#!/usr/bin/python3.9 """ Helper functions to use with `neofs-cli`, `neo-go` and other CLIs. """ import json import subprocess import sys from contextlib import suppress from datetime import datetime from textwrap import shorten from typing import Union import allure import pexpect from robot.api import logger ROBOT_AUTO_KEYWORDS = False COLOR_GREEN = "\033[92m" COLOR_OFF = "\033[0m" def _cmd_run(cmd: str, timeout: int = 30) -> str: """ Runs given shell command , in case of success returns its stdout, in case of failure returns error message. """ compl_proc = None start_time = datetime.now() try: logger.info(f"{COLOR_GREEN}Executing command: {cmd}{COLOR_OFF}") start_time = datetime.utcnow() compl_proc = subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=timeout, shell=True) output = compl_proc.stdout return_code = compl_proc.returncode end_time = datetime.utcnow() logger.info(f"{COLOR_GREEN}Output: {output}{COLOR_OFF}") _attach_allure_log(cmd, output, return_code, start_time, end_time) return output except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: logger.info(f"Error:\nreturn code: {exc.returncode} " f"\nOutput: {exc.output}") end_time = datetime.now() return_code, cmd_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) _attach_allure_log(cmd, cmd_output, return_code, start_time, end_time) raise RuntimeError(f"Error:\nreturn code: {exc.returncode} " f"\nOutput: {exc.output}") from exc except OSError as exc: raise RuntimeError(f"Output: {exc.strerror}") from exc except Exception as exc: return_code, cmd_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) end_time = datetime.now() _attach_allure_log(cmd, cmd_output, return_code, start_time, end_time) logger.info(f"Error:\nreturn code: {return_code}\nOutput: " f"{exc.output.decode('utf-8') if type(exc.output) is bytes else exc.output}") raise def _run_with_passwd(cmd: str) -> str: child = pexpect.spawn(cmd) child.delaybeforesend = 1 child.expect(".*") child.sendline('\r') if sys.platform == "darwin": child.expect(pexpect.EOF) cmd = child.before else: child.wait() cmd = child.read() return cmd.decode() def _configure_aws_cli(cmd: str, key_id: str, access_key: str, out_format: str = "json") -> str: child = pexpect.spawn(cmd) child.delaybeforesend = 1 child.expect("AWS Access Key ID.*") child.sendline(key_id) child.expect("AWS Secret Access Key.*") child.sendline(access_key) child.expect("Default region name.*") child.sendline('') child.expect("Default output format.*") child.sendline(out_format) child.wait() cmd = child.read() # child.expect(pexpect.EOF) # cmd = child.before return cmd.decode() def _attach_allure_log(cmd: str, output: str, return_code: int, start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime) -> None: command_attachment = ( f"COMMAND: '{cmd}'\n" f'OUTPUT:\n {output}\n' f'RC: {return_code}\n' f'Start / End / Elapsed\t {start_time.time()} / {end_time.time()} / {end_time - start_time}' ) with allure.step(f'COMMAND: {shorten(cmd, width=60, placeholder="...")}'): allure.attach(command_attachment, 'Command execution', allure.attachment_type.TEXT) def log_command_execution(cmd: str, output: Union[str, dict]) -> None: logger.info(f'{cmd}: {output}') with suppress(Exception): json_output = json.dumps(output, indent=4, sort_keys=True) output = json_output command_attachment = ( f"COMMAND: '{cmd}'\n" f'OUTPUT:\n {output}\n' ) with allure.step(f'COMMAND: {shorten(cmd, width=60, placeholder="...")}'): allure.attach(command_attachment, 'Command execution', allure.attachment_type.TEXT)