#!/usr/bin/env python3
Make single page versions of the documentation for release and
conversion into man pages etc.

import os
import re
import time
from datetime import datetime

docpath = "docs/content"
outfile = "MANUAL.md"

# Order to add docs segments to make outfile
docs = [

    # Keep these alphabetical by full name
    "tardigrade.md",            # stub only to redirect to storj.md


# Order to put the commands in - any not on here will be in sorted order
commands_order = [

# Docs which aren't made into outfile
ignore_docs = [

def read_doc(doc):
    """Read file as a string"""
    path = os.path.join(docpath, doc)
    with open(path) as fd:
        contents = fd.read()
    parts = contents.split("---\n", 2)
    if len(parts) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Couldn't find --- markers: found %d parts" % len(parts))
    contents = parts[2].strip()+"\n\n"
    # Remove icons
    contents = re.sub(r'<i class="fa.*?</i>\s*', "", contents)
    # Interpret img shortcodes
    # {{< img ... >}}
    contents = re.sub(r'\{\{<\s*img\s+(.*?)>\}\}', r"<img \1>", contents)
    # Make any img tags absolute
    contents = re.sub(r'(<img.*?src=")/', r"\1https://rclone.org/", contents)
    # Make [...](/links/) absolute
    contents = re.sub(r'\]\((\/.*?\/(#.*)?)\)', r"](https://rclone.org\1)", contents)
    # Add additional links on the front page
    contents = re.sub(r'\{\{< rem MAINPAGELINK >\}\}', "- [Donate.](https://rclone.org/donate/)", contents)
    # Interpret provider shortcode
    # {{< provider name="Amazon S3" home="https://aws.amazon.com/s3/" config="/s3/" >}}
    contents = re.sub(r'\{\{<\s*provider.*?name="(.*?)".*?>\}\}', r"- \1", contents)
    # Remove remaining shortcodes
    contents = re.sub(r'\{\{<.*?>\}\}', r"", contents)
    contents = re.sub(r'\{\{%.*?%\}\}', r"", contents)
    return contents

def check_docs(docpath):
    """Check all the docs are in docpath"""
    files = set(f for f in os.listdir(docpath) if f.endswith(".md"))
    files -= set(ignore_docs)
    docs_set = set(docs)
    if files == docs_set:
    print("Files on disk but not in docs variable: %s" % ", ".join(files - docs_set))
    print("Files in docs variable but not on disk: %s" % ", ".join(docs_set - files))
    raise ValueError("Missing files")

def read_command(command):
    doc = read_doc("commands/"+command)
    doc = re.sub(r"### Options inherited from parent commands.*$", "", doc, 0, re.S)
    doc = doc.strip()+"\n"
    return doc

def read_commands(docpath):
    """Reads the commands an makes them into a single page"""
    files = set(f for f in os.listdir(docpath + "/commands") if f.endswith(".md"))
    docs = []
    for command in commands_order:
    for command in sorted(files):
        if command != "rclone.md":
    return "\n".join(docs)

def main():
    command_docs = read_commands(docpath).replace("\\", "\\\\") # escape \ so we can use command_docs in re.sub
    build_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
            int(os.environ.get('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', time.time())))
    with open(outfile, "w") as out:
%% rclone(1) User Manual
%% Nick Craig-Wood
%% %s

""" % build_date.strftime("%b %d, %Y"))
        for doc in docs:
            contents = read_doc(doc)
            # Substitute the commands into doc.md
            if doc == "docs.md":
                contents = re.sub(r"The main rclone commands.*?for the full list.", command_docs, contents, 0, re.S)
    print("Written '%s'" % outfile)

if __name__ == "__main__":