2015-04-03 13:45:40 -07:00

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TODO(stevvooe): This should discuss various deployment scenarios for production-ready deployments. These may be backed by ready-made docker images but this should explain how they were created and what considerations were present.

Middleware Configuration

This section describes how to configure storage middleware in the registry to enable layers to be served via a CDN, thus reducing requests to the storage layer. Currently Amazon Cloudfront is supported and must be used in conjunction with the S3 storage driver.



name: The name of the storage middleware. Currently cloudfront is an accepted value.

disabled: This can be set to false to easily disable the middleware.

options : A set of key/value options to configure the middleware:

  • baseurl : The cloudfront base URL
  • privatekey : The location of your AWS private key on the filesystem
  • keypairid : The ID of your Cloudfront keypair.
  • duration : The duration in minutes for which the URL is valid. Default is 20.

Note: Cloudfront keys exist separately to other AWS keys. See here for more information.


        - name: cloudfront
          disabled: false
             baseurl: http://d111111abcdef8.cloudfront.net
             privatekey: /path/to/asecret.pem
             keypairid: asecret
             duration: 60