import json import logging import os import re import uuid from typing import Any, Optional import allure import boto3 import pytest import s3_gate_bucket import s3_gate_object import urllib3 from aws_cli_client import AwsCliClient from botocore.config import Config from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from cli_helpers import _cmd_run, _configure_aws_cli, _run_with_passwd from cluster import Cluster from cluster_test_base import ClusterTestBase from common import NEOFS_AUTHMATE_EXEC from import Shell from pytest import FixtureRequest from python_keywords.container import list_containers # Disable warnings on self-signed certificate which the # boto library produces on requests to S3-gate in dev-env urllib3.disable_warnings() logger = logging.getLogger("NeoLogger") CREDENTIALS_CREATE_TIMEOUT = "1m" # Number of attempts that S3 clients will attempt per each request (1 means single attempt # without any retries) MAX_REQUEST_ATTEMPTS = 1 RETRY_MODE = "standard" class TestS3GateBase(ClusterTestBase): s3_client: Any = None @pytest.fixture(scope="class", autouse=True) @allure.title("[Class/Autouse]: Create S3 client") def s3_client( self, default_wallet, client_shell: Shell, request: FixtureRequest, cluster: Cluster ) -> Any: wallet = default_wallet s3_bearer_rules_file = f"{os.getcwd()}/robot/resources/files/s3_bearer_rules.json" policy = None if isinstance(request.param, str) else request.param[1] ( cid, bucket, access_key_id, secret_access_key, owner_private_key, ) = init_s3_credentials(wallet, cluster, s3_bearer_rules_file=s3_bearer_rules_file) containers_list = list_containers( wallet, shell=client_shell, endpoint=self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint ) assert cid in containers_list, f"Expected cid {cid} in {containers_list}" if "aws cli" in request.param: client = configure_cli_client( access_key_id, secret_access_key, cluster.default_s3_gate_endpoint ) else: client = configure_boto3_client( access_key_id, secret_access_key, cluster.default_s3_gate_endpoint ) TestS3GateBase.s3_client = client TestS3GateBase.wallet = wallet @pytest.fixture @allure.title("Create/delete bucket") def bucket(self): bucket = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client) yield bucket self.delete_all_object_in_bucket(bucket) @pytest.fixture @allure.title("Create two buckets") def two_buckets(self): bucket_1 = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client) bucket_2 = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client) yield bucket_1, bucket_2 for bucket in [bucket_1, bucket_2]: self.delete_all_object_in_bucket(bucket) def delete_all_object_in_bucket(self, bucket): versioning_status = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_versioning_status(self.s3_client, bucket) if versioning_status == s3_gate_bucket.VersioningStatus.ENABLED.value: # From versioned bucket we should delete all versions of all objects objects_versions = s3_gate_object.list_objects_versions_s3(self.s3_client, bucket) if objects_versions: s3_gate_object.delete_object_versions_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, objects_versions) else: # From non-versioned bucket it's sufficient to delete objects by key objects = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket) if objects: s3_gate_object.delete_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, objects) # Delete the bucket itself s3_gate_bucket.delete_bucket_s3(self.s3_client, bucket) @allure.step("Init S3 Credentials") def init_s3_credentials( wallet_path: str, cluster: Cluster, s3_bearer_rules_file: Optional[str] = None, policy: Optional[dict] = None, ): bucket = str(uuid.uuid4()) s3_bearer_rules = s3_bearer_rules_file or "robot/resources/files/s3_bearer_rules.json" s3gate_node = cluster.s3gates[0] gate_public_key = s3gate_node.get_wallet_public_key() cmd = ( f"{NEOFS_AUTHMATE_EXEC} --debug --with-log --timeout {CREDENTIALS_CREATE_TIMEOUT} " f"issue-secret --wallet {wallet_path} --gate-public-key={gate_public_key} " f"--peer {cluster.default_rpc_endpoint} --container-friendly-name {bucket} " f"--bearer-rules {s3_bearer_rules}" ) if policy: cmd += f" --container-policy {policy}'""Executing command: {cmd}") try: output = _run_with_passwd(cmd)"Command completed with output: {output}") # output contains some debug info and then several JSON structures, so we find each # JSON structure by curly brackets (naive approach, but works while JSON is not nested) # and then we take JSON containing secret_access_key json_blocks = re.findall(r"\{.*?\}", output, re.DOTALL) for json_block in json_blocks: try: parsed_json_block = json.loads(json_block) if "secret_access_key" in parsed_json_block: return ( parsed_json_block["container_id"], bucket, parsed_json_block["access_key_id"], parsed_json_block["secret_access_key"], parsed_json_block["owner_private_key"], ) except json.JSONDecodeError: raise AssertionError(f"Could not parse info from output\n{output}") raise AssertionError(f"Could not find AWS credentials in output:\n{output}") except Exception as exc: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to init s3 credentials because of error\n{exc}") from exc @allure.step("Configure S3 client (boto3)") def configure_boto3_client(access_key_id: str, secret_access_key: str, s3gate_endpoint: str): try: session = boto3.Session() config = Config( retries={ "max_attempts": MAX_REQUEST_ATTEMPTS, "mode": RETRY_MODE, } ) s3_client = session.client( service_name="s3", aws_access_key_id=access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=secret_access_key, config=config, endpoint_url=s3gate_endpoint, verify=False, ) return s3_client except ClientError as err: raise Exception( f'Error Message: {err.response["Error"]["Message"]}\n' f'Http status code: {err.response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"]}' ) from err @allure.step("Configure S3 client (aws cli)") def configure_cli_client(access_key_id: str, secret_access_key: str, s3gate_endpoint: str): try: client = AwsCliClient(s3gate_endpoint) _configure_aws_cli("aws configure", access_key_id, secret_access_key) _cmd_run(f"aws configure set max_attempts {MAX_REQUEST_ATTEMPTS}") _cmd_run(f"aws configure set retry_mode {RETRY_MODE}") return client except Exception as err: if "command was not found or was not executable" in str(err): pytest.skip("AWS CLI was not found") else: raise RuntimeError("Error while configuring AwsCliClient") from err