2022-01-03 11:25:24 +00:00
package sshpolicy
import (
type CertificateInvalidError struct {
Reason x509 . InvalidReason
Detail string
func ( e CertificateInvalidError ) Error ( ) string {
switch e . Reason {
// TODO: include logical errors for this package; exlude ones that don't make sense for its current use case?
// TODO: currently only CANotAuthorizedForThisName is used by this package; we're not checking the other things in CSRs in this package.
case x509 . NotAuthorizedToSign :
return "not authorized to sign other certificates" // TODO: this one doesn't make sense for this pkg
case x509 . Expired :
return "csr has expired or is not yet valid: " + e . Detail
case x509 . CANotAuthorizedForThisName :
return "not authorized to sign for this name: " + e . Detail
case x509 . CANotAuthorizedForExtKeyUsage :
return "not authorized for an extended key usage: " + e . Detail
case x509 . TooManyIntermediates :
return "too many intermediates for path length constraint"
case x509 . IncompatibleUsage :
return "csr specifies an incompatible key usage"
case x509 . NameMismatch :
return "issuer name does not match subject from issuing certificate"
case x509 . NameConstraintsWithoutSANs :
return "issuer has name constraints but csr doesn't have a SAN extension"
case x509 . UnconstrainedName :
return "issuer has name constraints but csr contains unknown or unconstrained name: " + e . Detail
return "unknown error"
type NamePolicyEngine struct {
options [ ] NamePolicyOption
permittedDNSDomains [ ] string
excludedDNSDomains [ ] string
permittedEmailAddresses [ ] string
excludedEmailAddresses [ ] string
permittedPrincipals [ ] string // TODO: rename to usernames, as principals can be host, user@ (like mail) and usernames?
excludedPrincipals [ ] string
func New ( opts ... NamePolicyOption ) ( * NamePolicyEngine , error ) {
e := & NamePolicyEngine { } // TODO: embed an x509 engine instead of building it again?
e . options = append ( e . options , opts ... )
for _ , option := range e . options {
if err := option ( e ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return e , nil
func ( e * NamePolicyEngine ) ArePrincipalsAllowed ( cert * ssh . Certificate ) ( bool , error ) {
dnsNames , emails , userNames := splitPrincipals ( cert . ValidPrincipals )
if err := e . validateNames ( dnsNames , emails , userNames ) ; err != nil {
return false , err
return true , nil
func ( e * NamePolicyEngine ) validateNames ( dnsNames , emails , userNames [ ] string ) error {
//"dns": ["*.smallstep.com"],
//"email": ["@smallstep.com", "@google.com"],
//"principal": ["max", "mariano", "mike"]
/* No regexes for now. But if we ever implement them, they'd probably look like this */
/*"principal": ["foo.smallstep.com", "/^*\.smallstep\.com$/"]*/
2022-01-03 14:32:58 +00:00
// Principals can be single user names (mariano, max, mike, ...), hostnames/domains (*.smallstep.com, host.smallstep.com, ...) and "emails" (max@smallstep.com, @smallstep.com, ...)
2022-01-03 11:25:24 +00:00
// All ValidPrincipals can thus be any one of those, and they can be mixed (mike@smallstep.com, mike, ...); we need to split this?
// Should we assume a generic engine, or can we do it host vs. user based? If host vs. user based, then it becomes easier w.r.t. dns; hosts will only be DNS, right?
// If we assume generic, we _may_ have a harder time distinguishing host vs. user certs. We propose to use host + user specific provisioners, though...
