[s-o2+4:])
+ if l2 > l1 {
+ candidate = candidates.Prev
+ }
+ break
+ } else {
+ // We only check if value mismatches.
+ // Offset will always be invalid in other cases.
+ candidate = candidates.Prev
+ if cv == candidate.val {
+ offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
+ if offset <= maxMatchOffset {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cv = now
+ }
+ // Call emitCopy, and then see if another emitCopy could be our next
+ // move. Repeat until we find no match for the input immediately after
+ // what was consumed by the last emitCopy call.
+ //
+ // If we exit this loop normally then we need to call emitLiteral next,
+ // though we don't yet know how big the literal will be. We handle that
+ // by proceeding to the next iteration of the main loop. We also can
+ // exit this loop via goto if we get close to exhausting the input.
+ for {
+ // Invariant: we have a 4-byte match at s, and no need to emit any
+ // literal bytes prior to s.
+ // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
+ //
+ t := candidate.offset - e.cur
+ l := e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
+ // Extend backwards
+ for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
+ s--
+ t--
+ l++
+ }
+ if nextEmit < s {
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
+ }
+ dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
+ s += l
+ nextEmit = s
+ if nextS >= s {
+ s = nextS + 1
+ }
+ if s >= sLimit {
+ t += l
+ // Index first pair after match end.
+ if int(t+4) < len(src) && t > 0 {
+ cv := load3232(src, t)
+ nextHash := hash(cv)
+ e.table[nextHash] = tableEntryPrev{
+ Prev: e.table[nextHash].Cur,
+ Cur: tableEntry{offset: e.cur + t, val: cv},
+ }
+ }
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ // We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
+ // compression we first update the hash table at s-3 to s.
+ x := load6432(src, s-3)
+ prevHash := hash(uint32(x))
+ e.table[prevHash] = tableEntryPrev{
+ Prev: e.table[prevHash].Cur,
+ Cur: tableEntry{offset: e.cur + s - 3, val: uint32(x)},
+ }
+ x >>= 8
+ prevHash = hash(uint32(x))
+ e.table[prevHash] = tableEntryPrev{
+ Prev: e.table[prevHash].Cur,
+ Cur: tableEntry{offset: e.cur + s - 2, val: uint32(x)},
+ }
+ x >>= 8
+ prevHash = hash(uint32(x))
+ e.table[prevHash] = tableEntryPrev{
+ Prev: e.table[prevHash].Cur,
+ Cur: tableEntry{offset: e.cur + s - 1, val: uint32(x)},
+ }
+ x >>= 8
+ currHash := hash(uint32(x))
+ candidates := e.table[currHash]
+ cv = uint32(x)
+ e.table[currHash] = tableEntryPrev{
+ Prev: candidates.Cur,
+ Cur: tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: cv},
+ }
+ // Check both candidates
+ candidate = candidates.Cur
+ if cv == candidate.val {
+ offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
+ if offset <= maxMatchOffset {
+ continue
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We only check if value mismatches.
+ // Offset will always be invalid in other cases.
+ candidate = candidates.Prev
+ if cv == candidate.val {
+ offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
+ if offset <= maxMatchOffset {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cv = uint32(x >> 8)
+ s++
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
+ // If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
+ if dst.n == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level4.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level4.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3ecc9c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level4.go
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+package flate
+import "fmt"
+type fastEncL4 struct {
+ fastGen
+ table [tableSize]tableEntry
+ bTable [tableSize]tableEntry
+func (e *fastEncL4) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
+ const (
+ inputMargin = 12 - 1
+ minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
+ )
+ if debugDecode && e.cur < 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
+ }
+ // Protect against e.cur wraparound.
+ for e.cur >= bufferReset {
+ if len(e.hist) == 0 {
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ e.table[i] = tableEntry{}
+ }
+ for i := range e.bTable[:] {
+ e.bTable[i] = tableEntry{}
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ break
+ }
+ // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
+ minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ v := e.table[i].offset
+ if v <= minOff {
+ v = 0
+ } else {
+ v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ e.table[i].offset = v
+ }
+ for i := range e.bTable[:] {
+ v := e.bTable[i].offset
+ if v <= minOff {
+ v = 0
+ } else {
+ v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ e.bTable[i].offset = v
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ s := e.addBlock(src)
+ // This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
+ // instead of the callee handles this case.
+ if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
+ // We do not fill the token table.
+ // This will be picked up by caller.
+ dst.n = uint16(len(src))
+ return
+ }
+ // Override src
+ src = e.hist
+ nextEmit := s
+ // sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
+ // lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
+ // looking for copies.
+ sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
+ // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
+ cv := load6432(src, s)
+ for {
+ const skipLog = 6
+ const doEvery = 1
+ nextS := s
+ var t int32
+ for {
+ nextHashS := hash4x64(cv, tableBits)
+ nextHashL := hash7(cv, tableBits)
+ s = nextS
+ nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
+ if nextS > sLimit {
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ // Fetch a short+long candidate
+ sCandidate := e.table[nextHashS]
+ lCandidate := e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ next := load6432(src, nextS)
+ entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}
+ e.table[nextHashS] = entry
+ e.bTable[nextHashL] = entry
+ t = lCandidate.offset - e.cur
+ if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == lCandidate.val {
+ // We got a long match. Use that.
+ break
+ }
+ t = sCandidate.offset - e.cur
+ if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == sCandidate.val {
+ // Found a 4 match...
+ lCandidate = e.bTable[hash7(next, tableBits)]
+ // If the next long is a candidate, check if we should use that instead...
+ lOff := nextS - (lCandidate.offset - e.cur)
+ if lOff < maxMatchOffset && lCandidate.val == uint32(next) {
+ l1, l2 := matchLen(src[s+4:], src[t+4:]), matchLen(src[nextS+4:], src[nextS-lOff+4:])
+ if l2 > l1 {
+ s = nextS
+ t = lCandidate.offset - e.cur
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ cv = next
+ }
+ // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
+ // match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
+ // them as literal bytes.
+ // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
+ l := e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
+ // Extend backwards
+ for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
+ s--
+ t--
+ l++
+ }
+ if nextEmit < s {
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
+ }
+ if false {
+ if t >= s {
+ panic("s-t")
+ }
+ if (s - t) > maxMatchOffset {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintln("mmo", t))
+ }
+ if l < baseMatchLength {
+ panic("bml")
+ }
+ }
+ dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
+ s += l
+ nextEmit = s
+ if nextS >= s {
+ s = nextS + 1
+ }
+ if s >= sLimit {
+ // Index first pair after match end.
+ if int(s+8) < len(src) {
+ cv := load6432(src, s)
+ e.table[hash4x64(cv, tableBits)] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}
+ e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}
+ }
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ // Store every 3rd hash in-between
+ if true {
+ i := nextS
+ if i < s-1 {
+ cv := load6432(src, i)
+ t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}
+ t2 := tableEntry{val: uint32(cv >> 8), offset: t.offset + 1}
+ e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)] = t
+ e.bTable[hash7(cv>>8, tableBits)] = t2
+ e.table[hash4u(t2.val, tableBits)] = t2
+ i += 3
+ for ; i < s-1; i += 3 {
+ cv := load6432(src, i)
+ t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}
+ t2 := tableEntry{val: uint32(cv >> 8), offset: t.offset + 1}
+ e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)] = t
+ e.bTable[hash7(cv>>8, tableBits)] = t2
+ e.table[hash4u(t2.val, tableBits)] = t2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
+ // compression we first update the hash table at s-1 and at s.
+ x := load6432(src, s-1)
+ o := e.cur + s - 1
+ prevHashS := hash4x64(x, tableBits)
+ prevHashL := hash7(x, tableBits)
+ e.table[prevHashS] = tableEntry{offset: o, val: uint32(x)}
+ e.bTable[prevHashL] = tableEntry{offset: o, val: uint32(x)}
+ cv = x >> 8
+ }
+ if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
+ // If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
+ if dst.n == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level5.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level5.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e3916825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level5.go
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+package flate
+import "fmt"
+type fastEncL5 struct {
+ fastGen
+ table [tableSize]tableEntry
+ bTable [tableSize]tableEntryPrev
+func (e *fastEncL5) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
+ const (
+ inputMargin = 12 - 1
+ minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
+ )
+ if debugDecode && e.cur < 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
+ }
+ // Protect against e.cur wraparound.
+ for e.cur >= bufferReset {
+ if len(e.hist) == 0 {
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ e.table[i] = tableEntry{}
+ }
+ for i := range e.bTable[:] {
+ e.bTable[i] = tableEntryPrev{}
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ break
+ }
+ // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
+ minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ v := e.table[i].offset
+ if v <= minOff {
+ v = 0
+ } else {
+ v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ e.table[i].offset = v
+ }
+ for i := range e.bTable[:] {
+ v := e.bTable[i]
+ if v.Cur.offset <= minOff {
+ v.Cur.offset = 0
+ v.Prev.offset = 0
+ } else {
+ v.Cur.offset = v.Cur.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ if v.Prev.offset <= minOff {
+ v.Prev.offset = 0
+ } else {
+ v.Prev.offset = v.Prev.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ }
+ e.bTable[i] = v
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ s := e.addBlock(src)
+ // This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
+ // instead of the callee handles this case.
+ if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
+ // We do not fill the token table.
+ // This will be picked up by caller.
+ dst.n = uint16(len(src))
+ return
+ }
+ // Override src
+ src = e.hist
+ nextEmit := s
+ // sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
+ // lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
+ // looking for copies.
+ sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
+ // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
+ cv := load6432(src, s)
+ for {
+ const skipLog = 6
+ const doEvery = 1
+ nextS := s
+ var l int32
+ var t int32
+ for {
+ nextHashS := hash4x64(cv, tableBits)
+ nextHashL := hash7(cv, tableBits)
+ s = nextS
+ nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
+ if nextS > sLimit {
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ // Fetch a short+long candidate
+ sCandidate := e.table[nextHashS]
+ lCandidate := e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ next := load6432(src, nextS)
+ entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}
+ e.table[nextHashS] = entry
+ eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = entry, eLong.Cur
+ nextHashS = hash4x64(next, tableBits)
+ nextHashL = hash7(next, tableBits)
+ t = lCandidate.Cur.offset - e.cur
+ if s-t < maxMatchOffset {
+ if uint32(cv) == lCandidate.Cur.val {
+ // Store the next match
+ e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}
+ eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}, eLong.Cur
+ t2 := lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
+ if s-t2 < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == lCandidate.Prev.val {
+ l = e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
+ ml1 := e.matchlen(s+4, t2+4, src) + 4
+ if ml1 > l {
+ t = t2
+ l = ml1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ t = lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
+ if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == lCandidate.Prev.val {
+ // Store the next match
+ e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}
+ eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}, eLong.Cur
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ t = sCandidate.offset - e.cur
+ if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == sCandidate.val {
+ // Found a 4 match...
+ l = e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
+ lCandidate = e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ // Store the next match
+ e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}
+ eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}, eLong.Cur
+ // If the next long is a candidate, use that...
+ t2 := lCandidate.Cur.offset - e.cur
+ if nextS-t2 < maxMatchOffset {
+ if lCandidate.Cur.val == uint32(next) {
+ ml := e.matchlen(nextS+4, t2+4, src) + 4
+ if ml > l {
+ t = t2
+ s = nextS
+ l = ml
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // If the previous long is a candidate, use that...
+ t2 = lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
+ if nextS-t2 < maxMatchOffset && lCandidate.Prev.val == uint32(next) {
+ ml := e.matchlen(nextS+4, t2+4, src) + 4
+ if ml > l {
+ t = t2
+ s = nextS
+ l = ml
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ cv = next
+ }
+ // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
+ // match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
+ // them as literal bytes.
+ // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
+ if l == 0 {
+ l = e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
+ } else if l == maxMatchLength {
+ l += e.matchlenLong(s+l, t+l, src)
+ }
+ // Extend backwards
+ for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
+ s--
+ t--
+ l++
+ }
+ if nextEmit < s {
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
+ }
+ if false {
+ if t >= s {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintln("s-t", s, t))
+ }
+ if (s - t) > maxMatchOffset {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintln("mmo", s-t))
+ }
+ if l < baseMatchLength {
+ panic("bml")
+ }
+ }
+ dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
+ s += l
+ nextEmit = s
+ if nextS >= s {
+ s = nextS + 1
+ }
+ if s >= sLimit {
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ // Store every 3rd hash in-between.
+ if true {
+ const hashEvery = 3
+ i := s - l + 1
+ if i < s-1 {
+ cv := load6432(src, i)
+ t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}
+ e.table[hash4x64(cv, tableBits)] = t
+ eLong := &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = t, eLong.Cur
+ // Do an long at i+1
+ cv >>= 8
+ t = tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1, val: uint32(cv)}
+ eLong = &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = t, eLong.Cur
+ // We only have enough bits for a short entry at i+2
+ cv >>= 8
+ t = tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1, val: uint32(cv)}
+ e.table[hash4x64(cv, tableBits)] = t
+ // Skip one - otherwise we risk hitting 's'
+ i += 4
+ for ; i < s-1; i += hashEvery {
+ cv := load6432(src, i)
+ t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}
+ t2 := tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1, val: uint32(cv >> 8)}
+ eLong := &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = t, eLong.Cur
+ e.table[hash4u(t2.val, tableBits)] = t2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
+ // compression we first update the hash table at s-1 and at s.
+ x := load6432(src, s-1)
+ o := e.cur + s - 1
+ prevHashS := hash4x64(x, tableBits)
+ prevHashL := hash7(x, tableBits)
+ e.table[prevHashS] = tableEntry{offset: o, val: uint32(x)}
+ eLong := &e.bTable[prevHashL]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: o, val: uint32(x)}, eLong.Cur
+ cv = x >> 8
+ }
+ if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
+ // If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
+ if dst.n == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level6.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level6.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00a311977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/level6.go
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+package flate
+import "fmt"
+type fastEncL6 struct {
+ fastGen
+ table [tableSize]tableEntry
+ bTable [tableSize]tableEntryPrev
+func (e *fastEncL6) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
+ const (
+ inputMargin = 12 - 1
+ minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
+ )
+ if debugDecode && e.cur < 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
+ }
+ // Protect against e.cur wraparound.
+ for e.cur >= bufferReset {
+ if len(e.hist) == 0 {
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ e.table[i] = tableEntry{}
+ }
+ for i := range e.bTable[:] {
+ e.bTable[i] = tableEntryPrev{}
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ break
+ }
+ // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
+ minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
+ for i := range e.table[:] {
+ v := e.table[i].offset
+ if v <= minOff {
+ v = 0
+ } else {
+ v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ e.table[i].offset = v
+ }
+ for i := range e.bTable[:] {
+ v := e.bTable[i]
+ if v.Cur.offset <= minOff {
+ v.Cur.offset = 0
+ v.Prev.offset = 0
+ } else {
+ v.Cur.offset = v.Cur.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ if v.Prev.offset <= minOff {
+ v.Prev.offset = 0
+ } else {
+ v.Prev.offset = v.Prev.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ }
+ e.bTable[i] = v
+ }
+ e.cur = maxMatchOffset
+ }
+ s := e.addBlock(src)
+ // This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
+ // instead of the callee handles this case.
+ if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
+ // We do not fill the token table.
+ // This will be picked up by caller.
+ dst.n = uint16(len(src))
+ return
+ }
+ // Override src
+ src = e.hist
+ nextEmit := s
+ // sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
+ // lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
+ // looking for copies.
+ sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
+ // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
+ cv := load6432(src, s)
+ // Repeat MUST be > 1 and within range
+ repeat := int32(1)
+ for {
+ const skipLog = 7
+ const doEvery = 1
+ nextS := s
+ var l int32
+ var t int32
+ for {
+ nextHashS := hash4x64(cv, tableBits)
+ nextHashL := hash7(cv, tableBits)
+ s = nextS
+ nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
+ if nextS > sLimit {
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ // Fetch a short+long candidate
+ sCandidate := e.table[nextHashS]
+ lCandidate := e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ next := load6432(src, nextS)
+ entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}
+ e.table[nextHashS] = entry
+ eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = entry, eLong.Cur
+ // Calculate hashes of 'next'
+ nextHashS = hash4x64(next, tableBits)
+ nextHashL = hash7(next, tableBits)
+ t = lCandidate.Cur.offset - e.cur
+ if s-t < maxMatchOffset {
+ if uint32(cv) == lCandidate.Cur.val {
+ // Long candidate matches at least 4 bytes.
+ // Store the next match
+ e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}
+ eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}, eLong.Cur
+ // Check the previous long candidate as well.
+ t2 := lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
+ if s-t2 < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == lCandidate.Prev.val {
+ l = e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
+ ml1 := e.matchlen(s+4, t2+4, src) + 4
+ if ml1 > l {
+ t = t2
+ l = ml1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ // Current value did not match, but check if previous long value does.
+ t = lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
+ if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == lCandidate.Prev.val {
+ // Store the next match
+ e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}
+ eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}, eLong.Cur
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ t = sCandidate.offset - e.cur
+ if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == sCandidate.val {
+ // Found a 4 match...
+ l = e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
+ // Look up next long candidate (at nextS)
+ lCandidate = e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ // Store the next match
+ e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}
+ eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur, val: uint32(next)}, eLong.Cur
+ // Check repeat at s + repOff
+ const repOff = 1
+ t2 := s - repeat + repOff
+ if load3232(src, t2) == uint32(cv>>(8*repOff)) {
+ ml := e.matchlen(s+4+repOff, t2+4, src) + 4
+ if ml > l {
+ t = t2
+ l = ml
+ s += repOff
+ // Not worth checking more.
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // If the next long is a candidate, use that...
+ t2 = lCandidate.Cur.offset - e.cur
+ if nextS-t2 < maxMatchOffset {
+ if lCandidate.Cur.val == uint32(next) {
+ ml := e.matchlen(nextS+4, t2+4, src) + 4
+ if ml > l {
+ t = t2
+ s = nextS
+ l = ml
+ // This is ok, but check previous as well.
+ }
+ }
+ // If the previous long is a candidate, use that...
+ t2 = lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
+ if nextS-t2 < maxMatchOffset && lCandidate.Prev.val == uint32(next) {
+ ml := e.matchlen(nextS+4, t2+4, src) + 4
+ if ml > l {
+ t = t2
+ s = nextS
+ l = ml
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ cv = next
+ }
+ // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
+ // match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
+ // them as literal bytes.
+ // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
+ if l == 0 {
+ l = e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
+ } else if l == maxMatchLength {
+ l += e.matchlenLong(s+l, t+l, src)
+ }
+ // Extend backwards
+ for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
+ s--
+ t--
+ l++
+ }
+ if nextEmit < s {
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
+ }
+ if false {
+ if t >= s {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintln("s-t", s, t))
+ }
+ if (s - t) > maxMatchOffset {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintln("mmo", s-t))
+ }
+ if l < baseMatchLength {
+ panic("bml")
+ }
+ }
+ dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
+ repeat = s - t
+ s += l
+ nextEmit = s
+ if nextS >= s {
+ s = nextS + 1
+ }
+ if s >= sLimit {
+ // Index after match end.
+ for i := nextS + 1; i < int32(len(src))-8; i += 2 {
+ cv := load6432(src, i)
+ e.table[hash4x64(cv, tableBits)] = tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}
+ eLong := &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}, eLong.Cur
+ }
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ // Store every long hash in-between and every second short.
+ if true {
+ for i := nextS + 1; i < s-1; i += 2 {
+ cv := load6432(src, i)
+ t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)}
+ t2 := tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1, val: uint32(cv >> 8)}
+ eLong := &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
+ eLong2 := &e.bTable[hash7(cv>>8, tableBits)]
+ e.table[hash4x64(cv, tableBits)] = t
+ eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = t, eLong.Cur
+ eLong2.Cur, eLong2.Prev = t2, eLong2.Cur
+ }
+ }
+ // We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
+ // compression we first update the hash table at s-1 and at s.
+ cv = load6432(src, s)
+ }
+ if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
+ // If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
+ if dst.n == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/stateless.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/stateless.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53e899124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/stateless.go
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+package flate
+import (
+ "io"
+ "math"
+ "sync"
+const (
+ maxStatelessBlock = math.MaxInt16
+ // dictionary will be taken from maxStatelessBlock, so limit it.
+ maxStatelessDict = 8 << 10
+ slTableBits = 13
+ slTableSize = 1 << slTableBits
+ slTableShift = 32 - slTableBits
+type statelessWriter struct {
+ dst io.Writer
+ closed bool
+func (s *statelessWriter) Close() error {
+ if s.closed {
+ return nil
+ }
+ s.closed = true
+ // Emit EOF block
+ return StatelessDeflate(s.dst, nil, true, nil)
+func (s *statelessWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ err = StatelessDeflate(s.dst, p, false, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ return len(p), nil
+func (s *statelessWriter) Reset(w io.Writer) {
+ s.dst = w
+ s.closed = false
+// NewStatelessWriter will do compression but without maintaining any state
+// between Write calls.
+// There will be no memory kept between Write calls,
+// but compression and speed will be suboptimal.
+// Because of this, the size of actual Write calls will affect output size.
+func NewStatelessWriter(dst io.Writer) io.WriteCloser {
+ return &statelessWriter{dst: dst}
+// bitWriterPool contains bit writers that can be reused.
+var bitWriterPool = sync.Pool{
+ New: func() interface{} {
+ return newHuffmanBitWriter(nil)
+ },
+// StatelessDeflate allows to compress directly to a Writer without retaining state.
+// When returning everything will be flushed.
+// Up to 8KB of an optional dictionary can be given which is presumed to presumed to precede the block.
+// Longer dictionaries will be truncated and will still produce valid output.
+// Sending nil dictionary is perfectly fine.
+func StatelessDeflate(out io.Writer, in []byte, eof bool, dict []byte) error {
+ var dst tokens
+ bw := bitWriterPool.Get().(*huffmanBitWriter)
+ bw.reset(out)
+ defer func() {
+ // don't keep a reference to our output
+ bw.reset(nil)
+ bitWriterPool.Put(bw)
+ }()
+ if eof && len(in) == 0 {
+ // Just write an EOF block.
+ // Could be faster...
+ bw.writeStoredHeader(0, true)
+ bw.flush()
+ return bw.err
+ }
+ // Truncate dict
+ if len(dict) > maxStatelessDict {
+ dict = dict[len(dict)-maxStatelessDict:]
+ }
+ for len(in) > 0 {
+ todo := in
+ if len(todo) > maxStatelessBlock-len(dict) {
+ todo = todo[:maxStatelessBlock-len(dict)]
+ }
+ in = in[len(todo):]
+ uncompressed := todo
+ if len(dict) > 0 {
+ // combine dict and source
+ bufLen := len(todo) + len(dict)
+ combined := make([]byte, bufLen)
+ copy(combined, dict)
+ copy(combined[len(dict):], todo)
+ todo = combined
+ }
+ // Compress
+ statelessEnc(&dst, todo, int16(len(dict)))
+ isEof := eof && len(in) == 0
+ if dst.n == 0 {
+ bw.writeStoredHeader(len(uncompressed), isEof)
+ if bw.err != nil {
+ return bw.err
+ }
+ bw.writeBytes(uncompressed)
+ } else if int(dst.n) > len(uncompressed)-len(uncompressed)>>4 {
+ // If we removed less than 1/16th, huffman compress the block.
+ bw.writeBlockHuff(isEof, uncompressed, len(in) == 0)
+ } else {
+ bw.writeBlockDynamic(&dst, isEof, uncompressed, len(in) == 0)
+ }
+ if len(in) > 0 {
+ // Retain a dict if we have more
+ dict = todo[len(todo)-maxStatelessDict:]
+ dst.Reset()
+ }
+ if bw.err != nil {
+ return bw.err
+ }
+ }
+ if !eof {
+ // Align, only a stored block can do that.
+ bw.writeStoredHeader(0, false)
+ }
+ bw.flush()
+ return bw.err
+func hashSL(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return (u * 0x1e35a7bd) >> slTableShift
+func load3216(b []byte, i int16) uint32 {
+ // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the read so it can be done in a single read.
+ b = b[i:]
+ b = b[:4]
+ return uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
+func load6416(b []byte, i int16) uint64 {
+ // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the read so it can be done in a single read.
+ b = b[i:]
+ b = b[:8]
+ return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 |
+ uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56
+func statelessEnc(dst *tokens, src []byte, startAt int16) {
+ const (
+ inputMargin = 12 - 1
+ minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
+ )
+ type tableEntry struct {
+ offset int16
+ }
+ var table [slTableSize]tableEntry
+ // This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
+ // instead of the callee handles this case.
+ if len(src)-int(startAt) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
+ // We do not fill the token table.
+ // This will be picked up by caller.
+ dst.n = 0
+ return
+ }
+ // Index until startAt
+ if startAt > 0 {
+ cv := load3232(src, 0)
+ for i := int16(0); i < startAt; i++ {
+ table[hashSL(cv)] = tableEntry{offset: i}
+ cv = (cv >> 8) | (uint32(src[i+4]) << 24)
+ }
+ }
+ s := startAt + 1
+ nextEmit := startAt
+ // sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
+ // lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
+ // looking for copies.
+ sLimit := int16(len(src) - inputMargin)
+ // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
+ cv := load3216(src, s)
+ for {
+ const skipLog = 5
+ const doEvery = 2
+ nextS := s
+ var candidate tableEntry
+ for {
+ nextHash := hashSL(cv)
+ candidate = table[nextHash]
+ nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
+ if nextS > sLimit || nextS <= 0 {
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ now := load6416(src, nextS)
+ table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s}
+ nextHash = hashSL(uint32(now))
+ if cv == load3216(src, candidate.offset) {
+ table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: nextS}
+ break
+ }
+ // Do one right away...
+ cv = uint32(now)
+ s = nextS
+ nextS++
+ candidate = table[nextHash]
+ now >>= 8
+ table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s}
+ if cv == load3216(src, candidate.offset) {
+ table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: nextS}
+ break
+ }
+ cv = uint32(now)
+ s = nextS
+ }
+ // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
+ // match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
+ // them as literal bytes.
+ for {
+ // Invariant: we have a 4-byte match at s, and no need to emit any
+ // literal bytes prior to s.
+ // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
+ t := candidate.offset
+ l := int16(matchLen(src[s+4:], src[t+4:]) + 4)
+ // Extend backwards
+ for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
+ s--
+ t--
+ l++
+ }
+ if nextEmit < s {
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
+ }
+ // Save the match found
+ dst.AddMatchLong(int32(l), uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
+ s += l
+ nextEmit = s
+ if nextS >= s {
+ s = nextS + 1
+ }
+ if s >= sLimit {
+ goto emitRemainder
+ }
+ // We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
+ // compression we first update the hash table at s-2 and at s. If
+ // another emitCopy is not our next move, also calculate nextHash
+ // at s+1. At least on GOARCH=amd64, these three hash calculations
+ // are faster as one load64 call (with some shifts) instead of
+ // three load32 calls.
+ x := load6416(src, s-2)
+ o := s - 2
+ prevHash := hashSL(uint32(x))
+ table[prevHash] = tableEntry{offset: o}
+ x >>= 16
+ currHash := hashSL(uint32(x))
+ candidate = table[currHash]
+ table[currHash] = tableEntry{offset: o + 2}
+ if uint32(x) != load3216(src, candidate.offset) {
+ cv = uint32(x >> 8)
+ s++
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
+ // If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
+ if dst.n == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/token.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/token.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..099c0ddbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/flate/token.go
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package flate
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "math"
+const (
+ // 2 bits: type 0 = literal 1=EOF 2=Match 3=Unused
+ // 8 bits: xlength = length - MIN_MATCH_LENGTH
+ // 22 bits xoffset = offset - MIN_OFFSET_SIZE, or literal
+ lengthShift = 22
+ offsetMask = 1<maxnumlit
+ offHist [32]uint16 // offset codes
+ litHist [256]uint16 // codes 0->255
+ n uint16 // Must be able to contain maxStoreBlockSize
+ tokens [maxStoreBlockSize + 1]token
+func (t *tokens) Reset() {
+ if t.n == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ t.n = 0
+ t.nLits = 0
+ for i := range t.litHist[:] {
+ t.litHist[i] = 0
+ }
+ for i := range t.extraHist[:] {
+ t.extraHist[i] = 0
+ }
+ for i := range t.offHist[:] {
+ t.offHist[i] = 0
+ }
+func (t *tokens) Fill() {
+ if t.n == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ for i, v := range t.litHist[:] {
+ if v == 0 {
+ t.litHist[i] = 1
+ t.nLits++
+ }
+ }
+ for i, v := range t.extraHist[:literalCount-256] {
+ if v == 0 {
+ t.nLits++
+ t.extraHist[i] = 1
+ }
+ }
+ for i, v := range t.offHist[:offsetCodeCount] {
+ if v == 0 {
+ t.offHist[i] = 1
+ }
+ }
+func indexTokens(in []token) tokens {
+ var t tokens
+ t.indexTokens(in)
+ return t
+func (t *tokens) indexTokens(in []token) {
+ t.Reset()
+ for _, tok := range in {
+ if tok < matchType {
+ t.AddLiteral(tok.literal())
+ continue
+ }
+ t.AddMatch(uint32(tok.length()), tok.offset())
+ }
+// emitLiteral writes a literal chunk and returns the number of bytes written.
+func emitLiteral(dst *tokens, lit []byte) {
+ ol := int(dst.n)
+ for i, v := range lit {
+ dst.tokens[(i+ol)&maxStoreBlockSize] = token(v)
+ dst.litHist[v]++
+ }
+ dst.n += uint16(len(lit))
+ dst.nLits += len(lit)
+func (t *tokens) AddLiteral(lit byte) {
+ t.tokens[t.n] = token(lit)
+ t.litHist[lit]++
+ t.n++
+ t.nLits++
+// from https://stackoverflow.com/a/28730362
+func mFastLog2(val float32) float32 {
+ ux := int32(math.Float32bits(val))
+ log2 := (float32)(((ux >> 23) & 255) - 128)
+ ux &= -0x7f800001
+ ux += 127 << 23
+ uval := math.Float32frombits(uint32(ux))
+ log2 += ((-0.34484843)*uval+2.02466578)*uval - 0.67487759
+ return log2
+// EstimatedBits will return an minimum size estimated by an *optimal*
+// compression of the block.
+// The size of the block
+func (t *tokens) EstimatedBits() int {
+ shannon := float32(0)
+ bits := int(0)
+ nMatches := 0
+ if t.nLits > 0 {
+ invTotal := 1.0 / float32(t.nLits)
+ for _, v := range t.litHist[:] {
+ if v > 0 {
+ n := float32(v)
+ shannon += -mFastLog2(n*invTotal) * n
+ }
+ }
+ // Just add 15 for EOB
+ shannon += 15
+ for i, v := range t.extraHist[1 : literalCount-256] {
+ if v > 0 {
+ n := float32(v)
+ shannon += -mFastLog2(n*invTotal) * n
+ bits += int(lengthExtraBits[i&31]) * int(v)
+ nMatches += int(v)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if nMatches > 0 {
+ invTotal := 1.0 / float32(nMatches)
+ for i, v := range t.offHist[:offsetCodeCount] {
+ if v > 0 {
+ n := float32(v)
+ shannon += -mFastLog2(n*invTotal) * n
+ bits += int(offsetExtraBits[i&31]) * int(v)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return int(shannon) + bits
+// AddMatch adds a match to the tokens.
+// This function is very sensitive to inlining and right on the border.
+func (t *tokens) AddMatch(xlength uint32, xoffset uint32) {
+ if debugDecode {
+ if xlength >= maxMatchLength+baseMatchLength {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid length: %v", xlength))
+ }
+ if xoffset >= maxMatchOffset+baseMatchOffset {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid offset: %v", xoffset))
+ }
+ }
+ t.nLits++
+ lengthCode := lengthCodes1[uint8(xlength)] & 31
+ t.tokens[t.n] = token(matchType | xlength<= maxMatchOffset+baseMatchOffset {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid offset: %v", xoffset))
+ }
+ }
+ oc := offsetCode(xoffset) & 31
+ for xlength > 0 {
+ xl := xlength
+ if xl > 258 {
+ // We need to have at least baseMatchLength left over for next loop.
+ xl = 258 - baseMatchLength
+ }
+ xlength -= xl
+ xl -= 3
+ t.nLits++
+ lengthCode := lengthCodes1[uint8(xl)] & 31
+ t.tokens[t.n] = token(matchType | uint32(xl)<> lengthShift) }
+// The code is never more than 8 bits, but is returned as uint32 for convenience.
+func lengthCode(len uint8) uint32 { return uint32(lengthCodes[len]) }
+// Returns the offset code corresponding to a specific offset
+func offsetCode(off uint32) uint32 {
+ if false {
+ if off < uint32(len(offsetCodes)) {
+ return offsetCodes[off&255]
+ } else if off>>7 < uint32(len(offsetCodes)) {
+ return offsetCodes[(off>>7)&255] + 14
+ } else {
+ return offsetCodes[(off>>14)&255] + 28
+ }
+ }
+ if off < uint32(len(offsetCodes)) {
+ return offsetCodes[uint8(off)]
+ }
+ return offsetCodes14[uint8(off>>7)]
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/gzip/gunzip.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/gzip/gunzip.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..568b5d4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/gzip/gunzip.go
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package gzip implements reading and writing of gzip format compressed files,
+// as specified in RFC 1952.
+package gzip
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "errors"
+ "hash/crc32"
+ "io"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/klauspost/compress/flate"
+const (
+ gzipID1 = 0x1f
+ gzipID2 = 0x8b
+ gzipDeflate = 8
+ flagText = 1 << 0
+ flagHdrCrc = 1 << 1
+ flagExtra = 1 << 2
+ flagName = 1 << 3
+ flagComment = 1 << 4
+var (
+ // ErrChecksum is returned when reading GZIP data that has an invalid checksum.
+ ErrChecksum = errors.New("gzip: invalid checksum")
+ // ErrHeader is returned when reading GZIP data that has an invalid header.
+ ErrHeader = errors.New("gzip: invalid header")
+var le = binary.LittleEndian
+// noEOF converts io.EOF to io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.
+func noEOF(err error) error {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ return err
+// The gzip file stores a header giving metadata about the compressed file.
+// That header is exposed as the fields of the Writer and Reader structs.
+// Strings must be UTF-8 encoded and may only contain Unicode code points
+// U+0001 through U+00FF, due to limitations of the GZIP file format.
+type Header struct {
+ Comment string // comment
+ Extra []byte // "extra data"
+ ModTime time.Time // modification time
+ Name string // file name
+ OS byte // operating system type
+// A Reader is an io.Reader that can be read to retrieve
+// uncompressed data from a gzip-format compressed file.
+// In general, a gzip file can be a concatenation of gzip files,
+// each with its own header. Reads from the Reader
+// return the concatenation of the uncompressed data of each.
+// Only the first header is recorded in the Reader fields.
+// Gzip files store a length and checksum of the uncompressed data.
+// The Reader will return a ErrChecksum when Read
+// reaches the end of the uncompressed data if it does not
+// have the expected length or checksum. Clients should treat data
+// returned by Read as tentative until they receive the io.EOF
+// marking the end of the data.
+type Reader struct {
+ Header // valid after NewReader or Reader.Reset
+ r flate.Reader
+ decompressor io.ReadCloser
+ digest uint32 // CRC-32, IEEE polynomial (section 8)
+ size uint32 // Uncompressed size (section 2.3.1)
+ buf [512]byte
+ err error
+ multistream bool
+// NewReader creates a new Reader reading the given reader.
+// If r does not also implement io.ByteReader,
+// the decompressor may read more data than necessary from r.
+// It is the caller's responsibility to call Close on the Reader when done.
+// The Reader.Header fields will be valid in the Reader returned.
+func NewReader(r io.Reader) (*Reader, error) {
+ z := new(Reader)
+ if err := z.Reset(r); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return z, nil
+// Reset discards the Reader z's state and makes it equivalent to the
+// result of its original state from NewReader, but reading from r instead.
+// This permits reusing a Reader rather than allocating a new one.
+func (z *Reader) Reset(r io.Reader) error {
+ *z = Reader{
+ decompressor: z.decompressor,
+ multistream: true,
+ }
+ if rr, ok := r.(flate.Reader); ok {
+ z.r = rr
+ } else {
+ z.r = bufio.NewReader(r)
+ }
+ z.Header, z.err = z.readHeader()
+ return z.err
+// Multistream controls whether the reader supports multistream files.
+// If enabled (the default), the Reader expects the input to be a sequence
+// of individually gzipped data streams, each with its own header and
+// trailer, ending at EOF. The effect is that the concatenation of a sequence
+// of gzipped files is treated as equivalent to the gzip of the concatenation
+// of the sequence. This is standard behavior for gzip readers.
+// Calling Multistream(false) disables this behavior; disabling the behavior
+// can be useful when reading file formats that distinguish individual gzip
+// data streams or mix gzip data streams with other data streams.
+// In this mode, when the Reader reaches the end of the data stream,
+// Read returns io.EOF. If the underlying reader implements io.ByteReader,
+// it will be left positioned just after the gzip stream.
+// To start the next stream, call z.Reset(r) followed by z.Multistream(false).
+// If there is no next stream, z.Reset(r) will return io.EOF.
+func (z *Reader) Multistream(ok bool) {
+ z.multistream = ok
+// readString reads a NUL-terminated string from z.r.
+// It treats the bytes read as being encoded as ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) and
+// will output a string encoded using UTF-8.
+// This method always updates z.digest with the data read.
+func (z *Reader) readString() (string, error) {
+ var err error
+ needConv := false
+ for i := 0; ; i++ {
+ if i >= len(z.buf) {
+ return "", ErrHeader
+ }
+ z.buf[i], err = z.r.ReadByte()
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ if z.buf[i] > 0x7f {
+ needConv = true
+ }
+ if z.buf[i] == 0 {
+ // Digest covers the NUL terminator.
