Filipe Azevedo 19c6081de2 cmount,mount,mount2: Introduce symlink support
We enable symlink support using the --links command line switch.
When symlink support is enabled, the mount backends will translate
the name of the vfs symlinks files (truncating their rclonelink suffix).
Also, operations like rename, symlink etc does not needs the rclonelink
suffix, it is handled internally to pass it to the underlying low level
When symlink support is disabled, Symlink and Readlink functions will
transparently manage ".rclonelink" files as regular files.

Fixes #2975
2023-01-04 21:56:15 +01:00

160 lines
4.3 KiB

//go:build linux || freebsd
// +build linux freebsd
package mount
import (
fusefs "bazil.org/fuse/fs"
// File represents a file
type File struct {
fsys *FS
// Check interface satisfied
var _ fusefs.Node = (*File)(nil)
// Attr fills out the attributes for the file
func (f *File) Attr(ctx context.Context, a *fuse.Attr) (err error) {
defer log.Trace(f, "")("a=%+v, err=%v", a, &err)
a.Valid = f.fsys.opt.AttrTimeout
modTime := f.File.ModTime()
Size := uint64(f.File.Size())
Blocks := (Size + 511) / 512
a.Gid = f.VFS().Opt.GID
a.Uid = f.VFS().Opt.UID
a.Mode = f.File.Mode() &^ os.ModeAppend
a.Size = Size
a.Atime = modTime
a.Mtime = modTime
a.Ctime = modTime
a.Blocks = Blocks
return nil
// Check interface satisfied
var _ fusefs.NodeSetattrer = (*File)(nil)
// Setattr handles attribute changes from FUSE. Currently supports ModTime and Size only
func (f *File) Setattr(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.SetattrRequest, resp *fuse.SetattrResponse) (err error) {
defer log.Trace(f, "a=%+v", req)("err=%v", &err)
if !f.VFS().Opt.NoModTime {
if req.Valid.Mtime() {
err = f.File.SetModTime(req.Mtime)
} else if req.Valid.MtimeNow() {
err = f.File.SetModTime(time.Now())
if req.Valid.Size() {
err = f.File.Truncate(int64(req.Size))
return translateError(err)
// Check interface satisfied
var _ fusefs.NodeOpener = (*File)(nil)
// Open the file for read or write
func (f *File) Open(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.OpenRequest, resp *fuse.OpenResponse) (fh fusefs.Handle, err error) {
defer log.Trace(f, "flags=%v", req.Flags)("fh=%v, err=%v", &fh, &err)
// fuse flags are based off syscall flags as are os flags, so
// should be compatible
handle, err := f.File.Open(int(req.Flags))
if err != nil {
return nil, translateError(err)
// If size unknown then use direct io to read
if entry := handle.Node().DirEntry(); entry != nil && entry.Size() < 0 {
resp.Flags |= fuse.OpenDirectIO
return &FileHandle{handle}, nil
// Check interface satisfied
var _ fusefs.NodeFsyncer = (*File)(nil)
// Fsync the file
// Note that we don't do anything except return OK
func (f *File) Fsync(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.FsyncRequest) (err error) {
defer log.Trace(f, "")("err=%v", &err)
return nil
// Getxattr gets an extended attribute by the given name from the
// node.
// If there is no xattr by that name, returns fuse.ErrNoXattr.
func (f *File) Getxattr(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.GetxattrRequest, resp *fuse.GetxattrResponse) error {
return syscall.ENOSYS // we never implement this
var _ fusefs.NodeGetxattrer = (*File)(nil)
// Listxattr lists the extended attributes recorded for the node.
func (f *File) Listxattr(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.ListxattrRequest, resp *fuse.ListxattrResponse) error {
return syscall.ENOSYS // we never implement this
var _ fusefs.NodeListxattrer = (*File)(nil)
// Setxattr sets an extended attribute with the given name and
// value for the node.
func (f *File) Setxattr(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.SetxattrRequest) error {
return syscall.ENOSYS // we never implement this
var _ fusefs.NodeSetxattrer = (*File)(nil)
// Removexattr removes an extended attribute for the name.
// If there is no xattr by that name, returns fuse.ErrNoXattr.
func (f *File) Removexattr(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.RemovexattrRequest) error {
return syscall.ENOSYS // we never implement this
var _ fusefs.NodeRemovexattrer = (*File)(nil)
var _ fusefs.NodeReadlinker = (*File)(nil)
// Readlink read symbolic link target.
func (f *File) Readlink(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.ReadlinkRequest) (ret string, err error) {
defer log.Trace(f, "Requested to read link")("ret=%v, err=%v", &ret, &err)
path := f.Path()
if f.VFS().Opt.Links {
// The user must NOT provide .rclonelink suffix
// if strings.HasSuffix(path, fs.LinkSuffix) {
// fs.Errorf(nil, "Invalid name suffix provided: %v", path)
// return "", vfs.EINVAL
// }
// path += fs.LinkSuffix
} else {
// The user must provide .rclonelink suffix
if !strings.HasSuffix(path, fs.LinkSuffix) {
fs.Errorf(nil, "Invalid name suffix provided: %v", path)
return "", vfs.EINVAL
ret, err = f.VFS().Readlink(path)
ret, _ = f.VFS().TrimSymlink(ret)
return ret, err