package dlna

import (


type contentDirectoryService struct {

func (cds *contentDirectoryService) updateIDString() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", uint32(os.Getpid()))

// Turns the given entry and DMS host into a UPnP object. A nil object is
// returned if the entry is not of interest.
func (cds *contentDirectoryService) cdsObjectToUpnpavObject(cdsObject object, fileInfo os.FileInfo, host string) (ret interface{}, err error) {
	obj := upnpav.Object{
		ID:         cdsObject.ID(),
		Restricted: 1,
		ParentID:   cdsObject.ParentID(),

	if fileInfo.IsDir() {
		obj.Class = "object.container.storageFolder"
		obj.Title = fileInfo.Name()
		ret = upnpav.Container{Object: obj}

	if !fileInfo.Mode().IsRegular() {

	// Hardcode "videoItem" so that files show up in VLC.
	obj.Class = "object.item.videoItem"
	obj.Title = fileInfo.Name()

	item := upnpav.Item{
		Object: obj,
		Res:    make([]upnpav.Resource, 0, 1),

	item.Res = append(item.Res, upnpav.Resource{
		URL: (&url.URL{
			Scheme: "http",
			Host:   host,
			Path:   resPath,
			RawQuery: url.Values{
				"path": {cdsObject.Path},
		// Hardcode "video/x-matroska" so that files show up in VLC.
		ProtocolInfo: fmt.Sprintf("http-get:*:video/x-matroska:%s", dlna.ContentFeatures{
			SupportRange: true,
		Bitrate:    0,
		Duration:   "",
		Size:       uint64(fileInfo.Size()),
		Resolution: "",

	ret = item

// Returns all the upnpav objects in a directory.
func (cds *contentDirectoryService) readContainer(o object, host string) (ret []interface{}, err error) {
	node, err := cds.vfs.Stat(o.Path)
	if err != nil {

	if !node.IsDir() {
		err = errors.New("not a directory")

	dir := node.(*vfs.Dir)
	dirEntries, err := dir.ReadDirAll()
	if err != nil {
		err = errors.New("failed to list directory")


	for _, de := range dirEntries {
		child := object{
			path.Join(o.Path, de.Name()),
		obj, err := cds.cdsObjectToUpnpavObject(child, de, host)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("error with %s: %s", child.FilePath(), err)
		if obj != nil {
			ret = append(ret, obj)
		} else {
			log.Printf("bad %s", de)


type browse struct {
	ObjectID       string
	BrowseFlag     string
	Filter         string
	StartingIndex  int
	RequestedCount int

// ContentDirectory object from ObjectID.
func (cds *contentDirectoryService) objectFromID(id string) (o object, err error) {
	o.Path, err = url.QueryUnescape(id)
	if err != nil {
	if o.Path == "0" {
		o.Path = "/"
	o.Path = path.Clean(o.Path)
	if !path.IsAbs(o.Path) {
		err = fmt.Errorf("bad ObjectID %v", o.Path)

func (cds *contentDirectoryService) Handle(action string, argsXML []byte, r *http.Request) (map[string]string, error) {
	host := r.Host

	switch action {
	case "GetSystemUpdateID":
		return map[string]string{
			"Id": cds.updateIDString(),
		}, nil
	case "GetSortCapabilities":
		return map[string]string{
			"SortCaps": "dc:title",
		}, nil
	case "Browse":
		var browse browse
		if err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(argsXML), &browse); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		obj, err := cds.objectFromID(browse.ObjectID)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, upnp.Errorf(upnpav.NoSuchObjectErrorCode, err.Error())
		switch browse.BrowseFlag {
		case "BrowseDirectChildren":
			objs, err := cds.readContainer(obj, host)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, upnp.Errorf(upnpav.NoSuchObjectErrorCode, err.Error())
			totalMatches := len(objs)
			objs = objs[func() (low int) {
				low = browse.StartingIndex
				if low > len(objs) {
					low = len(objs)
			if browse.RequestedCount != 0 && int(browse.RequestedCount) < len(objs) {
				objs = objs[:browse.RequestedCount]
			result, err := xml.Marshal(objs)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return map[string]string{
				"TotalMatches":   fmt.Sprint(totalMatches),
				"NumberReturned": fmt.Sprint(len(objs)),
				"Result":         didlLite(string(result)),
				"UpdateID":       cds.updateIDString(),
			}, nil
			return nil, upnp.Errorf(upnp.ArgumentValueInvalidErrorCode, "unhandled browse flag: %v", browse.BrowseFlag)
	case "GetSearchCapabilities":
		return map[string]string{
			"SearchCaps": "",
		}, nil
		return nil, upnp.InvalidActionError

// Represents a ContentDirectory object.
type object struct {
	Path string // The cleaned, absolute path for the object relative to the server.

// Returns the actual local filesystem path for the object.
func (o *object) FilePath() string {
	return filepath.FromSlash(o.Path)

// Returns the ObjectID for the object. This is used in various ContentDirectory actions.
func (o object) ID() string {
	if !path.IsAbs(o.Path) {
		log.Panicf("Relative object path: %s", o.Path)
	if len(o.Path) == 1 {
		return "0"
	return url.QueryEscape(o.Path)

func (o *object) IsRoot() bool {
	return o.Path == "/"

// Returns the object's parent ObjectID. Fortunately it can be deduced from the
// ObjectID (for now).
func (o object) ParentID() string {
	if o.IsRoot() {
		return "-1"
	o.Path = path.Dir(o.Path)
	return o.ID()