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OS X Setup Guide
This is useful if you intend to run a registry server natively on OS X.
### Alternatives
You can start a VM on OS X, and deploy your registry normally as a container using Docker inside that VM.
The simplest road to get there is traditionally to use the docker Toolbox, or docker-machine, which usually relies on the boot2docker iso inside a VirtualBox VM.
### Solution
Using the method described here, you install and compile your own from the git repository and run it as an OS X agent.
Production services operation on OS X is out of scope of this document. Be sure you understand well these aspects before considering going to production with this.
## Setup golang on your machine
If you know, safely skip to the next section.
If you don't, the TLDR is:
bash < <(curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer)
source ~/.gvm/scripts/gvm
gvm install go1.4.2
gvm use go1.4.2
If you want to understand, you should read How to Write Go Code.
Checkout the Docker Distribution source tree
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/docker
git clone https://github.com/docker/distribution.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/docker/distribution
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/docker/distribution
Build the binary
GOPATH=$(PWD)/Godeps/_workspace:$GOPATH make binaries
sudo cp bin/registry /usr/local/libexec/registry
Copy the registry configuration file in place:
mkdir /Users/Shared/Registry
cp docs/osx/config.yml /Users/Shared/Registry/config.yml
Running the Docker Registry under launchd
Copy the Docker registry plist into place:
plutil -lint docs/osx/com.docker.registry.plist
cp docs/osx/com.docker.registry.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
chmod 644 ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.docker.registry.plist
Start the Docker registry:
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.docker.registry.plist
Restarting the docker registry service
launchctl stop com.docker.registry
launchctl start com.docker.registry
Unloading the docker registry service
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.docker.registry.plist