// Perhaps we can do some heuristics on the principal names vs. hostnames (i.e. when only a single label and no dot, then it's a user principal)
for _ , dns := range dnsNames {
if _ , ok := domainToReverseLabels ( dns ) ; ! ok {
return errors . Errorf ( "cannot parse dns %q" , dns )
if err := checkNameConstraints ( "dns" , dns , dns ,
func ( parsedName , constraint interface { } ) ( bool , error ) {
return matchDomainConstraint ( parsedName . ( string ) , constraint . ( string ) )
} , e . permittedDNSDomains , e . excludedDNSDomains ) ; err != nil {
return err
for _ , email := range emails {
mailbox , ok := parseRFC2821Mailbox ( email )
if ! ok {
return fmt . Errorf ( "cannot parse rfc822Name %q" , mailbox )
if err := checkNameConstraints ( "email" , email , mailbox ,
func ( parsedName , constraint interface { } ) ( bool , error ) {
return matchEmailConstraint ( parsedName . ( rfc2821Mailbox ) , constraint . ( string ) )
} , e . permittedEmailAddresses , e . excludedEmailAddresses ) ; err != nil {
return err
for _ , userName := range userNames {
// TODO: some validation? I.e. allowed characters?
if err := checkNameConstraints ( "username" , userName , userName ,
func ( parsedName , constraint interface { } ) ( bool , error ) {
return matchUserNameConstraint ( parsedName . ( string ) , constraint . ( string ) )
} , e . permittedPrincipals , e . excludedPrincipals ) ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
// splitPrincipals splits SSH certificate principals into DNS names, emails and user names.
func splitPrincipals ( principals [ ] string ) ( dnsNames , emails , userNames [ ] string ) {
dnsNames = [ ] string { }
emails = [ ] string { }
userNames = [ ] string { }
for _ , principal := range principals {
if strings . Contains ( principal , "@" ) {
emails = append ( emails , principal )
} else if len ( strings . Split ( principal , "." ) ) > 1 {
dnsNames = append ( dnsNames , principal )
} else {
userNames = append ( userNames , principal )
// checkNameConstraints checks that c permits a child certificate to claim the
// given name, of type nameType. The argument parsedName contains the parsed
// form of name, suitable for passing to the match function. The total number
// of comparisons is tracked in the given count and should not exceed the given
// limit.
// SOURCE: https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.17.5:src/crypto/x509/verify.go
func checkNameConstraints (
nameType string ,
name string ,
parsedName interface { } ,
match func ( parsedName , constraint interface { } ) ( match bool , err error ) ,
permitted , excluded interface { } ) error {
excludedValue := reflect . ValueOf ( excluded )
// *count += excludedValue.Len()
// if *count > maxConstraintComparisons {
// return x509.CertificateInvalidError{c, x509.TooManyConstraints, ""}
// }
// TODO: fix the errors; return our own, because we don't have cert ...
for i := 0 ; i < excludedValue . Len ( ) ; i ++ {
constraint := excludedValue . Index ( i ) . Interface ( )
match , err := match ( parsedName , constraint )
if err != nil {
return CertificateInvalidError {
Reason : x509 . CANotAuthorizedForThisName ,
Detail : err . Error ( ) ,
if match {
return CertificateInvalidError {
Reason : x509 . CANotAuthorizedForThisName ,
Detail : fmt . Sprintf ( "%s %q is excluded by constraint %q" , nameType , name , constraint ) ,
permittedValue := reflect . ValueOf ( permitted )
// *count += permittedValue.Len()
// if *count > maxConstraintComparisons {
// return x509.CertificateInvalidError{c, x509.TooManyConstraints, ""}
// }
ok := true
for i := 0 ; i < permittedValue . Len ( ) ; i ++ {
constraint := permittedValue . Index ( i ) . Interface ( )
var err error
if ok , err = match ( parsedName , constraint ) ; err != nil {
return CertificateInvalidError {
Reason : x509 . CANotAuthorizedForThisName ,
Detail : err . Error ( ) ,
if ok {
if ! ok {
return CertificateInvalidError {
Reason : x509 . CANotAuthorizedForThisName ,
Detail : fmt . Sprintf ( "%s %q is not permitted by any constraint" , nameType , name ) ,
return nil
// SOURCE: https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.17.5:src/crypto/x509/verify.go
func matchDomainConstraint ( domain , constraint string ) ( bool , error ) {
// The meaning of zero length constraints is not specified, but this
// code follows NSS and accepts them as matching everything.
