#!/usr/bin/python3 import re import time from common import (MAINNET_WALLET_PATH, MORPH_ENDPOINT, NEO_MAINNET_ENDPOINT, NEOFS_CONTRACT, MAINNET_SINGLE_ADDR) import rpc_client import contract import converters from wallet import nep17_transfer from wrappers import run_sh_with_passwd_contract from converters import load_wallet from neo3 import wallet from robot.api.deco import keyword from robot.api import logger from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn ROBOT_AUTO_KEYWORDS = False MORPH_TOKEN_POWER = 12 EMPTY_PASSWORD = '' MAINNET_WALLET_PASS = 'one' TX_PERSIST_TIMEOUT = 15 #seconds NEOGO_CLI_EXEC = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${NEOGO_CLI_EXEC}") morph_rpc_cli = rpc_client.RPCClient(MORPH_ENDPOINT) mainnet_rpc_cli = rpc_client.RPCClient(NEO_MAINNET_ENDPOINT) @keyword('Withdraw Mainnet Gas') def withdraw_mainnet_gas(wlt: str, amount: int): address = _address_from_wallet(wlt, EMPTY_PASSWORD) scripthash = wallet.Account.address_to_script_hash(address) cmd = ( f"{NEOGO_CLI_EXEC} contract invokefunction -w {wlt} -a {address} " f"-r {NEO_MAINNET_ENDPOINT} {NEOFS_CONTRACT} withdraw {scripthash} " f"int:{amount} -- {scripthash}:Global" ) logger.info(f"Executing command: {cmd}") out = (run_sh_with_passwd_contract('', cmd, expect_confirmation=True)).decode('utf-8') logger.info(f"Command completed with output: {out}") m = re.match(r'^Sent invocation transaction (\w{64})$', out) if m is None: raise Exception("Can not get Tx.") tx = m.group(1) if not transaction_accepted(tx): raise AssertionError(f"TX {tx} hasn't been processed") def transaction_accepted(tx_id: str): """ This function returns True in case of accepted TX. Args: tx_id(str): transaction ID Returns: (bool) """ try: for _ in range(0, TX_PERSIST_TIMEOUT): time.sleep(1) resp = mainnet_rpc_cli.get_transaction_height(tx_id) if resp is not None: logger.info(f"TX is accepted in block: {resp}") return True except Exception as out: logger.info(f"request failed with error: {out}") raise out return False @keyword('Get NeoFS Balance') def get_balance(wallet_path: str): """ This function returns NeoFS balance for given wallet. """ wlt = load_wallet(wallet_path) acc = wlt.accounts[-1] payload = [ { 'type': 'Hash160', 'value': str(acc.script_hash) } ] try: resp = morph_rpc_cli.invoke_function( contract.get_balance_contract_hash(MORPH_ENDPOINT), 'balanceOf', payload ) logger.info(f"Got response \n{resp}") value = int(resp['stack'][0]['value']) return value / (10 ** MORPH_TOKEN_POWER) except Exception as out: logger.error(f"failed to get wallet balance: {out}") raise out @keyword('Transfer Mainnet Gas') def transfer_mainnet_gas(wallet_to: str, amount: int, wallet_password: str = EMPTY_PASSWORD): ''' This function transfer GAS in main chain from mainnet wallet to the provided wallet. If the wallet contains more than one address, the assets will be transferred to the last one. Args: wallet_to (str): the path to the wallet to transfer assets to amount (int): amount of gas to transfer wallet_password (optional, str): password of the wallet; it is required to decode the wallet and extract its addresses Returns: (void) ''' address_to = _address_from_wallet(wallet_to, wallet_password) txid = nep17_transfer(MAINNET_WALLET_PATH, address_to, amount, NEO_MAINNET_ENDPOINT, wallet_pass=MAINNET_WALLET_PASS, addr_from=MAINNET_SINGLE_ADDR) if not transaction_accepted(txid): raise AssertionError(f"TX {txid} hasn't been processed") @keyword('NeoFS Deposit') def neofs_deposit(wallet_to: str, amount: int, wallet_password: str = EMPTY_PASSWORD): """ Transferring GAS from given wallet to NeoFS contract address. """ # get NeoFS contract address deposit_addr = converters.contract_hash_to_address(NEOFS_CONTRACT) logger.info(f"NeoFS contract address: {deposit_addr}") address_to = _address_from_wallet(wallet_to, wallet_password) txid = nep17_transfer(wallet_to, deposit_addr, amount, NEO_MAINNET_ENDPOINT, wallet_pass=wallet_password, addr_from=address_to) if not transaction_accepted(txid): raise AssertionError(f"TX {txid} hasn't been processed") def _address_from_wallet(wlt: str, wallet_password: str): """ Extracting the address from the given wallet. Args: wlt (str): the path to the wallet to extract address from wallet_password (str): the password for the given wallet Returns: (str): the address for the wallet """ wallet_loaded = load_wallet(wlt, wallet_password) address = wallet_loaded.accounts[-1].address logger.info(f"got address: {address}") return address