+ z.digest = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, z.buf[:i+1])
+ // Strings are ISO 8859-1, Latin-1 (RFC 1952, section 2.3.1).
+ if needConv {
+ s := make([]rune, 0, i)
+ for _, v := range z.buf[:i] {
+ s = append(s, rune(v))
+ }
+ return string(s), nil
+ }
+ return string(z.buf[:i]), nil
+ }
+ }
+// readHeader reads the GZIP header according to section 2.3.1.
+// This method does not set z.err.
+func (z *Reader) readHeader() (hdr Header, err error) {
+ if _, err = io.ReadFull(z.r, z.buf[:10]); err != nil {
+ // RFC 1952, section 2.2, says the following:
+ // A gzip file consists of a series of "members" (compressed data sets).
+ //
+ // Other than this, the specification does not clarify whether a
+ // "series" is defined as "one or more" or "zero or more". To err on the
+ // side of caution, Go interprets this to mean "zero or more".
+ // Thus, it is okay to return io.EOF here.
+ return hdr, err
+ }
+ if z.buf[0] != gzipID1 || z.buf[1] != gzipID2 || z.buf[2] != gzipDeflate {
+ return hdr, ErrHeader
+ }
+ flg := z.buf[3]
+ hdr.ModTime = time.Unix(int64(le.Uint32(z.buf[4:8])), 0)
+ // z.buf[8] is XFL and is currently ignored.
+ hdr.OS = z.buf[9]
+ z.digest = crc32.ChecksumIEEE(z.buf[:10])
+ if flg&flagExtra != 0 {
+ if _, err = io.ReadFull(z.r, z.buf[:2]); err != nil {
+ return hdr, noEOF(err)
+ }
+ z.digest = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, z.buf[:2])
+ data := make([]byte, le.Uint16(z.buf[:2]))
+ if _, err = io.ReadFull(z.r, data); err != nil {
+ return hdr, noEOF(err)
+ }
+ z.digest = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, data)
+ hdr.Extra = data
+ }
+ var s string
+ if flg&flagName != 0 {
+ if s, err = z.readString(); err != nil {
+ return hdr, err
+ }
+ hdr.Name = s
+ }
+ if flg&flagComment != 0 {
+ if s, err = z.readString(); err != nil {
+ return hdr, err
+ }
+ hdr.Comment = s
+ }
+ if flg&flagHdrCrc != 0 {
+ if _, err = io.ReadFull(z.r, z.buf[:2]); err != nil {
+ return hdr, noEOF(err)
+ }
+ digest := le.Uint16(z.buf[:2])
+ if digest != uint16(z.digest) {
+ return hdr, ErrHeader
+ }
+ }
+ z.digest = 0
+ if z.decompressor == nil {
+ z.decompressor = flate.NewReader(z.r)
+ } else {
+ z.decompressor.(flate.Resetter).Reset(z.r, nil)
+ }
+ return hdr, nil
+// Read implements io.Reader, reading uncompressed bytes from its underlying Reader.
+func (z *Reader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if z.err != nil {
+ return 0, z.err
+ }
+ n, z.err = z.decompressor.Read(p)
+ z.digest = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, p[:n])
+ z.size += uint32(n)
+ if z.err != io.EOF {
+ // In the normal case we return here.
+ return n, z.err
+ }
+ // Finished file; check checksum and size.
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(z.r, z.buf[:8]); err != nil {
+ z.err = noEOF(err)
+ return n, z.err
+ }
+ digest := le.Uint32(z.buf[:4])
+ size := le.Uint32(z.buf[4:8])
+ if digest != z.digest || size != z.size {
+ z.err = ErrChecksum
+ return n, z.err
+ }
+ z.digest, z.size = 0, 0
+ // File is ok; check if there is another.
+ if !z.multistream {
+ return n, io.EOF
+ }
+ z.err = nil // Remove io.EOF
+ if _, z.err = z.readHeader(); z.err != nil {
+ return n, z.err
+ }
+ // Read from next file, if necessary.
+ if n > 0 {
+ return n, nil
+ }
+ return z.Read(p)
+// Support the io.WriteTo interface for io.Copy and friends.
+func (z *Reader) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
+ total := int64(0)
+ crcWriter := crc32.NewIEEE()
+ for {
+ if z.err != nil {
+ if z.err == io.EOF {
+ return total, nil
+ }
+ return total, z.err
+ }
+ // We write both to output and digest.
+ mw := io.MultiWriter(w, crcWriter)
+ n, err := z.decompressor.(io.WriterTo).WriteTo(mw)
+ total += n
+ z.size += uint32(n)
+ if err != nil {
+ z.err = err
+ return total, z.err
+ }
+ // Finished file; check checksum + size.
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(z.r, z.buf[0:8]); err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ z.err = err
+ return total, err
+ }
+ z.digest = crcWriter.Sum32()
+ digest := le.Uint32(z.buf[:4])
+ size := le.Uint32(z.buf[4:8])
+ if digest != z.digest || size != z.size {
+ z.err = ErrChecksum
+ return total, z.err
+ }
+ z.digest, z.size = 0, 0
+ // File is ok; check if there is another.
+ if !z.multistream {
+ return total, nil
+ }
+ crcWriter.Reset()
+ z.err = nil // Remove io.EOF
+ if _, z.err = z.readHeader(); z.err != nil {
+ if z.err == io.EOF {
+ return total, nil
+ }
+ return total, z.err
+ }
+ }
+// Close closes the Reader. It does not close the underlying io.Reader.
+// In order for the GZIP checksum to be verified, the reader must be
+// fully consumed until the io.EOF.
+func (z *Reader) Close() error { return z.decompressor.Close() }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/gzip/gzip.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/gzip/gzip.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6794cf48f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/gzip/gzip.go
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package gzip
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "hash/crc32"
+ "io"
+ "github.com/klauspost/compress/flate"
+// These constants are copied from the flate package, so that code that imports
+// "compress/gzip" does not also have to import "compress/flate".
+const (
+ NoCompression = flate.NoCompression
+ BestSpeed = flate.BestSpeed
+ BestCompression = flate.BestCompression
+ DefaultCompression = flate.DefaultCompression
+ ConstantCompression = flate.ConstantCompression
+ HuffmanOnly = flate.HuffmanOnly
+ // StatelessCompression will do compression but without maintaining any state
+ // between Write calls.
+ // There will be no memory kept between Write calls,
+ // but compression and speed will be suboptimal.
+ // Because of this, the size of actual Write calls will affect output size.
+ StatelessCompression = -3
+// A Writer is an io.WriteCloser.
+// Writes to a Writer are compressed and written to w.
+type Writer struct {
+ Header // written at first call to Write, Flush, or Close
+ w io.Writer
+ level int
+ wroteHeader bool
+ compressor *flate.Writer
+ digest uint32 // CRC-32, IEEE polynomial (section 8)
+ size uint32 // Uncompressed size (section 2.3.1)
+ closed bool
+ buf [10]byte
+ err error
+// NewWriter returns a new Writer.
+// Writes to the returned writer are compressed and written to w.
+// It is the caller's responsibility to call Close on the WriteCloser when done.
+// Writes may be buffered and not flushed until Close.
+// Callers that wish to set the fields in Writer.Header must do so before
+// the first call to Write, Flush, or Close.
+func NewWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer {
+ z, _ := NewWriterLevel(w, DefaultCompression)
+ return z
+// NewWriterLevel is like NewWriter but specifies the compression level instead
+// of assuming DefaultCompression.
+// The compression level can be DefaultCompression, NoCompression, or any
+// integer value between BestSpeed and BestCompression inclusive. The error
+// returned will be nil if the level is valid.
+func NewWriterLevel(w io.Writer, level int) (*Writer, error) {
+ if level < StatelessCompression || level > BestCompression {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("gzip: invalid compression level: %d", level)
+ }
+ z := new(Writer)
+ z.init(w, level)
+ return z, nil
+func (z *Writer) init(w io.Writer, level int) {
+ compressor := z.compressor
+ if level != StatelessCompression {
+ if compressor != nil {
+ compressor.Reset(w)
+ }
+ }
+ *z = Writer{
+ Header: Header{
+ OS: 255, // unknown
+ },
+ w: w,
+ level: level,
+ compressor: compressor,
+ }
+// Reset discards the Writer z's state and makes it equivalent to the
+// result of its original state from NewWriter or NewWriterLevel, but
+// writing to w instead. This permits reusing a Writer rather than
+// allocating a new one.
+func (z *Writer) Reset(w io.Writer) {
+ z.init(w, z.level)
+// writeBytes writes a length-prefixed byte slice to z.w.
+func (z *Writer) writeBytes(b []byte) error {
+ if len(b) > 0xffff {
+ return errors.New("gzip.Write: Extra data is too large")
+ }
+ le.PutUint16(z.buf[:2], uint16(len(b)))
+ _, err := z.w.Write(z.buf[:2])
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ _, err = z.w.Write(b)
+ return err
+// writeString writes a UTF-8 string s in GZIP's format to z.w.
+// GZIP (RFC 1952) specifies that strings are NUL-terminated ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1).
+func (z *Writer) writeString(s string) (err error) {
+ // GZIP stores Latin-1 strings; error if non-Latin-1; convert if non-ASCII.
+ needconv := false
+ for _, v := range s {
+ if v == 0 || v > 0xff {
+ return errors.New("gzip.Write: non-Latin-1 header string")
+ }
+ if v > 0x7f {
+ needconv = true
+ }
+ }
+ if needconv {
+ b := make([]byte, 0, len(s))
+ for _, v := range s {
+ b = append(b, byte(v))
+ }
+ _, err = z.w.Write(b)
+ } else {
+ _, err = io.WriteString(z.w, s)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // GZIP strings are NUL-terminated.
+ z.buf[0] = 0
+ _, err = z.w.Write(z.buf[:1])
+ return err
+// Write writes a compressed form of p to the underlying io.Writer. The
+// compressed bytes are not necessarily flushed until the Writer is closed.
+func (z *Writer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
+ if z.err != nil {
+ return 0, z.err
+ }
+ var n int
+ // Write the GZIP header lazily.
+ if !z.wroteHeader {
+ z.wroteHeader = true
+ z.buf[0] = gzipID1
+ z.buf[1] = gzipID2
+ z.buf[2] = gzipDeflate
+ z.buf[3] = 0
+ if z.Extra != nil {
+ z.buf[3] |= 0x04
+ }
+ if z.Name != "" {
+ z.buf[3] |= 0x08
+ }
+ if z.Comment != "" {
+ z.buf[3] |= 0x10
+ }
+ le.PutUint32(z.buf[4:8], uint32(z.ModTime.Unix()))
+ if z.level == BestCompression {
+ z.buf[8] = 2
+ } else if z.level == BestSpeed {
+ z.buf[8] = 4
+ } else {
+ z.buf[8] = 0
+ }
+ z.buf[9] = z.OS
+ n, z.err = z.w.Write(z.buf[:10])
+ if z.err != nil {
+ return n, z.err
+ }
+ if z.Extra != nil {
+ z.err = z.writeBytes(z.Extra)
+ if z.err != nil {
+ return n, z.err
+ }
+ }
+ if z.Name != "" {
+ z.err = z.writeString(z.Name)
+ if z.err != nil {
+ return n, z.err
+ }
+ }
+ if z.Comment != "" {
+ z.err = z.writeString(z.Comment)
+ if z.err != nil {
+ return n, z.err
+ }
+ }
+ if z.compressor == nil && z.level != StatelessCompression {
+ z.compressor, _ = flate.NewWriter(z.w, z.level)
+ }
+ }
+ z.size += uint32(len(p))
+ z.digest = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, p)
+ if z.level == StatelessCompression {
+ return len(p), flate.StatelessDeflate(z.w, p, false, nil)
+ }
+ n, z.err = z.compressor.Write(p)
+ return n, z.err
+// Flush flushes any pending compressed data to the underlying writer.
+// It is useful mainly in compressed network protocols, to ensure that
+// a remote reader has enough data to reconstruct a packet. Flush does
+// not return until the data has been written. If the underlying
+// writer returns an error, Flush returns that error.
+// In the terminology of the zlib library, Flush is equivalent to Z_SYNC_FLUSH.
+func (z *Writer) Flush() error {
+ if z.err != nil {
+ return z.err
+ }
+ if z.closed || z.level == StatelessCompression {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if !z.wroteHeader {
+ z.Write(nil)
+ if z.err != nil {
+ return z.err
+ }
+ }
+ z.err = z.compressor.Flush()
+ return z.err
+// Close closes the Writer, flushing any unwritten data to the underlying
+// io.Writer, but does not close the underlying io.Writer.
+func (z *Writer) Close() error {
+ if z.err != nil {
+ return z.err
+ }
+ if z.closed {
+ return nil
+ }
+ z.closed = true
+ if !z.wroteHeader {
+ z.Write(nil)
+ if z.err != nil {
+ return z.err
+ }
+ }
+ if z.level == StatelessCompression {
+ z.err = flate.StatelessDeflate(z.w, nil, true, nil)
+ } else {
+ z.err = z.compressor.Close()
+ }
+ if z.err != nil {
+ return z.err
+ }
+ le.PutUint32(z.buf[:4], z.digest)
+ le.PutUint32(z.buf[4:8], z.size)
+ _, z.err = z.w.Write(z.buf[:8])
+ return z.err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e9873504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/macos
+### macOS ###
+# Icon must end with two \r
+# Thumbnails
+# Files that might appear in the root of a volume
+# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
+Network Trash Folder
+Temporary Items
+# End of https://www.gitignore.io/api/macos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd6c6db71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+language: go
+ - GO111MODULE=off
+ - 1.9.x
+ - 1.10.x
+ - 1.11.x
+ - 1.12.x
+ - master
+ fast_finish: true
+ allow_failures:
+ - go: master
+sudo: false
+ - go test -v -cpu=2
+ - go test -v -cpu=2 -race
+ - go test -v -cpu=2 -tags noasm
+ - go test -v -cpu=2 -race -tags noasm
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd899d835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Pierre Curto
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of xxHash nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/README.md b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ee388e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# lz4 : LZ4 compression in pure Go
+## Overview
+This package provides a streaming interface to [LZ4 data streams](http://fastcompression.blogspot.fr/2013/04/lz4-streaming-format-final.html) as well as low level compress and uncompress functions for LZ4 data blocks.
+The implementation is based on the reference C [one](https://github.com/lz4/lz4).
+## Install
+Assuming you have the go toolchain installed:
+go get github.com/pierrec/lz4
+There is a command line interface tool to compress and decompress LZ4 files.
+go install github.com/pierrec/lz4/cmd/lz4c
+Usage of lz4c:
+ -version
+ print the program version
+Compress the given files or from stdin to stdout.
+compress [arguments] [ ...]
+ -bc
+ enable block checksum
+ -l int
+ compression level (0=fastest)
+ -sc
+ disable stream checksum
+ -size string
+ block max size [64K,256K,1M,4M] (default "4M")
+Uncompress the given files or from stdin to stdout.
+uncompress [arguments] [ ...]
+## Example
+// Compress and uncompress an input string.
+s := "hello world"
+r := strings.NewReader(s)
+// The pipe will uncompress the data from the writer.
+pr, pw := io.Pipe()
+zw := lz4.NewWriter(pw)
+zr := lz4.NewReader(pr)
+go func() {
+ // Compress the input string.
+ _, _ = io.Copy(zw, r)
+ _ = zw.Close() // Make sure the writer is closed
+ _ = pw.Close() // Terminate the pipe
+_, _ = io.Copy(os.Stdout, zr)
+// Output:
+// hello world
+## Contributing
+Contributions are very welcome for bug fixing, performance improvements...!
+- Open an issue with a proper description
+- Send a pull request with appropriate test case(s)
+## Contributors
+Thanks to all [contributors](https://github.com/pierrec/lz4/graphs/contributors) so far!
+Special thanks to [@Zariel](https://github.com/Zariel) for his asm implementation of the decoder.
+Special thanks to [@klauspost](https://github.com/klauspost) for his work on optimizing the code.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/block.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/block.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b589af467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/block.go
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+package lz4
+import (
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "fmt"
+ "math/bits"
+// blockHash hashes the lower 6 bytes into a value < htSize.
+func blockHash(x uint64) uint32 {
+ const prime6bytes = 227718039650203
+ return uint32(((x << (64 - 48)) * prime6bytes) >> (64 - hashLog))
+// CompressBlockBound returns the maximum size of a given buffer of size n, when not compressible.
+func CompressBlockBound(n int) int {
+ return n + n/255 + 16
+// UncompressBlock uncompresses the source buffer into the destination one,
+// and returns the uncompressed size.
+// The destination buffer must be sized appropriately.
+// An error is returned if the source data is invalid or the destination buffer is too small.
+func UncompressBlock(src, dst []byte) (int, error) {
+ if len(src) == 0 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ if di := decodeBlock(dst, src); di >= 0 {
+ return di, nil
+ }
+ return 0, ErrInvalidSourceShortBuffer
+// CompressBlock compresses the source buffer into the destination one.
+// This is the fast version of LZ4 compression and also the default one.
+// The size of hashTable must be at least 64Kb.
+// The size of the compressed data is returned. If it is 0 and no error, then the data is incompressible.
+// An error is returned if the destination buffer is too small.
+func CompressBlock(src, dst []byte, hashTable []int) (_ int, err error) {
+ if len(hashTable) < htSize {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("hash table too small, should be at least %d in size", htSize)
+ }
+ defer recoverBlock(&err)
+ // adaptSkipLog sets how quickly the compressor begins skipping blocks when data is incompressible.
+ // This significantly speeds up incompressible data and usually has very small impact on compresssion.
+ // bytes to skip = 1 + (bytes since last match >> adaptSkipLog)
+ const adaptSkipLog = 7
+ sn, dn := len(src)-mfLimit, len(dst)
+ if sn <= 0 || dn == 0 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ // Prove to the compiler the table has at least htSize elements.
+ // The compiler can see that "uint32() >> hashShift" cannot be out of bounds.
+ hashTable = hashTable[:htSize]
+ // si: Current position of the search.
+ // anchor: Position of the current literals.
+ var si, di, anchor int
+ // Fast scan strategy: the hash table only stores the last 4 bytes sequences.
+ for si < sn {
+ // Hash the next 6 bytes (sequence)...
+ match := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[si:])
+ h := blockHash(match)
+ h2 := blockHash(match >> 8)
+ // We check a match at s, s+1 and s+2 and pick the first one we get.
+ // Checking 3 only requires us to load the source one.
+ ref := hashTable[h]
+ ref2 := hashTable[h2]
+ hashTable[h] = si
+ hashTable[h2] = si + 1
+ offset := si - ref
+ // If offset <= 0 we got an old entry in the hash table.
+ if offset <= 0 || offset >= winSize || // Out of window.
+ uint32(match) != binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[ref:]) { // Hash collision on different matches.
+ // No match. Start calculating another hash.
+ // The processor can usually do this out-of-order.
+ h = blockHash(match >> 16)
+ ref = hashTable[h]
+ // Check the second match at si+1
+ si += 1
+ offset = si - ref2
+ if offset <= 0 || offset >= winSize ||
+ uint32(match>>8) != binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[ref2:]) {
+ // No match. Check the third match at si+2
+ si += 1
+ offset = si - ref
+ hashTable[h] = si
+ if offset <= 0 || offset >= winSize ||
+ uint32(match>>16) != binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[ref:]) {
+ // Skip one extra byte (at si+3) before we check 3 matches again.
+ si += 2 + (si-anchor)>>adaptSkipLog
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Match found.
+ lLen := si - anchor // Literal length.
+ // We already matched 4 bytes.
+ mLen := 4
+ // Extend backwards if we can, reducing literals.
+ tOff := si - offset - 1
+ for lLen > 0 && tOff >= 0 && src[si-1] == src[tOff] {
+ si--
+ tOff--
+ lLen--
+ mLen++
+ }
+ // Add the match length, so we continue search at the end.
+ // Use mLen to store the offset base.
+ si, mLen = si+mLen, si+minMatch
+ // Find the longest match by looking by batches of 8 bytes.
+ for si+8 < sn {
+ x := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[si:]) ^ binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[si-offset:])
+ if x == 0 {
+ si += 8
+ } else {
+ // Stop is first non-zero byte.
+ si += bits.TrailingZeros64(x) >> 3
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ mLen = si - mLen
+ if mLen < 0xF {
+ dst[di] = byte(mLen)
+ } else {
+ dst[di] = 0xF
+ }
+ // Encode literals length.
+ if lLen < 0xF {
+ dst[di] |= byte(lLen << 4)
+ } else {
+ dst[di] |= 0xF0
+ di++
+ l := lLen - 0xF
+ for ; l >= 0xFF; l -= 0xFF {
+ dst[di] = 0xFF
+ di++
+ }
+ dst[di] = byte(l)
+ }
+ di++
+ // Literals.
+ copy(dst[di:di+lLen], src[anchor:anchor+lLen])
+ di += lLen + 2
+ anchor = si
+ // Encode offset.
+ _ = dst[di] // Bound check elimination.
+ dst[di-2], dst[di-1] = byte(offset), byte(offset>>8)
+ // Encode match length part 2.
+ if mLen >= 0xF {
+ for mLen -= 0xF; mLen >= 0xFF; mLen -= 0xFF {
+ dst[di] = 0xFF
+ di++
+ }
+ dst[di] = byte(mLen)
+ di++
+ }
+ // Check if we can load next values.
+ if si >= sn {
+ break
+ }
+ // Hash match end-2
+ h = blockHash(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[si-2:]))
+ hashTable[h] = si - 2
+ }
+ if anchor == 0 {
+ // Incompressible.
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ // Last literals.
+ lLen := len(src) - anchor
+ if lLen < 0xF {
+ dst[di] = byte(lLen << 4)
+ } else {
+ dst[di] = 0xF0
+ di++
+ for lLen -= 0xF; lLen >= 0xFF; lLen -= 0xFF {
+ dst[di] = 0xFF
+ di++
+ }
+ dst[di] = byte(lLen)
+ }
+ di++
+ // Write the last literals.
+ if di >= anchor {
+ // Incompressible.
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ di += copy(dst[di:di+len(src)-anchor], src[anchor:])
+ return di, nil
+// blockHash hashes 4 bytes into a value < winSize.
+func blockHashHC(x uint32) uint32 {
+ const hasher uint32 = 2654435761 // Knuth multiplicative hash.
+ return x * hasher >> (32 - winSizeLog)
+// CompressBlockHC compresses the source buffer src into the destination dst
+// with max search depth (use 0 or negative value for no max).
+// CompressBlockHC compression ratio is better than CompressBlock but it is also slower.
+// The size of the compressed data is returned. If it is 0 and no error, then the data is not compressible.
+// An error is returned if the destination buffer is too small.
+func CompressBlockHC(src, dst []byte, depth int) (_ int, err error) {
+ defer recoverBlock(&err)
+ // adaptSkipLog sets how quickly the compressor begins skipping blocks when data is incompressible.
+ // This significantly speeds up incompressible data and usually has very small impact on compresssion.
+ // bytes to skip = 1 + (bytes since last match >> adaptSkipLog)
+ const adaptSkipLog = 7
+ sn, dn := len(src)-mfLimit, len(dst)
+ if sn <= 0 || dn == 0 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ var si, di int
+ // hashTable: stores the last position found for a given hash
+ // chainTable: stores previous positions for a given hash
+ var hashTable, chainTable [winSize]int
+ if depth <= 0 {
+ depth = winSize
+ }
+ anchor := si
+ for si < sn {
+ // Hash the next 4 bytes (sequence).
+ match := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[si:])
+ h := blockHashHC(match)
+ // Follow the chain until out of window and give the longest match.
+ mLen := 0
+ offset := 0
+ for next, try := hashTable[h], depth; try > 0 && next > 0 && si-next < winSize; next = chainTable[next&winMask] {
+ // The first (mLen==0) or next byte (mLen>=minMatch) at current match length
+ // must match to improve on the match length.
+ if src[next+mLen] != src[si+mLen] {
+ continue
+ }
+ ml := 0
+ // Compare the current position with a previous with the same hash.
+ for ml < sn-si {
+ x := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[next+ml:]) ^ binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[si+ml:])
+ if x == 0 {
+ ml += 8
+ } else {
+ // Stop is first non-zero byte.
+ ml += bits.TrailingZeros64(x) >> 3
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if ml < minMatch || ml <= mLen {
+ // Match too small (>adaptSkipLog
+ continue
+ }
+ // Match found.
+ // Update hash/chain tables with overlapping bytes:
+ // si already hashed, add everything from si+1 up to the match length.
+ winStart := si + 1
+ if ws := si + mLen - winSize; ws > winStart {
+ winStart = ws
+ }
+ for si, ml := winStart, si+mLen; si < ml; {
+ match >>= 8
+ match |= uint32(src[si+3]) << 24
+ h := blockHashHC(match)
+ chainTable[si&winMask] = hashTable[h]
+ hashTable[h] = si
+ si++
+ }
+ lLen := si - anchor
+ si += mLen
+ mLen -= minMatch // Match length does not include minMatch.
+ if mLen < 0xF {
+ dst[di] = byte(mLen)
+ } else {
+ dst[di] = 0xF
+ }
+ // Encode literals length.
+ if lLen < 0xF {
+ dst[di] |= byte(lLen << 4)
+ } else {
+ dst[di] |= 0xF0
+ di++
+ l := lLen - 0xF
+ for ; l >= 0xFF; l -= 0xFF {
+ dst[di] = 0xFF
+ di++
+ }
+ dst[di] = byte(l)
+ }
+ di++
+ // Literals.
+ copy(dst[di:di+lLen], src[anchor:anchor+lLen])
+ di += lLen
+ anchor = si
+ // Encode offset.
+ di += 2
+ dst[di-2], dst[di-1] = byte(offset), byte(offset>>8)
+ // Encode match length part 2.
+ if mLen >= 0xF {
+ for mLen -= 0xF; mLen >= 0xFF; mLen -= 0xFF {
+ dst[di] = 0xFF
+ di++
+ }
+ dst[di] = byte(mLen)
+ di++
+ }
+ }
+ if anchor == 0 {
+ // Incompressible.
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ // Last literals.
+ lLen := len(src) - anchor
+ if lLen < 0xF {
+ dst[di] = byte(lLen << 4)
+ } else {
+ dst[di] = 0xF0
+ di++
+ lLen -= 0xF
+ for ; lLen >= 0xFF; lLen -= 0xFF {
+ dst[di] = 0xFF
+ di++
+ }
+ dst[di] = byte(lLen)
+ }
+ di++
+ // Write the last literals.
+ if di >= anchor {
+ // Incompressible.
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ di += copy(dst[di:di+len(src)-anchor], src[anchor:])
+ return di, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/debug.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/debug.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc5e78d40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/debug.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// +build lz4debug
+package lz4
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "runtime"
+const debugFlag = true
+func debug(args ...interface{}) {
+ _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
+ file = filepath.Base(file)
+ f := fmt.Sprintf("LZ4: %s:%d %s", file, line, args[0])
+ if f[len(f)-1] != '\n' {
+ f += "\n"
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, f, args[1:]...)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/debug_stub.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/debug_stub.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44211ad96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/debug_stub.go
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// +build !lz4debug
+package lz4
+const debugFlag = false
+func debug(args ...interface{}) {}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/decode_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/decode_amd64.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43cc14fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/decode_amd64.go
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// +build !appengine
+// +build gc
+// +build !noasm
+package lz4
+func decodeBlock(dst, src []byte) int
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/decode_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/decode_amd64.s
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20fef3975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/decode_amd64.s
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+// +build !appengine
+// +build gc
+// +build !noasm
+#include "textflag.h"
+// AX scratch
+// BX scratch
+// CX scratch
+// DX token
+// DI &dst
+// SI &src
+// R8 &dst + len(dst)
+// R9 &src + len(src)
+// R11 &dst
+// R12 short output end
+// R13 short input end
+// func decodeBlock(dst, src []byte) int
+// using 50 bytes of stack currently
+TEXT ·decodeBlock(SB), NOSPLIT, $64-56
+ MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), DI
+ MOVQ DI, R11
+ MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), R8
+ MOVQ src_base+24(FP), SI
+ MOVQ src_len+32(FP), R9
+ // shortcut ends
+ // short output end
+ MOVQ R8, R12
+ SUBQ $32, R12
+ // short input end
+ MOVQ R9, R13
+ SUBQ $16, R13
+ // for si < len(src)
+ JGE end
+ // token := uint32(src[si])
+ // lit_len = token >> 4
+ // if lit_len > 0
+ // CX = lit_len
+ SHRQ $4, CX
+ // if lit_len != 0xF
+ CMPQ CX, $0xF
+ JEQ lit_len_loop_pre
+ CMPQ DI, R12
+ JGE lit_len_loop_pre
+ CMPQ SI, R13
+ JGE lit_len_loop_pre
+ // copy shortcut
+ // A two-stage shortcut for the most common case:
+ // 1) If the literal length is 0..14, and there is enough space,
+ // enter the shortcut and copy 16 bytes on behalf of the literals
+ // (in the fast mode, only 8 bytes can be safely copied this way).
+ // 2) Further if the match length is 4..18, copy 18 bytes in a similar
+ // manner; but we ensure that there's enough space in the output for
+ // those 18 bytes earlier, upon entering the shortcut (in other words,
+ // there is a combined check for both stages).
+ // copy literal
+ MOVOU (SI), X0
+ MOVOU X0, (DI)
+ ANDQ $0xF, CX
+ // The second stage: prepare for match copying, decode full info.
+ // If it doesn't work out, the info won't be wasted.
+ // offset := uint16(data[:2])
+ ADDQ $2, SI
+ JGT err_short_buf
+ // if we can't do the second stage then jump straight to read the
+ // match length, we already have the offset.
+ CMPQ CX, $0xF
+ JEQ match_len_loop_pre
+ CMPQ DX, $8
+ JLT match_len_loop_pre
+ CMPQ AX, R11
+ JLT err_short_buf
+ // memcpy(op + 0, match + 0, 8);
+ // memcpy(op + 8, match + 8, 8);
+ MOVQ 8(AX), BX
+ MOVQ BX, 8(DI)
+ // memcpy(op +16, match +16, 2);
+ MOVW 16(AX), BX
+ MOVW BX, 16(DI)
+ ADDQ $4, DI // minmatch
+ // shortcut complete, load next token
+ JMP loop
+ // if lit_len > 0
+ CMPQ CX, $0
+ JEQ offset
+ CMPQ CX, $0xF
+ JNE copy_literal
+ // for src[si] == 0xFF
+ CMPB (SI), $0xFF
+ JNE lit_len_finalise
+ // bounds check src[si+1]
+ ADDQ $1, AX
+ JGT err_short_buf
+ // lit_len += 0xFF
+ ADDQ $0xFF, CX
+ JMP lit_len_loop
+ // lit_len += int(src[si])
+ // si++
+ // bounds check src and dst
+ JGT err_short_buf
+ JGT err_short_buf
+ // whats a good cut off to call memmove?
+ CMPQ CX, $16
+ JGT memmove_lit
+ // if len(dst[di:]) < 16
+ CMPQ AX, $16
+ JLT memmove_lit
+ // if len(src[si:]) < 16
+ CMPQ AX, $16
+ JLT memmove_lit
+ MOVOU (SI), X0
+ MOVOU X0, (DI)
+ JMP finish_lit_copy
+ // memmove(to, from, len)
+ MOVQ DI, 0(SP)
+ MOVQ SI, 8(SP)
+ MOVQ CX, 16(SP)
+ // spill
+ MOVQ DI, 24(SP)
+ MOVQ SI, 32(SP)
+ MOVQ CX, 40(SP) // need len to inc SI, DI after
+ MOVB DX, 48(SP)
+ CALL runtime·memmove(SB)
+ // restore registers
+ MOVQ 24(SP), DI
+ MOVQ 32(SP), SI
+ MOVQ 40(SP), CX
+ MOVB 48(SP), DX
+ // recalc initial values
+ MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), R8
+ MOVQ R8, R11
+ ADDQ dst_len+8(FP), R8
+ MOVQ src_base+24(FP), R9
+ ADDQ src_len+32(FP), R9
+ MOVQ R8, R12
+ SUBQ $32, R12
+ MOVQ R9, R13
+ SUBQ $16, R13
+ JGE end
+ // CX := mLen
+ // free up DX to use for offset
+ ADDQ $2, AX
+ JGT err_short_buf
+ // offset
+ // DX := int(src[si]) | int(src[si+1])<<8
+ ADDQ $2, SI
+ // 0 offset is invalid
+ CMPQ DX, $0
+ JEQ err_corrupt
+ ANDB $0xF, CX
+ // if mlen != 0xF
+ CMPB CX, $0xF
+ JNE copy_match
+ // for src[si] == 0xFF
+ // lit_len += 0xFF
+ CMPB (SI), $0xFF
+ JNE match_len_finalise
+ // bounds check src[si+1]
+ ADDQ $1, AX
+ JGT err_short_buf
+ ADDQ $0xFF, CX
+ JMP match_len_loop
+ // lit_len += int(src[si])
+ // si++
+ // mLen += minMatch
+ ADDQ $4, CX
+ // check we have match_len bytes left in dst
+ // di+match_len < len(dst)
+ JGT err_short_buf
+ // DX = offset
+ // CX = match_len
+ // BX = &dst + (di - offset)
+ // check BX is within dst
+ // if BX < &dst
+ CMPQ BX, R11
+ JLT err_short_buf
+ // if offset + match_len < di
+ JGT copy_interior_match
+ // AX := len(dst[:di])
+ // MOVQ DI, AX
+ // SUBQ R11, AX
+ // copy 16 bytes at a time
+ // if di-offset < 16 copy 16-(di-offset) bytes to di
+ // then do the remaining
+ // for match_len >= 0
+ // dst[di] = dst[i]
+ // di++
+ // i++
+ CMPQ CX, $0
+ JGT copy_match_loop
+ JMP loop
+ CMPQ CX, $16
+ JGT memmove_match
+ // if len(dst[di:]) < 16
+ CMPQ AX, $16
+ JLT memmove_match
+ MOVOU (BX), X0
+ MOVOU X0, (DI)
+ JMP loop
+ // memmove(to, from, len)
+ MOVQ DI, 0(SP)
+ MOVQ BX, 8(SP)
+ MOVQ CX, 16(SP)
+ // spill
+ MOVQ DI, 24(SP)
+ MOVQ SI, 32(SP)
+ MOVQ CX, 40(SP) // need len to inc SI, DI after
+ CALL runtime·memmove(SB)
+ // restore registers
+ MOVQ 24(SP), DI
+ MOVQ 32(SP), SI
+ MOVQ 40(SP), CX
+ // recalc initial values
+ MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), R8
+ MOVQ R8, R11 // TODO: make these sensible numbers
+ ADDQ dst_len+8(FP), R8
+ MOVQ src_base+24(FP), R9
+ ADDQ src_len+32(FP), R9
+ MOVQ R8, R12
+ SUBQ $32, R12
+ MOVQ R9, R13
+ SUBQ $16, R13
+ JMP loop
+ MOVQ $-1, ret+48(FP)
+ MOVQ $-2, ret+48(FP)
+ SUBQ R11, DI
+ MOVQ DI, ret+48(FP)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/decode_other.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/decode_other.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..919888edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/decode_other.go
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// +build !amd64 appengine !gc noasm
+package lz4
+func decodeBlock(dst, src []byte) (ret int) {
+ const hasError = -2
+ defer func() {
+ if recover() != nil {
+ ret = hasError
+ }
+ }()
+ var si, di int
+ for {
+ // Literals and match lengths (token).
+ b := int(src[si])
+ si++
+ // Literals.
+ if lLen := b >> 4; lLen > 0 {
+ switch {
+ case lLen < 0xF && si+16 < len(src):
+ // Shortcut 1
+ // if we have enough room in src and dst, and the literals length
+ // is small enough (0..14) then copy all 16 bytes, even if not all
+ // are part of the literals.
+ copy(dst[di:], src[si:si+16])
+ si += lLen
+ di += lLen
+ if mLen := b & 0xF; mLen < 0xF {
+ // Shortcut 2
+ // if the match length (4..18) fits within the literals, then copy
+ // all 18 bytes, even if not all are part of the literals.
+ mLen += 4
+ if offset := int(src[si]) | int(src[si+1])<<8; mLen <= offset {
+ i := di - offset
+ end := i + 18
+ if end > len(dst) {
+ // The remaining buffer may not hold 18 bytes.
+ // See https://github.com/pierrec/lz4/issues/51.
+ end = len(dst)
+ }
+ copy(dst[di:], dst[i:end])
+ si += 2
+ di += mLen
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ case lLen == 0xF:
+ for src[si] == 0xFF {
+ lLen += 0xFF
+ si++
+ }
+ lLen += int(src[si])
+ si++
+ fallthrough
+ default:
+ copy(dst[di:di+lLen], src[si:si+lLen])
+ si += lLen
+ di += lLen
+ }
+ }
+ if si >= len(src) {
+ return di
+ }
+ offset := int(src[si]) | int(src[si+1])<<8
+ if offset == 0 {
+ return hasError
+ }
+ si += 2
+ // Match.
+ mLen := b & 0xF
+ if mLen == 0xF {
+ for src[si] == 0xFF {
+ mLen += 0xFF
+ si++
+ }
+ mLen += int(src[si])
+ si++
+ }
+ mLen += minMatch
+ // Copy the match.
+ expanded := dst[di-offset:]
+ if mLen > offset {
+ // Efficiently copy the match dst[di-offset:di] into the dst slice.