if constraint == "" {
return true , nil
domainLabels , ok := domainToReverseLabels ( domain )
if ! ok {
return false , fmt . Errorf ( "cannot parse domain %q" , domain )
// RFC 5280 says that a leading period in a domain name means that at
// least one label must be prepended, but only for URI and email
// constraints, not DNS constraints. The code also supports that
// behavior for DNS constraints.
mustHaveSubdomains := false
if constraint [ 0 ] == '.' {
mustHaveSubdomains = true
constraint = constraint [ 1 : ]
constraintLabels , ok := domainToReverseLabels ( constraint )
if ! ok {
return false , fmt . Errorf ( "cannot parse domain %q" , constraint )
if len ( domainLabels ) < len ( constraintLabels ) ||
( mustHaveSubdomains && len ( domainLabels ) == len ( constraintLabels ) ) {
return false , nil
for i , constraintLabel := range constraintLabels {
if ! strings . EqualFold ( constraintLabel , domainLabels [ i ] ) {
return false , nil
return true , nil
// SOURCE: https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.17.5:src/crypto/x509/verify.go
func matchEmailConstraint ( mailbox rfc2821Mailbox , constraint string ) ( bool , error ) {
// If the constraint contains an @, then it specifies an exact mailbox name.
if strings . Contains ( constraint , "@" ) {
constraintMailbox , ok := parseRFC2821Mailbox ( constraint )
if ! ok {
return false , fmt . Errorf ( "cannot parse constraint %q" , constraint )
return mailbox . local == constraintMailbox . local && strings . EqualFold ( mailbox . domain , constraintMailbox . domain ) , nil
// Otherwise the constraint is like a DNS constraint of the domain part
// of the mailbox.
return matchDomainConstraint ( mailbox . domain , constraint )
// matchUserNameConstraint performs a string literal match against a constraint
func matchUserNameConstraint ( userName , constraint string ) ( bool , error ) {
return userName == constraint , nil
// TODO: decrease code duplication: single policy engine again, with principals added, but not used in x509?
// Not sure how I'd like to model that in Go, though: use (embedded) structs? interfaces? An x509 name policy engine
// interface could expose the methods that are useful to x509; the SSH name policy engine interfaces could do the
// same for SSH ones. One interface for both (with no methods?); then two, so that not all name policy options
// can be executed on both types? The shared ones could then maybe use the one with no methods? But we need protect
// it from being applied to just any type, of course. Not sure if Go allows us to do something like that, though.
// Maybe some kind of dummy function helps there?
// domainToReverseLabels converts a textual domain name like foo.example.com to
// the list of labels in reverse order, e.g. ["com", "example", "foo"].
// SOURCE: https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.17.5:src/crypto/x509/verify.go
func domainToReverseLabels ( domain string ) ( reverseLabels [ ] string , ok bool ) {
for len ( domain ) > 0 {
if i := strings . LastIndexByte ( domain , '.' ) ; i == - 1 {
reverseLabels = append ( reverseLabels , domain )
domain = ""
} else {
reverseLabels = append ( reverseLabels , domain [ i + 1 : ] )
domain = domain [ : i ]
if len ( reverseLabels ) > 0 && reverseLabels [ 0 ] == "" {
// An empty label at the end indicates an absolute value.
return nil , false
for _ , label := range reverseLabels {
if label == "" {
// Empty labels are otherwise invalid.
return nil , false
for _ , c := range label {
if c < 33 || c > 126 {
// Invalid character.
return nil , false
return reverseLabels , true
// rfc2821Mailbox represents a “mailbox” (which is an email address to most
// people) by breaking it into the “local” (i.e. before the '@') and “domain”
// parts.
// SOURCE: https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.17.5:src/crypto/x509/verify.go
type rfc2821Mailbox struct {
local , domain string
// parseRFC2821Mailbox parses an email address into local and domain parts,
// based on the ABNF for a “Mailbox” from RFC 2821. According to RFC 5280,
// Section that's correct for an rfc822Name from a certificate: “The
// format of an rfc822Name is a "Mailbox" as defined in RFC 2821, Section 4.1.2”.
