package vfs

import (


// File represents a file
type File struct {
	inode uint64 // inode number
	size  int64  // size of file - read and written with atomic int64 - must be 64 bit aligned
	d     *Dir   // parent directory - read only

	mu                sync.Mutex   // protects the following
	o                 fs.Object    // NB o may be nil if file is being written
	leaf              string       // leaf name of the object
	rwOpenCount       int          // number of open files on this handle
	writers           []Handle     // writers for this file
	nwriters          int32        // len(writers) which is read/updated with atomic
	readWriters       int          // how many RWFileHandle are open for writing
	readWriterClosing bool         // is a RWFileHandle currently cosing?
	modified          bool         // has the cache file be modified by a RWFileHandle?
	pendingModTime    time.Time    // will be applied once o becomes available, i.e. after file was written
	pendingRenameFun  func() error // will be run/renamed after all writers close

	muRW sync.Mutex // synchonize RWFileHandle.openPending(), RWFileHandle.close() and File.Remove

// newFile creates a new File
func newFile(d *Dir, o fs.Object, leaf string) *File {
	return &File{
		d:     d,
		o:     o,
		leaf:  leaf,
		inode: newInode(),

// String converts it to printable
func (f *File) String() string {
	if f == nil {
		return "<nil *File>"
	return f.Path()

// IsFile returns true for File - satisfies Node interface
func (f *File) IsFile() bool {
	return true

// IsDir returns false for File - satisfies Node interface
func (f *File) IsDir() bool {
	return false

// Mode bits of the file or directory - satisfies Node interface
func (f *File) Mode() (mode os.FileMode) {
	return f.d.vfs.Opt.FilePerms

// Name (base) of the directory - satisfies Node interface
func (f *File) Name() (name string) {
	return f.leaf

// Path returns the full path of the file
func (f *File) Path() string {
	return path.Join(f.d.path, f.leaf)

// Sys returns underlying data source (can be nil) - satisfies Node interface
func (f *File) Sys() interface{} {
	return nil

// Inode returns the inode number - satisfies Node interface
func (f *File) Inode() uint64 {
	return f.inode

// Node returns the Node assocuated with this - satisfies Noder interface
func (f *File) Node() Node {
	return f

// applyPendingRename runs a previously set rename operation if there are no
// more remaining writers. Call without lock held.
func (f *File) applyPendingRename() {
	fun := f.pendingRenameFun
	if fun == nil || f.writingInProgress() {
	fs.Debugf(f.o, "Running delayed rename now")
	if err := fun(); err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(f.Path(), "delayed File.Rename error: %v", err)

// rename attempts to immediately rename a file if there are no open writers.
// Otherwise it will queue the rename operation on the remote until no writers
// remain.
func (f *File) rename(destDir *Dir, newName string) error {
	if features := f.d.f.Features(); features.Move == nil && features.Copy == nil {
		err := errors.Errorf("Fs %q can't rename files (no server side Move or Copy)", f.d.f)
		fs.Errorf(f.Path(), "Dir.Rename error: %v", err)
		return err

	renameCall := func() error {
		newPath := path.Join(destDir.path, newName)
		dstOverwritten, _ := f.d.f.NewObject(newPath)
		newObject, err := operations.Move(f.d.f, dstOverwritten, newPath, f.o)
		if err != nil {
			fs.Errorf(f.Path(), "File.Rename error: %v", err)
			return err
		// Update the node with the new details
		fs.Debugf(f.o, "Updating file with %v %p", newObject, f)
		// f.rename(destDir, newObject)
		f.o = newObject
		f.d = destDir
		f.leaf = path.Base(newObject.Remote())
		f.pendingRenameFun = nil
		return nil

	if f.writingInProgress() {
		fs.Debugf(f.o, "File is currently open, delaying rename %p", f)
		f.d = destDir
		f.leaf = newName
		f.pendingRenameFun = renameCall
		return nil

	return renameCall()

// addWriter adds a write handle to the file
func (f *File) addWriter(h Handle) {
	f.writers = append(f.writers, h)
	atomic.AddInt32(&f.nwriters, 1)
	if _, ok := h.(*RWFileHandle); ok {

// delWriter removes a write handle from the file
func (f *File) delWriter(h Handle, modifiedCacheFile bool) (lastWriterAndModified bool) {
	var found = -1
	for i := range f.writers {
		if f.writers[i] == h {
			found = i
	if found >= 0 {
		f.writers = append(f.writers[:found], f.writers[found+1:]...)
		atomic.AddInt32(&f.nwriters, -1)
	} else {
		fs.Debugf(f.o, "File.delWriter couldn't find handle")
	if _, ok := h.(*RWFileHandle); ok {
	f.readWriterClosing = true
	if modifiedCacheFile {
		f.modified = true
	lastWriterAndModified = len(f.writers) == 0 && f.modified
	if lastWriterAndModified {
		f.modified = false
	defer f.applyPendingRename()