+ bytesToCopy := offset * (mLen / offset)
+ for n := offset; n <= bytesToCopy+offset; n *= 2 {
+ copy(expanded[n:], expanded[:n])
+ }
+ di += bytesToCopy
+ mLen -= bytesToCopy
+ }
+ di += copy(dst[di:di+mLen], expanded[:mLen])
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/errors.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c45d1813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/errors.go
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package lz4
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ rdebug "runtime/debug"
+var (
+ // ErrInvalidSourceShortBuffer is returned by UncompressBlock or CompressBLock when a compressed
+ // block is corrupted or the destination buffer is not large enough for the uncompressed data.
+ ErrInvalidSourceShortBuffer = errors.New("lz4: invalid source or destination buffer too short")
+ // ErrInvalid is returned when reading an invalid LZ4 archive.
+ ErrInvalid = errors.New("lz4: bad magic number")
+ // ErrBlockDependency is returned when attempting to decompress an archive created with block dependency.
+ ErrBlockDependency = errors.New("lz4: block dependency not supported")
+ // ErrUnsupportedSeek is returned when attempting to Seek any way but forward from the current position.
+ ErrUnsupportedSeek = errors.New("lz4: can only seek forward from io.SeekCurrent")
+func recoverBlock(e *error) {
+ if r := recover(); r != nil && *e == nil {
+ if debugFlag {
+ fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, r)
+ rdebug.PrintStack()
+ }
+ *e = ErrInvalidSourceShortBuffer
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/internal/xxh32/xxh32zero.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/internal/xxh32/xxh32zero.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a76a6bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/internal/xxh32/xxh32zero.go
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+// Package xxh32 implements the very fast XXH hashing algorithm (32 bits version).
+// (https://github.com/Cyan4973/XXH/)
+package xxh32
+import (
+ "encoding/binary"
+const (
+ prime1 uint32 = 2654435761
+ prime2 uint32 = 2246822519
+ prime3 uint32 = 3266489917
+ prime4 uint32 = 668265263
+ prime5 uint32 = 374761393
+ primeMask = 0xFFFFFFFF
+ prime1plus2 = uint32((uint64(prime1) + uint64(prime2)) & primeMask) // 606290984
+ prime1minus = uint32((-int64(prime1)) & primeMask) // 1640531535
+// XXHZero represents an xxhash32 object with seed 0.
+type XXHZero struct {
+ v1 uint32
+ v2 uint32
+ v3 uint32
+ v4 uint32
+ totalLen uint64
+ buf [16]byte
+ bufused int
+// Sum appends the current hash to b and returns the resulting slice.
+// It does not change the underlying hash state.
+func (xxh XXHZero) Sum(b []byte) []byte {
+ h32 := xxh.Sum32()
+ return append(b, byte(h32), byte(h32>>8), byte(h32>>16), byte(h32>>24))
+// Reset resets the Hash to its initial state.
+func (xxh *XXHZero) Reset() {
+ xxh.v1 = prime1plus2
+ xxh.v2 = prime2
+ xxh.v3 = 0
+ xxh.v4 = prime1minus
+ xxh.totalLen = 0
+ xxh.bufused = 0
+// Size returns the number of bytes returned by Sum().
+func (xxh *XXHZero) Size() int {
+ return 4
+// BlockSize gives the minimum number of bytes accepted by Write().
+func (xxh *XXHZero) BlockSize() int {
+ return 1
+// Write adds input bytes to the Hash.
+// It never returns an error.
+func (xxh *XXHZero) Write(input []byte) (int, error) {
+ if xxh.totalLen == 0 {
+ xxh.Reset()
+ }
+ n := len(input)
+ m := xxh.bufused
+ xxh.totalLen += uint64(n)
+ r := len(xxh.buf) - m
+ if n < r {
+ copy(xxh.buf[m:], input)
+ xxh.bufused += len(input)
+ return n, nil
+ }
+ p := 0
+ // Causes compiler to work directly from registers instead of stack:
+ v1, v2, v3, v4 := xxh.v1, xxh.v2, xxh.v3, xxh.v4
+ if m > 0 {
+ // some data left from previous update
+ copy(xxh.buf[xxh.bufused:], input[:r])
+ xxh.bufused += len(input) - r
+ // fast rotl(13)
+ buf := xxh.buf[:16] // BCE hint.
+ v1 = rol13(v1+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v2 = rol13(v2+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[4:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v3 = rol13(v3+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[8:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v4 = rol13(v4+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[12:])*prime2) * prime1
+ p = r
+ xxh.bufused = 0
+ }
+ for n := n - 16; p <= n; p += 16 {
+ sub := input[p:][:16] //BCE hint for compiler
+ v1 = rol13(v1+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v2 = rol13(v2+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[4:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v3 = rol13(v3+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[8:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v4 = rol13(v4+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[12:])*prime2) * prime1
+ }
+ xxh.v1, xxh.v2, xxh.v3, xxh.v4 = v1, v2, v3, v4
+ copy(xxh.buf[xxh.bufused:], input[p:])
+ xxh.bufused += len(input) - p
+ return n, nil
+// Sum32 returns the 32 bits Hash value.
+func (xxh *XXHZero) Sum32() uint32 {
+ h32 := uint32(xxh.totalLen)
+ if h32 >= 16 {
+ h32 += rol1(xxh.v1) + rol7(xxh.v2) + rol12(xxh.v3) + rol18(xxh.v4)
+ } else {
+ h32 += prime5
+ }
+ p := 0
+ n := xxh.bufused
+ buf := xxh.buf
+ for n := n - 4; p <= n; p += 4 {
+ h32 += binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[p:p+4]) * prime3
+ h32 = rol17(h32) * prime4
+ }
+ for ; p < n; p++ {
+ h32 += uint32(buf[p]) * prime5
+ h32 = rol11(h32) * prime1
+ }
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 15
+ h32 *= prime2
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 13
+ h32 *= prime3
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 16
+ return h32
+// ChecksumZero returns the 32bits Hash value.
+func ChecksumZero(input []byte) uint32 {
+ n := len(input)
+ h32 := uint32(n)
+ if n < 16 {
+ h32 += prime5
+ } else {
+ v1 := prime1plus2
+ v2 := prime2
+ v3 := uint32(0)
+ v4 := prime1minus
+ p := 0
+ for n := n - 16; p <= n; p += 16 {
+ sub := input[p:][:16] //BCE hint for compiler
+ v1 = rol13(v1+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v2 = rol13(v2+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[4:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v3 = rol13(v3+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[8:])*prime2) * prime1
+ v4 = rol13(v4+binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(sub[12:])*prime2) * prime1
+ }
+ input = input[p:]
+ n -= p
+ h32 += rol1(v1) + rol7(v2) + rol12(v3) + rol18(v4)
+ }
+ p := 0
+ for n := n - 4; p <= n; p += 4 {
+ h32 += binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(input[p:p+4]) * prime3
+ h32 = rol17(h32) * prime4
+ }
+ for p < n {
+ h32 += uint32(input[p]) * prime5
+ h32 = rol11(h32) * prime1
+ p++
+ }
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 15
+ h32 *= prime2
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 13
+ h32 *= prime3
+ h32 ^= h32 >> 16
+ return h32
+// Uint32Zero hashes x with seed 0.
+func Uint32Zero(x uint32) uint32 {
+ h := prime5 + 4 + x*prime3
+ h = rol17(h) * prime4
+ h ^= h >> 15
+ h *= prime2
+ h ^= h >> 13
+ h *= prime3
+ h ^= h >> 16
+ return h
+func rol1(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<1 | u>>31
+func rol7(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<7 | u>>25
+func rol11(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<11 | u>>21
+func rol12(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<12 | u>>20
+func rol13(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<13 | u>>19
+func rol17(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<17 | u>>15
+func rol18(u uint32) uint32 {
+ return u<<18 | u>>14
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/lz4.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/lz4.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29864d8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/lz4.go
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+// Package lz4 implements reading and writing lz4 compressed data (a frame),
+// as specified in http://fastcompression.blogspot.fr/2013/04/lz4-streaming-format-final.html.
+// Although the block level compression and decompression functions are exposed and are fully compatible
+// with the lz4 block format definition, they are low level and should not be used directly.
+// For a complete description of an lz4 compressed block, see:
+// http://fastcompression.blogspot.fr/2011/05/lz4-explained.html
+// See https://github.com/Cyan4973/lz4 for the reference C implementation.
+package lz4
+import "math/bits"
+import "sync"
+const (
+ // Extension is the LZ4 frame file name extension
+ Extension = ".lz4"
+ // Version is the LZ4 frame format version
+ Version = 1
+ frameMagic uint32 = 0x184D2204
+ frameSkipMagic uint32 = 0x184D2A50
+ // The following constants are used to setup the compression algorithm.
+ minMatch = 4 // the minimum size of the match sequence size (4 bytes)
+ winSizeLog = 16 // LZ4 64Kb window size limit
+ winSize = 1 << winSizeLog
+ winMask = winSize - 1 // 64Kb window of previous data for dependent blocks
+ compressedBlockFlag = 1 << 31
+ compressedBlockMask = compressedBlockFlag - 1
+ // hashLog determines the size of the hash table used to quickly find a previous match position.
+ // Its value influences the compression speed and memory usage, the lower the faster,
+ // but at the expense of the compression ratio.
+ // 16 seems to be the best compromise for fast compression.
+ hashLog = 16
+ htSize = 1 << hashLog
+ mfLimit = 10 + minMatch // The last match cannot start within the last 14 bytes.
+// map the block max size id with its value in bytes: 64Kb, 256Kb, 1Mb and 4Mb.
+const (
+ blockSize64K = 1 << (16 + 2*iota)
+ blockSize256K
+ blockSize1M
+ blockSize4M
+var (
+ // Keep a pool of buffers for each valid block sizes.
+ bsMapValue = [...]*sync.Pool{
+ newBufferPool(2 * blockSize64K),
+ newBufferPool(2 * blockSize256K),
+ newBufferPool(2 * blockSize1M),
+ newBufferPool(2 * blockSize4M),
+ }
+// newBufferPool returns a pool for buffers of the given size.
+func newBufferPool(size int) *sync.Pool {
+ return &sync.Pool{
+ New: func() interface{} {
+ return make([]byte, size)
+ },
+ }
+// getBuffer returns a buffer to its pool.
+func getBuffer(size int) []byte {
+ idx := blockSizeValueToIndex(size) - 4
+ return bsMapValue[idx].Get().([]byte)
+// putBuffer returns a buffer to its pool.
+func putBuffer(size int, buf []byte) {
+ if cap(buf) > 0 {
+ idx := blockSizeValueToIndex(size) - 4
+ bsMapValue[idx].Put(buf[:cap(buf)])
+ }
+func blockSizeIndexToValue(i byte) int {
+ return 1 << (16 + 2*uint(i))
+func isValidBlockSize(size int) bool {
+ const blockSizeMask = blockSize64K | blockSize256K | blockSize1M | blockSize4M
+ return size&blockSizeMask > 0 && bits.OnesCount(uint(size)) == 1
+func blockSizeValueToIndex(size int) byte {
+ return 4 + byte(bits.TrailingZeros(uint(size)>>16)/2)
+// Header describes the various flags that can be set on a Writer or obtained from a Reader.
+// The default values match those of the LZ4 frame format definition
+// (http://fastcompression.blogspot.com/2013/04/lz4-streaming-format-final.html).
+// NB. in a Reader, in case of concatenated frames, the Header values may change between Read() calls.
+// It is the caller responsibility to check them if necessary.
+type Header struct {
+ BlockChecksum bool // Compressed blocks checksum flag.
+ NoChecksum bool // Frame checksum flag.
+ BlockMaxSize int // Size of the uncompressed data block (one of [64KB, 256KB, 1MB, 4MB]). Default=4MB.
+ Size uint64 // Frame total size. It is _not_ computed by the Writer.
+ CompressionLevel int // Compression level (higher is better, use 0 for fastest compression).
+ done bool // Header processed flag (Read or Write and checked).
+func (h *Header) Reset() {
+ h.done = false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/lz4_go1.10.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/lz4_go1.10.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a0fb0070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/lz4_go1.10.go
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//+build go1.10
+package lz4
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+func (h Header) String() string {
+ var s strings.Builder
+ s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%T{", h))
+ if h.BlockChecksum {
+ s.WriteString("BlockChecksum: true ")
+ }
+ if h.NoChecksum {
+ s.WriteString("NoChecksum: true ")
+ }
+ if bs := h.BlockMaxSize; bs != 0 && bs != 4<<20 {
+ s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("BlockMaxSize: %d ", bs))
+ }
+ if l := h.CompressionLevel; l != 0 {
+ s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("CompressionLevel: %d ", l))
+ }
+ s.WriteByte('}')
+ return s.String()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/lz4_notgo1.10.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/lz4_notgo1.10.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12c761a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/lz4_notgo1.10.go
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//+build !go1.10
+package lz4
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+func (h Header) String() string {
+ var s bytes.Buffer
+ s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%T{", h))
+ if h.BlockChecksum {
+ s.WriteString("BlockChecksum: true ")
+ }
+ if h.NoChecksum {
+ s.WriteString("NoChecksum: true ")
+ }
+ if bs := h.BlockMaxSize; bs != 0 && bs != 4<<20 {
+ s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("BlockMaxSize: %d ", bs))
+ }
+ if l := h.CompressionLevel; l != 0 {
+ s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("CompressionLevel: %d ", l))
+ }
+ s.WriteByte('}')
+ return s.String()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/reader.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/reader.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87dd72bd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/reader.go
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+package lz4
+import (
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "github.com/pierrec/lz4/internal/xxh32"
+// Reader implements the LZ4 frame decoder.
+// The Header is set after the first call to Read().
+// The Header may change between Read() calls in case of concatenated frames.
+type Reader struct {
+ Header
+ // Handler called when a block has been successfully read.
+ // It provides the number of bytes read.
+ OnBlockDone func(size int)
+ buf [8]byte // Scrap buffer.
+ pos int64 // Current position in src.
+ src io.Reader // Source.
+ zdata []byte // Compressed data.
+ data []byte // Uncompressed data.
+ idx int // Index of unread bytes into data.
+ checksum xxh32.XXHZero // Frame hash.
+ skip int64 // Bytes to skip before next read.
+ dpos int64 // Position in dest
+// NewReader returns a new LZ4 frame decoder.
+// No access to the underlying io.Reader is performed.
+func NewReader(src io.Reader) *Reader {
+ r := &Reader{src: src}
+ return r
+// readHeader checks the frame magic number and parses the frame descriptoz.
+// Skippable frames are supported even as a first frame although the LZ4
+// specifications recommends skippable frames not to be used as first frames.
+func (z *Reader) readHeader(first bool) error {
+ defer z.checksum.Reset()
+ buf := z.buf[:]
+ for {
+ magic, err := z.readUint32()
+ if err != nil {
+ z.pos += 4
+ if !first && err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
+ return io.EOF
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ if magic == frameMagic {
+ break
+ }
+ if magic>>8 != frameSkipMagic>>8 {
+ return ErrInvalid
+ }
+ skipSize, err := z.readUint32()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ z.pos += 4
+ m, err := io.CopyN(ioutil.Discard, z.src, int64(skipSize))
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ z.pos += m
+ }
+ // Header.
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(z.src, buf[:2]); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ z.pos += 8
+ b := buf[0]
+ if v := b >> 6; v != Version {
+ return fmt.Errorf("lz4: invalid version: got %d; expected %d", v, Version)
+ }
+ if b>>5&1 == 0 {
+ return ErrBlockDependency
+ }
+ z.BlockChecksum = b>>4&1 > 0
+ frameSize := b>>3&1 > 0
+ z.NoChecksum = b>>2&1 == 0
+ bmsID := buf[1] >> 4 & 0x7
+ if bmsID < 4 || bmsID > 7 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("lz4: invalid block max size ID: %d", bmsID)
+ }
+ bSize := blockSizeIndexToValue(bmsID - 4)
+ z.BlockMaxSize = bSize
+ // Allocate the compressed/uncompressed buffers.
+ // The compressed buffer cannot exceed the uncompressed one.
+ if n := 2 * bSize; cap(z.zdata) < n {
+ z.zdata = make([]byte, n, n)
+ }
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("header block max size id=%d size=%d", bmsID, bSize)
+ }
+ z.zdata = z.zdata[:bSize]
+ z.data = z.zdata[:cap(z.zdata)][bSize:]
+ z.idx = len(z.data)
+ _, _ = z.checksum.Write(buf[0:2])
+ if frameSize {
+ buf := buf[:8]
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(z.src, buf); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ z.Size = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf)
+ z.pos += 8
+ _, _ = z.checksum.Write(buf)
+ }
+ // Header checksum.
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(z.src, buf[:1]); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ z.pos++
+ if h := byte(z.checksum.Sum32() >> 8 & 0xFF); h != buf[0] {
+ return fmt.Errorf("lz4: invalid header checksum: got %x; expected %x", buf[0], h)
+ }
+ z.Header.done = true
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("header read: %v", z.Header)
+ }
+ return nil
+// Read decompresses data from the underlying source into the supplied buffer.
+// Since there can be multiple streams concatenated, Header values may
+// change between calls to Read(). If that is the case, no data is actually read from
+// the underlying io.Reader, to allow for potential input buffer resizing.
+func (z *Reader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("Read buf len=%d", len(buf))
+ }
+ if !z.Header.done {
+ if err := z.readHeader(true); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("header read OK compressed buffer %d / %d uncompressed buffer %d : %d index=%d",
+ len(z.zdata), cap(z.zdata), len(z.data), cap(z.data), z.idx)
+ }
+ }
+ if len(buf) == 0 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ if z.idx == len(z.data) {
+ // No data ready for reading, process the next block.
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("reading block from writer")
+ }
+ // Reset uncompressed buffer
+ z.data = z.zdata[:cap(z.zdata)][len(z.zdata):]
+ // Block length: 0 = end of frame, highest bit set: uncompressed.
+ bLen, err := z.readUint32()
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ z.pos += 4
+ if bLen == 0 {
+ // End of frame reached.
+ if !z.NoChecksum {
+ // Validate the frame checksum.
+ checksum, err := z.readUint32()
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("frame checksum got=%x / want=%x", z.checksum.Sum32(), checksum)
+ }
+ z.pos += 4
+ if h := z.checksum.Sum32(); checksum != h {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("lz4: invalid frame checksum: got %x; expected %x", h, checksum)
+ }
+ }
+ // Get ready for the next concatenated frame and keep the position.
+ pos := z.pos
+ z.Reset(z.src)
+ z.pos = pos
+ // Since multiple frames can be concatenated, check for more.
+ return 0, z.readHeader(false)
+ }
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("raw block size %d", bLen)
+ }
+ if bLen&compressedBlockFlag > 0 {
+ // Uncompressed block.
+ bLen &= compressedBlockMask
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("uncompressed block size %d", bLen)
+ }
+ if int(bLen) > cap(z.data) {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("lz4: invalid block size: %d", bLen)
+ }
+ z.data = z.data[:bLen]
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(z.src, z.data); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ z.pos += int64(bLen)
+ if z.OnBlockDone != nil {
+ z.OnBlockDone(int(bLen))
+ }
+ if z.BlockChecksum {
+ checksum, err := z.readUint32()
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ z.pos += 4
+ if h := xxh32.ChecksumZero(z.data); h != checksum {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("lz4: invalid block checksum: got %x; expected %x", h, checksum)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Compressed block.
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("compressed block size %d", bLen)
+ }
+ if int(bLen) > cap(z.data) {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("lz4: invalid block size: %d", bLen)
+ }
+ zdata := z.zdata[:bLen]
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(z.src, zdata); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ z.pos += int64(bLen)
+ if z.BlockChecksum {
+ checksum, err := z.readUint32()
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ z.pos += 4
+ if h := xxh32.ChecksumZero(zdata); h != checksum {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("lz4: invalid block checksum: got %x; expected %x", h, checksum)
+ }
+ }
+ n, err := UncompressBlock(zdata, z.data)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ z.data = z.data[:n]
+ if z.OnBlockDone != nil {
+ z.OnBlockDone(n)
+ }
+ }
+ if !z.NoChecksum {
+ _, _ = z.checksum.Write(z.data)
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("current frame checksum %x", z.checksum.Sum32())
+ }
+ }
+ z.idx = 0
+ }
+ if z.skip > int64(len(z.data[z.idx:])) {
+ z.skip -= int64(len(z.data[z.idx:]))
+ z.dpos += int64(len(z.data[z.idx:]))
+ z.idx = len(z.data)
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ z.idx += int(z.skip)
+ z.dpos += z.skip
+ z.skip = 0
+ n := copy(buf, z.data[z.idx:])
+ z.idx += n
+ z.dpos += int64(n)
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("copied %d bytes to input", n)
+ }
+ return n, nil
+// Seek implements io.Seeker, but supports seeking forward from the current
+// position only. Any other seek will return an error. Allows skipping output
+// bytes which aren't needed, which in some scenarios is faster than reading
+// and discarding them.
+// Note this may cause future calls to Read() to read 0 bytes if all of the
+// data they would have returned is skipped.
+func (z *Reader) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
+ if offset < 0 || whence != io.SeekCurrent {
+ return z.dpos + z.skip, ErrUnsupportedSeek
+ }
+ z.skip += offset
+ return z.dpos + z.skip, nil
+// Reset discards the Reader's state and makes it equivalent to the
+// result of its original state from NewReader, but reading from r instead.
+// This permits reusing a Reader rather than allocating a new one.
+func (z *Reader) Reset(r io.Reader) {
+ z.Header = Header{}
+ z.pos = 0
+ z.src = r
+ z.zdata = z.zdata[:0]
+ z.data = z.data[:0]
+ z.idx = 0
+ z.checksum.Reset()
+// readUint32 reads an uint32 into the supplied buffer.
+// The idea is to make use of the already allocated buffers avoiding additional allocations.
+func (z *Reader) readUint32() (uint32, error) {
+ buf := z.buf[:4]
+ _, err := io.ReadFull(z.src, buf)
+ x := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf)
+ return x, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/writer.go b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/writer.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..324f1386b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/pierrec/lz4/writer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+package lz4
+import (
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/pierrec/lz4/internal/xxh32"
+ "io"
+ "runtime"
+// zResult contains the results of compressing a block.
+type zResult struct {
+ size uint32 // Block header
+ data []byte // Compressed data
+ checksum uint32 // Data checksum
+// Writer implements the LZ4 frame encoder.
+type Writer struct {
+ Header
+ // Handler called when a block has been successfully written out.
+ // It provides the number of bytes written.
+ OnBlockDone func(size int)
+ buf [19]byte // magic number(4) + header(flags(2)+[Size(8)+DictID(4)]+checksum(1)) does not exceed 19 bytes
+ dst io.Writer // Destination.
+ checksum xxh32.XXHZero // Frame checksum.
+ data []byte // Data to be compressed + buffer for compressed data.
+ idx int // Index into data.
+ hashtable [winSize]int // Hash table used in CompressBlock().
+ // For concurrency.
+ c chan chan zResult // Channel for block compression goroutines and writer goroutine.
+ err error // Any error encountered while writing to the underlying destination.
+// NewWriter returns a new LZ4 frame encoder.
+// No access to the underlying io.Writer is performed.
+// The supplied Header is checked at the first Write.
+// It is ok to change it before the first Write but then not until a Reset() is performed.
+func NewWriter(dst io.Writer) *Writer {
+ z := new(Writer)
+ z.Reset(dst)
+ return z
+// WithConcurrency sets the number of concurrent go routines used for compression.
+// A negative value sets the concurrency to GOMAXPROCS.
+func (z *Writer) WithConcurrency(n int) *Writer {
+ switch {
+ case n == 0 || n == 1:
+ z.c = nil
+ return z
+ case n < 0:
+ n = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
+ }
+ z.c = make(chan chan zResult, n)
+ // Writer goroutine managing concurrent block compression goroutines.
+ go func() {
+ // Process next block compression item.
+ for c := range z.c {
+ // Read the next compressed block result.
+ // Waiting here ensures that the blocks are output in the order they were sent.
+ // The incoming channel is always closed as it indicates to the caller that
+ // the block has been processed.
+ res := <-c
+ n := len(res.data)
+ if n == 0 {
+ // Notify the block compression routine that we are done with its result.
+ // This is used when a sentinel block is sent to terminate the compression.
+ close(c)
+ return
+ }
+ // Write the block.
+ if err := z.writeUint32(res.size); err != nil && z.err == nil {
+ z.err = err
+ }
+ if _, err := z.dst.Write(res.data); err != nil && z.err == nil {
+ z.err = err
+ }
+ if z.BlockChecksum {
+ if err := z.writeUint32(res.checksum); err != nil && z.err == nil {
+ z.err = err
+ }
+ }
+ if isCompressed := res.size&compressedBlockFlag == 0; isCompressed {
+ // It is now safe to release the buffer as no longer in use by any goroutine.
+ putBuffer(cap(res.data), res.data)
+ }
+ if h := z.OnBlockDone; h != nil {
+ h(n)
+ }
+ close(c)
+ }
+ }()
+ return z
+// newBuffers instantiates new buffers which size matches the one in Header.
+// The returned buffers are for decompression and compression respectively.
+func (z *Writer) newBuffers() {
+ bSize := z.Header.BlockMaxSize
+ buf := getBuffer(bSize)
+ z.data = buf[:bSize] // Uncompressed buffer is the first half.
+// freeBuffers puts the writer's buffers back to the pool.
+func (z *Writer) freeBuffers() {
+ // Put the buffer back into the pool, if any.
+ putBuffer(z.Header.BlockMaxSize, z.data)
+ z.data = nil
+// writeHeader builds and writes the header (magic+header) to the underlying io.Writer.
+func (z *Writer) writeHeader() error {
+ // Default to 4Mb if BlockMaxSize is not set.
+ if z.Header.BlockMaxSize == 0 {
+ z.Header.BlockMaxSize = blockSize4M
+ }
+ // The only option that needs to be validated.
+ bSize := z.Header.BlockMaxSize
+ if !isValidBlockSize(z.Header.BlockMaxSize) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("lz4: invalid block max size: %d", bSize)
+ }
+ // Allocate the compressed/uncompressed buffers.
+ // The compressed buffer cannot exceed the uncompressed one.
+ z.newBuffers()
+ z.idx = 0
+ // Size is optional.
+ buf := z.buf[:]
+ // Set the fixed size data: magic number, block max size and flags.
+ binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[0:], frameMagic)
+ flg := byte(Version << 6)
+ flg |= 1 << 5 // No block dependency.
+ if z.Header.BlockChecksum {
+ flg |= 1 << 4
+ }
+ if z.Header.Size > 0 {
+ flg |= 1 << 3
+ }
+ if !z.Header.NoChecksum {
+ flg |= 1 << 2
+ }
+ buf[4] = flg
+ buf[5] = blockSizeValueToIndex(z.Header.BlockMaxSize) << 4
+ // Current buffer size: magic(4) + flags(1) + block max size (1).
+ n := 6
+ // Optional items.
+ if z.Header.Size > 0 {
+ binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[n:], z.Header.Size)
+ n += 8
+ }
+ // The header checksum includes the flags, block max size and optional Size.
+ buf[n] = byte(xxh32.ChecksumZero(buf[4:n]) >> 8 & 0xFF)
+ z.checksum.Reset()
+ // Header ready, write it out.
+ if _, err := z.dst.Write(buf[0 : n+1]); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ z.Header.done = true
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("wrote header %v", z.Header)
+ }
+ return nil
+// Write compresses data from the supplied buffer into the underlying io.Writer.
+// Write does not return until the data has been written.
+func (z *Writer) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
+ if !z.Header.done {
+ if err := z.writeHeader(); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ }
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("input buffer len=%d index=%d", len(buf), z.idx)
+ }
+ zn := len(z.data)
+ var n int
+ for len(buf) > 0 {
+ if z.idx == 0 && len(buf) >= zn {
+ // Avoid a copy as there is enough data for a block.
+ if err := z.compressBlock(buf[:zn]); err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ n += zn
+ buf = buf[zn:]
+ continue
+ }
+ // Accumulate the data to be compressed.
+ m := copy(z.data[z.idx:], buf)
+ n += m
+ z.idx += m
+ buf = buf[m:]
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("%d bytes copied to buf, current index %d", n, z.idx)
+ }
+ if z.idx < len(z.data) {
+ // Buffer not filled.
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("need more data for compression")
+ }
+ return n, nil
+ }
+ // Buffer full.
+ if err := z.compressBlock(z.data); err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ z.idx = 0
+ }
+ return n, nil
+// compressBlock compresses a block.
+func (z *Writer) compressBlock(data []byte) error {
+ if !z.NoChecksum {
+ _, _ = z.checksum.Write(data)
+ }
+ if z.c != nil {
+ c := make(chan zResult)
+ z.c <- c // Send now to guarantee order
+ go writerCompressBlock(c, z.Header, data)
+ return nil
+ }
+ zdata := z.data[z.Header.BlockMaxSize:cap(z.data)]
+ // The compressed block size cannot exceed the input's.
+ var zn int
+ if level := z.Header.CompressionLevel; level != 0 {
+ zn, _ = CompressBlockHC(data, zdata, level)
+ } else {
+ zn, _ = CompressBlock(data, zdata, z.hashtable[:])
+ }
+ var bLen uint32
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("block compression %d => %d", len(data), zn)
+ }
+ if zn > 0 && zn < len(data) {
+ // Compressible and compressed size smaller than uncompressed: ok!
+ bLen = uint32(zn)
+ zdata = zdata[:zn]
+ } else {
+ // Uncompressed block.
+ bLen = uint32(len(data)) | compressedBlockFlag
+ zdata = data
+ }
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("block compression to be written len=%d data len=%d", bLen, len(zdata))
+ }
+ // Write the block.
+ if err := z.writeUint32(bLen); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ written, err := z.dst.Write(zdata)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if h := z.OnBlockDone; h != nil {
+ h(written)
+ }
+ if !z.BlockChecksum {
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("current frame checksum %x", z.checksum.Sum32())
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ checksum := xxh32.ChecksumZero(zdata)
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("block checksum %x", checksum)
+ defer func() { debug("current frame checksum %x", z.checksum.Sum32()) }()
+ }
+ return z.writeUint32(checksum)
+// Flush flushes any pending compressed data to the underlying writer.
+// Flush does not return until the data has been written.
+// If the underlying writer returns an error, Flush returns that error.
+func (z *Writer) Flush() error {
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("flush with index %d", z.idx)
+ }
+ if z.idx == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ data := z.data[:z.idx]
+ z.idx = 0
+ if z.c == nil {
+ return z.compressBlock(data)
+ }
+ if !z.NoChecksum {
+ _, _ = z.checksum.Write(data)
+ }
+ c := make(chan zResult)
+ z.c <- c
+ writerCompressBlock(c, z.Header, data)
+ return nil
+func (z *Writer) close() error {
+ if z.c == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Send a sentinel block (no data to compress) to terminate the writer main goroutine.
+ c := make(chan zResult)
+ z.c <- c
+ c <- zResult{}
+ // Wait for the main goroutine to complete.
+ <-c
+ // At this point the main goroutine has shut down or is about to return.
+ z.c = nil
+ return z.err
+// Close closes the Writer, flushing any unwritten data to the underlying io.Writer, but does not close the underlying io.Writer.
+func (z *Writer) Close() error {
+ if !z.Header.done {
+ if err := z.writeHeader(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ if err := z.Flush(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := z.close(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ z.freeBuffers()
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("writing last empty block")
+ }
+ if err := z.writeUint32(0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if z.NoChecksum {
+ return nil
+ }
+ checksum := z.checksum.Sum32()
+ if debugFlag {
+ debug("stream checksum %x", checksum)
+ }
+ return z.writeUint32(checksum)
+// Reset clears the state of the Writer z such that it is equivalent to its
+// initial state from NewWriter, but instead writing to w.
+// No access to the underlying io.Writer is performed.
+func (z *Writer) Reset(w io.Writer) {
+ n := cap(z.c)
+ _ = z.close()
+ z.freeBuffers()
+ z.Header.Reset()
+ z.dst = w
+ z.checksum.Reset()
+ z.idx = 0
+ z.err = nil
+ z.WithConcurrency(n)
+// writeUint32 writes a uint32 to the underlying writer.
+func (z *Writer) writeUint32(x uint32) error {
+ buf := z.buf[:4]
+ binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf, x)
+ _, err := z.dst.Write(buf)
+ return err
+// writerCompressBlock compresses data into a pooled buffer and writes its result
+// out to the input channel.
+func writerCompressBlock(c chan zResult, header Header, data []byte) {
+ zdata := getBuffer(header.BlockMaxSize)
+ // The compressed block size cannot exceed the input's.
+ var zn int
+ if level := header.CompressionLevel; level != 0 {
+ zn, _ = CompressBlockHC(data, zdata, level)
+ } else {
+ var hashTable [winSize]int
+ zn, _ = CompressBlock(data, zdata, hashTable[:])
+ }
+ var res zResult
+ if zn > 0 && zn < len(data) {
+ res.size = uint32(zn)
+ res.data = zdata[:zn]
+ } else {
+ res.size = uint32(len(data)) | compressedBlockFlag
+ res.data = data
+ }
+ if header.BlockChecksum {
+ res.checksum = xxh32.ChecksumZero(res.data)
+ }
+ c <- res
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3c2fc2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# .gitignore
+# test executables
+# profile files
+# vim swap file
+# executables on windows
+# default compression test file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d32149979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Ulrich Kunitz
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+* My name, Ulrich Kunitz, may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/README.md b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a2dc8284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Package xz
+This Go language package supports the reading and writing of xz
+compressed streams. It includes also a gxz command for compressing and
+decompressing data. The package is completely written in Go and doesn't
+have any dependency on any C code.
+The package is currently under development. There might be bugs and APIs
+are not considered stable. At this time the package cannot compete with
+the xz tool regarding compression speed and size. The algorithms there
+have been developed over a long time and are highly optimized. However
+there are a number of improvements planned and I'm very optimistic about
+parallel compression and decompression. Stay tuned!
+## Using the API
+The following example program shows how to use the API.
+package main
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "io"
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "github.com/ulikunitz/xz"
+func main() {
+ const text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n"
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ // compress text
+ w, err := xz.NewWriter(&buf)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("xz.NewWriter error %s", err)
+ }
+ if _, err := io.WriteString(w, text); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("WriteString error %s", err)
+ }
+ if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("w.Close error %s", err)
+ }
+ // decompress buffer and write output to stdout
+ r, err := xz.NewReader(&buf)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("NewReader error %s", err)
+ }
+ if _, err = io.Copy(os.Stdout, r); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("io.Copy error %s", err)
+ }
+## Using the gxz compression tool
+The package includes a gxz command line utility for compression and
+Use following command for installation:
+ $ go get github.com/ulikunitz/xz/cmd/gxz
+To test it call the following command.
+ $ gxz bigfile
+After some time a much smaller file bigfile.xz will replace bigfile.
+To decompress it use the following command.
+ $ gxz -d bigfile.xz
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/TODO.md b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/TODO.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4224ce14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/TODO.md
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+# TODO list
+## Release v0.5.x
+1. Support check flag in gxz command.
+## Release v0.6
+1. Review encoder and check for lzma improvements under xz.
+2. Fix binary tree matcher.
+3. Compare compression ratio with xz tool using comparable parameters
+ and optimize parameters
+4. Do some optimizations
+ - rename operation action and make it a simple type of size 8
+ - make maxMatches, wordSize parameters
+ - stop searching after a certain length is found (parameter sweetLen)
+## Release v0.7
+1. Optimize code
+2. Do statistical analysis to get linear presets.
+3. Test sync.Pool compatability for xz and lzma Writer and Reader
+3. Fuzz optimized code.
+## Release v0.8
+1. Support parallel go routines for writing and reading xz files.
+2. Support a ReaderAt interface for xz files with small block sizes.
+3. Improve compatibility between gxz and xz
+4. Provide manual page for gxz
+## Release v0.9
+1. Improve documentation
+2. Fuzz again
+## Release v1.0
+1. Full functioning gxz
+2. Add godoc URL to README.md (godoc.org)
+3. Resolve all issues.
+4. Define release candidates.
+5. Public announcement.
+## Package lzma
+### Release v0.6
+- Rewrite Encoder into a simple greedy one-op-at-a-time encoder
+ including
+ + simple scan at the dictionary head for the same byte
+ + use the killer byte (requiring matches to get longer, the first
+ test should be the byte that would make the match longer)
+## Optimizations
+- There may be a lot of false sharing in lzma.State; check whether this
+ can be improved by reorganizing the internal structure of it.
+- Check whether batching encoding and decoding improves speed.
+### DAG optimizations
+- Use full buffer to create minimal bit-length above range encoder.
+- Might be too slow (see v0.4)
+### Different match finders
+- hashes with 2, 3 characters additional to 4 characters
+- binary trees with 2-7 characters (uint64 as key, use uint32 as
+ pointers into a an array)
+- rb-trees with 2-7 characters (uint64 as key, use uint32 as pointers
+ into an array with bit-steeling for the colors)
+## Release Procedure
+- execute goch -l for all packages; probably with lower param like 0.5.
+- check orthography with gospell
+- Write release notes in doc/relnotes.
+- Update README.md
+- xb copyright . in xz directory to ensure all new files have Copyright
+ header
+- VERSION= go generate github.com/ulikunitz/xz/... to update
+ version files
+- Execute test for Linux/amd64, Linux/x86 and Windows/amd64.
+- Update TODO.md - write short log entry
+- git checkout master && git merge dev
+- git tag -a
+- git push
+## Log
+### 2020-02-24
+Release v0.5.7 supports the check-ID None and fixes
+[issue #27](https://github.com/ulikunitz/xz/issues/27).
+### 2019-02-20
+Release v0.5.6 supports the go.mod file.
+### 2018-10-28
+Release v0.5.5 fixes issues #19 observing ErrLimit outputs.
+### 2017-06-05
+Release v0.5.4 fixes issues #15 of another problem with the padding size
+check for the xz block header. I removed the check completely.
+### 2017-02-15
+Release v0.5.3 fixes issue #12 regarding the decompression of an empty
+XZ stream. Many thanks to Tomasz Kłak, who reported the issue.