// SOURCE: https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.17.5:src/crypto/x509/verify.go
func parseRFC2821Mailbox ( in string ) ( mailbox rfc2821Mailbox , ok bool ) {
if in == "" {
return mailbox , false
localPartBytes := make ( [ ] byte , 0 , len ( in ) / 2 )
if in [ 0 ] == '"' {
// Quoted-string = DQUOTE *qcontent DQUOTE
// non-whitespace-control = %d1-8 / %d11 / %d12 / %d14-31 / %d127
// qcontent = qtext / quoted-pair
// qtext = non-whitespace-control /
// %d33 / %d35-91 / %d93-126
// quoted-pair = ("\" text) / obs-qp
// text = %d1-9 / %d11 / %d12 / %d14-127 / obs-text
// (Names beginning with “obs-” are the obsolete syntax from RFC 2822,
// Section 4. Since it has been 16 years, we no longer accept that.)
in = in [ 1 : ]
QuotedString :
for {
if in == "" {
return mailbox , false
c := in [ 0 ]
in = in [ 1 : ]
switch {
case c == '"' :
break QuotedString
case c == '\\' :
// quoted-pair
if in == "" {
return mailbox , false
if in [ 0 ] == 11 ||
in [ 0 ] == 12 ||
( 1 <= in [ 0 ] && in [ 0 ] <= 9 ) ||
( 14 <= in [ 0 ] && in [ 0 ] <= 127 ) {
localPartBytes = append ( localPartBytes , in [ 0 ] )
in = in [ 1 : ]
} else {
return mailbox , false
case c == 11 ||
c == 12 ||
// Space (char 32) is not allowed based on the
// BNF, but RFC 3696 gives an example that
// assumes that it is. Several “verified”
// errata continue to argue about this point.
// We choose to accept it.
c == 32 ||
c == 33 ||
c == 127 ||
( 1 <= c && c <= 8 ) ||
( 14 <= c && c <= 31 ) ||
( 35 <= c && c <= 91 ) ||
( 93 <= c && c <= 126 ) :
// qtext
localPartBytes = append ( localPartBytes , c )
default :
return mailbox , false
} else {
// Atom ("." Atom)*
NextChar :
for len ( in ) > 0 {
// atext from RFC 2822, Section 3.2.4
c := in [ 0 ]
switch {
case c == '\\' :
// Examples given in RFC 3696 suggest that
// escaped characters can appear outside of a
// quoted string. Several “verified” errata
// continue to argue the point. We choose to
// accept it.
in = in [ 1 : ]
if in == "" {
return mailbox , false
case ( '0' <= c && c <= '9' ) ||
( 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' ) ||
( 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' ) ||
c == '!' || c == '#' || c == '$' || c == '%' ||
c == '&' || c == '\'' || c == '*' || c == '+' ||
c == '-' || c == '/' || c == '=' || c == '?' ||
c == '^' || c == '_' || c == '`' || c == '{' ||
c == '|' || c == '}' || c == '~' || c == '.' :
localPartBytes = append ( localPartBytes , in [ 0 ] )
in = in [ 1 : ]
default :
break NextChar
if len ( localPartBytes ) == 0 {
return mailbox , false
// From RFC 3696, Section 3:
// “period (".") may also appear, but may not be used to start
// or end the local part, nor may two or more consecutive
// periods appear.”
twoDots := [ ] byte { '.' , '.' }
if localPartBytes [ 0 ] == '.' ||
localPartBytes [ len ( localPartBytes ) - 1 ] == '.' ||
bytes . Contains ( localPartBytes , twoDots ) {
return mailbox , false
if in == "" || in [ 0 ] != '@' {
return mailbox , false
in = in [ 1 : ]
// The RFC species a format for domains, but that's known to be
// violated in practice so we accept that anything after an '@' is the
// domain part.
if _ , ok := domainToReverseLabels ( in ) ; ! ok {
return mailbox , false
mailbox . local = string ( localPartBytes )
mailbox . domain = in
return mailbox , true