// addRWOpen should be called by ReadWriteHandle when they have
// actually opened the file for read or write.
func (f *File) addRWOpen() {

// delRWOpen should be called by ReadWriteHandle when they have closed
// an actually opene file for read or write.
func (f *File) delRWOpen() {

// rwOpens returns how many active open ReadWriteHandles there are.
// Note that file handles which are in pending open state aren't
// counted.
func (f *File) rwOpens() int {
	return f.rwOpenCount

// finishWriterClose resets the readWriterClosing flag
func (f *File) finishWriterClose() {
	f.readWriterClosing = false

// activeWriters returns the number of writers on the file
// Note that we don't take the mutex here.  If we do then we can get a
// deadlock.
func (f *File) activeWriters() int {
	return int(atomic.LoadInt32(&f.nwriters))

// ModTime returns the modified time of the file
// if NoModTime is set then it returns the mod time of the directory
func (f *File) ModTime() (modTime time.Time) {

	if !f.d.vfs.Opt.NoModTime {
		// if o is nil it isn't valid yet or there are writers, so return the size so far
		if f.o == nil || len(f.writers) != 0 || f.readWriterClosing {
			if !f.pendingModTime.IsZero() {
				return f.pendingModTime
		} else {
			return f.o.ModTime()

	return f.d.modTime

// nonNegative returns 0 if i is -ve, i otherwise
func nonNegative(i int64) int64 {
	if i >= 0 {
		return i
	return 0

// Size of the file
func (f *File) Size() int64 {

	// if o is nil it isn't valid yet or there are writers, so return the size so far
	if f.writingInProgress() {
		return atomic.LoadInt64(&f.size)
	return nonNegative(f.o.Size())

// SetModTime sets the modtime for the file
func (f *File) SetModTime(modTime time.Time) error {
	if f.d.vfs.Opt.ReadOnly {
		return EROFS

	f.pendingModTime = modTime

	// Only update the ModTime when there are no writers, setObject will do it
	if !f.writingInProgress() {
		return f.applyPendingModTime()

	// queue up for later, hoping f.o becomes available
	return nil

// call with the mutex held
func (f *File) applyPendingModTime() error {
	defer func() { f.pendingModTime = time.Time{} }()

	if f.pendingModTime.IsZero() {
		return nil

	if f.o == nil {
		return errors.New("Cannot apply ModTime, file object is not available")

	err := f.o.SetModTime(f.pendingModTime)
	switch err {
	case nil:
		fs.Debugf(f.o, "File.applyPendingModTime OK")
	case fs.ErrorCantSetModTime, fs.ErrorCantSetModTimeWithoutDelete:
		// do nothing, in order to not break "touch somefile" if it exists already
		fs.Errorf(f, "File.applyPendingModTime error: %v", err)
		return err

	return nil

// writingInProgress returns true of there are any open writers
func (f *File) writingInProgress() bool {
	return f.o == nil || len(f.writers) != 0 || f.readWriterClosing

// Update the size while writing
func (f *File) setSize(n int64) {
	atomic.StoreInt64(&f.size, n)

// Update the object when written and add it to the directory
func (f *File) setObject(o fs.Object) {
	f.o = o
	_ = f.applyPendingModTime()


// Update the object but don't update the directory cache - for use by
// the directory cache
func (f *File) setObjectNoUpdate(o fs.Object) {
	f.o = o

// Get the current fs.Object - may be nil
func (f *File) getObject() fs.Object {
	return f.o

// exists returns whether the file exists already
func (f *File) exists() bool {
	return f.o != nil

// Wait for f.o to become non nil for a short time returning it or an
// error.  Use when opening a read handle.
// Call without the mutex held
func (f *File) waitForValidObject() (o fs.Object, err error) {
	for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
		o = f.o
		nwriters := len(f.writers)
		wclosing := f.readWriterClosing
		if o != nil {
			return o, nil
		if nwriters == 0 && !wclosing {
			return nil, errors.New("can't open file - writer failed")
		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	return nil, ENOENT

// openRead open the file for read
func (f *File) openRead() (fh *ReadFileHandle, err error) {
	// if o is nil it isn't valid yet
	_, err = f.waitForValidObject()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// fs.Debugf(o, "File.openRead")

	fh, err = newReadFileHandle(f)
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(f, "File.openRead failed: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	return fh, nil

// openWrite open the file for write
func (f *File) openWrite(flags int) (fh *WriteFileHandle, err error) {
	if f.d.vfs.Opt.ReadOnly {
		return nil, EROFS
	// fs.Debugf(o, "File.openWrite")

	fh, err = newWriteFileHandle(f.d, f, f.Path(), flags)
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(f, "File.openWrite failed: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	return fh, nil