+### 2016-12-02
+Release v0.5.2 became necessary to allow the decoding of xz files with
+4-byte padding in the block header. Many thanks to Greg, who reported
+the issue.
+### 2016-07-23
+Release v0.5.1 became necessary to fix problems with 32-bit platforms.
+Many thanks to Bruno Brigas, who reported the issue.
+### 2016-07-04
+Release v0.5 provides improvements to the compressor and provides support for
+the decompression of xz files with multiple xz streams.
+### 2016-01-31
+Another compression rate increase by checking the byte at length of the
+best match first, before checking the whole prefix. This makes the
+compressor even faster. We have now a large time budget to beat the
+compression ratio of the xz tool. For enwik8 we have now over 40 seconds
+to reduce the compressed file size for another 7 MiB.
+### 2016-01-30
+I simplified the encoder. Speed and compression rate increased
+dramatically. A high compression rate affects also the decompression
+speed. The approach with the buffer and optimizing for operation
+compression rate has not been successful. Going for the maximum length
+appears to be the best approach.
+### 2016-01-28
+The release v0.4 is ready. It provides a working xz implementation,
+which is rather slow, but works and is interoperable with the xz tool.
+It is an important milestone.
+### 2016-01-10
+I have the first working implementation of an xz reader and writer. I'm
+happy about reaching this milestone.
+### 2015-12-02
+I'm now ready to implement xz because, I have a working LZMA2
+implementation. I decided today that v0.4 will use the slow encoder
+using the operations buffer to be able to go back, if I intend to do so.
+### 2015-10-21
+I have restarted the work on the library. While trying to implement
+LZMA2, I discovered that I need to resimplify the encoder and decoder
+functions. The option approach is too complicated. Using a limited byte
+writer and not caring for written bytes at all and not to try to handle
+uncompressed data simplifies the LZMA encoder and decoder much.
+Processing uncompressed data and handling limits is a feature of the
+LZMA2 format not of LZMA.
+I learned an interesting method from the LZO format. If the last copy is
+too far away they are moving the head one 2 bytes and not 1 byte to
+reduce processing times.
+### 2015-08-26
+I have now reimplemented the lzma package. The code is reasonably fast,
+but can still be optimized. The next step is to implement LZMA2 and then
+### 2015-07-05
+Created release v0.3. The version is the foundation for a full xz
+implementation that is the target of v0.4.
+### 2015-06-11
+The gflag package has been developed because I couldn't use flag and
+pflag for a fully compatible support of gzip's and lzma's options. It
+seems to work now quite nicely.
+### 2015-06-05
+The overflow issue was interesting to research, however Henry S. Warren
+Jr. Hacker's Delight book was very helpful as usual and had the issue
+explained perfectly. Fefe's information on his website was based on the
+C FAQ and quite bad, because it didn't address the issue of -MININT ==
+### 2015-06-04
+It has been a productive day. I improved the interface of lzma.Reader
+and lzma.Writer and fixed the error handling.
+### 2015-06-01
+By computing the bit length of the LZMA operations I was able to
+improve the greedy algorithm implementation. By using an 8 MByte buffer
+the compression rate was not as good as for xz but already better then
+gzip default.
+Compression is currently slow, but this is something we will be able to
+improve over time.
+### 2015-05-26
+Checked the license of ogier/pflag. The binary lzmago binary should
+include the license terms for the pflag library.
+I added the endorsement clause as used by Google for the Go sources the
+LICENSE file.
+### 2015-05-22
+The package lzb contains now the basic implementation for creating or
+reading LZMA byte streams. It allows the support for the implementation
+of the DAG-shortest-path algorithm for the compression function.
+### 2015-04-23
+Completed yesterday the lzbase classes. I'm a little bit concerned that
+using the components may require too much code, but on the other hand
+there is a lot of flexibility.
+### 2015-04-22
+Implemented Reader and Writer during the Bayern game against Porto. The
+second half gave me enough time.
+### 2015-04-21
+While showering today morning I discovered that the design for OpEncoder
+and OpDecoder doesn't work, because encoding/decoding might depend on
+the current status of the dictionary. This is not exactly the right way
+to start the day.
+Therefore we need to keep the Reader and Writer design. This time around
+we simplify it by ignoring size limits. These can be added by wrappers
+around the Reader and Writer interfaces. The Parameters type isn't
+needed anymore.
+However I will implement a ReaderState and WriterState type to use
+static typing to ensure the right State object is combined with the
+right lzbase.Reader and lzbase.Writer.
+As a start I have implemented ReaderState and WriterState to ensure
+that the state for reading is only used by readers and WriterState only
+used by Writers.
+### 2015-04-20
+Today I implemented the OpDecoder and tested OpEncoder and OpDecoder.
+### 2015-04-08
+Came up with a new simplified design for lzbase. I implemented already
+the type State that replaces OpCodec.
+### 2015-04-06
+The new lzma package is now fully usable and lzmago is using it now. The
+old lzma package has been completely removed.
+### 2015-04-05
+Implemented lzma.Reader and tested it.
+### 2015-04-04
+Implemented baseReader by adapting code form lzma.Reader.
+### 2015-04-03
+The opCodec has been copied yesterday to lzma2. opCodec has a high
+number of dependencies on other files in lzma2. Therefore I had to copy
+almost all files from lzma.
+### 2015-03-31
+Removed only a TODO item.
+However in Francesco Campoy's presentation "Go for Javaneros
+(Javaïstes?)" is the the idea that using an embedded field E, all the
+methods of E will be defined on T. If E is an interface T satisfies E.
+I have never used this, but it seems to be a cool idea.
+### 2015-03-30
+Finished the type writerDict and wrote a simple test.
+### 2015-03-25
+I started to implement the writerDict.
+### 2015-03-24
+After thinking long about the LZMA2 code and several false starts, I
+have now a plan to create a self-sufficient lzma2 package that supports
+the classic LZMA format as well as LZMA2. The core idea is to support a
+baseReader and baseWriter type that support the basic LZMA stream
+without any headers. Both types must support the reuse of dictionaries
+and the opCodec.
+### 2015-01-10
+1. Implemented simple lzmago tool
+2. Tested tool against large 4.4G file
+ - compression worked correctly; tested decompression with lzma
+ - decompression hits a full buffer condition
+3. Fixed a bug in the compressor and wrote a test for it
+4. Executed full cycle for 4.4 GB file; performance can be improved ;-)
+### 2015-01-11
+- Release v0.2 because of the working LZMA encoder and decoder
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/bits.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/bits.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..364213dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/bits.go
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package xz
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "io"
+// putUint32LE puts the little-endian representation of x into the first
+// four bytes of p.
+func putUint32LE(p []byte, x uint32) {
+ p[0] = byte(x)
+ p[1] = byte(x >> 8)
+ p[2] = byte(x >> 16)
+ p[3] = byte(x >> 24)
+// putUint64LE puts the little-endian representation of x into the first
+// eight bytes of p.
+func putUint64LE(p []byte, x uint64) {
+ p[0] = byte(x)
+ p[1] = byte(x >> 8)
+ p[2] = byte(x >> 16)
+ p[3] = byte(x >> 24)
+ p[4] = byte(x >> 32)
+ p[5] = byte(x >> 40)
+ p[6] = byte(x >> 48)
+ p[7] = byte(x >> 56)
+// uint32LE converts a little endian representation to an uint32 value.
+func uint32LE(p []byte) uint32 {
+ return uint32(p[0]) | uint32(p[1])<<8 | uint32(p[2])<<16 |
+ uint32(p[3])<<24
+// putUvarint puts a uvarint representation of x into the byte slice.
+func putUvarint(p []byte, x uint64) int {
+ i := 0
+ for x >= 0x80 {
+ p[i] = byte(x) | 0x80
+ x >>= 7
+ i++
+ }
+ p[i] = byte(x)
+ return i + 1
+// errOverflow indicates an overflow of the 64-bit unsigned integer.
+var errOverflowU64 = errors.New("xz: uvarint overflows 64-bit unsigned integer")
+// readUvarint reads a uvarint from the given byte reader.
+func readUvarint(r io.ByteReader) (x uint64, n int, err error) {
+ var s uint
+ i := 0
+ for {
+ b, err := r.ReadByte()
+ if err != nil {
+ return x, i, err
+ }
+ i++
+ if b < 0x80 {
+ if i > 10 || i == 10 && b > 1 {
+ return x, i, errOverflowU64
+ }
+ return x | uint64(b)< 0 {
+ k = 4 - k
+ }
+ return k
+/*** Header ***/
+// headerMagic stores the magic bytes for the header
+var headerMagic = []byte{0xfd, '7', 'z', 'X', 'Z', 0x00}
+// HeaderLen provides the length of the xz file header.
+const HeaderLen = 12
+// Constants for the checksum methods supported by xz.
+const (
+ None byte = 0x0
+ CRC32 = 0x1
+ CRC64 = 0x4
+ SHA256 = 0xa
+// errInvalidFlags indicates that flags are invalid.
+var errInvalidFlags = errors.New("xz: invalid flags")
+// verifyFlags returns the error errInvalidFlags if the value is
+// invalid.
+func verifyFlags(flags byte) error {
+ switch flags {
+ case None, CRC32, CRC64, SHA256:
+ return nil
+ default:
+ return errInvalidFlags
+ }
+// flagstrings maps flag values to strings.
+var flagstrings = map[byte]string{
+ None: "None",
+ CRC32: "CRC-32",
+ CRC64: "CRC-64",
+ SHA256: "SHA-256",
+// flagString returns the string representation for the given flags.
+func flagString(flags byte) string {
+ s, ok := flagstrings[flags]
+ if !ok {
+ return "invalid"
+ }
+ return s
+// newHashFunc returns a function that creates hash instances for the
+// hash method encoded in flags.
+func newHashFunc(flags byte) (newHash func() hash.Hash, err error) {
+ switch flags {
+ case None:
+ newHash = newNoneHash
+ case CRC32:
+ newHash = newCRC32
+ case CRC64:
+ newHash = newCRC64
+ case SHA256:
+ newHash = sha256.New
+ default:
+ err = errInvalidFlags
+ }
+ return
+// header provides the actual content of the xz file header: the flags.
+type header struct {
+ flags byte
+// Errors returned by readHeader.
+var errHeaderMagic = errors.New("xz: invalid header magic bytes")
+// ValidHeader checks whether data is a correct xz file header. The
+// length of data must be HeaderLen.
+func ValidHeader(data []byte) bool {
+ var h header
+ err := h.UnmarshalBinary(data)
+ return err == nil
+// String returns a string representation of the flags.
+func (h header) String() string {
+ return flagString(h.flags)
+// UnmarshalBinary reads header from the provided data slice.
+func (h *header) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
+ // header length
+ if len(data) != HeaderLen {
+ return errors.New("xz: wrong file header length")
+ }
+ // magic header
+ if !bytes.Equal(headerMagic, data[:6]) {
+ return errHeaderMagic
+ }
+ // checksum
+ crc := crc32.NewIEEE()
+ crc.Write(data[6:8])
+ if uint32LE(data[8:]) != crc.Sum32() {
+ return errors.New("xz: invalid checksum for file header")
+ }
+ // stream flags
+ if data[6] != 0 {
+ return errInvalidFlags
+ }
+ flags := data[7]
+ if err := verifyFlags(flags); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ h.flags = flags
+ return nil
+// MarshalBinary generates the xz file header.
+func (h *header) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
+ if err = verifyFlags(h.flags); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ data = make([]byte, 12)
+ copy(data, headerMagic)
+ data[7] = h.flags
+ crc := crc32.NewIEEE()
+ crc.Write(data[6:8])
+ putUint32LE(data[8:], crc.Sum32())
+ return data, nil
+/*** Footer ***/
+// footerLen defines the length of the footer.
+const footerLen = 12
+// footerMagic contains the footer magic bytes.
+var footerMagic = []byte{'Y', 'Z'}
+// footer represents the content of the xz file footer.
+type footer struct {
+ indexSize int64
+ flags byte
+// String prints a string representation of the footer structure.
+func (f footer) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s index size %d", flagString(f.flags), f.indexSize)
+// Minimum and maximum for the size of the index (backward size).
+const (
+ minIndexSize = 4
+ maxIndexSize = (1 << 32) * 4
+// MarshalBinary converts footer values into an xz file footer. Note
+// that the footer value is checked for correctness.
+func (f *footer) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
+ if err = verifyFlags(f.flags); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if !(minIndexSize <= f.indexSize && f.indexSize <= maxIndexSize) {
+ return nil, errors.New("xz: index size out of range")
+ }
+ if f.indexSize%4 != 0 {
+ return nil, errors.New(
+ "xz: index size not aligned to four bytes")
+ }
+ data = make([]byte, footerLen)
+ // backward size (index size)
+ s := (f.indexSize / 4) - 1
+ putUint32LE(data[4:], uint32(s))
+ // flags
+ data[9] = f.flags
+ // footer magic
+ copy(data[10:], footerMagic)
+ // CRC-32
+ crc := crc32.NewIEEE()
+ crc.Write(data[4:10])
+ putUint32LE(data, crc.Sum32())
+ return data, nil
+// UnmarshalBinary sets the footer value by unmarshalling an xz file
+// footer.
+func (f *footer) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
+ if len(data) != footerLen {
+ return errors.New("xz: wrong footer length")
+ }
+ // magic bytes
+ if !bytes.Equal(data[10:], footerMagic) {
+ return errors.New("xz: footer magic invalid")
+ }
+ // CRC-32
+ crc := crc32.NewIEEE()
+ crc.Write(data[4:10])
+ if uint32LE(data) != crc.Sum32() {
+ return errors.New("xz: footer checksum error")
+ }
+ var g footer
+ // backward size (index size)
+ g.indexSize = (int64(uint32LE(data[4:])) + 1) * 4
+ // flags
+ if data[8] != 0 {
+ return errInvalidFlags
+ }
+ g.flags = data[9]
+ if err := verifyFlags(g.flags); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *f = g
+ return nil
+/*** Block Header ***/
+// blockHeader represents the content of an xz block header.
+type blockHeader struct {
+ compressedSize int64
+ uncompressedSize int64
+ filters []filter
+// String converts the block header into a string.
+func (h blockHeader) String() string {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ first := true
+ if h.compressedSize >= 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "compressed size %d", h.compressedSize)
+ first = false
+ }
+ if h.uncompressedSize >= 0 {
+ if !first {
+ buf.WriteString(" ")
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "uncompressed size %d", h.uncompressedSize)
+ first = false
+ }
+ for _, f := range h.filters {
+ if !first {
+ buf.WriteString(" ")
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "filter %s", f)
+ first = false
+ }
+ return buf.String()
+// Masks for the block flags.
+const (
+ filterCountMask = 0x03
+ compressedSizePresent = 0x40
+ uncompressedSizePresent = 0x80
+ reservedBlockFlags = 0x3C
+// errIndexIndicator signals that an index indicator (0x00) has been found
+// instead of an expected block header indicator.
+var errIndexIndicator = errors.New("xz: found index indicator")
+// readBlockHeader reads the block header.
+func readBlockHeader(r io.Reader) (h *blockHeader, n int, err error) {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ buf.Grow(20)
+ // block header size
+ z, err := io.CopyN(&buf, r, 1)
+ n = int(z)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, n, err
+ }
+ s := buf.Bytes()[0]
+ if s == 0 {
+ return nil, n, errIndexIndicator
+ }
+ // read complete header
+ headerLen := (int(s) + 1) * 4
+ buf.Grow(headerLen - 1)
+ z, err = io.CopyN(&buf, r, int64(headerLen-1))
+ n += int(z)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, n, err
+ }
+ // unmarshal block header
+ h = new(blockHeader)
+ if err = h.UnmarshalBinary(buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
+ return nil, n, err
+ }
+ return h, n, nil
+// readSizeInBlockHeader reads the uncompressed or compressed size
+// fields in the block header. The present value informs the function
+// whether the respective field is actually present in the header.
+func readSizeInBlockHeader(r io.ByteReader, present bool) (n int64, err error) {
+ if !present {
+ return -1, nil
+ }
+ x, _, err := readUvarint(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ if x >= 1<<63 {
+ return 0, errors.New("xz: size overflow in block header")
+ }
+ return int64(x), nil
+// UnmarshalBinary unmarshals the block header.
+func (h *blockHeader) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
+ // Check header length
+ s := data[0]
+ if data[0] == 0 {
+ return errIndexIndicator
+ }
+ headerLen := (int(s) + 1) * 4
+ if len(data) != headerLen {
+ return fmt.Errorf("xz: data length %d; want %d", len(data),
+ headerLen)
+ }
+ n := headerLen - 4
+ // Check CRC-32
+ crc := crc32.NewIEEE()
+ crc.Write(data[:n])
+ if crc.Sum32() != uint32LE(data[n:]) {
+ return errors.New("xz: checksum error for block header")
+ }
+ // Block header flags
+ flags := data[1]
+ if flags&reservedBlockFlags != 0 {
+ return errors.New("xz: reserved block header flags set")
+ }
+ r := bytes.NewReader(data[2:n])
+ // Compressed size
+ var err error
+ h.compressedSize, err = readSizeInBlockHeader(
+ r, flags&compressedSizePresent != 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Uncompressed size
+ h.uncompressedSize, err = readSizeInBlockHeader(
+ r, flags&uncompressedSizePresent != 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ h.filters, err = readFilters(r, int(flags&filterCountMask)+1)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Check padding
+ // Since headerLen is a multiple of 4 we don't need to check
+ // alignment.
+ k := r.Len()
+ // The standard spec says that the padding should have not more
+ // than 3 bytes. However we found paddings of 4 or 5 in the
+ // wild. See https://github.com/ulikunitz/xz/pull/11 and
+ // https://github.com/ulikunitz/xz/issues/15
+ //
+ // The only reasonable approach seems to be to ignore the
+ // padding size. We still check that all padding bytes are zero.
+ if !allZeros(data[n-k : n]) {
+ return errPadding
+ }
+ return nil
+// MarshalBinary marshals the binary header.
+func (h *blockHeader) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
+ if !(minFilters <= len(h.filters) && len(h.filters) <= maxFilters) {
+ return nil, errors.New("xz: filter count wrong")
+ }
+ for i, f := range h.filters {
+ if i < len(h.filters)-1 {
+ if f.id() == lzmaFilterID {
+ return nil, errors.New(
+ "xz: LZMA2 filter is not the last")
+ }
+ } else {
+ // last filter
+ if f.id() != lzmaFilterID {
+ return nil, errors.New("xz: " +
+ "last filter must be the LZMA2 filter")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ // header size must set at the end
+ buf.WriteByte(0)
+ // flags
+ flags := byte(len(h.filters) - 1)
+ if h.compressedSize >= 0 {
+ flags |= compressedSizePresent
+ }
+ if h.uncompressedSize >= 0 {
+ flags |= uncompressedSizePresent
+ }
+ buf.WriteByte(flags)
+ p := make([]byte, 10)
+ if h.compressedSize >= 0 {
+ k := putUvarint(p, uint64(h.compressedSize))
+ buf.Write(p[:k])
+ }
+ if h.uncompressedSize >= 0 {
+ k := putUvarint(p, uint64(h.uncompressedSize))
+ buf.Write(p[:k])
+ }
+ for _, f := range h.filters {
+ fp, err := f.MarshalBinary()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ buf.Write(fp)
+ }
+ // padding
+ for i := padLen(int64(buf.Len())); i > 0; i-- {
+ buf.WriteByte(0)
+ }
+ // crc place holder
+ buf.Write(p[:4])
+ data = buf.Bytes()
+ if len(data)%4 != 0 {
+ panic("data length not aligned")
+ }
+ s := len(data)/4 - 1
+ if !(1 < s && s <= 255) {
+ panic("wrong block header size")
+ }
+ data[0] = byte(s)
+ crc := crc32.NewIEEE()
+ crc.Write(data[:len(data)-4])
+ putUint32LE(data[len(data)-4:], crc.Sum32())
+ return data, nil
+// Constants used for marshalling and unmarshalling filters in the xz
+// block header.
+const (
+ minFilters = 1
+ maxFilters = 4
+ minReservedID = 1 << 62
+// filter represents a filter in the block header.
+type filter interface {
+ id() uint64
+ UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error
+ MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error)
+ reader(r io.Reader, c *ReaderConfig) (fr io.Reader, err error)
+ writeCloser(w io.WriteCloser, c *WriterConfig) (fw io.WriteCloser, err error)
+ // filter must be last filter
+ last() bool
+// readFilter reads a block filter from the block header. At this point
+// in time only the LZMA2 filter is supported.
+func readFilter(r io.Reader) (f filter, err error) {
+ br := lzma.ByteReader(r)
+ // index
+ id, _, err := readUvarint(br)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var data []byte
+ switch id {
+ case lzmaFilterID:
+ data = make([]byte, lzmaFilterLen)
+ data[0] = lzmaFilterID
+ if _, err = io.ReadFull(r, data[1:]); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ f = new(lzmaFilter)
+ default:
+ if id >= minReservedID {
+ return nil, errors.New(
+ "xz: reserved filter id in block stream header")
+ }
+ return nil, errors.New("xz: invalid filter id")
+ }
+ if err = f.UnmarshalBinary(data); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return f, err
+// readFilters reads count filters. At this point in time only the count
+// 1 is supported.
+func readFilters(r io.Reader, count int) (filters []filter, err error) {
+ if count != 1 {
+ return nil, errors.New("xz: unsupported filter count")
+ }
+ f, err := readFilter(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return []filter{f}, err
+// writeFilters writes the filters.
+func writeFilters(w io.Writer, filters []filter) (n int, err error) {
+ for _, f := range filters {
+ p, err := f.MarshalBinary()
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ k, err := w.Write(p)
+ n += k
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+ return n, nil
+/*** Index ***/
+// record describes a block in the xz file index.
+type record struct {
+ unpaddedSize int64
+ uncompressedSize int64
+// readRecord reads an index record.
+func readRecord(r io.ByteReader) (rec record, n int, err error) {
+ u, k, err := readUvarint(r)
+ n += k
+ if err != nil {
+ return rec, n, err
+ }
+ rec.unpaddedSize = int64(u)
+ if rec.unpaddedSize < 0 {
+ return rec, n, errors.New("xz: unpadded size negative")
+ }
+ u, k, err = readUvarint(r)
+ n += k
+ if err != nil {
+ return rec, n, err
+ }
+ rec.uncompressedSize = int64(u)
+ if rec.uncompressedSize < 0 {
+ return rec, n, errors.New("xz: uncompressed size negative")
+ }
+ return rec, n, nil
+// MarshalBinary converts an index record in its binary encoding.
+func (rec *record) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
+ // maximum length of a uvarint is 10
+ p := make([]byte, 20)
+ n := putUvarint(p, uint64(rec.unpaddedSize))
+ n += putUvarint(p[n:], uint64(rec.uncompressedSize))
+ return p[:n], nil
+// writeIndex writes the index, a sequence of records.
+func writeIndex(w io.Writer, index []record) (n int64, err error) {
+ crc := crc32.NewIEEE()
+ mw := io.MultiWriter(w, crc)
+ // index indicator
+ k, err := mw.Write([]byte{0})
+ n += int64(k)
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ // number of records
+ p := make([]byte, 10)
+ k = putUvarint(p, uint64(len(index)))
+ k, err = mw.Write(p[:k])
+ n += int64(k)
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ // list of records
+ for _, rec := range index {
+ p, err := rec.MarshalBinary()
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ k, err = mw.Write(p)
+ n += int64(k)
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+ // index padding
+ k, err = mw.Write(make([]byte, padLen(int64(n))))
+ n += int64(k)
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ // crc32 checksum
+ putUint32LE(p, crc.Sum32())
+ k, err = w.Write(p[:4])
+ n += int64(k)
+ return n, err
+// readIndexBody reads the index from the reader. It assumes that the
+// index indicator has already been read.
+func readIndexBody(r io.Reader) (records []record, n int64, err error) {
+ crc := crc32.NewIEEE()
+ // index indicator
+ crc.Write([]byte{0})
+ br := lzma.ByteReader(io.TeeReader(r, crc))
+ // number of records
+ u, k, err := readUvarint(br)
+ n += int64(k)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, n, err
+ }
+ recLen := int(u)
+ if recLen < 0 || uint64(recLen) != u {
+ return nil, n, errors.New("xz: record number overflow")
+ }
+ // list of records
+ records = make([]record, recLen)
+ for i := range records {
+ records[i], k, err = readRecord(br)
+ n += int64(k)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, n, err
+ }
+ }
+ p := make([]byte, padLen(int64(n+1)), 4)
+ k, err = io.ReadFull(br.(io.Reader), p)
+ n += int64(k)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, n, err
+ }
+ if !allZeros(p) {
+ return nil, n, errors.New("xz: non-zero byte in index padding")
+ }
+ // crc32
+ s := crc.Sum32()
+ p = p[:4]
+ k, err = io.ReadFull(br.(io.Reader), p)
+ n += int64(k)
+ if err != nil {
+ return records, n, err
+ }
+ if uint32LE(p) != s {
+ return nil, n, errors.New("xz: wrong checksum for index")
+ }
+ return records, n, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/fox-check-none.xz b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/fox-check-none.xz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46043f7dc
Binary files /dev/null and b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/fox-check-none.xz differ
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/fox.xz b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/fox.xz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b820bd5a
Binary files /dev/null and b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/fox.xz differ
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..330b675bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module github.com/ulikunitz/xz
+go 1.12
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/cyclic_poly.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/cyclic_poly.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2861ba3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/cyclic_poly.go
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package hash
+// CyclicPoly provides a cyclic polynomial rolling hash.
+type CyclicPoly struct {
+ h uint64
+ p []uint64
+ i int
+// ror rotates the unsigned 64-bit integer to right. The argument s must be
+// less than 64.
+func ror(x uint64, s uint) uint64 {
+ return (x >> s) | (x << (64 - s))
+// NewCyclicPoly creates a new instance of the CyclicPoly structure. The
+// argument n gives the number of bytes for which a hash will be executed.
+// This number must be positive; the method panics if this isn't the case.
+func NewCyclicPoly(n int) *CyclicPoly {
+ if n < 1 {
+ panic("argument n must be positive")
+ }
+ return &CyclicPoly{p: make([]uint64, 0, n)}
+// Len returns the length of the byte sequence for which a hash is generated.
+func (r *CyclicPoly) Len() int {
+ return cap(r.p)
+// RollByte hashes the next byte and returns a hash value. The complete becomes
+// available after at least Len() bytes have been hashed.
+func (r *CyclicPoly) RollByte(x byte) uint64 {
+ y := hash[x]
+ if len(r.p) < cap(r.p) {
+ r.h = ror(r.h, 1) ^ y
+ r.p = append(r.p, y)
+ } else {
+ r.h ^= ror(r.p[r.i], uint(cap(r.p)-1))
+ r.h = ror(r.h, 1) ^ y
+ r.p[r.i] = y
+ r.i = (r.i + 1) % cap(r.p)
+ }
+ return r.h
+// Stores the hash for the individual bytes.
+var hash = [256]uint64{
+ 0x2e4fc3f904065142, 0xc790984cfbc99527,
+ 0x879f95eb8c62f187, 0x3b61be86b5021ef2,
+ 0x65a896a04196f0a5, 0xc5b307b80470b59e,
+ 0xd3bff376a70df14b, 0xc332f04f0b3f1701,
+ 0x753b5f0e9abf3e0d, 0xb41538fdfe66ef53,
+ 0x1906a10c2c1c0208, 0xfb0c712a03421c0d,
+ 0x38be311a65c9552b, 0xfee7ee4ca6445c7e,
+ 0x71aadeded184f21e, 0xd73426fccda23b2d,
+ 0x29773fb5fb9600b5, 0xce410261cd32981a,
+ 0xfe2848b3c62dbc2d, 0x459eaaff6e43e11c,
+ 0xc13e35fc9c73a887, 0xf30ed5c201e76dbc,
+ 0xa5f10b3910482cea, 0x2945d59be02dfaad,
+ 0x06ee334ff70571b5, 0xbabf9d8070f44380,
+ 0xee3e2e9912ffd27c, 0x2a7118d1ea6b8ea7,
+ 0x26183cb9f7b1664c, 0xea71dac7da068f21,
+ 0xea92eca5bd1d0bb7, 0x415595862defcd75,
+ 0x248a386023c60648, 0x9cf021ab284b3c8a,
+ 0xfc9372df02870f6c, 0x2b92d693eeb3b3fc,
+ 0x73e799d139dc6975, 0x7b15ae312486363c,
+ 0xb70e5454a2239c80, 0x208e3fb31d3b2263,
+ 0x01f563cabb930f44, 0x2ac4533d2a3240d8,
+ 0x84231ed1064f6f7c, 0xa9f020977c2a6d19,
+ 0x213c227271c20122, 0x09fe8a9a0a03d07a,
+ 0x4236dc75bcaf910c, 0x460a8b2bead8f17e,
+ 0xd9b27be1aa07055f, 0xd202d5dc4b11c33e,
+ 0x70adb010543bea12, 0xcdae938f7ea6f579,
+ 0x3f3d870208672f4d, 0x8e6ccbce9d349536,
+ 0xe4c0871a389095ae, 0xf5f2a49152bca080,
+ 0x9a43f9b97269934e, 0xc17b3753cb6f475c,
+ 0xd56d941e8e206bd4, 0xac0a4f3e525eda00,
+ 0xa06d5a011912a550, 0x5537ed19537ad1df,
+ 0xa32fe713d611449d, 0x2a1d05b47c3b579f,
+ 0x991d02dbd30a2a52, 0x39e91e7e28f93eb0,
+ 0x40d06adb3e92c9ac, 0x9b9d3afde1c77c97,
+ 0x9a3f3f41c02c616f, 0x22ecd4ba00f60c44,
+ 0x0b63d5d801708420, 0x8f227ca8f37ffaec,
+ 0x0256278670887c24, 0x107e14877dbf540b,
+ 0x32c19f2786ac1c05, 0x1df5b12bb4bc9c61,
+ 0xc0cac129d0d4c4e2, 0x9fdb52ee9800b001,
+ 0x31f601d5d31c48c4, 0x72ff3c0928bcaec7,
+ 0xd99264421147eb03, 0x535a2d6d38aefcfe,
+ 0x6ba8b4454a916237, 0xfa39366eaae4719c,
+ 0x10f00fd7bbb24b6f, 0x5bd23185c76c84d4,
+ 0xb22c3d7e1b00d33f, 0x3efc20aa6bc830a8,
+ 0xd61c2503fe639144, 0x30ce625441eb92d3,
+ 0xe5d34cf359e93100, 0xa8e5aa13f2b9f7a5,
+ 0x5c2b8d851ca254a6, 0x68fb6c5e8b0d5fdf,
+ 0xc7ea4872c96b83ae, 0x6dd5d376f4392382,
+ 0x1be88681aaa9792f, 0xfef465ee1b6c10d9,
+ 0x1f98b65ed43fcb2e, 0x4d1ca11eb6e9a9c9,
+ 0x7808e902b3857d0b, 0x171c9c4ea4607972,
+ 0x58d66274850146df, 0x42b311c10d3981d1,
+ 0x647fa8c621c41a4c, 0xf472771c66ddfedc,
+ 0x338d27e3f847b46b, 0x6402ce3da97545ce,
+ 0x5162db616fc38638, 0x9c83be97bc22a50e,
+ 0x2d3d7478a78d5e72, 0xe621a9b938fd5397,
+ 0x9454614eb0f81c45, 0x395fb6e742ed39b6,
+ 0x77dd9179d06037bf, 0xc478d0fee4d2656d,
+ 0x35d9d6cb772007af, 0x83a56e92c883f0f6,
+ 0x27937453250c00a1, 0x27bd6ebc3a46a97d,
+ 0x9f543bf784342d51, 0xd158f38c48b0ed52,
+ 0x8dd8537c045f66b4, 0x846a57230226f6d5,
+ 0x6b13939e0c4e7cdf, 0xfca25425d8176758,
+ 0x92e5fc6cd52788e6, 0x9992e13d7a739170,
+ 0x518246f7a199e8ea, 0xf104c2a71b9979c7,
+ 0x86b3ffaabea4768f, 0x6388061cf3e351ad,
+ 0x09d9b5295de5bbb5, 0x38bf1638c2599e92,
+ 0x1d759846499e148d, 0x4c0ff015e5f96ef4,
+ 0xa41a94cfa270f565, 0x42d76f9cb2326c0b,
+ 0x0cf385dd3c9c23ba, 0x0508a6c7508d6e7a,
+ 0x337523aabbe6cf8d, 0x646bb14001d42b12,
+ 0xc178729d138adc74, 0xf900ef4491f24086,
+ 0xee1a90d334bb5ac4, 0x9755c92247301a50,
+ 0xb999bf7c4ff1b610, 0x6aeeb2f3b21e8fc9,
+ 0x0fa8084cf91ac6ff, 0x10d226cf136e6189,
+ 0xd302057a07d4fb21, 0x5f03800e20a0fcc3,
+ 0x80118d4ae46bd210, 0x58ab61a522843733,
+ 0x51edd575c5432a4b, 0x94ee6ff67f9197f7,
+ 0x765669e0e5e8157b, 0xa5347830737132f0,
+ 0x3ba485a69f01510c, 0x0b247d7b957a01c3,
+ 0x1b3d63449fd807dc, 0x0fdc4721c30ad743,
+ 0x8b535ed3829b2b14, 0xee41d0cad65d232c,
+ 0xe6a99ed97a6a982f, 0x65ac6194c202003d,
+ 0x692accf3a70573eb, 0xcc3c02c3e200d5af,
+ 0x0d419e8b325914a3, 0x320f160f42c25e40,
+ 0x00710d647a51fe7a, 0x3c947692330aed60,
+ 0x9288aa280d355a7a, 0xa1806a9b791d1696,
+ 0x5d60e38496763da1, 0x6c69e22e613fd0f4,
+ 0x977fc2a5aadffb17, 0xfb7bd063fc5a94ba,
+ 0x460c17992cbaece1, 0xf7822c5444d3297f,
+ 0x344a9790c69b74aa, 0xb80a42e6cae09dce,
+ 0x1b1361eaf2b1e757, 0xd84c1e758e236f01,
+ 0x88e0b7be347627cc, 0x45246009b7a99490,
+ 0x8011c6dd3fe50472, 0xc341d682bffb99d7,
+ 0x2511be93808e2d15, 0xd5bc13d7fd739840,
+ 0x2a3cd030679ae1ec, 0x8ad9898a4b9ee157,
+ 0x3245fef0a8eaf521, 0x3d6d8dbbb427d2b0,
+ 0x1ed146d8968b3981, 0x0c6a28bf7d45f3fc,
+ 0x4a1fd3dbcee3c561, 0x4210ff6a476bf67e,
+ 0xa559cce0d9199aac, 0xde39d47ef3723380,
+ 0xe5b69d848ce42e35, 0xefa24296f8e79f52,
+ 0x70190b59db9a5afc, 0x26f166cdb211e7bf,
+ 0x4deaf2df3c6b8ef5, 0xf171dbdd670f1017,
+ 0xb9059b05e9420d90, 0x2f0da855c9388754,
+ 0x611d5e9ab77949cc, 0x2912038ac01163f4,
+ 0x0231df50402b2fba, 0x45660fc4f3245f58,
+ 0xb91cc97c7c8dac50, 0xb72d2aafe4953427,
+ 0xfa6463f87e813d6b, 0x4515f7ee95d5c6a2,
+ 0x1310e1c1a48d21c3, 0xad48a7810cdd8544,
+ 0x4d5bdfefd5c9e631, 0xa43ed43f1fdcb7de,
+ 0xe70cfc8fe1ee9626, 0xef4711b0d8dda442,
+ 0xb80dd9bd4dab6c93, 0xa23be08d31ba4d93,
+ 0x9b37db9d0335a39c, 0x494b6f870f5cfebc,
+ 0x6d1b3c1149dda943, 0x372c943a518c1093,
+ 0xad27af45e77c09c4, 0x3b6f92b646044604,
+ 0xac2917909f5fcf4f, 0x2069a60e977e5557,
+ 0x353a469e71014de5, 0x24be356281f55c15,
+ 0x2b6d710ba8e9adea, 0x404ad1751c749c29,
+ 0xed7311bf23d7f185, 0xba4f6976b4acc43e,
+ 0x32d7198d2bc39000, 0xee667019014d6e01,
+ 0x494ef3e128d14c83, 0x1f95a152baecd6be,
+ 0x201648dff1f483a5, 0x68c28550c8384af6,
+ 0x5fc834a6824a7f48, 0x7cd06cb7365eaf28,
+ 0xd82bbd95e9b30909, 0x234f0d1694c53f6d,
+ 0xd2fb7f4a96d83f4a, 0xff0d5da83acac05e,
+ 0xf8f6b97f5585080a, 0x74236084be57b95b,
+ 0xa25e40c03bbc36ad, 0x6b6e5c14ce88465b,
+ 0x4378ffe93e1528c5, 0x94ca92a17118e2d2,
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/doc.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e28d23be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/doc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+Package hash provides rolling hashes.
+Rolling hashes have to be used for maintaining the positions of n-byte
+sequences in the dictionary buffer.
+The package provides currently the Rabin-Karp rolling hash and a Cyclic
+Polynomial hash. Both support the Hashes method to be used with an interface.
+package hash
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/rabin_karp.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/rabin_karp.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8e66d972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/rabin_karp.go
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package hash
+// A is the default constant for Robin-Karp rolling hash. This is a random
+// prime.
+const A = 0x97b548add41d5da1
+// RabinKarp supports the computation of a rolling hash.
+type RabinKarp struct {
+ A uint64
+ // a^n
+ aOldest uint64
+ h uint64
+ p []byte
+ i int
+// NewRabinKarp creates a new RabinKarp value. The argument n defines the
+// length of the byte sequence to be hashed. The default constant will will be
+// used.
