- Added ability to pass any parameters to `params` keyword in `pytest.fixture`, except: 1) `params=<callable object>`, but `params=[<callable object>, ...]` is allowed 2) `params=[*<any collection>]` - Analysis of `pytest_generate_tests` is almost equivalent to regular fixtures, except: 1) `metafunc.parametrize(*<any collection>, **<any dict>)` 2) `metafunc.parametrize("any", <callable object>)` 3) `metafunc.parametrize("any1, any2", [(<callable object>, [*<any collection>])]` Signed-off-by: Kirill Sosnovskikh <k.sosnovskikh@yadro.com>
The following flags have been added: - `--plugins` - patterns that plugins must match. - `--files` - paths to files with fixtures. Signed-off-by: Kirill Sosnovskikh <k.sosnovskikh@yadro.com>
Signed-off-by: Kirill Sosnovskikh <k.sosnovskikh@yadro.com>