#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e


# shellcheck disable=SC1090
. "$(dirname "$0")"/docker.bash

# wait until Sia test network is up,
# the Sia renter forms contracts on the blockchain
# and the renter is upload ready
wait_for_sia() {
    until curl -A Sia-Agent -s "$1" | grep -q '"ready":true'
        sleep 5
export -f wait_for_sia

start() {
    # use non-production sia port in test
    # nebulouslabs/siaantfarm is stale, use up-to-date image

    # pull latest antfarm image (dont use local image)
    docker pull --quiet $ANTFARM_IMAGE

    # start latest antfarm with default config
    docker run --rm --detach --name "$NAME" \
            --publish "${SIA_CONN}:9980" \

    # wait until the test network is upload ready
    timeout 300 bash -c "wait_for_sia ${SIA_CONN}/renter/uploadready"

    # confirm backend type in the generated rclone.conf
    echo "type=sia"
    # override keys in the Sia section of generated rclone.conf
    echo "api_url=http://${SIA_CONN}/"
    # hint test harness where to probe for connection
    echo "_connect=${SIA_CONN}"

stop() {
    if status ; then
        docker logs "$NAME" >> sia-test.log 2>&1
        docker kill "$NAME"
        echo "${NAME} stopped"

# shellcheck disable=SC1090
. "$(dirname "$0")"/run.bash