+func NewRabinKarp(n int) *RabinKarp {
+ return NewRabinKarpConst(n, A)
+// NewRabinKarpConst creates a new RabinKarp value. The argument n defines the
+// length of the byte sequence to be hashed. The argument a provides the
+// constant used to compute the hash.
+func NewRabinKarpConst(n int, a uint64) *RabinKarp {
+ if n <= 0 {
+ panic("number of bytes n must be positive")
+ }
+ aOldest := uint64(1)
+ // There are faster methods. For the small n required by the LZMA
+ // compressor O(n) is sufficient.
+ for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+ aOldest *= a
+ }
+ return &RabinKarp{
+ A: a, aOldest: aOldest,
+ p: make([]byte, 0, n),
+ }
+// Len returns the length of the byte sequence.
+func (r *RabinKarp) Len() int {
+ return cap(r.p)
+// RollByte computes the hash after x has been added.
+func (r *RabinKarp) RollByte(x byte) uint64 {
+ if len(r.p) < cap(r.p) {
+ r.h += uint64(x)
+ r.h *= r.A
+ r.p = append(r.p, x)
+ } else {
+ r.h -= uint64(r.p[r.i]) * r.aOldest
+ r.h += uint64(x)
+ r.h *= r.A
+ r.p[r.i] = x
+ r.i = (r.i + 1) % cap(r.p)
+ }
+ return r.h
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/roller.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/roller.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34c81b38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash/roller.go
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package hash
+// Roller provides an interface for rolling hashes. The hash value will become
+// valid after hash has been called Len times.
+type Roller interface {
+ Len() int
+ RollByte(x byte) uint64
+// Hashes computes all hash values for the array p. Note that the state of the
+// roller is changed.
+func Hashes(r Roller, p []byte) []uint64 {
+ n := r.Len()
+ if len(p) < n {
+ return nil
+ }
+ h := make([]uint64, len(p)-n+1)
+ for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
+ r.RollByte(p[i])
+ }
+ for i := range h {
+ h[i] = r.RollByte(p[i+n-1])
+ }
+ return h
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/xlog/xlog.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/xlog/xlog.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..678b5a058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/xlog/xlog.go
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package xlog provides a simple logging package that allows to disable
+// certain message categories. It defines a type, Logger, with multiple
+// methods for formatting output. The package has also a predefined
+// 'standard' Logger accessible through helper function Print[f|ln],
+// Fatal[f|ln], Panic[f|ln], Warn[f|ln], Print[f|ln] and Debug[f|ln]
+// that are easier to use then creating a Logger manually. That logger
+// writes to standard error and prints the date and time of each logged
+// message, which can be configured using the function SetFlags.
+// The Fatal functions call os.Exit(1) after the message is output
+// unless not suppressed by the flags. The Panic functions call panic
+// after the writing the log message unless suppressed.
+package xlog
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "runtime"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+// The flags define what information is prefixed to each log entry
+// generated by the Logger. The Lno* versions allow the suppression of
+// specific output. The bits are or'ed together to control what will be
+// printed. There is no control over the order of the items printed and
+// the format. The full format is:
+// 2009-01-23 01:23:23.123123 /a/b/c/d.go:23: message
+const (
+ Ldate = 1 << iota // the date: 2009-01-23
+ Ltime // the time: 01:23:23
+ Lmicroseconds // microsecond resolution: 01:23:23.123123
+ Llongfile // full file name and line number: /a/b/c/d.go:23
+ Lshortfile // final file name element and line number: d.go:23
+ Lnopanic // suppresses output from Panic[f|ln] but not the panic call
+ Lnofatal // suppresses output from Fatal[f|ln] but not the exit
+ Lnowarn // suppresses output from Warn[f|ln]
+ Lnoprint // suppresses output from Print[f|ln]
+ Lnodebug // suppresses output from Debug[f|ln]
+ // initial values for the standard logger
+ Lstdflags = Ldate | Ltime | Lnodebug
+// A Logger represents an active logging object that generates lines of
+// output to an io.Writer. Each logging operation if not suppressed
+// makes a single call to the Writer's Write method. A Logger can be
+// used simultaneously from multiple goroutines; it guarantees to
+// serialize access to the Writer.
+type Logger struct {
+ mu sync.Mutex // ensures atomic writes; and protects the following
+ // fields
+ prefix string // prefix to write at beginning of each line
+ flag int // properties
+ out io.Writer // destination for output
+ buf []byte // for accumulating text to write
+// New creates a new Logger. The out argument sets the destination to
+// which the log output will be written. The prefix appears at the
+// beginning of each log line. The flag argument defines the logging
+// properties.
+func New(out io.Writer, prefix string, flag int) *Logger {
+ return &Logger{out: out, prefix: prefix, flag: flag}
+// std is the standard logger used by the package scope functions.
+var std = New(os.Stderr, "", Lstdflags)
+// itoa converts the integer to ASCII. A negative widths will avoid
+// zero-padding. The function supports only non-negative integers.
+func itoa(buf *[]byte, i int, wid int) {
+ var u = uint(i)
+ if u == 0 && wid <= 1 {
+ *buf = append(*buf, '0')
+ return
+ }
+ var b [32]byte
+ bp := len(b)
+ for ; u > 0 || wid > 0; u /= 10 {
+ bp--
+ wid--
+ b[bp] = byte(u%10) + '0'
+ }
+ *buf = append(*buf, b[bp:]...)
+// formatHeader puts the header into the buf field of the buffer.
+func (l *Logger) formatHeader(t time.Time, file string, line int) {
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, l.prefix...)
+ if l.flag&(Ldate|Ltime|Lmicroseconds) != 0 {
+ if l.flag&Ldate != 0 {
+ year, month, day := t.Date()
+ itoa(&l.buf, year, 4)
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, '-')
+ itoa(&l.buf, int(month), 2)
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, '-')
+ itoa(&l.buf, day, 2)
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, ' ')
+ }
+ if l.flag&(Ltime|Lmicroseconds) != 0 {
+ hour, min, sec := t.Clock()
+ itoa(&l.buf, hour, 2)
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, ':')
+ itoa(&l.buf, min, 2)
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, ':')
+ itoa(&l.buf, sec, 2)
+ if l.flag&Lmicroseconds != 0 {
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, '.')
+ itoa(&l.buf, t.Nanosecond()/1e3, 6)
+ }
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, ' ')
+ }
+ }
+ if l.flag&(Lshortfile|Llongfile) != 0 {
+ if l.flag&Lshortfile != 0 {
+ short := file
+ for i := len(file) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
+ if file[i] == '/' {
+ short = file[i+1:]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ file = short
+ }
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, file...)
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, ':')
+ itoa(&l.buf, line, -1)
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, ": "...)
+ }
+func (l *Logger) output(calldepth int, now time.Time, s string) error {
+ var file string
+ var line int
+ if l.flag&(Lshortfile|Llongfile) != 0 {
+ l.mu.Unlock()
+ var ok bool
+ _, file, line, ok = runtime.Caller(calldepth)
+ if !ok {
+ file = "???"
+ line = 0
+ }
+ l.mu.Lock()
+ }
+ l.buf = l.buf[:0]
+ l.formatHeader(now, file, line)
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, s...)
+ if len(s) == 0 || s[len(s)-1] != '\n' {
+ l.buf = append(l.buf, '\n')
+ }
+ _, err := l.out.Write(l.buf)
+ return err
+// Output writes the string s with the header controlled by the flags to
+// the l.out writer. A newline will be appended if s doesn't end in a
+// newline. Calldepth is used to recover the PC, although all current
+// calls of Output use the call depth 2. Access to the function is serialized.
+func (l *Logger) Output(calldepth, noflag int, v ...interface{}) error {
+ now := time.Now()
+ l.mu.Lock()
+ defer l.mu.Unlock()
+ if l.flag&noflag != 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ s := fmt.Sprint(v...)
+ return l.output(calldepth+1, now, s)
+// Outputf works like output but formats the output like Printf.
+func (l *Logger) Outputf(calldepth int, noflag int, format string, v ...interface{}) error {
+ now := time.Now()
+ l.mu.Lock()
+ defer l.mu.Unlock()
+ if l.flag&noflag != 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ s := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
+ return l.output(calldepth+1, now, s)
+// Outputln works like output but formats the output like Println.
+func (l *Logger) Outputln(calldepth int, noflag int, v ...interface{}) error {
+ now := time.Now()
+ l.mu.Lock()
+ defer l.mu.Unlock()
+ if l.flag&noflag != 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ s := fmt.Sprintln(v...)
+ return l.output(calldepth+1, now, s)
+// Panic prints the message like Print and calls panic. The printing
+// might be suppressed by the flag Lnopanic.
+func (l *Logger) Panic(v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Output(2, Lnopanic, v...)
+ s := fmt.Sprint(v...)
+ panic(s)
+// Panic prints the message like Print and calls panic. The printing
+// might be suppressed by the flag Lnopanic.
+func Panic(v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Output(2, Lnopanic, v...)
+ s := fmt.Sprint(v...)
+ panic(s)
+// Panicf prints the message like Printf and calls panic. The printing
+// might be suppressed by the flag Lnopanic.
+func (l *Logger) Panicf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Outputf(2, Lnopanic, format, v...)
+ s := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
+ panic(s)
+// Panicf prints the message like Printf and calls panic. The printing
+// might be suppressed by the flag Lnopanic.
+func Panicf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Outputf(2, Lnopanic, format, v...)
+ s := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
+ panic(s)
+// Panicln prints the message like Println and calls panic. The printing
+// might be suppressed by the flag Lnopanic.
+func (l *Logger) Panicln(v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Outputln(2, Lnopanic, v...)
+ s := fmt.Sprintln(v...)
+ panic(s)
+// Panicln prints the message like Println and calls panic. The printing
+// might be suppressed by the flag Lnopanic.
+func Panicln(v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Outputln(2, Lnopanic, v...)
+ s := fmt.Sprintln(v...)
+ panic(s)
+// Fatal prints the message like Print and calls os.Exit(1). The
+// printing might be suppressed by the flag Lnofatal.
+func (l *Logger) Fatal(v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Output(2, Lnofatal, v...)
+ os.Exit(1)
+// Fatal prints the message like Print and calls os.Exit(1). The
+// printing might be suppressed by the flag Lnofatal.
+func Fatal(v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Output(2, Lnofatal, v...)
+ os.Exit(1)
+// Fatalf prints the message like Printf and calls os.Exit(1). The
+// printing might be suppressed by the flag Lnofatal.
+func (l *Logger) Fatalf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Outputf(2, Lnofatal, format, v...)
+ os.Exit(1)
+// Fatalf prints the message like Printf and calls os.Exit(1). The
+// printing might be suppressed by the flag Lnofatal.
+func Fatalf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Outputf(2, Lnofatal, format, v...)
+ os.Exit(1)
+// Fatalln prints the message like Println and calls os.Exit(1). The
+// printing might be suppressed by the flag Lnofatal.
+func (l *Logger) Fatalln(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Outputln(2, Lnofatal, v...)
+ os.Exit(1)
+// Fatalln prints the message like Println and calls os.Exit(1). The
+// printing might be suppressed by the flag Lnofatal.
+func Fatalln(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Outputln(2, Lnofatal, v...)
+ os.Exit(1)
+// Warn prints the message like Print. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnowarn.
+func (l *Logger) Warn(v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Output(2, Lnowarn, v...)
+// Warn prints the message like Print. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnowarn.
+func Warn(v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Output(2, Lnowarn, v...)
+// Warnf prints the message like Printf. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnowarn.
+func (l *Logger) Warnf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Outputf(2, Lnowarn, format, v...)
+// Warnf prints the message like Printf. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnowarn.
+func Warnf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Outputf(2, Lnowarn, format, v...)
+// Warnln prints the message like Println. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnowarn.
+func (l *Logger) Warnln(v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Outputln(2, Lnowarn, v...)
+// Warnln prints the message like Println. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnowarn.
+func Warnln(v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Outputln(2, Lnowarn, v...)
+// Print prints the message like fmt.Print. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnoprint.
+func (l *Logger) Print(v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Output(2, Lnoprint, v...)
+// Print prints the message like fmt.Print. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnoprint.
+func Print(v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Output(2, Lnoprint, v...)
+// Printf prints the message like fmt.Printf. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnoprint.
+func (l *Logger) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Outputf(2, Lnoprint, format, v...)
+// Printf prints the message like fmt.Printf. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnoprint.
+func Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Outputf(2, Lnoprint, format, v...)
+// Println prints the message like fmt.Println. The printing might be
+// suppressed by the flag Lnoprint.
+func (l *Logger) Println(v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Outputln(2, Lnoprint, v...)
+// Println prints the message like fmt.Println. The printing might be
+// suppressed by the flag Lnoprint.
+func Println(v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Outputln(2, Lnoprint, v...)
+// Debug prints the message like Print. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnodebug.
+func (l *Logger) Debug(v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Output(2, Lnodebug, v...)
+// Debug prints the message like Print. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnodebug.
+func Debug(v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Output(2, Lnodebug, v...)
+// Debugf prints the message like Printf. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnodebug.
+func (l *Logger) Debugf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Outputf(2, Lnodebug, format, v...)
+// Debugf prints the message like Printf. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnodebug.
+func Debugf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Outputf(2, Lnodebug, format, v...)
+// Debugln prints the message like Println. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnodebug.
+func (l *Logger) Debugln(v ...interface{}) {
+ l.Outputln(2, Lnodebug, v...)
+// Debugln prints the message like Println. The printing might be suppressed
+// by the flag Lnodebug.
+func Debugln(v ...interface{}) {
+ std.Outputln(2, Lnodebug, v...)
+// Flags returns the current flags used by the logger.
+func (l *Logger) Flags() int {
+ l.mu.Lock()
+ defer l.mu.Unlock()
+ return l.flag
+// Flags returns the current flags used by the standard logger.
+func Flags() int {
+ return std.Flags()
+// SetFlags sets the flags of the logger.
+func (l *Logger) SetFlags(flag int) {
+ l.mu.Lock()
+ defer l.mu.Unlock()
+ l.flag = flag
+// SetFlags sets the flags for the standard logger.
+func SetFlags(flag int) {
+ std.SetFlags(flag)
+// Prefix returns the prefix used by the logger.
+func (l *Logger) Prefix() string {
+ l.mu.Lock()
+ defer l.mu.Unlock()
+ return l.prefix
+// Prefix returns the prefix used by the standard logger of the package.
+func Prefix() string {
+ return std.Prefix()
+// SetPrefix sets the prefix for the logger.
+func (l *Logger) SetPrefix(prefix string) {
+ l.mu.Lock()
+ defer l.mu.Unlock()
+ l.prefix = prefix
+// SetPrefix sets the prefix of the standard logger of the package.
+func SetPrefix(prefix string) {
+ std.SetPrefix(prefix)
+// SetOutput sets the output of the logger.
+func (l *Logger) SetOutput(w io.Writer) {
+ l.mu.Lock()
+ defer l.mu.Unlock()
+ l.out = w
+// SetOutput sets the output for the standard logger of the package.
+func SetOutput(w io.Writer) {
+ std.SetOutput(w)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/bintree.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/bintree.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58d6a92a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/bintree.go
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "unicode"
+// node represents a node in the binary tree.
+type node struct {
+ // x is the search value
+ x uint32
+ // p parent node
+ p uint32
+ // l left child
+ l uint32
+ // r right child
+ r uint32
+// wordLen is the number of bytes represented by the v field of a node.
+const wordLen = 4
+// binTree supports the identification of the next operation based on a
+// binary tree.
+// Nodes will be identified by their index into the ring buffer.
+type binTree struct {
+ dict *encoderDict
+ // ring buffer of nodes
+ node []node
+ // absolute offset of the entry for the next node. Position 4
+ // byte larger.
+ hoff int64
+ // front position in the node ring buffer
+ front uint32
+ // index of the root node
+ root uint32
+ // current x value
+ x uint32
+ // preallocated array
+ data []byte
+// null represents the nonexistent index. We can't use zero because it
+// would always exist or we would need to decrease the index for each
+// reference.
+const null uint32 = 1<<32 - 1
+// newBinTree initializes the binTree structure. The capacity defines
+// the size of the buffer and defines the maximum distance for which
+// matches will be found.
+func newBinTree(capacity int) (t *binTree, err error) {
+ if capacity < 1 {
+ return nil, errors.New(
+ "newBinTree: capacity must be larger than zero")
+ }
+ if int64(capacity) >= int64(null) {
+ return nil, errors.New(
+ "newBinTree: capacity must less 2^{32}-1")
+ }
+ t = &binTree{
+ node: make([]node, capacity),
+ hoff: -int64(wordLen),
+ root: null,
+ data: make([]byte, maxMatchLen),
+ }
+ return t, nil
+func (t *binTree) SetDict(d *encoderDict) { t.dict = d }
+// WriteByte writes a single byte into the binary tree.
+func (t *binTree) WriteByte(c byte) error {
+ t.x = (t.x << 8) | uint32(c)
+ t.hoff++
+ if t.hoff < 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ v := t.front
+ if int64(v) < t.hoff {
+ // We are overwriting old nodes stored in the tree.
+ t.remove(v)
+ }
+ t.node[v].x = t.x
+ t.add(v)
+ t.front++
+ if int64(t.front) >= int64(len(t.node)) {
+ t.front = 0
+ }
+ return nil
+// Writes writes a sequence of bytes into the binTree structure.
+func (t *binTree) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ for _, c := range p {
+ t.WriteByte(c)
+ }
+ return len(p), nil
+// add puts the node v into the tree. The node must not be part of the
+// tree before.
+func (t *binTree) add(v uint32) {
+ vn := &t.node[v]
+ // Set left and right to null indices.
+ vn.l, vn.r = null, null
+ // If the binary tree is empty make v the root.
+ if t.root == null {
+ t.root = v
+ vn.p = null
+ return
+ }
+ x := vn.x
+ p := t.root
+ // Search for the right leave link and add the new node.
+ for {
+ pn := &t.node[p]
+ if x <= pn.x {
+ if pn.l == null {
+ pn.l = v
+ vn.p = p
+ return
+ }
+ p = pn.l
+ } else {
+ if pn.r == null {
+ pn.r = v
+ vn.p = p
+ return
+ }
+ p = pn.r
+ }
+ }
+// parent returns the parent node index of v and the pointer to v value
+// in the parent.
+func (t *binTree) parent(v uint32) (p uint32, ptr *uint32) {
+ if t.root == v {
+ return null, &t.root
+ }
+ p = t.node[v].p
+ if t.node[p].l == v {
+ ptr = &t.node[p].l
+ } else {
+ ptr = &t.node[p].r
+ }
+ return
+// Remove node v.
+func (t *binTree) remove(v uint32) {
+ vn := &t.node[v]
+ p, ptr := t.parent(v)
+ l, r := vn.l, vn.r
+ if l == null {
+ // Move the right child up.
+ *ptr = r
+ if r != null {
+ t.node[r].p = p
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if r == null {
+ // Move the left child up.
+ *ptr = l
+ t.node[l].p = p
+ return
+ }
+ // Search the in-order predecessor u.
+ un := &t.node[l]
+ ur := un.r
+ if ur == null {
+ // In order predecessor is l. Move it up.
+ un.r = r
+ t.node[r].p = l
+ un.p = p
+ *ptr = l
+ return
+ }
+ var u uint32
+ for {
+ // Look for the max value in the tree where l is root.
+ u = ur
+ ur = t.node[u].r
+ if ur == null {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // replace u with ul
+ un = &t.node[u]
+ ul := un.l
+ up := un.p
+ t.node[up].r = ul
+ if ul != null {
+ t.node[ul].p = up
+ }
+ // replace v by u
+ un.l, un.r = l, r
+ t.node[l].p = u
+ t.node[r].p = u
+ *ptr = u
+ un.p = p
+// search looks for the node that have the value x or for the nodes that
+// brace it. The node highest in the tree with the value x will be
+// returned. All other nodes with the same value live in left subtree of
+// the returned node.
+func (t *binTree) search(v uint32, x uint32) (a, b uint32) {
+ a, b = null, null
+ if v == null {
+ return
+ }
+ for {
+ vn := &t.node[v]
+ if x <= vn.x {
+ if x == vn.x {
+ return v, v
+ }
+ b = v
+ if vn.l == null {
+ return
+ }
+ v = vn.l
+ } else {
+ a = v
+ if vn.r == null {
+ return
+ }
+ v = vn.r
+ }
+ }
+// max returns the node with maximum value in the subtree with v as
+// root.
+func (t *binTree) max(v uint32) uint32 {
+ if v == null {
+ return null
+ }
+ for {
+ r := t.node[v].r
+ if r == null {
+ return v
+ }
+ v = r
+ }
+// min returns the node with the minimum value in the subtree with v as
+// root.
+func (t *binTree) min(v uint32) uint32 {
+ if v == null {
+ return null
+ }
+ for {
+ l := t.node[v].l
+ if l == null {
+ return v
+ }
+ v = l
+ }
+// pred returns the in-order predecessor of node v.
+func (t *binTree) pred(v uint32) uint32 {
+ if v == null {
+ return null
+ }
+ u := t.max(t.node[v].l)
+ if u != null {
+ return u
+ }
+ for {
+ p := t.node[v].p
+ if p == null {
+ return null
+ }
+ if t.node[p].r == v {
+ return p
+ }
+ v = p
+ }
+// succ returns the in-order successor of node v.
+func (t *binTree) succ(v uint32) uint32 {
+ if v == null {
+ return null
+ }
+ u := t.min(t.node[v].r)
+ if u != null {
+ return u
+ }
+ for {
+ p := t.node[v].p
+ if p == null {
+ return null
+ }
+ if t.node[p].l == v {
+ return p
+ }
+ v = p
+ }
+// xval converts the first four bytes of a into an 32-bit unsigned
+// integer in big-endian order.
+func xval(a []byte) uint32 {
+ var x uint32
+ switch len(a) {
+ default:
+ x |= uint32(a[3])
+ fallthrough
+ case 3:
+ x |= uint32(a[2]) << 8
+ fallthrough
+ case 2:
+ x |= uint32(a[1]) << 16
+ fallthrough
+ case 1:
+ x |= uint32(a[0]) << 24
+ case 0:
+ }
+ return x
+// dumpX converts value x into a four-letter string.
+func dumpX(x uint32) string {
+ a := make([]byte, 4)
+ for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
+ c := byte(x >> uint((3-i)*8))
+ if unicode.IsGraphic(rune(c)) {
+ a[i] = c
+ } else {
+ a[i] = '.'
+ }
+ }
+ return string(a)
+// dumpNode writes a representation of the node v into the io.Writer.
+func (t *binTree) dumpNode(w io.Writer, v uint32, indent int) {
+ if v == null {
+ return
+ }
+ vn := &t.node[v]
+ t.dumpNode(w, vn.r, indent+2)
+ for i := 0; i < indent; i++ {
+ fmt.Fprint(w, " ")
+ }
+ if vn.p == null {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "node %d %q parent null\n", v, dumpX(vn.x))
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "node %d %q parent %d\n", v, dumpX(vn.x), vn.p)
+ }
+ t.dumpNode(w, vn.l, indent+2)
+// dump prints a representation of the binary tree into the writer.
+func (t *binTree) dump(w io.Writer) error {
+ bw := bufio.NewWriter(w)
+ t.dumpNode(bw, t.root, 0)
+ return bw.Flush()
+func (t *binTree) distance(v uint32) int {
+ dist := int(t.front) - int(v)
+ if dist <= 0 {
+ dist += len(t.node)
+ }
+ return dist
+type matchParams struct {
+ rep [4]uint32
+ // length when match will be accepted
+ nAccept int
+ // nodes to check
+ check int
+ // finish if length get shorter
+ stopShorter bool
+func (t *binTree) match(m match, distIter func() (int, bool), p matchParams,
+) (r match, checked int, accepted bool) {
+ buf := &t.dict.buf
+ for {
+ if checked >= p.check {
+ return m, checked, true
+ }
+ dist, ok := distIter()
+ if !ok {
+ return m, checked, false
+ }
+ checked++
+ if m.n > 0 {
+ i := buf.rear - dist + m.n - 1
+ if i < 0 {
+ i += len(buf.data)
+ } else if i >= len(buf.data) {
+ i -= len(buf.data)
+ }
+ if buf.data[i] != t.data[m.n-1] {
+ if p.stopShorter {
+ return m, checked, false
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ n := buf.matchLen(dist, t.data)
+ switch n {
+ case 0:
+ if p.stopShorter {
+ return m, checked, false
+ }
+ continue
+ case 1:
+ if uint32(dist-minDistance) != p.rep[0] {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ if n < m.n || (n == m.n && int64(dist) >= m.distance) {
+ continue
+ }
+ m = match{int64(dist), n}
+ if n >= p.nAccept {
+ return m, checked, true
+ }
+ }
+func (t *binTree) NextOp(rep [4]uint32) operation {
+ // retrieve maxMatchLen data
+ n, _ := t.dict.buf.Peek(t.data[:maxMatchLen])
+ if n == 0 {
+ panic("no data in buffer")
+ }
+ t.data = t.data[:n]
+ var (
+ m match
+ x, u, v uint32
+ iterPred, iterSucc func() (int, bool)
+ )
+ p := matchParams{
+ rep: rep,
+ nAccept: maxMatchLen,
+ check: 32,
+ }
+ i := 4
+ iterSmall := func() (dist int, ok bool) {
+ i--
+ if i <= 0 {
+ return 0, false
+ }
+ return i, true
+ }
+ m, checked, accepted := t.match(m, iterSmall, p)
+ if accepted {
+ goto end
+ }
+ p.check -= checked
+ x = xval(t.data)
+ u, v = t.search(t.root, x)
+ if u == v && len(t.data) == 4 {
+ iter := func() (dist int, ok bool) {
+ if u == null {
+ return 0, false
+ }
+ dist = t.distance(u)
+ u, v = t.search(t.node[u].l, x)
+ if u != v {
+ u = null
+ }
+ return dist, true
+ }
+ m, _, _ = t.match(m, iter, p)
+ goto end
+ }
+ p.stopShorter = true
+ iterSucc = func() (dist int, ok bool) {
+ if v == null {
+ return 0, false
+ }
+ dist = t.distance(v)
+ v = t.succ(v)
+ return dist, true
+ }
+ m, checked, accepted = t.match(m, iterSucc, p)
+ if accepted {
+ goto end
+ }
+ p.check -= checked
+ iterPred = func() (dist int, ok bool) {
+ if u == null {
+ return 0, false
+ }
+ dist = t.distance(u)
+ u = t.pred(u)
+ return dist, true
+ }
+ m, _, _ = t.match(m, iterPred, p)
+ if m.n == 0 {
+ return lit{t.data[0]}
+ }
+ return m
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/bitops.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/bitops.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2784ec6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/bitops.go
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+/* Naming conventions follows the CodeReviewComments in the Go Wiki. */
+// ntz32Const is used by the functions NTZ and NLZ.
+const ntz32Const = 0x04d7651f
+// ntz32Table is a helper table for de Bruijn algorithm by Danny Dubé.
+// See Henry S. Warren, Jr. "Hacker's Delight" section 5-1 figure 5-26.
+var ntz32Table = [32]int8{
+ 0, 1, 2, 24, 3, 19, 6, 25,
+ 22, 4, 20, 10, 16, 7, 12, 26,
+ 31, 23, 18, 5, 21, 9, 15, 11,
+ 30, 17, 8, 14, 29, 13, 28, 27,
+// ntz32 computes the number of trailing zeros for an unsigned 32-bit integer.
+func ntz32(x uint32) int {
+ if x == 0 {
+ return 32
+ }
+ x = (x & -x) * ntz32Const
+ return int(ntz32Table[x>>27])
+// nlz32 computes the number of leading zeros for an unsigned 32-bit integer.
+func nlz32(x uint32) int {
+ // Smear left most bit to the right
+ x |= x >> 1
+ x |= x >> 2
+ x |= x >> 4
+ x |= x >> 8
+ x |= x >> 16
+ // Use ntz mechanism to calculate nlz.
+ x++
+ if x == 0 {
+ return 0
+ }
+ x *= ntz32Const
+ return 32 - int(ntz32Table[x>>27])
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/breader.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/breader.go
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index 000000000..4ad09a14e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/breader.go
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "io"
+// breader provides the ReadByte function for a Reader. It doesn't read
+// more data from the reader than absolutely necessary.
+type breader struct {
+ io.Reader
+ // helper slice to save allocations
+ p []byte
+// ByteReader converts an io.Reader into an io.ByteReader.
+func ByteReader(r io.Reader) io.ByteReader {
+ br, ok := r.(io.ByteReader)
+ if !ok {
+ return &breader{r, make([]byte, 1)}
+ }
+ return br
+// ReadByte read byte function.
+func (r *breader) ReadByte() (c byte, err error) {
+ n, err := r.Reader.Read(r.p)
+ if n < 1 {
+ if err == nil {
+ err = errors.New("breader.ReadByte: no data")
+ }
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ return r.p[0], nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/buffer.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/buffer.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cb7838ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/buffer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+// buffer provides a circular buffer of bytes. If the front index equals
+// the rear index the buffer is empty. As a consequence front cannot be
+// equal rear for a full buffer. So a full buffer has a length that is
+// one byte less the the length of the data slice.
+type buffer struct {
+ data []byte
+ front int
+ rear int
+// newBuffer creates a buffer with the given size.
+func newBuffer(size int) *buffer {
+ return &buffer{data: make([]byte, size+1)}
+// Cap returns the capacity of the buffer.
+func (b *buffer) Cap() int {
+ return len(b.data) - 1
+// Resets the buffer. The front and rear index are set to zero.
+func (b *buffer) Reset() {
+ b.front = 0
+ b.rear = 0
+// Buffered returns the number of bytes buffered.
+func (b *buffer) Buffered() int {
+ delta := b.front - b.rear
+ if delta < 0 {
+ delta += len(b.data)
+ }
+ return delta
+// Available returns the number of bytes available for writing.
+func (b *buffer) Available() int {
+ delta := b.rear - 1 - b.front
+ if delta < 0 {
+ delta += len(b.data)
+ }
+ return delta
+// addIndex adds a non-negative integer to the index i and returns the
+// resulting index. The function takes care of wrapping the index as
+// well as potential overflow situations.
+func (b *buffer) addIndex(i int, n int) int {
+ // subtraction of len(b.data) prevents overflow
+ i += n - len(b.data)
+ if i < 0 {
+ i += len(b.data)
+ }
+ return i
+// Read reads bytes from the buffer into p and returns the number of
+// bytes read. The function never returns an error but might return less
+// data than requested.
+func (b *buffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ n, err = b.Peek(p)
+ b.rear = b.addIndex(b.rear, n)
+ return n, err
+// Peek reads bytes from the buffer into p without changing the buffer.
+// Peek will never return an error but might return less data than
+// requested.
+func (b *buffer) Peek(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ m := b.Buffered()
+ n = len(p)
+ if m < n {
+ n = m
+ p = p[:n]
+ }
+ k := copy(p, b.data[b.rear:])
+ if k < n {
+ copy(p[k:], b.data)
+ }
+ return n, nil
+// Discard skips the n next bytes to read from the buffer, returning the
+// bytes discarded.
+// If Discards skips fewer than n bytes, it returns an error.
+func (b *buffer) Discard(n int) (discarded int, err error) {
+ if n < 0 {
+ return 0, errors.New("buffer.Discard: negative argument")
+ }
+ m := b.Buffered()
+ if m < n {
+ n = m
+ err = errors.New(
+ "buffer.Discard: discarded less bytes then requested")
+ }
+ b.rear = b.addIndex(b.rear, n)
+ return n, err
+// ErrNoSpace indicates that there is insufficient space for the Write
+// operation.
+var ErrNoSpace = errors.New("insufficient space")
+// Write puts data into the buffer. If less bytes are written than
+// requested ErrNoSpace is returned.
+func (b *buffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ m := b.Available()
+ n = len(p)
+ if m < n {
+ n = m
+ p = p[:m]
+ err = ErrNoSpace
+ }
+ k := copy(b.data[b.front:], p)
+ if k < n {
+ copy(b.data, p[k:])
+ }
+ b.front = b.addIndex(b.front, n)
+ return n, err
+// WriteByte writes a single byte into the buffer. The error ErrNoSpace
+// is returned if no single byte is available in the buffer for writing.
+func (b *buffer) WriteByte(c byte) error {
+ if b.Available() < 1 {
+ return ErrNoSpace
+ }
+ b.data[b.front] = c
+ b.front = b.addIndex(b.front, 1)
+ return nil
+// prefixLen returns the length of the common prefix of a and b.
+func prefixLen(a, b []byte) int {
+ if len(a) > len(b) {
+ a, b = b, a
+ }
+ for i, c := range a {
+ if b[i] != c {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return len(a)
+// matchLen returns the length of the common prefix for the given
+// distance from the rear and the byte slice p.
+func (b *buffer) matchLen(distance int, p []byte) int {
+ var n int
+ i := b.rear - distance
+ if i < 0 {
+ if n = prefixLen(p, b.data[len(b.data)+i:]); n < -i {
+ return n
+ }
+ p = p[n:]
+ i = 0
+ }
+ n += prefixLen(p, b.data[i:])
+ return n
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/bytewriter.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/bytewriter.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..290606ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/bytewriter.go
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "io"
+// ErrLimit indicates that the limit of the LimitedByteWriter has been
+// reached.
+var ErrLimit = errors.New("limit reached")
+// LimitedByteWriter provides a byte writer that can be written until a
+// limit is reached. The field N provides the number of remaining
+// bytes.
+type LimitedByteWriter struct {
+ BW io.ByteWriter
+ N int64
+// WriteByte writes a single byte to the limited byte writer. It returns
+// ErrLimit if the limit has been reached. If the byte is successfully
+// written the field N of the LimitedByteWriter will be decremented by
+// one.
+func (l *LimitedByteWriter) WriteByte(c byte) error {
+ if l.N <= 0 {
+ return ErrLimit
+ }
+ if err := l.BW.WriteByte(c); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ l.N--
+ return nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/decoder.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/decoder.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5a760a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/decoder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+// decoder decodes a raw LZMA stream without any header.
+type decoder struct {
+ // dictionary; the rear pointer of the buffer will be used for
+ // reading the data.
+ Dict *decoderDict
+ // decoder state
+ State *state
+ // range decoder
+ rd *rangeDecoder
+ // start stores the head value of the dictionary for the LZMA
+ // stream
+ start int64
+ // size of uncompressed data
+ size int64
+ // end-of-stream encountered
+ eos bool
+ // EOS marker found
+ eosMarker bool
+// newDecoder creates a new decoder instance. The parameter size provides
+// the expected byte size of the decompressed data. If the size is
+// unknown use a negative value. In that case the decoder will look for
+// a terminating end-of-stream marker.
+func newDecoder(br io.ByteReader, state *state, dict *decoderDict, size int64) (d *decoder, err error) {
+ rd, err := newRangeDecoder(br)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ d = &decoder{
+ State: state,
+ Dict: dict,
+ rd: rd,
+ size: size,
+ start: dict.pos(),
+ }
+ return d, nil
+// Reopen restarts the decoder with a new byte reader and a new size. Reopen
+// resets the Decompressed counter to zero.
+func (d *decoder) Reopen(br io.ByteReader, size int64) error {
+ var err error
+ if d.rd, err = newRangeDecoder(br); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ d.start = d.Dict.pos()
+ d.size = size
+ d.eos = false
+ return nil
+// decodeLiteral decodes a single literal from the LZMA stream.
+func (d *decoder) decodeLiteral() (op operation, err error) {
+ litState := d.State.litState(d.Dict.byteAt(1), d.Dict.head)
+ match := d.Dict.byteAt(int(d.State.rep[0]) + 1)
+ s, err := d.State.litCodec.Decode(d.rd, d.State.state, match, litState)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return lit{s}, nil
+// errEOS indicates that an EOS marker has been found.
+var errEOS = errors.New("EOS marker found")
+// readOp decodes the next operation from the compressed stream. It
+// returns the operation. If an explicit end of stream marker is
+// identified the eos error is returned.
+func (d *decoder) readOp() (op operation, err error) {
+ // Value of the end of stream (EOS) marker
+ const eosDist = 1<<32 - 1
+ state, state2, posState := d.State.states(d.Dict.head)
+ b, err := d.State.isMatch[state2].Decode(d.rd)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if b == 0 {
+ // literal
+ op, err := d.decodeLiteral()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ d.State.updateStateLiteral()
+ return op, nil
+ }
+ b, err = d.State.isRep[state].Decode(d.rd)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if b == 0 {
+ // simple match
+ d.State.rep[3], d.State.rep[2], d.State.rep[1] =
+ d.State.rep[2], d.State.rep[1], d.State.rep[0]
+ d.State.updateStateMatch()
+ // The length decoder returns the length offset.
+ n, err := d.State.lenCodec.Decode(d.rd, posState)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // The dist decoder returns the distance offset. The actual
+ // distance is 1 higher.
+ d.State.rep[0], err = d.State.distCodec.Decode(d.rd, n)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if d.State.rep[0] == eosDist {
+ d.eosMarker = true
+ return nil, errEOS
+ }
+ op = match{n: int(n) + minMatchLen,
+ distance: int64(d.State.rep[0]) + minDistance}
+ return op, nil
+ }
+ b, err = d.State.isRepG0[state].Decode(d.rd)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ dist := d.State.rep[0]
+ if b == 0 {
+ // rep match 0
+ b, err = d.State.isRepG0Long[state2].Decode(d.rd)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if b == 0 {
+ d.State.updateStateShortRep()
+ op = match{n: 1, distance: int64(dist) + minDistance}
+ return op, nil
+ }
+ } else {
+ b, err = d.State.isRepG1[state].Decode(d.rd)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if b == 0 {
+ dist = d.State.rep[1]
+ } else {
+ b, err = d.State.isRepG2[state].Decode(d.rd)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if b == 0 {
+ dist = d.State.rep[2]
+ } else {
+ dist = d.State.rep[3]
+ d.State.rep[3] = d.State.rep[2]
+ }
+ d.State.rep[2] = d.State.rep[1]
+ }
+ d.State.rep[1] = d.State.rep[0]
+ d.State.rep[0] = dist
+ }
+ n, err := d.State.repLenCodec.Decode(d.rd, posState)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ d.State.updateStateRep()
+ op = match{n: int(n) + minMatchLen, distance: int64(dist) + minDistance}
+ return op, nil
+// apply takes the operation and transforms the decoder dictionary accordingly.