// openRW open the file for read and write using a temporay file
// It uses the open flags passed in.
func (f *File) openRW(flags int) (fh *RWFileHandle, err error) {
	// FIXME chunked
	if flags&accessModeMask != os.O_RDONLY && f.d.vfs.Opt.ReadOnly {
		return nil, EROFS
	// fs.Debugf(o, "File.openRW")

	fh, err = newRWFileHandle(f.d, f, f.Path(), flags)
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(f, "File.openRW failed: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	return fh, nil

// Sync the file
// Note that we don't do anything except return OK
func (f *File) Sync() error {
	return nil

// Remove the file
func (f *File) Remove() error {
	if f.d.vfs.Opt.ReadOnly {
		return EROFS
	f.muRW.Lock() // muRW must be locked before mu to avoid   // deadlock in RWFileHandle.openPending and .close
	if f.o != nil {
		err := f.o.Remove()
		if err != nil {
			fs.Errorf(f, "File.Remove file error: %v", err)
			return err

	// Remove the item from the directory listing
	// Remove the object from the cache
	if f.d.vfs.Opt.CacheMode >= CacheModeMinimal {
	return nil

// RemoveAll the file - same as remove for files
func (f *File) RemoveAll() error {
	return f.Remove()

// DirEntry returns the underlying fs.DirEntry - may be nil
func (f *File) DirEntry() (entry fs.DirEntry) {
	return f.o

// Dir returns the directory this file is in
func (f *File) Dir() *Dir {
	return f.d

// VFS returns the instance of the VFS
func (f *File) VFS() *VFS {
	return f.d.vfs

// Open a file according to the flags provided
//   O_RDONLY open the file read-only.
//   O_WRONLY open the file write-only.
//   O_RDWR   open the file read-write.
//   O_APPEND append data to the file when writing.
//   O_CREATE create a new file if none exists.
//   O_EXCL   used with O_CREATE, file must not exist
//   O_SYNC   open for synchronous I/O.
//   O_TRUNC  if possible, truncate file when opene
// We ignore O_SYNC and O_EXCL
func (f *File) Open(flags int) (fd Handle, err error) {
	defer log.Trace(f, "flags=%s", decodeOpenFlags(flags))("fd=%v, err=%v", &fd, &err)
	var (
		write    bool // if set need write support
		read     bool // if set need read support
		rdwrMode = flags & accessModeMask

	// The result of using O_TRUNC with O_RDONLY is undefined.
	// Linux seems to truncate the file, but we prefer to return EINVAL
	if rdwrMode == os.O_RDONLY && flags&os.O_TRUNC != 0 {
		return nil, EINVAL

	// Figure out the read/write intents
	switch {
	case rdwrMode == os.O_RDONLY:
		read = true
	case rdwrMode == os.O_WRONLY:
		write = true
	case rdwrMode == os.O_RDWR:
		read = true
		write = true
		fs.Errorf(f, "Can't figure out how to open with flags: 0x%X", flags)
		return nil, EPERM

	// If append is set then set read to force openRW
	if flags&os.O_APPEND != 0 {
		read = true

	// If truncate is set then set write to force openRW
	if flags&os.O_TRUNC != 0 {
		write = true

	// FIXME discover if file is in cache or not?

	// Open the correct sort of handle
	CacheMode := f.d.vfs.Opt.CacheMode
	if CacheMode >= CacheModeMinimal && f.d.vfs.cache.opens(f.Path()) > 0 {
		fd, err = f.openRW(flags)
	} else if read && write {
		if CacheMode >= CacheModeMinimal {
			fd, err = f.openRW(flags)
		} else {
			// Open write only and hope the user doesn't
			// want to read.  If they do they will get an
			// EPERM plus an Error log.
			fd, err = f.openWrite(flags)
	} else if write {
		if CacheMode >= CacheModeWrites {
			fd, err = f.openRW(flags)
		} else {
			fd, err = f.openWrite(flags)
	} else if read {
		if CacheMode >= CacheModeFull {
			fd, err = f.openRW(flags)
		} else {
			fd, err = f.openRead()
	} else {
		fs.Errorf(f, "Can't figure out how to open with flags: 0x%X", flags)
		return nil, EPERM
	return fd, err

// Truncate changes the size of the named file.
func (f *File) Truncate(size int64) (err error) {
	// make a copy of fh.writers with the lock held then unlock so
	// we can call other file methods.
	writers := make([]Handle, len(f.writers))
	copy(writers, f.writers)

	// FIXME: handle closing writer

	// If have writers then call truncate for each writer
	if len(writers) != 0 {
		fs.Debugf(f.o, "Truncating %d file handles", len(writers))
		for _, h := range writers {
			truncateErr := h.Truncate(size)
			if truncateErr != nil {
				err = truncateErr
		return err
	fs.Debugf(f.o, "Truncating file")

	// Otherwise if no writers then truncate the file by opening
	// the file and truncating it.
	flags := os.O_WRONLY
	if size == 0 {
		flags |= os.O_TRUNC
	fh, err := f.Open(flags)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer fs.CheckClose(fh, &err)
	if size != 0 {
		return fh.Truncate(size)
	return nil