+func (d *decoder) apply(op operation) error {
+ var err error
+ switch x := op.(type) {
+ case match:
+ err = d.Dict.writeMatch(x.distance, x.n)
+ case lit:
+ err = d.Dict.WriteByte(x.b)
+ default:
+ panic("op is neither a match nor a literal")
+ }
+ return err
+// decompress fills the dictionary unless no space for new data is
+// available. If the end of the LZMA stream has been reached io.EOF will
+// be returned.
+func (d *decoder) decompress() error {
+ if d.eos {
+ return io.EOF
+ }
+ for d.Dict.Available() >= maxMatchLen {
+ op, err := d.readOp()
+ switch err {
+ case nil:
+ break
+ case errEOS:
+ d.eos = true
+ if !d.rd.possiblyAtEnd() {
+ return errDataAfterEOS
+ }
+ if d.size >= 0 && d.size != d.Decompressed() {
+ return errSize
+ }
+ return io.EOF
+ case io.EOF:
+ d.eos = true
+ return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ default:
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = d.apply(op); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if d.size >= 0 && d.Decompressed() >= d.size {
+ d.eos = true
+ if d.Decompressed() > d.size {
+ return errSize
+ }
+ if !d.rd.possiblyAtEnd() {
+ switch _, err = d.readOp(); err {
+ case nil:
+ return errSize
+ case io.EOF:
+ return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ case errEOS:
+ break
+ default:
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return io.EOF
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Errors that may be returned while decoding data.
+var (
+ errDataAfterEOS = errors.New("lzma: data after end of stream marker")
+ errSize = errors.New("lzma: wrong uncompressed data size")
+// Read reads data from the buffer. If no more data is available io.EOF is
+// returned.
+func (d *decoder) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ var k int
+ for {
+ // Read of decoder dict never returns an error.
+ k, err = d.Dict.Read(p[n:])
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("dictionary read error %s", err))
+ }
+ if k == 0 && d.eos {
+ return n, io.EOF
+ }
+ n += k
+ if n >= len(p) {
+ return n, nil
+ }
+ if err = d.decompress(); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+// Decompressed returns the number of bytes decompressed by the decoder.
+func (d *decoder) Decompressed() int64 {
+ return d.Dict.pos() - d.start
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/decoderdict.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/decoderdict.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba06712b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/decoderdict.go
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+// decoderDict provides the dictionary for the decoder. The whole
+// dictionary is used as reader buffer.
+type decoderDict struct {
+ buf buffer
+ head int64
+// newDecoderDict creates a new decoder dictionary. The whole dictionary
+// will be used as reader buffer.
+func newDecoderDict(dictCap int) (d *decoderDict, err error) {
+ // lower limit supports easy test cases
+ if !(1 <= dictCap && int64(dictCap) <= MaxDictCap) {
+ return nil, errors.New("lzma: dictCap out of range")
+ }
+ d = &decoderDict{buf: *newBuffer(dictCap)}
+ return d, nil
+// Reset clears the dictionary. The read buffer is not changed, so the
+// buffered data can still be read.
+func (d *decoderDict) Reset() {
+ d.head = 0
+// WriteByte writes a single byte into the dictionary. It is used to
+// write literals into the dictionary.
+func (d *decoderDict) WriteByte(c byte) error {
+ if err := d.buf.WriteByte(c); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ d.head++
+ return nil
+// pos returns the position of the dictionary head.
+func (d *decoderDict) pos() int64 { return d.head }
+// dictLen returns the actual length of the dictionary.
+func (d *decoderDict) dictLen() int {
+ capacity := d.buf.Cap()
+ if d.head >= int64(capacity) {
+ return capacity
+ }
+ return int(d.head)
+// byteAt returns a byte stored in the dictionary. If the distance is
+// non-positive or exceeds the current length of the dictionary the zero
+// byte is returned.
+func (d *decoderDict) byteAt(dist int) byte {
+ if !(0 < dist && dist <= d.dictLen()) {
+ return 0
+ }
+ i := d.buf.front - dist
+ if i < 0 {
+ i += len(d.buf.data)
+ }
+ return d.buf.data[i]
+// writeMatch writes the match at the top of the dictionary. The given
+// distance must point in the current dictionary and the length must not
+// exceed the maximum length 273 supported in LZMA.
+// The error value ErrNoSpace indicates that no space is available in
+// the dictionary for writing. You need to read from the dictionary
+// first.
+func (d *decoderDict) writeMatch(dist int64, length int) error {
+ if !(0 < dist && dist <= int64(d.dictLen())) {
+ return errors.New("writeMatch: distance out of range")
+ }
+ if !(0 < length && length <= maxMatchLen) {
+ return errors.New("writeMatch: length out of range")
+ }
+ if length > d.buf.Available() {
+ return ErrNoSpace
+ }
+ d.head += int64(length)
+ i := d.buf.front - int(dist)
+ if i < 0 {
+ i += len(d.buf.data)
+ }
+ for length > 0 {
+ var p []byte
+ if i >= d.buf.front {
+ p = d.buf.data[i:]
+ i = 0
+ } else {
+ p = d.buf.data[i:d.buf.front]
+ i = d.buf.front
+ }
+ if len(p) > length {
+ p = p[:length]
+ }
+ if _, err := d.buf.Write(p); err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("d.buf.Write returned error %s", err))
+ }
+ length -= len(p)
+ }
+ return nil
+// Write writes the given bytes into the dictionary and advances the
+// head.
+func (d *decoderDict) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ n, err = d.buf.Write(p)
+ d.head += int64(n)
+ return n, err
+// Available returns the number of available bytes for writing into the
+// decoder dictionary.
+func (d *decoderDict) Available() int { return d.buf.Available() }
+// Read reads data from the buffer contained in the decoder dictionary.
+func (d *decoderDict) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return d.buf.Read(p) }
+// Buffered returns the number of bytes currently buffered in the
+// decoder dictionary.
+func (d *decoderDict) buffered() int { return d.buf.Buffered() }
+// Peek gets data from the buffer without advancing the rear index.
+func (d *decoderDict) peek(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return d.buf.Peek(p) }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/directcodec.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/directcodec.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6e0c6ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/directcodec.go
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import "fmt"
+// directCodec allows the encoding and decoding of values with a fixed number
+// of bits. The number of bits must be in the range [1,32].
+type directCodec byte
+// makeDirectCodec creates a directCodec. The function panics if the number of
+// bits is not in the range [1,32].
+func makeDirectCodec(bits int) directCodec {
+ if !(1 <= bits && bits <= 32) {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("bits=%d out of range", bits))
+ }
+ return directCodec(bits)
+// Bits returns the number of bits supported by this codec.
+func (dc directCodec) Bits() int {
+ return int(dc)
+// Encode uses the range encoder to encode a value with the fixed number of
+// bits. The most-significant bit is encoded first.
+func (dc directCodec) Encode(e *rangeEncoder, v uint32) error {
+ for i := int(dc) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if err := e.DirectEncodeBit(v >> uint(i)); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Decode uses the range decoder to decode a value with the given number of
+// given bits. The most-significant bit is decoded first.
+func (dc directCodec) Decode(d *rangeDecoder) (v uint32, err error) {
+ for i := int(dc) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ x, err := d.DirectDecodeBit()
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ v = (v << 1) | x
+ }
+ return v, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/distcodec.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/distcodec.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69871c04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/distcodec.go
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+// Constants used by the distance codec.
+const (
+ // minimum supported distance
+ minDistance = 1
+ // maximum supported distance, value is used for the eos marker.
+ maxDistance = 1 << 32
+ // number of the supported len states
+ lenStates = 4
+ // start for the position models
+ startPosModel = 4
+ // first index with align bits support
+ endPosModel = 14
+ // bits for the position slots
+ posSlotBits = 6
+ // number of align bits
+ alignBits = 4
+ // maximum position slot
+ maxPosSlot = 63
+// distCodec provides encoding and decoding of distance values.
+type distCodec struct {
+ posSlotCodecs [lenStates]treeCodec
+ posModel [endPosModel - startPosModel]treeReverseCodec
+ alignCodec treeReverseCodec
+// deepcopy initializes dc as deep copy of the source.
+func (dc *distCodec) deepcopy(src *distCodec) {
+ if dc == src {
+ return
+ }
+ for i := range dc.posSlotCodecs {
+ dc.posSlotCodecs[i].deepcopy(&src.posSlotCodecs[i])
+ }
+ for i := range dc.posModel {
+ dc.posModel[i].deepcopy(&src.posModel[i])
+ }
+ dc.alignCodec.deepcopy(&src.alignCodec)
+// distBits returns the number of bits required to encode dist.
+func distBits(dist uint32) int {
+ if dist < startPosModel {
+ return 6
+ }
+ // slot s > 3, dist d
+ // s = 2(bits(d)-1) + bit(d, bits(d)-2)
+ // s>>1 = bits(d)-1
+ // bits(d) = 32-nlz32(d)
+ // s>>1=31-nlz32(d)
+ // n = 5 + (s>>1) = 36 - nlz32(d)
+ return 36 - nlz32(dist)
+// newDistCodec creates a new distance codec.
+func (dc *distCodec) init() {
+ for i := range dc.posSlotCodecs {
+ dc.posSlotCodecs[i] = makeTreeCodec(posSlotBits)
+ }
+ for i := range dc.posModel {
+ posSlot := startPosModel + i
+ bits := (posSlot >> 1) - 1
+ dc.posModel[i] = makeTreeReverseCodec(bits)
+ }
+ dc.alignCodec = makeTreeReverseCodec(alignBits)
+// lenState converts the value l to a supported lenState value.
+func lenState(l uint32) uint32 {
+ if l >= lenStates {
+ l = lenStates - 1
+ }
+ return l
+// Encode encodes the distance using the parameter l. Dist can have values from
+// the full range of uint32 values. To get the distance offset the actual match
+// distance has to be decreased by 1. A distance offset of 0xffffffff (eos)
+// indicates the end of the stream.
+func (dc *distCodec) Encode(e *rangeEncoder, dist uint32, l uint32) (err error) {
+ // Compute the posSlot using nlz32
+ var posSlot uint32
+ var bits uint32
+ if dist < startPosModel {
+ posSlot = dist
+ } else {
+ bits = uint32(30 - nlz32(dist))
+ posSlot = startPosModel - 2 + (bits << 1)
+ posSlot += (dist >> uint(bits)) & 1
+ }
+ if err = dc.posSlotCodecs[lenState(l)].Encode(e, posSlot); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ switch {
+ case posSlot < startPosModel:
+ return nil
+ case posSlot < endPosModel:
+ tc := &dc.posModel[posSlot-startPosModel]
+ return tc.Encode(dist, e)
+ }
+ dic := directCodec(bits - alignBits)
+ if err = dic.Encode(e, dist>>alignBits); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ return dc.alignCodec.Encode(dist, e)
+// Decode decodes the distance offset using the parameter l. The dist value
+// 0xffffffff (eos) indicates the end of the stream. Add one to the distance
+// offset to get the actual match distance.
+func (dc *distCodec) Decode(d *rangeDecoder, l uint32) (dist uint32, err error) {
+ posSlot, err := dc.posSlotCodecs[lenState(l)].Decode(d)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ // posSlot equals distance
+ if posSlot < startPosModel {
+ return posSlot, nil
+ }
+ // posSlot uses the individual models
+ bits := (posSlot >> 1) - 1
+ dist = (2 | (posSlot & 1)) << bits
+ var u uint32
+ if posSlot < endPosModel {
+ tc := &dc.posModel[posSlot-startPosModel]
+ if u, err = tc.Decode(d); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ dist += u
+ return dist, nil
+ }
+ // posSlots use direct encoding and a single model for the four align
+ // bits.
+ dic := directCodec(bits - alignBits)
+ if u, err = dic.Decode(d); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ dist += u << alignBits
+ if u, err = dc.alignCodec.Decode(d); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ dist += u
+ return dist, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/encoder.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/encoder.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59055eb64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/encoder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+// opLenMargin provides the upper limit of the number of bytes required
+// to encode a single operation.
+const opLenMargin = 16
+// compressFlags control the compression process.
+type compressFlags uint32
+// Values for compressFlags.
+const (
+ // all data should be compressed, even if compression is not
+ // optimal.
+ all compressFlags = 1 << iota
+// encoderFlags provide the flags for an encoder.
+type encoderFlags uint32
+// Flags for the encoder.
+const (
+ // eosMarker requests an EOS marker to be written.
+ eosMarker encoderFlags = 1 << iota
+// Encoder compresses data buffered in the encoder dictionary and writes
+// it into a byte writer.
+type encoder struct {
+ dict *encoderDict
+ state *state
+ re *rangeEncoder
+ start int64
+ // generate eos marker
+ marker bool
+ limit bool
+ margin int
+// newEncoder creates a new encoder. If the byte writer must be
+// limited use LimitedByteWriter provided by this package. The flags
+// argument supports the eosMarker flag, controlling whether a
+// terminating end-of-stream marker must be written.
+func newEncoder(bw io.ByteWriter, state *state, dict *encoderDict,
+ flags encoderFlags) (e *encoder, err error) {
+ re, err := newRangeEncoder(bw)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ e = &encoder{
+ dict: dict,
+ state: state,
+ re: re,
+ marker: flags&eosMarker != 0,
+ start: dict.Pos(),
+ margin: opLenMargin,
+ }
+ if e.marker {
+ e.margin += 5
+ }
+ return e, nil
+// Write writes the bytes from p into the dictionary. If not enough
+// space is available the data in the dictionary buffer will be
+// compressed to make additional space available. If the limit of the
+// underlying writer has been reached ErrLimit will be returned.
+func (e *encoder) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ for {
+ k, err := e.dict.Write(p[n:])
+ n += k
+ if err == ErrNoSpace {
+ if err = e.compress(0); err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ return n, err
+ }
+// Reopen reopens the encoder with a new byte writer.
+func (e *encoder) Reopen(bw io.ByteWriter) error {
+ var err error
+ if e.re, err = newRangeEncoder(bw); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ e.start = e.dict.Pos()
+ e.limit = false
+ return nil
+// writeLiteral writes a literal into the LZMA stream
+func (e *encoder) writeLiteral(l lit) error {
+ var err error
+ state, state2, _ := e.state.states(e.dict.Pos())
+ if err = e.state.isMatch[state2].Encode(e.re, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ litState := e.state.litState(e.dict.ByteAt(1), e.dict.Pos())
+ match := e.dict.ByteAt(int(e.state.rep[0]) + 1)
+ err = e.state.litCodec.Encode(e.re, l.b, state, match, litState)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ e.state.updateStateLiteral()
+ return nil
+// iverson implements the Iverson operator as proposed by Donald Knuth in his
+// book Concrete Mathematics.
+func iverson(ok bool) uint32 {
+ if ok {
+ return 1
+ }
+ return 0
+// writeMatch writes a repetition operation into the operation stream
+func (e *encoder) writeMatch(m match) error {
+ var err error
+ if !(minDistance <= m.distance && m.distance <= maxDistance) {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("match distance %d out of range", m.distance))
+ }
+ dist := uint32(m.distance - minDistance)
+ if !(minMatchLen <= m.n && m.n <= maxMatchLen) &&
+ !(dist == e.state.rep[0] && m.n == 1) {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf(
+ "match length %d out of range; dist %d rep[0] %d",
+ m.n, dist, e.state.rep[0]))
+ }
+ state, state2, posState := e.state.states(e.dict.Pos())
+ if err = e.state.isMatch[state2].Encode(e.re, 1); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ g := 0
+ for ; g < 4; g++ {
+ if e.state.rep[g] == dist {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ b := iverson(g < 4)
+ if err = e.state.isRep[state].Encode(e.re, b); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ n := uint32(m.n - minMatchLen)
+ if b == 0 {
+ // simple match
+ e.state.rep[3], e.state.rep[2], e.state.rep[1], e.state.rep[0] =
+ e.state.rep[2], e.state.rep[1], e.state.rep[0], dist
+ e.state.updateStateMatch()
+ if err = e.state.lenCodec.Encode(e.re, n, posState); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return e.state.distCodec.Encode(e.re, dist, n)
+ }
+ b = iverson(g != 0)
+ if err = e.state.isRepG0[state].Encode(e.re, b); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if b == 0 {
+ // g == 0
+ b = iverson(m.n != 1)
+ if err = e.state.isRepG0Long[state2].Encode(e.re, b); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if b == 0 {
+ e.state.updateStateShortRep()
+ return nil
+ }
+ } else {
+ // g in {1,2,3}
+ b = iverson(g != 1)
+ if err = e.state.isRepG1[state].Encode(e.re, b); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if b == 1 {
+ // g in {2,3}
+ b = iverson(g != 2)
+ err = e.state.isRepG2[state].Encode(e.re, b)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if b == 1 {
+ e.state.rep[3] = e.state.rep[2]
+ }
+ e.state.rep[2] = e.state.rep[1]
+ }
+ e.state.rep[1] = e.state.rep[0]
+ e.state.rep[0] = dist
+ }
+ e.state.updateStateRep()
+ return e.state.repLenCodec.Encode(e.re, n, posState)
+// writeOp writes a single operation to the range encoder. The function
+// checks whether there is enough space available to close the LZMA
+// stream.
+func (e *encoder) writeOp(op operation) error {
+ if e.re.Available() < int64(e.margin) {
+ return ErrLimit
+ }
+ switch x := op.(type) {
+ case lit:
+ return e.writeLiteral(x)
+ case match:
+ return e.writeMatch(x)
+ default:
+ panic("unexpected operation")
+ }
+// compress compressed data from the dictionary buffer. If the flag all
+// is set, all data in the dictionary buffer will be compressed. The
+// function returns ErrLimit if the underlying writer has reached its
+// limit.
+func (e *encoder) compress(flags compressFlags) error {
+ n := 0
+ if flags&all == 0 {
+ n = maxMatchLen - 1
+ }
+ d := e.dict
+ m := d.m
+ for d.Buffered() > n {
+ op := m.NextOp(e.state.rep)
+ if err := e.writeOp(op); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ d.Discard(op.Len())
+ }
+ return nil
+// eosMatch is a pseudo operation that indicates the end of the stream.
+var eosMatch = match{distance: maxDistance, n: minMatchLen}
+// Close terminates the LZMA stream. If requested the end-of-stream
+// marker will be written. If the byte writer limit has been or will be
+// reached during compression of the remaining data in the buffer the
+// LZMA stream will be closed and data will remain in the buffer.
+func (e *encoder) Close() error {
+ err := e.compress(all)
+ if err != nil && err != ErrLimit {
+ return err
+ }
+ if e.marker {
+ if err := e.writeMatch(eosMatch); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ err = e.re.Close()
+ return err
+// Compressed returns the number bytes of the input data that been
+// compressed.
+func (e *encoder) Compressed() int64 {
+ return e.dict.Pos() - e.start
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/encoderdict.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/encoderdict.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40f3d3f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/encoderdict.go
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+// matcher is an interface that supports the identification of the next
+// operation.
+type matcher interface {
+ io.Writer
+ SetDict(d *encoderDict)
+ NextOp(rep [4]uint32) operation
+// encoderDict provides the dictionary of the encoder. It includes an
+// addtional buffer atop of the actual dictionary.
+type encoderDict struct {
+ buf buffer
+ m matcher
+ head int64
+ capacity int
+ // preallocated array
+ data [maxMatchLen]byte
+// newEncoderDict creates the encoder dictionary. The argument bufSize
+// defines the size of the additional buffer.
+func newEncoderDict(dictCap, bufSize int, m matcher) (d *encoderDict, err error) {
+ if !(1 <= dictCap && int64(dictCap) <= MaxDictCap) {
+ return nil, errors.New(
+ "lzma: dictionary capacity out of range")
+ }
+ if bufSize < 1 {
+ return nil, errors.New(
+ "lzma: buffer size must be larger than zero")
+ }
+ d = &encoderDict{
+ buf: *newBuffer(dictCap + bufSize),
+ capacity: dictCap,
+ m: m,
+ }
+ m.SetDict(d)
+ return d, nil
+// Discard discards n bytes. Note that n must not be larger than
+// MaxMatchLen.
+func (d *encoderDict) Discard(n int) {
+ p := d.data[:n]
+ k, _ := d.buf.Read(p)
+ if k < n {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("lzma: can't discard %d bytes", n))
+ }
+ d.head += int64(n)
+ d.m.Write(p)
+// Len returns the data available in the encoder dictionary.
+func (d *encoderDict) Len() int {
+ n := d.buf.Available()
+ if int64(n) > d.head {
+ return int(d.head)
+ }
+ return n
+// DictLen returns the actual length of data in the dictionary.
+func (d *encoderDict) DictLen() int {
+ if d.head < int64(d.capacity) {
+ return int(d.head)
+ }
+ return d.capacity
+// Available returns the number of bytes that can be written by a
+// following Write call.
+func (d *encoderDict) Available() int {
+ return d.buf.Available() - d.DictLen()
+// Write writes data into the dictionary buffer. Note that the position
+// of the dictionary head will not be moved. If there is not enough
+// space in the buffer ErrNoSpace will be returned.
+func (d *encoderDict) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ m := d.Available()
+ if len(p) > m {
+ p = p[:m]
+ err = ErrNoSpace
+ }
+ var e error
+ if n, e = d.buf.Write(p); e != nil {
+ err = e
+ }
+ return n, err
+// Pos returns the position of the head.
+func (d *encoderDict) Pos() int64 { return d.head }
+// ByteAt returns the byte at the given distance.
+func (d *encoderDict) ByteAt(distance int) byte {
+ if !(0 < distance && distance <= d.Len()) {
+ return 0
+ }
+ i := d.buf.rear - distance
+ if i < 0 {
+ i += len(d.buf.data)
+ }
+ return d.buf.data[i]
+// CopyN copies the last n bytes from the dictionary into the provided
+// writer. This is used for copying uncompressed data into an
+// uncompressed segment.
+func (d *encoderDict) CopyN(w io.Writer, n int) (written int, err error) {
+ if n <= 0 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ m := d.Len()
+ if n > m {
+ n = m
+ err = ErrNoSpace
+ }
+ i := d.buf.rear - n
+ var e error
+ if i < 0 {
+ i += len(d.buf.data)
+ if written, e = w.Write(d.buf.data[i:]); e != nil {
+ return written, e
+ }
+ i = 0
+ }
+ var k int
+ k, e = w.Write(d.buf.data[i:d.buf.rear])
+ written += k
+ if e != nil {
+ err = e
+ }
+ return written, err
+// Buffered returns the number of bytes in the buffer.
+func (d *encoderDict) Buffered() int { return d.buf.Buffered() }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/fox.lzma b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/fox.lzma
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5edad6332
Binary files /dev/null and b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/fox.lzma differ
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/hashtable.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/hashtable.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e82970eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/hashtable.go
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/hash"
+/* For compression we need to find byte sequences that match the byte
+ * sequence at the dictionary head. A hash table is a simple method to
+ * provide this capability.
+ */
+// maxMatches limits the number of matches requested from the Matches
+// function. This controls the speed of the overall encoding.
+const maxMatches = 16
+// shortDists defines the number of short distances supported by the
+// implementation.
+const shortDists = 8
+// The minimum is somehow arbitrary but the maximum is limited by the
+// memory requirements of the hash table.
+const (
+ minTableExponent = 9
+ maxTableExponent = 20
+// newRoller contains the function used to create an instance of the
+// hash.Roller.
+var newRoller = func(n int) hash.Roller { return hash.NewCyclicPoly(n) }
+// hashTable stores the hash table including the rolling hash method.
+// We implement chained hashing into a circular buffer. Each entry in
+// the circular buffer stores the delta distance to the next position with a
+// word that has the same hash value.
+type hashTable struct {
+ dict *encoderDict
+ // actual hash table
+ t []int64
+ // circular list data with the offset to the next word
+ data []uint32
+ front int
+ // mask for computing the index for the hash table
+ mask uint64
+ // hash offset; initial value is -int64(wordLen)
+ hoff int64
+ // length of the hashed word
+ wordLen int
+ // hash roller for computing the hash values for the Write
+ // method
+ wr hash.Roller
+ // hash roller for computing arbitrary hashes
+ hr hash.Roller
+ // preallocated slices
+ p [maxMatches]int64
+ distances [maxMatches + shortDists]int
+// hashTableExponent derives the hash table exponent from the dictionary
+// capacity.
+func hashTableExponent(n uint32) int {
+ e := 30 - nlz32(n)
+ switch {
+ case e < minTableExponent:
+ e = minTableExponent
+ case e > maxTableExponent:
+ e = maxTableExponent
+ }
+ return e
+// newHashTable creates a new hash table for words of length wordLen
+func newHashTable(capacity int, wordLen int) (t *hashTable, err error) {
+ if !(0 < capacity) {
+ return nil, errors.New(
+ "newHashTable: capacity must not be negative")
+ }
+ exp := hashTableExponent(uint32(capacity))
+ if !(1 <= wordLen && wordLen <= 4) {
+ return nil, errors.New("newHashTable: " +
+ "argument wordLen out of range")
+ }
+ n := 1 << uint(exp)
+ if n <= 0 {
+ panic("newHashTable: exponent is too large")
+ }
+ t = &hashTable{
+ t: make([]int64, n),
+ data: make([]uint32, capacity),
+ mask: (uint64(1) << uint(exp)) - 1,
+ hoff: -int64(wordLen),
+ wordLen: wordLen,
+ wr: newRoller(wordLen),
+ hr: newRoller(wordLen),
+ }
+ return t, nil
+func (t *hashTable) SetDict(d *encoderDict) { t.dict = d }
+// buffered returns the number of bytes that are currently hashed.
+func (t *hashTable) buffered() int {
+ n := t.hoff + 1
+ switch {
+ case n <= 0:
+ return 0
+ case n >= int64(len(t.data)):
+ return len(t.data)
+ }
+ return int(n)
+// addIndex adds n to an index ensuring that is stays inside the
+// circular buffer for the hash chain.
+func (t *hashTable) addIndex(i, n int) int {
+ i += n - len(t.data)
+ if i < 0 {
+ i += len(t.data)
+ }
+ return i
+// putDelta puts the delta instance at the current front of the circular
+// chain buffer.
+func (t *hashTable) putDelta(delta uint32) {
+ t.data[t.front] = delta
+ t.front = t.addIndex(t.front, 1)
+// putEntry puts a new entry into the hash table. If there is already a
+// value stored it is moved into the circular chain buffer.
+func (t *hashTable) putEntry(h uint64, pos int64) {
+ if pos < 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ i := h & t.mask
+ old := t.t[i] - 1
+ t.t[i] = pos + 1
+ var delta int64
+ if old >= 0 {
+ delta = pos - old
+ if delta > 1<<32-1 || delta > int64(t.buffered()) {
+ delta = 0
+ }
+ }
+ t.putDelta(uint32(delta))
+// WriteByte converts a single byte into a hash and puts them into the hash
+// table.
+func (t *hashTable) WriteByte(b byte) error {
+ h := t.wr.RollByte(b)
+ t.hoff++
+ t.putEntry(h, t.hoff)
+ return nil
+// Write converts the bytes provided into hash tables and stores the
+// abbreviated offsets into the hash table. The method will never return an
+// error.
+func (t *hashTable) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ for _, b := range p {
+ // WriteByte doesn't generate an error.
+ t.WriteByte(b)
+ }
+ return len(p), nil
+// getMatches the matches for a specific hash. The functions returns the
+// number of positions found.
+// TODO: Make a getDistances because that we are actually interested in.
+func (t *hashTable) getMatches(h uint64, positions []int64) (n int) {
+ if t.hoff < 0 || len(positions) == 0 {
+ return 0
+ }
+ buffered := t.buffered()
+ tailPos := t.hoff + 1 - int64(buffered)
+ rear := t.front - buffered
+ if rear >= 0 {
+ rear -= len(t.data)
+ }
+ // get the slot for the hash
+ pos := t.t[h&t.mask] - 1
+ delta := pos - tailPos
+ for {
+ if delta < 0 {
+ return n
+ }
+ positions[n] = tailPos + delta
+ n++
+ if n >= len(positions) {
+ return n
+ }
+ i := rear + int(delta)
+ if i < 0 {
+ i += len(t.data)
+ }
+ u := t.data[i]
+ if u == 0 {
+ return n
+ }
+ delta -= int64(u)
+ }
+// hash computes the rolling hash for the word stored in p. For correct
+// results its length must be equal to t.wordLen.
+func (t *hashTable) hash(p []byte) uint64 {
+ var h uint64
+ for _, b := range p {
+ h = t.hr.RollByte(b)
+ }
+ return h
+// Matches fills the positions slice with potential matches. The
+// functions returns the number of positions filled into positions. The
+// byte slice p must have word length of the hash table.
+func (t *hashTable) Matches(p []byte, positions []int64) int {
+ if len(p) != t.wordLen {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf(
+ "byte slice must have length %d", t.wordLen))
+ }
+ h := t.hash(p)
+ return t.getMatches(h, positions)
+// NextOp identifies the next operation using the hash table.
+// TODO: Use all repetitions to find matches.
+func (t *hashTable) NextOp(rep [4]uint32) operation {
+ // get positions
+ data := t.dict.data[:maxMatchLen]
+ n, _ := t.dict.buf.Peek(data)
+ data = data[:n]
+ var p []int64
+ if n < t.wordLen {
+ p = t.p[:0]
+ } else {
+ p = t.p[:maxMatches]
+ n = t.Matches(data[:t.wordLen], p)
+ p = p[:n]
+ }
+ // convert positions in potential distances
+ head := t.dict.head
+ dists := append(t.distances[:0], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
+ for _, pos := range p {
+ dis := int(head - pos)
+ if dis > shortDists {
+ dists = append(dists, dis)
+ }
+ }
+ // check distances
+ var m match
+ dictLen := t.dict.DictLen()
+ for _, dist := range dists {
+ if dist > dictLen {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Here comes a trick. We are only interested in matches
+ // that are longer than the matches we have been found
+ // before. So before we test the whole byte sequence at
+ // the given distance, we test the first byte that would
+ // make the match longer. If it doesn't match the byte
+ // to match, we don't to care any longer.
+ i := t.dict.buf.rear - dist + m.n
+ if i < 0 {
+ i += len(t.dict.buf.data)
+ }
+ if t.dict.buf.data[i] != data[m.n] {
+ // We can't get a longer match. Jump to the next
+ // distance.
+ continue
+ }
+ n := t.dict.buf.matchLen(dist, data)
+ switch n {
+ case 0:
+ continue
+ case 1:
+ if uint32(dist-minDistance) != rep[0] {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ if n > m.n {
+ m = match{int64(dist), n}
+ if n == len(data) {
+ // No better match will be found.
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if m.n == 0 {
+ return lit{data[0]}
+ }
+ return m
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/header.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/header.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cda39462c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/header.go
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+// uint32LE reads an uint32 integer from a byte slice
+func uint32LE(b []byte) uint32 {
+ x := uint32(b[3]) << 24
+ x |= uint32(b[2]) << 16
+ x |= uint32(b[1]) << 8
+ x |= uint32(b[0])
+ return x
+// uint64LE converts the uint64 value stored as little endian to an uint64
+// value.
+func uint64LE(b []byte) uint64 {
+ x := uint64(b[7]) << 56
+ x |= uint64(b[6]) << 48
+ x |= uint64(b[5]) << 40
+ x |= uint64(b[4]) << 32
+ x |= uint64(b[3]) << 24
+ x |= uint64(b[2]) << 16
+ x |= uint64(b[1]) << 8
+ x |= uint64(b[0])
+ return x
+// putUint32LE puts an uint32 integer into a byte slice that must have at least
+// a length of 4 bytes.
+func putUint32LE(b []byte, x uint32) {
+ b[0] = byte(x)
+ b[1] = byte(x >> 8)
+ b[2] = byte(x >> 16)
+ b[3] = byte(x >> 24)
+// putUint64LE puts the uint64 value into the byte slice as little endian
+// value. The byte slice b must have at least place for 8 bytes.
+func putUint64LE(b []byte, x uint64) {
+ b[0] = byte(x)
+ b[1] = byte(x >> 8)
+ b[2] = byte(x >> 16)
+ b[3] = byte(x >> 24)
+ b[4] = byte(x >> 32)
+ b[5] = byte(x >> 40)
+ b[6] = byte(x >> 48)
+ b[7] = byte(x >> 56)
+// noHeaderSize defines the value of the length field in the LZMA header.
+const noHeaderSize uint64 = 1<<64 - 1
+// HeaderLen provides the length of the LZMA file header.
+const HeaderLen = 13
+// header represents the header of an LZMA file.
+type header struct {
+ properties Properties
+ dictCap int
+ // uncompressed size; negative value if no size is given
+ size int64
+// marshalBinary marshals the header.
+func (h *header) marshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
+ if err = h.properties.verify(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if !(0 <= h.dictCap && int64(h.dictCap) <= MaxDictCap) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("lzma: DictCap %d out of range",
+ h.dictCap)
+ }
+ data = make([]byte, 13)
+ // property byte
+ data[0] = h.properties.Code()
+ // dictionary capacity
+ putUint32LE(data[1:5], uint32(h.dictCap))
+ // uncompressed size
+ var s uint64
+ if h.size > 0 {
+ s = uint64(h.size)
+ } else {
+ s = noHeaderSize
+ }
+ putUint64LE(data[5:], s)
+ return data, nil
+// unmarshalBinary unmarshals the header.
+func (h *header) unmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
+ if len(data) != HeaderLen {
+ return errors.New("lzma.unmarshalBinary: data has wrong length")
+ }
+ // properties
+ var err error
+ if h.properties, err = PropertiesForCode(data[0]); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // dictionary capacity
+ h.dictCap = int(uint32LE(data[1:]))
+ if h.dictCap < 0 {
+ return errors.New(
+ "LZMA header: dictionary capacity exceeds maximum " +
+ "integer")
+ }
+ // uncompressed size
+ s := uint64LE(data[5:])
+ if s == noHeaderSize {
+ h.size = -1
+ } else {
+ h.size = int64(s)
+ if h.size < 0 {
+ return errors.New(
+ "LZMA header: uncompressed size " +
+ "out of int64 range")
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// validDictCap checks whether the dictionary capacity is correct. This
+// is used to weed out wrong file headers.
+func validDictCap(dictcap int) bool {
+ if int64(dictcap) == MaxDictCap {
+ return true
+ }
+ for n := uint(10); n < 32; n++ {
+ if dictcap == 1<= 10 or 2^32-1. If
+// there is an explicit size it must not exceed 256 GiB. The length of
+// the data argument must be HeaderLen.
+func ValidHeader(data []byte) bool {
+ var h header
+ if err := h.unmarshalBinary(data); err != nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !validDictCap(h.dictCap) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return h.size < 0 || h.size <= 1<<38
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/header2.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/header2.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd148812c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/header2.go
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+const (
+ // maximum size of compressed data in a chunk
+ maxCompressed = 1 << 16
+ // maximum size of uncompressed data in a chunk
+ maxUncompressed = 1 << 21
+// chunkType represents the type of an LZMA2 chunk. Note that this
+// value is an internal representation and no actual encoding of a LZMA2
+// chunk header.
+type chunkType byte
+// Possible values for the chunk type.
+const (
+ // end of stream
+ cEOS chunkType = iota
+ // uncompressed; reset dictionary
+ cUD
+ // uncompressed; no reset of dictionary
+ cU
+ // LZMA compressed; no reset
+ cL
+ // LZMA compressed; reset state
+ cLR
+ // LZMA compressed; reset state; new property value
+ cLRN
+ // LZMA compressed; reset state; new property value; reset dictionary
+// chunkTypeStrings provide a string representation for the chunk types.
+var chunkTypeStrings = [...]string{
+ cEOS: "EOS",
+ cU: "U",
+ cUD: "UD",
+ cL: "L",
+ cLR: "LR",
+ cLRN: "LRN",
+ cLRND: "LRND",
+// String returns a string representation of the chunk type.
+func (c chunkType) String() string {
+ if !(cEOS <= c && c <= cLRND) {
+ return "unknown"
+ }
+ return chunkTypeStrings[c]
+// Actual encodings for the chunk types in the value. Note that the high
+// uncompressed size bits are stored in the header byte additionally.
+const (
+ hEOS = 0
+ hUD = 1
+ hU = 2
+ hL = 1 << 7
+ hLR = 1<<7 | 1<<5
+ hLRN = 1<<7 | 1<<6
+ hLRND = 1<<7 | 1<<6 | 1<<5
+// errHeaderByte indicates an unsupported value for the chunk header
+// byte. These bytes starts the variable-length chunk header.
+var errHeaderByte = errors.New("lzma: unsupported chunk header byte")
+// headerChunkType converts the header byte into a chunk type. It
+// ignores the uncompressed size bits in the chunk header byte.
+func headerChunkType(h byte) (c chunkType, err error) {
+ if h&hL == 0 {
+ // no compression
+ switch h {
+ case hEOS:
+ c = cEOS
+ case hUD:
+ c = cUD
+ case hU:
+ c = cU
+ default:
+ return 0, errHeaderByte
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ switch h & hLRND {
+ case hL:
+ c = cL
+ case hLR:
+ c = cLR
+ case hLRN:
+ c = cLRN
+ case hLRND:
+ c = cLRND
+ default:
+ return 0, errHeaderByte
+ }
+ return
+// uncompressedHeaderLen provides the length of an uncompressed header
+const uncompressedHeaderLen = 3
+// headerLen returns the length of the LZMA2 header for a given chunk
+// type.
+func headerLen(c chunkType) int {
+ switch c {
+ case cEOS:
+ return 1
+ case cU, cUD:
+ return uncompressedHeaderLen
+ case cL, cLR:
+ return 5
+ case cLRN, cLRND:
+ return 6
+ }
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported chunk type %d", c))
+// chunkHeader represents the contents of a chunk header.
+type chunkHeader struct {
+ ctype chunkType
+ uncompressed uint32
+ compressed uint16
+ props Properties
+// String returns a string representation of the chunk header.
+func (h *chunkHeader) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s %d %d %s", h.ctype, h.uncompressed,
+ h.compressed, &h.props)
+// UnmarshalBinary reads the content of the chunk header from the data
+// slice. The slice must have the correct length.
+func (h *chunkHeader) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
+ if len(data) == 0 {
+ return errors.New("no data")
+ }
+ c, err := headerChunkType(data[0])
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ n := headerLen(c)
+ if len(data) < n {
+ return errors.New("incomplete data")
+ }
+ if len(data) > n {
+ return errors.New("invalid data length")
+ }
+ *h = chunkHeader{ctype: c}
+ if c == cEOS {
+ return nil
+ }
+ h.uncompressed = uint32(uint16BE(data[1:3]))
+ if c <= cU {
+ return nil
+ }
+ h.uncompressed |= uint32(data[0]&^hLRND) << 16
+ h.compressed = uint16BE(data[3:5])
+ if c <= cLR {
+ return nil
+ }
+ h.props, err = PropertiesForCode(data[5])
+ return err
+// MarshalBinary encodes the chunk header value. The function checks
+// whether the content of the chunk header is correct.
+func (h *chunkHeader) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
+ if h.ctype > cLRND {
+ return nil, errors.New("invalid chunk type")
+ }
+ if err = h.props.verify(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ data = make([]byte, headerLen(h.ctype))
+ switch h.ctype {
+ case cEOS:
+ return data, nil
+ case cUD:
+ data[0] = hUD
+ case cU:
+ data[0] = hU
+ case cL:
+ data[0] = hL
+ case cLR:
+ data[0] = hLR
+ case cLRN:
+ data[0] = hLRN
+ case cLRND:
+ data[0] = hLRND
+ }
+ putUint16BE(data[1:3], uint16(h.uncompressed))
+ if h.ctype <= cU {
+ return data, nil
+ }
+ data[0] |= byte(h.uncompressed>>16) &^ hLRND
+ putUint16BE(data[3:5], h.compressed)
+ if h.ctype <= cLR {
+ return data, nil
+ }
+ data[5] = h.props.Code()
+ return data, nil
+// readChunkHeader reads the chunk header from the IO reader.
+func readChunkHeader(r io.Reader) (h *chunkHeader, err error) {
+ p := make([]byte, 1, 6)
+ if _, err = io.ReadFull(r, p); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ c, err := headerChunkType(p[0])
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ p = p[:headerLen(c)]
+ if _, err = io.ReadFull(r, p[1:]); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ h = new(chunkHeader)
+ if err = h.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return h, nil
+// uint16BE converts a big-endian uint16 representation to an uint16
+// value.
+func uint16BE(p []byte) uint16 {
+ return uint16(p[0])<<8 | uint16(p[1])
+// putUint16BE puts the big-endian uint16 presentation into the given
+// slice.
+func putUint16BE(p []byte, x uint16) {
+ p[0] = byte(x >> 8)
+ p[1] = byte(x)
+// chunkState is used to manage the state of the chunks
+type chunkState byte
+// start and stop define the initial and terminating state of the chunk
+// state
+const (
+ start chunkState = 'S'
+ stop = 'T'
+// errors for the chunk state handling
+var (
+ errChunkType = errors.New("lzma: unexpected chunk type")
+ errState = errors.New("lzma: wrong chunk state")
+// next transitions state based on chunk type input
+func (c *chunkState) next(ctype chunkType) error {
+ switch *c {
+ // start state
+ case 'S':
+ switch ctype {
+ case cEOS:
+ *c = 'T'
+ case cUD:
+ *c = 'R'
+ case cLRND:
+ *c = 'L'
+ default:
+ return errChunkType
+ }
+ // normal LZMA mode
+ case 'L':
+ switch ctype {
+ case cEOS:
+ *c = 'T'
+ case cUD:
+ *c = 'R'
+ case cU:
+ *c = 'U'
+ case cL, cLR, cLRN, cLRND:
+ break
+ default:
+ return errChunkType
+ }
+ // reset required
+ case 'R':
+ switch ctype {
+ case cEOS:
+ *c = 'T'
+ case cUD, cU:
+ break
+ case cLRN, cLRND:
+ *c = 'L'
+ default:
+ return errChunkType
+ }
+ // uncompressed
+ case 'U':
+ switch ctype {
+ case cEOS:
+ *c = 'T'
+ case cUD:
+ *c = 'R'
+ case cU:
+ break
+ case cL, cLR, cLRN, cLRND:
+ *c = 'L'
+ default:
+ return errChunkType
+ }
+ // terminal state
+ case 'T':
+ return errChunkType
+ default:
+ return errState
+ }
+ return nil
+// defaultChunkType returns the default chunk type for each chunk state.
+func (c chunkState) defaultChunkType() chunkType {
+ switch c {
+ case 'S':
+ return cLRND
+ case 'L', 'U':
+ return cL
+ case 'R':
+ return cLRN
+ default:
+ // no error
+ return cEOS
+ }
+// maxDictCap defines the maximum dictionary capacity supported by the
+// LZMA2 dictionary capacity encoding.
+const maxDictCap = 1<<32 - 1
+// maxDictCapCode defines the maximum dictionary capacity code.
+const maxDictCapCode = 40
+// The function decodes the dictionary capacity byte, but doesn't change
+// for the correct range of the given byte.
+func decodeDictCap(c byte) int64 {
+ return (2 | int64(c)&1) << (11 + (c>>1)&0x1f)
+// DecodeDictCap decodes the encoded dictionary capacity. The function
+// returns an error if the code is out of range.
+func DecodeDictCap(c byte) (n int64, err error) {
+ if c >= maxDictCapCode {
+ if c == maxDictCapCode {
+ return maxDictCap, nil
+ }
+ return 0, errors.New("lzma: invalid dictionary size code")
+ }
+ return decodeDictCap(c), nil
+// EncodeDictCap encodes a dictionary capacity. The function returns the
+// code for the capacity that is greater or equal n. If n exceeds the
+// maximum support dictionary capacity, the maximum value is returned.
+func EncodeDictCap(n int64) byte {
+ a, b := byte(0), byte(40)
+ for a < b {
+ c := a + (b-a)>>1
+ m := decodeDictCap(c)
+ if n <= m {
+ if n == m {
+ return c
+ }
+ b = c
+ } else {
+ a = c + 1
+ }
+ }
+ return a
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/lengthcodec.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/lengthcodec.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..927395bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/lengthcodec.go
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import "errors"
+// maxPosBits defines the number of bits of the position value that are used to
+// to compute the posState value. The value is used to select the tree codec
+// for length encoding and decoding.
+const maxPosBits = 4
+// minMatchLen and maxMatchLen give the minimum and maximum values for
+// encoding and decoding length values. minMatchLen is also used as base
+// for the encoded length values.
+const (
+ minMatchLen = 2
+ maxMatchLen = minMatchLen + 16 + 256 - 1
+// lengthCodec support the encoding of the length value.
+type lengthCodec struct {
+ choice [2]prob
+ low [1 << maxPosBits]treeCodec
+ mid [1 << maxPosBits]treeCodec
+ high treeCodec
+// deepcopy initializes the lc value as deep copy of the source value.
+func (lc *lengthCodec) deepcopy(src *lengthCodec) {
+ if lc == src {
+ return
+ }
+ lc.choice = src.choice
+ for i := range lc.low {
+ lc.low[i].deepcopy(&src.low[i])
+ }
+ for i := range lc.mid {
+ lc.mid[i].deepcopy(&src.mid[i])
+ }
+ lc.high.deepcopy(&src.high)
+// init initializes a new length codec.
+func (lc *lengthCodec) init() {
+ for i := range lc.choice {
+ lc.choice[i] = probInit
+ }
+ for i := range lc.low {
+ lc.low[i] = makeTreeCodec(3)
+ }
+ for i := range lc.mid {
+ lc.mid[i] = makeTreeCodec(3)
+ }
+ lc.high = makeTreeCodec(8)
+// lBits gives the number of bits used for the encoding of the l value
+// provided to the range encoder.
+func lBits(l uint32) int {
+ switch {
+ case l < 8:
+ return 4
+ case l < 16:
+ return 5
+ default:
+ return 10
+ }
+// Encode encodes the length offset. The length offset l can be compute by
+// subtracting minMatchLen (2) from the actual length.
+// l = length - minMatchLen
+func (lc *lengthCodec) Encode(e *rangeEncoder, l uint32, posState uint32,
+) (err error) {
+ if l > maxMatchLen-minMatchLen {
+ return errors.New("lengthCodec.Encode: l out of range")
+ }
+ if l < 8 {
+ if err = lc.choice[0].Encode(e, 0); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ return lc.low[posState].Encode(e, l)
+ }
+ if err = lc.choice[0].Encode(e, 1); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if l < 16 {
+ if err = lc.choice[1].Encode(e, 0); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ return lc.mid[posState].Encode(e, l-8)
+ }
+ if err = lc.choice[1].Encode(e, 1); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if err = lc.high.Encode(e, l-16); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ return nil
+// Decode reads the length offset. Add minMatchLen to compute the actual length
+// to the length offset l.
+func (lc *lengthCodec) Decode(d *rangeDecoder, posState uint32,
+) (l uint32, err error) {
+ var b uint32
+ if b, err = lc.choice[0].Decode(d); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if b == 0 {
+ l, err = lc.low[posState].Decode(d)
+ return
+ }
+ if b, err = lc.choice[1].Decode(d); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if b == 0 {
+ l, err = lc.mid[posState].Decode(d)
+ l += 8
+ return
+ }
+ l, err = lc.high.Decode(d)
+ l += 16
+ return
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/literalcodec.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/literalcodec.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca31530fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/literalcodec.go
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+// literalCodec supports the encoding of literal. It provides 768 probability
+// values per literal state. The upper 512 probabilities are used with the
+// context of a match bit.
+type literalCodec struct {
+ probs []prob
+// deepcopy initializes literal codec c as a deep copy of the source.
+func (c *literalCodec) deepcopy(src *literalCodec) {
+ if c == src {
+ return
+ }
+ c.probs = make([]prob, len(src.probs))
+ copy(c.probs, src.probs)
+// init initializes the literal codec.
+func (c *literalCodec) init(lc, lp int) {
+ switch {
+ case !(minLC <= lc && lc <= maxLC):
+ panic("lc out of range")
+ case !(minLP <= lp && lp <= maxLP):
+ panic("lp out of range")
+ }
+ c.probs = make([]prob, 0x300<= 7 {
+ m := uint32(match)
+ for {
+ matchBit := (m >> 7) & 1
+ m <<= 1
+ bit := (r >> 7) & 1
+ r <<= 1
+ i := ((1 + matchBit) << 8) | symbol
+ if err = probs[i].Encode(e, bit); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ symbol = (symbol << 1) | bit
+ if matchBit != bit {
+ break
+ }
+ if symbol >= 0x100 {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for symbol < 0x100 {
+ bit := (r >> 7) & 1
+ r <<= 1
+ if err = probs[symbol].Encode(e, bit); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ symbol = (symbol << 1) | bit
+ }
+ return nil
+// Decode decodes a literal byte using the range decoder as well as the LZMA
+// state, a match byte, and the literal state.
+func (c *literalCodec) Decode(d *rangeDecoder,
+ state uint32, match byte, litState uint32,
+) (s byte, err error) {
+ k := litState * 0x300
+ probs := c.probs[k : k+0x300]
+ symbol := uint32(1)
+ if state >= 7 {
+ m := uint32(match)
+ for {
+ matchBit := (m >> 7) & 1
+ m <<= 1
+ i := ((1 + matchBit) << 8) | symbol
+ bit, err := d.DecodeBit(&probs[i])
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ symbol = (symbol << 1) | bit
+ if matchBit != bit {
+ break
+ }
+ if symbol >= 0x100 {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for symbol < 0x100 {
+ bit, err := d.DecodeBit(&probs[symbol])
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ symbol = (symbol << 1) | bit
+ }
+ s = byte(symbol - 0x100)
+ return s, nil
+// minLC and maxLC define the range for LC values.
+const (
+ minLC = 0
+ maxLC = 8
+// minLC and maxLC define the range for LP values.
+const (
+ minLP = 0
+ maxLP = 4
+// minState and maxState define a range for the state values stored in
+// the State values.
+const (
+ minState = 0
+ maxState = 11
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/matchalgorithm.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/matchalgorithm.go
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/matchalgorithm.go
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+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import "errors"
+// MatchAlgorithm identifies an algorithm to find matches in the
+// dictionary.
+type MatchAlgorithm byte
+// Supported matcher algorithms.
+const (
+ HashTable4 MatchAlgorithm = iota
+ BinaryTree
+// maStrings are used by the String method.
+var maStrings = map[MatchAlgorithm]string{
+ HashTable4: "HashTable4",
+ BinaryTree: "BinaryTree",
+// String returns a string representation of the Matcher.
+func (a MatchAlgorithm) String() string {
+ if s, ok := maStrings[a]; ok {
+ return s
+ }
+ return "unknown"
+var errUnsupportedMatchAlgorithm = errors.New(
+ "lzma: unsupported match algorithm value")
+// verify checks whether the matcher value is supported.
+func (a MatchAlgorithm) verify() error {
+ if _, ok := maStrings[a]; !ok {
+ return errUnsupportedMatchAlgorithm
+ }
+ return nil
+func (a MatchAlgorithm) new(dictCap int) (m matcher, err error) {
+ switch a {
+ case HashTable4:
+ return newHashTable(dictCap, 4)
+ case BinaryTree:
+ return newBinTree(dictCap)
+ }
+ return nil, errUnsupportedMatchAlgorithm
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/operation.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/operation.go
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/operation.go
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "unicode"
+// operation represents an operation on the dictionary during encoding or
+// decoding.
+type operation interface {
+ Len() int
+// rep represents a repetition at the given distance and the given length
+type match struct {
+ // supports all possible distance values, including the eos marker
+ distance int64
+ // length
+ n int
+// verify checks whether the match is valid. If that is not the case an
+// error is returned.
+func (m match) verify() error {
+ if !(minDistance <= m.distance && m.distance <= maxDistance) {
+ return errors.New("distance out of range")
+ }
+ if !(1 <= m.n && m.n <= maxMatchLen) {
+ return errors.New("length out of range")
+ }
+ return nil
+// l return the l-value for the match, which is the difference of length
+// n and 2.
+func (m match) l() uint32 {
+ return uint32(m.n - minMatchLen)
+// dist returns the dist value for the match, which is one less of the
+// distance stored in the match.
+func (m match) dist() uint32 {
+ return uint32(m.distance - minDistance)
+// Len returns the number of bytes matched.
+func (m match) Len() int {
+ return m.n
+// String returns a string representation for the repetition.
+func (m match) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("M{%d,%d}", m.distance, m.n)
+// lit represents a single byte literal.
+type lit struct {
+ b byte
+// Len returns 1 for the single byte literal.
+func (l lit) Len() int {
+ return 1
+// String returns a string representation for the literal.
+func (l lit) String() string {
+ var c byte
+ if unicode.IsPrint(rune(l.b)) {
+ c = l.b
+ } else {
+ c = '.'
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("L{%c/%02x}", c, l.b)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/prob.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/prob.go
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+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/prob.go
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+// movebits defines the number of bits used for the updates of probability
+// values.
+const movebits = 5
+// probbits defines the number of bits of a probability value.
+const probbits = 11
+// probInit defines 0.5 as initial value for prob values.
+const probInit prob = 1 << (probbits - 1)
+// Type prob represents probabilities. The type can also be used to encode and
+// decode single bits.
+type prob uint16
+// Dec decreases the probability. The decrease is proportional to the
+// probability value.
+func (p *prob) dec() {
+ *p -= *p >> movebits
+// Inc increases the probability. The Increase is proportional to the
+// difference of 1 and the probability value.
+func (p *prob) inc() {
+ *p += ((1 << probbits) - *p) >> movebits
+// Computes the new bound for a given range using the probability value.
+func (p prob) bound(r uint32) uint32 {
+ return (r >> probbits) * uint32(p)
+// Bits returns 1. One is the number of bits that can be encoded or decoded
+// with a single prob value.
+func (p prob) Bits() int {
+ return 1
+// Encode encodes the least-significant bit of v. Note that the p value will be
+// changed.
+func (p *prob) Encode(e *rangeEncoder, v uint32) error {
+ return e.EncodeBit(v, p)
+// Decode decodes a single bit. Note that the p value will change.
+func (p *prob) Decode(d *rangeDecoder) (v uint32, err error) {
+ return d.DecodeBit(p)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/properties.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/properties.go
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index 000000000..662feba87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/properties.go
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+// maximum and minimum values for the LZMA properties.
+const (
+ minPB = 0
+ maxPB = 4
+// maxPropertyCode is the possible maximum of a properties code byte.
+const maxPropertyCode = (maxPB+1)*(maxLP+1)*(maxLC+1) - 1
+// Properties contains the parameters LC, LP and PB. The parameter LC
+// defines the number of literal context bits; parameter LP the number
+// of literal position bits and PB the number of position bits.
+type Properties struct {
+ LC int
+ LP int
+ PB int
+// String returns the properties in a string representation.
+func (p *Properties) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("LC %d LP %d PB %d", p.LC, p.LP, p.PB)
+// PropertiesForCode converts a properties code byte into a Properties value.
+func PropertiesForCode(code byte) (p Properties, err error) {
+ if code > maxPropertyCode {
+ return p, errors.New("lzma: invalid properties code")
+ }
+ p.LC = int(code % 9)
+ code /= 9
+ p.LP = int(code % 5)
+ code /= 5
+ p.PB = int(code % 5)
+ return p, err
+// verify checks the properties for correctness.
+func (p *Properties) verify() error {
+ if p == nil {
+ return errors.New("lzma: properties are nil")
+ }
+ if !(minLC <= p.LC && p.LC <= maxLC) {
+ return errors.New("lzma: lc out of range")
+ }
+ if !(minLP <= p.LP && p.LP <= maxLP) {
+ return errors.New("lzma: lp out of range")
+ }
+ if !(minPB <= p.PB && p.PB <= maxPB) {
+ return errors.New("lzma: pb out of range")
+ }
+ return nil
+// Code converts the properties to a byte. The function assumes that
+// the properties components are all in range.
+func (p Properties) Code() byte {
+ return byte((p.PB*5+p.LP)*9 + p.LC)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/rangecodec.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/rangecodec.go
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index 000000000..7189a0377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/rangecodec.go
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "io"
+// rangeEncoder implements range encoding of single bits. The low value can
+// overflow therefore we need uint64. The cache value is used to handle
+// overflows.
+type rangeEncoder struct {
+ lbw *LimitedByteWriter
+ nrange uint32
+ low uint64
+ cacheLen int64
+ cache byte
+// maxInt64 provides the maximal value of the int64 type
+const maxInt64 = 1<<63 - 1
+// newRangeEncoder creates a new range encoder.
+func newRangeEncoder(bw io.ByteWriter) (re *rangeEncoder, err error) {
+ lbw, ok := bw.(*LimitedByteWriter)
+ if !ok {
+ lbw = &LimitedByteWriter{BW: bw, N: maxInt64}
+ }
+ return &rangeEncoder{
+ lbw: lbw,
+ nrange: 0xffffffff,
+ cacheLen: 1}, nil
+// Available returns the number of bytes that still can be written. The
+// method takes the bytes that will be currently written by Close into
+// account.
+func (e *rangeEncoder) Available() int64 {
+ return e.lbw.N - (e.cacheLen + 4)
+// writeByte writes a single byte to the underlying writer. An error is
+// returned if the limit is reached. The written byte will be counted if
+// the underlying writer doesn't return an error.
+func (e *rangeEncoder) writeByte(c byte) error {
+ if e.Available() < 1 {
+ return ErrLimit
+ }
+ return e.lbw.WriteByte(c)
+// DirectEncodeBit encodes the least-significant bit of b with probability 1/2.
+func (e *rangeEncoder) DirectEncodeBit(b uint32) error {
+ e.nrange >>= 1
+ e.low += uint64(e.nrange) & (0 - (uint64(b) & 1))
+ // normalize
+ const top = 1 << 24
+ if e.nrange >= top {
+ return nil
+ }
+ e.nrange <<= 8
+ return e.shiftLow()
+// EncodeBit encodes the least significant bit of b. The p value will be
+// updated by the function depending on the bit encoded.
+func (e *rangeEncoder) EncodeBit(b uint32, p *prob) error {
+ bound := p.bound(e.nrange)
+ if b&1 == 0 {
+ e.nrange = bound
+ p.inc()
+ } else {
+ e.low += uint64(bound)
+ e.nrange -= bound
+ p.dec()
+ }
+ // normalize
+ const top = 1 << 24
+ if e.nrange >= top {
+ return nil
+ }
+ e.nrange <<= 8
+ return e.shiftLow()
+// Close writes a complete copy of the low value.
+func (e *rangeEncoder) Close() error {
+ for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
+ if err := e.shiftLow(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// shiftLow shifts the low value for 8 bit. The shifted byte is written into
+// the byte writer. The cache value is used to handle overflows.
+func (e *rangeEncoder) shiftLow() error {
+ if uint32(e.low) < 0xff000000 || (e.low>>32) != 0 {
+ tmp := e.cache
+ for {
+ err := e.writeByte(tmp + byte(e.low>>32))
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ tmp = 0xff
+ e.cacheLen--
+ if e.cacheLen <= 0 {
+ if e.cacheLen < 0 {
+ panic("negative cacheLen")
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ e.cache = byte(uint32(e.low) >> 24)
+ }
+ e.cacheLen++
+ e.low = uint64(uint32(e.low) << 8)
+ return nil
+// rangeDecoder decodes single bits of the range encoding stream.
+type rangeDecoder struct {
+ br io.ByteReader
+ nrange uint32
+ code uint32
+// init initializes the range decoder, by reading from the byte reader.
+func (d *rangeDecoder) init() error {
+ d.nrange = 0xffffffff
+ d.code = 0
+ b, err := d.br.ReadByte()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if b != 0 {
+ return errors.New("newRangeDecoder: first byte not zero")
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
+ if err = d.updateCode(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ if d.code >= d.nrange {
+ return errors.New("newRangeDecoder: d.code >= d.nrange")
+ }
+ return nil
+// newRangeDecoder initializes a range decoder. It reads five bytes from the
+// reader and therefore may return an error.
+func newRangeDecoder(br io.ByteReader) (d *rangeDecoder, err error) {
+ d = &rangeDecoder{br: br, nrange: 0xffffffff}
+ b, err := d.br.ReadByte()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if b != 0 {
+ return nil, errors.New("newRangeDecoder: first byte not zero")
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
+ if err = d.updateCode(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ if d.code >= d.nrange {
+ return nil, errors.New("newRangeDecoder: d.code >= d.nrange")
+ }
+ return d, nil
+// possiblyAtEnd checks whether the decoder may be at the end of the stream.
+func (d *rangeDecoder) possiblyAtEnd() bool {
+ return d.code == 0
+// DirectDecodeBit decodes a bit with probability 1/2. The return value b will
+// contain the bit at the least-significant position. All other bits will be
+// zero.
+func (d *rangeDecoder) DirectDecodeBit() (b uint32, err error) {
+ d.nrange >>= 1
+ d.code -= d.nrange
+ t := 0 - (d.code >> 31)
+ d.code += d.nrange & t
+ b = (t + 1) & 1
+ // d.code will stay less then d.nrange
+ // normalize
+ // assume d.code < d.nrange
+ const top = 1 << 24
+ if d.nrange >= top {
+ return b, nil
+ }
+ d.nrange <<= 8
+ // d.code < d.nrange will be maintained
+ return b, d.updateCode()
+// decodeBit decodes a single bit. The bit will be returned at the
+// least-significant position. All other bits will be zero. The probability
+// value will be updated.
+func (d *rangeDecoder) DecodeBit(p *prob) (b uint32, err error) {
+ bound := p.bound(d.nrange)
+ if d.code < bound {
+ d.nrange = bound
+ p.inc()
+ b = 0
+ } else {
+ d.code -= bound
+ d.nrange -= bound
+ p.dec()
+ b = 1
+ }
+ // normalize
+ // assume d.code < d.nrange
+ const top = 1 << 24
+ if d.nrange >= top {
+ return b, nil
+ }
+ d.nrange <<= 8
+ // d.code < d.nrange will be maintained
+ return b, d.updateCode()
+// updateCode reads a new byte into the code.
+func (d *rangeDecoder) updateCode() error {
+ b, err := d.br.ReadByte()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ d.code = (d.code << 8) | uint32(b)
+ return nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/reader.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/reader.go
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index 000000000..7b7eef31f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/reader.go
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package lzma supports the decoding and encoding of LZMA streams.
+// Reader and Writer support the classic LZMA format. Reader2 and
+// Writer2 support the decoding and encoding of LZMA2 streams.
+// The package is written completely in Go and doesn't rely on any external
+// library.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "io"
+// ReaderConfig stores the parameters for the reader of the classic LZMA
+// format.
+type ReaderConfig struct {
+ DictCap int
+// fill converts the zero values of the configuration to the default values.
+func (c *ReaderConfig) fill() {
+ if c.DictCap == 0 {
+ c.DictCap = 8 * 1024 * 1024
+ }
+// Verify checks the reader configuration for errors. Zero values will
+// be replaced by default values.
+func (c *ReaderConfig) Verify() error {
+ c.fill()
+ if !(MinDictCap <= c.DictCap && int64(c.DictCap) <= MaxDictCap) {
+ return errors.New("lzma: dictionary capacity is out of range")
+ }
+ return nil
+// Reader provides a reader for LZMA files or streams.
+type Reader struct {
+ lzma io.Reader
+ h header
+ d *decoder
+// NewReader creates a new reader for an LZMA stream using the classic
+// format. NewReader reads and checks the header of the LZMA stream.
+func NewReader(lzma io.Reader) (r *Reader, err error) {
+ return ReaderConfig{}.NewReader(lzma)
+// NewReader creates a new reader for an LZMA stream in the classic
+// format. The function reads and verifies the the header of the LZMA
+// stream.
+func (c ReaderConfig) NewReader(lzma io.Reader) (r *Reader, err error) {
+ if err = c.Verify(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ data := make([]byte, HeaderLen)
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(lzma, data); err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ return nil, errors.New("lzma: unexpected EOF")
+ }
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ r = &Reader{lzma: lzma}
+ if err = r.h.unmarshalBinary(data); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if r.h.dictCap < MinDictCap {
+ return nil, errors.New("lzma: dictionary capacity too small")
+ }
+ dictCap := r.h.dictCap
+ if c.DictCap > dictCap {
+ dictCap = c.DictCap
+ }
+ state := newState(r.h.properties)
+ dict, err := newDecoderDict(dictCap)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ r.d, err = newDecoder(ByteReader(lzma), state, dict, r.h.size)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return r, nil
+// EOSMarker indicates that an EOS marker has been encountered.
+func (r *Reader) EOSMarker() bool {
+ return r.d.eosMarker
+// Read returns uncompressed data.
+func (r *Reader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ return r.d.Read(p)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/reader2.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/reader2.go
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index 000000000..33074e624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/reader2.go
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "io"
+ "github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/xlog"
+// Reader2Config stores the parameters for the LZMA2 reader.
+// format.
+type Reader2Config struct {
+ DictCap int
+// fill converts the zero values of the configuration to the default values.
+func (c *Reader2Config) fill() {
+ if c.DictCap == 0 {
+ c.DictCap = 8 * 1024 * 1024
+ }
+// Verify checks the reader configuration for errors. Zero configuration values
+// will be replaced by default values.
+func (c *Reader2Config) Verify() error {
+ c.fill()
+ if !(MinDictCap <= c.DictCap && int64(c.DictCap) <= MaxDictCap) {
+ return errors.New("lzma: dictionary capacity is out of range")
+ }
+ return nil
+// Reader2 supports the reading of LZMA2 chunk sequences. Note that the
+// first chunk should have a dictionary reset and the first compressed
+// chunk a properties reset. The chunk sequence may not be terminated by
+// an end-of-stream chunk.
+type Reader2 struct {
+ r io.Reader
+ err error
+ dict *decoderDict
+ ur *uncompressedReader
+ decoder *decoder
+ chunkReader io.Reader
+ cstate chunkState
+ ctype chunkType
+// NewReader2 creates a reader for an LZMA2 chunk sequence.
+func NewReader2(lzma2 io.Reader) (r *Reader2, err error) {
+ return Reader2Config{}.NewReader2(lzma2)
+// NewReader2 creates an LZMA2 reader using the given configuration.
+func (c Reader2Config) NewReader2(lzma2 io.Reader) (r *Reader2, err error) {
+ if err = c.Verify(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ r = &Reader2{r: lzma2, cstate: start}
+ r.dict, err = newDecoderDict(c.DictCap)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if err = r.startChunk(); err != nil {
+ r.err = err
+ }
+ return r, nil
+// uncompressed tests whether the chunk type specifies an uncompressed
+// chunk.
+func uncompressed(ctype chunkType) bool {
+ return ctype == cU || ctype == cUD
+// startChunk parses a new chunk.
+func (r *Reader2) startChunk() error {
+ r.chunkReader = nil
+ header, err := readChunkHeader(r.r)
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ xlog.Debugf("chunk header %v", header)
+ if err = r.cstate.next(header.ctype); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if r.cstate == stop {
+ return io.EOF
+ }
+ if header.ctype == cUD || header.ctype == cLRND {
+ r.dict.Reset()
+ }
+ size := int64(header.uncompressed) + 1
+ if uncompressed(header.ctype) {
+ if r.ur != nil {
+ r.ur.Reopen(r.r, size)
+ } else {
+ r.ur = newUncompressedReader(r.r, r.dict, size)
+ }
+ r.chunkReader = r.ur
+ return nil
+ }
+ br := ByteReader(io.LimitReader(r.r, int64(header.compressed)+1))
+ if r.decoder == nil {
+ state := newState(header.props)
+ r.decoder, err = newDecoder(br, state, r.dict, size)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ r.chunkReader = r.decoder
+ return nil
+ }
+ switch header.ctype {
+ case cLR:
+ r.decoder.State.Reset()
+ case cLRN, cLRND:
+ r.decoder.State = newState(header.props)
+ }
+ err = r.decoder.Reopen(br, size)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ r.chunkReader = r.decoder
+ return nil
+// Read reads data from the LZMA2 chunk sequence.
+func (r *Reader2) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if r.err != nil {
+ return 0, r.err
+ }
+ for n < len(p) {
+ var k int
+ k, err = r.chunkReader.Read(p[n:])
+ n += k
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ err = r.startChunk()
+ if err == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ r.err = err
+ return n, err
+ }
+ if k == 0 {
+ r.err = errors.New("lzma: Reader2 doesn't get data")
+ return n, r.err
+ }
+ }
+ return n, nil
+// EOS returns whether the LZMA2 stream has been terminated by an
+// end-of-stream chunk.
+func (r *Reader2) EOS() bool {
+ return r.cstate == stop
+// uncompressedReader is used to read uncompressed chunks.
+type uncompressedReader struct {
+ lr io.LimitedReader
+ Dict *decoderDict
+ eof bool
+ err error
+// newUncompressedReader initializes a new uncompressedReader.
+func newUncompressedReader(r io.Reader, dict *decoderDict, size int64) *uncompressedReader {
+ ur := &uncompressedReader{
+ lr: io.LimitedReader{R: r, N: size},
+ Dict: dict,
+ }
+ return ur
+// Reopen reinitializes an uncompressed reader.
+func (ur *uncompressedReader) Reopen(r io.Reader, size int64) {
+ ur.err = nil
+ ur.eof = false
+ ur.lr = io.LimitedReader{R: r, N: size}
+// fill reads uncompressed data into the dictionary.
+func (ur *uncompressedReader) fill() error {
+ if !ur.eof {
+ n, err := io.CopyN(ur.Dict, &ur.lr, int64(ur.Dict.Available()))
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return err
+ }
+ ur.eof = true
+ if n > 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ if ur.lr.N != 0 {
+ return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ return io.EOF
+// Read reads uncompressed data from the limited reader.
+func (ur *uncompressedReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if ur.err != nil {
+ return 0, ur.err
+ }
+ for {
+ var k int
+ k, err = ur.Dict.Read(p[n:])
+ n += k
+ if n >= len(p) {
+ return n, nil
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ err = ur.fill()
+ if err != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ur.err = err
+ return n, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/state.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/state.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03f061cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/state.go
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+// states defines the overall state count
+const states = 12
+// State maintains the full state of the operation encoding or decoding
+// process.
+type state struct {
+ rep [4]uint32
+ isMatch [states << maxPosBits]prob
+ isRepG0Long [states << maxPosBits]prob
+ isRep [states]prob
+ isRepG0 [states]prob
+ isRepG1 [states]prob
+ isRepG2 [states]prob
+ litCodec literalCodec
+ lenCodec lengthCodec
+ repLenCodec lengthCodec
+ distCodec distCodec
+ state uint32
+ posBitMask uint32
+ Properties Properties
+// initProbSlice initializes a slice of probabilities.
+func initProbSlice(p []prob) {
+ for i := range p {
+ p[i] = probInit
+ }
+// Reset sets all state information to the original values.
+func (s *state) Reset() {
+ p := s.Properties
+ *s = state{
+ Properties: p,
+ // dict: s.dict,
+ posBitMask: (uint32(1) << uint(p.PB)) - 1,
+ }
+ initProbSlice(s.isMatch[:])
+ initProbSlice(s.isRep[:])
+ initProbSlice(s.isRepG0[:])
+ initProbSlice(s.isRepG1[:])
+ initProbSlice(s.isRepG2[:])
+ initProbSlice(s.isRepG0Long[:])
+ s.litCodec.init(p.LC, p.LP)
+ s.lenCodec.init()
+ s.repLenCodec.init()
+ s.distCodec.init()
+// initState initializes the state.
+func initState(s *state, p Properties) {
+ *s = state{Properties: p}
+ s.Reset()
+// newState creates a new state from the give Properties.
+func newState(p Properties) *state {
+ s := &state{Properties: p}
+ s.Reset()
+ return s
+// deepcopy initializes s as a deep copy of the source.
+func (s *state) deepcopy(src *state) {
+ if s == src {
+ return
+ }
+ s.rep = src.rep
+ s.isMatch = src.isMatch
+ s.isRepG0Long = src.isRepG0Long
+ s.isRep = src.isRep
+ s.isRepG0 = src.isRepG0
+ s.isRepG1 = src.isRepG1
+ s.isRepG2 = src.isRepG2
+ s.litCodec.deepcopy(&src.litCodec)
+ s.lenCodec.deepcopy(&src.lenCodec)
+ s.repLenCodec.deepcopy(&src.repLenCodec)
+ s.distCodec.deepcopy(&src.distCodec)
+ s.state = src.state
+ s.posBitMask = src.posBitMask
+ s.Properties = src.Properties
+// cloneState creates a new clone of the give state.
+func cloneState(src *state) *state {
+ s := new(state)
+ s.deepcopy(src)
+ return s
+// updateStateLiteral updates the state for a literal.
+func (s *state) updateStateLiteral() {
+ switch {
+ case s.state < 4:
+ s.state = 0
+ return
+ case s.state < 10:
+ s.state -= 3
+ return
+ }
+ s.state -= 6
+// updateStateMatch updates the state for a match.
+func (s *state) updateStateMatch() {
+ if s.state < 7 {
+ s.state = 7
+ } else {
+ s.state = 10
+ }
+// updateStateRep updates the state for a repetition.
+func (s *state) updateStateRep() {
+ if s.state < 7 {
+ s.state = 8
+ } else {
+ s.state = 11
+ }
+// updateStateShortRep updates the state for a short repetition.
+func (s *state) updateStateShortRep() {
+ if s.state < 7 {
+ s.state = 9
+ } else {
+ s.state = 11
+ }
+// states computes the states of the operation codec.
+func (s *state) states(dictHead int64) (state1, state2, posState uint32) {
+ state1 = s.state
+ posState = uint32(dictHead) & s.posBitMask
+ state2 = (s.state << maxPosBits) | posState
+ return
+// litState computes the literal state.
+func (s *state) litState(prev byte, dictHead int64) uint32 {
+ lp, lc := uint(s.Properties.LP), uint(s.Properties.LC)
+ litState := ((uint32(dictHead) & ((1 << lp) - 1)) << lc) |
+ (uint32(prev) >> (8 - lc))
+ return litState
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/treecodecs.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/treecodecs.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cb3596fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/treecodecs.go
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+// treeCodec encodes or decodes values with a fixed bit size. It is using a
+// tree of probability value. The root of the tree is the most-significant bit.
+type treeCodec struct {
+ probTree
+// makeTreeCodec makes a tree codec. The bits value must be inside the range
+// [1,32].
+func makeTreeCodec(bits int) treeCodec {
+ return treeCodec{makeProbTree(bits)}
+// deepcopy initializes tc as a deep copy of the source.
+func (tc *treeCodec) deepcopy(src *treeCodec) {
+ tc.probTree.deepcopy(&src.probTree)
+// Encode uses the range encoder to encode a fixed-bit-size value.
+func (tc *treeCodec) Encode(e *rangeEncoder, v uint32) (err error) {
+ m := uint32(1)
+ for i := int(tc.bits) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ b := (v >> uint(i)) & 1
+ if err := e.EncodeBit(b, &tc.probs[m]); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ m = (m << 1) | b
+ }
+ return nil
+// Decodes uses the range decoder to decode a fixed-bit-size value. Errors may
+// be caused by the range decoder.
+func (tc *treeCodec) Decode(d *rangeDecoder) (v uint32, err error) {
+ m := uint32(1)
+ for j := 0; j < int(tc.bits); j++ {
+ b, err := d.DecodeBit(&tc.probs[m])
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ m = (m << 1) | b
+ }
+ return m - (1 << uint(tc.bits)), nil
+// treeReverseCodec is another tree codec, where the least-significant bit is
+// the start of the probability tree.
+type treeReverseCodec struct {
+ probTree
+// deepcopy initializes the treeReverseCodec as a deep copy of the
+// source.
+func (tc *treeReverseCodec) deepcopy(src *treeReverseCodec) {
+ tc.probTree.deepcopy(&src.probTree)
+// makeTreeReverseCodec creates treeReverseCodec value. The bits argument must
+// be in the range [1,32].
+func makeTreeReverseCodec(bits int) treeReverseCodec {
+ return treeReverseCodec{makeProbTree(bits)}
+// Encode uses range encoder to encode a fixed-bit-size value. The range
+// encoder may cause errors.
+func (tc *treeReverseCodec) Encode(v uint32, e *rangeEncoder) (err error) {
+ m := uint32(1)
+ for i := uint(0); i < uint(tc.bits); i++ {
+ b := (v >> i) & 1
+ if err := e.EncodeBit(b, &tc.probs[m]); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ m = (m << 1) | b
+ }
+ return nil
+// Decodes uses the range decoder to decode a fixed-bit-size value. Errors
+// returned by the range decoder will be returned.
+func (tc *treeReverseCodec) Decode(d *rangeDecoder) (v uint32, err error) {
+ m := uint32(1)
+ for j := uint(0); j < uint(tc.bits); j++ {
+ b, err := d.DecodeBit(&tc.probs[m])
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ m = (m << 1) | b
+ v |= b << j
+ }
+ return v, nil
+// probTree stores enough probability values to be used by the treeEncode and
+// treeDecode methods of the range coder types.
+type probTree struct {
+ probs []prob
+ bits byte
+// deepcopy initializes the probTree value as a deep copy of the source.
+func (t *probTree) deepcopy(src *probTree) {
+ if t == src {
+ return
+ }
+ t.probs = make([]prob, len(src.probs))
+ copy(t.probs, src.probs)
+ t.bits = src.bits
+// makeProbTree initializes a probTree structure.
+func makeProbTree(bits int) probTree {
+ if !(1 <= bits && bits <= 32) {
+ panic("bits outside of range [1,32]")
+ }
+ t := probTree{
+ bits: byte(bits),
+ probs: make([]prob, 1< 0 {
+ c.SizeInHeader = true
+ }
+ if !c.SizeInHeader {
+ c.EOSMarker = true
+ }
+// Verify checks WriterConfig for errors. Verify will replace zero
+// values with default values.
+func (c *WriterConfig) Verify() error {
+ c.fill()
+ var err error
+ if c == nil {
+ return errors.New("lzma: WriterConfig is nil")
+ }
+ if c.Properties == nil {
+ return errors.New("lzma: WriterConfig has no Properties set")
+ }
+ if err = c.Properties.verify(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if !(MinDictCap <= c.DictCap && int64(c.DictCap) <= MaxDictCap) {
+ return errors.New("lzma: dictionary capacity is out of range")
+ }
+ if !(maxMatchLen <= c.BufSize) {
+ return errors.New("lzma: lookahead buffer size too small")
+ }
+ if c.SizeInHeader {
+ if c.Size < 0 {
+ return errors.New("lzma: negative size not supported")
+ }
+ } else if !c.EOSMarker {
+ return errors.New("lzma: EOS marker is required")
+ }
+ if err = c.Matcher.verify(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// header returns the header structure for this configuration.
+func (c *WriterConfig) header() header {
+ h := header{
+ properties: *c.Properties,
+ dictCap: c.DictCap,
+ size: -1,
+ }
+ if c.SizeInHeader {
+ h.size = c.Size
+ }
+ return h
+// Writer writes an LZMA stream in the classic format.
+type Writer struct {
+ h header
+ bw io.ByteWriter
+ buf *bufio.Writer
+ e *encoder
+// NewWriter creates a new LZMA writer for the classic format. The
+// method will write the header to the underlying stream.
+func (c WriterConfig) NewWriter(lzma io.Writer) (w *Writer, err error) {
+ if err = c.Verify(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ w = &Writer{h: c.header()}
+ var ok bool
+ w.bw, ok = lzma.(io.ByteWriter)
+ if !ok {
+ w.buf = bufio.NewWriter(lzma)
+ w.bw = w.buf
+ }
+ state := newState(w.h.properties)
+ m, err := c.Matcher.new(w.h.dictCap)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ dict, err := newEncoderDict(w.h.dictCap, c.BufSize, m)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var flags encoderFlags
+ if c.EOSMarker {
+ flags = eosMarker
+ }
+ if w.e, err = newEncoder(w.bw, state, dict, flags); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if err = w.writeHeader(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return w, nil
+// NewWriter creates a new LZMA writer using the classic format. The
+// function writes the header to the underlying stream.
+func NewWriter(lzma io.Writer) (w *Writer, err error) {
+ return WriterConfig{}.NewWriter(lzma)
+// writeHeader writes the LZMA header into the stream.
+func (w *Writer) writeHeader() error {
+ data, err := w.h.marshalBinary()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ _, err = w.bw.(io.Writer).Write(data)
+ return err
+// Write puts data into the Writer.
+func (w *Writer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if w.h.size >= 0 {
+ m := w.h.size
+ m -= w.e.Compressed() + int64(w.e.dict.Buffered())
+ if m < 0 {
+ m = 0
+ }
+ if m < int64(len(p)) {
+ p = p[:m]
+ err = ErrNoSpace
+ }
+ }
+ var werr error
+ if n, werr = w.e.Write(p); werr != nil {
+ err = werr
+ }
+ return n, err
+// Close closes the writer stream. It ensures that all data from the
+// buffer will be compressed and the LZMA stream will be finished.
+func (w *Writer) Close() error {
+ if w.h.size >= 0 {
+ n := w.e.Compressed() + int64(w.e.dict.Buffered())
+ if n != w.h.size {
+ return errSize
+ }
+ }
+ err := w.e.Close()
+ if w.buf != nil {
+ ferr := w.buf.Flush()
+ if err == nil {
+ err = ferr
+ }
+ }
+ return err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/writer2.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/writer2.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c263b0666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma/writer2.go
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package lzma
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "errors"
+ "io"
+// Writer2Config is used to create a Writer2 using parameters.
+type Writer2Config struct {
+ // The properties for the encoding. If the it is nil the value
+ // {LC: 3, LP: 0, PB: 2} will be chosen.
+ Properties *Properties
+ // The capacity of the dictionary. If DictCap is zero, the value
+ // 8 MiB will be chosen.
+ DictCap int
+ // Size of the lookahead buffer; value 0 indicates default size
+ // 4096
+ BufSize int
+ // Match algorithm
+ Matcher MatchAlgorithm
+// fill replaces zero values with default values.
+func (c *Writer2Config) fill() {
+ if c.Properties == nil {
+ c.Properties = &Properties{LC: 3, LP: 0, PB: 2}
+ }
+ if c.DictCap == 0 {
+ c.DictCap = 8 * 1024 * 1024
+ }
+ if c.BufSize == 0 {
+ c.BufSize = 4096
+ }
+// Verify checks the Writer2Config for correctness. Zero values will be
+// replaced by default values.
+func (c *Writer2Config) Verify() error {
+ c.fill()
+ var err error
+ if c == nil {
+ return errors.New("lzma: WriterConfig is nil")
+ }
+ if c.Properties == nil {
+ return errors.New("lzma: WriterConfig has no Properties set")
+ }
+ if err = c.Properties.verify(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if !(MinDictCap <= c.DictCap && int64(c.DictCap) <= MaxDictCap) {
+ return errors.New("lzma: dictionary capacity is out of range")
+ }
+ if !(maxMatchLen <= c.BufSize) {
+ return errors.New("lzma: lookahead buffer size too small")
+ }
+ if c.Properties.LC+c.Properties.LP > 4 {
+ return errors.New("lzma: sum of lc and lp exceeds 4")
+ }
+ if err = c.Matcher.verify(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// Writer2 supports the creation of an LZMA2 stream. But note that
+// written data is buffered, so call Flush or Close to write data to the
+// underlying writer. The Close method writes the end-of-stream marker
+// to the stream. So you may be able to concatenate the output of two
+// writers as long the output of the first writer has only been flushed
+// but not closed.
+// Any change to the fields Properties, DictCap must be done before the
+// first call to Write, Flush or Close.
+type Writer2 struct {
+ w io.Writer
+ start *state
+ encoder *encoder
+ cstate chunkState
+ ctype chunkType
+ buf bytes.Buffer
+ lbw LimitedByteWriter
+// NewWriter2 creates an LZMA2 chunk sequence writer with the default
+// parameters and options.
+func NewWriter2(lzma2 io.Writer) (w *Writer2, err error) {
+ return Writer2Config{}.NewWriter2(lzma2)
+// NewWriter2 creates a new LZMA2 writer using the given configuration.
+func (c Writer2Config) NewWriter2(lzma2 io.Writer) (w *Writer2, err error) {
+ if err = c.Verify(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ w = &Writer2{
+ w: lzma2,
+ start: newState(*c.Properties),
+ cstate: start,
+ ctype: start.defaultChunkType(),
+ }
+ w.buf.Grow(maxCompressed)
+ w.lbw = LimitedByteWriter{BW: &w.buf, N: maxCompressed}
+ m, err := c.Matcher.new(c.DictCap)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ d, err := newEncoderDict(c.DictCap, c.BufSize, m)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ w.encoder, err = newEncoder(&w.lbw, cloneState(w.start), d, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return w, nil
+// written returns the number of bytes written to the current chunk
+func (w *Writer2) written() int {
+ if w.encoder == nil {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return int(w.encoder.Compressed()) + w.encoder.dict.Buffered()
+// errClosed indicates that the writer is closed.
+var errClosed = errors.New("lzma: writer closed")
+// Writes data to LZMA2 stream. Note that written data will be buffered.
+// Use Flush or Close to ensure that data is written to the underlying
+// writer.
+func (w *Writer2) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if w.cstate == stop {
+ return 0, errClosed
+ }
+ for n < len(p) {
+ m := maxUncompressed - w.written()
+ if m <= 0 {
+ panic("lzma: maxUncompressed reached")
+ }
+ var q []byte
+ if n+m < len(p) {
+ q = p[n : n+m]
+ } else {
+ q = p[n:]
+ }
+ k, err := w.encoder.Write(q)
+ n += k
+ if err != nil && err != ErrLimit {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ if err == ErrLimit || k == m {
+ if err = w.flushChunk(); err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return n, nil
+// writeUncompressedChunk writes an uncompressed chunk to the LZMA2
+// stream.
+func (w *Writer2) writeUncompressedChunk() error {
+ u := w.encoder.Compressed()
+ if u <= 0 {
+ return errors.New("lzma: can't write empty uncompressed chunk")
+ }
+ if u > maxUncompressed {
+ panic("overrun of uncompressed data limit")
+ }
+ switch w.ctype {
+ case cLRND:
+ w.ctype = cUD
+ default:
+ w.ctype = cU
+ }
+ w.encoder.state = w.start
+ header := chunkHeader{
+ ctype: w.ctype,
+ uncompressed: uint32(u - 1),
+ }
+ hdata, err := header.MarshalBinary()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if _, err = w.w.Write(hdata); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ _, err = w.encoder.dict.CopyN(w.w, int(u))
+ return err
+// writeCompressedChunk writes a compressed chunk to the underlying
+// writer.
+func (w *Writer2) writeCompressedChunk() error {
+ if w.ctype == cU || w.ctype == cUD {
+ panic("chunk type uncompressed")
+ }
+ u := w.encoder.Compressed()
+ if u <= 0 {
+ return errors.New("writeCompressedChunk: empty chunk")
+ }
+ if u > maxUncompressed {
+ panic("overrun of uncompressed data limit")
+ }
+ c := w.buf.Len()
+ if c <= 0 {
+ panic("no compressed data")
+ }
+ if c > maxCompressed {
+ panic("overrun of compressed data limit")
+ }
+ header := chunkHeader{
+ ctype: w.ctype,
+ uncompressed: uint32(u - 1),
+ compressed: uint16(c - 1),
+ props: w.encoder.state.Properties,
+ }
+ hdata, err := header.MarshalBinary()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if _, err = w.w.Write(hdata); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ _, err = io.Copy(w.w, &w.buf)
+ return err
+// writes a single chunk to the underlying writer.
+func (w *Writer2) writeChunk() error {
+ u := int(uncompressedHeaderLen + w.encoder.Compressed())
+ c := headerLen(w.ctype) + w.buf.Len()
+ if u < c {
+ return w.writeUncompressedChunk()
+ }
+ return w.writeCompressedChunk()
+// flushChunk terminates the current chunk. The encoder will be reset
+// to support the next chunk.
+func (w *Writer2) flushChunk() error {
+ if w.written() == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ var err error
+ if err = w.encoder.Close(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = w.writeChunk(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ w.buf.Reset()
+ w.lbw.N = maxCompressed
+ if err = w.encoder.Reopen(&w.lbw); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = w.cstate.next(w.ctype); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ w.ctype = w.cstate.defaultChunkType()
+ w.start = cloneState(w.encoder.state)
+ return nil
+// Flush writes all buffered data out to the underlying stream. This
+// could result in multiple chunks to be created.
+func (w *Writer2) Flush() error {
+ if w.cstate == stop {
+ return errClosed
+ }
+ for w.written() > 0 {
+ if err := w.flushChunk(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Close terminates the LZMA2 stream with an EOS chunk.
+func (w *Writer2) Close() error {
+ if w.cstate == stop {
+ return errClosed
+ }
+ if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // write zero byte EOS chunk
+ _, err := w.w.Write([]byte{0})
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ w.cstate = stop
+ return nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzmafilter.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzmafilter.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f4aa2c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzmafilter.go
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package xz
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma"
+// LZMA filter constants.
+const (
+ lzmaFilterID = 0x21
+ lzmaFilterLen = 3
+// lzmaFilter declares the LZMA2 filter information stored in an xz
+// block header.
+type lzmaFilter struct {
+ dictCap int64
+// String returns a representation of the LZMA filter.
+func (f lzmaFilter) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("LZMA dict cap %#x", f.dictCap)
+// id returns the ID for the LZMA2 filter.
+func (f lzmaFilter) id() uint64 { return lzmaFilterID }
+// MarshalBinary converts the lzmaFilter in its encoded representation.
+func (f lzmaFilter) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
+ c := lzma.EncodeDictCap(f.dictCap)
+ return []byte{lzmaFilterID, 1, c}, nil
+// UnmarshalBinary unmarshals the given data representation of the LZMA2
+// filter.
+func (f *lzmaFilter) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
+ if len(data) != lzmaFilterLen {
+ return errors.New("xz: data for LZMA2 filter has wrong length")
+ }
+ if data[0] != lzmaFilterID {
+ return errors.New("xz: wrong LZMA2 filter id")
+ }
+ if data[1] != 1 {
+ return errors.New("xz: wrong LZMA2 filter size")
+ }
+ dc, err := lzma.DecodeDictCap(data[2])
+ if err != nil {
+ return errors.New("xz: wrong LZMA2 dictionary size property")
+ }
+ f.dictCap = dc
+ return nil
+// reader creates a new reader for the LZMA2 filter.
+func (f lzmaFilter) reader(r io.Reader, c *ReaderConfig) (fr io.Reader,
+ err error) {
+ config := new(lzma.Reader2Config)
+ if c != nil {
+ config.DictCap = c.DictCap
+ }
+ dc := int(f.dictCap)
+ if dc < 1 {
+ return nil, errors.New("xz: LZMA2 filter parameter " +
+ "dictionary capacity overflow")
+ }
+ if dc > config.DictCap {
+ config.DictCap = dc
+ }
+ fr, err = config.NewReader2(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return fr, nil
+// writeCloser creates a io.WriteCloser for the LZMA2 filter.
+func (f lzmaFilter) writeCloser(w io.WriteCloser, c *WriterConfig,
+) (fw io.WriteCloser, err error) {
+ config := new(lzma.Writer2Config)
+ if c != nil {
+ *config = lzma.Writer2Config{
+ Properties: c.Properties,
+ DictCap: c.DictCap,
+ BufSize: c.BufSize,
+ Matcher: c.Matcher,
+ }
+ }
+ dc := int(f.dictCap)
+ if dc < 1 {
+ return nil, errors.New("xz: LZMA2 filter parameter " +
+ "dictionary capacity overflow")
+ }
+ if dc > config.DictCap {
+ config.DictCap = dc
+ }
+ fw, err = config.NewWriter2(w)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return fw, nil
+// last returns true, because an LZMA2 filter must be the last filter in
+// the filter list.
+func (f lzmaFilter) last() bool { return true }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/make-docs b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/make-docs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8c612ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/make-docs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+set -x
+pandoc -t html5 -f markdown -s --css=doc/md.css -o README.html README.md
+pandoc -t html5 -f markdown -s --css=doc/md.css -o TODO.html TODO.md
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/none-check.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/none-check.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e12d8e476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/none-check.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package xz
+import "hash"
+type noneHash struct{}
+func (h noneHash) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return len(p), nil }
+func (h noneHash) Sum(b []byte) []byte { return b }
+func (h noneHash) Reset() {}
+func (h noneHash) Size() int { return 0 }
+func (h noneHash) BlockSize() int { return 0 }
+func newNoneHash() hash.Hash {
+ return &noneHash{}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/reader.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/reader.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22cd6d500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/reader.go
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package xz supports the compression and decompression of xz files. It
+// supports version 1.0.4 of the specification without the non-LZMA2
+// filters. See http://tukaani.org/xz/xz-file-format-1.0.4.txt
+package xz
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "hash"
+ "io"
+ "github.com/ulikunitz/xz/internal/xlog"
+ "github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma"
+// ReaderConfig defines the parameters for the xz reader. The
+// SingleStream parameter requests the reader to assume that the
+// underlying stream contains only a single stream.
+type ReaderConfig struct {
+ DictCap int
+ SingleStream bool
+// fill replaces all zero values with their default values.
+func (c *ReaderConfig) fill() {
+ if c.DictCap == 0 {
+ c.DictCap = 8 * 1024 * 1024
+ }
+// Verify checks the reader parameters for Validity. Zero values will be
+// replaced by default values.
+func (c *ReaderConfig) Verify() error {
+ if c == nil {
+ return errors.New("xz: reader parameters are nil")
+ }
+ lc := lzma.Reader2Config{DictCap: c.DictCap}
+ if err := lc.Verify(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// Reader supports the reading of one or multiple xz streams.
+type Reader struct {
+ ReaderConfig
+ xz io.Reader
+ sr *streamReader
+// streamReader decodes a single xz stream
+type streamReader struct {
+ ReaderConfig
+ xz io.Reader
+ br *blockReader
+ newHash func() hash.Hash
+ h header
+ index []record
+// NewReader creates a new xz reader using the default parameters.
+// The function reads and checks the header of the first XZ stream. The
+// reader will process multiple streams including padding.
+func NewReader(xz io.Reader) (r *Reader, err error) {
+ return ReaderConfig{}.NewReader(xz)
+// NewReader creates an xz stream reader. The created reader will be
+// able to process multiple streams and padding unless a SingleStream
+// has been set in the reader configuration c.
+func (c ReaderConfig) NewReader(xz io.Reader) (r *Reader, err error) {
+ if err = c.Verify(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ r = &Reader{
+ ReaderConfig: c,
+ xz: xz,
+ }
+ if r.sr, err = c.newStreamReader(xz); err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return r, nil
+var errUnexpectedData = errors.New("xz: unexpected data after stream")
+// Read reads uncompressed data from the stream.
+func (r *Reader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ for n < len(p) {
+ if r.sr == nil {
+ if r.SingleStream {
+ data := make([]byte, 1)
+ _, err = io.ReadFull(r.xz, data)
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return n, errUnexpectedData
+ }
+ return n, io.EOF
+ }
+ for {
+ r.sr, err = r.ReaderConfig.newStreamReader(r.xz)
+ if err != errPadding {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+ k, err := r.sr.Read(p[n:])
+ n += k
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ r.sr = nil
+ continue
+ }
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+ return n, nil
+var errPadding = errors.New("xz: padding (4 zero bytes) encountered")
+// newStreamReader creates a new xz stream reader using the given configuration
+// parameters. NewReader reads and checks the header of the xz stream.
+func (c ReaderConfig) newStreamReader(xz io.Reader) (r *streamReader, err error) {
+ if err = c.Verify(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ data := make([]byte, HeaderLen)
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(xz, data[:4]); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if bytes.Equal(data[:4], []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}) {
+ return nil, errPadding
+ }
+ if _, err = io.ReadFull(xz, data[4:]); err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ r = &streamReader{
+ ReaderConfig: c,
+ xz: xz,
+ index: make([]record, 0, 4),
+ }
+ if err = r.h.UnmarshalBinary(data); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ xlog.Debugf("xz header %s", r.h)
+ if r.newHash, err = newHashFunc(r.h.flags); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return r, nil
+// errIndex indicates an error with the xz file index.
+var errIndex = errors.New("xz: error in xz file index")
+// readTail reads the index body and the xz footer.
+func (r *streamReader) readTail() error {
+ index, n, err := readIndexBody(r.xz)
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ if len(index) != len(r.index) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("xz: index length is %d; want %d",
+ len(index), len(r.index))
+ }
+ for i, rec := range r.index {
+ if rec != index[i] {
+ return fmt.Errorf("xz: record %d is %v; want %v",
+ i, rec, index[i])
+ }
+ }
+ p := make([]byte, footerLen)
+ if _, err = io.ReadFull(r.xz, p); err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ var f footer
+ if err = f.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ xlog.Debugf("xz footer %s", f)
+ if f.flags != r.h.flags {
+ return errors.New("xz: footer flags incorrect")
+ }
+ if f.indexSize != int64(n)+1 {
+ return errors.New("xz: index size in footer wrong")
+ }
+ return nil
+// Read reads actual data from the xz stream.
+func (r *streamReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ for n < len(p) {
+ if r.br == nil {
+ bh, hlen, err := readBlockHeader(r.xz)
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == errIndexIndicator {
+ if err = r.readTail(); err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ return n, io.EOF
+ }
+ return n, err
+ }
+ xlog.Debugf("block %v", *bh)
+ r.br, err = r.ReaderConfig.newBlockReader(r.xz, bh,
+ hlen, r.newHash())
+ if err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+ k, err := r.br.Read(p[n:])
+ n += k
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ r.index = append(r.index, r.br.record())
+ r.br = nil
+ } else {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return n, nil
+// countingReader is a reader that counts the bytes read.
+type countingReader struct {
+ r io.Reader
+ n int64
+// Read reads data from the wrapped reader and adds it to the n field.
+func (lr *countingReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ n, err = lr.r.Read(p)
+ lr.n += int64(n)
+ return n, err
+// blockReader supports the reading of a block.
+type blockReader struct {
+ lxz countingReader
+ header *blockHeader
+ headerLen int
+ n int64
+ hash hash.Hash
+ r io.Reader
+ err error
+// newBlockReader creates a new block reader.
+func (c *ReaderConfig) newBlockReader(xz io.Reader, h *blockHeader,
+ hlen int, hash hash.Hash) (br *blockReader, err error) {
+ br = &blockReader{
+ lxz: countingReader{r: xz},
+ header: h,
+ headerLen: hlen,
+ hash: hash,
+ }
+ fr, err := c.newFilterReader(&br.lxz, h.filters)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if br.hash.Size() != 0 {
+ br.r = io.TeeReader(fr, br.hash)
+ } else {
+ br.r = fr
+ }
+ return br, nil
+// uncompressedSize returns the uncompressed size of the block.
+func (br *blockReader) uncompressedSize() int64 {
+ return br.n
+// compressedSize returns the compressed size of the block.
+func (br *blockReader) compressedSize() int64 {
+ return br.lxz.n
+// unpaddedSize computes the unpadded size for the block.
+func (br *blockReader) unpaddedSize() int64 {
+ n := int64(br.headerLen)
+ n += br.compressedSize()
+ n += int64(br.hash.Size())
+ return n
+// record returns the index record for the current block.
+func (br *blockReader) record() record {
+ return record{br.unpaddedSize(), br.uncompressedSize()}
+// errBlockSize indicates that the size of the block in the block header
+// is wrong.
+var errBlockSize = errors.New("xz: wrong uncompressed size for block")
+// Read reads data from the block.
+func (br *blockReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ n, err = br.r.Read(p)
+ br.n += int64(n)
+ u := br.header.uncompressedSize
+ if u >= 0 && br.uncompressedSize() > u {
+ return n, errors.New("xz: wrong uncompressed size for block")
+ }
+ c := br.header.compressedSize
+ if c >= 0 && br.compressedSize() > c {
+ return n, errors.New("xz: wrong compressed size for block")
+ }
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ if br.uncompressedSize() < u || br.compressedSize() < c {
+ return n, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ s := br.hash.Size()
+ k := padLen(br.lxz.n)
+ q := make([]byte, k+s, k+2*s)
+ if _, err = io.ReadFull(br.lxz.r, q); err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ return n, err
+ }
+ if !allZeros(q[:k]) {
+ return n, errors.New("xz: non-zero block padding")
+ }
+ checkSum := q[k:]
+ computedSum := br.hash.Sum(checkSum[s:])
+ if !bytes.Equal(checkSum, computedSum) {
+ return n, errors.New("xz: checksum error for block")
+ }
+ return n, io.EOF
+func (c *ReaderConfig) newFilterReader(r io.Reader, f []filter) (fr io.Reader,
+ err error) {
+ if err = verifyFilters(f); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ fr = r
+ for i := len(f) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ fr, err = f[i].reader(fr, c)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ return fr, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/writer.go b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/writer.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aec10dfa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ulikunitz/xz/writer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+// Copyright 2014-2019 Ulrich Kunitz. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package xz
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "hash"
+ "io"
+ "github.com/ulikunitz/xz/lzma"
+// WriterConfig describe the parameters for an xz writer.
+type WriterConfig struct {
+ Properties *lzma.Properties
+ DictCap int
+ BufSize int
+ BlockSize int64
+ // checksum method: CRC32, CRC64 or SHA256 (default: CRC64)
+ CheckSum byte
+ // Forces NoChecksum (default: false)
+ NoCheckSum bool
+ // match algorithm
+ Matcher lzma.MatchAlgorithm
+// fill replaces zero values with default values.
+func (c *WriterConfig) fill() {
+ if c.Properties == nil {
+ c.Properties = &lzma.Properties{LC: 3, LP: 0, PB: 2}
+ }
+ if c.DictCap == 0 {
+ c.DictCap = 8 * 1024 * 1024
+ }
+ if c.BufSize == 0 {
+ c.BufSize = 4096
+ }
+ if c.BlockSize == 0 {
+ c.BlockSize = maxInt64
+ }
+ if c.CheckSum == 0 {
+ c.CheckSum = CRC64
+ }
+ if c.NoCheckSum {
+ c.CheckSum = None
+ }
+// Verify checks the configuration for errors. Zero values will be
+// replaced by default values.
+func (c *WriterConfig) Verify() error {
+ if c == nil {
+ return errors.New("xz: writer configuration is nil")
+ }
+ c.fill()
+ lc := lzma.Writer2Config{
+ Properties: c.Properties,
+ DictCap: c.DictCap,
+ BufSize: c.BufSize,
+ Matcher: c.Matcher,
+ }
+ if err := lc.Verify(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if c.BlockSize <= 0 {
+ return errors.New("xz: block size out of range")
+ }
+ if err := verifyFlags(c.CheckSum); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// filters creates the filter list for the given parameters.
+func (c *WriterConfig) filters() []filter {
+ return []filter{&lzmaFilter{int64(c.DictCap)}}
+// maxInt64 defines the maximum 64-bit signed integer.
+const maxInt64 = 1<<63 - 1
+// verifyFilters checks the filter list for the length and the right
+// sequence of filters.
+func verifyFilters(f []filter) error {
+ if len(f) == 0 {
+ return errors.New("xz: no filters")
+ }
+ if len(f) > 4 {
+ return errors.New("xz: more than four filters")
+ }
+ for _, g := range f[:len(f)-1] {
+ if g.last() {
+ return errors.New("xz: last filter is not last")
+ }
+ }
+ if !f[len(f)-1].last() {
+ return errors.New("xz: wrong last filter")
+ }
+ return nil
+// newFilterWriteCloser converts a filter list into a WriteCloser that
+// can be used by a blockWriter.
+func (c *WriterConfig) newFilterWriteCloser(w io.Writer, f []filter) (fw io.WriteCloser, err error) {
+ if err = verifyFilters(f); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ fw = nopWriteCloser(w)
+ for i := len(f) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ fw, err = f[i].writeCloser(fw, c)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ return fw, nil
+// nopWCloser implements a WriteCloser with a Close method not doing
+// anything.
+type nopWCloser struct {
+ io.Writer
+// Close returns nil and doesn't do anything else.
+func (c nopWCloser) Close() error {
+ return nil
+// nopWriteCloser converts the Writer into a WriteCloser with a Close
+// function that does nothing beside returning nil.
+func nopWriteCloser(w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser {
+ return nopWCloser{w}
+// Writer compresses data written to it. It is an io.WriteCloser.
+type Writer struct {
+ WriterConfig
+ xz io.Writer
+ bw *blockWriter
+ newHash func() hash.Hash
+ h header
+ index []record
+ closed bool
+// newBlockWriter creates a new block writer writes the header out.
+func (w *Writer) newBlockWriter() error {
+ var err error
+ w.bw, err = w.WriterConfig.newBlockWriter(w.xz, w.newHash())
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = w.bw.writeHeader(w.xz); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// closeBlockWriter closes a block writer and records the sizes in the
+// index.
+func (w *Writer) closeBlockWriter() error {
+ var err error
+ if err = w.bw.Close(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ w.index = append(w.index, w.bw.record())
+ return nil
+// NewWriter creates a new xz writer using default parameters.
+func NewWriter(xz io.Writer) (w *Writer, err error) {
+ return WriterConfig{}.NewWriter(xz)
+// NewWriter creates a new Writer using the given configuration parameters.
+func (c WriterConfig) NewWriter(xz io.Writer) (w *Writer, err error) {
+ if err = c.Verify(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ w = &Writer{
+ WriterConfig: c,
+ xz: xz,
+ h: header{c.CheckSum},
+ index: make([]record, 0, 4),
+ }
+ if w.newHash, err = newHashFunc(c.CheckSum); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ data, err := w.h.MarshalBinary()
+ if _, err = xz.Write(data); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if err = w.newBlockWriter(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return w, nil
+// Write compresses the uncompressed data provided.
+func (w *Writer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if w.closed {
+ return 0, errClosed
+ }
+ for {
+ k, err := w.bw.Write(p[n:])
+ n += k
+ if err != errNoSpace {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ if err = w.closeBlockWriter(); err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ if err = w.newBlockWriter(); err != nil {
+ return n, err
+ }
+ }
+// Close closes the writer and adds the footer to the Writer. Close
+// doesn't close the underlying writer.
+func (w *Writer) Close() error {
+ if w.closed {
+ return errClosed
+ }
+ w.closed = true
+ var err error
+ if err = w.closeBlockWriter(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ f := footer{flags: w.h.flags}
+ if f.indexSize, err = writeIndex(w.xz, w.index); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ data, err := f.MarshalBinary()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if _, err = w.xz.Write(data); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// countingWriter is a writer that counts all data written to it.
+type countingWriter struct {
+ w io.Writer
+ n int64
+// Write writes data to the countingWriter.
+func (cw *countingWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ n, err = cw.w.Write(p)
+ cw.n += int64(n)
+ if err == nil && cw.n < 0 {
+ return n, errors.New("xz: counter overflow")
+ }
+ return
+// blockWriter is writes a single block.
+type blockWriter struct {
+ cxz countingWriter
+ // mw combines io.WriteCloser w and the hash.
+ mw io.Writer
+ w io.WriteCloser
+ n int64
+ blockSize int64
+ closed bool
+ headerLen int
+ filters []filter
+ hash hash.Hash
+// newBlockWriter creates a new block writer.
+func (c *WriterConfig) newBlockWriter(xz io.Writer, hash hash.Hash) (bw *blockWriter, err error) {
+ bw = &blockWriter{
+ cxz: countingWriter{w: xz},
+ blockSize: c.BlockSize,
+ filters: c.filters(),
+ hash: hash,
+ }
+ bw.w, err = c.newFilterWriteCloser(&bw.cxz, bw.filters)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if bw.hash.Size() != 0 {
+ bw.mw = io.MultiWriter(bw.w, bw.hash)
+ } else {
+ bw.mw = bw.w
+ }
+ return bw, nil
+// writeHeader writes the header. If the function is called after Close
+// the commpressedSize and uncompressedSize fields will be filled.
+func (bw *blockWriter) writeHeader(w io.Writer) error {
+ h := blockHeader{
+ compressedSize: -1,
+ uncompressedSize: -1,
+ filters: bw.filters,
+ }
+ if bw.closed {
+ h.compressedSize = bw.compressedSize()
+ h.uncompressedSize = bw.uncompressedSize()
+ }
+ data, err := h.MarshalBinary()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if _, err = w.Write(data); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ bw.headerLen = len(data)
+ return nil
+// compressed size returns the amount of data written to the underlying
+// stream.
+func (bw *blockWriter) compressedSize() int64 {
+ return bw.cxz.n
+// uncompressedSize returns the number of data written to the
+// blockWriter
+func (bw *blockWriter) uncompressedSize() int64 {
+ return bw.n
+// unpaddedSize returns the sum of the header length, the uncompressed
+// size of the block and the hash size.
+func (bw *blockWriter) unpaddedSize() int64 {
+ if bw.headerLen <= 0 {
+ panic("xz: block header not written")
+ }
+ n := int64(bw.headerLen)
+ n += bw.compressedSize()
+ n += int64(bw.hash.Size())
+ return n
+// record returns the record for the current stream. Call Close before
+// calling this method.
+func (bw *blockWriter) record() record {
+ return record{bw.unpaddedSize(), bw.uncompressedSize()}
+var errClosed = errors.New("xz: writer already closed")
+var errNoSpace = errors.New("xz: no space")
+// Write writes uncompressed data to the block writer.
+func (bw *blockWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if bw.closed {
+ return 0, errClosed
+ }
+ t := bw.blockSize - bw.n
+ if int64(len(p)) > t {
+ err = errNoSpace
+ p = p[:t]
+ }
+ var werr error
+ n, werr = bw.mw.Write(p)
+ bw.n += int64(n)
+ if werr != nil {
+ return n, werr
+ }
+ return n, err
+// Close closes the writer.
+func (bw *blockWriter) Close() error {
+ if bw.closed {
+ return errClosed
+ }
+ bw.closed = true
+ if err := bw.w.Close(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ s := bw.hash.Size()
+ k := padLen(bw.cxz.n)
+ p := make([]byte, k+s)
+ bw.hash.Sum(p[k:k])
+ if _, err := bw.cxz.w.Write(p); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt
index 0ce1bcfac..f082e9ccf 100644
--- a/vendor/modules.txt
+++ b/vendor/modules.txt
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go/pipeline
# github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go v0.8.0
# github.com/Unknwon/goconfig v0.0.0-20191126170842-860a72fb44fd
-# github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash v1.2.7
# github.com/a8m/tree v0.0.0-20181222104329-6a0b80129de4
@@ -70,6 +68,8 @@ github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/stsiface
# github.com/billziss-gh/cgofuse v1.2.0
+# github.com/buengese/xxh32 v1.0.1
# github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.1.1
# github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man/v2 v2.0.0
@@ -92,13 +92,11 @@ github.com/dropbox/dropbox-sdk-go-unofficial/dropbox/team_common
-# github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20200121045136-8c9f03a8e57e
-# github.com/etcd-io/bbolt v1.3.3
# github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype v1.0.2
+# github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20200121045136-8c9f03a8e57e
# github.com/golang/protobuf v1.3.3
@@ -106,8 +104,6 @@ github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes
-# github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.0-20180518054509-2e65f85255db
# github.com/google/go-querystring v1.0.0
# github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2 v2.0.5
@@ -118,8 +114,6 @@ github.com/hanwen/go-fuse/v2/fuse
-# github.com/id01/go-lz4 v1.0.3
# github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0
# github.com/jlaffaye/ftp v0.0.0-20191218041957-e1b8fdd0dcc3
@@ -130,6 +124,9 @@ github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath
# github.com/kardianos/osext v0.0.0-20190222173326-2bc1f35cddc0
+# github.com/klauspost/compress v1.10.1
# github.com/konsorten/go-windows-terminal-sequences v1.0.2
# github.com/koofr/go-httpclient v0.0.0-20190818202018-e0dc8fd921dc
@@ -166,6 +163,9 @@ github.com/pengsrc/go-shared/check
+# github.com/pierrec/lz4 v2.4.1+incompatible
# github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1
# github.com/pkg/sftp v1.11.0
@@ -210,6 +210,11 @@ github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
# github.com/t3rm1n4l/go-mega v0.0.0-20200117211730-79a813bb328d
+# github.com/ulikunitz/xz v0.5.7
# github.com/xanzy/ssh-agent v0.2.1
# github.com/youmark/pkcs8 v0.0.0-20191102193632-94c173a94d60